A beautiful script for a woman's 55th birthday. Festive portal jubilee-en-bis.rf - everything for your anniversary

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If your birthday girl is a person close to you who wants to make a pleasant surprise, and organize her birthday in an unusual, creative way - then the script for the anniversary of 55 years for a woman, cool script just for you. Here you will find new idea holding a holiday in the "Pink" style, fresh congratulations, funny scenes and interesting entertainment program.

Don't forget to prepare the birthday cake in pink style, video greeting "55 - two fives in my life", decoration of the hall with elements floral motifs: garland with natural flowers, balloons with flowers, etc. On tables for guests, you can prepare bouquets of roses in vases, decorate tables with napkins with roses. In addition, you should buy rose petals that will be poured onto the path to meet the hero of the day, and you can also distribute roses to all guests of the holiday. By the way, birthday invitations can also be decorated with roses.
Also prepare ahead of time. But read the congratulation ideas in the article to know exactly what you want to say.

Music material of the holiday, dance program should display compositions of past years, all songs can be accompanied by video sequences on a multimedia board. The hosts are a man and a woman, close friends or relatives of the birthday girl.

So, the guests of the anniversary have arrived, the path along which the birthday girl will go is covered with pink rose petals. Each guest in the hands - pink rose. Everyone is waiting for the hero of the occasion.

Birthday meeting. "Pink Tunnel"

LEADING: A woman was created for a man, and a man for work. It was men out of boredom who figured out why they need a woman, and God left the trouble of creating her.

HOST: He took all the magical colors of the morning star, the thoughtfulness of the moon, the beauty of the sun, the attractive power of a magnet.

HOST: That's right. He mixed all this and added the coldness of the stars, the irresistibility of the mountain river, the impregnability of the mountains, the flexibility of the panther, the ruthlessness of the elements.

HOST: And then, passing his creation to the man, he ordered to love her the way she came out, and not try to remake her, experience happiness with her throughout her life, and endure all her shortcomings to the end. And to make it easier to live together, I wished to arrange at least a small holiday every day.

LEADING: Yes, I accidentally patted the rug from the corridor - a holiday. Joyfully sat on the gum in a new suit - a big holiday.

HOST: Wait, today is not about that. Now appear in our hall beautiful woman, into which the Lord has put intelligence, beauty, charm, a warm spring morning, added a little fragrance of roses - all this is our birthday girl Zhanna!

HOST: We meet her with applause!

LEADING: Dear Zhanna, today is an extraordinary day for you, today we, your friends and relatives with great pleasure put two fives in your life diary.

HOST: But for this, you must open your heart to us today, give your cheerful mood, introduce those who are not yet familiar with this hall, and answer the question, what is your favorite flower?

BIRTHDAY GIRL: I agree to everything, I welcome you with pleasure at my birthday, I accept a gift from you in the form of two fives, and my favorite flower is, of course, a rose!

LEADING: Then, dear Jeanne, we offer you to walk along this festive path, covered with the petals of your favorite flowers. Today you will accept roses, receive congratulations on your anniversary!

HOST: Your daughters are the first to meet you, today they bow to you for having managed to raise them in love, for everything you taught them, for your love and tenderness, for wisdom and mentorship.

The daughters of the birthday girl bow to her, kiss, give their roses.

LEADING: The next on the path of life is your beloved husband, today from him to you - his kiss and gratitude for your love and tenderness.

The husband approaches, kisses the birthday girl, gives her a rose.

HOST: Two more important men in your life, dear Zhanna, these are your sons-in-law, for whom, we know, you have become a second mother in life. Accept flowers and their love from them.

Sons-in-law give flowers to their mother-in-law, kiss her.

HOST: We all know that Jeanne - loving grandmother, therefore, of course, the most beloved people - her grandchildren came today to congratulate her on the holiday. Keep it up, Zhanna, do not scold your grandchildren, but accept today from them - a loaf.

Grandchildren come to their grandmother, give her a loaf.

HOST: But this is not all the beloved men in the life of the birthday girl. Since childhood, and until now, Jeanne is surrounded by the love of her brothers. Look, they are like a selection. Accept from them, Jeanne - a set of sweets.
The brothers approach the birthday girl, give her sweets and roses.

LEADING: And the brothers have wives. Zhanna has been friends with them for many, many years, they are like girlfriends to her, and today they have prepared delicious buns for Zhanna.

Following the scenario of the anniversary for a 55-year-old woman, the brothers' wives present profiteroles and roses to Jeanne

HOST: We know that your life plays a certain role big love to your nephews, you helped them in life at certain points. So, for this, get their loud applause!

The nephews of the birthday girl applaud, come up, give roses and their kisses.

HOST: There are friends in life - an important fact, then Life is going okay. Accept from them today Zhanna black, but very sweet chocolate!

Friends come up to the birthday girl, give the birthday girl a huge bar of chocolate.

HOST: Well, dear birthday girl, you have passed your flower festive tunnel. Now, rather, invite guests to celebrate everything together your 55- summer anniversary!

Festive feast. Congratulations to relatives and friends

First toast

LEADING: How joyful and bright it is today in this hall, filled with smiles of guests, close people of our birthday girl. Today we want to wish her to always remain the same young soul, mischievous love of life, which she has always been, and for which we all love her.

HOST: Let's fill our glasses and drink for the optimism, love, wisdom and health of the birthday girl for many years!

Second toast

HOST: All of you have noticed that today is not an ordinary holiday, it is accompanied by beautiful rose flowers. Why, you ask - everything from the fact that our Zhanna not only loves these flowers, but also grows them herself.

HOST: And yet, there is a legend that roses grow in those places where a shooting star leaves a trail. Well, we don’t even doubt that our Zhanna is a star in life! And yet, not everyone knows, but in the language of flowers, the word "rose" means "beauty and romance." And the 55th anniversary of our Zhanna is a beautiful and romantic holiday. Does everyone agree with this?

LEADING: Let's drink to beautiful rose our Jeanne. For her - today all the flowers of the world, the smile of the sun from above. And how wonderful that in our life we ​​know for sure that there is you! Then let's drink to that!

Third toast

HOST: I invite the third toast of our feast to proclaim a man who once, quite by accident, entered the life of our Zhanna. The story was romantic - one day, on a cold and frosty winter day, our Zhanna moved from one hostel to another, and one young man decided to help pretty girl. And he helped, together they still go the same way of life, having raised two beautiful daughters.

LEADING: I think that Zhanna's beloved husband, Anatoly, will tell about everything better!

fourth toast

LEADING: Dad and mom are two native words, from them - our love and courage, in them - love for everything dear: for the land, for your home, for your children. They teach for life their wisdom.

HOST: And if you are 55 today, you are still a child for them. Therefore, let's raise our glasses to the beginning of our Zhanna's life, to the source that gave her life, and invite the birthday girl's parents to make a toast. Let's drink to their health!

Fifth toast

LEADING: When grandmother is at home, life is always good. She is - best friend. No wonder people say: happy is the one who has a dear grandmother.

