Development of kittens by weeks. Stages and important indicators of the correct development of kittens by week

February 23

Do you know the age of your kitten? Surely you know! Although there are less fortunate owners in life, to whom pets fell like snow on their heads, and they have no idea how many months the animal is. In principle, what difference does it make how many weeks a kitten is when it is loved and cherished?

In fact, such knowledge will not be superfluous, for example, for the organization of proper nutrition, the learning process. In the end, the cottage directly depends on the age medicines(for example, some are contraindicated in kittens under 3 weeks old) and. In addition, developmental delay can be used to judge possible diseases.

So, let's start describing the stages of development of kittens by weeks.

First week of life

Newborn kittens sleep and eat all the time.

Kittens are born blind, deaf, but with an already developed sense of smell - the baby is able to smell the mother at a distance of up to half a meter. The weight at birth is no more than 100 grams, the length is up to 10 cm. The wool is thin, thermoregulation is poorly developed, so they need the presence of a mother who will warm them. The backbone is fragile and the kittens require careful attitude, it is better not to squeeze them at all and not to pick them up.

Newborn babies sleep and eat almost all the time - good sleep will help proper formation nervous system. They don’t know how to do it on their own - the cat mother helps them by licking their genitals.

By the age of three, the umbilical cord falls off, on the fifth day the kitten begins to hear sounds. The baby does not know how to stand on its paws, but it is quite capable of crawling over short distances in search of its mother's nipple.

Second week of life

The weight of the kitten doubles, the baby hears much better, but still it is difficult to determine the source of the sound.

By the end of the second week, the eyes erupt: they are cloudy, blue and covered with a film, so the baby sees as if in a fog: only the outlines of objects.

The wool is gaining, it becomes thicker, the undercoat appears, and the kitten can already regulate the heat transfer by itself, but still it is worth worrying about a warm nest for him and the mother cat.

The baby is still crawling - he will make attempts to get up and take the first steps closer to the age of one month. The periods of wakefulness increase.

third week of life

The kitten is getting heavier, he already knows how to see, but his eyesight is still not so sharp, so he often stumbles upon objects. The paws are still unstable, attempts to get up end in failure. The baby is highly dependent on the care of the mother, but is quite capable of surviving with the help of a person if the mother goes somewhere. The first teeth erupt.

Fourth week

By the end of the first month of life, the kitten already has milk teeth - it's time to introduce complementary foods and start drinking water. A kitten at this age is quite socialized, enjoys playing with his brothers or sisters, repeats the behavior of his mother.

He still does not know how to run fast, but he walks with an independent and full of confidence look, although he sometimes drifts around corners.

It's time to think about the tray. It is placed next to the nest so that the kitten begins to get used to it.

By the end of the first month of life, you can play with a kitten, take it in your arms, stroke it more often - simple manipulations will help the baby get used to the person and make him tame faster. Do not forget about helminthization: now is the time for it.

Fifth week of life

At this age, babies are often weaned from their mother, although it would be worth waiting another couple of weeks for the cub to learn good manners. The kitten is gradually transferred to special food or natural solid food. Breastfeeding is reduced to a minimum, and the mother cat is no longer in a hurry to her babies at the first hungry call, but prefers to feed them only at night.

Babies still sleep a lot, but physical activity increases: small pets play with pleasure, run around the rooms, which makes households be careful. You should always look under your feet so as not to inadvertently crush the tomboy.

The color of the eyes also changes, from dull blue they acquire their natural natural shade, a complete change of color will occur by the age of one.

The coat is also transformed: the undercoat grows, the pattern appears, the lines become clear.

sixth to eighth week

By the age of one and a half months, a kitten, like a real adult animal, knows how to wash, hunt, go to the tray, if it is accustomed to this, eat solid food.

It is still too early to wean the baby from the mother, who will teach him all the wisdom of a cat's life.

The little pet has already learned to release its sharp claws, so it's time to think about the scratching post.

The eyes are clear, the vision is sharp, the movement is coordinated and precise, but the clumsiness of a child is still visible.

You need to feed the kitten 5 times a day, the food should be as varied as possible. At the same age, the kitten is shown to the veterinarian to examine the baby and draw up a schedule of vaccinations.

Two month

The kitten does not need mother's milk, sucks it out of habit and for the sake of its own comfort. He already knows how to rumble. Physical and mental activity go wild. Curiosity knows no bounds, so safety is at the forefront of everything: close all windows and balcony doors, hide small objects and toys.

Three months

At the age of three months, the kitten already knows its name.

