How to sterilize plastic feeding bottles. Sterilization options for baby utensils, bottles and nipples

February 23

Six months of age is an important milestone that separates a breastfed baby from the introduction of adult food. For artificial children, this is also an important period, as new products will be introduced to the menu, and their volume will gradually begin to displace the usual milk formula from the diet.

At this age, the child's body has already managed to adapt to the environment. The intestines learned to block the molecules that cause food allergies, and all internal organs began to function in full. In addition, the baby is distinguished by curiosity and is happy to try any new dishes - it's time to offer him the right complementary foods.

What can be entered

The list of foods that can be given to a six-month-old baby is quite diverse. It includes:

  • Freshly squeezed juices that are given after the main meal.
  • Butter or olive oil. They are flavored with cereals, vegetable puree, adding half a teaspoon each.
  • Soft cheeses. In addition to it, you can not give any dairy products.
  • Lean meat. Rabbit meat, turkey, chicken breasts, veal are ideal.
  • Cups without milk. Pediatricians recommend rice or buckwheat - cereals with a low gluten content.
  • Puree from various fruits. It is better if these are domestic varieties of apples and pears. But, if there is no allergy, you can enter kiwi, bananas, peaches.
  • Vegetable puree. Broccoli, zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, cauliflower are suitable for its preparation.

It is always better to start acquaintance with new food with vegetables. Then cereals and fruits are introduced. A little later, all other products from the list. You need to finish with meat and dairy dishes.

For normally developing babies who do not suffer from food allergies, this is the most suitable menu at six months.

Features of introducing complementary foods

To exclude the occurrence of allergic reactions, it is necessary to adhere to some rules for the consistent introduction of complementary foods.

It is important to choose vegetables and fruits without a sharp taste. Children do not like an unpleasant smell, sour or tart taste, excess salt or sugar.

Orange and red vegetables can also cause allergies. Therefore, they are introduced after green foods. And carrots are given only twice a week.

One daily serving for vegetables - no more than 100, and for fruits - no more than 50 milliliters. You need to supplement these dishes with cereals and protein foods.

At first, porridges are prepared from only one cereal - buckwheat or rice. The cereals can then be mixed in during cooking. When a small organism gets used to this type of food, other cereals can be used, introducing them one at a time and gradually. For example, oatmeal and corn grits will perfectly expand the diet.

You can prepare a suitable cereal yourself using a coffee grinder. First, the cereal is mixed in a one-to-one ratio with water, and then during cooking, you can add up to 100-120 ml of water. The main thing is to constantly stir and prevent the formation of lumps. However, a blender will help get rid of this shortcoming - it will turn the porridge into a homogeneous, tender mass.

The meat should first have a liquid, and then a puree-like consistency. It is difficult for children to swallow such a product. Therefore, homemade meat should be thoroughly beaten with a blender.

Salt and sugar must be excluded from the menu or introduced in limited quantities.

Acquaintance with a new dish is best done in the morning or in the afternoon. So the mother will have the opportunity to observe the reaction of a small organism to complementary foods.

Power mode and menu

Before introducing new products, you should consult a pediatrician and get all the necessary recommendations. They may differ depending on the characteristics of the development of the crumbs.

Allowed combinations of products in dishes:

  • meat with carrots or beets;
  • assorted apple, pear and banana (peach);
  • rice or oatmeal with banana or plum;
  • multicomponent cereals;
  • soups from potatoes, carrots and green peas;
  • potatoes with cauliflower or broccoli;
  • green peas with zucchini;
  • boiled carrots with rice or potatoes.

Do not force your child to eat. It is better to observe his behavior and find out which dishes he likes more, and which should be abandoned or changed in the recipe. All children have individual tastes and preferences that parents should consider.

At the first sign of an allergic reaction, you should remove the allergen from the menu and contact your pediatrician immediately. Irregularly identified food allergies can lead to diathesis, and in especially advanced cases, to eczema.

The demand for food in a baby who is 6 months old is increasing literally before our eyes. The little ones who are breastfed are already receiving their first complementary foods, and the artificial ones have even gotten used to it and need more variety. In the first case, there is no urgent need to keep track of how much and what the baby needs, he should still receive the main components from mother's milk.