HOST: Grandmother. What a gentle, beautiful, meek, affectionate and warm word? And why? But because the grandmother is my mother's, or my father's mother, so she lived twice as long as her mother or father.
I've seen twice as much in my life. And grandchildren are probably twice as expensive for her. Because they are the children of her child.

Entertainment. Contests and fun

Fan Congratulations

LEADING: Our birthday girl is an attractive woman. Of course, she has many fans. Some of them arrived today to congratulate her on the holiday.

Arabic music sounds, the Sultan enters the hall (dressed in oriental costume)

SULTAN: Oh, the unsurpassed rose of my heart, the sultana of my soul, dear Jeanne. Your beauty outshines the light of the sun, and your mind is the wisdom of the moon. For you, this is a gift from me.

The Sultan makes a simple trick, or simply takes out the first crystal rose from the box.

SULTAN: Accept this Rose of Love as a gift from me, it will always drive your hot blood through your veins, it will keep and cherish you. Let it shine like a star on the way, let it warm at night and remind you of me. Are you willing to be mine forever?

The birthday girl accepts the rose, but says she doesn't agree

HOST: Yes, our birthday girl is a picky lady. Meet our next fan.
To the music, the Doctor enters

DOCTOR: Citizen Zhanna Petrova? Well, well, then it was your beauty that blinded my eyes? Yeah, but love for you started heart problems, tachycardia, neurosis? It's clear. I attribute: You need to become mine. Accept the Rose of Health from me as a gift (takes out a second crystal rose from her redicule). This rose is a powerful weapon against all diseases. She is the fire of my love, the winds of time cannot blow it out, keep it always, and be healthy with me - and you will never have ailments. I will always be with you! Are you willing to be mine?

The birthday girl accepts the crystal rose but refuses. Kachok enters the hall to the music (a guy dressed in sport suit, with overhead "biceps"), or for fun, maybe a Stripper.

PUFF: I've been looking for you for a long time, Beauty Queen. And in my dreams every day you were. Be mine, and forever I will be your man. And as a gift, accept the Rose of Beauty from me. Keep it, because it is known that beauty will save the world, and your beauty - the whole universe. Be with me, my Queen, give me your heart!

The birthday girl accepts the Rose of beauty, refuses Kachko. In the hall, to romantic music, the husband of the birthday girl enters with huge bouquet live roses.

Competition for guests

The host invites several guests and the birthday girl to the center of the hall, turns their backs to Jeanne and asks questions:
"What color are the birthday girl's pants?" (in fact, she is wearing a dress)
"What color is the manicure?"
“How high are the heels? In millimeters please"
"What was the name of the birthday girl's grandfather?"
"Who's specialty?"
"How tall is Jeanne?"
“How many grandchildren does the birthday girl have?”
The guest who guesses the largest number answers receives an invitation from the birthday girl for the next birthday.
"Berry Contest"
The presenter invites everyone who loves to dance to participate in the competition. He counts those who wish, puts them in a circle, turns his back to the center of the circle. In the middle of the circle he puts a stool, on it is a large tray with a variety of fruits and berries - cherries, apples, pears, oranges, lemons, kiwi, etc. There should be several of them, for example, if you have 8 participants, then there should be 7 apples, 6 pears, 5 plums, 4 cherries, 3 strawberries, 1 raspberry on a tray.

The music begins to sound, the participants dance. The music stops, the presenter calls a certain fruit. Participants should turn around and take the named fruit from the tray. Those who do not have time are out of the game. The game continues on. Thus, the winner is determined.

birthday cake

The conclusion of the holiday will be the removal of a festive cake with roses. It is beautiful when the grandchildren take out the cake to the grandmother.

LEADING: For the brightest rose of today's holiday, for the wise and beautiful Jeanne- our birthday cake. Applause from the guests in honor of her wonderful holiday!

LEADING: Happy holiday, Zhanna, happy birthday to you!

Solemn sounds sound, the grandchildren take out a cake on a tray. The birthday girl, to applause, blows out the candles.
According to the scenario of the 55th anniversary for a woman, we end the holiday with fireworks and a photo session as a keepsake.

Audio congratulations on the anniversary of the woman. Voice messages directly to your phone!

Birthday is a great occasion to bring the whole family together, sit in a cozy circle of relatives and have fun. And if it is also significant date- the anniversary of 55 years for a woman, the script should be funny and cool to make the holiday truly unforgettable. It is necessary to properly organize its holding, and the first step is a modern, interesting scenario.

If you have already thought about organizing a holiday for your beloved wife, mother or grandmother, then below you will find original variants hosting an event that will delight all guests. At such a holiday, neither work colleagues nor small children will be bored, and the impressions of such a 55th anniversary will remain with everyone for a long, long time.

55 years is a wonderful date, as they say, at this time life is just beginning, acquiring everything possible forms and paints. Next to the birthday girl are loving children and grandchildren, as well as many reliable friends, time-tested.

With a sense of humor and a little creativity, even at home you can organize fun party having prepared in advance a cool script for the anniversary of a woman for 55 years. You don't need a lot of props for this. All you need is free space, depending on how many guests you expect.

  • Props are registered separately for each competition
  • Hints for the facilitator are in italics
  • Prepare small prizes for the winners of competitions

You can always use improvised materials in order to give a room at home or a hall in a cafe a new and fresh look. Attach large fabric bows to ordinary chairs. Throw a lot of balloons filled with helium into the room, and small flyers with wishes can be attached to the loose ends of the strings.

Don't forget the flowers your birthday girl loves the most. Let an armful of luxurious roses or a basket of hyacinths surprise her in the morning.

In order to surprise the hero of the day from the first minutes of the holiday, blindfold her and enter into the hall, where all the guests will be waiting for her. Let her feel like she was a child again. Dress up your guests in party hats. Even if your guest is the director of a large enterprise, a solemn accessory will not damage his status. Stock up on crackers, let everything be bright, colorful and cheerful.

55th Anniversary Scenario

Leading: On this beautiful day, we all gathered here to, wife, grandmother, girlfriend and just a wonderful person - our birthday girl (name). On this day, a new page in her life begins, and we are sure that it will be written only with bright colors.
(It will be good if your script for the 55th anniversary of a woman is funny and mischievous, everyone loves to have fun, so feel free to use all sorts of extraordinary tricks, for example, such as below).

But I cannot start our holiday without my assistants. So now I will choose two groups of three people. (Choose)

So, the first group is analysts. Your task is to carefully monitor that no one has an empty glass.

And our second group is a group of practitioners. You will keep track of whether everyone has drunk.
Well my faithful helpers I ask you to take up your duties. Now that our glasses are filled to the brim, I want to provide the first congratulatory word husband of our charming hero of the day (name)! He did his best to make the 55th anniversary of his beloved woman unforgettable, so let's support him with loud applause!

Congratulations on the anniversary of the woman (by name)

Husband's congratulations

Anniversary wife's birthday!
I want to wish at this hour -
Do not guess you are in the thick of the coffee.
We will have joy and happiness!

There will be bright moments of life,
Our luck will be!
Unrest is bypassed,
When you and I walk together!
(At this time, they take out the flowers that the husband gives to the birthday girl)

holiday charter

Leading: I see that serious people have gathered at our table, so how can we do without the charter of our holiday?

