How to do depilation with cassette wax at home. What you need to know about waxing

For teenagers

Removal excess hair from face or body to this moment is almost the only procedure that is practiced by eight out of ten women. Even usage statistics decorative cosmetics among the adult female population is several percentage points behind these indicators. Naturally, methods for getting rid of unwanted hairs don't stand still. But, like many years ago, the most popular (after shaving everyone is tired of) remains waxing. Reviews about modern implementation salon procedure and its traditional “home” analogues, read on.

All the benefits of waxing

Studying the progress of the procedure before the first experience of hair removal using this method, it seems that the pros and cons of a relatively not very pleasant process and a satisfactory result are divided equally. Reviews about wax depilation are so contradictory that opponents come to agreement only on the final point of disagreement, namely, the effect of the procedure is really high, incomparable either to shaving or to the work of an electric epilator.

Let’s try to analyze all the statements “for” that can be considered undeniable:

  • The technique is available in a salon presentation, if the speed of hair regrowth does not force you to contact a specialist twice a month - then it will seem expensive.
  • The skin after voxing remains smooth for at least two weeks. Wax strips for depilation (reviews from the network) provide a shorter guarantee, but they are convenient to use at home.
  • With regular procedures, the hairs in the treated areas become thinner, and after a few years hair follicles completely degrade.
  • The procedure helps renew the epidermis by removing old dead cells that accumulate around the follicles.
  • The speed of depilation of individual areas of the body varies from only 20 to 40 minutes, and complete depilation (hairy areas on the legs, arms, bikini, above) upper lip) will only take one and a half to two hours.
  • It's completely safe if we're talking about O salon procedure, and is minimally risky when done at home - the components of the wax mass are not likely to cause allergies, but burns are excluded only with a competent approach to the hot removal method. Cold or warm ways safe even with the most amateurish approach.

Unfortunately, all the advantages of the procedure are negated improper care for skin after waxing. Reviews of irritations that have occurred and do not go away for a long time, ingrown hairs, unpleasant itching - all these are nothing more than the consequences of an illiterate approach to caring for delicate, renewed skin after the procedure. Pay careful attention to this process, and most of the negative points in the following list will not affect you.

All the disadvantages of waxing

Voxation is done on various parts of the body, and, of course, there are areas where pain is caused severe discomfort- we are talking about facial waxing (read reviews of the procedure and its progress in detail below) or the “bikini” zone. You will have to put up with this discomfort - the salon specialist will make every effort to reduce the pain when removing the frozen mass, but completely avoid negative emotions it won't work. This is one of the disadvantages of the procedure, which is considered the main one. Other disadvantages include the following:

  • Only hairs longer than 0.4 cm are removed correctly, which means that within 4-6 days after the follicles begin to sprout, it will be impossible to correct the situation.
  • If the procedure is performed according to all the rules, then the redness at the waxing site will disappear within a few hours. However, girls with particularly sensitive skin sometimes have to deal with two to three days of irritation.
  • Often in reviews, bikini waxing is called a record holder for the number of ingrown hairs, and this is true if you do not follow one simple rule - regular use of gentle body scrubs.
  • Inattention to the composition of the finished wax paste sometimes leads to allergic reaction, but it is very easy to avoid this - you need to carefully study the component set of each of the proposed masses and choose the one that does not contain allergens.
  • With home procedures, errors may occur in the preparation of the substance, which is then difficult to remove from the skin.
  • For a whole day after using a depilatory agent, the treated skin should not be exposed to direct Sun rays, apply creams, tanning sprays or any perfumed products to it.

And yet, the master will refuse to perform depilation if the following are found at the intended site of hair removal: rashes, purulent formations, protruding veins, fresh abrasions, cuts, bruises, papillomas and large raised moles. This applies to any type of wax depilation procedure. Reviews from many experts add one more item to this list, not specified in the list of prohibitions, but classified as undesirable - severely tanned skin. The fact is that after the procedure, the epidermis brightens by 1-2 tones, and a sharp difference between the treated and untreated surfaces may look unaesthetic.

Types of wax for the procedure

In the salon, when choosing a depilation method, the master offers to choose from three options for the procedure:

  • Hot method - the wax mass for this method is made up of coniferous tree resins and petroleum distillation products. Often the hot substance contains natural oils, which are especially relevant when removing hair on delicate facial skin.
  • Warm method - the mass for a quick-cooling agent is also present pine resins, but also natural is definitely added beeswax. This method refers to the most optimal for use at home - a correctly prepared paste applies well, does not flow, cools quickly and does not leave burns.
  • The cold method is the most painful, but due to its accessibility, it is the most often used for self-depilation. The effect lasts relatively short - about a week. This method does not require melting the wax mass or preparing it from scratch - the required amount of product is already applied to special strips available for sale.

