Creative development of preschoolers. Card file on the topic: Card file “Games and exercises for the development of creative thinking and imagination of preschoolers


"Development creative thinking in preschoolers

means of the game"

Absurd" href="/text/category/absurd/" rel="bookmark">absurd or unbelievable.

What is creative(creative)thinking?

Psychological components creative activity in the light of modern scientific research:

1. Flexibility of the mind - the ability to highlight essential features and the ability to quickly rebuild from one idea to another.

2. Systematic and consistent - ideas are built systematically and consistently analyzed.

3. Dialectic - the ability to formulate contradictions and find a way to resolve them.

4. Readiness for risk and responsibility for the decision.

Formation of creative thinking in a preschool child

Age of children: 5-7 years.

Challenges for parents:

Develop the following skills in children:

- reproduce appearance and properties of the subject from memory;

- guess the object by the verbal description of properties and features;

- to recreate the appearance of an object based on some part of it;

- recognize various familiar objects in indefinite graphic forms (ink spots, scribbles);

- combine and combine in one object the properties and features of other objects and objects;

– find in two or more objects common and various signs;

- recognize an object by description possible actions with him;

- transfer actions applied to one subject to another;

- make a story about an object.

The main principle for parents in raising a child:

Encourage the child to come up with as many solutions as possible, and then evaluate their quality with him.

Giant" href="/text/category/velikan/" rel="bookmark">giant, how would you measure the following products:

- flour for pancakes

- milk to drink

- butter for fritters

- eggs, salt, pepper.

How much would you take of each product?

11. Inventing the end of a fairy tale. (For example: Once upon a time there was a little hippo. Many animals laughed at him that he was so small. One fly laughed the most. And then one day she sat on a branch next to the hippo and began to tease him ...).

12. Game "Conclusion"

- Petya is older than Masha, and Masha is older than Kolya. Who is the oldest and the youngest?

- Vanya is thinner than Misha, but fatter than Andrey. Who is the fattest, the thinnest?

Parents need to know:

Distinctive features of gifted children:

1. Extremely curious about how this or that object is arranged. They are able to monitor several processes at the same time and tend to actively explore everything around them.

2. They have the ability to perceive connections between phenomena and objects and draw appropriate conclusions; they like to create alternative systems in their imagination.

3. Excellent memory, combined with early language development and the ability to classify and categorize, help such a child accumulate large volume information and use it intensively.

4. Possess great vocabulary. However, for fun, they often invent their own words.

5. They do not tolerate when a ready-made answer is imposed on them.

6. Passion for the task, combined with a lack of experience, often leads to the fact that he threatens to do something that he is not yet capable of. He needs support, but not blind tutelage.

7. They show a heightened sense of justice.

8. Make high demands on themselves and others.

9. Have a great sense of humor.

10. Often they develop a negative self-perception, there are difficulties in communicating with peers.

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Creativity is rightly considered a manifestation of real talent. If a child is smart, he learns well and quickly and applies his knowledge in everyday situations. But the creation of something new, extraordinary, unlike anything else - this is real talent. People appreciate and admire the ability to create something extraordinary, be it an original work of art, a non-trivial story or an invention that makes life easier for many people.

How can we teach our children to think creatively? How can we instill in them the habit of thinking outside the box? Here are some simple and fun ways to help your child develop a valuable creative thinking skill in a playful way. (Depending on his age and skills, some minor adjustments to the games offered may be necessary.)

Game one. Someone starts telling a story and stops after a few sentences, and the next player continues the story. There are no restrictions on the number of players. The story can be recorded on a tape recorder or on paper in order to subsequently distribute it among the participants in the game. This is very funny game, which teaches the child to think creatively (and if you are also participating in this game, then you too).

Game two. Prepare a series of images that can be taken from a book (rephotographed), several books, newspapers, or the Internet and printed on a home printer. Place the pictures next to each other and have your child tell the story the pictures tell. You can take turns developing the plot. The game can have several options: place the images face down and then flip them one by one to continue the story. Gradually increase the speed of opening the images so that the narrator comes up with a story faster and faster. Once you've worked through the initial set of pictures, simply rearrange them and see if your child can come up with a different story.

Modification of the second game for words. Prepare a series of words written on the cards and play the second game using them. You can use all the same game options as described above.

Game three. Play a piece of classical music and have your child tell you what mood the piece of music creates and what story it wants to tell its listeners.

Game four. Play a piece of classical music and have your child draw a picture to illustrate the mood they are conveying or the story they are telling.

Game modifications. When your child is telling a story while playing one of these games, ask them to change the story in a way that will change its mood. For example, if the story is sad, can he change it so that it becomes happy? Can he change her so that she becomes full of secrets and mysteries? Can he turn it into a comedy?

Open-ended questions stimulate creative thinking. When reading a book with your child, always ask open-ended questions (suggesting a long-winded response, not a one-word answer), which could include things like, “How would you handle this situation?”, “What could the character do differently?” , "How do you think the main character felt?".

Game five. Print some photos on A4 paper. Cut each one into nine pieces (or more if you want to make the game more difficult). Now invite the child to put the photos from the fragments into original view. After he completes this task, you can mix the fragments so that the child can create new paintings by combining the fragments different photos(it is better to choose the original photos with this in mind from the very beginning). Start by mixing fragments of two photographs and gradually move to more source images. Start with large chunks that make up ¼ of the original image, gradually moving on to using smaller chunks. Gradually move on to more complex images that include finer details.

Game six. Encourage and take part in games in which the child pretends to be a character or phenomenon, and use role-playing games to model various situations with your child. As you read the story, ask your child to get into character and imitate their favorite character.

Game seven. When your child's friends come to visit, invite them to learn the roles and make a performance of a favorite fairy tale, such as The Three Little Pigs, for example, and show it to their parents. It's very funny and entertaining game to help kids have fun and stay busy.

Game eight. Ask your child to draw an object and color it in the appropriate colors. For example, ask your child to draw some fruits. Then ask him to change the color of all fruits. Let the banana turn red and the apple blue, and so on.

Game nine. Choose one day of the week when all family members, including the child, will do their normal activities differently. For example, brush your teeth not with your right, but with your left hand, and at the same time not in the usual way. Choose a different path to school. Sing all day instead of talking. Get up early and play a new game. Walk backwards in a safe place... Be creative and encourage your child to be creative with everything.

Natalya Polukhina
Games for the development of creative thinking for preschoolers

The development of children's creative abilities has always been considered as one of the urgent tasks of education. Success in learning is associated with the development of two contradictory processes: the logical component of thinking (the possibility of algorithmic, step-by-step learning) and the creative component of thinking. It is the development of creative thinking that creates the basis for intellectual development child.

Initially, it was thought that creativity could be developed only in gifted children, but it turned out that creative thinking can be developed in all normal and even retarded children. This is due to the fact that there are no “wrong answers” ​​in the exercises and tasks for developing the qualities of creative thinking. The child's own experience, his feelings and the main forms of activity are the main factors of his development. The initial level of development of the child does not matter, as he can develop his mental capacity through the creative use of previous experience in relation to new problems, situations, etc.

The sensitive period for the development of creativity falls on the age of 3-5 years. At this age, “primary” creativity is formed, as a general creative ability.

I offer games that will help develop the qualities of creative thinking in a preschool child.

Exercise "What do you see shh?"

Purpose: development of abilities for non-verbal development of details and originality; development of the ability to create drawings by developing the details of the original images.

Task: The figures depicted in this task are the basis of the drawing. Invite the children to draw on them what they see fit, color in with colored pencils and come up with a name.

Exercise "Magic Mosaic" ka".

Purpose: to teach children to create objects in their imagination, based on a schematic representation of the details of these objects.

Sets of geometric shapes cut out of thick cardboard (the same for each child) are used: several circles, squares, triangles, rectangles of different sizes.

The teacher distributes sets and says that this is a magical mosaic from which you can add a lot of interesting things. For this you need different figurines, whoever wants to, attach to each other so that some kind of image is obtained. Offer a competition: who can put together more different objects from their mosaic and come up with some kind of story about one or more objects.