    So, today it is allowed:
  1. crazy fun
  2. dance until you drop
  3. Tell the funniest and most intimate stories
  4. Be an active participant in competitions, while involving all parts of the body
  5. Tasting food and drinks
  • Say "I can't", "I don't want", "I won't"
  • sit and mourn

And Additional Information according to our charter: gifts for the birthday girl are accepted throughout current month and non-refundable!

And now, to make your eyes sparkle, we want you to refresh yourself a little! (inviting guests to the table)

Competition No1 for the knowledge of the hero of the day

Leading: Well, let's leave the goodies aside and let's check how well we know our hero of the day.

(the host takes turns asking the guests the following questions about the birthday girl):

  1. What day of the week was (name) born?
  2. What would our birthday girl never eat?
  3. Favorite color of the hero of the day?
  4. What was her idol as a teenager?
  5. Who was her first love?
  6. What animals did she have?
  7. What is the most funny case do you remember from the life of the birthday girl?
  8. Favorite song of the hero of the day?
  9. What hairstyle did she have in her teenage years?
  10. Funniest childhood experience?
  11. Favorite and least favorite school lesson?
  12. Which cartoon character do you see our birthday girl?

Leading: Let's raise the filled glasses for our dear birthday girl, and the word for congratulations is given to the children of our hero of the day. After all, it is with these very dear people that all warm and tender memories are connected.

Congratulations children:

(example) Congratulations, mom, on your anniversary. May your success and optimism be high and not waning at your 55 years old, may good health, strong strength and cheerful inspiration allow you to carry out all your plans, may your heart beat always be happy and your soul inspired by the love of loved ones.

Leading: It is not in vain that they say that children are the flowers of life, just look at how much joy and warmth they bring to our birthday girl! But, of course, we cannot forget about our smallest guests of the celebration, who cannot wait for the opportunity to wish their beloved grandmother all the brightest and most joyful!

Congratulations from the grandson (granddaughter):

(example) Happy birthday, Grandma! As long as I can remember myself, so many of you. And you have always been for me the most affectionate, kind, attentive and caring! Your pies are the most ruddy and sweet, and the fairy tales are the most interesting! I wish you years and that every day be special for you, full of good events!

Leading: So let's raise our glasses so that all wishes come true, and the joy of today's celebration does not leave our hero of the day all next year! Dear analysts and practitioners, are you performing your duties well?
(Guests sit at the table)
(Do not forget also that soft music played in the background during the celebration, which will create a pleasant holiday atmosphere. If your event is held in a cafe or restaurant, then ideal option There will be live music

After a while, you can continue the entertainment program. Adults - they are still a little child at heart.

Leading: How about feeling like a pilot? Only not by ordinary pilots, but by those who deliver not cargo, not passengers, but happiness and smiles!

Competition No2 Pilots of Happiness

We form two teams with the same number of participants. They become in a chain. The first players pick up the folded paper airplane, which they will pass on to each other, while naming wishes for the birthday girl. You can transfer the airplane to the next player only after the wish is named, for example, success, joy, etc. The hero of the occasion becomes at the end of the chain between the two teams. The winner is the team whose plane first “flies” to the birthday girl. (Winners will receive prizes.)

Leading: And now let's give the floor to the dear friend of our birthday girl, who wholeheartedly wants to wish her all the most wonderful on this beautiful day.

Congratulations to a friend:


Beautiful date - fifty five,
And the age is also great,
Girlfriend, I congratulate you now
May happiness come in your personal life.

I congratulate you on your anniversary today
And I want to stay young
For your body to work properly
So that joy was a continuous wave.

Leading: Now it's time for a little brainstorming! We announce the next competition.

Competition No3 Alphabet

For this competition, you will need a bag of letters of the alphabet. Guests participate in this competition one at a time. We select one applicant. By the way, how to do this if the guests do not take the initiative? To keep everything organized rhythmically and honestly, you can turn on the music and pass some object. Then, when the music stops, the participant in the competition becomes the one in whose hands the object was transferred.

So, the selected participant takes out the letter of the alphabet from the bag. He raises his glass and must say a toast, each word in which will begin with the letter of the alphabet he has inherited.

Leading: (following words you can invite one of the guests to make a toast)
Dear guests!
I see you are in a good mood.
We continue our congratulations.
We erect a Lily-of-the-valley flower on a pedestal
And we dedicate many flattering lines to him.

Which of you guests is ready to say a few words for the hero of the day?
(after the toast, you can invite guests to dance)
Leading: They say life only begins after retirement, right? Therefore, in order to properly celebrate this significant moment, I suggest everyone to go to the dance floor!

If hunger is quenched
If they ate and drank together,
If there is no strength to chew -
Come out to dance!

Leading: And if we're already on the dance floor, why not go fishing a little? Surely there are those here who do not mind sitting in a quiet early morning or evening with a fishing rod, thinking and bringing home an excellent catch, right? So, now we will break your ideas about fishing! As it turns out, this activity can make you sweat a lot!

Competition number 4. Fishing

Leading: So, who cannot live here without fishing (participants are invited).
For this competition, you will need paper improvised fish, which will be tied to the belt of each participant. Let these fish be bright and colorful so that they can be clearly seen.

You need to divide those who wish into several teams, from two to four. Members of the same team must have fish of the same color. The rope on which the fish will be tied should be such that it barely reaches the floor.

Having tied the fish to the participants, the host gives a signal, and the “fishermen” try to move in such a way as to step on the opponent’s fish, and it remains on the floor. The competition is accompanied by music. The winners are those who did not let the opponents pick all the fish from their belts. (Giving prizes to the winners!)

If your scenario for the anniversary of the 55th anniversary of a woman is humorous, then be sure that everyone will like such a holiday!

Presentation of an honorary diploma

Leading: And at the end of our celebration, I would like to inform you good news! It turns out that our modest birthday girl hid some of her achievements from us. But we all know! And for this we want to award her an honorary diploma! (music, hero of the day is invited)

So, this diploma is issued to (name) for high achievements in the study of the following subjects:

  1. Literature (conversation with her husband in anger) - 5 excellent.
  2. Mathematics (recalculation wages husband in his favor) - 5 excellent.
  3. Geography (where it won’t go, but everything will come home) - 5 excellent.
  4. Music (playing on nerves) — 5 excellent.

Applause, friends!

Leading: Today we have heard many best wishes for our wonderful birthday girl! We sincerely hope that the inspiration and joy received today will accompany her in her endeavors throughout the next year! But she also has something to say to dear guests, so let's give the floor to our hero of the day!

(Words of the birthday girl)


This holiday is extraordinary
Anniversary and soulful,
Again (name), we congratulate,
And with all our hearts we wish her:

To also be kind
To also be wise
To have a mountain of money
So that doctors are not required!
Happy Anniversary to you! Hooray!

The lights are dimmed, slow music plays

Ladies stand on both sides of the entrance to the hall and hold candles. The birthday girl is invited to the hall. Each man takes turns approaching the birthday girl and circling her in a waltz. The music ends and everyone is invited to the table.

