Congratulations on your 55th anniversary. Beautiful happy birthday greetings (55th birthday for a woman)


I don't believe in these numbers
After all, it's standing in front of me
The young queen
Heart, appearance, soul!
On this date, on the anniversary,
I hasten to wish you soon
Happiness, joy, good luck,
Be richer every day.
I wish you good health,
Dolgikh and happy years,
55 - happy anniversary!
There is no more beautiful creation!

Is it a joke - 55!
It's worth trying hard
This age is not easy,
Stay young.
So it's not a hindrance at all
Your years are for you.
Do you know the formula for success -
You are as young as ever.
Dear anniversary hero -
Cheerfulness and for long years.
Stay yourself
There is simply nothing more beautiful in the world!

An anniversary is an important day in your life,
And I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Let the years fly through the prism of time,
Just don’t rush to lose heart!
55 is just a round date,
The main thing is not to grow old at heart!
May you be as cheerful as you once were,
Let optimism be with you!
You look at the world differently:
After all, after many years,
You can devote your life to something else,
And not just work and frying cutlets!
Travel, love, get carried away!
Rejoice at the sonorous laughter of your grandchildren,
Be healthy and always smile,
And for stability, more money!

Not a princess, but better... A queen!
Do you want the truth? So listen, please.
And to this day I will bow to you
Even the proudest king.
I don’t know what you can wish for.
Just so that there is comfort in the palace,
And also, I sincerely wish
Long years and happy moments!

Happy anniversary!
Let's be honest from the heart:
We wish women happiness
And a hundred arshins of health.
So that you attract men,
Every year more again.
So that you don't know sadness.
Only joy and love.

Happy anniversary!
And let me tell you:
Life tastes fuller then,
When you're over fifty!
Your experience is an example for children,
You've been through a lot
But, nevertheless, they saved
The youth of your soul!
Your wisdom is limitless,
And the fire burns in the eyes.
We wish you a wave of cash,
Only to be in tears from happiness!

Two A's on your anniversary -
An important reason for everyone to gather here,
To congratulate you without regret
Warm words and pleasant topics.
Your experience is a valuable burden,
And you bear it with dignity.
Surrounded by family and friends
You go through life with a smile.
Be a beloved wife and mother,
True friend, support in business.
The strongest, but a little weak,
And sometimes soar in the clouds!

How respectable and beautiful you are
For you, years are just one sound.
Today in a joyful rush
Everyone around you congratulates you.
I wish you not to know sadness.
May your joy fill your life.
And let everything you dreamed about
Will be attracted to you like a magnet.

The date is just a sight for sore eyes -
Two fives in a row.
Happy birthday to you
Everyone will be happy.
Let it not be twenty-five anymore
(It's not about the numbers)
I would like to wish us
So that love warms you.
So that fate brings
A lot of impressions
So that spring blooms in your soul
To everyone's surprise!

The numbers “five” and “five” became in a row
And we hasten to congratulate you!
Resentments, worries, so as not to know in the future.
Leave love in your soul.
Go through life slowly
A moment savoring every one.
So that they whisper “good” after
Always, and better twice!

Congratulations on the woman's 55th birthday

Harmony, love, health -
Everything you could wish for
Live in peace with your dear mother-in-law
And celebrate fifty-five!

So that you remain a woman
Until snow-white gray hair,
And so that they come true in life
All delightful dreams!

Let Red roses fragrance
Your house will be filled on this day,
After all, you are the very charm
On a luxurious women's anniversary!

Let the compliments sparkle,
Like stars flickering ripples,
And one hundred percent happiness
Opens at fifty-five!

The stars have aligned today
Fifty-five combinations.
Circling in the flight of love
Sincere, tender confessions.

Our woman is not in vain
Celebrates its anniversary.
Assembled big family,
Everyone here respects you.

You burn brighter than maples,
Brighter than light-winged birches.
Shine with kindness to everyone,
You are our dear woman!

The house is illuminated by the light of your kindness,
This means it’s an anniversary!
The sun will smile fifty-five times.
May you shine like this
For a long time, warming loved ones and friends,
Dear woman, live and be pain-free! May your life be fragrant
Like a pink delicate peony,
Let him surround you with care
The one who is conquered in your heart!

Our sweet, fragile lady,
Stay as young as you are!
In your years of fate panorama
Filled with a fresh wave!

You have grandchildren
And we want to wish you:
At fifty you never knew boredom,
See her off at fifty-five!

Happy 55th birthday greetings to a woman in verse (beautiful)

Fifty-five years - that's the date -
Like chalk on a blackboard.
How desired once upon a time
Two A's in the diary.
Two fives - two sisters:
One is joy, one is sadness.
Like pages read
The ones you know by heart.
These years... There are a lot of them
There were joyful moments
And I used to be sad,
And sometimes I dreamed
Everyone will understand you on this
Nothing that remains
Halfway behind you,
There's still half way to go
Don't rush through.
Let there be that road
Both pleasant and easy.
And there will be many smiles,
And love for sure.

We gathered for a birthday,
So let me hug you!
Please accept our congratulations
WITH beautiful date- five and five!
Sometimes I just want peace,
But again and again the look disturbs,
That, as usual, the horses are galloping,
And the huts are still burning.
We wish you so much strength
We wish you so much health,
So that you extinguish all the huts,
She locked the horses in the stables,
Trained myself to replace
Some other people
And finally, she invited us
For the hundredth anniversary. Congratulations on your anniversary,
So pour us some quickly:
We'll raise a toast to you,
For the shine of your eyes,
We'll drink to your smile,
For character - a whirlwind of a whirlwind!
Don't be afraid of bitter berries -
Your joy is two A's!
Happy symmetrical anniversary,
Everything will be fine for you! Yes, lived 55! –
For some it’s a lot, for others it’s not enough.
And I want to tell you
So that I don’t count the years at all.
May everyone's dreams come true,
Your desires and plans,
I know for sure you deserve it
She was dearest and closest to everyone!
Let the sun light the way!
Let the stars cover you with a blanket!
And if you still want to be sad!
Remember everything that life has spoiled you with!
Let your children become your pride
They will be joy and delight!
Family and home and devoted friends,
And a little, sometimes, of a miracle! When all the children grow up,
No need for work anymore
That best time in the world!
You must live for yourself.
Today we congratulate you
Happy anniversary, love.
And we all wish you
Love, warmth and kindness.
May your grandchildren adore you
Friends always help
May children always respect
And the family will be supportive.
Let the heart know no sorrow
And don’t let it hurt for your family
And so that you don’t know the offense,
Let good luck float around! We wish you kindness,
Peace of mind,
More happiness and beauty
And every day - with love.
Let them pass you by
Sorrows and worries
And they will become a smooth path
All roads taken.
And at 55 years old we wish you
Good luck and luck,
Let us congratulate you
Hug on the anniversary day. Well, the day has finally come
When to work if you're lazy
Not necessary at all. To work
They will no longer call on Saturday.
Already with today
You are responsible for yourself.
Ah, this long-awaited age
He is sweet and so desirable.
You don't have to try anymore
And pursue your hobby.
Still full of health and strength,
And the appearance is very cute!
We wish you good health
And years filled with love.
Let your friends support you
The family will be surrounded by care. Don't sum it up
At fifty-five years old!
Shines in your eyes
Beautiful wise light!
Happiness and health,
Cheerfulness, warmth!
I wish you joyful
It was your life! Rearrange it this way or that way
There will only be number five!
Good in white light
Don't notice your age!
We wish you many new ones
Find hobbies.
Life force is ready
Nature has a lot to give you.
Plant what you brought
From distant lands jasmine.
Others always need you. Let no sorrows come into your home,
Let illnesses pass by.
We would place the whole world in the palm of our hands
And they gave you one.
But even this would not be enough,
To repay your kindness,
All our lives, our dear mother,
I owe you an unpaid debt,
Thank you, dear, for raising me,
For not asking for anything in return,
That sorrow and joy are divided in half,
You wished us the best life in everything.
Beautiful, caring, sweet, gentle,
We need you every day and forever! Happy Birthday,
My dear mother,
On your anniversary, without a doubt,
I wish from the bottom of my heart
Eternal prosperity,
Never know worries
And in life - only the best,
Joy - at 55! Fifty plus five years old
Today is your holiday!
Ready to say a lot of words
In honor of your beautiful ones!
May health never
Doesn't let you down in life
And for many years
Let the sadness go away! It seemed that this date would not come,
And now this day has come -
Your 55th birthday.

