Yellow urine in women - what does it mean? Causes of changing the color of urine in men to yellow or orange.


One of the important indicators that allows you to assess the state of metabolism is the color of urine. Most often, the fluid that the kidneys secrete is colored yellow, however, deviations from the norm are often found. Bright yellow urine can serve as a dangerous signal, and the reasons for the formation of urine of just such a color can be varied.

Do foods affect the color of urine?

The composition of urine is determined by the following factors:

  • Foods that a person usually consumes;
  • normal functioning of the digestive tract;
  • the state of the system.

Pigments present in urine give it a certain color, and also reflect the activity of metabolic processes that occur in the human body.

Medical practice shows that the brighter this process proceeds in the tissues of the body, the yellower the liquid secreted by the kidneys, and vice versa.

Human waste products are stained with urobilin, and its presence in the human body allows us to get an answer to the question of why urine is yellow. The starting material from which urobilin is subsequently formed is bilirubin. It is this pigment that is processed:

  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver;
  • gallbladder

However, the kidneys also process bilirubin, since often the organs do not cope with their task of completely removing this substance from the human body.

In this regard, it is possible to observe a rich yellow color of the urethra in patients when a large amount of bilirubin was processed in the kidneys, and the resulting urobilin was sent to the bladder. Darker and brighter urine color in adults and older children will be observed when the kidneys are under increased stress.

Do not forget the fact that the color of urine can be influenced by the food that a person consumes. The fluid secreted by the kidneys may turn bright yellow or reddish yellow when eating the following foods:

  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • sparkling water with colored dyes,

It is for this reason that when specialists diagnose a change in the color of urine or the appearance of red discharge, first of all, the question is asked about what foods he used the day before. In the event that urine analysis is carried out in the representatives of the stronger sex, which further specifies the level physical activity on the body.

Causes of bright yellow urine

Most often, the saturated color of urine indicates its increased concentration and the following reasons may be the reason for this color:

  • violation of the water regime, that is, during the day a person consumes an insufficient amount of liquid;
  • excessive sweating, which indicates the loss of a large amount of fluid from the body
  • breast period;
  • progression in the human body of various diseases, which are accompanied by the development of tissue swelling;
  • the course of acute intestinal infections in the body;
  • taking laxative drugs.

In the event that the process of entering a sufficient amount of fluid into the human body is disrupted, this causes increased reabsorption of water in the kidneys.

It is for this reason that urine stains in a rich yellow color, and this can also be observed with increased fluid loss. During the day, up to several liters of liquid in the form of sweat can evaporate from the skin of a person. During breastfeeding, a woman loses a certain amount of fluid along with milk, and it is for this reason that experts recommend drinking as much water and other drinks as possible.

Dehydration can develop if an acute intestinal infection enters the human body. In this situation, the patient begins to complain of the following symptoms:

  • frequent vomiting;
  • seizures;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • increased sweating.

In some cases, bright urine can be observed if the patient is taking laxatives, as well as with severe toxicosis during childbearing.

In medical practice, there are pathologies that cause fluid retention in the human body, but are accompanied by signs of dehydration. These types of diseases include:

  • disruption of the cardiovascular system of a chronic nature;
  • development of cirrhosis;
  • progression of preeclampsia in the body of pregnant women.

With the development of such pathological conditions, a certain part of the blood accumulates in the intercellular space and the result is the formation of edema.

Intense yellow urine in children

In childhood, urine can change its color even within one day. Immediately after the appearance of the baby, the urine has a transparent color and within one week the body of the newborn is adapted to exist in the external environment. Gradually, all the baby's organs begin to actively work to perform their vital functions, however, in some cases, a certain failure may occur.

In the event that the process of such an adaptation of the child's body to external conditions is delayed or drastic changes occur in it, this can cause the urine to stain in a rich yellow color. However, the detection of a bright color of urine does not mean at all that any treatment of the child should be carried out.