Leading: Hello dear birthday girl! Good evening Dear guests. We have gathered for the occasion anniversary date Olga Semyonovna. But today we will not talk about age, because such beauties as Olga Semyonovna are getting younger every year. And our the main task for today, make sure that a smile does not leave her face and her eyes shine with a dazzling light, so that when men see her, they stack up in piles, and do not leave quietly in English.
Your anniversary birthday
We are happy to celebrate now
And from the bottom of our hearts we want everything together
Wish you health, happiness.
So that joy comes to your house
And always stayed in it
Love to fill the heart
And the family was friendly
And for this we raise the first birthday toast!

They raise their glasses. Pause 5 minutes.

Leading: Let's give the floor to the head of the logistics department Bakumenko Sergey Nikolayevich.

After congratulations, everyone raises their glasses.
Break 5 minutes.

Leading: To make sure that our birthday girl is not only outwardly very beautiful, but everything internal organs in order, we invited a qualified doctor and his assistant.

Doctors congratulations

Doctor : Help is on the doorstep! Gentlemen, dear doctors ...
Nurse (brings the birthday girl to the middle of the hall): Don't worry, don't be scared, But relax, smile... The doctor will only examine you And give you an accurate diagnosis.

The doctor conducts an examination of the hero of the day.

Doctor. Thoughts are clear, slightly intoxicated ...
Passionate eyes. What!
swan neck,
Pulse slightly agitated.
Shoulders are not strong
But very sexy
In the lungs are heard clearly to me
Inhale and exhale.
Heart beats joyfully
And full of desire...
The insides are coordinated
Working with dignity
Tasting drinks
The body is getting ready...
Nurse: Hence, well-being
Not autumn at all?
Doctor: My diagnosis is correct.
Nurse. Youth-fiery?
What is the diagnosis for this?
What does it mean?
Doctor: eternal longing,
eternal burning,
Responsibility for business
Trouble overcoming
And souls bloom.
Nurse: Only half a life lived
So to sum it up
regret and write off
The time has not come.
Doctor: I confirm youth!
Optimism and cheerfulness!
And to always be in shape
Live and stay
Need to be tempered
To appear in the bath ...
Nurse: Here is the prescription
You on a personal basin.
Shower on the night
Of it three times.
Doctor: Let's all raise a toast
Years not counting.
Bloom for the soul
Wisdom and recognition
Strive for the best!!!

They hand over a bowl and a recipe for it. The text of the prescription: "Association of Physicians emergency care, Medical company "January-invest". Recipe. FULL NAME. sick. Diagnosis of the disease "PEY8YYIO-PEP1A". The prescribed drug was VANII TANK. How to use: 3-time douche at night. Side effects: s / ' / poe rMkat'e, neobpositosis (po $ iouappo / vro / goyap / a. Signature and personal seal of the doctor. The prescription is valid for 15 days. If it is difficult to purchase the prescribed drug, contact the company "January-invest ".

Doctors invite guests to raise glasses to the health of the birthday girl. And they announce a break. Despite the fact that the Ministry of Health warns about the dangers of smoking. (10-15 minutes)

Leading: Friends and employees, not sparing words,
They want to congratulate you on this anniversary day!
(words are provided for those wishing to congratulate the hero of the day) 10-15 minutes

A man enters the hall with two children.

Nian: Great, everything is great.
Why don't we fall into childhood?
Women are yin, men are drunk,
Well, I'm a mustachioed nanny.
Let's do a quiz "Through the mouth of a baby".

Children sit on chairs and begin to talk about the qualities of the birthday girl. There are three characteristics for each quality. If someone from the hall guesses, he receives a present from the Mustachioed nanny

Girl: This is when a person cannot sit still and always does something ...
If she doesn’t go to work, then she doesn’t sit at home or in the country anyway, but walks and walks, and (oh) ...
She does not like to sleep, does not like to watch TV, but loves (oh) ... (Hardworking.)
Boy: She always does everything (oh), from which her legs sometimes get tired ...
Sometimes she looks like a running car, spinning, running, and everything works out for her ...
It still looks like a mountain river, because it (oh) flows. (Energetic, fast.)
Girl: She always takes pity on everyone, helps everyone...
A fairy from a fairy tale is also like this (oh) ...
She does not offend anyone, but, on the contrary, she will invite her to visit, treat the children with sweets ... (Kind.)
Boy: They give her little money, but she still rejoices ...
And when it's good, and when it's bad, she doesn't cry, because she (oh) ...
And she doesn’t like to sit at home, she likes to be with other uncles (you thought wrong) and with other aunts, because she is interested in them ... (Cheerful.)

Nian (turns to the children): You guys, pour,
And I read a fairy tale for the birthday girl.
The hen Ryaba laid an egg,
The grandfather is annoyed, and the grandmother is angry.
Well, the explanation is simple:
This egg is not golden. (gives the birthday girl a kinder - surprise)

New crystal shoes
The prince gave Cinderella, voila!
She dances in them, goes to bed
The prince smeared the insoles in them with superglue. (gives shoes)

Vanya Tsarevich in the Koshchei rear
Shoots an arrow at the swan from a bow.
Let Koschey languish without a swan,
Vanka lives with his frog!

Rolling across the field, Kolobok rushes,
A hare and a wolf run after him,
A fox and a bear run there too ...
And the field is a minefield, after all!

Petenka was stolen by a fox again,
He drags him over the mountains, over the forests ...
The fool does not know what is the reason in life.
She was ambushed there by riot police!

So what do you think of my stories?
Well, everybody, open your eyes
Raise the container!
We drink for the childhood of the hero of the day!

Leading: Yes, in childhood, almost everyone loved to listen to fairy tales and play naughty games. I propose to please our birthday girl with a fun contest.
There is a ball competition. (the balls are tied to a chair and they must be burst with the help of the fifth point).

After the competition, the winner is awarded.
There is a break and dancing.

Leading: A lot came to our hero of the day congratulatory telegrams. Let me read them:
From the scene of "The Mirror of the Crooked" We want to say our word: We wish to be drunk with happiness, As in Petrosyan's humoresques. We wish you joy, fun, But not a heavy hangover. If something is wrong, drink vigorous kvass. Bye! Flower and Matryona.
Who wants to become a millionaire, He must visit the First! You come to Moscow. Ask where is Galkin, that is me, Maxim. Then catch your luck! I'm waiting for you on the show! You become an example for the motherland And just be a millionaire!
Forgive me for my clumsy handwriting, Now I'm just an angel: I'm going to bed on time... I've been writing a letter to you for two days, To wish you a happy birthday! And you send me cookies, I'll eat him for a couple with Karkusha. I missed you. Wait for a visit. Piggy.
Like the phantom of the opera, come to you
I wish, Eat vodka, caviar and a cup of tea,
Congratulate on the holiday and sing "Barrel" for you.
But it's hard to wake up early!
You yourself drink and, having a bite of sausage,
Congratulate yourself! Kolya Baskov.