The game "Good-bad" or "Chain of contradictory ii".

Purpose: development of creative imagination through the search for contradictions.

The teacher starts - "A" is good, because "B". The child continues - "B" is bad, because "C". The next one says - "V" is good, because "G", etc.

The game "Search for objects with similar properties ami"

Purpose: to form an attitude that completely different ways of combining and dismembering a certain group of objects are possible, to teach to think creatively.

An object or phenomenon is called, for example: a dragonfly, a train, a vacuum cleaner, a shower, etc. Time is limited, 5 minutes per word. Task: name it more items, similar to those named by some properties, that is, objects that are analogues of this object. Naming this or that object, the child must indicate by what property it has a similarity with the named object.

The game "Search for ways to use objects eta"

Purpose: to learn to find common properties of objects, compare the properties of objects, find similarities and differences; develop the ability to concentrate thinking on one subject; to improve the ability to introduce an object into a wide variety of situations and relationships, to discover new unexpected properties and possibilities in an ordinary object.

Is called any good famous item, for example: a book, a newspaper, a hat, etc. Instruction: you need to name as many as possible various ways the use of the named object (the book can be used as a stand for a film projector, it can be used to close the paper on the table from prying eyes, etc.). The winner is the one who indicates the greater number of different functions of the subject.

The game "What is it oh?"

Purpose: to teach children to create new images in their imagination based on the perception of substitute objects.

Material. Circles different colors, stripes different lengths, ball.

Children stand in a circle. An adult shows one of the colored circles, for example, red, puts it in the center and offers to tell what it looks like. The child to whom the adult rolls the ball answers. Possible answers of children: tomato, flower, holiday flag, etc. Answers should not be repeated. Then the children are shown a circle of another

You can compose an infinite number of such games and exercises, it all depends only on the creative imagination of adults who have set themselves the goal of helping each child grow up as a creatively gifted, non-standard thinking, successful person.

Municipal state-financed organization additional education"House children's creativity city ​​of Dimitrovgrad Ulyanovsk region»

additional education teacher

Chernogrudova Ludmila Pavlovna

Card file "Didactic games for the development of imagination and creative thinking"



Purpose: development of imagination, figurative thinking, fine motor skills.

Equipment: sheet thick paper, ink, pen or brush (for each child).

An adult says to the children: “Guys, did you know that before, when your grandparents were little girls and boys, ballpoint pens did not exist, and did people write with quills or fountain pens? They were very difficult to write. Therefore, blots often appeared in schoolchildren's notebooks. The teachers tore out the pages with blots and asked the students to rewrite everything again. Of course, both the children and their teachers were upset. But sometimes the blots turned out unusual. The students, examining these blots with interest, found in their bizarre silhouettes images of animals, birds, insects, unusual figures of people, fairy tale characters. Now we are going to make unusual blots.”

An adult shows how you can put blots so as not to get dirty at the same time, demonstrates a way to get symmetrical blots (you need to drop a little ink on the middle of the sheet, fold the paper in half and then unfold it).

After finishing preparatory work, the adult says: “Let's look at all the blots and say what they look like. Try to see in each of the blots as many images of objects as possible.

Note: You can invite children to draw blots to any image.


Equipment: samples of drawings made on the basis of the standard (image of an open palm);

a sheet of paper, a pencil, an eraser, a set of colored pencils, crayons, paints and brushes (for each child).

The adult invites the children to circle their palm with open fingers.

After completing the preparatory work, he says: “Guys, you got similar drawings; let's try to make them different. Draw some details and turn an ordinary image of a palm into an unusual drawing.

The imagination of the child will allow you to turn these outlines into fun drawings: an octopus, a hedgehog, a bird with a large beak, a clown, a fish, a sun, etc. Let the kid color these drawings.

Note. If difficulties arise, the adult shows samples of the task, but warns the children that they should not be copied.

For example:


Purpose: development of imagination, spatial orientation, fine motor skills, artistic taste.

Equipment: two or three sheets of paper or prepare origami models, a pencil, an eraser, a set of colored pencils (for each child).

The course of the game exercise

An adult talks about the Japanese art of origami, shows the technique of making simple models and invites children to fold paper figures.

After completing the preparatory work, he says: “Let's decorate our crafts, make them smart, festive. Draw the necessary details, and color the figures with colored pencils.

You can use such origami models as:

pocket, plane, boat, boat, table, house, fan, fungus, leaflet, pinwheel, cap, whale fish, duckling, letter, envelope.

Note. This exercise does not aim to teach children such a complex art as origami, the task of an adult is to teach children to decorate paper figures using colored pencils and their own imagination, so preschoolers can be offered ready-made origami models.


Purpose: development of imagination, imaginative thinking, graphic skills, artistic taste.

Equipment: cards with a contour image of objects or silhouettes of figures cut out of thick paper (according to the number of children);

An adult gives the children cards for the game and says: “You have unfinished drawings in front of you. They lack many details, they are sad, colorless. Draw what you need and color the drawings.


Purpose: development of imagination, figurative thinking, visual skills, artistic taste.

Equipment: cards with a schematic representation of trees and unfinished lines of an indefinite nature (according to the number of children);

a simple pencil, an eraser, a set of colored pencils (for each child).

An adult distributes cards to the children for the game and says: “In front of you is an enchanted forest. The wizard covered him with an invisibility cap, so many plants and inhabitants of the forest turned out to be invisible. But you can see something, probably because the hat was too small. Let's try to disenchant the forest. Take a close look at the picture, then turn all the lines into finished drawings. Remember that the forest was extraordinarily beautiful and full of inhabitants.

The child who has created a complete image of the forest using all these elements wins.

Note. To reveal the plot, you can invite children to supplement the resulting drawings with images of animals, birds, insects, people or fairy-tale characters.


Purpose: development of imagination, figurative thinking, flexibility in constructing a graphic outline, visual skills.

Equipment: cards depicting geometric shapes and lines (according to the number of children);

a simple pencil, an eraser, a set of colored pencils or felt-tip pens (for each child).

An adult distributes cards for the game to the children and says: “One absent-minded artist decided to prepare paintings for the exhibition. He made sketches - did some strokes, and then got distracted and forgot what he wanted to draw. Guys, help the artist. Examine the strokes and turn them into images of various objects. Perhaps then the artist will remember what he wanted to draw. Then we will arrange an exhibition and select the best paintings.”

Note. If difficulties arise, the adult shows a sample of the task on the board. If one of the children copes with the task faster, then you can offer him an additional option.

To complicate the game, the number of initial figures is increased and brought to 10 - 20.


Equipment: flannelgraph, strips velvet paper, shaped like counting sticks;

sets of counting sticks (according to the number of children).

An adult, attaching strips of velvet paper to the flannelgraph, constructs schematic drawings, for example:

Then he distributes sets of counting sticks to the children and says: "Try to copy my drawings as accurately as possible." After completing the training exercise, the adult invites the children to put together new unusual (or realistic) pictures from counting sticks.


Equipment: cards with an outline image of two fairies (kings, wizards, princesses, etc.) (according to the number of children);

a simple pencil, an eraser, a set of colored pencils or felt-tip pens (for each child).

An adult distributes cards to the children for the game and says: “On a piece of paper you see images of two fairies. Imagine that one of them is evil, the other is good. To make it clear to everyone where the fairy is, draw and paint the faces and clothes. Perhaps you would like to depict some magical things or fabulous companions of our fairies.

Note. You can invite children to portray fairies using facial expressions and pantomime and choose a child who, using expressive movements, created the most vivid images.

Outline image of two wizards:

For example:

"Good Fairy" "Evil Wizard"


Purpose: development of imagination, fine motor skills, artistic taste, activation of thinking and speech.

Equipment: portraits from reproductions (posters, magazine covers, etc.), pasted on cardboard (according to the number of children); a sheet of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser, a set of pencils or felt-tip pens, an adhesive pencil, a set of colored paper, foil, shreds of fabric, pieces of fur, etc. (for each child).

An adult lays out stimulus material (portraits) and says: “Imagine that you are fashion designers. Each of you has been approached by a person who wants you to help him look smart.”

