Panel made of buttons and beads. DIY button panel

Church holidays

Human imagination has no limits, and sometimes you can make beautiful crafts from the simplest things. For example, paintings made from buttons with your own hands, photos of which can be found in our article, will become an original and one-of-a-kind decorative decoration for your home or apartment.

Consider several manufacturing options and choose the one you like.

Simple ways to create paintings

Option 1. To create a picture of an owl from buttons, there is a very easy master class. To carry it out, you will need ordinary materials that can be found in your closet, namely:
- many different buttons;
- colored cardboard;
- a frame for a future painting;
- glue (it is advisable to use a glue gun).

Having prepared all the necessary parts, you can get to work. Select the desired pattern of the drawing. Pre-determine the location of the buttons without fastening them. Let your child help you in this matter. Apply glue to one side of the buttons and carefully place them along the edge of the design. Please note that the buttons should be laid out in 2 layers.

This will make your work of art appear more voluminous and the space between pieces will be barely noticeable. Sometimes such indentations are filled with beads or small beads. Next, lay out the last top layer. You can draw additional parts with pencils or paint.
A very popular theme of paintings is the image of various plants, for example, trees. Check out the two options and choose the one you like.

Option 2. Let’s start making the next picture of buttons with our own hands, the photo and diagram of which are presented below, just like the first one, but it requires a large number of round buttons.

For this method of work you need to find a thin wooden plank. Using a simple pencil, draw the outlines of the plants. Now start fixing the buttons, but not like leaves. Green buttons will fill the crown, and brown buttons will fill the trunk.
For a more beautiful and original composition, you can cut out small birds from the material. This way you will get a beautiful drawing that you can give to friends or hang at home.

Option 3. Another master class will help you make a funny elephant that your baby will love. First of all, make the necessary outlines of the figure and color them. Next, take hold of the button sticker. Glue on larger buttons as you begin. Fill the void between them with small details. Make the eyes from white and black objects. And finally, add balloons to your animal. This cute elephant will be loved by both children and adults.

picturesque picture

Now try to make an original craft on an autumn theme. She can decorate any school exhibition. For a picture like this you will need the following:
- buttons of red and yellow colors;
-dark brown fabric;
-PVA glue and polymer glue (we will use them to glue buttons),
-thick cardboard or thin fiberboard - this will be the basis of the picture (the size of the cardboard should be a centimeter larger than usual - a sheet of paper on all sides);
- a sheet of paper for watercolors or drawing in A3 format;
-watercolor paints and brushes;
-marker (pen or felt-tip pen) and scissors;
- stained glass paints.

Take a thick sheet of paper and use a brush to paint the sky and earth. After everything is dry, attach cardboard or fiberboard to the edges, which will serve as a frame. Take the material and lay it face down on the table. Then trace the outline of the tree and cut it out. It is very important that children take part in the process. Trust them to apply the buttons to the tree, but take precautions.

You can add a sun to the picture using buttons, pieces of yellow fabric, and stained glass paint. Cut pieces of canvas and glue them using PVA glue along the edge of your image. Paint two stripes around the perimeter of the picture. At the last stage, fold your fabric over to the reverse side and make a “loop” there for hanging it on the wall. Thus, you can make a panel on the theme “Autumn” that will decorate any home.

A talented person is able to create from various available materials. Many people specifically go out into nature to collect cones, acorns, and twigs. Others use recyclable materials: plastic bottles, faulty light bulbs, scraps of leather, fabric, unnecessary CDs and a lot more. But every needlewoman always accumulates a huge number of buttons: they are cut off from old clothes, bought or given as gifts. Approaching the matter with imagination, many make wonderful crafts and even paintings from buttons.

Great opportunities

Indeed, buttons are a material that has a wide range of colors, shapes, textures, and sizes. They produce a huge range of crafts. Real works of art are made together with children and independently. Often, needlewomen give master classes. You don't need any special training to do it. All you need to do is prepare the necessary tools and be patient.

Many craftswomen have learned to make pictures from buttons with their own hands, photos of which clearly demonstrate the ease of production and beauty of the products.

Crafts from buttons

Any button fantasy can be easily dealt with. All the nuances are learned after several completed works. The result is beautiful paintings made from buttons, the master class of which will help beginning needlewomen.