I send greetings from Petersburg,
I wish you many, many years.
Here I would like your young age -
I would make a mess!
I wish you love, peace, success from the bottom of my heart. Pieha.
Yes, definitely, on this day, even a stump is obliged to love.
I wish you all the best, even if it's expensive.
But first, for example, join us in the Liberal Democratic Party.
And everything will be fine for you. Vladimir Volfych, definitely.

During the reading of the holiday mail, Said enters the hall.
In the hands of an impressive stack of business folders, a guitar behind his back, a dagger in his belt. Puts folders, sits on them. Waiting.
Enter Sukhov.
Sukhov and Said look at each other.

Sukhov: Said, how did you get here?
side : Anniversary.
Sukhov: Again? Said, I'm going home...
side : You tell someone else ...
Sukhov: Why, should I wander around these anniversaries all my life?
Side: East is a delicate matter. Your words.
Sukhov: Will they give millet for the road?
side (playing with a dagger). I will agree.
Sukhov: How old is the hero of the day?
side : Woman.
Sukhov : We beg your pardon. Well, describe it. What does it do, advantages ...
side (slapping folders). List, comrade Sukhov...
Sukhov (evaluating). And in short?
Said whispers in his ear, Sukhov nods.
So... So... To the College of Soviet Trade? In 1989? Likes songs?.. Since childhood?.. (Strictly.) Do you have an instrument with you?
Sayd throws the guitar over his back, sits down on the floor.
Yes, but what's your name? Olga, you say? Heh!
Sukhov straightens his tunic, clears his throat into his fist.
Go ahead, Sid. (Sings.)
Your honor, dear beauty.
You have affirmed this truth since childhood:
“If bad luck in life is not easy,
Everything will be different, just sing a song!”
Your honor, lady singer!
You know that anything can happen on the stage:
I suddenly forgot the line, stagnation in my memory,
Sing "la-la-la-la-la", well, sing on!
Your honor, lady queen!
Happiness was far away yesterday, but today is close.
If the salary is tight and the pocket is empty ...
You and your friend sing this song together.
Your honor, you are like a ray of light.
It means that your song is not fully sung.
To stay young longer
You more often, Olya, sing this song.
Thank you for your attention.
Well, happy anniversary, then. (raises a toast to the birthday girl) I'm off. It's time.
Side. : Can you wait? There is also an anniversary planned ... And there, you see, rides will turn up ...
Sukhov : Not ... And so he gave a big hook. Now I'll go along the hypotenuse - it's shorter. Sorry if that's not the case. (Exits.)
Side: Well, well ... See you again. (Gathers folders and leaves to the tune of the song "Your Honor")

Leading: It has been scientifically proven that love for the dacha helps our birthday girl to stay in good shape. It practically replaces the morning, evening and afternoon workout. Members of the Colorado Beetle Club found out about this passion and came to congratulate Olga Semyonovna.
We arrived at the cottage
And then there's a problem:
We must celebrate smarter
This glorious anniversary!

Guests stay here for a week
Without water - that's miracles!
Two weeks without food
And without vodka - three hours!

What should they do now
What to do?
And they all decided
Dig in the beds!

Planting a sack of potatoes
Reclaimers all in full:
In autumn, the bag was collected ...
Not one has gone missing!

Gardeners : Today we want to congratulate the birthday girl and give gifts grown in her garden:
We give you carrots: Peace to your house, advice and love
But the red tomato: so that the sky above you is clear
And this is a fork of cabbage: so that the house is not empty
Onion and garlic: for good health
But beets: to stay beautiful and slim
And this is a cucumber in addition: so as not to drown the cottage.





After the song, a toast is raised.

Break. Competition with oranges. Dancing

Before the competition with ice.
Extreme after name day
Have you been to Antarctica?
Too bad you've lost a lot.
We are waiting for you at the camp of penguins
Right after the birthday.
Let's fish, let's laugh
And ride on an iceberg
And then on the road
Let's take a sip of the sea
Yes, we will dress in furs for the future.
You will look amazing
Remembering the generosity of penguins.
For envious people and evildoers
Only saliva will run.
We're a little wild here
NZ people were devoured.
So take us as a gift
A ton of red caviar
And for the test ... popsicle,
We don't know it.
See you soon, lady! All!

In Egypt to the pharaoh
I am writing to you... my papyrus
Amur from the Nile sends greetings,
Pharaoh Ramses II
You are invited to a banquet.
Over a vat of coconut mash
Imposingly ask about business:
What prices, muses, fashion,
What happened to you through the ages.
And he will be pleased with what he has said
He will enroll you in the state of sages,
That they live freely at the palace,
Like messengers of the gods.
Ramses hears everything with his soul,
Though shrunken in his tomb,
And having received "good" from you,
Resurrect, come out of the dungeon.
Our address is as simple as two and two:
Egypt, sector of the pyramids.
Ramses will not meet - it does not matter,
You will be captivated by the grandeur of the view.

This scene will be based on visiting guests - Italians. She needs two Italians and one translator. Italians can come up with a special outfit, for example, in the colors of the Italian flag, or for them to carry baskets of spaghetti and olives.


Congratulations to the Anniversary, muchachos woman!


We congratulate the most beautiful woman Happy anniversary!


We are awesome, stunned, your formente!


We are fascinated by you!


We don’t eat gelente tablets for you, always be awesome, beautiful, so that the wallet is always overcrowded and healthy!


We wish you to be healthy, beautiful and rich!


And in honor of the two fives, we are giving you our precious 55 straw as a surprise!


And in honor of your 55th birthday, we are giving you the most important thing - 55 packs of real pasta!

(the Neapolitan song sounds (Uno, uno, uno, un momento), the Italians present a gift)

Related content:

  • scene for the anniversary Scene-fairy tale for the anniversary
  • funny scene for a day or anniversary
  • Scene congratulations from grandmothers of the hero of the day
  • scenes for the anniversary of a woman
  • scene for the anniversary - Gypsy parable for the anniversary.
come back

Scenes for the anniversary of the 55th anniversary of the woman "for the anniversary

1. "Little pensioner"

Today we have a little pensioner. You all know how capricious little ones are, they are afraid of a cold, and they don’t have too much intelligence, therefore, so that they don’t puff out their ears, they don’t bake their heads, and also so that different thoughts don’t get into their heads, we decided to give her a cap.

And also, you all know that the little ones are so clumsy and so awkward that when they eat, they get dirty themselves and dirty everything that surrounds them. To prevent this from happening, we give her an apron.

And I also want to add to the above that little pensioners get upset for any reason, they always worry very loudly, so their eyes are always wet. So that our pensioner does not cry, we decided to give her a pacifier.

Presentation of the medal

For merit on the anniversary

Award a big medal

With a red ribbon on it.

Sock requires decency

In vain do not force a medal

Badge of special distinction

Choose a place to wear sparingly,

To please people.

Let it hang above the navel

And a little lower breasts.

Keep that medal from wax

Do not take greasy in your hands,

On the days of pay and advance

Wipe with fresh vodka.

Do all movements quickly

Gazing into the distance,

Fix your hair

And stroke the medal.

Don't talk, don't smile

Don't shake hands with everyone.

On the native chest of the authorities

Do not lie without a medal.