An adult invites children to choose portraits, carefully examine them, come up with and create suitable outfits. Using the applique material, make a headdress (kokoshnik, hat, scarf, etc.), jewelry (beads, necklaces, earrings, brooches, etc.). If the portrait is a woman or a girl, draw a costume on a piece of paper (ball gown, sundress, tailcoat, etc.).

After doing creative task model show begins. An adult asks children to name their "models" to tell about their profession, character.

Note. For such games, it is desirable to select portraits of people who differ in gender and age, facial expressions. It is unethical to use portraits of political and historical figures.


Purpose: development of imagination, imaginative thinking, spatial orientation, constructive skills.

Equipment: flannelgraph, a set of geometric shapes of different sizes and colors (circles, triangles, squares, rectangles) for working with flannelgraph;

sets of geometric shapes of different sizes (circles, triangles, squares, rectangles) cut out of colored cardboard (according to the number of children).

An adult, attaching circles, squares, triangles, rectangles to the flannelgraph, constructs the simplest drawings, for example:

Then he distributes sets of geometric shapes to the children and says: "Try to copy my drawings as accurately as possible."

After completing the training exercise, the adult invites the children to add new beautiful (or unusual) pictures from the existing geometric shapes.


Purpose: development of imagination, emotional sphere, combinatorial skills, fine motor skills, activation of thinking and speech.

Equipment: portraits from reproductions (posters, magazine covers, etc.), cut into strips - separate forehead, separate chin, separate eyes, separate nose, etc. (according to the number of children).

The adult lays out the stimulus material and says: “You must have seen how in detective films criminologists make an identikit. To create a portrait of a person, they pick up and put together parts of the face. Now we will try to make sketches of various people. Pick up suitable stripes, fold them so that you get a portrait of a person. Think of a name for him, a profession, tell us about his character.

Facial features that reflect a particular state of personality:


Equipment: demonstration cards depicting geometric shapes (rectangles, circles, ovals, etc.) of various sizes;

2-3 sheets of paper, a pencil, an eraser, a set of colored pencils (for each child).

An adult shows the children one of the cards and says: “Guys, look carefully at the picture. The drawings that were depicted on it decided to play hide and seek. They hid behind geometric shapes of the right size and shape. Guess who or what might be behind the figures and draw them on your piece of paper."

Stimulus option:

Note. Similar work is carried out with other cards. Children can be invited to draw not one picture, but all the options that they consider suitable for this stimulus material. In this case, the number of drawings that you completed each child is also taken into account.



Purpose: development of imagination, activation of attention, thinking and speech.

Equipment: blackboard, crayons.

Game progress conversation

An adult offers to come up with an unusual creature together:

d) an insect;

d) an alien.

He asks the children leading questions and, based on the answers received, creates an image on the board using colored crayons.

Suggestive questions:

Does an animal (aliens) have a head? One?

Some? What is she (they) like?

What about the neck? What is she?

What kind of body does he have?

What limbs (arms, legs, paws, tentacles, wings)?

What eyes, nose, ears, tail?

Which mouth (lips, teeth, tongue)?

What is the body covered with (wool, scales, down, etc.)?

What color is all of the above?

The adult finishes the drawing and says:

Here is the creature we have. Let's write a story about him.

Children answer leading questions:

What's his name?

Where does this creature live?

What does it eat?

What does he like to do?

What does he not like to do?

What is his character?

Does he have many friends? Why?

Who are his enemies? Why? etc.

Note. In subsequent lessons, you can invite the children to come up with and draw an unusual creature themselves, and then write a story about it.


Purpose: development of imagination, figurative thinking, artistic taste.

Equipment: two sheets of paper, threads, paints (preferably gouache), brushes (for each child).

An adult shows the children a ball of thread and says that these threads are magical because they can draw pictures. He then offers to take a close look at how it's done. The thread is dipped in paint and placed randomly on a piece of paper. The top is covered with another sheet, the bottom sheet is slightly pressed and the thread is pulled out at one end - an abstract pattern is obtained. Children repeat all the shown operations and get bizarre images. The adult asks the children to give one or more names to the pictures.

Note. If difficulties arise, you can offer to turn or turn over a sheet of paper, come up with a name collectively.


Purpose: development of imagination, figurative thinking, emotional sphere, visual skills.

Equipment: illustrations depicting various mythological creatures;

a sheet of paper, a pencil, an eraser, a set of colored pencils or paints and brushes (for each child).

An adult explains to children what myths are, talks about creatures found in mythology different peoples, shows their images, paying attention to the qualities of character inherent in mythological heroes, Then the children are invited to independently depict and color the mythological characters.

Drawing options:

a) a dragon

c) whale fish;

d) troll;

e) mermaid;

g) centaur;

h) queens of the seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn);

i) master of the wind;

j) the spirit of the earth;

l) the spirit of fire, etc.

Note. If the children are good enough at modeling techniques, then you can invite them to sculpt mythological characters from plasticine.


Purpose: development of imagination, visual skills, activation of thinking and speech.

Equipment: a sheet of paper, a pencil, an eraser, a set of colored pencils or paints and brushes (for each child).

An adult tells the children: “Guys, not a single person can know for sure what will happen tomorrow, in a week, in a month, in a year, and even more so after ten, twenty or more years, that is, in the future. Surely a lot will change, but no one knows how. Let's dream up, try to imagine pictures of the future and draw them.

Drawing options:

a) the car of the future;

b) my dream house (the house they would like to live in in the future);

c) a spaceship

d) a fantastic landscape (Earth in the distant future or an unknown planet to be discovered).

At the end of the drawing, the adult invites the children to demonstrate the drawings and talk about them.


Purpose: development of imagination, figurative thinking, visual skills, artistic taste.

Equipment: a cardboard model of a doll, a sheet of paper, a pencil, an eraser, a set of colored pencils (for each child).

An adult distributes models of dolls to children and says: “Each fashion designer strives to come up with his own collection of clothes, tries to make his models different from the rest. This is not easy, because you need to consider who the clothes are intended for, where they will wear them, what time of the year. Imagine that you work in a fashion house and draw a collection of clothes.

Collection options:

a) summer, vacation and beach;

b) spring - autumn;

c) winter-winter;

d) work is beautiful;

e) Evening Dress, the publication;

e) home clothes;

and) sportswear;

h) school uniform;

i) theatrical costume, etc.


Equipment: a large sheet of paper and a set of colored markers or a board and a set of colored crayons.

The adult offers the first player to think of some kind of image and draw only one element. The second player says what it could be and draws another line. The next one should come up with something else and draw the line in accordance with his plan. This continues until one of the players can no longer change the picture in their own way.

Note. The game can take place without naming your ideas, i.e. silently.


Goal: development of imagination, imaginative thinking, graphic skills.

Equipment: sample pictography;

a sheet of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser (for each child).

An adult says to the children: “Once, a long time ago, people did not know letters and could not write, but they drew stories that they had to keep and remember. This type of recording was called pictography, and it was used in ancient countries - in Egypt and Assyria, Japan and China. We can also leave some story or fairy tale as a memory of ourselves. If instead of letters we use “talking” drawings, then people from different countries will be able to understand us. In order for the drawings to become "talking", they must be very simple and at the same time understandable. See how you can “record” the beginning of a fairy tale with the help of drawings: “Little Red Riding Hood went into the forest and met a wolf.”

An adult draws on the board or shows the children a finished sample.

Children are invited to continue the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood with the help of pictography or to depict what happened to others. fairy tale characters- Kolobok, Pinocchio, Thumbelina, etc.

Note. Once the children have mastered pictographic notation, they can be encouraged to come up with stories, draw them, exchange drawings, and try to “decipher” each other’s notes and tell the content of the stories.


Purpose: development of imagination, figurative thinking, emotional sphere, visual skills.

Equipment: sheet of paper, paints and brushes (for each child).

An adult invites children to come up with and draw something funny - the most fun in the world. He draws attention to the fact that it is possible to depict not only objects: it is quite acceptable various combinations colors and shapes.

At the end of the drawing, the children show their paintings and talk about them.