A fully formed personality with its own disposition and character, it is almost useless to re-educate a baby. A three-month-old baby calmly navigates the apartment, knows where the bowl, tray is, responds to his name and the call of the owner. It's time to give it to new owners.

Age four to seven months

By this time, growth slows down, weight and size depends on the breed. The baby is alert and active, as in more early age, but the habits are more like an adult, sedate animal. The four-month-old kitten is still the same cute and cute, but it hardly resembles that harmless fluffy lump that it used to be.

In case of danger, he knows how to stand up for himself. The change of milk teeth to permanent ones begins.

Five to six months is adolescence. From a cute round creature, the baby turns into a lanky, awkward, poorly formed creature: he is no longer a child, but he can grow and grow up to an adult cat.

At seven months, most individuals enter the stage of puberty: cats begin to mark their territory, females may have their first estrus (although this is not necessary, much depends on the breed and individual characteristics organism).

Eight months to a year

It is difficult to call a cat at this age a kitten - it is already a fully formed animal capable of reproduction. Despite this, it is undesirable to mate pets: they only look like adults, but they cannot give full-fledged offspring.

Motor activity is reduced, but this does not mean that a cat or a cat sits on the couch all day: they will find time for both games and relaxation.

Weight gain slows down, by the year growth stops altogether, although the body will grow stronger and form even before two and a half years. Closer to the first birthday, the kitten is gradually transferred to adult food.

Watching the development of a kitten is always interesting and an exciting activity. Watching a baby grow and develop is an incomparable pleasure. Love your pets and they will love you back!


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A special role in the development of a kitten is played by a period of active growth and weight gain. Determining the weight of a kitten at each stage of its development is necessary in order to notice deviations in the direction of underweight or overweight in time, and take action. In order to control the weight of a kitten by months, you can use a special table.

It is based on the average increase for each month in the period from 1 to 12. However, when using the data in the table, it should be borne in mind that the weight of different breeds at the same age may be slightly different. For example, Maine Coon cubs already weigh significantly more at birth than British breed cubs. Also, several other factors affect the weight and size of a kitten:

  • Floor. At birth, boys and girls usually do not differ much in weight, but after a few months this difference becomes noticeable;
  • The number of individuals in the litter. It is known that the more individuals were born in one litter, the greater the deviation they have towards underweight from the average statistical norm;
  • Proper nutrition of a cat during the period of gestation and feeding. If during pregnancy and feeding the cat received all the substances necessary for her body, then the probability of harmoniously developing offspring becomes higher;
  • A balanced diet for a baby after weaning it from a cat is one of the most significant in terms of the degree of influence on normal weight kitten factors;
  • Animal health status. Violation of the general state of health can adversely affect the development of the individual and normal set weight.

Kitten weight at birth

A newly born kitten usually weighs no more than 120 grams. At this age, he still does not see anything and practically does not move. The main task of the baby is to eat, sleep and grow. In this mode, he adds 10 to 15 grams per day.

After about a week, the eyes of the babies open, they react to sounds and extraneous odors, and begin to show more activity in movements. Thanks to enhanced nutrition, they already weigh 200-250 grams and become more mobile every day.

By the end of the fourth week, the kittens are already actively playing and moving freely throughout the territory allotted to them. At this time, the kitten should weigh 300-500 grams.

Approximate weight in the first four weeks looks like this:

  • A newly born cat weighs between 70 and 130g
  • At the age of 3-6 days - from 85 to 200g
  • At the age of 1 week - from 140 to 285g
  • At two weeks of age - from 225 to 400g
  • At the age of 3 weeks - from 285 to 500g

by the most active period development of a kitten and maximum weight gain, the period from 1 to 6 months is considered, when babies gradually move from milk feeding to more varied foods. The weight of a kitten in the first half of the year is as follows:

At 1 month old, it already weighs from 500 to 700 grams, actively moves, can drink water on its own and try dairy products. At this stage, preparations begin for the transition from sucking milk to self-feeding.

A kitten at 2 months already begins to behave like an adult. During this period, the cat is less and less likely to feed the kittens with milk, as they are fully mature in order to eat on their own. It is at this age that breeders recommend transferring babies into the hands of new owners in order to start instilling rules of behavior in the new home as early as possible. Weight in 2 months reaches 1000-1400 grams.

How much should a 3 month old kitten weigh? It is recommended to feed the pet during this period at least 5 times a day, offering each time a fresh portion of food. Also at this age, it is desirable to decide how you plan to feed the animal, natural or industrial feed. If the baby develops harmoniously, then its weight is approximately 1700-2300 grams.