And in a locked box

Degrease for storage

Vodka or cognac.

With the loss of this medal

Exclude from anniversaries

And take away her medal.

Order for a working pensioner (given by a pensioner from the team)

To save a place at work

You do not contradict the authorities,

Never go in a bottle

Righteousness defending ardently!

Before the authorities, stand at attention,

And behind your back you can scold

After all, living on a pension is not so fat,

And it would be nice to receive a plus salary!

And, by the way, what to teach you,

You yourself will teach anyone to live.

2. Scene “Pension”

(a participant or participant comes out poorly dressed, in a headscarf, approaches the birthday girl and sings to her a song to the tune “I am standing at a half-station in a colorful half-shawl”)

I came to you unexpectedly

Not at all long-awaited

Sorry - it's not my fault!

I can only say that I do not believe

And I'll check your passport:

You look like you're only 17 years old! (repeat last line)

You are smart, beautiful

I love everything about you!

I invite you to be friends with us!

'Cause you're free now

I confess publicly:

Retirement is so cool to live!

To drink us a glass,

I'll take it out of my bag

Reliable Russian antidepressant! (takes out a bottle of vodka)

We will drink to our friendship

Among the telegrams there is also a message from contemporaries.

3. From the artists delegate,

I congratulate you. Valya Gaft.

We have with you

Everything is ahead.

Be happy, always healthy

Greetings to you Putin Vova.

Toastmaster: But that's not all - the birthday girl is again greeted by her friends!

(a game is played at the “Questions about the birthday girl” table, for each correct answer, the one who said correctly receives a token with a number, at the end of the evening, comic prizes will be raffled off the tokens).

Tamada: I want to give advice

new retiree.

Keep the family as strict as possible -

Come, go and get out.

One glance, one word

And for them they are the law.

And in holidays countries

In the morning you read morality to them,

By dinner, catch up with severity,

And in the evening sit down for tea.

So let's lift our spell

Everyone, taking their wine,

Drain your glasses quickly

Per thorny path her.

May life be rich in joys

And happiness will not leave your doorstep!

As little as possible, we wish you worries,

But they still cannot be avoided.

Let there be strength to defeat them!

So, today these forces are visiting us. Yes, yes, do not be surprised - this is not a fairy tale. So, we are visiting internal forces, that is, the Ministry of the Interior (Someone present puts on a police cap, road signs arranged in advance).

Policeman: On behalf of the traffic police and the Department of Internal Affairs of Omsk, let me present memorable gifts hero of the day. Since there is constant movement in the apartment and you can forget where you were going and get lost, we decided to help you with these problems.

(The policeman takes out “road signs” from the folder, which depict: a TV, glasses, a fork, a bottle with a glass, a light bulb. Then he explains their purpose: the sign “Don’t forget to turn off the TV” is attached to the TV screen, the sign “Be careful, wipe your glasses ” is attached to the bathroom door. sharp objects» can be hung in the kitchen. The sign "Caution - do not overdo it" is placed in the kitchen. The sign "Caution - electrical appliances" is attached above electrical appliances).

Policeman: Be careful in your movements! All the best.

Toastmaster: May this day be solemn and holy

Today happened to you -55!

But do not be sad, do not consider that the limit:

There are many more things ahead of you.

From pure heart wish you

So that everything that you think comes true in fate!

Go through life, as before, bolder,

To celebrate more than one anniversary!

We wish you in the future

Never, never give up

And health for many years

We want to wish from the bottom of our hearts.

We gave you gifts

But it's no secret to anyone

What is for you, our friend of the gift

There is no better song in life.

(you can sing your favorite song of the hero of the day at the table, or listen to the soundtrack).

Tamada: Attention, attention!

I ask for an honest company

Get your tokens

Win-win lottery

Starts to entertain!

(those tokens that they were given for the correct answer in the game "questions about the birthday girl", this list joke prizes the hero of the day is preparing for the guests).

1. To my future baby

Give this book (children's book).

2. We give you a notebook,

There was something to write on. (Notebook).

3. You got a postcard

So we were supposed to. (Card).

4. With a dream of scarcity,

Run around the whole city

But you rarely see

Paper napkin.

5. Congratulations, you won not a penny,

But a real line.

6. Your winnings are like manna from heaven

You got a piece of bread.

7. Enjoy, my friend, a little,

You got three candies.

8. In life, one must hope for the best.

Glue take if something does not stick.

9. Do not be angry with us, my friend,

You only matches boxes.

10. Accept this button.

Wear with joy around the world.

11. You, comrade, do not grieve,

Get up kiss neighbor.

12. To collect this prize for you,

Sing an encore song. (A pen).

13. It's amazing, it's amazing

Win a bottle of beer.

14. Somehow not even cleverly,

But we have a carrot for you.

15. So as not to eat you in the dining room.

Get a bay leaf.

Tamada: You see, dear guests, today not only we gave gifts to the dear birthday girl, but she, in turn, did not forget about us. This once again proves that our………….the most attentive, caring, kind, etc. We had a lot of fun. Our evening is coming to an end!

(finally, you can sing to the hero of the day a reworked song to the motive "robin").

Scenario of the anniversary "two fives"


Dear guests! Today is ... (name) anniversary,

But it's hard to believe this fact!

Eyes burning with desire

And cheeks, like apples redden.

According to the passport, for example, an anniversary,

But there is a wide road ahead.

We can easily understand you.

In general, Tanya, we will get along!

This means - again FIVE!

(Hangs up the fifth medal.)

In the diary - one five!

The result is on the chest!

How nice that the five

They turn into rubles!

Let it be like this in life:

So that wonderful things

Instantly turned into fives,

And sometimes dozens!

(Musical pause, congratulations to the guests.)

Leading: Dear guests! Especially for you I offer a funny test. You need one or two to express what you think about the hero of the day. To make this task easier, I have prepared tips for you. The guests alternately choose the cards offered by the presenter and read out the text:

(Name)! Remember: old friend better than the new two.

You are on land, I am on the sea, we will not meet in any way!

The blue wagon is running, swaying.

Let (Name) do not end!

Oh, viburnum blooms in the field by the stream,

(Name) I wish you health!

(Name), I'm ready for anything for money!

Life is sometimes rough on us

Just hold on for now, (Name)!

Let's smoke, (Name), one at a time!

How many good

But (Name) is dearer to me than everyone!

I don't sleep well at night

Because I love you!

(Name), know the truth about me: the spool is small, but expensive.

Good spring flowers in the garden,

Even better (Name) in the spring!

I want to borrow money from Luba.

You tell me, Lyuba, what do you need, what do you need?

Maybe ladies, maybe ladies, what do you want!

May there always be sunshine, may there always be sky!

May there always be (Name), may there always be me!

Do not forget this table and snacks,

And wine that flowed like blood.

You drove us crazy with delicious food -

You are the mistress of what you need, (Name)!

Daisies hid, buttercups drooped.

And a lot of beautiful words were said.

I wish that Lyubushka

To the spouse was eternal love.

Here's someone coming down the hill

Probably, (Name) is coming!

Blooms like a rose on your anniversary

She drives me crazy.

