Spanish facial massage is an unusual super rejuvenation technique. Spanish facial massage - a boost of youth and good mood Spanish massage description


If you dream of achieving absolute relaxation in the shortest possible time, while remaining in a surprisingly cheerful state of mind and body? Then the famous and unique Spanish massage is exactly what you need. This technique is not only completely unique and very effective, but also proven over the years, and is an ideal and completely safe way to rejuvenate the body. The services of a professional massage therapist will take you to sunny Spain, and the beneficial results of this magical procedure will be noticeable after the first session.

More about Spanish massage

The technique of this massage was developed by the famous scientist Enrique Garcia during his time as a leader and was called “ hemolymphatic drainage" The main features of the procedure are a very specific and, at the same time, extremely positive effect on the entire human venous system, as well as interstitial fluid, which is vital for the normal flow of metabolism between the cells of the body’s tissues and the blood.

Interesting fact- Spanish massage is a very organic combination of progressive therapeutic and restorative techniques of Europe with the healing techniques of the East, and includes all the wisdom of yoga, Ayurveda medicine and Buddhist spiritual practice. It implies the deepest knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, and allows the patient to achieve the following results:

  • forget about irritability, depression, feelings of apathy,
  • cope with insomnia and get a good night's rest,
  • restore the functioning of the immune system,
  • get rid of the effects of stress,
  • significantly improve the condition and appearance of the skin of the face and body,
  • get rid of age-related changes,
  • best way to correct the oval of the face,
  • relieve all symptoms of varicose veins,
  • eliminate swelling of the skin,
  • prevent such unpleasant phenomena as rosacea or facial wrinkles.

Please note the fact that the technology of Spanish massage is thought out literally to the smallest detail, and is based on a number of important rules. Thus, the number of techniques used in its implementation is more than a hundred - when selecting them, the individual characteristics of the body of a particular patient are certainly taken into account, and the process of getting used to certain movements is completely excluded, since they are constantly changing. This approach contributes to the maximum effectiveness of the massage procedure.

It will be useful to take note that all traditional techniques of exotic Spanish massage are so flexible that the occurrence of pain or other unpleasant sensations is almost completely excluded. In addition, it provides a deep effect on the systems and tissues of the body, and significantly increases the production of endomorphins, which cause feelings of pleasure and joy in patients.

And a few more interesting points

Spanish massage is designed to strengthen human muscle tissue in every possible way and actively combat their possible pathologies. As you already know from the above, during the entire session, none of the techniques used on a particular patient is repeated. Carrying out chiromassage affects such areas of the human body as the legs, face and back - after all, these are the areas that, as a rule, are the most problematic for each of us. The beginning of the massage is not traditional warming up, but, on the contrary, complete relaxation. After this, a transition is made to deeper techniques - first of all, these are circular movements performed with the tips of the fingers or palms.

It should be noted that the world-famous Spanish massage today is based on several very effective techniques, including:

  1. Myotensive- designed to restore the natural elasticity of various muscles and joints.
  2. Somatoemotional- significantly strengthens the patient’s nervous system.

Interestingly, when using it, additional elements can be used - for example, bird feathers or stones.

  1. Lymphatic drainage- allows you to remove metabolic products from the body, as well as excess fluid from tissues.
  2. Hemolymphatic- helps normalize blood circulation, reduces both intracranial and blood pressure.

Neurosedative - ideal for normalizing sleep, relieving irritability and apathy.


Spanish facial massage is a procedure that will help prolong the youth of the skin, restore its fresh appearance and get rid of various defects. Positive changes will be noticeable after the first session, but a course of procedures will be required to achieve lasting results. This type of massage is currently very popular in Russia and Europe. What's unusual about this procedure?

Spanish body and facial massage combines many techniques from yoga, Indian medicine, manual therapy, and Buddhist practice. The procedure is carried out with mandatory musical accompaniment using aromatic oils and candles. Some experts use stones and feathers. This technique can only be performed by professionals who have been trained for several years.

The uniqueness of Spanish massage is that its action is aimed simultaneously at the muscles, joints, circulatory, nervous, and lymphatic systems. During the session, the specialist uses more than a hundred methods of influence: with the knuckles or pads of the fingers, the entire palm or its edge. The procedure is carried out with gentle, stroking, relaxing movements. Intensive techniques are not used here.