Note. Similarly, the games “The saddest”, “The kindest”, “The most evil”, “The most beautiful”, “The happiest”, etc. are held.


Purpose: development of imagination, figurative thinking, visual skills.

Equipment: a sheet of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser, paints and brushes or a set of colored plasticine (for each child).

An adult invites children to draw (sculpt from plasticine) something that does not exist in the world.

At the end of the drawing (sculpting), the children alternately demonstrate their work and talk about them. All participants in the game exercise discuss: is it really that what is depicted (sculpted) does not occur in real life.

The child who created the most expressive fantastic image wins.

Purpose: development of imagination, figurative thinking, visual skills.

Equipment: a sheet of paper, a pencil, an eraser, a set of colored pencils or felt-tip pens (for each child).

An adult tells the children what a coat of arms is, and offers to come up with and draw a coat of arms:

a) kindergarten;

b) school (class);

c) cities (villages, villages);

d) his family.

At the end of the drawing, the children alternately demonstrate their work and talk about them.

The winner is the child who, in the opinion of the majority of children, drew the most original and appropriate coat of arms for the given topic.

Note. In case of difficulties, an adult shows the children samples of various coats of arms and emblems.


Purpose: development of imagination, figurative thinking, fine motor skills.

Equipment: sheets of paper, gouache mixed with toothpaste, napkins (for each child).

An adult invites children to paint pictures with paints, but without a brush, that is, with the help of their own fingers.

Types of "paintings":

a) landscape;

b) still life;

c) portrait (or self-portrait);

d) cover or illustration for your favorite book, etc.

At the end of the drawing, the children show the pictures, talk about them.

The winner is the child who, with the help of fingerography, created the most expressive and original image.

1. The game "Colored baskets"

The first game is used with the youngest children and is called Color Baskets.
Purpose of the game: the game is aimed at learning colors by children 2.5-3.5 years old, memorizing the names of primary colors, developing the speech skills of preschoolers, developing observation, memory.
Game progress: children are invited to collect mixed-up objects in baskets, the child draws any card, but he must put it in a basket of the same color, while loudly calling out the color and the object he has chosen.

2. Game "Seabed"

Purpose of the game: development of artistic composition skills, development of speech, logical thinking, memory.

A very common game that can be used not only in art, but also in other educational areas. The seabed (empty) is shown to the children, and it must be said that all the sea inhabitants wanted to play Hide and Seek with us, and in order to find them, you need to guess riddles about them. The one who guessed it hangs the inhabitant on the background. It turns out the finished composition. The teacher motivates children to visual activity. (Good to use with medium and senior groups). In the same way, you can study with children other topics of plot compositions: “Summer Meadow”, “ forest dwellers», « autumn harvest”, “Still life with tea”, etc. You can invite several children to the board and ask them to make different compositions from the same items. This game develops intelligence, reaction, compositional vision.

3. The game "Painted horses"

When consolidating knowledge of folk paintings or when monitoring in the senior and preparatory groups, you can use this simple game.
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the main motives of Russian folk paintings (“Gzhel”, “Gorodets”, “Filimonovo”, “Dymka”), to consolidate the ability to distinguish them from others, to name them correctly, to develop a sense of color.
Game progress: the child needs to determine in which clearing each of the horses will graze, and name the type of applied art, based on which they are painted.

4. The game "Magic Landscape"

One of the most difficult topics is, of course, the study of perspective in a landscape - distant objects seem smaller, near ones more. For this, it is also more convenient to use the game.
The purpose of the game: to teach children to see and convey the properties of spatial perspective in drawings, to develop an eye, memory, and compositional skills.
Game progress: The child needs to arrange trees and houses in pockets in size, in accordance with their prospective remoteness (preparatory group).

Game "Assemble the landscape"

Using the landscape as an example, it is also convenient to develop a sense of composition, knowledge of the phenomena of the surrounding nature. For this, it is convenient to use this didactic game.
The purpose of the game: to form the skills of compositional thinking, to consolidate knowledge of seasonal changes in nature, to consolidate knowledge of the concept of "landscape", to develop observation, memory.
Game progress: the child is invited to make a landscape of a certain season (winter, spring, autumn or winter) from a set of printed pictures, the child must select items that correspond to this particular season, and use their knowledge to build the correct composition.

The game "Spread out and count nesting dolls"

Purpose of the game: to consolidate knowledge about the Russian matryoshka, to develop the ability to distinguish this type of creativity from others, to develop ordinal counting skills, eye, reaction speed.
Game progress: Leaflets with drawn silhouettes of nesting dolls hang on the board, three children are called and they must quickly decompose the nesting dolls into cells and count them.

The game "Matryoshkin sundress"

The purpose of the game: to develop compositional skills, to consolidate children's knowledge about the main elements of painting Russian nesting dolls, to consolidate knowledge of Russian national clothes.
Game progress: There are silhouettes of three nesting dolls drawn on the board, the teacher calls three children in turn, they each choose to dress their nesting doll.

Didactic game for preschoolers "Funny flashcards"

Artwork description: Didactic game "Funny flashcards"
aims to teach children to distinguish colors and understand the names of colors. It can be used in individual work with children, to work with a subgroup and independent activity. This manual It will be useful for children 2-4 years old, teachers and parents.

The didactic game "Funny flakes" is made of waste material(caps from felt-tip pens, lace), cardboard and paper, I copied the faces of felt-tip markers from sites. Children are very fond of playing with small figures with funny kind faces. Therefore, in my game, I made such figures. You, of course, guessed why they are called that.
The manual includes: multi-colored figurines of "flame sticks", planar figurines of flowers, mushrooms, buckets, cardboard cones(houses) corresponding to the color of the figurines of the flashcards.
Purpose: to teach children to distinguish and name colors.

Consolidate knowledge about color, learn to group objects by color
develop in children fine motor skills hands, sensory, visual perception, voluntary attention, logical thinking and speech
To develop the ability to follow the rules of the game. Encourage children to be independent.
Vocabulary: red, yellow, green, blue
Game motivation: In a forest clearing in multi-colored fairy houses flakes live together. They are inquisitive, restless and cheerful.

Game options:

Option one. Consider all flashcards. Highlight them distinctive features. (The bow or hat on the head of each marker is the same color as her dress.) If you wish, you can give the marker a name.

This option can be used as a game "Guess who hid?"
After the child examines the figures, ask him to turn away. Remove or add one figurine of the flashcard and ask the child to guess who hid or who appeared. In the future, when the child remembers the main colors, you can introduce figures of other colors into the game: blue, pink, purple, etc.)

Option two. The ability to distinguish and understand colors, to select objects of the same color.
Each flash card lives in its own cozy house. Consider houses.

The color of the house of each marker corresponds to the color that is present in her outfit.

Settle each flash card in your house (Put the cone house on top of the doll).
But sometimes they like to joke and hide in other people's houses. Check the houses - are all the markers in their places?

If not, then move them to your houses.
Option three. Learn to group objects by color.
A) When mushrooms grow in the forest, flakes go to collect them. Each doll takes a bucket of her own color, in which she collects mushrooms of the same color.

Ask the child:
-What color is your flashcard?
What bucket will she take?
What color mushrooms will she pick?
Help the flakes collect the mushrooms.

B) Flame flakes are very fond of flowers. Help each flash card collect flowers of the same color as itself.

Flames are very kind and caring. They love to do nice things for their girlfriends. Help the flash card collect and give flowers to your friend (the color of the flowers must match the color of the friend).
For this option The game is matched with silhouettes of real flowers in three colors: red, yellow and blue. By examining and collecting these flowers, the child will remember their name and learn to recognize them. Red flowers - poppy, carnation, tulip, rose, kosmeya. Blue flowers- bluebell, cornflower, chicory, forget-me-not, violet. Yellow - mother and stepmother, dandelion, lily, tulip, water lily. Just like mushrooms, you can use simple silhouettes of flowers of different colors (several of each).

Each of these games can be drawn by yourself or made using a computer and a color printer.

Didactic games and exercises in color science.