Often, for some time after the detection of such a pathology, the color of the urine can normalize. In the event that the urine excreted by the kidneys in a newborn does not change its saturated color, this may indicate the development of various types of diseases in the child's body or insufficient fluid intake. In fact, bright yellow urine is not always an indicator of dangerous diseases in the child's body, but it is better in such a situation to still show alertness and attention to the condition of the baby.

Urine during pregnancy

Urinalysis during pregnancy is the main type of study, the results of which can be used to judge the state of the whole body of a woman. It is for this reason that the future mother gives urine for examination before each visit to the gynecologist, which allows you to track any changes in its composition and color. In the event that during pregnancy the urine acquires a bright yellow color, then this is not always a sure sign of a pathological condition of the body.

During pregnancy, the staining of urine in a bright yellow color can occur for the following reasons:

  • eating on the eve of foods that can change color;
  • taking yellow-colored vitamins, which are often prescribed to expectant mothers during pregnancy.

In a situation where these reasons cannot cause the urine to stain in a saturated color, then at the first suspicious signs, you should seek the help of a specialist for examination.

A feature of the female body is the fact that during pregnancy it is engaged not only in ensuring the normal development of the fetus, but also takes an active part in all continuous life processes. During the bearing of a child, the excretion products of the cut from two organisms occur, which is not an easy task.

What to do with bright yellow urine

In the event that the urine turns into a rich yellow color, then this is not necessarily evidence of the development of any severe in the body. That is why you should not panic, but you need to analyze the past days well and answer a few questions:

  • have you taken any medications in the past few days? medications?
  • Have you eaten foods and drinks with bright colors?

In addition, it is important to reconsider your drinking regimen and if an insufficient amount of fluid enters the body, it must be replenished. However, in the event that the saturated color of the urine does not change over the next few days, then you should contact your therapist for advice.

While watching the video, you will learn the necessary information about urinalysis.

The specialist will identify the cause of such a pathological condition of the body and, if necessary, prescribe an effective one.

Normally, urine should have a straw yellow color, in some cases a change in the shade of urine in a yellow color palette is considered an acceptable norm, but when the color of the urine becomes too yellow, the causes can be both natural and pathological.

Why is urine yellow and what does it mean? directly depends on the pigments that are present in it. These substances color urine in one color or another. Urine of bright yellow color is not a cause for panic, but it is necessary to exclude the possibility of developing any pathology.

The color of urine is bright yellow - what does this mean?

As already mentioned, the reasons for changing the color of urine to a brighter yellow color can be natural and pathological.

TO natural causes can be attributed:

Pathological causes:

  1. . The salts that are deposited in the urinary system gradually turn into sand and then into stones. Calculi intensively absorb the liquid entering the body, and, consequently, the concentration of urine and its shade change.
  2. Preeclampsia. This is a complication when carrying a child in the later stages. This condition is accompanied by edema, the expectant mother has an increase in blood pressure, proteinuria. In this case, the urine becomes more concentrated and may change its color.
  3. Liver problems. When malfunctions occur in the liver, urobilin rises, which leads to urine staining.
  4. Violation of metabolic processes.

In addition, the pathological causes of changes in the color of urine include:

  • urinary tract infections;
  • inflammatory processes in the urinary organs;
  • heart disease;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in some cases, helminthiasis may be the cause of yellow urine.

Causes of the phenomenon in adults and children

Among women yellow urine may indicate:

  • erosion of the reproductive organs;
  • urethritis.

In men yellow urine can be suspected:

  • inflammatory processes in the urinary canal;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland;

The child has yellow urine can be observed with:

  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • Gilbert's disease;
  • pathologies of the development of the bile ducts;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • influenza and other viral pathologies;
  • cardiac pathologies.

I must say that it is not advisable to make a diagnosis based on the color of urine alone, if the color of the urine is associated with any pathology, the patient will have the main symptoms of the disease.

For example, when liver diseases yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes is observed, with heart diseases, edema, weakness, and shortness of breath develop. Therefore, self-diagnosis is not only not advisable, but also quite dangerous.