Another unique feature of Spanish massage is the absence of repetitions of the same technique. Thanks to this technique, the client’s nervous system does not have time to get used to a specific effect, but remains sensitive to each new touch. During other types of massage, the body quickly adapts to repeated actions, which is why the effectiveness of the procedure decreases over time.

Indications and contraindications for Spanish massage

A course of Spanish massage helps not only to eliminate aesthetic defects of the face, but also to solve a lot of health problems. This procedure is useful for the following problems:

  • rosacea;
  • facial wrinkles;
  • changing the oval of the face;
  • presence of dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • other age-related skin changes;
  • swelling during pregnancy;
  • suffered a stressful situation;
  • reduced immunity;
  • insomnia;
  • irritability;
  • depression.

Spanish facial massage has a minimum number of contraindications. It is allowed even in cases where conventional therapy sessions are not recommended. However, the procedure is prohibited for various skin diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases, and the presence of malignant tumors.


Spanish massage attracts not only women, but also men with its strong rejuvenating effect. During the procedure, blood supply to tissues improves, they are saturated with oxygen, metabolic processes are activated, and toxins are eliminated. The skin is evened out, acquires a beautiful shade, and becomes elastic. Skillful manipulations allow you to rid the body of excess fluid, due to which bags under the eyes and swelling disappear.

What other results can be achieved with a Spanish facial massage? This procedure helps:

  • regulate intracranial and blood pressure;
  • improve mood for a long period;
  • get rid of fatigue;
  • remove the effects of stress;
  • increase lip volume;
  • smooth out the nasolabial fold area;
  • remove double chin;
  • tighten the oval of the face.

How is the procedure performed?

Spanish facial massage begins with thorough cleansing of the skin from impurities and cosmetics. The face is then coated with individually selected oil so that the specialist’s hands glide over it easily. In Spanish massage there are no warming movements; all manipulations are aimed at relaxation. The deep effect is achieved due to complete relaxation of the muscles and the effect on the skeletal system.

Not only the oil, but also all movements are selected individually by the specialist. The massage therapist makes the correct diagnosis, assesses the location of nerve endings on the face, and determines the tasks that must be solved during the procedure. Facial massage can be performed up to 3 times a week. Course – at least 7 procedures. Therapy can be repeated after 2 months.

Choose a massage therapist who you are willing to trust with your body. During the procedure, an invisible exchange of information occurs between the patient and the specialist. Intuitive contact promotes deeper relaxation and better results.

Despite the fact that a course of Spanish massage requires money and time, it is impossible to achieve the effect it gives at home. If age-related changes appear on your face or other problems, do not put off visiting a specialist until later. You will get stunning results that will last for a long time.

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Spanish massage is a set of practices aimed at improving the condition of the body. Successfully composed techniques stimulate metabolic processes and have a positive effect on the body, which leads to a stunning effect. A full course of sessions will allow you to become younger, healthier, and forget about joint pain, cellulite and extra pounds.

The history of Spanish massage partially falls under the definition of “the student surpassed his teacher.” In the 80s, a young physician, Enrique Garcia Castells, improved the chiromassage technique developed by his predecessor, the founder of the first Spanish massage school, Dr. Ferrandis.

Interesting: – a set of techniques from classical and oriental massage systems that use chiropractic and kinesiology.

Chiropractic is an alternative medicine based on manual methods of treatment.

Kinesiology is a scientific and practical discipline that studies the movement of muscle organs in the human body.

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The goal of the innovative scientist was to interweave radically different techniques. Western massage therapists use exclusively practical knowledge of human physiology. Eastern masters practice a principle based on their cultural heritage - the doctrine of the vital energy Qi.

As a result of the fusion of these two approaches, the Spanish technique is obtained, consisting of a physical and energetic influence on the body. The procedure gives an unprecedented effect, which many are more accustomed to achieve through medication or surgery.

The key difference between Spanish massage and others is its unprecedented plasticity. At first glance, the master’s movements seem to be simple stroking, but in fact the effect is deep. Under the confident but gentle influence of a specialist's hands, the muscles in your body relax so much that the massage therapist gains access to internal structures.