Didactic game "Scarves and hats"

These bears are going for a walk. They have already tied their scarves, but they have mixed up their hats. Help them figure out where whose hat is. How to find out? Look at the scarves (these are clues). Choose hats according to the color of the scarves. Choose a hat for a bear with a yellow scarf (blue, green ...). Name the colors of the hats in order - from top to bottom: green, yellow ... And now vice versa - from bottom to top - purple, orange ... Remember what color is your hat? Look at the bears and say if they are the same color or different. (This different shades Brown.) Which bear do you like the most?

Didactic game "Colored tea drinking at Masha and Dasha"

Dolls invite girlfriends for tea. Help them set the table. Look: there are many, many dishes, and two dolls. This means that all the dishes must be divided equally into two sets. But not just like that: this is Masha, and this is Dasha. Let's think together how best to distribute the dishes. Are the dishes the same color or different? What color are the dolls' clothes? What dishes are more suitable for a doll with a red bow? (A teapot and cups and saucers with red polka dots, a red sugar bowl with white polka dots and a vase with a red flower.) And what dishes should be selected for the doll in blue? Name what each of the dolls will put on the table for their guests.

Didactic game "What should we finish building the house!"

These houses were built, built, but not completed. And they conceived them so that two colors alternate in each. Finish the houses. What parts need to be placed on top? Find a house with two green cubes at the bottom. What color cube is on top? (Red.) And what cubes were placed later? (Green.) So which cube should be placed on top? Find it in the row on the right. Examine each building (the rest can be closed) and pick up the missing parts. Show a house of orange and green cubes. From yellow and green bricks? Name the colored details from which the rest of the houses were built.

Didactic game "Colorful Clown"

The clown is getting ready to perform. Help him dress up. The clown in clothes is always the opposite. One sleeve is green, and the glove on the same hand is red. The other sleeve is red and the glove on that arm is green. Let's see together. What's on the clown's head? Where is the green cap? What kind of pompom should be sewn to it? (Red.) And what kind of pompom is suitable for a red hat? (Green.) Find the same color on the umbrella. Show me a glove of the same color. Which hand will the clown wear it on? Show and name all red. Where is the red shoe? What leg is the clown putting on? Name the color of the button and find that color on the umbrella.

Didactic game "Delicious" palette"

Name each picture and find its color on the palette. Match all the pairs: lemon - lemon ... (etc.) And now try to guess what other colors can be called. Find a carrot among the pictures and a suitable one on the palette. What is the name of this color? (Orange.) But you can say it in another way - carrot. Show beet color on the palette. Lilac. Olive. If it is difficult, compare with images of fruits, flowers. What would you call plum color? (Purple, or otherwise - plum.) How is yellow different from lemon? (Lemon is a shade of yellow with a touch of green.)

Didactic game "Color nuances"

Sometimes artists write copies of their paintings that completely repeat the original (the first, main work) or have some differences. Compare these still lifes and find 5 differences. At first glance, they seem to be the same. Look at the colors of both paintings, compare all the objects in pairs. And then try to draw your still life from life. Take a vase or pitcher. Put it on the table. Place large, brightly colored fruits side by side. Get away and enjoy. If necessary, move the objects of the still life in search of the most interesting composition. And start drawing, referring to nature. Be careful with color.

Didactic game "The berries are ripe"

Look how the raspberry ripened: at first it was almost white, then it turned slightly pink, and so it gradually ripened - from light pink to raspberry. All stages of raspberry ripening are shown exactly in order from top to bottom. The stages of plum ripening are reversed. Restore the correct order by comparing with raspberries. What plum was first? What shade did she acquire when she was a little ripe? Where is the ripe plum? Compare ripe raspberries and plums. Which one is cold and which one is warm?

Didactic game "Magic colors"
Purpose: in the process of playing, develop children's attention and interest in various colors and shades, a sense of joy when perceiving the beauty of nature.
Material: cards with different colors.
Description of the game: give the children cards with squares of different colors. Then the teacher says a word, for example: birch. Those of the children who have black, white and green squares raise them up.
Then the teacher says next word, for example: a rainbow, and those children whose colors correspond to the colors of the rainbow raise the squares. The task of children is to respond as quickly as possible to the words uttered by the teacher.

Didactic game "Funny colors"

Purpose: to acquaint children with primary and secondary colors, the principles of color mixing.

Material: cards with the image of paint girls, signs "+", "-", "=", paints, brushes, paper, palette.

Game progress: by mixing colors, solve "examples" such as "red + yellow = orange", "green - yellow = blue".

Didactic game "Primary and Composite Colors" (based on the principle of the game "Funny Colors")

Didactic game "Pick the color to the subject"

Purpose: to introduce children 3-4 years old to the color spectrum, to exercise the ability to correlate color cards with the color of an object.

Materials: cards with different colors, cards with the image of objects.

Game progress. Children take one color card, each child must choose from the proposed pictures the image of the object that matches its color.

Didactic game "What colors are in the picture"

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to identify colors in a picture.

Material: Colored applications, a tablet with pockets (8 pcs.), Cards with different colors.

Game progress: the child is offered a color application and a set of color cards, he needs to put cards on the tablet with the colors that are present in the application.

Didactic game "Caterpillars"

Target. Exercise children in determining warm or cold colors, in the ability to arrange colors in shades from light to dark, and vice versa.

Material: colored circles of warm and cold colors, the image of a caterpillar's head.

Game progress. Children are invited from the proposed circles to make a caterpillar of cold colors (warm) or a caterpillar with a light muzzle and a dark tail (dark muzzle and light tail).

Exercises for the development of shaping movements using stencils, templates, planar figures.

Didactic game "Clubs"

Purpose: to develop in children the ability to perform circular motions when drawing a ball in a closed circle based on visual control and with closed eyes.

Course progress. The teacher invites the children to look at the panel on which the kitten plays with balls of thread that he unwound. Then he invites the children to collect the threads into a ball and shows how the threads are collected into a ball, imitating the winding of threads into a ball with the movements of a pencil.

Periodically, the teacher invites the children to close their eyes and perform movements with their eyes closed.

In order for children to show interest in work, you can give them the opportunity to draw a lot of balls, arrange a competition: who will draw more balls.

Didactic game "Pick a toy for the image"

Purpose of the game: to teach children the visual analysis of the silhouette and shape of a real object. Exercise vision in highlighting the form in a planar image and a three-dimensional object.

Game progress. Children are given cards with silhouette images. On the tray are voluminous objects: toys, construction material. The teacher suggests placing an object of the appropriate shape under each silhouette.

The one who fills all the cells first wins.

The game options are varied. For example, the picture shows real objects, children select silhouette images cut out of cardboard and put them on real pictures.

Formation of methods of comparison, analysis of objects and their images is effective technique enrichment of subject representations. This is facilitated by games such as "Simpose an object on its image", "Compose an object from parts", "Find the same object", "Find the same half of the object, image".

At the same time, it is important to take into account the individual distinctive capabilities of vision. With low visual acuity and lack of image perception skills, it is better to start comparing the object with its real, color image, and then you can proceed to comparing the object with the silhouette image.

Didactic exercise"Let's draw how the plates are arranged on the table"

Purpose: to exercise children in drawing rounded and oval shapes, to develop the ability to distinguish objects in size from large to small.

To perform the exercise, children are given stencils with slots of three circles of different sizes and slots of three ovals located between the circles. The ovals are also of different sizes, handles are attached to them.

Course progress. The teacher says: “Children, three bears came to visit us. Let's feed them. For this we need utensils: plates and spoons.” The teacher shows the children stencils and offers to trace circles and ovals, and then draw pens to the ovals to make a spoon.

After completing the task, the bears, together with the children, watch how all the work is done, compare it with the real serving on the table, where the plates and spoons are located. Here you can specify on which side of the plate the spoon is located.

Didactic exercise "Decorate objects"

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to fill a limited space in accordance with a given shape of objects.

Course progress. The teacher offers children stencils with slots in the shape of various objects: dresses, hats, towels, handkerchiefs, cups, scarves, etc.

Then the children paint the given space with color images. Depending on the level of development of visual skills, the complexity of the contours of objects is determined individually for each child: one paints a towel, the other - a dress.

