Application goldfish underwater kingdom. Print stencils of fish for paper cutting


This article will join the ranks of similar articles under the heading "cutting without a preliminary drawing." We will learn how to cut out various fish from a blank sheet of paper. The approximate structure of the fish is already partly familiar to us: Since the task of cutting out the fish is quite difficult, let's start by cutting out "fish in general" - who will get what. Having got the hang of it, you will cut out pikes and sturgeons to your liking, but for now it’s important for us: with minimal paper consumption, cut out a silhouette with the characteristic features of a fish, an elongated spindle-shaped body, tapering towards the tail (forked) and towards the head. Fins instead of paws.

Let's take a longer rectangular piece of paper. Where to begin? Cut out is not at all what to draw and even more so to sculpt! It is better to immediately estimate on a clean slate what the fish will be like. It's like a novel that has not yet been written, but is already in a more or less collapsible form in the writer's head when he takes up paper and pen! We will start from the tail, our first fish will swim from right to left, with its tail it rests on one edge of the sheet, and with its nose on the opposite. Calculated? Okay, clearly imagine what you should be able to do. Don't start acting randomly. Draw your future fish with your finger on the sheet. Here they are, these smooth outlines - now we clearly imagine them.

The first cut from the right edge of the sheet: caudal fin-tail-in the middle of the back dorsal fin, inclined towards the tail-arc of the body, passing into the head and ending on the left edge of the sheet.

Second section: caudal fin-body, near-caudal fin again inclined towards the tail, abdomen, pectoral fin-arc to the left edge of the sheet to the same point where we ended the upper section.

Cut out fish from paper

That's great, you and I get a completely viable specimen, only it's difficult to classify this fish, it looks very generalized.

Next task: cut out a fish swimming from left to right. It would seem that what is the difference, but, believe me, when you repeat the image in a mirror image, so to speak, you will consolidate your skills and find out what else you need to work on more.

Our underwater kingdom will gladly accept new inhabitants. However, we will not dwell on this success. Let's move on to specific types. For pike, of course, you should take a narrower strip of paper. The pike is more elongated and bar-shaped.

It has a long head, somewhat reminiscent of the head of a crocodile. Let's carve out a predatory open mouth, even if a little exaggerated.

Well, here's the "sweet" task. Who is it with us? The huge mouth with a bracket down is already suggestive.

And the high dorsal fin and large upper lobe of the tail finally convince us? SHARK!

Application from colored paper "Goldfish". Master class with step by step photos.

Kuzmina Natalya Alexandrovna, primary school teacher, MBOU secondary school No. 23 in the village of Newly founded Stavropol Territory
Description: A fish from colored paper can be offered to make children 5 to 8 years old. The work can participate in the competition.
Target: development of the ability to perform interesting work from colored paper.
Tasks : teach how to choose the right color scheme for paper for application; observe safety precautions when using scissors in work; develop imagination, fantasy, creativity; cultivate perseverance and accuracy during the performance of work.
Materials and tools necessary for the manufacture of applications: cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue, pencil, templates, sample work.

My aquarium is huge
Like a home ocean
Outside the window flow modest
Bubbles live fountain.
There's a fish in the aquarium
She has an underwater house
The fish moves flexibly
Waving a fan-tail.
This fish is not simple -
Her golden outfit
shining brightly with a rainbow,
It captivates the eye.
Between tender algae
Near the pebbles at the bottom
The fish swim slowly
And lives to please me.
(I. Konkov)

Guys, we all know "The Tale of the Goldfish" by A.S. Pushkin, where the fish fulfilled the wishes of the old woman. Today we will make a goldfish out of colored paper and maybe it will also be able to fulfill your desire. We will use scissors to cut out parts, let's remember - safety precautions when working with scissors:
- Use scissors with rounded ends.
- Store scissors in a certain place, put them with closed sharp ends away from you.
- Pass the scissors with the rings forward with closed blades.
- You can not cut on the go.
- When working with scissors, it is necessary to monitor the movement and position of the blades during operation.
- Do not work with blunt scissors or with loose hinges.
- Do not hold scissors with the blade up.
Choose colored paper for your application.
We need templates to work.