Attention is paid to the following body systems:

  • nervous,
  • cardiovascular,
  • muscular,
  • bone, namely joints.

The most gentle technique allows you to massage without pain. Each session is completely individual. Thanks to the possibility of choosing a technique, it takes into account the characteristics of each person’s body.

Types and techniques of Spanish massage

Each technique has its own characteristics and is aimed at providing a specific impact, depending on the basic human need.

“Hiro” is translated from Latin as “hand”. This is a massage with hands: fingers, palms, elbows. Aimed at eliminating muscle pathological processes and strengthening structures. First, the massage therapist provides a relaxing effect, and then moves to a deep one with smooth circular movements.

Myostructural (myotensive)

This technique is based on joint mobilization. It activates the stability of the functionality of the musculoskeletal system and most joints. The impact occurs on the deep structures of muscle organs, tendons, bones and joints. Connections are restored, spasms are relieved and stagnation is removed. Metabolism improves. The pain syndrome gradually passes.

The set of movements consists of relaxing movements that increase elasticity and blood supply to the soft tissues. The massage therapist starts with the muscles, slowly moving to the joints. Back pain stops, discomfort during movement disappears, lymph drainage improves.


Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and strengthens it. Based on contrast: alternating slow deep relaxation with sudden pressure on reflex zones. Thanks to this, stress is relieved. The directions of movements and intensity are different. Body massage is carried out with palms and fingers. Additionally, special stones and feathers are used.


Stimulation of certain areas that affect the centers of the brain has a psychotherapeutic effect. The technique consists of monotonous, rhythmic movements at a slow pace. The process promotes active relaxation, the emotional background is normalized and stress resistance increases.


Accelerates blood circulation and lymph flow, eliminating pathological processes in the cardiovascular system. Solves cosmetic problems caused by poor vascular function. The lymphatic drainage pathway and blood flow are stimulated, which quickly frees the body from cellular waste products and excess substances, activating metabolism.


Corrects the figure, affecting age-related changes in the epidermis and subcutaneous structures. Improves relief, elasticity, color and general condition of the skin. The technique consists of a set of movements affecting the fat layer and skin. The main goal is to correct problem areas, prevent sagging and stretch marks. Maximum effectiveness is achieved in conjunction with additional measures.

A kind of lifting is a separate complex that needs more detailed consideration. You can find out how to do it in this article:

The specificity of the technology allows the use of Spanish massage as:

  • warm-up,
  • preparatory,
  • pre-workout,
  • post-workout,
  • restorative,
  • cosmetic.

Of all the previously mentioned types, the technique for the face and décolleté is especially popular among women, and neurosedative among men.

The basic lesson in the video presented and a description of the master’s actions will help you find out what awaits you at the session. When planning your training, be prepared for a long and painstaking study of the human body. Negligence will have adverse consequences for the patient and your reputation.

Principles and indications for the session

Elena Zemskova, one of the most famous massage therapists who opened a school where the Spanish technique is practiced, claims that not all complexes of this technique are perfectly combined with each other. Some people get into conflicts, and the person, instead of getting the expected effect, feels discomfort and emotional instability after the session. Therefore, techniques are selected individually to provide the most positive effect.

Some specialists, such as Natalya Maslova, selectively practice certain Spanish massage techniques, complementing them with their own innovations.

The creator of the technique himself identified several rules for performing complex massage:

Rarely does anyone choose such a massage to simply pamper themselves; more often they pursue specific health goals:

There is no strict schedule for sessions, because any approach is purely individual. Based on the chosen technique and the patient’s condition, at least 10 visits to the specialist are performed, a couple of times a week. You can repeat the procedure if you like the effect or you think the result could be better.

Benefit or harm

Massage belongs to physiotherapy, and therefore has a number of contraindications. Such is the anatomy of people. Sometimes the positive effect is less significant than the negative consequences of the procedure.

It is contraindicated to massage specific areas when:

  • dermatological diseases;
  • the presence of neoplasms - tumors, voluminous moles, boils, etc.;
  • bleeding.

Spanish massage is one of the most popular techniques that can have many beneficial effects on the body. It is performed both for the whole body and for the face.