We wish to live without knowing troubles,
Not knowing bad weather,
And so that it lasts for 100 years
Health, kindness and happiness! Fifty-five - is that really a lot?
Let them say “everything has been lived” - don’t believe it,
While we live, what was, is - everything is alive.
When else will life slam the door on us?
You still have a lot to do,
Live long, wisely and beautifully!
And I want to raise the first glass,
For our hero of the occasion.
You are a woman - a flower, a source and a star,
Mysteriously tender, beautiful and proud.
You are the flame of the hearth and home,
You are the light on earth that never goes out. We will not count the years:
After all, even at 55
You look twenty-five
Look for such beauties!
You are happy with everything in fate:
Life smiles at you
We can only wish
Keep it up!
And may you be always cheerful,
And, like today, she’s good,
And even on a modest anniversary
Happiest of all people.
We hasten to congratulate you
And we want to wish you
What I dared to dream about,
What have you been waiting for so long! You are a woman and you are beautiful!
You always look amazing.
You're like an elite wine -
Over the years it has become the best.
For half a century and 5 years already,
How were you born?
And on this very date
We are incredibly lucky
After all, God gave you to us,
United around you.
I bow to you.
A gentle clinking sound under the glasses
Nice words I give
And thank you for everything. Today is the anniversary. Which?
It's hard to tell by looking!
We know you did great this part of the journey!
Eat Friendly family, colleagues and friends
And you look no older than thirty!
Congratulations to you today
And we wish you from the bottom of our hearts
May there be harmony in your family,
May everyone be healthy
Let your garden bloom in spring
And the house in the garden will be beautiful! It seemed that this date would not come,
Days, years, decades passed...
And now this day has come -
Your 55th birthday.
Let this day not add wrinkles,
And he will smooth out and erase the old ones,
And it will bring happiness to the house for a long time.
We wish to live without knowing troubles,
Not knowing bad weather,
And so that it lasts for 100 years
Health, kindness and happiness! Always an excellent student
I got straight A's at school
Fate has given you
5 - for family, and 5 - for freedom
To overcome everything in this life,
Remaining the same, not breaking,
And with with a pure soul look
In the eyes of children, do not give in
Momentary weaknesses, love,
Don't betray, be loved,
And life’s main assessments,
How to always wear medals! At fifty-five - everything is cool, clear,
Life is joyful and easy!
And in the present everything is fine,
And the autumn of life is far away!
May happiness be with you
And gives the sparkle of love to the eyes!
Let him warm you with a gentle look,
The person who is dear to you!
Let them be sunny years
And the horizon will be clear!
And let the music of nature
Harmony will come to your home! They give high fives for good luck of the year -
Let the soul remain young
And health never fails,
Close people will warm you with love!
Let the flowers decorate the anniversary,
Your heart will feel warmer today!
Let everything be in the house in perfect order!
Live well, always in abundance!
Cheerful smile, shining eyes,
Let every hour bring joy!
Good news and dreams come true,
And be in a wonderful mood! I wish you on your anniversary
Stay as sweet as you are
To love your home and invite guests,
Meet your best friends,
Let your children and grandchildren bring you
Peace, love and inspiration,
Let the years go by happily
And all doubts are taken away! We congratulate you on this significant event,
Today is your legal anniversary,
We wish you great health,
And there are many sincere friends in life.
The 55th anniversary is a special date,
Where they mentally sum up.
What could I have done wrong at some point?
What is expensive, you probably saved.
We congratulate you with all our hearts
And we want to wish you happiness,
Let in your home climate,
There will never be bad weather.
We don't give it to the birthday girl,
No headsets, no rings,
Surely you will receive it warmer,
Greetings from friendly hearts, rearrange this way or that way
There will only be number five!
Good in white light
Don't notice your age!
We wish you many new ones
Find hobbies.
Life force is ready
Nature has a lot to give you.
Plant what you brought
From distant lands jasmine.
Stay in love with life!
Others always need you. Two fives stood side by side
It turned out to be an anniversary.
But there's no need to be sad
Smile more cheerfully.
On the anniversary birthday
I send my congratulations.
Be cheerful, fair,
Cheerful happy.
To grief and sorrow
Never visited.
So that the years don't rush by
And for everything, you would be enough
I wish you good health
Successes small and large.
Love to all loved ones and relatives.
I wish you a lot of strength and good luck.
I wish my heart to burn.
In the circle of friends, family, acquaintances.
In spite of the years, so as not to grow old! 55 years old is still so young
To call you grandma
Still a girl at heart
With mischief in your eyes
What can I wish for you, dear?
When you live in abundance
Probably a piece of heaven
We'll tear you away from Bounty
I look at the trail, I don’t believe my eyes
You blinded me with beauty
And a sweet smell wafts
Let's have one more drink! Respectable age – 55
There is no reason to be upset
Just 5 and 5
We'll throw off ten again
You're a little berry
Cheerful and young
Spin like a spinning top all day
Since childhood you could
55 is such a date
50 or so ran away somewhere
You can't keep track of the years
But you will please your husband! So much has already been done that it is difficult to count.
Another generation is already calling by patronymic,
And the heart is so young that it wants to fly.
Distant spaces beckon, great deeds beckon,
And the stars look out from the clear sky, as in their youth.
And the sun begs into the soul with caressing glare,
And the distance beckons with mysteries, just like forty years ago.
So let him dream easily, let the song flow,
So fun and joyful in big circle friends.
And let every single cherished dream come true
In a day happy holiday, on a wonderful Anniversary! It's like having two A's at school
Lined up together!
So much about you today
They speak good words!
You are beautiful, incomparable,
And you shine like a diamond!
You know how to rule your life
Illuminating us with happiness!
We wish you inspiration
Lights, music around,
To make life a wonderful song,
A hundred friends sang along!
So that everything is like in a fairy tale,
Another hundred years in a row,
And your eyes are radiant
Let them burn as before! Two fives stood next to each other
Wonderful duet!
55 – that’s the date!
There is no better date than this!
This is the most wonderful age
The horizon is still far away
Warm, kind, warms your hands,
Life is a bright ember!
Let everything in life be smooth,
May you always be lucky in everything,
Grandchildren make children happy too
And no one will let you down! Don't look at these years
Always look ahead
Life begins at forty
There's a turn at sixty
And before you turn
I still have to live
Yes, and not just anyhow-
Take old age and cancel it.
And today is my birthday
At your fifty-five years
We wish you in verses -
Be an example for others.
To make your neighbor jealous
From your energy
They ate all their berets -
You're only good.