In the second, you will have to try hard so that the child is provided with everything necessary and at the same time does not suffer from colic, gas, regurgitation and other unpleasant consequences of an improperly organized eating process.

How often and when to feed?

Children at the age of 6 months are already able to withstand fairly long breaks between meals, and at night there is no need to feed at all. If the baby develops according to plan, then at six months he should receive food about 5-6 times a day. Specialists have even developed an approximate diet for babies. But do not forget about the individual characteristics of babies, which can make minor adjustments to the routine:

  • First meal at 7:30.
  • The second one is at 11:00 am.
  • The third - at 15.00.
  • Fourth - at 17.00.

Tip: It is only useful for adults not to eat at night. A child at the age of 6 months, having a hearty dinner before going to bed, will sleep soundly and calmly until the morning, without needing nightly “snacks”. The main thing is to understand how much a baby can eat so that his stomach is not full. Otherwise, he will quickly fall asleep, but may wake up from colic.

  • Fifth - at 19.00.
  • Sixth - at 21.00.

The duration of feeding is individual for each baby. If one child can easily cope with a plate of mashed potatoes, cookies and fruit dessert in 20-30 minutes, then another is able to stretch a meal consisting of porridge for an hour. Don't push the baby. Eating should be associated with him only with positive emotions.

Food volumes optimal for a six-month-old baby

Despite the fact that today there are several approaches to calculating the daily volume of food intake by a child under the age of one year (based on the weight or height of the baby, his calorie needs), the simplest of the formulas is most often used. According to her, a child aged 6 months and older should eat food per day, in the amount of 1/9 to 1/8 of his weight. Based on how much macronutrients, vitamins, minerals and fiber will be, nutritionists derive the following important numbers:

  • The daily volume of food should be about a liter and this figure does not depend on the type of feeding of the baby.
  • At 6 months, the child should be given at least 500 ml of breast milk or 600 ml of an adapted formula. For an infant on a mixed type of nutrition, the proportions of both are selected individually.
  • About 150 ml will fall on porridge per day.
  • For vegetable puree, also no more than 150 ml.
  • Fruit puree will be 50-60 ml.
  • Meat puree - only 30 ml.
  • Another 60 ml for juice and 40 ml for cottage cheese.
  • Additionally, a baby at 6 months should receive about a quarter of an egg yolk.

Substances that should be present in the diet of a 6-month-old baby

A child at the age of 6 months, taking into account all the features of development, should receive about 115 calories per day. And you need to cover this indicator by eating cereals, meat, vegetable or fruit purees. No sweets, even homemade from natural products. In addition, the following points must be taken into account:

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to how much protein the baby consumes. The need for a baby at the age of 6 months exceeds the same norm for an adult by about two times. In general, this macronutrient should account for at least 80% of an infant's diet. It is he who is the key to the normal physical and mental development of the little man. The main source of the component for the baby is mother's milk, for the artificial - an adapted mixture. Additionally, as complementary foods are introduced, the baby should start eating cottage cheese, turkey or rabbit puree.
  • Carbohydrates and fats are the main sources of energy, but if they are consumed excessively, the child will begin to experience discomfort due to the constant fermentation of food in the intestines. And the abundance of fat is also a prerequisite for the development of diseases of the digestive system. To get the right carbohydrates, the baby must eat cereal. It can be instant, but it is better if the child eats a product prepared according to all the rules. The source of fats is breast milk, adapted mixtures, egg yolk.
  • At 6 months, we begin to pay special attention to the drinking regimen of the little one. Vegetable and fruit purees, breast milk, soups are not always able to block the baby's need for liquid. Artificers must be given baby water, herbal teas, fruit juices.

Before making any adjustments to your baby's usual diet, it is better to consult a pediatrician. The specialist will assess the speed and correctness of the development of the child, give useful advice.