There are several types of this massage, each of which is aimed at solving specific problems and providing the necessary effects.

Spanish massage is fundamentally different from all others. It would seem that ordinary stroking cannot produce the desired effects, but in fact, they have a profound effect.

By visiting several of these procedures, you can achieve very good results. Using special movements, the specialist works not only the upper layers of the skin and muscles, but also the joints. In order to achieve this effect, the muscles must be completely relaxed.

You can achieve the following results if you regularly attend such “events”:

  • reduction of swelling;
  • elimination of symptoms of varicose veins;
  • prevention of rosacea;
  • correction of the oval of the face and figure, prevention and elimination of cellulite;
  • preventing the appearance of facial wrinkles;
  • rejuvenating effect;
  • increasing tissue elasticity;
  • restoration of the body after stress, elimination of depression and apathy;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improvement of the sleep process;
  • normalization of lymph outflow.

To solve problems, a specific technique is selected that provides the most effective results.

Before performing a Spanish massage, at the first session the specialist assesses the patient’s condition and selects an individual program. The difference between this massage is that there is a constant change of movements.

Spanish body and facial massage offers a variety of techniques to solve specific health problems. It makes the skin elastic, reduces puffiness, relieves stress and improves overall tone. Its distinguishing feature is plasticity. Massage actions are presented in the form of stroking.

Let's look at the main types of Spanish massage.


Aimed at improving the condition of the musculoskeletal system. This massage ensures the restoration of proper muscle-articular articulation, removes spasmodic and congestive phenomena, and also improves metabolic processes. This eliminates pain in the spine, muscles and joints.

The deep Spanish massage technique involves various soft relaxing actions that help improve muscle condition, increase their elasticity and enhance blood circulation.

After the muscles have been worked, the massage therapist moves on to working on the joints.


Used to improve the condition of the nervous system. The action is based on alternating movements. First the pace is set at a slow pace and then at a more intense pace. This provides an anti-stress effect and also improves mood.

Using the palms and fingers, the specialist performs movements at different speeds and in different directions. When performing such a massage, in addition to hands, feathers and stones can be used.


Spanish relaxation massage has a psychotherapeutic effect. It involves the implementation of a special technique aimed at stimulating the work of certain parts of the brain.

When performing this massage, the same type of slow movements are used. This allows you to achieve a good effect of relaxation, improvement of the emotional background, and analgesic effect.


Helps accelerate the process of blood circulation and lymph outflow, allows you to get rid of various problems with the cardiovascular system.

Improving blood flow ensures the removal of excess fluid, acceleration of metabolic processes, elimination of swelling, normalization of blood pressure and hormone balance. This technique allows for a rejuvenation effect and elimination of allergies.


Used to correct skin and subcutaneous tissue. Spanish anti-cellulite massage allows you to improve the relief, as well as increase the elasticity of the skin and its color.

When performing such a massage, different movements and techniques can be used. They help reduce the appearance of cellulite tubercles and get rid of excess weight.

Each technique is applicable to a specific type of problem and achieve the desired effect. These types of massage can also be performed as a preventive measure for various disorders.

Rules for performing facial massage

Spanish facial massage is considered one of the best. It is used to increase the elasticity of facial skin tissues, which is achieved through relaxation.

This technique provides for certain rules of execution.

  • During the procedure, you cannot use two or more techniques simultaneously. This is due to the fact that they can have different types of effects, which will be opposite to each other. This will lead to the course being ineffective.
  • When performing massage movements, the specialist takes into account the individual characteristics of the person.
  • The procedure technique involves many different techniques, which prevents the body from becoming accustomed to the same action.
  • Each of the techniques provides for plasticity, which ensures the absence of painful sensations during the session.

The most popular is the Spanish reaffirming facial massage. It involves performing three stages.

  1. First, the master uses the top layer of skin to stimulate the nerve receptors that transmit impulses to the brain, which provides a feeling of complete relaxation.
  2. The next action is to activate blood circulation. This allows you to improve metabolic processes in skin cells and remove toxins, which improves collagen synthesis and removes excess fluid.
  3. At the last stage it is necessary to intensively influence the muscles. This increases blood flow and stimulates the flow of nutrients into tissues, which helps strengthen muscle fibers.