Congratulations to a woman on her 55th birthday in prose

Congratulations on
Happy 55th anniversary! Two "fives" - that's great! Therefore I wish
you should do what you like more often and less often what you like
necessary. Youth in your soul and health in your body. Let the energy
never ends, and luck will always be on your side.

On your 55th birthday, we congratulate you on an amazing age!
Yes, it is no longer youth or youth, but wise maturity, life experience And
deserved respect. We wish you spring smiles, summer warmth,
autumn colors and winter resilience. May all our wishes
will reach their destination and will certainly be fulfilled. Meet the new day with
smile, enthusiasm, expectation of a miracle. Happy holiday! Today the golden date - 55 years - is celebrated by the most beautiful, always
young and handsome, kind, sympathetic and simply an amazing person.
May this holiday bring the most important things in the world into your life.
jewels: health, family well-being, happiness, love,
vitality, harmony, comfort, joy for many, many years. Be
happy! 55 - beautiful number as if life appreciated your
your deeds and your spiritual qualities are excellent! This means you are on earth
you didn’t live in vain, you left a mark on the destinies of others, and shared with
them with a piece of your heart! Don't regret that time flies, because
every year is rich in its own way, and on your birthday at the table with friends,
You will feel their closeness and warmth and understand that living in the world
Wonderful! Oh, how beautiful a woman is in her prime! Let
this youth, lightness and cheerfulness walks with you
more long years. We wish life to play in a new key,
decorated herself bright colors and lay down in front of you red
path. Smiles to you, good news, sincere conversations and heartfelt
friends. Please accept our sincere congratulations from 55 summer anniversary!
Let everything in your life be only straight A's. And health
excellent, and a heap of happiness, and an immense ocean of love. Let the best
years in your life will begin right now. Take your time, enjoy
every moment, appreciate every meeting and parting. Spectacular
Happy holiday to you! 55 - gives two legitimate A's with all his heart
to you the Creator in the Life Diary. I congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you eternal
youth, health, enthusiasm and positivity in the hearts. The main thing that
your soul always remained joyful and happy. May your life
will be showered with flowers of love and tenderness. Thank you for what we
we can celebrate this day together. We are glad to congratulate you on such a glorious
date. During the day, when you can really say that it's great
I worked hard and have something to celebrate. We wish good health, large and
sweet fruits of invested labor. We also wish new dream, and of course
same, its execution. How quickly the years fly by, here comes the 55th anniversary!
Half a century has passed, and you are like a cucumber, young, beautiful, energetic - so
hold! Like a battery you light everyone up, you shine like the spring sun,
soar like a bird in the sky. Prosperity and prosperity, inspiration and
happiness, vigor and endless luck to you. That's what you got from
life two solid fives. Congratulations on what you did
achieve in this life everything you want. Even fate
I rated your life as “excellent”. Thank you for being you. WITH
Happy holiday, my dear man! Number 5, like a school mark,
means "excellent". You are 55 today, so may you have everything
doubly great! On your anniversary I would like to wish you so many good things:
excellent health, cheerful mood, all kinds of luck,
financial well-being. Let everything work out! And what about debit and credit?
mixing for you, a professional, is not a problem! Our dear, (name
surname)! In that wonderful holiday we congratulate you on your anniversary and
We wish you to remain the same wonderful person that we know you to be!
Be healthy and cheerful. Let everyday adversity not touch you
Your house. We wish you prosperity and prosperity! Congratulations on
anniversary. As a person who deals with numbers, you can appreciate that
how beautiful two A’s your age look side by side. Let it be
further such double dates will make you happy and welcome you in good
health and good mood. Let there be only good luck and no
sorrows. On your 55th anniversary, I would like to confess: working under
Your beginning for me is a great gift fate. Today
You accept gifts. May good health, excellent mood,
peace of mind will definitely be among them. Congratulations! 55 - not
such a big date if the soul is young and the body is full of energy. So
on your 55th birthday, dear mother, may you be able to
feel 17, look 20-something, and talk
sensibly and correctly, as befits a woman in her most beautiful
age. May luck smile on you and may misfortune pass you by. Congratulations on anniversary date Birthday at 55 years old. Nice
to know that in our business there are experienced, knowledgeable and truly wise
People. I wish you success where you believe you will.
necessary. May your wishes come true and no one will ever
disappoints you. Neither in work nor in life. My beloved daddy!
On your anniversary, I want to wish you that not only years will be set
"A" for you. Let everything in your life be at “5” - health and
well-being, affairs and relationships, physical form and state of mind,
dreams and their implementation. I love you, I'm proud of you and from
I sincerely congratulate you on your 55th anniversary! Dear Colleague! Work
It's always a pleasure to be around you. You give to all of us positive attitude. A
Today, on your 55th birthday, gifts await you. Let among them
there will be everything you want. And I wish you a lot of sunshine, bright days,
excellent, cheerful mood, a large supply of good health! Happy anniversary, even if 55 years is not a round date, but significant. She says
us: “This man has achieved a lot in life, he has become exactly what
what I have been striving for all these years.” May the holiday make you happy and
will bring pride for the whole life that came before him and readiness
meet the one who will still be. Happy birthday! Congratulations on
anniversary! Now the time has come when you can rest and don’t need to
wake up early every day and rush to work. Once upon a time it seemed
that there is still an infinitely long road to get there, but time flies quickly
and the years fly away like swans, still there is no need to be sad, because with you
family and friends nearby. I wish to look at the years lived without
regrets, they leave us with a lot and the most important thing - experience. It's arrived
time to do what you love, take time for yourself, bring it to life
something for which there was not enough time before. Take care of your dacha, grow it
a huge pumpkin and turn it into a carriage. Get a little one
furry animal. Go to trip around the world! And let everything
Your dreams will come true! Dear friend! You are 55 today. I wish you
so that 55 fur coats hang in your closet, 55 handsome men sing under your window
perky songs, but 55 roses could not fit in my hands. I promise, dear,
at 155 we congratulate you too! Happy anniversary, my beauty! Dear (name)! We hasten to congratulate you on your wonderful anniversary -
Happy 55th birthday. We wish you to remain as wise and respected by all
boss Let the planned activities be carried out without problems and
troubles Prosperity and prosperity to you! Died away five years ago
your half-century anniversary, but does this mean that “beautiful” numbers
no longer? Happy Birthday colleague, with two A's in your
age. Let another five years, until the next anniversary, be all in yours.
life and career are only getting better. Dear mom! Congratulations
Happy 55th anniversary to you, my dear excellent student! You got two
fives - for creating a family like ours and female fulfillment in
in general. I love you very much and wish you to become younger every year
and more beautiful. Be healthy, cheerful and charismatic throughout your life
way, because you always dealt with it easily. Congratulations. Dear ____ (colleague’s first and patronymic name), on this significant day
please accept our congratulations and best wishes. Let it be half your life already
lived, but this is not a reason for sadness. At 55 years old, the prism of worldview
changes the angle of inclination, and life reveals new facets. We wish that
From now on, your only concern was choosing a new vacation spot. You are 55 today! This means there will be a lot of compliments, gifts,
enthusiastic congratulations. You have invaluable experience, great
wisdom and understanding of life. Enjoy these benefits
Continue to delight your friends and family with your optimistic attitude.
Congratulations on the anniversary! Tell me what you feel when you open
the diary of your beloved child and seeing two A's there? Joy and pride!
Why - all like me! Two A's are much better than one, much better
more solid, and confidence in tomorrow added at exactly two
more. And we work better under such a boss. So what we wish
Congratulations to yourself and on your 555th anniversary! 55 is a significant date, and
we are pleased to tell you on this day what success in work and creation
family You get two A's from everyone around you and life in general.
Despite your advanced age, you have retained your attractiveness and
youthfulness, which is a great achievement for a man. We wish you
and further achieve your goals, implement plans and lead
active lifestyle. Congratulations! Happy anniversary,
I wish you boundless love and harmony! May you in all your endeavors
luck accompanies all the surprises that life brings you -
look with a smile. Be an example for your children and let each new
the day makes you happy. My friend, don’t let those who try
convince you to be ashamed of your age. There is nothing more wonderful than