You should pay more attention to the recommendations of specialists about wax strips for depilation in the bikini area. Reviews from most salon professionals are very categorical against using the cold method of hair removal in this highly sensitive area - due to severe pain and a high percentage of remaining hairs.

When the procedure is contraindicated

In addition to the features of the skin texture, which were mentioned above, good master will be forced to refuse the procedure under the following discovered circumstances:

  • presence of herpes infection;
  • allergy to one or more ingredients of the composition;
  • moles, a capillary vascular network located close to the surface of the skin;
  • porous, acne-prone skin;
  • fungus;
  • current illness associated with elevated temperature bodies.

In addition, the specialist must be informed about diabetic disease, if any, problems with blood clotting, or a low pain threshold. You should not come for the procedure if menstrual bleeding begins on the appointed day or if you are pregnant at any stage.

Preparing for hair removal

To reduce as much as possible discomfort accompanying the procedure in any case, you can start with simple calculations related to the hormonal activity of the body, which is known to react very sensitively to any tactile manifestations on certain days. The most optimal days for any depilation will be the 4th or 5th day from last day menstruation, and most best time day - from two o'clock in the afternoon to five o'clock in the evening. It is strictly not recommended to carry out the procedure during menstruation, as well as three days before and three days after - during this period, women's sensitivity becomes more acute, and the body can respond to rough intervention with a severe pain reaction.

Preparation for the procedure should begin 4-5 days before the scheduled date. First of all, you need to make sure that there are no damage or painful formations in the selected area, then begin to gently cleanse the skin using scrubs, and this applies not only to the face, but also to the legs and groin area.

Two to three days before the procedure, you should limit your exposure to the sun, do not apply self-tanning products to your body, and do not eat foods rich in carotene - carrot juice, for example. You need to decide in advance on the choice of procedure, what type of wax - hot, warm or cold - you plan to perform the treatment. Do a test if depilation is performed for the first time.

When going for depilation of facial areas, you do not need to apply makeup; on the contrary, it is advisable to clean your face as much as possible and even steam it the day before, deep peeling(without mechanical cleaning). If you are planning to wax your legs, reviews from girls with a low pain threshold will come in handy - an hour before the procedure, they recommend taking a painkiller tablet and be sure to make sure that the specialist also performs local anesthesia.

Depilation of the bikini area - secrets and features

The groin area and the area between the buttocks - the bikini area - are called the most traumatic. It is better not to carry out such a procedure on your own, or, if you do decide, not to use the hot wax application method, otherwise the consequences of inept use of the burning substance can be disastrous.

What do you need to know before going for the procedure?

  • The length of regrown hairs must be at least 0.4 cm. An exception is the procedure for using wax strips for depilation. Reviews from cosmetologists make the amendment that in this case, 1.5 mm of the length of the regrown hair is sufficient.
  • The salon you go to must use an individual disposable package with instruments for each individual client - the package must be opened in front of the client immediately before the procedure.
  • You need to discuss the moment of pain relief with the specialist in advance - it is possible that the salon uses products that are not suitable for you, and you will have to apply the necessary ointment at home.
  • When going for waxing of the bikini area (reviews from girls speak eloquently about this), you should not wear skinny jeans, shorts or lace underwear. After hair removal, friction synthetic fabric or clothing that restricts movement will cause a lot of unpleasant moments.

When you come home after depilation, immediately apply suitable remedy, which stops fast growth hair.

How bikini depilation occurs with hot wax

What will happen in a cosmetologist’s office and what should you be prepared for? First of all, even if the client has independently peeled the problem area, the specialist will still duplicate the exfoliation with a special composition on fruit acids or others effective means. Then, if the method of hair removal with hot wax is chosen, the master will heat up the wax paste and quickly distribute the required amount of the substance with a spatula along the predetermined perimeter of the pubic area. When the wax has cooled, the cosmetologist will remove the frozen substance with a sharp movement against the hair growth.

How to use wax strips in the bikini area

If you decide to use wax strips for bikini depilation, reviews from experienced fashion and beauty “victims” will help you in your choice the best remedy. You can carry out the procedure yourself at home, for which you will first need to buy a suitable depilation kit, and then perform the following steps:

  • Remove the finished strips from the packaging and cut them into pieces corresponding to the size of the problem areas.
  • Each strip is heated according to the instructions - between the palms for at least 10 seconds.
  • After heating, the tape quickly separates into a sticky part and a protective part.
  • The sticky side should be firmly applied to the desired area of ​​skin and smoothed well along the hair growth.
  • After a few minutes, the wax cools down and the tape is torn off with one strong movement against the hair growth.