Application "Goldfish":
1. Take cardboard (white or blue).
2. Take blue paper and cut out the body of the fish according to the template. Glue it to cardboard.

3. According to the red paper template, cut out the tail, glue it.

4. Cut out the upper fin from red paper and glue it.

5. Cut out the two lower fins according to the template and glue them.

6. Now we need to make scales for our fish. Cut out the detail for the scales according to the template from yellow paper.

7. Draw scales with a simple pencil.

8. Cut out the scales in an arc. And we'll push them away.

9. Spread the glue gently and glue it on the fish. Let's peel off the scales.

Toddlers begin to study aquatic inhabitants with simple and uncomplicated fish. The best way for them to remember what they look like is to draw or make. Of course, young creators do not always get it right, and therefore the fish pattern is an excellent solution for creativity, as well as for getting to know marine life.

To create a beautiful and neat appliqué with your baby, it is best to use fish patterns for tracing. Such stencils can also be used as parts. Children love to color ready-made pictures, they will a priori be with neat contours, and the task of the kids is to give color to the drawing.

How to make a fish pattern?

To get started, it's worth talking about where to get a template for cutting out in the form of a fish. If you have basic art skills or can draw well, it's easier to prepare a stencil yourself. Make a sketch on a regular sheet of paper. The simpler the figure, the better, because the child must gradually learn the smallest details..

It is best to stock up on cardboard and cut out fish stencils from it, since the dense material is stronger and more convenient to outline.

If you do not know how to draw, then you can go the other way. A quick and easy way is to download ready-made fish stencil templates from the Internet and print on a printer. The picture will have to be cut out along the contour, if desired, it can be decorated with colored paper or painted with felt-tip pens together with the child. If you do not have a printer, then you can redraw a picture found on the Internet from a computer monitor. It's easy to do: put a thin sheet of paper on the screen and trace the outlines with a pencil.

On video: how to make a fish template with your own hands

Application using the Goldfish template (Master class)

Application- This is a very useful activity for children. They learn to use glue and scissors, train accuracy, fantasize by combining colors in the picture, develop hand motor skills and abstract thinking. Working with bright colors, creating an image from small details is also good fun for children from 4 years old.

To create an application you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Creating an application according to a template includes several steps:

1. Take one of the simple fish stencils and outline the details, prepare cardboard templates for the child.

2. Find thick cardboard for the background and several sheets of colored paper. First circle the body of the fish, cut it out and glue it to the cardboard. Make the tail and fins the same color, carefully glue them side by side.

Glue the body and tail

3. Make scales - this is the most interesting thing in the process of creating a goldfish. Circle the prepared template, and draw a few scales on it with a simple pencil, placing them evenly over the part.

Draw scales for cutting

4. After cutting the scales, bend them at a right angle. Spread glue on the part and glue on top of the fish. The scale will add volume to future crafts and a touch of originality. Unusual crafts are a guarantee that the child will be interested in working with you.

Glue the fins and detail with scales

5. Of course, a fish needs an eye. Having cut out a circle from white paper, place it proportionally on the heroine of the application. In the same way, make a pupil out of black paper. Further a matter of taste and a flight of fancy.

Glue the eye

6. Decorate the background. You can also cut out algae or stones from colored paper.

We glue the details in the form of algae and stones

The goldfish is ready. This is how easy it is to make a little sea dweller from colored paper, the kid will definitely like to work with bright sheets of paper, and the templates of the golden mistress of the sea will simplify his work.

Do-it-yourself fish applications (2 videos)

Fish templates and applique ideas (42 photos)

Many crafts are available for kindergarten kids, they are made in different techniques. This develops the imagination of the children well; you can decorate a wall, cabinet or shelf with crafts. Consider the easiest ways to make a fish out of paper, plastic caps, CDs, origami, etc. You can start modeling fish from dough and plasticine.


Fish from colored paper, paper molds for cupcakes. Cardboard, multi-colored paper, even colored paper cups for cupcakes or sweets are suitable for work.

Master class on making fish with your own hands:

To make a beautiful aquarium of several fish, you need to take a blue sheet of A4 paper. According to the size of multi-colored wrappers, we cut out small triangles (tails for fish) from colored paper, matching the color of our future fish.