Separately, it must be said about the change in the color of urine in women who are carrying a child. In most cases, bright yellow urine during pregnancy is completely normal - the body carries a double load, and the urinary system works in an enhanced mode.

More early in pregnancy is associated with toxicosis and dehydration. Nursing mothers can also pay attention to the change in color of urine - together with milk, the body gives off a large amount of fluid, therefore, urine becomes more concentrated.

What to do to normalize the situation?

In the case of a sharp change in the color of urine, it is imperative to analyze what this may be due to - what the person ate, what he drank, what medications he took, and also pay attention to possible clinical signs of a particular disease.

At natural color change urine may only need the following:

  • establish a drinking regime;
  • avoid taking certain medications;
  • correct nutrition - abandon coloring foods;
  • reduce strenuous exercise.

However, if the color of the urine after the above measures remains unnatural, you should consult a doctor.

Problems with the functionality of the urinary system are dealt with by a urologist. Therefore, initially it is better to make an appointment with this doctor, and if necessary, he will refer the patient for a consultation with other specialists.

In order to reduce the risk of pathologies bodies genitourinary system you need to lead an active lifestyle, get rid of bad habits, eat right and balanced, drink enough water (namely water, not sweet soda with dyes).

It is useful to drink herbal infusions from time to time. Urine of a rich color, as well as pale yellow, is not always a cause for concern, but it is definitely an occasion for closer attention to the work of the body.

Only a timely response to a problem that has arisen and consultation with a competent specialist will be able to prevent serious diseases.

Find out about what problem the color of urine will tell you from the video:

Straw-yellow color of urine is considered to be the generally accepted norm. Sometimes it changes shade, but it should always remain in the yellow color palette. Why is urine yellow? There are several answers to this question.

To begin with, the color of urine depends directly on the pigmenting substances that are in it. They color this biological fluid in one color or another. Urine is colored in different shades based on what factors affect the body. With some factors, the pale color of urine changes. It can be lighter or darker in color.

Bright yellow urine is not a reason to panic. However, this is a significant reason to look at the state of health and exclude the debut of any disease. It is worth noting that urine of a bright yellow color can become such due to the use of certain foods and drinks.

The dependence of the color of urine on drinking and food

In many situations, the changed color may be due to the fact that a person consumes little fluid, as a result of which the content of pigment substances increases, and the urine changes color either to bright yellow or darkish. The way urine is colored is influenced by a person's food habits (citrus fruits, carrots, beets).

Also, the color of urine can be due to artificial food colors, which are currently found in almost all foods. Therefore, yellow urine may well appear after drinking soda or eating candy.

When a person discovers lemon-colored urine in himself, he needs to take into account all the foods that he has consumed.

The color of urine depends on the amount of fluid in the body

Factors causing color change

What are the causes of bright yellow urine? The shade of urine depends on what percentage of pigmenting compounds is concentrated in it. The main ones are urobilin, urochrome, urorosein and others. Urobilin plays a major role in urine staining.

It is the result of the metabolism of bilirubin, which, as part of bile, enters the small intestine to break down food. Due to the influence of many bacteria located there, bilirubin is converted into urobilin. In parallel with this substance, urobilinogen is involved in the color of the urinary fluid, it functions after urine has been removed from the urethra. Interacting with oxygen, it gives the urine a dark yellow hue.

If the color of the urine is changed, then this indicates either that a foreign substance has entered the body, or about any violations. Of course, do not forget that normally the urine that a person excretes in the morning is more saturated in color than daytime.

Main reasons:

  • dehydration;
  • infections of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pregnancy;
  • pastosity in some chronic diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems;
  • nutrition;
  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • lactation;
  • heredity;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • salt abuse.

The first factor that explains the change in color of urine is the lack of fluid in the body. When it comes in insufficient volume, then a chronic form of dehydration can occur. There is a failure in the mechanism of normal excretion of metabolic products, they are not excreted and thus lead to a gradual poisoning of the body.