A kitten at 4 months old is already able to lead a completely independent lifestyle, eat solid food, go to the tray, and contact other pets. Average weight a four-month-old cat should be in the range of 2500-3600 grams.

At the age of five months, kittens undergo small changes in their diet. They continue to lead an active lifestyle, but now the breaks in food are getting longer, and the mass of one portion eaten is greater. In this regard, individuals of some breeds may experience jumps body weight in either direction. The usual weight of a kitten at 5 months is 2900-3900 grams.

Kitten from 6 months to a year

By six months, the kitten already looks like an adult cat and is sexually mature. The growth rate of the animal slows down slightly, and kittens of some breeds even reach maximum values. At the age of 6 months, cats may begin their first molt, but their physique cannot yet be called formed, since the period of muscle growth has not yet been completed. Average weight six months old baby is 3200-4100 grams.

In the period from six months to a year, the kitten gradually gains 100-150 grams in weight every month, and by the year it is approximately 4500-7500 grams.

In this age muscle mass already finally formed, and several other factors begin to affect the state of the cat's weight:

  • Balanced diet. If a kitten's diet meets its needs, weight problems are unlikely;
  • Outdoor games. Lack of mobility in cats can lead to excess weight;
  • Healthy sleep is beneficial for general state health;
  • The presence of irritants. The presence of any irritants in the house can reduce appetite and lead to weight loss.

For speed and convenience, there is a table of kitten weight by months for each breed, which is easy to find on the Internet.

Exceeding the norm

In a city apartment, cats are most at risk of obesity, and if we add to this malnutrition, then problems with overweight will not make you wait long.

In an overweight cat, the waist is completely absent, and the stomach bulges in both directions. Watch the cat, if it is difficult for her to lick and raise her paws, then there is a reason for this.

Take the cat in your arms and try to feel for the ribs, they should be easy to feel, but not stick out. In the case of obesity, it will be problematic to feel the ribs, as they are covered with a layer of fat.

In most cases, overweight problems in pets are managed by dietary adjustments, but sometimes obesity can be a symptom of other diseases, so it is best to seek the advice of a veterinarian.

Rate reduction

If, when weighing an animal, you find that the weight of the kitten is below normal, while he is quite healthy appearance and active behavior, then in this case you just need to watch the kitten.

Perhaps he lacks nutrients or growth in body weight does not keep pace with size.

In some cases, kittens between the ages of seven and nine months are not gaining weight well, if not losing it altogether. This may be due to the sexual maturation of individuals and changes hormonal background animal.

Another thing is if, when examining an animal, you find protruding ribs, an uneven coat, and protruding pelvic bones. All of these signs may indicate serious illness in which a visit to the veterinarian should not be postponed.

When the family appears small miracle, then all its members are very happy with such replenishment. However, cats are not toys! Everyone needs to understand that if you want to raise a healthy and cheerful cat, then you need to follow some rules.

This refers to the fact that the kitten has its own periods of growing up and formation, so in each of them, the owner must know what is happening with his kitten and how to take care of him. In this article, we will discuss all the stages of growing up a baby from his first week of life to a year.

Kitten development from 1 to 16 weeks

First week

As everyone knows, kittens are born blind, but it is interesting that they also do not have hearing. He begins to appear around the 4th day of his life, but the kitten still does not hear a clear sound. The umbilical cord falls off completely around the 3rd day.

The approximate weight of a newborn pet is 100 grams, by the end of this week he will gain the same amount. As already mentioned, a kitten is born and remains blind for 14 days, but this does not prevent him from smelling mother's milk, even at a distance of half a meter.

This food will be the most correct during the first two months, since mother's milk contains the necessary antibodies that are so useful for the baby for his development.

Since the kittens do not see anything, they need to feel that their mother is nearby, so try not to disturb family ties, but, on the contrary, take care of the comfort and warmth of these newborn babies.

Second week

Around the end of this week, pets should see the whole wide world for the first time. Although the hearing is already quite developed, it is still difficult for the baby to go to it. During another crescent, it will be fully formed and then the kitten will be able to clearly determine where the sound is coming from.

This week, a small animal may have a body weight of about 250 grams. Toward the end of the second week, they may try to walk, but it will turn out to be even more ridiculous and funny. They will also begin to communicate with their mother and brothers.

The kitten during this period is very small and weak, so if the owners begin to gradually stroke it, then you need to do it very carefully and with all caution so as not to harm the pet.