Such exercises enrich children's impressions of the shape of real objects, teach them to notice what they have in common, in particular, that all objects are painted with colored stripes, they are all different (dishes, clothes, linen, etc.). This is how children develop the ability to generalize objects according to one similar feature, regardless of their functional purpose.

Didactic game "Assemble the animal from the figures"

Purpose: to exercise children in drawing up figures of various animals (human) from prepared templates of round and oval shapes.

Materials: patterns of parts of different animals.

Game progress. Collect the animal from the proposed parts, name what the animal turned out to be, name what figures it consists of, what these figures depict (head, torso, paws, tail, ears).

Didactic game "Symmetrical objects (jugs, vases, pots)"

Purpose: to consolidate with children the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsymmetric objects, acquaintance with the profession of a potter.

Materials: templates for jugs and vases, cut along the axis of symmetry.

Game progress. The potter broke all the pots and vases he had made to sell at the fair. All fragments are mixed. It is necessary to help the potter to collect and "glue" all his products.

Decorative and applied art

Didactic game "Find the extra"

Didactic tasks: to learn to find objects of a certain craft among those offered; develop attention, observation, speech - evidence.

Material: 3-4 products (or cards with their image) of one trade and one - of any other. Game rules: the winner is the one who quickly and correctly finds the extra product, i.e. unlike others, and will be able to explain his choice. Game progress: 4-5 items are displayed. It is necessary to find an extra one and explain why, to which industry it belongs, what is characteristic of it. Options: the game can have a permanent host. The player who answers correctly receives a chip (token). The winner will be the one who collects the most tokens.

Didactic game "What has changed"

Didactic tasks: to consolidate the idea of ​​​​any painting, develop observation, attention, memory and speed of reaction, teach to analyze, find differences in the patterns of different objects and be able to explain them.

Material: objects of different crafts. Game rules: the player who first noticed the change must quickly raise his hand to answer, correctly determine what has changed. If the answer is correct, he becomes the leader. Game progress: the teacher (or leader) puts five objects of various paintings in front of the players. After carefully examining them, remembering the location, the players turn away. The facilitator swaps items and removes any. The task of the players is to guess what has changed. If the problem is solved, another leader is selected, the game continues. Options: Players can not only name new item or the one that removed the presenter, but also describe it.

Didactic game "Learn the elements of the pattern"

Didactic tasks: to clarify and consolidate the idea of ​​the main elements of any painting, to teach to isolate individual elements of the pattern, to develop observation, attention, memory and speed of reaction, to arouse interest in painting. Material: large cards, decorated with some kind of painting, in the lower part of which there are three or four free windows. Small cards with individual elements of the pattern, including painting options that differ in color and details. Game rules: determine which of the proposed cards depicting mural elements fit the pattern elements of the main card.

Game progress: having received a large card and several small ones, having carefully examined them, the players choose those elements that are found in the pattern and put them in empty windows. The facilitator monitors the correct execution of the task.

Didactic game "Make a pattern"

Didactic tasks: to learn to make decorative compositions - to arrange elements, selecting them by color - on various silhouettes in the style of a certain craft, to develop a sense of symmetry, rhythm, observation, creativity. Material: planar images of various objects; mural elements cut along the contour; patterns of patterned silhouettes. Game rules: make a pattern on the selected silhouette from individual elements in accordance with the rules and traditions of this painting. Game progress: one child or a group can take part in the game. The silhouettes of objects to be decorated are chosen by the players at will. Having chosen the required number of elements, they make up a pattern. The player can perform the work by copying the pattern of samples or inventing his own composition.

Didactic game " Split pictures»

Didactic tasks: to consolidate knowledge about the expressive means used in different crafts, to exercise in compiling a whole picture from separate parts, to develop attention, concentration, the desire to achieve results, observation, creativity, to arouse interest in objects of decorative art. Material: two identical planar images of various objects, one of which is cut into pieces. Game rules: quickly compose a product from separate parts in accordance with the sample. Game progress: one child or a group can take part in the game. The teacher shows samples, gives the opportunity to carefully examine them. At the signal of an adult, the players assemble an image of a product from parts. The one who completes the task first wins.

Didactic game "Make a Khokhloma pattern"

Didactic tasks: to consolidate the ability of children to make Khokhloma patterns using the application method. Fix the names of the elements of the painting: "sedges", "blades of grass", "trefoils", "droplets", "kriul". Maintain interest in the Khokhloma craft. Material: stencils of dishes of Khokhloma artists made of yellow, red, black paper, a set of elements of Khokhloma painting. Game rules: children are offered a set of elements of Khokhloma painting, from which they must lay out a pattern on a stencil of dishes using the applique method.

Didactic game "Gorodets patterns"

Didactic tasks: to consolidate the ability of children to make Gorodets patterns, to recognize the elements of painting, to remember the order in which the pattern is made, to independently select the color and shade for it. Develop imagination, the ability to use the knowledge gained to compose a composition. Material: stencils of Gorodets yellow paper products (chopping boards, dishes, etc.), a set of elements of Gorodets painting (paper stencils). Game rules: children are offered a set of plant elements and figures of a horse and a bird. They must lay out the pattern on the stencil using the applique method.

Didactic game "Artistic clock"

Didactic tasks: to consolidate children's knowledge of folk art crafts, the ability to find the right craft among others and justify their choice. Material: a tablet in the form of a clock (instead of numbers, pictures depicting various crafts are pasted). Cubes and chips. Game rules: the player rolls the die and counts how many points he has. Counts the required amount with an arrow (the countdown starts from the top, in the picture instead of the number 12). You need to tell about the fishery pointed to by the arrow. For the correct answer - a chip. The one with the most chips wins.

Didactic game "Decorate the tray"

Didactic tasks: to consolidate knowledge about the Zhostovo painting - its color, constituent elements; learn to arrange the pattern; develop a sense of rhythm, composition; develop an aesthetic attitude folk art. Material: tray stencils different shapes, cut out of cardboard, various flowers, molding in size, shape, color. Game rule: take one element at a time. game action: by selecting a tray of a certain shape, arrange the pattern.

Didactic game "From what painting is the bird"

Material: images of birds of Gorodets, Khokhloma, Dymkovo, Gzhel crafts.

Game action: name the type of applied art, find birds of unknown types of painting and not related to arts and crafts.

Didactic game "Help Dunno"

Didactic tasks: consolidation of knowledge about the arts and crafts of the Russian people.

Material: pictures various kinds decorative and applied arts.

Game action: determine what type of folk craft the image belongs to, prove by naming the features of a particular painting.

Genres of painting

Didactic game "Artists-restorers".

Option 1.

Children from separate pieces to the music (“Song of the Pictures”, lyrics by A. Kushner, music by G. Gladkov) restore the picture. At the end of the work, its genre is called. The colored cards earned by each child are counted and the number of points scored is recorded on a blank sheet with the child's name. (The points earned by the child will help the educator in diagnosing knowledge and skills in visual activity.)

Option 2.

Pictures must be carefully stored, so museums always maintain a certain temperature and humidity, and the windows are closed from bright lights. sun rays. But over time, cracks may appear in the paintings, pieces may even break off from them. Help restore this still life. Find the right pieces. What is still life? What do you see in this still life?

Didactic game "Choose a word"
Purpose: to develop the ability to select the right words to the picture
Material: a reproduction of a painting.
Game description: It often happens that you really like a picture, but it's hard to tell about it, it's hard to find the right words. The teacher calls 2-3 words, and the children choose one of them that is most suitable for this picture, and explain their choice.
For example, the painting by I. Mashkov “Moscow food. Breads»
loud - loud - quiet
Sonorous. There are very bright, sonorous colors. Their voice is not sonorous, though loud. Rather, it is thick, like the aroma of all these breads.
Spacious - cramped
Close. There are so many things here. Of course they are tight.
Joyful - sad
Joyful. There is abundance here! And all this food is so beautiful, elegant, as if on a holiday, as if buns and loaves are showing off to each other, which of them is better.
Light - heavy.
Heavy. There are a lot of things here. The loaves are big and heavy. And around - lush buns, pies. Everything together looks like something dense, heavy. How does the table hold up?