Approximate options for the menu of a six-month-old child

You need not only to know how much the baby should eat in one meal or per day, but also how to properly combine dishes, combine and alternate components. As a basis for compiling the menu, you can take one of the following options for the daily diet:

Option 1:

  • First feeding. Milk formula or mother's milk in a volume of 200 ml.
  • Second feeding. Porridge cooked on water - 150 ml, supplementary feeding in the form of breast milk or mixture - 100 ml (in general, the amount of supplementary feeding depends on how much the baby ate the main dish).
  • Third feeding. Vegetable puree - 100 ml with a small amount of meat - 20 g. A quarter cup of fruit juice.
  • Fourth feeding. Children's cookies in the amount of a couple of pieces with two tablespoons of a suitable fermented milk drink.
  • Fifth feeding. Not more than 20 g of cottage cheese, 40 ml of fruit puree and 200 ml of an adapted formula or mother's milk.
  • Sixth feeding. Breast milk or mixture in a volume of 150-200 ml.

Option 2:

  • First feeding. Adapted formula or mother's milk - 200 ml.
  • Second feeding. Two tablespoons of fruit puree or a tablespoon of juice. Depending on how much the baby ate, you can supplement it with breast milk or formula.
  • Third feeding. Chicken broth - 100 ml with grated meat, 100 ml vegetable puree, 50 ml fruit puree.
  • Fourth feeding. Porridge boiled in milk - 150 ml, jelly - 100 ml.
  • Fifth feeding. Adapted formula or mother's milk - 200 ml.

After some time, you can begin to gradually introduce butter into cereals, and vegetable oil into vegetables. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the fat content of dishes will increase, albeit slightly. Parents during such experiments should monitor the condition of the baby even more carefully than usual.

Pediatricians and nutritionists recommend that nursing mothers start complementary foods from six months. By six months, the baby can already sit, the first teeth appear, and often he himself reaches for new food. The body, strengthened and adapted during this time, is ready for adult products.

You need to be very careful when starting to introduce adult food into the baby’s menu while breastfeeding and follow the recommendations of the expert. Otherwise, the child develops allergies, colic or diarrhea. Let's take a closer look at how to properly introduce complementary foods.

Rules for the introduction of complementary foods

  1. For a child who is breastfed, complementary foods should be introduced no earlier than 6 months after birth. For babies on artificial feeding - you can start as early as 4-5 months;
  2. Pay attention to the child's behavior. If he is already sitting on his own, does not push away the spoon and reaches for food himself, you can start complementary foods;
  3. Feed your baby with a teaspoon. Start with small portions of half to one spoon. Then every day increase the dosage as recommended;
  4. Pay close attention to your child's well-being. If the baby has a negative reaction, then do not increase the dose or try giving food to a friend. If you do not feel better, then postpone the introduction of complementary foods for a while;
  5. Don't force feed your baby! This will lead to a decrease in appetite. In addition, the baby in the future may refuse adult food for a long time;
  6. Don't try two new foods at the same time. Let the baby first get used to the new product;
  7. The first complementary foods during breastfeeding are arranged in the interval of 9-11 am after the first morning feeding with breast milk;
  8. When you start complementary foods, don't stop breastfeeding! Gradually replace attachments with spoon-feeding;
  9. At the first feeding, you can give vegetable purees and dairy products with a low fat content, which are designed specifically for feeding children;
  10. Choose products carefully, view the date of manufacture and expiration date. Choose only ripe and fresh vegetables and fruits, or use frozen ones. Study the packaging carefully, as the nutrition for children indicates at what age it is suitable.

Where to start complementary foods: vegetables and dairy products

As we have determined, the first complementary foods can be started from the age of six months. But what foods to give the baby while breastfeeding? Most experts are sure that you should start with mashed vegetables. For the dish, choose one type of light-colored vegetable. It can be pumpkin, zucchini, potatoes, broccoli, etc. If the child does not have allergies, then carrots can also be used.

However, the well-known pediatrician and TV presenter Komarovsky recommends starting complementary foods with dairy products. For the first time, he advises giving children's low-fat kefir at a dosage of 10-20 grams. Portions are increased every day.

On the fourth or fifth day, 30 grams of cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 3-5% can be added to kefir. Cottage cheese must be crushed and mixed with kefir until smooth.