It is also necessary to teach this to your children, if any, and explain to them that the mother should not be nervous during this period, because she is very worried about her cubs, so she can show her aggression.

Third week

This week, the little cat begins to stand on 4 legs and navigate in the distance. But, for the time being, she manages to do it hard, so she often stumbles on something and falls. Also, purrs learn to scratch themselves behind the ear, they have their first teeth, which will finish their growth by the 2nd month of their life.

However, remember that you need to be careful, no sudden movements, large or heavy toys, etc. Explain to your children that you should not touch the eyes, mouth and nose of the animal, and you should not pull them by the tail or mustache.

Fourth week

At this time, the kitten should have approximately 26 teeth. By six months, the teeth of kittens change from dairy to indigenous. Therefore, babies can begin to feed other food besides milk. During this period, you can carry out the prevention of worms in each kitten.

For the 4th week, kittens gain about 100 grams in weight. It is also this week that they need to be fed clean, filtered water in shallow bowls. In the future, make sure that water is always available to animals.

Fifth week

By this time, the cat is no longer actively taking care of her babies, so access to constant milk is reduced, as a result, you need to make sure that the kittens have something to eat in bowls.

Pet stores sell special liquid food for a certain month of the cat, you need to purchase this one. Liquid food is easily absorbed by the body of pets, but do not forget that they should also receive solid food.

For one kitten, 100 grams of food will be enough. This period, of course, is the most difficult for both the owners and the kitten. But it needs to be experienced, so please be patient.

To teach kids to eat on their own, remove their mother from them for at least three hours, when they are hungry, they will 100% look for food nearby and eat what they have. Also make sure that the kitten does not eat the food of adult cats, to do this, remove their bowls from each other at a decent distance.

Little miracles are already starting to try to wash themselves - this, by the way, is very important point in the life of every cat, so make sure every kitten starts this procedure. At this time, it's time to think about a personal house for your pets. It can be a pillow or specially purchased at home or pet baskets.

The main thing is that they should not be installed in drafts, aisles or under the scorching sun. Give enough time to your new tenants, but remember that there should always be a downtime.

sixth week

The cat is less or no longer receives milk from his mother, which is why it is necessary to give him enough dry food. Pets need to be fed 6 times a day, but little by little, only 40 grams of food per meal is enough for them.

This is a very important period in which you need to monitor the stool of each animal. Since other food enters the body, it is not known how it will be digested gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if the stool is abnormal and lasts in this form for 3 days, immediately consult a veterinarian.

Try to pay enough attention to small animals, play with them and caress them - they really need it.

seventh week

This week you can already notice that the males are slightly larger than the small females and this is normal. The diet should be the same - 6 times a day. However, it is from this week that the kitten should only consume special food, and not mother's milk.

The diet should include both dry food and liquid. Make sure that the kitten does not have diarrhea, because often without mother's milk, they have problems against this background. If this is observed, do not waste time, but immediately contact a specialist.

Eighth week

If by this week the baby has not been weaned from the mother, then this is the time to do it. After all, the kitten is already quite independent, besides, it has all the teeth and can eat solid food. Sometimes during this period, the owners begin to sell or give away good hands their little animals.

Therefore, if you have purchased such furry friend the best thing to do is get it checked out by a veterinarian. Let him do all the necessary procedures.

The eighth week is just right for accustoming the kittens to all the necessary procedures, since they have already grown a little stronger and have become independent. Therefore, do an examination of the ears and eyes, if necessary, clean them.

Also start combing your pet's coat with a special comb. If the animal is separated from its family, then it is best to give the new owners some item or pet's favorite toy.

When the kitten came to you new family, try to disturb him less, let him find out and inspect everything around. It is this way of getting to know a new place of residence that will be less painful for a new tenant. Let your small children help him quickly adapt - do not pull him over unnecessary trifles.

During this period, the cat is considered independent and since it moves freely throughout the apartment, protect it from those objects that can be dangerous for it (poisonous flowers, small objects that can be swallowed, electrical wires).

Ninth week

During this period, a small four-legged friend must receive all the necessary vaccinations and undergo certain procedures. If you have not done this yet, then do not hesitate - this is necessary for the health of your fluffy pet. In addition, you can find out everything that interests you about a small kitten from a veterinarian.