Be sure to use a soothing cream after completing hair removal.

Choosing wax strips

Which wax strips for depilation have consumer reviews identified as the best? First of all, you will have to choose from two options - disposable (preferably) and reusable. The reusable option will help save money, but will require some additional actions, such as buying wax or preparing it. Disposable, made in simple paper version, imply a fast and reliable process with maximum convenience, since the manufacturer often invests in packaging and necessary funds for caring for the treated area.

Let's name those wax strips for bikini depilation, reviews of which are more often found in a positive way:

  • VEET strips are available in three lines: for normal (with shea butter), sensitive (with almond oil) and dry (with aloe vera) skin. The manufacturer guarantees smooth skin for a month and a feeling of comfort immediately after the procedure.
  • BYLY strips include a wide range of not only in terms of the degree of sensitivity of the epidermis, but also in terms of trends, characteristic of age. The kit for young skin, which is created on the basis of the “Tins” innovation, promises the most gentle effect.
  • CLIVEN strips are produced exclusively for sensitive epidermis and not only remove unwanted hair, but also take care of the skin, saturating it with the power of jojoba and almond oils.

By the way, it is CLIVEN that is named the best wax strips for facial depilation. Reviews about this product have been collected large quantity grateful votes.

How to make wax at home

Many women who do not consider it necessary to go to a salon for waxing, the best stripes(reviews and recipes taken from forums) consider those that you can cook yourself. Here are two of the most popular recipes that have found a lot of fans among lovers of smooth skin:

  • The following components are combined in a non-metallic container: beeswax (0.1 kg), paraffin (0.05 kg), rosin (0.2 kg). In a low-boiling water bath and with constant stirring, all ingredients melt to a liquid state, then cool to a temperature that the skin can tolerate. The finished substance is applied to a fabric strip the right size and is used.
  • For particularly thin and delicate skin, a mixture of two waxes is used - 0.35 kg of carnauba wax, 0.15 kg of beeswax. Both waxes are melted in a water bath, and at the end of preparation, a tablespoon of glycerin and 3-4 drops of oil are added to the mass. tea tree. This mixture can be applied to the skin after cooling to 37-40 0 C.

Don’t be confused if there is a lot of finished paste left - the mass is well stored frozen in the refrigerator, and if necessary, the required amount of solid substance is separated from the general piece, heated and used for its intended purpose.

  1. The length of hair in epilation areas should be at least 0.5 cm.
  2. If you plan to remove facial hair with wax, 2-3 days before the procedure, refuse cosmetics containing retinol. Under the influence of retinol, the top layer of skin becomes very sensitive, and during hair removal there is a risk of tearing off the epidermis along with the hair.
  3. The day before epilation, rub your skin with a hard washcloth or. This is necessary in order to remove dead skin particles and ensure better adhesion of the hairs to the wax.
  4. Minimize pain by taking ibuprofen or applying an ice pack to the waxing site half an hour before the procedure. Remember that pain may increase during menstruation, so try to remove hair at other times.
  5. Do hair removal in a warm room, for example in the bathroom after a shower: in the warmth, the hair canals will expand and you will not feel as much pain.
  6. Before epilation, take a shower and dry yourself. Wax adheres best to clean, dry skin.
  7. Sprinkle talcum powder on the depilation area to completely remove excess moisture from the skin.

If you have never done waxing before, it makes sense to trust the master.

Firstly, you will be able to understand whether this type of hair removal is right for you, and secondly, you will have the opportunity to observe the actions of a professional.

How to do hair removal with ready-made wax strips

The obvious advantage of ready-made wax strips is that you don’t have to heat the wax and clean the bathroom from its drops. However, the strips are a little more painful to use than hot wax.

Choose strips designed specifically for the area of ​​the body you are going to treat.

Warm the wax strip between your palms for a few seconds, then carefully remove protective layer.

Apply the wax strip down to the epilation site and quickly smooth it in the direction of hair growth. Press the strip firmly against your body and leave it on the skin for a few seconds.

Lightly stretch and press the skin under the strip with your palm, and then with a quick sharp movement, remove the wax against the hair growth.

At the same time, try to keep the strip as close to the skin as possible, that is, do not pull it up, but quickly pull it along the body.

How to do epilation with hot wax

Warm up the wax, following the instructions on the package exactly. The fastest way to do this is in, but you need to make sure that there is no foil on the jar. As a rule, 15–20 seconds is enough for a full jar. The consistency of ready-to-use wax should resemble liquid honey.