Another reason may be pathological changes in the functioning of some organs. For example, urine that is too yellow may indicate damage to the kidney or liver system.

Also, the situation can be explained by an infection in the gastrointestinal tract. Indeed, with this ailment, there is a colossal loss of fluid through diarrhea, vomiting, and sweating. As a result of this, the concentration of coloring substances occurs in a small amount of urine, and due to this it changes its shade.

There are situations in which a change in the color of this biological fluid is accompanied by extensive pastosity, this can be interpreted as a sign of some disease (chronic heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver, pyelonephritis). Often, strongly yellow urine indicates the presence of kidney stones.

The color of urine is directly dependent on the number of years lived, gender, and level of health. In newly born babies, it has practically no color, but in the first 7 days it begins to acquire a certain shade. The baby adapts to life outside the womb, he fully performs all the functions himself, reacting to the world around him, routine, nutrition.

You can learn more about the appearance of bright yellow urine in children.

Urinary processes in childhood

Because the urine of the baby is able to acquire a lemon hue or rich dark. In such a situation, the main thing is not to panic, it is worth monitoring the situation. You should consult a doctor if this phenomenon is delayed. After all, a change in color sometimes means that there is a pathology or a failure in the correct drinking regimen.

The urine of the beautiful half of humanity is lemon-colored during the bearing of the baby. This waste product of the body in a pregnant woman is an important marker of the level of health. However, not in every situation such a change means a pathological process. This happens after taking vitamins, as well as when introducing certain products into the menu. Vitamin complexes that color the secreted liquid contain a group of B, C, A.

Read more about the causes of bright yellow urine in women.

It is worth noting that if the pregnant woman did not take vitamins and did not eat foods that could color urine, then you need to see a doctor. After all, we can talk about toxicosis. And this condition is very dangerous for the fetus.

Pregnant women need to be especially attentive to the color of urine, as its changes can be a sign of toxicosis.

Laxatives also cause discoloration of the urinary fluid, as they lead to more fluid loss.

Another phenomenon such as color change indicates an imbalance of hormones. During lactation, a change in the color of urine may be due to a large consumption of liquid for milk production, against this background, the development of dehydration is not excluded, it is for this reason that the drinking regime should be strictly observed.

Bright yellow urine in men, as well as in women, is in some cases a sign that there is inflammation. It is important that all other factors are excluded. The presence of yellow urine of intense color, as well as urine with a greenish tint, indicates inflammation of the urinary system. In men, it can be prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis, or kidney disease.

In women, inflammation of the bladder very often occurs due to the structural features of the urethra (it is shorter and wider than in men). The clinical picture of such ailments is characterized by a change in the color of urine from normal straw to bright yellow, dark yellow and even brown. When foam bubbles are visible in urine, then, as a rule, this indicates in favor of a high content of protein compounds. In a strong half of humanity, such signs can also indicate the penetration of sperm into the urinary fluid.

Fruits and vegetables such as carrots, sorrel, parsley, spinach, celery, pumpkin, citrus fruits, black currants, raspberries can give a bright yellow and orange color to the urinary fluid.

As for the factor of heredity, here we are talking about the fact that some people have a tendency to intensive formation of salts, and those, in turn, give the urine a bright yellow color. If you do not take action, then urolithiasis may soon develop. It is important to know that prolonged excretion of concentrated urine leads to the formation of stones.

Do not forget about drugs, antibiotics of some groups (Furacilin, Furazolid) can affect the change in urine color. In addition, drugs, the shells of which have dyes in the composition, give the same effect. Urine smells very sharp with an excess of vitamins, this usually happens in children who consume a lot of Revit, Undevit.

A change in climatic conditions, namely the weather conditions of hot countries, leads to a loss of fluid through sweat, as a result of which urine also changes. The same happens with intense physical exertion.

Consuming too much salt leads to fluid retention in the body and the excretion of a small amount of concentrated urine.

What to do?