Very soon Valentine's Day will come, and all lovers will give each other gifts. One of them could be a picture of buttons:

To make it you will need:

  • base - a thick sheet of paper or canvas;
  • two colors;
  • brush;
  • glue;
  • red buttons, different shapes and sizes. Some of them may be heart-shaped.

The drawing should be drawn on the base with a simple pencil. Then shade with paints: the base - turquoise, and the heart - red.

When the workpiece is dry, the design of the picture with buttons begins. First, the contours of the hearts are pasted over, and one large button is attached at the junction. So, the drawing is gradually filled in - from the edge to the middle. To ensure the work dries quickly, you can dry it with a hairdryer. It is better to place a picture intended for a gift in a frame.

Children's crafts from buttons

Children need the attention of adults: often parents, busy with work, cannot devote enough time to the child. But on weekends, you should set aside an hour and do handicrafts with the kids. Together, you can create a picture of buttons with your own hands. For this you will need:

  • glue;
  • paints;
  • a large number of buttons;
  • paper or canvas;
  • cardboard, photo frame or chipboard.

The first thing to do is to process the base. Depending on what is being used, be it a canvas or a photo frame, it should be painted. If it is thick white paper, then a drawing of a tree with spreading branches is applied on it with brown paint. Later, “leaves” are glued onto them and are made from buttons, photos of which are presented below.

When a person is unable to do it on his own, he can easily use a template: with the help of it and a simple pencil, the image is transferred to canvas or paper and painted brown. You can entrust the child with the rest: apply glue to the buttons and glue them to the tree.

The crown is covered with green buttons and the trunk with brown buttons. The magic tree is ready - the child is very pleased with the joint creativity. The created product can be placed in a frame, and you will get a picture of buttons with your own hands.

All it takes is a little imagination

You can use a stencil of birds: transfer them to paper, decorate and cut them out. The birds are glued onto the finished “foliage” of the tree. You get beautiful pictures from buttons. They decorate the interior and hang them in the children's room. Similar trees are also used in scrapbooking: postcards are made depicting Christmas trees with toys.

If you turn to this type of needlework and look at the work of the masters, you can see a lot: these are Christmas tree decorations - snowflakes and beautiful balls, and even bowls.

Lamps are decorated with buttons, flowers and children's toys are made from them. Externally, these are very attractive and interesting crafts made from buttons. The master class, which is presented below, is simple and will be understandable to everyone.

Beautiful bowl

To do this you will need:

  • many buttons of different colors, shapes, sizes. There is also one nuance here: large buttons do not stick well to the surface of the ball, so small and medium ones are the best option;
  • you need to prepare a ball and a jar to support it;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • tassels.

The ball is inflated to the size of the future bowl. Place it on the jar, tail down. Then, half of it should be covered with glue: for convenience, it is better to take the ball in your hand, by the tail, and, shaking it, distribute the glue correctly.

The glue-coated ball is placed in a jar and left to dry. Next, the buttons are glued onto the second layer of glue. When the structure is dry, you can cover the buttons with two more layers of glue. The bowl will take several hours to dry. When it is ready, the tail of the ball is cut off, the air comes out, and the ball is removed from the product. Excess glue is removed with scissors. Of course, bowls are not button paintings. But they also add style and complement the interior of the dining room or kitchen.

Another decoration

Very interesting jewelry, in the form of a necklace and can be made from buttons. This product is suitable for a little girl or her doll. To make it you will need: a beautiful ribbon, red or pink braid. Buttons come in different sizes: pink, red and white. The length of the ribbon should be sufficient so that it freely covers the girl’s neck or head, and there are long ends left for tying. The buttons are made into pyramids: the bottom one is large, then the middle one and the top one is small.

A large button may have a flower shape. You can alternate them in pyramids as you wish. The first of them is sewn into the very center of the braid. The rest are located on both sides of the central pyramid. The buttons in this design are secured with thread or glue. It is advisable to sew with a strong thread matched to the tone. The pyramids are arranged according to the cascade principle: in the center there is a large structure, the rest are smaller. They are sewn very close and even overlap each other. There are seven of them in total - and the necklace is ready.

Shoe design

Needlewomen produce not only crafts from buttons. The master class below will show how you can decorate summer shoes - flip-flops.