Didactic game "Define or find a genre (portrait, landscape, still life)"

Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about different genres of painting: landscape, portrait, still life.
Material: art reproductions.
Description of the game: 1 option. The teacher suggests looking carefully at the pictures and putting pictures depicting only a still life (or only a portrait, landscape) in the center of the table, putting the others aside.
Option 2. Each child has a reproduction of a painting, who depicts a landscape, who has a portrait or still life. The teacher makes riddles, and the children must show answers using reproductions of paintings.

If you see in the picture
The river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds
Or a snowfield
Or a field and a hut,
Be sure to picture
It is called ... (landscape)

If you see in the picture
A cup of coffee on the table
Or juice in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal
Or a bronze vase
Or a pear, or a cake,
Or all items at once,
Know what it is ... (still life)

If you see what's in the picture
Someone looks at us -
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or a climber in a robe,
Pilot, or ballerina,
Or Kolya, your neighbor,
Be sure to picture
It is called ... (portrait).

Didactic game "Compose a still life"
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the genre of still life, to teach how to compose a composition according to one’s own plan, according to a given plot (festive, with fruits and flowers, with dishes and vegetables, etc.)
Material: a variety of pictures depicting flowers, dishes, vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms or real objects (dishes, fabrics, flowers, models of fruits, vegetables, decorative items)
Description of the game: the teacher invites the children to compose a composition from the proposed pictures, or compose a composition on the table from real objects, using various fabrics for the background.

Didactic game "Fix the mistake"
Purpose: to teach children to listen and look carefully, detect and correct mistakes.
Material: painting reproductions.
Description of the game: the teacher in the art history story describes the content of the work and the means of expression used by the artist, explains what mood the artist wanted to convey in his work, but at the same time deliberately makes a mistake in describing the picture. Before the start of the game, the children are given the installation - to watch and listen carefully, as a mistake will be made in the story.
Rules. Listen and look carefully, detect and correct mistakes. The winner is the one who found the most errors and corrected them correctly. He also gets the right to be the leader in the game - to compose an art history story based on another work.
An exemplary art history story of the educator (with deliberately made mistakes) based on the painting “Haymaking” by A.A. Plastova:
“In front of you is a reproduction of A.A. Plastov "Summer" (error in the title). She talks about how on a hot, clear day on a meadow covered with green, emerald grass (there is no description of flowers), mowers came out - old men and women (there is no image of a teenager in the description). The most important and beautiful thing in this picture is the white-trunked birches, they are painted in the center of the picture (an erroneous description of the compositional center). The work conveys peace and quiet joy. For this, the artist uses bright, rich colors: yellow, green, blue, red.

Didactic game "Guess the picture" (word game)
Purpose: to teach children to find a picture according to a verbal description.
Material: painting reproduction.
Game description:
1 option. The teacher describes a picture of an artist without naming it
and without telling what colors the artist used. For example: “There is a girl sitting at the table in the room. She has a dreamy face. There are fruits on the table. It's a summer day outside." Children tell what colors and shades depict everything that the teacher told about. Then the teacher shows a reproduction of the picture to the children. The one whose answer is closest to the truth wins.
Option 2. To the music, the teacher describes in detail any landscape. Then he shows the children reproductions of paintings of different landscapes, among which is the one he described. Children must recognize the landscape from the description and explain their choice.

Didactic game "What the landscape consists of"
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the landscape genre, its distinctive and integral features and parts.
Material: a variety of pictures depicting elements of live and inanimate nature, subject, etc.
Description of the game: the teacher offers the children a variety of pictures. Children should select only those pictures that depict elements inherent in the landscape genre, justifying their choice.
Didactic game "Find a flaw in the portrait"
Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the constituent parts of the face: forehead, hair, eyebrows, eyelids, eyelashes, eyes, pupil, nose, nostrils, cheeks, cheekbones, mouth, lips, chin, ears.
Material: 10 cards with the image of one person with different shortcomings.
Description of the game: the teacher invites the children to look at the picture and identify the missing parts of the face in the picture and tell what function they perform.

Didactic game "Assemble the landscape"
Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the constituent elements of the landscape, about the signs of the seasons, to teach how to compose a composition according to one's own plan, according to a given plot (autumn, summer, spring, winter).
Material: Colored images of trees, flowers, herbs, mushrooms, etc., reflecting the seasonal changes in nature.
Description of the game: with the help of color images, children need to compose a landscape according to their own design or according to a plot given by the teacher.

Didactic game "Perspective"

Purpose: to give children knowledge about perspective, horizon line, distance and approach of objects in the foreground and background of the picture.
Material: a picture plane with the image of the sky and the earth and a clear horizon line. Silhouettes of trees, houses, clouds, mountains of different sizes (small, medium, large)
Description of the game: children are invited to decompose the silhouettes on the picture plane, taking into account the perspective.

Didactic game "What does a still life consist of"
Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the genre of still life, features of the image, constituent elements. To consolidate knowledge about the objective world, its purpose and classification.
Material: a variety of pictures depicting objects, flowers, berries, mushrooms, animals, nature, clothes, etc.
Description of the game: among the various pictures, children need to select only those that depict elements that are unique to the still life genre.

Didactic game "Make a portrait"
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the portrait genre. Learn to correctly navigate the location of different parts of the face in color and shape.
Material: various modifications of parts of the face in color and shape.
Description of the game: children are invited to make a portrait of a boy or a girl from different parts of the face.
You can use riddles in the game:

Between two luminaries Do not sow, do not plant,
I am alone in the middle. They grow up on their own. (Nose) (Hair)

Red doors in my cave

White animals sit at the door.
And meat, and bread - all my booty -
I gladly give to the white beasts. (lips, teeth)

One speaks, two look,

Two are listening. (tongue, eyes, ears)

My brother lives behind the mountain
Can't meet me. (Eyes)

Didactic game "Seasons"
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the seasonal changes in nature, about the colors inherent in a particular season.
Material: Reproductions of paintings with landscapes, audio recording by P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons"
Description of the game: various reproductions of paintings are hung on the wall, the teacher invites the children to select those that tell about one season.
You can use the audio recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" in the game
literary texts about the seasons.


"What can be..."

Purpose: to teach to come up with new uses for familiar objects.

The teacher distributes sticks, buttons, tubes, rings, etc. to the children. The children complete the task.

"Portrait of buttons"

Purpose: to learn how to make appliqués from buttons. The teacher tells the children that you can create a portrait different means: paint, straws, plasticine, scraps of fabric, shows buttons and offers each child a portrait to copy using buttons.


Purpose: development of imagination, figurative thinking.

Equipment: plasticine, toothpicks, cotton wool, color. paper etc. .

Game progress: an adult offers the first player to think of some object and make only one element from the proposed materials. The second player says what it can be and adds his element. The next one should come up with something different and add an element according to their idea. This continues until one of the players can no longer change the craft in their own way. The child who made the last change wins.

"Unusual Pictures"

Purpose: development of imagination, figurative thinking, fine motor skills.

Equipment: tray, buttons, paper clips, bottle caps, bottles, natural material: straws, cone flakes, shells, small pebbles, dried flowers, leaves, plant seeds, cardboard sheet.

Game progress: material is laid out on a tray. An adult offers to create unusual paintings, and their creation requires not pencils and paints, but what lies on the tray. Imagine the picture you want to get. Sketch it out on a piece of paper. With the help of an adult, attach to the cardboard.

"Magic blots"

Before the game, several blots are made: a little ink or ink is poured into the middle of the sheet and the sheet is folded in half. Then the sheet is unfolded and now you can play. Participants take turns talking. What subject images do they see in a blot or its individual parts.

Whoever names the most items wins.

"Fantastic Hypotheses"

Purpose: to develop creative imagination and theoretical thinking. What would happen if ... (the city could fly, the clock was running backwards, etc.)?

"Extraordinary Flight"

Purpose: to develop imagination.

Teacher. Imagine that there is a flying carpet in the group. He will take you where you want to go. Where would you like to fly? Why? Children answer.