celebrate another anniversary and birthday, because not every year you
turns 55 years old. It is known that a woman is always beautiful, let
your beauty always pleases all your friends and yourself. My dear, only and beloved dad! Congratulations on your
Happy birthday, today you are 55 years old. Is this a lot or
few? I will only say that there is no greater joy for me than to know:
yes, you are my dad. I wish you never to lose your presence of mind and
to be the best man, and father, and just a person. WITH
anniversary! Mommy! You are 55 years old today, which means that you
received two “A” grades, passing the life exam with “excellent” marks. First
“A” - for the birth of wonderful children and their upbringing, second
"A" - for amazing ability to store home, Do not be scared
decide conflict situations and always come out of them with dignity.
Mommy, on your anniversary let your loved ones gather around you
people who will make your holiday magical, warm, family-friendly. We
we love you very much! On such an anniversary I would like to wish that everything will be
all straight A's, both work and rest! I already want to retire, and it’s time
It’s running faster and faster, there’s only one five-year plan left, spend it perfectly,
Prepare yourself for some decent idleness! In the meantime, we wish you
work on an equal basis with young people and just as recklessly get carried away with what you love
hobby! Play sports, because it is known: in healthy body- healthy
spirit and do not forget to pay attention to your loved ones! "Debit",
“credit”, “inventory” - from day to day you heard familiar words.
You have always done your calculations accurately. Filling out the Home page
Books and balance are as easy as shelling pears for you. During my time working in our
organization, you gave us your wealth of knowledge and received a huge
experience. We wish you new achievements in your work and higher salaries.
your wonderful anniversary We hasten to congratulate you and wish you well-being
in everything. At 55 years old, life is just beginning: children have already been raised and
the house was built. Hurry to see the world, delight yourself with new discoveries and
shopping. You deserve only the best: happiness, joy, good luck! Congratulations on your unusual anniversary, because today, my dear sister,
you are turning 55 years old. An interesting and beautiful date that
means that you already have real life wisdom and
able to give advice to others. May happiness not leave you and you
you will get everything you want. Happy holiday! In some cartoon
about unlearned lessons, A's were depicted as white-winged graceful
swans. So your 55th anniversary is perceived as a couple of wonderful
snow-white birds that carefully carry you across the sky of life. Let
their flight will be endless! My dear sister, happy anniversary!
They say that women are always 18, well then with the next one
coming of age. Although, it seems to me that the date “55” is also very
beautiful and pleasant. Happy holiday to you and may everything be fine in
everything that surrounds you today, tomorrow and always. Happy Birthday and
happiness. Happy holiday to you, dad. Today is your birthday and
It’s a beautiful date, because it’s not every day that you turn 55 years old.
Let your wishes and dreams come true, if they are not
have time, and let every day be sunny, and let the clouds and troubles remain
further away. Congratulations! Dear sweet sister! You are mine
joy, my childhood, youth and maturity. Congratulations to you, young woman, on
your anniversary, the most beautiful number. For me you are still
a young girl, a schoolgirl, with whom we ran around the yard, covered
each other in front of their parents and shared girlish secrets. Wish
you be happy every second of your life! I kiss you deeply. My beloved mommy, your age today is two beautiful numbers
“5”, which means... only a line in the passport and nothing more. ABOUT,
Another thing is that today we will celebrate your anniversary. Congratulations and
I wish you that all your wishes come true. Simple wishes
happiness and love are sometimes more valuable than yourself expensive gift! After all, not one
even the most beautiful thing will not replace the warmth of communication and the joy of meetings!
Let there always be plenty in your home interesting meetings, sincere
friends! Let your family and friends always understand you! We are from all
We congratulate you on your 55th birthday! This is a beautiful date, just like
You, on this wonderful day! Always remain like this and let
Faith, Hope and Love will always be by your side at all times! The clock of life tirelessly ticks and beats minute by minute! Here you go
55 years! This is a truly interesting and exciting date, Anniversary! How many
passed and experienced, and how much still needs to be done... New goals, new
discoveries and achievements! Live actively and joyfully, because movement is
life, and we only have one! Live it in such a way that you can
look back with pride and say: “What a wonderful life I have.”
it worked!” Happy holiday! 55 is just the prime of life, this
peak of perfection and also simple wonderful age, when all
stable and measured in life. And the volcano is still raging in my soul
passions and excess of inspiration, radiating the bright light of your beautiful
souls. Always be so charming and beautiful! Congratulations
with such a wonderful date, with two A's! May your years be
as bright as spring water, and joy shines in the eyes! Happiness
To you, good health for many years to come and success in your business! Today you are 55
and that's great. For everything you have done and will do in the future life
gives you two A's. Congratulations - you are an excellent student! After all, you
great holiday, great job and most importantly - great family!
We wish you to continue to remain the best and move to a ten-point
a system for assessing your life achievements. Happy anniversary! 55
years! Anniversary! And now it’s almost retirement! And every birthday
meet with sadness... All this is nonsense!!! At 55 it’s all
begins! Look what a wonderful grandson you have, to whom you
you can give your warmth and your love! And how your children love you and
neighbours! At 55, I want to wish that you have enough time for everyone
pay at least a little attention, including me, otherwise I’ll be offended! WITH
Happy holiday to you, our beloved! 55 is a lot or a little, well,
of course, it’s nothing, add them together and just 10 and you can do everything
start new. And don’t be sad if it didn’t work out and you couldn’t do it all
embrace the world. I sincerely and simply wish you to live in abundance, to be needed
always and to everyone and not have any problems. Happy anniversary, s
55th anniversary, dear woman! Good luck, patience, love, faith, health and
happiness! Nowadays, when everyone is indifferent to each other, you
You remain very sensitive, kind and responsive. You are like the real one
a woman who is always attractive, beautiful, elegant, but at the same time
caring, gentle and courteous. Congratulations on your 55th anniversary
the most sensitive, intelligent, gentle and caring woman on the entire planet! You
you know how to combine talent, erudition and femininity with the constant
fortitude and perseverance. I wish you sincere happiness, health,
long life, great love, joy, peace and quiet. Dear, sweet woman, may all your wishes come true at the age of 55!
May on this day you become the happiest in the world, the happiest
desired and loved. I wish you to find your soul mate. Let
all the best will come true cherished desires. May you always be surrounded
the most dear people. With all my heart I congratulate the most responsive and
Happy 55th birthday to a sensitive woman! May all the flowers give you theirs
fragrance, let every ray warm your heart, and each
the bird sings to you the most funny songs on this birthday! Today on your 55th anniversary there will be many congratulations, warm
words, tasty food And positive emotions. Darling, sweet and beautiful
woman, with all our hearts, we sincerely wish you to always remain young
soul, to be light, cheerful, energetic. And may every year
become better, more beautiful and brings more and more
positive emotions! Our precious woman, happy anniversary! 55
years is a wonderful age when children are already on their feet, work
finished and you can take care of yourself and the fulfillment of your desires. So
may luck not leave you and you will be able to accomplish many more
the most incredible and dizzying discoveries in your life! Happy 55th birthday! Dear hero of the day, all congratulations and compliments are for you today!
Let everything you want and dream about come true quickly, easily and
Beautiful. On your birthday, I want to wish you joy, goodness,
health and good luck. She already accompanies you in everything, even if
From now on, fortune will be favorable to you. Darling, beautiful,
beloved woman, happy 55th birthday! I really want to wish you next
There were always close and dear people! And I also wish you
great personal happiness, so that it warms your every day
life, filled the soul with love and warmth. So let it not only
holidays, but on any other day there will be devotees next to you
people who are ready to help you! Today is one of the most
wonderful and bright holidays - your birthday! And it's not easy
birthday, it's your 55th birthday! On your birthday from
I wish you good health with all my heart! Go through life easily, without
unnecessary worries and exhausting problems. Let all worries be only
to joy. Dear, beautiful, sunny woman, congratulations to you
Happy 55th birthday! Happiness to you, sunny days and good luck! Wish
vigor, strength, hope, health, patience, dreams and its fulfillment,
love, warmth, luck, joy, prosperity, energy, light, inspiration,
smiles, success, kindness, loyalty, delight!