For next congratulations you will need to make a comic pension certificate for the hero of the day.

Presentation of a comic pension certificate


We give you the document.

Deserved - get it.

Will you lie on the stove

There is a pie and kalachi!

(Pie is handed.)

For the mind you want food -

We will advise you like this:

Useful in education

Dostoevsky and Balzac.

(A work by Dostoevsky or Balzac is presented.)

If the soul asks

Output flawless:

Serial stories -

Like a heart balm.

(A CD with your favorite series is given.)

If you are drawn to the garden

I need to stretch

We give you help

Garden equipment.

(A watering can, garden shears, etc. are awarded)

(Musical pause.)

(For the performance of the next congratulation song, you need preliminary preparation. It is necessary to determine in advance a group of congratulators of 5 people and give them multi-colored Balloons. As the next verse is performed, the birthday girl is given balls of a certain color (blue, yellow, red, blue and green).

The balls may contain small souvenirs.)

Song congratulations on the anniversary

(to the motive "Spinning, spinning blue ball")

The first:

Spinning, spinning blue ball,

We have brought a gift for you!

Airy, beautiful collected bouquet

From the balls of the lungs, and to them - our greetings!


Love is hidden in the red ball.

Let it boil, your blood will boil!

Let a miracle happen unexpectedly -

On a white horse at the door, the prince will knock!


In the blue ball - great luck,

In the office, at home, on the road, in the country

Everything will settle down, it will be okay.

We wish you success on your anniversary!


Accept the yellow ball now,

To have banknotes with you.

Dollars, euros, yuan, rubles -

A large amount was deposited into the account.


And here is a surprise for you in a green ball -

He can fulfill your every whim.

It has a car, an apartment and a cottage.

A voucher for warm in addition!


We will not give you black balls,

So that sad words do not have to be said,

Black thoughts drive away.

We are very happy to help you with this!

In the last verse, our question is: What should guests do if their nose itches? ... (name), pour it over a cup! We are glad to drink for your anniversary! (Dance program.)

Scenario of the anniversary of the woman 55th anniversary "goodbye work or hello pension!"


55 years is the golden and jubilee anniversary.

Celebrated with a wide feast large quantity invited guests. For the celebration of such a date, places such as cafes and restaurants are best suited, where a large number of people can fit.


Goodbye work or hello pension!


Golden and sparkling

Today, a stately Anniversary,

Knocking on our door,

To celebrate more fun!

We will all meet him together,

And call the hostess

Let's take it right away

Pour wine into her glass!

Only guests, I can't hear

What do you call her

Well to A, all palms are higher,

Let them do their thing!

And yet, all at once, sazu,

Let's shout the word "Hurrah!"

And let's add together the phrase,

Happy Birthday-i-i-i!

(Anniversary enters, music and applause sounds)


Our dear (name, patronymic). We sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful date in your life!

We wish you to bloom like a rose, which will have an endless and beautiful destiny!

(gives flowers, applause)


Long waited for the jubilee

Under the name 55,

And now we need to hurry

We all celebrate it!

Most importantly, we all know

What now, there is freedom,

Forget about work

You can take into account the pension!

And for this, you need to drink,

Well, without it, nothing

And pour fireworks into the sky,

Let's make a holiday mess!

(the presenter claps up with a big cracker)

(musical break, meal)


Now I will ask the Anniversary,

For her to come here to me,

I will give her the first pension,

But she needs to surprise everyone!

And so dear (name), receiving the first pension should be remembered for a long time. So I won't just give it to you. You will need to sit on this chair (puts) and dance for us on it. But everything is not so simple, the music will be different, and you will need to dance, corresponding to the theme.

(passes for the Anniversary)


Well, we've never met better dancers,

Oh, how she shook her whole body here,

Like birch branches were earing,

How brightly her eyes sparkled!

Well I can't justify myself

You still have to pay your pension!

(gives a pension in the form of money (cut out in advance from a large piece of cardboard and painted with the inscription 50 thousand rubles)

Host (addressing the hero of the day):

Well, in this bright hour,

All congratulations for you,

Your husband, friends and children,

Everyone congratulates you in the world!

(everyone lines up in a large column, and each in turn congratulates, saying solemn speech into microphone)


Well, for such congratulations,

Pour wine without delay

For the Anniversary and for everyone,

Let there be songs, dances, laughter!

(musical break, meal)


And now the couples are dancing

To musical fanfare

And I need five of them,

And who will dance here?


The competition is called: "Dancing in pairs!". The couples stand in the middle of the room. As soon as the music starts, they dance, but as soon as it stops, the man should kneel, the woman should run around him and sit on his knee. Those who don't make it, drop out.

Winners: 2 tea mugs as a keepsake.


Thank you for these dances

Now let the wine flow to everyone

That's why it's given to us!



Our wonderful (name), today turned 55 precious years and to you, dear guests, I propose to confirm this date with 55 compliments addressed to her.

(Everyone at the table, with a chain, calls a compliment to the Anniversary, and so on until the 55th compliment, without repetition)


It's great that we are all here today... - Do you remember this song?!

If you wish, sing along. (The presenter herself sings the song, or simply turns on the soundtrack and sing all together)



Any holiday is pleasant for the soul,

But this holiday, it is doubly beautiful,

Oh, how good these fives are,

And there is no date brighter, more beautiful, clearer!

I congratulate you (name) at this hour,

I wish you to be truly happy

So that everything would be fine with you,

May you always be protected by God!

May your grandchildren always please you,

And the children help without fail,

So that your destiny is golden

So that your husband loves you forever, tenderly, passionately!

Scenario of the anniversary of a woman of 55 years.

Our evening will consist of 2 parts: official and solemn. And to open the official part of the evening, the floor is given to the boss ...

Chief says...

The floor is given to the chairman of the trade union organization….

Song to the melody "I'm standing at a half-station" ...

Friends and relatives are sitting, the sun is shining clean,

Today is your wonderful birthday!

Greetings and bright congratulations sound,

What is lived, do not regret in life! 2 times

A wonderful company will give wishes,

You live for many, many more years.

Good luck, let everything work out, and happiness will increase,

Although there is no return to youth. 2 times

What happened - will not be forgotten, what you want will come true,

The pain will flow away like spring water.

We wish you to do everything in life and not grow old, but look younger

And be always cheerful! 2 times

A word to the husband, children, grandchildren, sister and her family ........


"Seated Game"

The guests drank, ate,

The jubilee was admired ...

At the table everyone sang together

And they decided: FOR-SI-DE-FOX!!!

Gotta get up and dance

Wave your limbs!

All of this is true, but…. Without a little warm-up, I can’t let you out into the circle! So, put your dear guests, all hands on each other's shoulders, we will knead the shoulder girdle. MUSIC! ! !

The melody of the Greek "Sirtaki" sounds, which is given with a gradual acceleration.

Against the background of music:

Imagine that you are on a sea liner. The sun, the sea, the gentle wave shakes you. The Greek shore is visible… I suggest everyone to start swaying from side to side… pause Excellent!