Be sure to test the temperature of the wax by dripping it on your wrist. Wax that is too hot can burn you, and wax that is not lukewarm enough will be difficult to spread.

Once the wax has reached the desired temperature, dip the applicator into it and apply a thin layer in the direction of hair growth.

The thicker the hair grows, the thicker the layer of wax should be and, alas, the more painful the procedure will be.

Quickly place a strip of fabric over the wax and smooth it in the direction of hair growth, leaving a free bottom edge for you to pull.

After a few seconds, when the wax has set, lightly stretch and press the skin under the strip with your hand, and then sharply pull the fabric against the hair growth. Resist the temptation to remove it slowly and carefully - pull quickly, trying to pull it along the body.

If hair removal with hot wax has met your expectations and you plan to carry out this procedure regularly, it makes sense to buy a wax heater (wax melter).

With it, you don't have to constantly run from the bathroom to the microwave to heat up the cooled wax.

How to make your own wax for hair removal

The simplest wax recipe for home hair removal includes only three ingredients in a ratio of 1: 2: 4, namely:

  • 50 g paraffin;
  • 100 g beeswax;
  • 200 g rosin.

Place all ingredients in a heat-resistant bowl, melt in a water bath and stir. As soon as the mixture becomes liquid and homogeneous, remove it from the heat, let the wax cool to an acceptable temperature and begin epilation.

However, it is still recommended to use ready wax, in which the proportions of ingredients are precisely observed and which has probably passed quality control in production. A self-made mixture may turn out to be no worse, but it can also fail if you come across a poorly purified or, worse than that, adulterated wax with impurities of paraffin or stearin.

What to do after hair removal

After epilation, remove any remaining wax using baby oil for leather or . Then take a shower and apply body lotion to soothe your skin.

If there is a lot of hair left at the epilation site, the reasons may be the following:

  1. Hairs are too short.
  2. The wax is too hot.
  3. The wax was applied against the direction of hair growth.
  4. Wax layer too thin.

Perhaps . is more suitable for you.

Or sugaring, hairs may not be completely removed if you used a razor before depilation. Since shaving cuts the hair and often several hairs grow from one hair follicle, the shortest hair is usually not visible, since its length is less than 1 mm. In this case, it is extremely difficult to capture this hair with wax or sugar.

What hair length is most optimal for depilation procedure?

In order for the effect of depilation to please you for 3 weeks or more, it is advisable that the hair length be at least 5 millimeters. This length is achieved 2-3 weeks after the last depilation or 1.5-2 weeks after the last use of the razor. If necessary, our master will correct the length of the hair using a trimmer before the sugaring or waxing procedure.

How often do you need to do waxing and sugaring?

For permanent smoothness of the skin, it is enough to depilate once every 3-4 weeks.

How long does an hair removal session last?

Depilation in the armpit area usually takes 10-15 minutes. It takes about 30 minutes to remove hair from the bikini area. The first time, depilation takes a little longer. With each subsequent time, the procedure takes less and less time.

How long does the effect last after waxing and sugaring?

After depilation with sugar and wax, hair disappears for a period of 3 to 6 weeks. With regular depilation, the hair will become thinner and grow more slowly.

Is waxing dangerous during pregnancy?

Yes, if the girl never had hair removal before pregnancy, or more than 2 months have passed since her last hair removal. The threat of miscarriage is a direct contraindication for hair removal.

How is the waxing procedure performed?

When removing hair from legs and arms, the master uses warm wax. The wax is applied in a thin layer and carefully removed using special paper. To depilate hair in the bikini area, armpits and face area, the master uses hot wax, applying it to the skin in small strips, and then removes it with his hands (while wearing gloves). The hair grows back much more slowly and is lighter and finer.

How is sugar depilation (shugaring) performed?

Sugar is applied to all areas of the skin with your hands (the cosmetologist wears gloves) against hair growth, and it is removed according to hair growth. hair light and a sharp movement of the hand. After the procedure there is virtually no redness or irritation on the skin.

Will I feel pain?

You won’t be able to get rid of pain 100%, but you can reduce it to a minimum!

Factors that influence pain:

1. Psychological attitude.

2. Phase of the menstrual cycle.

3. Your threshold of sensitivity

4. Insomnia, fatigue, depression, hunger can affect the pain threshold.

5. If you are doing depilation for the first time, and have shaved before, the discomfort will be stronger.

How to reduce pain:

1. Only positive attitude before the procedure!

2. Ideal period for depilation this is the 1st phase of the menstrual cycle.

3. Use the services of professionals. Only a real master knows which method to choose and how to do the procedure correctly. And, naturally, the pain during depilation directly depends on the hands and experience of the master.