To do this you will need:

  • a pair of shoes;
  • thick braid, 2.5 cm wide;
  • glue;
  • buttons;
  • threads

Two pieces of braid are cut off, which are equal in size to the strap of the flip-flops - this is approximately 30 cm. But for reliability, you should additionally measure the straps. The edges of the ribbon are burned with a match so that they do not unravel.

Step-by-step execution

Then buttons of different colors are sewn onto the ribbons to make it more fun. The finished product is glued to the straps of flip-flops using the recommended glue - Helmar 450 Quick Dry. This is a very strong adhesive with good hold.

Ordinary flip-flops have turned into bright, cheerful summer shoes. The combinations can be very different: you can use any set of buttons.

The article provides examples of crafts that can be made using such a simple object as a button. These are unusual toys for children, jewelry, interior items, and even the photos presented in the article do not reflect the entire range of applications of this applied art. You just have to try and your hobby will become an interesting hobby. Especially in families with children: you can make beautiful cards for loved ones and friends for every holiday.

In many homes you can find a lot of useful things that make quite interesting and original things. Crafts made from buttons are not only a pleasant, but also a useful pastime for children, as they help children develop. Very often, something that seems to have no use can serve as a good idea for creativity. For example, real needlewomen know that before throwing away an old shirt or dress, they need to cut off the buttons from the clothing, as they will definitely come in handy around the house. Sometimes multi-colored buttons accumulate in such a quantity that you can create a large composition from them. As for crafts made from buttons, each housewife has her own goals and objectives, but you can not only do needlework yourself, but also involve your child in the process.

Important! For kids, working with buttons can be not only a pleasant pastime, but also a useful activity that develops fine motor skills and creative skills.

The more time a child spends doing such activities, the more diligent he becomes, so handicrafts are very useful for preschoolers, since in the future they will have to spend a lot of time doing lessons. Moreover, when buttons or other small parts are used in work, this increases concentration. It should be noted that the buttons are not only safe, unless the child decides to swallow them, but also bright and beautiful. This variety will allow you to use interesting color combinations and bring interesting ideas to life.

Working with multi-colored buttons solves many problems that teachers and parents face.

Working with multi-colored buttons solves many problems that educators and parents face. But in order to achieve your goals without injuring the baby, you need to carefully monitor the creative process. It is best to perform such work with preschoolers aged 5 years and older. Older children will not put buttons in their mouths, plus they can already use scissors and glue, which are often extremely necessary for work.

Handicraft is a creative process that should bring joy, relax and distract from bad thoughts. Experienced craftswomen know that if you sit down to work in a bad mood, the result can be very different from what you expected, and not for the better. Therefore, one of the main stages of preparation is to create a favorable atmosphere so that the mood during the creative process is at the highest level. This is especially important when a child is involved in the work. If an adult is annoyed, he will not be able to explain to the child how to properly make a craft from buttons. The negativity that may arise during the completion of a task will forever discourage the little person from engaging in similar work in the future.

Important! In addition to creating a favorable atmosphere, you need to take care of the necessary materials.

It all depends on the type of craft using buttons, but most often the work requires additional scissors, paper and cardboard, wire and thread. Elements for creativity should be varied so that the master has more choice to implement the idea. It is desirable that the buttons are not only of different colors, but also of different sizes.

With just a couple of buttons and a piece of wire you can make a fun home decoration

With just a couple of buttons and a piece of wire you can make a fun home decoration. To do this, you need to take a large button and glue a smaller button to its edge. This will be the body and head of the bug. Then we thread a couple of small pieces of wire into the holes on the body, which will serve as legs. If desired, you can glue eyes to the head. The beetle itself can be planted on a houseplant or attached to a curtain. This craft from buttons can be done very quickly, and the child will have a lot of joy. This is an excellent option for the first creative task, since based on it the child will be able to understand that working with buttons is very interesting, but at the same time he will not get tired of doing the work for a long time.

Button paintings

One of the simplest DIY button crafts, but at the same time an exciting activity for a child, can be a painting. In this case, the manifestation of imagination will be the most important requirement for the baby, since the basic technique is extremely simple. The child will also learn to use glue carefully, which will also be very useful in the future, for example, when performing more complex work.