At a time when the cat is already old enough, you can find out how he interacts with his owners. So, for example, scientists say that you can take a cat by the withers and lift it a little above the ground. If the baby behaves calmly, it means that he is completely disarmed in front of you, but if he hisses and breaks out, then it smells of distrust or disrespect.

tenth week

This is the perfect time to straighten out your animal's character. It is during this week that they are completely independent and malleable to learning. However, aggressive training can hit the baby's psyche hard and affect not only your relationship, but also the further behavior of the cat.

Therefore, teach him affectionately and friendly, in your voice he should hear perseverance, not rudeness.

Eleventh week

The peak of heat for cat pranks. The baby already feels completely free and independent. Even if he got into a new family, then by this moment he should already fully adapt.

Therefore, the cat will not sit still, but will rush to explore all corners of your apartment. It is for these reasons that it must be protected from various objects. For example, make sure that the cat does not jump out of the window, for this you need to either close them or install a strong mosquito net.

Also close the doors to the toilet, and preferably the lid on the toilet bowl, because the kitten is able to fall head down into a hole with water. Make sure that the iron or stove is not left unattended.

Twelfth week

Usually around this week, kittens change their eyes. They can fully eat themselves, drink water, hear, see and touch. Also, animals are becoming more dexterous and acrobatic.

If the worm prophylaxis was carried out for the cat in the period of 4 weeks, then now is the time to do it again. A normally formed and well-bred cat should already respond well to the call of the owner, to his name and also to the sounds of food being served.

If you observe aggression in the behavior of your animal, then it is worth taking some measures, otherwise it will be difficult to change the formed character further. Train your pet during the game and reward him with treats.

Thirteenth week

Eating at this age of a kitten should be 5 times a day. It must be of high quality and balanced. It is best not to buy cheap food, because they will have a bad effect on the health of your handsome man.

This week the cat should weigh about one and a half kilograms. Keep in mind that males and females are still developing.

Fourteenth week

At this point, old teeth begin to fall out in cats and new ones come out - molars. You can consult a specialist about this.

Fifteenth week

This week, if the owners of the animal have decided that they will regularly cut their claws, you should start this procedure. If you do not know how to do this or are afraid, then it is best to ask a master in his field to do this.

Kittens should also be fed five meals a day of baby food.

sixteenth week

Five months

If your four-legged friend weighs about 2 kilograms, then he can easily be transferred to four meals a day. It is best to feed the animal partially dry food, partially liquid.

sixth month

This month, the pet has strong molars. If the prevention of worms is on schedule, then the next one must be done during this period. The kitten already has the size of an adult cat, and if he grows larger, then this is only because of the muscles or because of the fatty part, so for proper nutrition always needs to be monitored.

Animals must be transferred to three meals a day.

The sixth month of a cat's life is very important as they mature sexually. Therefore, if you do not plan to breed her offspring, then it is in these months that it is best to sterilize the female.

seventh month

It is during this period that cats begin the first seasonal molt. Help is expected from the owners - to comb out the wool.

If a cat gets furry, then she can spit it up - this should not scare you, but this process is unpleasant. Therefore, comb your pet regularly.

eighth month

If you haven't neutered your cat before, then better operation carry out right now. Tightening, you only harm your male.

ninth month

Since time flies and your cat is almost an adult, it is best to consult a doctor about various vaccines and procedures.

By preparing ahead of time, you can make your furry friend's life much more enjoyable.

tenth month

Feeding can be changed slightly as your cat enters the phase adult life. For example, give him liquid kitten food, but dry food for adults.

Eleventh month

By this month, the cat should get used to all the procedures performed on it. But this will not make her uncomfortable if you accustomed her to this from childhood. She will still frolic and hunt like a child.

One year

No matter what food you feed your male, he should be for adult cats, and the diet should be 2 times a day. Your pet can rightly be called an adult cat, but he will still demand attention, love and affection, as much as before.

Watch his diet, stool, hair, ears and claws. And, in general, for all his well-being, then your animal will be grateful to you.

Pets are often given to people as gifts or picked up from the street, so it's hard to tell how many weeks or months a kitten or puppy is. It is necessary to know this for correct selection nutrition, so you should remember how to find out the age of a kitten. Two-month-old and six-week-old babies are different, so you can determine the age yourself.

How to find out the age of a kitten

Every owner should know how old his pet is. It is easy to see the difference in how a kitten looks at 1 month old or 1 week old in appearance. It develops at a rapid pace, at each certain stage there is characteristics, which point to approximate date(only a veterinarian can tell for sure). There are certain ways that will help you find out how much your home "predator" is. The time of birth can be determined by the following criteria:

  • size;
  • teeth;
  • eye color;
  • appearance;
  • behavior.