Vegetable puree is very different from the composition of breast milk. Therefore, according to Komarovsky, a sharp change in habitual nutrition can lead to severe indigestion. Dairy products are the most suitable in consistency. More details with the recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky can be found in the article “”.

However, keep in mind that cottage cheese is a heavy product for the body of an infant. Therefore, only low-fat cottage cheese should be given in small doses. By one year, the baby should consume no more than 50 grams of the product!

From the age of seven months, start giving fruit puree to the baby. For the dish, one type of soft-colored fruit is also chosen. Do not use citrus fruits, as they contain a strong allergen. Green apples are best. Well, if they are from their own garden. Such fruits do not contain pesticides and other chemicals.

Vegetable and fruit puree can also be bought at the store. Such jars are convenient in that the product is already ready for use. The composition of the puree is balanced and intended for a child of a certain age.

However, a dish prepared at home is more useful. You will be confident in the quality of the products and the date of manufacture. After the baby gets used to various vegetables and fruits, the types in mashed potatoes can be mixed.

It is up to each mother to choose which product to start introducing complementary foods with. If a child suddenly has an allergy or other ailment, the dish can always be replaced with another one. If you feel worse, stop increasing the dosage. With severe disorders, complementary foods need to be returned to the usual feeding for a while.

How and when to correctly introduce foods into the baby's menu while breastfeeding, will tell.

What is useful vegetable puree: cooking at home

To prepare puree for the first feeding, take a vegetable of one type. Rinse thoroughly and chop finely. Pour in a small amount of water so that it slightly covers the vegetables. Simmer for 10-15 minutes. Then puree the mixture in a blender until smooth.

After the baby is used to new vegetables, you can mix several types. What vegetables can be eaten by the baby at the first dose, the table will tell.

Vegetable Useful elements Action Peculiarities
Potato Thiamine, potassium and phosphorus, beneficial amino acids Removes excess fluid and salt from the body, improves metabolism High-calorie product - contains 2-3 times more calories than other vegetables.
Cauliflower and broccoli Vitamins C and group B, folic acid, a complete set of macronutrients (iron, zinc, etc.) Ensures normal growth and development, prevents cancer, protects against viruses The hypoallergenic product, unlike fresh cabbage, is easier to digest and does not cause bloating in the baby.
Pumpkin Vitamins B, C and PP; potassium and copper Ensures the work of the intestines and digestion, removes excess fluid from the body Low-calorie product, but the keratins in the composition can cause allergies!
vegetable marrow Vitamins B, C and E; sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc Normalizes the work of the intestines, cleanses the body and removes toxins, activates the growth of the newborn A dietary and hypoallergenic product, it will be an excellent substitute for beets in case of allergies to the latter.
Carrot Vitamins A, B, C, E and PP Improves the condition of the skin and hair, maintains visual acuity, strengthens the immune system, promotes bone growth Beta-keratin in the composition can cause allergies!

When preparing mashed potatoes for six-month-old children, it is not recommended to use onions, beets, eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers and white cabbage. Such vegetables can be introduced into the menu after 10-12 months.

Puree is started with ½ teaspoon and supplemented with breast milk or high-quality formula. The dose is gradually increased to 150-200 grams. This corresponds to the standard portion of one feeding. Double each dose as compared to the previous one. Do not forget to monitor the reaction of the baby!

What porridge to choose for the first feeding

From six months, babies are given porridge without milk. For cooking, use buckwheat or rice groats, which are more easily absorbed by the body and do not cause an allergic reaction.

To cook porridge on water for feeding, rice or buckwheat groats must be carefully sorted and ground. The crushed cereals are poured with cold water and boiled over low heat until tender.

For children under one year old, doctors do not recommend putting pure sugar and salt in dishes. To enhance the taste, you can use saline or sugar syrup. How to prepare a solution and syrup, read in. Many nursing mothers add breast milk to porridge.

Porridges on cow's milk begin to cook after eight months. Cow protein is a strong allergen that causes rashes, redness, and other negative reactions. Milk porridges are also cooked from buckwheat or rice groats. Sometimes they give oatmeal with good tolerance.