There are many options for DIY crafts (pictures) made from buttons. The simplest, but far from the most primitive type, can be considered a tree. It is quite possible that the child will need the help of an adult at the initial stage to draw the trunk and branches. Well, then the baby will be able to independently select the colors of buttons suitable for his picture. They will serve as both leaves and flowers in the picture, so you definitely need to prepare green buttons, as well as blue, red, yellow and white.

One of the simplest DIY button crafts, but at the same time an exciting activity for a child, can be a painting

To create a tree from buttons, you need to prepare thick cardboard, glue, and flat buttons of different colors and sizes. If you wish, you can print a picture of a tree trunk on your computer. This option is well suited if there are a lot of children, for example, when doing button crafts in kindergarten.

A picture made of buttons can be not only in the form of a tree. You can draw or print the outline of any shape and fill it with buttons. It could be a heart, a butterfly, a four-leaf clover. The finished picture can be decorated with a frame and hung on the wall. This option is well suited for many types of decor, for example, for French country style.

In a more serious version, you can use not simple cardboard, but pre-cover it with fabric. An outline is applied to it, and then the buttons are glued. The picture will turn out to be more original, and in a suitable frame it will become an excellent interior decoration.

Buttons make not only good paintings, but also postcards. For example, if you lay out the material in the shape of a triangle, it can become a New Year's card. You can also create personalized greeting cards, in which the first letter of the name will be made of buttons. In general, there can be a lot of options for crafts made from buttons, it all depends on the imagination of the performer.

Photo frame

A photo frame is another wonderful and original DIY button craft, a photo of which can be seen just below. You can make it together with your child, since there are no difficulties in this process.

To create a photo frame, you should stock up on a ready-made form. It can be purchased at a specialized store or made with your own hands. If the craftsman chooses the second option, it is worth purchasing thick cardboard from which the frame and stand itself are made.

So, after the base for the frame is ready, you need to take multi-colored buttons and arrange them by size. After this, the first layer of buttons is glued on, which are selected from the largest ones. Next, smaller buttons are glued on top of them, and then everything can be supplemented with another layer of the smallest buttons, which cover all possible holes.

Button photo frame

This way the frame turns out not only very bright, but also voluminous. It is advisable to use good glue to attach the material, but not “super” glue. You can take the one used for shoe repair, but you need to work with it in a well-ventilated area. Such a frame can not only be an excellent decoration for a chest of drawers or a wall, but also a wonderful gift.

Christmas decorations

Children love the New Year very much and always look forward to the holiday. To make your waiting time more enjoyable, you can create some DIY button crafts. By decorating your home for the New Year, the whole family can have a great time. But it will be even more interesting to make Christmas tree decorations yourself.

To do this, you can use various materials, including buttons. For example, if a large number of green buttons of different sizes have accumulated in the house, you can make toys in the form of Christmas trees out of them.

To make these button crafts you will need wire, green buttons and colorful beads. You need to put the largest button on the wire in both holes so that the ends of the wire are on the same side and sticking up. Then we put on the remaining buttons one by one so that they form a pyramid. Finally, we connect the ends of the wire and pass them through a bead, which will serve as the top for the Christmas tree. We make a loop at the top, and this will complete the work on the Christmas tree toy.

Advice! Crafts made from buttons in the form of Christmas balls are perfect for children.

If your house has accumulated a large number of green buttons of different sizes, you can make toys in the form of Christmas trees out of them.

To do this you will need buttons of different sizes and colors. They are put on the wire in the same way as when making a Christmas tree, but only in this case you need to start with a small button, and then move on to larger specimens. The widest button in diameter should be in the middle, followed by smaller buttons. The Christmas tree ball ends with the smallest button, the field of which the ends of the wire are connected into a loop so that the product can be easily hung on a spruce branch.

Buttons in home decor

Real needlewomen always bring various interesting details into the interior of their home, which immediately decorate the room and make it more comfortable. Anything is used in the work. Sometimes even items that seem to never be reused are used. But a real craftswoman can make everything out of nothing.

If the master has a large number of buttons in his hands, then the scope for imagination will be simply limitless. Sometimes they just make cute crafts from buttons, photos of which you will see in this article, but often this material becomes a decoration for finished products. For example, with their help you can revive an old decorative pillow by simply covering it with multi-colored buttons. They can also be laid out in the form of an applique, for example, embroidering a heart or star with buttons on a pillow.