How do kittens grow

The right way how to determine the age of a kitten - observation of him. Exist certain periods development of an organism, which indicate the date of its birth. The older the pet, the more difficult it is to know exactly how old it is. The easiest way to do this is up to 1 month, when the main stages of the formation of all systems of the animal's body take place:

  • the umbilical cord disappears;
  • the baby begins to stand on its paws;
  • body weight increases;
  • eyes open, their color changes;
  • teeth appear and grow.

When do kittens open their eyes?

It is useful to know at what age kittens open their eyes, not only to determine their date of birth, but also to control proper development organs of vision. They begin to open on the 7th day, they are more like slits, the eyelids do not fully open. After a couple of days, they are already more like “beads” of pale blue or gray color. It is recommended to keep babies in semi-dark conditions during this period, because bright light will be an unnecessary irritant for them.

The eyes open fully by the 14th day from their date of birth. If this does not happen, then you will need to help: wipe them with a weak solution of boric alcohol or strong tea. After that, try to glue the pet's eyelids. It should be borne in mind that the speed of opening the eyes depends on how much the cat has carried them. For example, those pets that have been hatched for 68 days will reveal them faster. This process also occurs earlier in short-haired breeds.

When do kittens change eye color?

Another method to determine the age of a kitten is the color of their eyes. When they first open, they are gray-blue in all breeds. Over time, a process begins to occur that forms natural color iris pet. This happens at the end of 3 months of life. However, it should be borne in mind that there are specific breeds in which the shade of the eyes does not change, for example:

  • British;
  • Thai;
  • Polynesian;
  • angora;
  • Canadian sphinxes;
  • Siamese.

When do kittens get teeth?

One of the important indicators of the development of a cat will be the growth of teeth. In order to relatively accurately determine the age of a small hunter, they should be counted. It is important to consider that there is a period when kittens' teeth change. There are such periods of growth:

  1. 1-2 weeks - the baby still has a completely empty mouth.
  2. 2-3 weeks - the first teeth begin to appear.
  3. After a month, you may notice the appearance of milk fangs.
  4. After 1.5-2 premolars erupt.
  5. By 4, a pet should have 26 teeth.

When does a kitten change teeth?

As in humans, in cats, milk teeth are replaced by permanent (molars). If you can determine that the change has already occurred, you can roughly tell how old the animal is. You can do this in the following way:

  • if the loss began with you, then your pet is 3-4 months old;
  • molars (the longest canines) indicate a complete change of milk to molars, this happens by 7 months of the animal's life.

If you already got your hands on adult cat, but you would like to determine how old she is, then you can do it too tough. Cats often get food that they have to chew on, so over time, the enamel begins to wear down. Veterinarians recommend paying attention to the lower jaw, where the reduction is most noticeable. There is a special schedule for changing appearance, by which you can determine the time of birth.

When does a kitten start walking?

The only way to accurately determine the age of a kitten is to take it to the vet, but approximate period birth can even be determined by the behavior of the animal. Each stage in the development of the cat's body corresponds to certain characteristics of its movements, which indicate the time of birth. Can be used the following signs, to determine the age of the animal:

  • up to 5 days - they crawl on their tummy, do not stand on their paws, their eyes are closed;
  • up to 10 days - they begin to recognize odors, the activity of the front paws increases;
  • 10-14 days - they open their eyes, they are already trying to stand on their legs, but they are still not able to hold them, the hind limbs are intensively developing.
  • 14-20 days - the development of the musculoskeletal system occurs, the joints become stronger, the cubs already move independently, activity increases, the eyes become the “correct” color.

Kitten development by week

When using immediately all the signs that indicate the age of the animal, you can find out the date of birth of the pet as accurately as possible. The data may differ depending on the characteristics of the development of a particular breed, for example, some cats are much larger than others. To simplify the comparison task, below is a table with average baby development parameters in the first weeks:

Age (weeks)

External manifestations

There is an umbilical cord, eyes, ears closed tightly.

Eyes open.

In its first year, a kitten changes from a small helpless creature immediately after birth to a lively tomboy by the end of the twelfth month of life. Given the developmental features that are characteristic of each week a kitten lives up to a year, it will be easier for the owner to understand his furry friend and deal with his diet and care for him. Consider the features of the development of a baby kitten, from his birth to the year when he turns into a luxurious cat (or cat).