Comic congratulations to a woman’s 55th birthday in verse

Two are worth fives
In life in the certificate,
Celebrate this anniversary
In full dress.
55 is not the limit -
This is just the beginning
Do everything you didn't have time to do
Or missed it.
55 your beauty is not a hindrance
And the wrinkles are not old enough,
But just from laughter.
Be cheerful and happy
Don't look at the years
I wish you in life
Sunny weather.

On the anniversary of my dear lady,
I wish you many years
Short winters and tender springs,
And if autumn suddenly appears...
You, smiling, let me into the house,
Give her tea,
Warm up, listen, have pity,
And see me off on the way back.
To you such a blooming rose,
It's no good moping about summer with her.
After all, from the point of view of the Universe,
At 55 we are just children!

I want to wish you
At young 55
Joy, health, blessings,
Show your fist to sorrows.
Life has just begun.
Let passion ignite in your soul,
Let there be comfort in the house,
And the relatives are faithfully waiting.
Don't let anyone get into trouble
Never play with you.
That's what I want to wish
You are 55 at the young age!

Please accept congratulations on your anniversary:
Happy birthday! We would like to wish you
Experience moments of joy sooner,
After all, today you are 55.
We wish you good health,
Joy, family warmth,
To life gifts to the headboard
She carried the most desirable ones.
We wish you to be cheerful, happy,
Even if life is not the easiest path.
Be the smartest and most beautiful
Let all adversity go away.

How old we are - we won’t tell anyone,
But you great anniversary.
Two A's will count towards your experience.
We will fill the glasses with sparkling wine,
Let's say a lot of the most kind words.
The main toast will be to love.
For the love of relatives, children and grandchildren,
For the love of my profession.
May your anniversary be wonderful!

Who said that 55 -
Age languid and dull?
If you have the will to dream,
Then, believe me, there will be strength.
I have years of life behind me,
Race like stallions.
Only the horses won't take it away
The bright beauty of the soul.
Why do you have grief and sorrow?
What are misfortunes and adversities?
Wisdom, resilience, compassion -
That's what the strongholds of experience are.
Golden thread of yarn,
An amber ray of sunshine,
Light up the stars in the sky
And shine next to us!

I wish you to be the happiest of all,
Laugh loudly for fun.
And smile very often,
Achieve all your goals.
You are fifty-five today,
You have become wiser again.
You are always a child at heart,
You never get discouraged.
And always be as young
Don't leave this podium.
I congratulate you on your anniversary,
With you next to me, I become younger.

We wish you to bloom beautifully,
To be happy as always,
So that the sun shines every day,
In the morning, through all your windows.
We congratulate you on your anniversary
We only got used to it when we were 25.
So don't think about the years
You are 25 today!
May you always be lucky
To have fur coats and fur coats.
For relatives to praise
Well, friends didn’t forget.

Your anniversary is a little strange
After all, you are still so young,
Your image is gentle and desirable
Hides mature years.
You are youthful and beautiful
And I want to say again:
Be among us main force,
Since it’s only half a hundred and five!

Today is a holiday - an anniversary,
You will smile at us more boldly!
The rose has finally opened -
A crown of beautiful maturity.
I wish you warmth in your family,
A horde of grandchildren on the bench,
Health, happiness and goodness,
And long life - for centuries!
Let the beautiful gaze be wise,
There is a mysterious pattern in the eyes.
The beginning of youth again -
Today you are fifty-five!

Wonderful anniversary - 55 years -
It's time when there are no barriers to plans.
There is only experience, wisdom, charm,
Relatives support and wishes from loved ones:

Move forward, walking with dignity,
Opening up new pages.
Good health, prosperity to boot,
Prosperity, warmth, kindness, good luck.

Accept gifts, flowers, congratulations,
Let the oil of praise flow like a river!
Today is not an ordinary birthday for you,
Half a century plus five - that's what an anniversary is!

What are these years? They only paint
After all, a woman is like selected cognac,
Over the years - sparkling, richer, sweeter,
And the date on the passport, believe me, is nothing.

Live, create, know how, have
Reciprocity, friends, cornucopia,
And suffocate and kill sadness and sadness,
Leave forgotten roads in the dust!

Two A's on a birthday cake
Congratulations to friends and family...
You are amazingly beautiful today,
With a bright sparkle in the mischievous eyes.

Congratulations on your anniversary.
May fate be generous to you:
May he give you infinity
Happiness, joy, faith, goodness.

Let your soul not know sadness,
Let love live in your home,
Let your health not let you down,
May life always be magic!

Oh, how wonderful this age is,
Today is your anniversary,
We wish you bright, light, long
Have a wonderful day in your life.

So that the sun shines in the sky
Always above you, even at night,
Don't forget, darling,
That we love you very, very much.

And don’t let the number scare you,
After all, youth is always in the soul,
We congratulate you on your anniversary,
We wish you happiness and goodness!

Two A's in your passport -
Why not a badge of honor?
Mind full of clarity
The appearance is fantastic!

There's nowhere else to rush,
The house is always in order.
I wish to live long
In peace and prosperity!

Let them come to life over the years
Only joy, happiness and warmth!
May there always be enough love,
So much patience!

Let two new “fives”
They will bring new events!
The kind that will only make you happy!
The kind that people are really looking forward to!

Let me congratulate you on your anniversary,
Wish you goodness and warmth,
In your home, and in the country and in the world
Let harmony and peace reign!

Let the soul feed on love,
The heart beats joyfully in the chest,
May you have plenty of luck and luck
It will be in your life path.

55 is a mysterious date,
This is your highest score for experience,
We wish you beauty and happiness,
Like today, you will shine for many years to come!