First, glue the triangle-tail, on it - a round corrugated candy wrapper. The fish should swim at different heights slightly at an angle, but without touching in the aquarium (leaf).

To look like real fish, you need to glue toy eyes. We paint with a black felt-tip pen (marker) the eyes and the mouth in a semicircle, as shown in the figure.

Air bubbles from sequins or confetti circles look very realistic (punch a hole punch from a bright postcard). Circles of bubbles are well glued from each fish upwards.

Our aquarium is ready!

plasticine fish

Children love to sculpt from plasticine, you can choose any fish.

Prepare for work:

  • plasticine 1 color;
  • small scissors with rounded ends;
  • plastic knife;
  • clear nail polish.

You can even take 1 color of plasticine, for example, orange. To get a goldfish, you need to add a little acrylic paint to the plasticine.

Stages of work:

We take a piece of plasticine, roll up the “sausage”, cut off 1/3 with a plastic knife. The smaller piece is divided into 2 equal parts. They will go on the fins of the fish, and the big one on the body. We take a small piece of plasticine, first we need to roll up a “droplet”, then flatten it with the side of a knife.

Use scissors to cut out a beautiful curved tail of the fish, as shown in the picture. To decorate with a knife, draw long diverging lines along the tail. From the 2nd piece you need to make fins: 1 large and 2 very small ones. We repeat the technique, as on the tail.

We return to a large piece of plasticine, roll up a round ball. Then we draw scales on it with a knife - small semicircles in a checkerboard pattern, as in the figure.

Now, to the base (ball), you need to attach the vertical rear large fin, then the top and 2 small fins at the bottom on the sides. For the eyes, roll up small balls of 2 of each color: white ones are larger than the rest, green (blue) are slightly smaller, black are even smaller.

Then flatten the white balls and attach to our fish from the center to the left, the other to the right. The eyes should be large, touching in the center.

On top of the white circles we attach flattened green circles from the center to the sides. Then flattened black circles on top. It turned out voluminous eyes of 3 colors. On the sides of the black circles, we sculpt 2 small white circles on each side, as shown in the figure. Below the eye we make a semicircle - a smile.

You can color the eyes completely with colorless varnish (for nails or acrylic). They will shine beautifully and become more durable. Leave the craft for 15-20 minutes, the varnish should dry.

Later, you can place the "gold" fish among the beads, colored plastic balls and algae in a symbolic aquarium in a container or on a flat surface.

Plasticine crafts can be taken into the water to play, it is durable and will retain its original appearance.

origami fish

The ancient art of origami from China has spread all over the world. Translated from Japanese as "folded paper". Let's consider the simplest way.

We will need:

  • two-color (color) paper 2 A4 sheets of different colors (for example, orange and pale pink);
  • simple pencil;
  • ruler.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a fish craft:

It is better to take two-color paper specifically for origami or color paper from 2 sides. We cut out a square 20 x 20 cm. Diagonally, the square must be bent, we get a triangle with a right angle of 90 degrees.

Turn the wide base up. We divide the sides approximately in half and bend the corners to the center, we get a rhombus. In the upper part, you need to bend the corners up, connecting them into a small triangle, as shown in the diagram. The resulting corners at the top of the rhombus must be bent at an angle of 20 degrees. So the ends of the bent corners protrude slightly beyond the limits of our workpiece.

The lower part of the rhombus. Divide the lower triangle by eye into 2 equal halves, mark with a pencil horizontally. Cut out the 2nd square from another paper and apply it to the bottom corner, as in the diagram.

Now the bottom part of 2 sheets. It is necessary to bend the upper corner of 1 sheet along the diagonal of a common rhombus. So the bottom of the diamond will overlap the top. The remaining half of the upper part must be bent to the central common line. In a rhombus, the lower part must be bent back.

At the bottom of the rhombus, a “pocket” is obtained. If you press the craft a little, the pocket unfolds. Now we turn it 90 degrees, and bend it so as to move the fold lines, again getting a rhombus, as in the diagram.

In the rhombus, we divide the left half into 4 identical parts, fold 1 of them, then unbend and return the pocket to its original position, as it was according to paragraph 10 (see diagram). Then you need to unbend the back to get a square, and 2 corners will peek out from the back.