The massage is very pleasant and at the same time provides many positive effects. The skin becomes tightened and healthy.

Spanish modeling massage of the face and neck is the first step to ensuring that the facial muscles are in a relaxed state. This allows you to achieve many positive effects. There is absolutely no pain when performing this technique, despite the fact that the effect is profound.

The Spanish body massage technique implies the following positive effects:

  • stimulating blood circulation - this will help make the skin more textured and elastic;
  • smoothing of wrinkles, puffiness and circles disappear under the eyes;
  • improved blood flow in the facial area, providing good oxygen supply to tissues;
  • skin color becomes natural and completely restored;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • eliminating excessive oily skin and preventing the appearance of various rashes;
  • the skin is rejuvenated and restored;
  • facial muscle tone will be increased;
  • correction of facial contours.

Spanish modeling facial massage gives effects after visiting the first session. By improving blood circulation, there is a positive effect on all tissues and muscles of the face. To get a pronounced result you need to undergo from 10 to 15 procedures.

In order for the procedure to bring maximum positive effect, it is necessary to influence several systems at once, including the lymphatic, nervous and circulatory systems. Muscles and joints should also be involved.

Spanish back massage is often performed, since by working on the spine, you can get rid of several problems at once. The equipment is selected depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the presence of certain problems that need to be eliminated. The classic procedure consists of more than a hundred different techniques.

The procedure is indicated for the following problems:

  • swelling and lymphostasis;
  • circulatory disorders, varicose veins;
  • weakened immune system;
  • migraine, constant headache;
  • disturbing sleep, insomnia;
  • nervousness and severe stress;
  • blood pressure disorders, problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • muscle spasm;
  • sprained muscle tissue and ligaments, joint problems, poor posture;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • recovery period after serious injury or surgery.

As for the technique for the facial zone, it is used for such problems.

Spanish massage is a fairly new technology, which, however, has already gained popularity in different countries. This is a completely unique technique that allows you to easily influence the skin and muscles, relaxing and at the same time eliminating problems such as cellulite, puffiness, sagging and laxity of the skin.

What is Spanish massage?

As already mentioned, this massage method is quite new. In 1920, Dr. Ferrandisa opened a famous school of massage, where a technique called chiromassage was first used. It was this that became the basis for the formation of the Spanish massage technique.

It is worth noting that this technique has many advantages. The most common body massage techniques, as a rule, include no more than 6-8 effective techniques. The human body adapts to such techniques very quickly, and the effect of the sessions decreases after just a few weeks. Spanish massage is a synthesis of the most effective Eastern and European techniques, and also includes methods of kinesiology and American chiropractic. The specialist has more than 100 effective techniques in his arsenal.

Today, Spanish massage is considered a completely unique treatment system that is used to restore the body.

Why do you need a Spanish massage?

This variety can be divided into two main directions, which are used for different purposes.

  • Myotensive massage technique is designed to affect the joints. The fact is that after injuries it occurs around the joints. Thus, a block is formed that limits freedom of movement. Spanish massage can solve this problem.
  • Neurosedative technique is intended, first of all, to relieve emotional and mental stress, which negatively affects the body, causing fatigue and sleep disturbances, problems with the digestive tract, etc.

In any case, Spanish massage has a wonderful effect on the skin, normalizes the flow of blood and lymph, has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system, perfectly relaxes muscles and, of course, helps eliminate the consequences of injuries and get rid of extra pounds.

Spanish facial massage

Today, this technique is becoming increasingly popular. After all, a soft but deep effect helps improve blood circulation, which in turn provides the cells with the necessary amount of oxygen. After several sessions, the skin becomes more elastic, acquires a pleasant color and a healthy glow. In addition, this technique allows you to eliminate swelling and fluid stagnation.

Spanish body massage

Massaging your body can help you get rid of many problems. First of all, Spanish massage helps get rid of cellulite, eliminate sagging skin, and reduce stretch marks. In addition, this technology allows you to easily and quickly treat problem areas, destroying fat deposits in the most inaccessible places. This technique also allows you to quickly relax muscles, relieve fatigue, tension and spasms.