There are many surprises -
Your retirement has arrived
Unnoticed. Really
Have the years passed quickly?
Are there really grandchildren already?
No time for boredom?
I don’t believe it, because, as before,
You are beautiful: even in clothes
Couture, and in a coat, in a robe,
In sweatpants at the country house -
Nothing can hide beauty.
Let everyone know how much you're worth
Which is smart and noble,
Humorous, funny, fit!
You are the only salvation for everyone.
Happy 55th birthday!

On the anniversary birthday
We send our congratulations.
Everyone knows that 55
A hundred times cooler than 25!

Health to our Anniversary
We wish you with all our hearts.
Let life become more and more beautiful
Live, bloom and sing boldly.

You always remain for us,
The same bright spring.
Don't worry, smile more often
And every day, and hour, and every year.

We wish you endless happiness,
Your good home was filled.
So that everything in life is carefree,
And everything is filled with love and warmth!

Two A's on your anniversary -
An important reason for everyone to gather here,
To congratulate you without regret
Warm words and pleasant topics.

Your experience is a valuable burden,
And you bear it with dignity.
Surrounded by family and friends
You go through life with a smile.

Be a beloved wife and mother,
A faithful friend, a support in business.
The strongest, but a little weak,
And sometimes soar in the clouds!

Today you have two favorite numbers,
And in appearance these numbers seem to be twins.
Fate brought you happiness today,
And with this happiness you move on in life.

I only wish you to grow younger,
Burn with energy and don’t waste your energy in vain.
You can overcome any attack,
And all the surprises will come in handy!

SMS congratulations on your 55th anniversary

I wish you on your anniversary
Stay as sweet as you are
To love your home and invite guests,
Meet your best friends,
Let your children and grandchildren bring you
Peace, love and inspiration,
Let the years go by happily
And all doubts are taken away!

New congratulations on your 55th anniversary

Two A's are like being in school
They lined up in a row -
Well, you are still 20,
The sparkle in the eyes is a perky look.

Two A's are not your age
Those are your grades for your work,
For work, for activity,
And for the comfort created!

Touching congratulations on your 55th anniversary

Please accept our congratulations, bunches.
Decorate the ripe number with them,
Which, like a gracious guest,
The A's brought you joy.

The world is dearer to us when we know about you.
Our world is kinder because of your warmth.
And in return we warmly wish you:
May your life always be bright!

Good congratulations on your 55th anniversary

Today is your anniversary! Congratulations!
And I want to wish from the bottom of my heart,
So that you don’t know grief and bad weather,
And let your cherished dreams come true!

Let your health not pass you by,
And joy and love comes into the house.
Warmth and tenderness are so necessary,
When it's raining and slush outside the window.

You're fifty-five - that's still not enough!
After all, life is just beginning now.
And may all that you were missing
Life will give you hundreds of thousands of times!

A short congratulations on your 55th anniversary

I want to tell you
That everything will come true
Wish you good luck,
And glow with love!

I wish you not to be sad,
And smile more often
Don't miss your day,
And admire life!

Beautiful congratulations on your 55th anniversary

Today we have gathered here together,
To congratulate you on your anniversary.
After all, we have already waited for this day,
So let it be more fun!
Let the gray shimmer in your hair,
She only decorates you.
After all, beauty on the outside is unimportant,
Let the beauty of the soul not fade!
We wish you never to lose heart,
Still always striving forward,
And don’t give in to the young in anything,
And don’t hide your age, but be proud of it.
Let's drink to the hero of the day together,
May today not be boring!

Funny congratulations on your 55th anniversary

You always loved the A's, you were proud of them in your diary,
And our years passed, and you walked lightly.
We passed 20, 30, 40 and flew by 50,
It's time for TWO FIVES,
They can't be brought back either.
Even if two A's are not enough, no less will be ahead,
And in your life everything happened - there was sun and rain...
On your Anniversary Birthday,
We wish you, with all our hearts,
Good health, fun, great family joy!

Short congratulations on your 55th anniversary

Today you are 55!
I want to wish you good health,
After all, there is a big life ahead,
Let there be a lot of love in her!

Let the children always make you happy
Don't look at the years!
Let good things happen
Let your dream come true!

Comic congratulations on your 55th anniversary

Birthday, anniversary 55 years!
Two fives stood in a row -
They look beautiful.
Mincing each other
Oh, what a miracle!
Lifting your head up
Like two girlfriends
Oh, they have a cheerful disposition
Not old ladies at all!

Cool congratulations on your 55th anniversary

I woke up, stretched...
Like it or not, it's time to get up.
He grinned at the reflection -
I'm fifty-five this morning.
I haven't changed overnight:
Alive, healthy and full of strength.
But it turns out he distinguished himself -
I got two A's.
Ah, high fives!
My swan years...
It was sweet, it was bitter...
OK! All! Go live!!!

Congratulations on your 55th anniversary

Turns 55 today
So let your dream come true,
After all, we all have dreams,
So what will you wish for today?

Of course, don’t look at your age!
The best, believe me, is yet to come!
Live easily, do not know despondency,
Let only happiness flow over the edge!

Congratulations on your 55th anniversary in verse

Let me congratulate you on your birthday!
After all, you turned 55 today!
I wish you happiness, vigor, health,
Never be discouraged in life!

May the star shine for you day and night
And guides you in the right way!
I wish you joyfully, easily and carefree,
And you can only go up in life!

May your grandchildren adore you
Friends always help
May children always respect
And the family will be supportive.

Let the sorrows go away
But love will remain.
Happy Birthday! Happy anniversary!
May you be lucky again and again!

Wonderful age, anniversary.
Let your eyes shine with happiness
On a wonderful holiday - birthday!

For women, age is like a diamond:
Sparkles, pleases, plays.
And don't be sad about the years -
Age only adorns you!

Live happily, without troubles.
Let love inspire with song.
On a wonderful holiday, anniversary,
We sincerely congratulate you!

Two A's - a super date!
Everything that has been passed is a “five”.
So exciting today
Happy anniversary.

Well, the day has finally come
When to work if you're lazy
Not necessary at all. To work
They will no longer call on Saturday.

From today
You are responsible for yourself.
Ah, this long-awaited age
He is sweet and so desirable.

Today we congratulate you
Happy anniversary, love.
And we all wish you
Love, warmth and kindness.

Such a wonderful anniversary
One can only wish
So many more times
Celebrate birthdays.

Great age - 55,
Life begins again.
We want to live like a queen,
Don’t infringe on yourself in any way!

To raise wonderful grandchildren,
Go to the sea often.
And always look great
That’s how it is now - to the number “5”!

You are like a young girl
Whose eyes are on fire.
I already have a lot behind me,
More to come.

Be happy, healthy,
Both smart and funny.
Never frown
Don't bow your head.

And at 55 years old we wish you
Good luck and luck,
Let us congratulate you
Hug on the anniversary day.

We wish you kindness,
Peace of mind,
More happiness and beauty
And every day - with love.

Let them pass you by
Sorrows and worries
And they will become a smooth path
All roads taken.

Congratulations on the 55th anniversary of a woman
When all the children grow up,
No need for work anymore
That's the best time in the world!
You must live for yourself.

You don't have to try anymore
And pursue your hobby.
Still full of health and strength,
And the appearance is very cute!