There can be a lot of ideas. Some housewives successfully decorate curtains and kitchen textiles with buttons. With the right approach and a pleasant combination of colors, it looks quite impressive.

If the master has a large number of buttons in his hands, then the scope for imagination will be simply limitless

But the needlewomen don’t stop there either. Some people create vases and lampshades from buttons. If you have enough weaving skills, you can use soft wire and weave a lampshade in the shape of the old frame. This lamp will decorate the interior and give it a zest.

Together with your child, you can make a beautiful decorative container, in which you can then store useful things, for example, threads or candy. To do this you will need small buttons of different colors, a balloon and a lot of PVA glue.

The ball must be inflated and secured so that it stands firmly and does not wobble. Next, the working surface of the ball is thoroughly lubricated with glue, on top of which the buttons must be carefully laid. This procedure must be carried out very carefully and thoroughly. If the buttons do not fit tightly together, the product will not hold its shape. After all the buttons are carefully stuck to the surface of the ball, you need to go over the top with a brush with glue several more times.

Together with your child, you can make a beautiful decorative container in which you can later store useful things

Then leave the product until completely dry. It is better to wait 2-3 days for the glue to completely harden. You can check the readiness of the vase when the glue becomes completely transparent. After the product has stood, you need to take a needle and carefully pierce the ball. It should deflate, but the buttons should remain in place. The result is a deep container that can be used to decorate the room.

Master class on making a stand for stationery

Everything will come in handy around the house, even toilet paper rolls. It would seem, what are these cardboard tubes used for? But a real needlewoman can teach a master class on crafts made from buttons with her own hands, having dozens of different options in stock.

For example, from such toilet paper tubes you can create a beautiful stand for stationery and various small items. To do this you will need 4 sleeves, 4 pieces of fabric, glue, multi-colored buttons, cardboard and scissors. We cut square pieces of fabric, which we wrap around the bushings and secure with glue on the inside. The result should be four neat tubes. We glue a separate piece of fabric onto the cardboard, and after the glue dries, we cut out the stand. It can be square, round or heart-shaped. The main thing is that four tubes fit on the stand.

We glue the bushings to the base and glue them together so that they hold tighter. Next, we begin to decorate everything with buttons. They can be glued in any order as you like. The result is a convenient and very original stand for stationery, which will be an excellent table decoration.

Where else can you use buttons?

Buttons are a unique material for needlework. It can be used in various ways, both to decorate finished products and to create new trinkets and useful things. The easiest way is to take an old item and cover it with buttons. This will update it and even make it more durable, which is why buttons are often used to restore things dear to the heart.

Button brooch

If you wish, you can decorate not only your home, but also your clothes with buttons. They make cute brooches. You can also carefully close a hole on a bag or jacket with buttons, making the item more interesting and unusual.

It will take very little time to create a candlestick for your home with your own hands. To do this you will need a glass with straight sides, many different buttons and glue. After the glued buttons have dried, all that remains is to place a candle in the decorated glass.

Together with your child, you can create a whole panel from buttons, beads and beads. It will decorate the room and remind you of a great time. To do this, you need to take a wooden base and stretch fabric over it. Next, an approximate outline of the drawing is applied, which will be laid out on the picture. Then, according to the drawing, you need to carefully and beautifully lay out the buttons. In this case, the main part of the work will be done by the adult, and the child can show his creative nature and suggest which buttons are best suited to this or that element.

To decorate the interior in an unusual way, you need skillful hands and your imagination. A large number of fakes can be created with your own hands from buttons. You will need a lot of flat buttons. Let's begin!

You can create a panel using a drawing you come up with. It could be a rainbow, sun, sea, flowers. You will need: (buttons of different bright colors, thick cardboard, PVA glue, beads as decoration, pencil).

Master Class

  1. Come up with a drawing.
  2. Draw it on cardboard.
  3. Apply glue to a piece of cardboard.
  4. Lay out the buttons by color.
  5. Fill the gaps between the buttons with beads.

Panel clock

You will need: (PVA glue, thread, compass, pencil, buttons, beads, cardboard sheet, white paint, acrylic silver paint).