It is important not to leave this situation unattended. First of all, you need to analyze your lifestyle. Answer yourself the questions: do you drink enough liquid, what foods, vitamins, medicines have you been using lately? Further, if possible, all drugs are excluded.

Vitamins, as well as food products capable of coloring. Physical work is also suspended. Try to establish a drinking regimen, do not drink carbonated drinks with dyes, give preference to clean water, herbal teas. But if urine has not acquired a normal shade within seven days, then you should not hesitate to visit the doctor.

He will definitely appoint an appropriate examination and give recommendations. You can contact both the therapist and directly to the urologist. It is important to know that when changing the color of this biological fluid, along with pain in the lumbar region, vomiting, diarrhea, it is dangerous to delay consulting a urologist. These symptoms indicate damage to the urinary tract.

Drinking enough fluids is a step in preventing dehydration

To find out the cause of the pathology, another urine test is prescribed, an ultrasound examination of the kidneys is required. If necessary, the abdominal cavity is examined with the help of ultrasound.

To prevent this condition, you should consume a sufficient amount of fluid, for an adult it is at least one and a half liters per day. It will also be a preventive measure for the formation of stones. A change in urine color should not be ignored. After all, this can be a sign of a serious pathology in the body, if detected in a timely manner, it can be completely cured.

Why is urine yellow? There may be several reasons for this. In general, the color of urine is an indicator of metabolic processes in the body. You also need to pay attention to its smell and the presence of other components. What does it say? What contributes to the darkening of the discharge?

The appearance of urine can be very light and have a yellow tint. There are tolerances, but when a bright yellow color appears, you need to visit a doctor. The appearance of a bright shade may indicate the development of a complex disease, indicating the need for qualified assistance. This sign is a definite signal.

Why is urine bright yellow? When does urine turn yellow in women? Why does urine turn dark brown in a newborn? What if the urine is bright yellow? How does urine change in women? Why doesn't urine change color? What changes the color of these secretions? What can cause yellow urine in a child? Who gets beer-colored urine? What does it mean if urine has a bright color cast?

When is bright yellow urine, and the reasons for this are not related to the disease? The appearance of a bright pigment in urine indicates its high concentration. Certain reasons may contribute to this.

The most characteristic reasons for the appearance of bright yellow urine:
  1. Small amount of fluid intake.
  2. Quite a lot of perspiration.
  3. Breastfeeding.
  4. The presence of edema on the body.
  5. The development of infection in the digestive organs.
  6. The use of drugs to improve intestinal peristalsis.

With a small amount of fluid in the body, it can be reabsorbed from the tissues. This process occurs regardless of external influences, it is regulated by the body itself. In this case, the appearance of urine of a bright shade may occur. There is also urine the color of beer and even brighter.

If there is not enough fluid in the body and a lot of sweat is released, urine can also change color.

When feeding a child, the liquid leaves the body of a woman with milk. Therefore, it is recommended to drink more milk, tea, juices during this period.

Why does fluid loss occur when an infection enters the intestines?

This will be facilitated by:

  • vomit;
  • liquid stool;
  • strong sweat;
  • increase in body temperature.

Even during the period of bearing a child, a woman may begin toxicosis, in which vomiting almost always appears. All these processes contribute to the appearance of yellow urine. But it can be dark for a few days, and then become transparent.

Even with fluid retention, signs of a lack of fluid in the body may begin. This process is affected by serious diseases. What diseases can urine of light yellow color or saturated color mean?

What is dangerous bright yellow urine:
  1. Diseases of the kidneys.
  2. Cirrhosis of the liver.
  3. Heart diseases.
  4. Pathology during childbearing, especially in the later stages.

If the patient notices that the urine has acquired a bright yellow tint, you need to contact a specialist. And when at the same time additional symptoms appeared in the form of pain under the right ribs, in the back, nausea, fever, this should be done immediately. Special attention should be given to the excretion of lemon-colored urine.