We wish you good health
And years filled with love.
Let your friends support you
The family will be surrounded by care.
Anna Akmalova

Are you celebrating today?
Interesting anniversary:
You get two A's
Put the diary in your briefcase.

The music is playing loudly
The mood is just great!
Two A's are not your age,
You are an excellent student with us.

“Five” - for the past years,
Behind happy family.
"Five" - ​​for your invaluable experience
And for your beauty.

Let the heart know no sorrow
And don’t let it hurt for your family
And so that you don’t know the offense,
Let good luck float around!

Shines brighter every day
Guiding star.
Bogatyrsky health
Never fails.

Optimism, positivity,
Long and happy years,
To be desired and loved.
Know that there is no one more beautiful than you!

If around forty-five
Baba berry again
What a wonderful fruit
Should we name her now?

Everything sparkles and shines,
And how the eyes sparkle!
Are you going to tell the hostess
Well, a little over fifty?

I'm all good
Her soul is young!
We wish you on your anniversary
Happy, bright days to her.

More sunshine
To be warmed by warmth,
And we wish her good health.
Congratulations, congratulations!

Please accept our congratulations
With a beautiful date - “five and five”.
And on your anniversary we wish
Become young and beautiful again.

Good health, patience,
Peace, happiness, kindness!
Taking the gifts cordially,
Keep this day in your memory.

Let the compliments continue
Always from family and friends.
Fun, joy, care
May your life be full.

I want radishes - only sweet ones.
I wish you only a smooth life,
So that all life's worries
We didn’t lead you astray from the path of life.

So that my husband takes care of him like a diamond,
The boss appreciated the talent,
Colleagues expressed their support
And they gave a helping hand.

So that children respect their mother,
They invited us to visit more often.
And grandchildren for all Christmastide
Don't forget to sing carols.

May your surroundings be
Only decent people
To be appreciated and loved.
May the stars favor you!

The fifty-fifth year has come,
Celebration, crowned with good luck.
You are an unearthly woman,
Forgetting all the troubles.

Walk along a new path,
Just say thank you to fate.
Because you are like this,
And your luck is countless.

Happy anniversary, dear,
Our dear woman.
Live and enjoy life,
And always smile at everyone.

It's a wonderful day today,
Rich in congratulations.
Fifty-five years have come,
And it brought fun.

You will gather everyone at the table,
And you will bring inspiration!
Woman you are simply a miracle
Without you, everyone will be miserable!

Happy anniversary, dear,
Our joy is unearthly.
You go to great deeds,
And lead us with you.

You are the goddess among all,
Success follows you.
You are sweet and energetic
And she's pretty.

Happy anniversary,
I wish you a bright life.
Fifty-five is just a number
And it doesn’t have a code!

Let everything you want work out
And the fun begins.
So it's time to have fun
And let the holiday not stop!

You are a selfless woman
And in life, very fast.
Let everything in life work out,
And the luck never ends.

On the fifty-fifth anniversary,
Overcome all sorrows.
Let worries go away
And all troubles are released.

Happy anniversary dear,
You are an unearthly woman.
Light up like a star
And don’t go out, never!

Today is a very bright day,
The atmosphere is downright hot.
For the fifty-fifth time, you were born,
You always have a boiling passion.

And it does not fade over the years,
And overcome by dreams.
Happy anniversary,
And we inspire you to heroic deeds.

We know you will achieve a lot,
And you can't go wrong anywhere.
May the Lord protect
And it helps in life.

You are fifty-five today,
And congratulations, like swallows are flying,
We would like to wish you with love,
Bright days, good luck and health,

Let the sun look through the window,
Let the stars fall into your palms,
Let the eyes of sadness not know
And my hands manage to do everything,

We also wish you inspiration,
Calmness, joy and patience,
Life has given you a great deal twice,
May fate send you happiness personally!

What a beautiful anniversary
Two five little sisters,
Many days have passed
The years have flown away like birds,

Let the ocean rage in life,
You don't get old over the years,
You are as fresh as the morning mist
And as before you are loved by us,

And today on this anniversary,
We want to congratulate you,
Wish you happy days,
AND beautiful words leave!

We would like to congratulate you on your anniversary,
Give two excellent marks,
We wish you to be kind and beautiful,
Gently, bright and happy,

Nice, easy and simple,
She eclipsed everyone with her beauty,
Sad, affectionate and complex,
At times impossible

Pleasant, generous, hospitable,
In all cases, calm,
May fate protect you
Your Guardian Angel will protect you!

Let's easily congratulate you on your anniversary,
At fifty-five years old we will be able to
It's easy to find beautiful words,
And if you need help,

May your eyes remain happy
Even though the years rush ahead,
Let smiles bloom like roses,
Let misfortunes not find you!

Your anniversary is here,
The most festive of days,
Two high fives for you personally,
Life has been great

We wish the soul a stellar flight,
So that there is no oppression beyond our strength,
May spring always bloom,
And you looked like spring yourself!

We are celebrating today
Your wonderful anniversary!
And we wish for more
It was the clearest days!
I wish you optimism
To have a lot of strength!
To joy and good luck
Brought to you every day!

Let's leave all our affairs,
To say how sweet you are,
How beautiful, and always
You look like never before!
I hasten to congratulate and wish
Don't be sad and don't be bored,
Don't be sad and don't get sick,
Don't regret the days gone by!

What a wonderful date
So many wonderful years!
Shines in your eyes
Happy clear light!
Joy to you, health,
Cheerfulness, warmth!
Let wonderful kindness
Life will be full!

A great anniversary has arrived,
Today is your holiday!
Ready to say a lot of words
In honor of your beautiful ones!

May health never
Doesn't let you down in life
And may every day come to you
Only joys come!

Rearrange this date -
There will only be number five!
Good in white light
Don't notice your age!
We wish to live wonderfully
Find your happiness.
And let strength and health
Nature will deign to give!

We sincerely congratulate you,
We wish the most important thing in life -
Health, happiness, joy
And live to one hundred without growing old!

So everyone wants peace,
But everything around is disturbing to look at.
And, as usual, the horses are galloping,
And the huts are still burning.
We wish you so much strength
We wish you so much health,
So that you extinguish all the huts,
And she stopped all the horses!

My dear friend!
Happy Anniversary!
Two fives next to each other -
This date decorates you!
May everything go smoothly for you
May you always be lucky in everything,
Grandchildren make children happy too
And no one will let you down!

We wish you never to lose heart,
Always strive forward
Don't give in to anything in life,
Be proud of your achievements!

We wish you to stay young,
May luck and love light the way!
We really appreciate and respect you.
Take care of yourself for everyone and be happy!

Always be cheerful
How good it is today,
And on a great anniversary
Be the happiest of all people!

55 is not yet age, it is the peak of life, the peak from which, in the palm of your hand, you can see everything you have lived, experienced, and the beautiful things you should strive for. So we wish you good health for many years to come, so that everything you want and plan comes true!

We wish you good health,
Happy years and bright days,
More happy events
Beautiful girlfriends and friends!
Mood, success,
So that your home is happy,
Well, joy and laughter
The sea was just in it!

Let your wishes come true
The company will be warm,
There will be tenderness and care,
There will be shoots from the work!
May your health not fail you
Reason rules in the heart!
Let everything go smoothly
Life will be deliciously sweet!

Let life be carefree
The soul sings with happiness every day
Troubles will become fleeting,
And love lives in the heart!

To the wonderful birthday girl
For fifty five years
Today we send fiery
And sincere greetings!