Immediately, it is clear that this is a friendly and soldered anniversary team. pause Oh, how good! There are seagulls all around, a light breeze, olives ripen on the shore, and we are all served light Italian wines on a tray ... pause

The music ends

And now I suggest you stretch that part of the body that you have deformed, stayed up .... So we go to America, to the rodeo, and participate in cowboy horse racing. MUSIC! Cowboy pause music sounds

Eh! Let's go!

The guests bounce on their chairs….. The music ends.

I suggest stretching your hands. Find, dear guests, on the table in front of you free 10 sq. cm.. put your palms there ... Music, please! And I invite you to Georgia, to Abkhazia, to listen to how these Caucasian drums sound! Let's play the drums more!

“Gogia” or “Dzhigitovka” sounds, the guests are actively drumming their palms on the table.

Against the background of music:

Wonderful! pause Louder, louder the drums beat, and we are again at sea, only on the Black. Pause Sun, sea air and mountains! Shish kebabs! Georgian wines "Kandzmarauli", "Khvanchkara" ... What could be better!

The music ends.

And now we just have to stretch your legs - and you can go to the dance floor without fear! So, the sound of the sound of heels!

Guests go to the dance floor, dancing begins.

So this day is coming when your friend turns exactly 55 years old. It is impossible not to notice such a date, and it should be celebrated in such a way that all guests gasp! Already know how you will do it? New scenario anniversary of 55 years for a woman - this is a cool script that is already ready to be held. You can take it in its entirety or which parts you liked the most. Watch the scenario with contests and games, and spend it at work or at home with your family.

Anniversary meeting.

Dear friends! Dear guests!
I hasten to inform you that today you came not just for a holiday, but for the anniversary of your friend, girlfriend and relative - (name of the hero of the day).
Today she turned, you know, it’s not customary to talk about the age of women out loud, so let it be little secret which is known to each of you.
And now I ask you to choose one balloon, any color. Have you chosen? So, let's see. Well, what can I say - you all chose such bright, such iridescent colors that we have no right to postpone the start of the holiday. And so we begin!

The guests are seated at the tables.

Is everyone seated? Do you know why you came here and what you will do? Yes, that's right - we came to have fun and celebrate the wonderful date of our friend. And in order not to break the rules, let me read the bylaws for tonight. Pa after you each sign it and give it to the hero of the day for safekeeping.

Evening charter:

Well, once the charter is signed, it's time to start implementing it. Does everyone have glasses? Then the first toast to ... but first a small digression.
A princess lived in a castle. And three grooms came to woo her. Each of them had to spend the night with the princess. After the first night they ask the princess - how is it? She answers - so-so. And the first groom was put in jail. After the second night, they ask - how is the second one? Yes, so-so - the princess answers. And they threw him into the dungeon. After the third night they ask - well, now? Now it's divine! - said the princess and blossomed! But the third one was thrown into the dungeon anyway. For what - he was indignant - after all, everything was divine ?! And for the company - said the rest.
Well, guess what our toast is for? Yes, for our cheerful and friendly company at this table!

The game.
Friends! We communicate with you, it seems like we already drank, but we haven’t really met yet. Can we fix the situation? Excellent. Only I suggest you get acquainted in the Indian language. You know that Indians don't have names like we do. They have sort of nicknames. Here I have a table of Indian nicknames, let's try to get acquainted with it.

This table will help you here:

As you can see, it has nicknames that Indians usually give to each other. It is easy to use, and you will spend this block in such a way that all the guests will laugh heartily.

And so, we met in comic form, laughed, and now let's get to know each other for real. And let's do it again game form, only already in the dance.

Block - getting to know the guests.
For this block, you need to pre-cut the songs, where there are names. And turn them on in turn, and the guests, when they hear a song with their name, go to the center. So that they do not just go out, tell them that they will receive a gift for the best and most original exit.
Example songs with names:
- Pink roses to Svetka Sokolova.
- Natasha, Natasha, you are my heart and soul.
- Kolyan dances the best.
And so on. There are a huge number of songs with names, you just need to know the names of the guests in advance in order to prepare the necessary cuts.

After everyone left, we arrange a dance break, and play a little.

And so, we are all on the dance floor. And now is the time to show who dances and how. To do this, I will divide you into two teams: on the right is the older generation team (who are over 40 years old). And on the left is a new generation team (those under 40).

The music competition is a battle of generations.
First, music from the 80s is turned on and those who are over 40 are dancing to it. Then a modern song is turned on and those who are under 40 are dancing. This is done 3 times, after which a draw is announced and a groovy song (for example, lambada) is turned on and everyone dances together.

And now I have a surprise for you. I was informed that the postman Pechkin came to visit us! Let's meet him!

Pechkin comes out.

Hello Pechkin!

Good evening. I brought you a telegram from myself (points up), but I won’t give it to you. And not because you have no documents, but because you are all drunk!

So it's our anniversary, how can we not be drunk?

No, according to the instructions, I am not supposed to send telegrams from myself (again points up with his finger) to people like you.

Stop, Pechkin. Since you've come, sit down with us. Drink for the hero of the day. Look how beautiful she is!

It's possible, I'm a little tired from the road.

Pechkin sits down at the table and they pour him a drink and give him a snack.

Well, Pechkin, has it become more fun?

Yes, much better. Okay, I picked up something, I'll give you a telegram.

He hands the presenter the following telegram:

Thank you, Pechkin. Let me read it.

The host reads out a telegram from Putin and gives it to the hero of the day.

After such a gift, you must definitely drink!

All guests drink.

Everyone knows the story about goldfish? Would you like to catch the same goldfish that will grant your three wishes? Then let's catch it.

The game block is a goldfish.
For this game, you need to make and cut out fish from cardboard in advance. They are all the same, you can make them different and color them. But only one fish will be golden (it must be yellow color or stand out from the rest). We put all the fish in a bag. And each guest in turn takes out one fish. Whoever takes out the goldfish wins and has the right to three wishes. But since today is the anniversary, all three wishes will be dedicated to our hero of the day.
Wishes for the hero of the day.
Here you again need to make cards on which wishes will be written. The one who took out the goldfish takes out three wish cards.
Examples of wishes for cards:
- let the most close relative Anniversaries will say a beautiful toast.
- let (son. Daughter) of the hero of the day say a toast in honor of his mother, and in this toast the word - anniversary will appear three times!
- let the hero of the day choose any item from the table and leave it for herself as a keepsake of this holiday.
- let my neighbors on the left and right on the table sing a congratulatory song in unison.
- let each guest come up to the hero of the day and hug her.
- I want everyone to shout loudly: congratulations!

Something we missed. Isn't it time for us to sing?

The song is an alteration to the motive of the song - the blue carriage runs and sways.

And now I ask you to look at the hero of the day. Is she really good? Yes, and now we will see this again. I ask our hero of the day to go to the center. Look at her - beautiful, slender, unique and ... what am I saying, let the hero of the day herself say everything.

The hero of the day reads the text and shows it all artistically.

Excellent! Do you agree with what the hero of the day read? Then let's raise our glasses and drink to our hero of the day again!

Time flies fast and it's time to say goodbye. But we'll see you again soon. It's not far off new anniversary! See you!