Next, you need to cut the square to the fold, which was obtained in the previous paragraph. Now we need to return to item 11, ¼ part must be bent inward. Now the back part can be slowly pulled out to get the tail of the fish. Now it remains only to decorate our product. We glue an eye on a two-color fish, it turns out very realistic.

Now you know different techniques on how to make a fish out of paper, plasticine, origami. If you use a little imagination, make colored fish of different sizes, they will differ and create a flock in an aquarium or on cardboard.

Don't be afraid to experiment, be creative! We offer original photos of fish crafts.

Photo crafts fish

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FISH stencils

New Year's do-it-yourself


Snowflakes are a traditional Christmas decoration.

Each snowflake is unique especially those made by hand. Paper snowflakes are beautiful and easy to make, because for this you only need paper and scissors.

Thanks to their simplicity, snowflakes become a favorite craft for children and adults.

Read also:

How to make a snowflake

Window decoration for the New Year

How to cut paper snowflakes

Real snowflakes are hexagonal, but you can also try making a quadrilateral or octagonal snowflake.

Here is a simple instruction on how to fold paper for a snowflake. The basic hexagonal shape stays the same, but what makes it different is the pattern you'll be cutting out of that shape.

You can use any paper to make snowflakes: wrapping paper, old magazines, printer paper etc.

However, do not use very thick paper, as it will be difficult to fold and cut.

Hexagonal snowflake

· Fold a square sheet of paper in half to make a triangle (Fig. 1).

· Now fold the triangle in half, connecting the ends (Fig. 2).

· Fold the resulting triangle in three (Fig. 3), as shown (Fig. 4).

· Cut off the top so that it is straight (Fig. 5). Start cutting out the pattern according to the pattern or as desired, using straight and curved lines.

Open the snowflake.

Quadrangular snowflake

Pentagonal snowflake


  • You can use any size sheet of paper. For example, if you want to make many small snowflakes, then you can cut 4 snowflakes from one A4 sheet.
  • Leave less paper. The more paper you cut out, the finer it will be.
  • If you can't cut the pattern with scissors, try using a utility knife.

Snowflake templates (print)

Beautiful paper ballerina snowflakes

Such an elegant ballerina snowflake is easy to make with your own hands with your children.

The basic shape of the ballerina is symmetrical, so we need to fold the piece of paper in half and cut it out. template for ballerina.

See also: DIY Christmas ideas

We make a ballerina tutu in the form of a snowflake. Fold the sheet of paper only 3 times instead of 4 so there are not too many layers to cut out. Use different patterns.

After you have cut out the tutu, fold it in half to thread the ballerina figurine, and only then straighten it.

Snowflake templates for cutting

Paper snowflake patterns for cutting

Such snowflakes on the theme of the cartoon "Frozen" can be cut out with the children.

Paper snowflake stencils

You can make a snowflake garland to decorate your home.

Snowflakes can also be cut from coffee filters

Christmas decoration with snowflakes

Hang snowflakes on the window with hooks or paper clips.

Thread the string through the 2 holes in the snowflakes to make a garland.

By gluing several snowflakes with the same pattern, you can make 3D snowflakes.

You can decorate your gift with a handmade snowflake.

Use double-sided tape, toothpaste, or soapy water to stick a snowflake to a window or decorate your home or other space with it.

It would be nice to catch a goldfish. Make a lot of wishes and let them all come true. It is very difficult to single out the main thing. Well, if not catch, then at least draw.

In all illustrations, the goldfish is a fluffy-tailed, rounded beauty with big intelligent eyes. But for a good deed, it is not so much the form that matters as the content. Therefore, the templates will help you choose your fish, and maybe everything for a cozy night lamp, vase, candlestick, made with stained glass or other techniques, draw with children, make an appliqué from colored paper or felt.

The printed template can be transferred to a solid object using carbon paper. To get an image on a light fabric, you need to put the fabric on the drawing and circle it with a pencil. Reduce or enlarge an image on a copier, or set the size and output on a printer. Many put paper or cloth to the monitor and copy the drawings. One of my friends copies drawings from the monitor directly onto T-shirts!