We sincerely wish you
The most wonderful blessings,
Let your dreams come true
Without worries and troubles.

And let the one who is loved -
Will reciprocate
And the beautiful sun
The world will greet you in the morning!

You're 55 today!
A great age for love!
You don't believe the words anymore
But believe in your goals!

Always good health,
May life bring goodness and light!
Let trouble not touch you!
Live in the world for many years!

Fives: five yes five.
And we have a desire
We congratulate you loudly.
Fanfare sounds in your honor,

Carcass trumpets are playing!
We cannot count the roles in life,
You are a friend, father and husband.
You are our dear colleague,

And mother is the best son,
To all of you with a trembling soul,
Indispensable for everyone.
Today is the anniversary!

And we want to say:
Such a valuable specimen
We all need it.
After all, the team is rich in you!

Fifty-five happens only once,
And this anniversary is no exception!
Please accept our congratulations
On a beautiful day, on a special birthday.

Two A's for the anniversary!
We hasten to congratulate you as soon as possible.
We need excellent students.
We respect knowledge.

Everything in your life is A+.
We can even prove:
We give "five" for effort and skill.
For calmness and patience - also a high five.

For your care and attention,
Friendship, help, compassion
We also only put “five”.
Even the whole “twenty-five”!

And another five to you,
That she is cheerful beyond her years.
And we wish you continued
Not getting old, but getting younger.

Happy anniversary!
Life will become even brighter!

55 Well, is this age?
Yes, anniversary. But you are young!
I wish you good health,
Good luck and luck with all your heart!

Don't sum it up
At fifty-five years old!
Shines in your eyes
Beautiful wise light!
Happiness and health,
Cheerfulness, warmth!
I wish you joyful
It was your life!

Rearrange it this way or that way
There will only be number five!
Good in white light
Don't notice your age!
We wish you many new ones
Find hobbies.
Life force is ready
Nature has a lot to give you.
Plant what you brought
From distant lands jasmine.
Stay in love with life!
Others always need you.

Time to collect stones
I think it has arrived
At fifty - with an increase of five -
Life has rewarded you with happiness.
The kids have grown up, it's time
It's time to live for yourself,
Have fun until the morning!
Many joys await you!

Anniversary 55 years to mother - congratulations and wishes in verse

Let no sorrows come into your home,
Let illnesses pass by.
We would place the whole world in the palm of our hands
And they gave you one.
But even this would not be enough,
To repay your kindness,
All our lives, our dear mother,
I owe you an unpaid debt,
Thank you, dear, for raising me,
For not asking for anything in return,
That sorrow and joy are divided in half,
You wished us the best life in everything.
Beautiful, caring, sweet, gentle,
We need you every day and forever!

Mom, what are these tears in your eyes?
What are those gray hair streaks?
Mommy, these five and five
It’s really not worth noticing;
Don't look at your age,
Quickly erase the sadness from your face -
Go through life more cheerfully
Especially on your anniversary!

Happy Birthday,
My dear mother,
On your anniversary, without a doubt,
I wish from the bottom of my heart
Eternal prosperity,
Never know worries
And in life - only the best,
Joy - at 55!

Today I congratulate my mother,
And on this holiday I sincerely wish
Celebrate the anniversary with dignity!
Let us gather as a family,
We will honor you
Heartily, lovingly from the soul,
I hasten to congratulate mommy!
Wishing you well at 55!

Congratulations on the 55th anniversary of a woman

Fifty plus five years old
Today is your holiday!
Ready to say a lot of words
In honor of your beautiful ones!

May health never
Doesn't let you down in life
And for many years
Let the sadness go away!

Congratulations to a woman on her 55th birthday

This anniversary date is special:
There are only A's in it, no matter how you look at it.
Every day may a ray of dawn greet you,
And the crimson dawn sees you off to sleep.

Let health be your loyal friend,
All your dreams will come true soon,
There will be less doubt and confusion in the soul,
And you will be cheerful and young.

Happy 55th birthday to a woman

Today is your holiday,
only A's.
Today is exactly 55,
Don't regret it at all.

We wish you to be loved forever,
Don't grow old at all with your soul,
Give everyone the warmth of your soul,
Look at the world through children's eyes. (WITH)

It seemed that this date would not come,
Days, years, decades passed...
And now this day has come -
Your 55th birthday.
Let this day not add wrinkles,
And he will smooth out and erase the old ones,
And it will bring happiness to the house for a long time.
We wish to live without knowing troubles,
Not knowing bad weather,
And so that it lasts for 100 years
Health, kindness and happiness!

Woman's 55th anniversary - comic congratulations

Fifty-five - is that really a lot?
Let them say “everything has been lived” - don’t believe it,
While we live, what was, is - everything is alive.
When else will life slam the door on us?

You still have a lot to do,
Live long, wisely and beautifully!
And I want to raise the first glass,
For our hero of the occasion.

You are a woman - a flower, a source and a star,
Mysteriously tender, beautiful and proud.
You are the flame of the hearth and home,
You are the light on earth that never goes out.

Happy birthday greetings to a 55 year old woman

Fifty-five for you -
Half of life!
And today I can’t stop
Our feelings are an avalanche!
You can't turn back time!
But let yourself be forced
So that at one hundred and ten years old again
We could congratulate you!

55th anniversary for a woman - congratulations in verse and wishes

You are happy with everything in fate:
Life smiles at you
We can only wish
Keep it up!

And may you be always cheerful,
And, like today, she’s good,
And even on a modest anniversary
Happiest of all people.

We hasten to congratulate you
And we want to wish you
What I dared to dream about,
What have you been waiting for so long!

Fifty-fifth date -
Festive anniversary,
May you have many summers
The nightingale sings sweetly,
Let sensuality not fade,
The spiritual light does not fade,
Sound wise power -
Future element!

Congratulations on 55th birthday to a friend

I wish you to always be loved,
For husband, grandchildren and children!
And be truly happy
Don't get lost among people!

And always be visible everywhere
Beautiful in appearance and soul,
That sincere one that everyone really needs
Heartfelt soft beauty!

Let them give high fives for the joy of the year -
But the soul remains always young,
And don’t let your health fail you,
Relatives will warm you with love!

Let your heart become a little warmer,
Flowers will decorate your Anniversary!
And everything will be in good order in the house,
Live successfully, in love and prosperity.

Congratulations on the 55th anniversary of a female colleague

You always loved the A's, you were proud of them in your diary,
And our years passed, and you walked lightly.
We passed 20, 30, 40 and flew by 50,
It's time for TWO FIVES,
They can't be brought back either.
Even if two A's are not enough, no less will be ahead,
And in your life everything happened - there was sun and rain...
On your Anniversary Birthday,
We wish you, with all our hearts,
Good health, fun, great family joy!

There is no escaping anniversaries.
They will overtake everyone like birds.
But the main thing is to carry it through the years
Warmth of the soul, a bit of cordiality.
Today is your anniversary.
We sincerely congratulate you!
And we wish the most important thing in life:
Health, happiness and joy
And up to a hundred years without growing old!

Colleague, I’m proud of you for good reason,
Today is our 55th anniversary!
There is not enough room for men next to you,
It’s not a sin to fight for your beauty!
And the glasses are filled, the glasses are dashingly filled,
Congratulations are flying to your address,
But I will say quietly in your ear,
Work tomorrow... Maybe we should go to bed?