Master Class

  1. Create a circle on a piece of cardboard using a compass.
  2. Apply PVA glue to the outline of the circle and glue the thread.
  3. Paint the entire circle white.
  4. Apply silver acrylic paint using a sponge.
  5. Glue a large button into the center of the circle.
  6. Mentally divide the circle into 6 segments and place buttons around the circle.
  7. Decorate as desired.

Design school: decorative panel made of buttons (video)

Panel “Tree”: various variations

Button trees are a unique creative illustration. To make the panel look more interesting, use buttons of different styles.


To create the composition you will need a wooden board, a tree template, a felt-tip pen, glue and buttons. Trace the tree template on the board with a felt-tip pen, or draw it by hand. Cover the tree trunk with brown or sand colored buttons. Leaves - green, red, orange...

Triptych with a branch of sakura. To create, you will need three canvases with a white or neutral background. Place them side by side and draw a solid branch line. Paint it brown. Lay out the button flowers, then glue them on.

You can take a ready-made picture and lay it out with buttons of different colors. Paint the space between the buttons with beads, seed beads, and glitter.

Drawings for panels: their diagrams

The basis of the composition is the drawing. You can choose not only a tree, the sun or a rainbow, but also three-dimensional letters, written messages, hieroglyphs.

Variations of pictures

Hummingbird silhouette. This is a very beautiful, graceful, small bird. Its silhouette made of buttons will look interesting.

Rainbow. Play with color, add shade transitions.

Flower bouquet. You can emphasize the beauty of the bouquet with the help of a satin ribbon.

Fish. Create a canvas with the color of the sea depth. Reflect the beauty of the underwater world.

Ballerina. Create a black canvas. Lay out the ballerina in an elegant pose with pearlescent light buttons.

A drawing of a fruit, an owl, a butterfly, or a musical instrument will look interesting.

Unique panel made of buttons: super ideas (video)

New Year's panel

The Christmas tree will perfectly decorate your home during the New Year holidays, and will be an excellent handmade gift.

Master Class

  1. Take a canvas and paint a background. It can be monochromatic, with color schemes or frosty patterns.
  2. Glue small snowflakes onto the background.
  3. Cut out a Christmas tree template from paper.
  4. Use a pencil to trace the template onto the finished background.
  5. Lay out the Christmas tree with buttons.
  6. Decorate the top of the tree with a star.
  7. Create the final decor to suit your taste using varnish, glitter and much more...

Panel postcard made of buttons (video MK)

A panel of buttons is a great idea that allows you to simply create masterpieces. Handmade is always relevant. Create and give a piece of yourself!

Lisa Anufrienko

First you need to take cardboard for the base (for me this is the wall of the box).

Then in the middle of the canvas we draw tree without leaves, covering all 4 sheets. The more branches, the more beautiful and lush it will be tree.

When wood paints dried out, let's get to the fun part - unfolding buttons. It's better to use small ones buttons to make the picture look more beautiful. For winter I used white and blue buttons, for spring - green, for summer - green and bright colors, and for autumn - orange and yellow.

I glued buttons for glue gun, this greatly speeds up and simplifies the work, but you can use rubber glue.

Buttons try to glue more and more densely so that tree didn't look empty.

When all buttons are glued, you just have to wait for the glue to dry. Then we trim off the excess edges of the cardboard (if they are) and our picture is ready! You can make a frame, but I decided to leave it that way.

Publications on the topic:

Every family has buttons that nowadays just sit in the closet unused. I decided to use them. After all, every button has...

A very interesting applique can be made from various materials, such as paper, cereal, buttons, beads, foil, etc. I suggest you make it.

Have you accumulated so many buttons that they no longer fit in your box? Donate a dozen to decorate your plants, pots, etc.

In kindergarten, children enjoy making crafts. They love to work with any available material and make beautiful crafts with their own hands. Such.

They brought multi-colored pebbles and shells as gifts; I had long wanted to collect a tree; first, I picked one pebble at a time and then collected it.

There are 7 groups in our kindergarten, each group has its own mini-museum. The guys and I decided to go on an excursion to the Buttons mini-museum. And off we went.

I bring to your attention the MK applique that I prepared for the thematic week “Button Story”. I would like to invite the children to do this.