Additional reasons

What are the causes of color change in men? Yellow urine is not always the cause of pathologies in the body. These may be features of the body, which are sometimes inherited.

Causes affecting the color of urine:
  1. Quite a lot of salt. If you do not pay attention to this, then sand will appear in the body. Later, it turns into stones. The release of concentrated urine for a long time leads to the same consequence. In this case, urolithiasis may occur.
  2. The shade of urine excreted depends on the intake of medications.
  3. Food products can give a yellow tint to the excreted fluid. It can be a regular carrot, as well as any products with the addition of dyes. At risk are patients who are very fond of sweets. Almost all of them contain food coloring. This component is also almost always present in sweet carbonated drinks.

Therefore, when highlighting a liquid of a bright yellow hue, you need to remember what you used the day before and what kind of food you ate. If this continues for no apparent reason, you need to visit a doctor.

What will be dark yellow urine? What medications will change the color of urine?

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the possibilities of several groups:
  • vitamins A, C, group B;
  • antibiotics, but not all;
  • drugs that are a derivative of 5-nitrofuran.

After taking vitamins, urine will turn yellow with a lemon tint. This is due to the fact that artificial drugs cannot be fully absorbed by the body. In this case, their remains will be excreted through the kidneys and urine. Such a reason may not be the vitamin or drug itself, but also additional ingredients that contain a dye. Lemon color may also appear.

First of all, you need to know that when eating certain foods, urine can change its shade. There are products that have this feature even with a single use.

The color of urine or feces depends on the colorless product of bilirubin, which will be formed with the participation of intestinal bacteria.

At the same time, it passes through the human body and is formed from bilirubin, which is processed:
  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • digestive organs;
  • bile.

The yellow color of the urine becomes due to the fact that a large amount of bilirubin has been processed and urobilin enters the bladder. With a heavy load in patients of different ages, urine will become dark in color.

What products can explain the change in color of the secreted liquid:
  1. Pumpkin.
  2. Beet.

These products contain natural dyes. The color of urine can change from bright yellow to red. Therefore, color change depends directly on the diet.

Men need to pay attention to physical activity. They can cause discoloration of the discharge.

In the absence of any inflammatory processes in children or adults, the urine will be light in color and become clear.

Does a baby have yellow urine? In very young patients, the excreted fluid is always light, pale straw in color. In the first days of life, it may change its shade slightly, but this is considered normal. In infants, this is not a cause for great concern.

The accumulation of harmful substances in the body can cause a change in the color of urine. This is especially dangerous in all patients after reaching about 35 years.

To determine the cause, you need:

  1. Conduct laboratory tests of urine, feces, blood.
  2. Do not take medication to the patient.
  3. Exclude from the diet foods that can affect the color of the discharge.

Why is urine bright yellow in women during pregnancy? The exception will be women who are carrying a child. But only if all other tests are normal and the patient is in good health. The color of the female excreted fluid may change in this case due to changes in the hormonal background, an increase in the load on many organs.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the change in the color of urine, the presence of purulent discharge. If this was revealed, then we can assume a malfunction in the body of a pregnant woman.

Why did urine become cloudy and yellow? Urinalysis can reveal diseases of the genitourinary organs.

Dangerous indicators are:
  • a large number of leukocytes;
  • long-term change in the color of the excreted urine;
  • the presence of pus in the urine.

In male patients, against this background, prostatitis may occur. With the development of such diseases, the channel for the excretion of urine becomes stuck, and then a sediment remains in it.

When urine is characterized by the presence of foam, this may mean that a woman has a lot of protein in her body, and a man has sperm in her.

Of course, you can not neglect the noticed changes and refuse to examine. The doctor will help identify the cause and prescribe the right treatment. This means that the symptoms of a disease are manifesting in the body. You need to pay attention to the change in the color of urine to amber.

Not every person pays attention to. But this is the first criterion that is evaluated when examining a urine sample submitted for analysis. By the color of urine, in some cases, one can judge the diseases developing in the body that require immediate medical intervention. Pregnant women and parents of young children should especially watch for changes in the color of urine.