Development of a kitten by weeks and months:

  • 1 week of kitten development. Kittens are born, as a rule, weighing 70-120 g, their growth is about 10-12 cm. from the mother's nipples, and then the milk that came to replace him. Big luck when the kitten is on breastfeeding, because it is from the first days and the first sips of mother's milk that the kitten's immunity and digestion are formed. By the way, the cat's mother licks the kitten's feces. In addition to being blind, newborn kittens are also deaf, so initial stage their lives are helped by their sense of smell and touch - to smell the mother and her milk and to feel their mother with their little paws. Because the baby's bones are on this stage extremely fragile (the kitten only crawls to the mother's nipples), the owner should not pick it up, or do it very carefully. Under no circumstances should you arbitrarily transfer the baby to cool rooms, to the street, because without maternal warmth and care, he will die.
  • 2 weeks of kitten development. Starting from the 8-10th day of life, the kittens gradually and very slowly open their eyes, but their vision is not entirely clear at first. Hearing also begins to develop, but at this stage it cannot be called perfect. The weight of the kitten doubles in the second week and is about 200 g. The baby begins to move uncertainly, with a trembling gait, exploring the world close to the mother and their family nest.
  • 3 weeks of kitten development. The third week is notable for the beginning of eruption of milk teeth. The kitten's appetite gradually increases, and the weight of the crumbs increases by about three times its original weight at birth and is about 300 g. The kitten's eyesight is more developed, but still insufficiently focused, therefore, until the end of the first month of life, kittens are not very well oriented in space with the help of vision. In addition, from 3 weeks, the baby begins to show some playfulness and does not seem as helpless as before, but remains quite fragile at the same time.
  • 4 weeks of kitten development. By the fourth week, kittens weigh about 400 g, at this stage the kittens are introduced into the diet clean water and the first complementary food, which can be, for example, in the form liquid cereals. But you should not take the baby abruptly from the mother's breast, because breast-feeding still necessary for the baby. A kitten at 4 weeks usually has 26 milk teeth and sometimes bites on the mother's nipple, which causes her to pain. If for some reason the kitten is taken away from its mother at this stage, it makes sense to equip its sleeping place in a warm room in such a way that there are no drafts, since hypothermia can lead to sad consequences. If maternal feeding stops by the month of life, it is advisable for the owner to purchase cat's milk substitutes, since the kitten's body is not yet fully formed.
  • 5 weeks of kitten development. The weight of the kitten at the fifth week is 500 g or more, his vision is becoming clearer and more distinct. When moving, a kitten already uses its sight with might and main, and not its sense of smell. When the age of the kitten has already exceeded 1 month, the owner should purchase individual bowls for water and food for him, and at the same time think about what his food will be like in the future. The owner may give preference to both, but always preference should be given only to high-quality and fresh food. In addition to bowls, the owner must also buy for a small pet in order to gradually accustom the kitten to defecate in a specially designated place. Depending on the recommendations of the veterinarian, the owner can carry out the prevention of helminthiasis.
  • 6 weeks of kitten development. The weight of the kitten is growing, and he himself often prefers "adult" food to mother's milk. In the case when a kitten at this age is completely transferred to solid food, the owner should take care of 5-6 meals a day, but the portions should be small. The kitten should always have access to fresh water. At 6 weeks, the kitten's eyes begin to change color to the one that will be in the future. The coat can also change the intensity of the color, although often this process takes place slowly and gradually, and therefore is not immediately noticed by others. A kitten at this age is already playful, knows how to wash himself with his paw, tries to scratch behind his ear, actively communicates not only with his mother, but also with the owner.
  • 7 weeks of kitten development. As a rule, at week 7, a kitten is no longer a helpless lump covered with sparse soft fur, but a very playful and cheerful fluffy (according to the breed) child, striving to climb anywhere. Kittens of 7 weeks are more and more friendly with a person, so the owner should show maximum goodwill to a new family member. At the seventh week, a kitten can be brought for examination to a veterinarian, to consult about vaccinations, and to learn about the developmental features of the baby. The weight of the baby is about 700-800 g, sometimes more. TO given age kittens rarely drink their mother's milk, so their diet should be balanced, enriched with vitamins and minerals. minerals. During this period, the kitten should already have its own place for sleeping and resting.