"Fairy Tales"

Purpose: to teach how to use elements of animism (“animation” of objects).

The teacher invites the children to think and say who the tablespoon and teaspoon look like (mother and daughter, grandmother and granddaughter, etc.), come up with fairy tales that might happen to them.

"Artist at the Zoo"

Teacher. Two wizards, Divide and Connect, visited the zoo. The first wizard comes and separates everything. The second one is very scattered, so it connects everything at random. Imagine what happened after that at the zoo, and depict with the help of details. Children perform.

"Fairy Bird"

Objectives: to exercise in the transfer of the shape and location of parts of the bird; develop fantasy.

The teacher distributes to children 8-10 ovals of different sizes, shapes and colors; separate parts of birds (of different shapes, sizes and colors). Children invent and compose their own fairy-tale bird.

"Magic Glasses"

Purpose: to develop the action of correlation in form.

The teacher asks the children to imagine what they are wearing. magic glasses that can change their shape. For example, glasses have become round and only round things can be seen through them. Children look around and name all the round objects in the room. Then they close their eyes and imagine that they went out into the street wearing these glasses. They need to name five items round shape that they will meet.

"Name the Difference"

Purpose: to find similarities and differences when comparing objects.

The teacher asks how a wardrobe, a tape recorder, a book, a bell, an airplane differ from a TV, a dog, a car, a pencil, a bird.

"Fun Competition"

Purpose: to teach how to create many from one.

The teacher distributes matrix sheets to the children, which depict different figures and reports that with the help of pencils or felt-tip pens they can be turned into some object, animal, plant or part of them. Each child must complete all the sheets with different images.

"Unfinished Story"

Purpose: to teach to concretize (revive) schematic images.

The teacher places an object in front of each child (a spool of thread, a plastic spoon, a tree twig, a dried flower, etc.) and asks them to add other details to create a complete object or plot.

"Create a Pattern"

Purpose: to teach how to model a holistic image based on a detail, part, scheme.

The teacher lays out three rows of objects: the first is beans, the second is peas, the third is watermelon seeds. Children must connect the objects in each row so that a beautiful and interesting pattern is obtained.

"Composing Images of Objects"

Purpose: to develop creative abilities when designing using geometric shapes.

The teacher distributes to the children geometric figures, and offers to lay out the named objects from them, for example: a clown, a house, a cat, a car, etc.

"Invent Animal"

Purpose: to teach how to combine different details when creating a new image.

The teacher invites the children to create an unusual creature from the available details (figures, clippings from books, etc. can be offered).

"Patchwork Quilt"

Purpose: to teach to express content using limited graphic means.

The teacher distributes a paper blanket to each child and suggests using one pencil to color it so that there are no identical flaps.

"Picture of Holes"

The teacher says that if you pierce a sheet of paper with a needle many times, you will get many holes. But if you pierce the paper in a certain sequence, you can get a whole picture. The teacher offers to “draw” with a needle on paper an ordinary piece of paper (a car, the sun, etc.).

"Plucked Portrait"

Purpose: to develop creativity when drawing in non-standard ways.

Teacher. If you take a sheet of white paper and pinch off small pieces from it for a long time, after a few minutes a figure of an indefinite shape with plucked edges will remain in your hands. But if you pinch off the pieces thoughtfully in advance, you can get interesting objects. Try to do it. Children perform.

"Mystery clouds"

Purpose: to teach to find images of objects in a material with fuzzy shapes.

The teacher talks about how interesting it is to watch clouds floating across the sky in summer. Clouds can look like different animals, human faces, etc. Then he shows the pictures with clouds one by one and asks the children to name more options their similarities with objects, animals, plants, figures of people.


Purpose: to teach how to create images through the objectification of conventional symbols.

Children look at cards with conditional images of objects and make suggestions about what it could be.

"Favorite toy"

Purpose: to develop the ability to transform an object using the technique of accentuation.

The teacher invites the children to draw their favorite toy, think and tell what can be done to make it more funny and funny.

"Vice versa"

Purpose: to teach how to create new images using the technique of hyperbolization.

The teacher gives the children the task to change objects (for example, a table, cups, a wardrobe, a dress, etc.), making the small big, and vice versa, and think about what will happen then.

"Fantastic Animal"

Purpose: to develop the ability to transform an object.

The teacher distributes drawings with different animals to the children. How can you change a drawing to make it unusual and fun?

"Letters in pictures"

Purpose: to develop the ability to convert graphic symbols.

The teacher says that all the letters look like something. For example, the letter "g" looks like a crane, "o" - a lifebuoy. Invites children to draw those objects that they look like different letters: w, p, x, z.

"Fix the mistake"

Purpose: to teach to see the discrepancy between the signs of familiar objects shown in the figure.

The teacher shows the children pictures: a red chicken is pecking at a carrot; the bear cub is depicted with the ears of a hare, etc. Children correct mistakes.

"Double Image"

Purpose: to teach to see the image in the picture.

Children are invited to paint one part of a dense sheet with paint, then fold the sheet in half, press and open. It turns out a double image, which must be completed before any object.

"Pebbles on the Shore"

Purpose: to create in the imagination an image on a given topic.

The teacher shows the children a picture and says that a magical shore is drawn on it. A magician walked along this bank and turned everything that was on it into pebbles. He asks the children to guess and complete them with various details, to tell what happened on the shore.

"Circle your palm and revive"

Purpose: to promote the creation of images in the imagination based on a schematic representation of an object.

Children independently circle on a piece of paper left hand. The teacher offers to turn the silhouette into some kind of figure. Sheet with a silhouette can be rotated as you like

Creative exercise "Night conversation of toys"

Invite the children to come up with what toys could talk about at night (in the evening, when the children left the kindergarten): how children play with them, treat them carefully, or organize the play corner, etc.

Creative exercise "Cabinet Life"

Children are invited to consider a picture that shows a cabinet (chair, bucket, spoon, etc.).

Children get into groups and answer the question:

What is the closet made of?

Can the closet change mood?

Can the closet hurt?

Is it possible to take closets as friends?

What does a closet feel like when it's being cleaned or repaired?

Which member of the family does the closet love the most?

Remember the closet of the master who made it?

These questions can be asked about anything.

Then the children come up with a fairy tale about things (how the closet made friends with a new dress or how a cup (plate) quarreled with a spoon, etc.).

Creative exercise "Who has what character?"

Give the children pictures of various objects and invite them to describe the nature of these objects, for example: the nature of a hammer, a bed, a pillow, a pencil. Compare and discuss descriptions of children. Have a conversation with the children about how the nature of various objects can change depending on who they serve and who holds them in their hands.

The second version of this exercise: invite children to describe the work of a sad or cheerful hammer, an executive or lazy saw, a proud or modest pencil, an attentive or inattentive notebook, etc.

Creative task "Choose words for the picture"

Children are offered with the help of adjectives, words - comparisons, verbs to come up with a "compliment" to the picture.

Creative exercise "Know the bird"

Children receive cards with images of various birds. They are asked to consider:

What is the nature of this or that bird?

What people, flowers, trees, animals is this bird friends with?

Who are the enemies?

What is she singing about?

From what and how does he build a nest?

What does she like to do the most?

Children are warned that their answers can be fabulous.

Creative exercise "Domestic and wild animals"

Children are combined into two groups - "wild animals" and "pets". Groups should come up with and after a while talk about the difficulties and advantages of their lives. The group with the most creative and interesting story wins. Children can do this exercise individually.

Creative exercise "Guess who I am"

The teacher gives the children cards with drawings of different animals. Children take one picture for themselves, then show the children with movements, the animal is shown in the picture. The other children need to know who the child is impersonating. You can invite children to show their favorite animals.

Game "Good-bad" or "Chain of contradictions".

Purpose: development of creative imagination through the search for contradictions.

The teacher starts - "A" is good, because "B". The child continues - "B" is bad, because "C". The next one says - "V" is good, because "G", etc.

Example: walking is good because the sun is shining. The sun is shining - bad, because it's hot. Hot is good because it's summer, etc.