Semolina, millet and barley porridge are best given to babies from one year old. These cereals contain gluten. This vegetable protein is long and hard to digest in the body. It can lead to intestinal problems and allergies.

From seven months, butter can be added to porridge. Start with ⅛ teaspoon and gradually increase to 10-20 grams. Also, after one year, you can give multi-cereal cereals.

Cottage cheese for the first feeding: pros and cons

Pediatricians did not agree on whether or not to give cottage cheese as complementary foods for children at the age of six months. Many talk about an excess of calcium in the composition of the product and difficult absorption in the child's body. Therefore, it is recommended to use the product no earlier than 7-8 months.

Komarovsky argues that the amount of calcium in cottage cheese is only slightly greater in the composition of breast milk. In addition, the curd mass in small quantities will not harm the body. Therefore, he advises adding cottage cheese to kefir already in the first week of complementary foods.

Cottage cheese is a useful product for a child. It has a beneficial effect on the body and performs a number of important functions:

  • forms a bone skeleton and strengthens muscles;
  • improves memory and brain function;
  • strengthens the immune system, protects against infectious diseases;
  • improves bowel function;
  • stimulates growth and improves the condition of hair, teeth and nails.

Thus, in small quantities, cottage cheese can be added to kefir from six to seven months. In its pure form, it is better to introduce complementary foods after eight months. If you buy cottage cheese in a store, choose a fat content of less than 5%. but it's better to cook at home. Moreover, it will not be difficult. And with additives in the form of fruit after a year.

To cook cottage cheese at home, you need to heat the milk over low heat and add four tablespoons of sour cream. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, wrapped and left overnight.

The next day, the resulting mass is brought to a boil and then filtered through a sieve with gauze. By the way, the remaining whey is used to make delicious and satisfying pancakes.

Principles of cooking for the first complementary foods

When preparing meals for children, especially at the first feeding and under the age of one, certain principles must be followed. Then you can provide the baby with proper and tasty nutrition.

  • Vegetables, meat, let's only boiled or stewed;
  • Use the minimum amount of water to stew vegetables. The main thing is that she covers the products a little. Then the vegetables will retain their beneficial properties and get a rich taste;
  • The smaller the food, the easier the dish will digest the child's body. In addition, at the time of the eruption of the first teeth, the baby cannot chew on its own. Therefore, there should be a maximum rub;
  • Do not use sugar and salt. As mentioned earlier, natural supplements should be replaced with a salt solution and sugar syrup. And it is better to do without additives at all, so that the baby gets used to the natural taste of food;
  • Vegetable oil can be added to dishes. It will enhance the taste and will be beneficial for the child.
  • Olive and sunflower oil can be safely given to babies from six months. Start with 3-5 drops and gradually increase the dosage to one teaspoon;
  • Prepare food for only one meal, because the products should be as fresh as possible and retain their beneficial properties.

For more information on what foods and when you can use a baby while breastfeeding, the table in the article will tell. In addition, from the article you will learn recipes for delicious and healthy dishes for a child.

Dear Parents! Your baby has already reached 6 months, this is the first serious date in his life. At this stage, it is very important to choose the right nutrition plan and choose the most balanced diet for your child, which will provide his growing body with all the nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

6 month old baby meal plan

We offer you several options for meal plans for a six-month-old baby.

Meal Plan #1

  1. Second breakfast - fruit puree and fruit juice
  2. Snack - breast milk or formula
  3. Dinner - milk porridge

Meal Plan #2

  1. Breakfast - breast milk or formula
  2. Second breakfast - breast milk or formula and fruit juice
  3. Lunch - vegetable or meat puree (can be alternated every other day) + yolk (2-3 times a week)
  4. Snack - fruit puree
  5. Dinner - milk porridge

Diet for a 6 month old baby

A child at 6 months actively rolls over, tries to stand up, holding on to a support, tries to sit down - all this requires additional energy. A six-month-old baby's diet should include fruits, vegetables, grains, and meat.

If you are not breastfeeding or have already given up breastfeeding, at 6 months the baby should already be offered 6-month-old formula (stage 2), replacing it with 0 to 6-month-old formula. The composition of mother's breast milk changes itself, adjusting to all the needs of the child, therefore it is recommended to change the mixture in order to provide the baby with the set of vitamins and microelements he needs.