  • 8 weeks of kitten development. By the eighth week, all 30 milk teeth are developed in a kitten. Its weight can reach 900-1000 g. It is during this period that the kitten no longer needs the mother as much as before. Often the cat herself begins to avoid her baby, devoting more and more time to herself and her needs. In the case when the kitten has to change its place of residence and move to another house, then the new owner should be patient and forgive the kitten for future mistakes in the form of puddles on the carpet, tattered furniture, and so on. It is much more correct to teach and find a friend than to punish (and even more so to hit) and get an enemy cat in the future. A kitten of 8 weeks should already be treated as a person, accept and respect his character.
  • 9 weeks of kitten development. Kittens at 9 weeks old are already close to adolescence, their behavior and habits are sometimes overly frivolous and playful, but sometimes become serious. A kitten older than 2 months may react differently to new people coming into the house, giving full trust to the owner, if the character of the kitten is friendly and open. Kids at this age can begin to hunt, enjoy spending time on fresh air, play with people, which is why it is advisable to purchase special toys or make them yourself.
  • 10-14 weeks of kitten development. The weight of a kitten that has reached ten weeks of age is approximately 1200-1400 g, and in the future it constantly increases. Starting from 11-12 weeks, the kitten already has a formed vision, hearing, the movements of a teenage kitten are confident. As a rule, for given period a mixture of childishness and adult traits in the behavior of the animal at the same time is characteristic. Kittens are extremely inquisitive, they are interested in literally everything around. That is why the owner should protect his pet from danger: falling from a height, eating flowers, getting into the eyes and Airways harmful chemical substances. A kitten that has reached 12 weeks of age can be shown to the veterinarian again and consulted about the upcoming next prevention of helminthiasis.
  • 15-19 weeks of kitten development. By week 15, kittens begin to change their teeth to molars, this happens gradually and often remains invisible to the owner. The weight of kittens 4-4.5 months old is about 1700-2000 g, sometimes less or more, depending on. Kittens are transferred to 4-5 meals a day, while the diet should be calculated and oriented specifically for a kitten, and not an adult. The owner should take care of his pet, monitor the state of his health, the cleanliness of bowls, beds. It is advisable to comb the kitten daily to avoid future a large number wool on furniture, floors and so on. In addition, at the age of 4 months, the kitten should cut its claws - on its own or by entrusting this matter to a specialist. The color of the eyes should already acquire its final shade, and the appearance of the kitten is getting closer and closer to a miniature copy of an adult animal. We can say that a kitten of 4 months is already on the threshold of its adult life.
  • 20-24 weeks of kitten development. In kittens, a partial change of milk teeth to molars occurs, which is why food can and should be crushed, but not as much as before. In this case, the kitten is transferred to 4 meals a day. The weight of an animal can range from 2000 g to 2500 g. Sometimes cats from 5 months old begin to show interest in opposite sex, mark territory, scream restlessly. The behavior of the animal is becoming more mature day by day. By about 22-24 weeks, kittens begin early period puberty (which lasts up to 10 months), sometimes cats already have estrus and the opportunity to get pregnant, but veterinarians do not recommend this because possible problems with the offspring and with the health of the young mother. Male kittens from 5-6 months of age can be castrated, but this should be done only after showing to the veterinarian.
  • 25-32 weeks of kitten development. Kittens are transferred to 3 meals a day, making sure that their diet contains enough vitamins and nutrients. Kittens-girls during this period can already be sterilized. In addition, another prophylaxis is being carried out for the kitten. In general, by 6-7 months the kitten has a formed and physically developed body. By 7 months, the first molt begins, which sometimes leads to digestive problems if the animal is not combed out.
  • 33-36 weeks of kitten development. An eight-month-old kitten can be switched to two meals a day, but still, feeding him three times is even more preferable. The weight of the animal during this period is about 2500-3000 g, but it all depends on the breed of the animal. By 8 months, the owner should decide on the castration or sterilization of the kitten, since these surgical interventions are desirable up to a year.
  • 37-40 weeks of kitten development. The animal should be transferred to 2 meals a day, while you can think about switching to an adult high-quality food. The veterinarian should at the reception tell you about the necessary vaccinations and possible complications that may occur if vaccination is refused. In general, the animal is very active, but not as playful as before, as interest is increasingly shown towards the opposite sex.
  • 41-48 weeks of kitten development. It makes no sense to consider the development of a kitten of 11-12 months separately, since by this period the animal is fully formed physically, gradually turning into an adult. Puberty, which reached its peak after the 10th month and strengthened the body, allow animals to acquire healthy and strong offspring.
By the end of the first year of life, the owner and his pet can become true friends for life, if friendship and mutual respect have been established from the very beginning of their joint communication. The difficult first year of a kitten's life should be accompanied by the care of the mother cat, and then the owner.