Normally, the color of the urine of a healthy person is from pale to rich yellow. The color can change even within one day - this is a consequence of the work of the human urinary system.

Changes in the color of urine are caused by the following reasons:

  • diet;
  • taking medications and vitamins;
  • Lifestyle;
  • developing diseases.

Have you noticed that the urine has become more saturated in color? Do not panic - perhaps in a couple of days, if you drink plenty of fluids, everything will return to normal. Bright-colored urine is not always a consequence of a developing serious illness. Much more often there are physiological factors.

Why is urine colored bright yellow?

Urine can acquire a rich yellow color due to many physiological factors. Analyze what you ate and drank in the coming days, what lifestyle you led, what medications you took. The reasons may be as follows:

  1. Eating "coloring" foods. Now there are few natural products, manufacturers often add dyes to their composition, which are excreted with urine and color the urine in a rich yellow color. Here we include, for example, “orange” lemonades and sweets. Tints urine orange even carrots.
  2. Lack of fluid in the body is a fairly common reason why urine is bright yellow. When dehydration occurs in the kidneys, active reabsorption of water occurs, the concentration of urine increases, and therefore the liquid itself acquires a more saturated color. Dehydration occurs not only in hot weather, when a person has severe sweating, but also in acute intestinal infections after vomiting and diarrhea. Severe toxicosis in pregnant women also causes dehydration. Intensive sports loads lead to dehydration.
  3. Taking medications and vitamins. The active components of many drugs are not completely absorbed by the body, but stain the urine in a bright (often even lemon) color. Here we include vitamins A, C and group B, derivatives of 5-nitrofuran. When the components of the drug are completely out of the kidneys, the urine will again acquire a normal color.

Urine of a bright yellow color in some cases indicates a violation in the state of health. The reasons for this are as follows:

  1. Stones in the kidneys. With the active formation of salts in the urinary system, stones can form in the kidneys over time. Salts absorb liquid - the concentration of urine increases, it becomes brighter.
  2. Violations in the liver. An increased level of urobilin, observed in pathologies of the kidneys and liver, leads to a change in the color of urine to a rich yellow color.
  3. Preeclampsia. This is a serious complication in pregnant women in the later stages, accompanied by high blood pressure, proteinuria and edema. In this case, the urine submitted for analysis due to dehydration of the body may be bright yellow in color.

Developing pathology, as a rule, is expressed not only by a change in the color of urine - there are other signs of the disease. To make an accurate diagnosis, you will need to pass additional tests and undergo an examination.

The change in the color of the urine of a child has almost the same reasons as in adults. In newborns, urine is almost colorless, since his body has not yet "rebuilt" to life outside the womb. Gradually, the urine changes color to light yellow. In the first year of life, doctors require urine samples to be analyzed as often as possible - now it is important to carefully monitor the development of the child. And it can be difficult to independently track changes in the color of the baby's urine.

When you notice that your baby's urine has turned a deep yellow, watch for further changes in its color. If the urine still does not get a normal color, contact your pediatrician.

What to do?

If you notice that yellow urine has become bright, and your health has not worsened, do not panic. This color can be considered the norm if the diet has been disturbed or you are taking a course of vitamins.

Do you not take vitamins and pills, and there are no products with dyes in the refrigerator? Then, in order to identify possible reasons for changing the color of urine, try to set a clear “drinking regimen” for yourself for several days - consume at least 2 liters of fluid per day. Do not drink drinks with dyes. Still water and weak tea - that's what you need now. If within a week the urine is the same saturated color, go to the doctor.

When bright yellow urine accompanies severe pain in the abdomen and lower back, vomiting and diarrhea, call the doctor immediately! IN this case we can talk about violations in the urinary system.
To identify the reasons for the change in the color of urine, the patient is given a referral for a second urine test. If there are other symptoms, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound of the kidneys. Only after making an accurate diagnosis, the specialist selects the appropriate treatment for the patient.