By 6 months, many tastes for the baby have already become familiar. Now you can safely experiment with its menu. If you are just starting to give your baby complementary foods, pay attention to the following articles: Feeding a 4-month-old baby and Feeding a 5-month-old baby.

Fruit and vegetable purees can already consist of 2 or more components. Also, from 6 months you can give your baby fruit purees from exotic fruits. In the evening feeding, so that the baby sleeps soundly and does not wake up in the middle of the night, milk porridge from buckwheat, rice or corn is suitable for the child. They are the least allergic, nutritious, and easily absorbed by the baby. The rest of the cereals contain gluten, so it is better to offer them to your baby from 8-9 months. For more detailed information about the composition of cereals, the content of useful elements and vitamins in them, you can follow the link Nutrition for a 5-month-old baby.

At 6 months, pediatricians recommend adding yolk, chicken or quail to the child's diet. Earlier introduction of this product is not desirable, because, despite the benefits of the yolk, it is poorly absorbed by the digestive system of an infant under the age of 6 months. The composition of chicken and quail yolks includes proteins, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, D, H, choline, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, iodine, cobalt, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, copper, chromium. The content of useful substances and vitamins in 5 quail eggs (which correspond to one chicken in mass) and one chicken is approximately equal. However, it should be noted that since quails never get sick with salmonellosis (unlike chickens), their eggs are safer for the baby. Also, quail eggs do not cause allergic reactions, so they are recommended for feeding children with diathesis. The yolk, due to the large amount of vitamins and other useful elements in it, should be given to the baby 2-3 times a week.

From 6 months, the child begins to move a lot, so his diet should include not only vegetables and grains, but also meat. Meat contains proteins, vitamins B1, B2, PP, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. Iron is simply necessary for the baby, because. its supply, obtained with mother's milk, is depleted by 6 months. Scientists confirm that the daily consumption of meat by a child will help to avoid anemia. You should start introducing meat into the child's diet with 5 g of one-component puree, gradually increasing the portion (by 12 months it should be about 60 g). We do not advise you to cook meat for the baby yourself, because. it is very difficult to achieve a balanced consistency even with the use of modern kitchen appliances. It should also be noted that the quality of the meat sold these days leaves much to be desired. Therefore, you should not risk the health of your baby and use the finished product (pay attention - puree should not contain starch, sugar and salt!). To begin with, you can offer your child meat of a rabbit, turkey, veal (alone, or in addition to vegetables already tested by your child). Later, you can add pork, beef and chicken to the menu for your baby (this meat is considered the most allergenic, so it should be introduced last).

Good luck to you and your child!

The first food that a newborn tries in his life is breast milk. However, despite the storehouse of vitamins and useful trace elements that not only help the baby grow, but also improve its immunity, mother's milk can replace "adult food" only until the child is six months old. Feeding a baby at 6 months is often a problem for new parents. In order to benefit your child and develop good taste preferences for food, you should definitely seek the help of a specialist who will tell you where to start complementary foods.

Do not be afraid to diversify the feeding of a 6-month-old baby. Reaching this particular age, the baby becomes more active, inquisitive and interesting. He is able to distinguish mom and dad from strangers. Now the baby expresses joy or disappointment (smiles or violently expresses his protest), tries to make some sounds and pick up toys. Such signs of normal development indicate that it is time to immediately develop a new menu.

Feeding a 6 month old baby. Introduction to new dishes

A child who eats only mother's milk and does not lag behind in development can be breastfed for up to 6 months. It should be remembered that in this case there is no need to offer the baby fruit, vegetable purees or juices. Before introducing a new product into the usual feeding regimen for a child at 6 months, you should consult a pediatrician. It is the doctor who will tell you which of the allergenic fruits and vegetables should be postponed for several months, and which can be given now.

The situation is quite different with artificial children. Being on such a diet, the child should learn about the existence of juices and fruit puree from 3.5 or 4 months, that is, traditional complementary foods begin a little earlier. Allergic children are often forced to use mixtures made not with cow's milk, but with soy protein. Such babies feel a lack of animal protein, which helps to fill in mashed potatoes. It should be given at 5 or 5.5 months. The only condition for the correct preparation of such a dish is that the meat must be cooked in the second broth and carefully chopped.

Feeding a baby at 6 months may include mashed beef or veal. With individual intolerance to these proteins, they can be replaced with lean pork, chicken, turkey, rabbit or horse meat. You can prepare such puree yourself or buy it ready-made in a pharmacy. Making the baby’s menu more diverse, monitor every reaction of his body in order to prevent the occurrence of future allergies.

Feeding schedule for a 6 month old baby. Switching to a new diet

A child who is 5 months old should get used to eating not 6, but 5 times a day. The break between meals should be a maximum of 3-4 hours. You should also maintain a 10-hour break at night. It is best to introduce a new product into the feeding of a 6-month-old baby at lunchtime (approximately at 13 o'clock) in order to track its tolerance. It is not recommended to give complementary foods early in the morning or late in the evening. Adhering to this rule, the baby will get used to an unusual dish more easily and will not overeat at night.

To accustom the child to non-dairy products, it is necessary to give them when the baby is hungry (just before breast milk). Feeding a baby at 6 months should not start with large portions of juice or fruit puree. Limit yourself to half a teaspoon, gradually increasing the amount of new food over 10-12 days to 150 g.

Feeding a 6-month-old baby will start with success if mom and dad are patient and attentive to their baby. We must not forget that at this age the baby still does not know how to swallow thick and solid food. For convenience, buy a silicone spoon that will not injure the baby's gums and cause him discomfort while eating. Do not offer your child several foods at once. Stop at one first, and then gradually mix in other components. So, over time, zucchini can be supplemented with peas, onions, potatoes, etc. If the baby refuses any ingredient, do not force him to it, as this can cause a deliberate protest for a long time.

Feeding a child at 6 months is best to start with vegetable puree (in the case when there are signs of rickets or anemia) or porridge. If the baby has an allergy, complementary foods should not include brightly colored vegetables. It should be limited to cabbage, zucchini, peas, potatoes and green beans. It will be possible to avoid an allergy to potatoes if its amount from the total mass of vegetables does not exceed 20%. Sunflower, olive or corn oil will help make the dish more healthy and tasty.

You can start feeding a child with porridge at 6 months when the baby has a lack of weight or frequent and profuse regurgitation. It is recommended to purchase special gluten-free cereals (rice, corn, buckwheat) enriched with vitamins and microelements in pharmacies. To prepare such cereals, it is enough to pour them with hot water and do not bring to a boil. When introducing it into the feeding regimen of a 6-month-old baby, it must be taken into account that the porridge should be very liquid (5 g of cereal per 100 ml of liquid). Up to 8 months, you should not cook porridge in cow's milk. It is better to replace it with breast milk or a suitable formula. Children with severe allergies may receive porridge boiled with water or dairy-free formula. Butter or a piece of egg yolk will help to make such a dish very useful.

Sample menu for a 6 month old baby

The feeding regimen of a child at 6 months can be very diverse, depending on the characteristics of the body of each baby. Consider an approximate 6 month old baby feeding menu that is suitable for breastfed babies. It includes 5 meals:

  • mother's milk;
  • 150 g vegetable puree (porridge) and 3 g vegetable oil, juice;
  • 30 g fruit puree + mother's milk;
  • mother's milk.

Babies who are receiving formula can gradually transition to a 5-meal feeding schedule:

Feeding a 6-month-old baby with bovine protein allergy may consist of these 5 meals:

  • Mother's milk, fermented milk product, 180-200 ml of soy mixture;
  • 170 g of dairy-free porridge + mother's milk or fermented milk product, 3 g of sunflower oil, 20 g of fruit puree;
  • 3 g sunflower oil + 150 g vegetable puree, 30-50 g meat puree, 20 g fruit puree;
  • 150 g of a vegetable dish with the addition of cereals and 3 g of sunflower oil, 30 g of meat puree and 20 g of fruit puree;
  • Mother's milk, fermented milk product or special dairy-free formula.