4. 1 day before depilation, use a scrub. Exfoliating dead skin particles makes hair removal less painful and easier. But never use a scrub on the day of the procedure itself!

5. The depilation procedure will be easy if you breathe deeply and relax. On sensitive areas, hair depilation is almost painless if the jerk is performed while exhaling deeply.

6. Try using local painkillers: Astra "Emla" cream, Light Dep cream, lidocaine-based sprays. Buy similar means possible in pharmacy chains. One hour before depilation, apply a generous amount of anesthetic to the depilation area, wrap with film and do not remove until the procedure begins. The film is needed to maintain the effect of anesthesia; without it, the product will erode.

7. Take painkillers one hour before hair removal to help you. For example: pentalgin, ketanov, nurofen, etc.

8. Don't concentrate on pain, switch your attention, for example, talk to the master. After all, millions of women use the depilation method, and, of course, you can too! The skin will become beautiful and smooth for a long period!

How can you prepare your skin for waxing and sugaring?

We recommend using the scrub 24 hours before waxing. Also try to exclude body care products and visits to the solarium per day. The longer the hair grows, the better: if necessary, the master will reduce its length before the procedure.

Why do ingrown hairs form after waxing and sugaring?

The appearance of ingrown hairs is determined by your skin type, not the depilation method. It is recommended to exfoliate to remove dead epithelial cells to help hairs break through to the surface of the skin. We recommend using special products against ingrown hairs.

Is it possible to get an infection through tools?

Absolutely impossible. Our specialists use only disposable materials during the procedure.

Is depilation possible during menstrual periods?

Possible. Just use a tampon and expect your skin to be more sensitive these days than usual.

How to care for your skin after waxing and sugaring?

You should not use a scrub for 24 hours after depilation, it is not advisable to visit a solarium, not play sports, and refuse to use self-tanning. After 24 hours, the skin can be moisturized and exfoliated to prevent ingrown hairs and remain clear of dead skin cells.

Do you use painkillers during the hair removal procedure?

Our salon specialists use Lidocaine spray.

We also invite you to visit our author’s blog, in which we try to cover the main issues related to waxing and sugaring, which concern our customers.

Hair removal with wax in a salon is an expensive procedure. Many girls learn to use this depilation method at home. To reach desired results V as soon as possible with minimal discomfort, you need to master the technique and follow the recommendations of manufacturers of depilatory compounds and professional cosmetologists.

Cold wax for depilation

Waxing at home can be done using cold wax. The product is sold as paper strips, over which the depilatory composition is distributed in an even layer over the entire surface. The main advantage of this method of hair removal is safety - there is no chance of getting burned, so it is often used for the bikini area.

The disadvantage of this method is the duration of the procedure; it requires skill and takes at least an hour.

This procedure is the most painful (compared to using warm or hot wax), and microscopic bruising may remain after it. The product should not be used on areas with very sensitive skin:

  • in the bikini area;
  • in the armpits;
  • on the face.

Mode of application

Cold wax at home is used after preliminary preparation. skin. Take 3–5 hours before hot bath, after steaming the body, keratinized dead cells are removed with a scrub using peeling (to facilitate hair removal).

Depilation is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. The strip with the product is slightly warmed between the palms (for 20–30 seconds) so that the depilatory composition warms up.
  2. Remove the protective layer from the strip, apply it to the body, smooth it out and press firmly.
  3. With a sharp, strong movement, the strip is torn off the skin in the direction opposite to hair growth.
  4. If necessary (if not all hair was removed the first time), the procedure is repeated.
  5. After depilation is completed, an antiseptic lotion with a soothing cooling effect is applied (you can use an ice cube).

Warm wax

This method of depilation is convenient for use at home, since the wax is produced in special cartridges with rollers - devices that are also wax melters. The product applies well evenly, so it is suitable for removing facial hair and for removing fine hairs from sensitive areas. The main disadvantage of warm wax is its high cost.

Carrying out the procedure

  1. Hair removal with wax is preceded by preparatory procedures - steaming and cleansing the skin.
  2. Pressing the roller firmly against the skin, press the cartridge over the body, applying the wax in an even, dense layer.
  3. After applying the depilatory composition, a special paper or cloth napkin. After the composition thickens (after 5–10 minutes), it is torn off against the direction of hair growth.

Hot wax

Hair removal at home using hot wax is the most popular depilation procedure. Advantages of the method:

  • long lasting effect(up to 5 weeks);
  • gradual thinning and lightening of hairs with constant use of the method;
  • if the procedure is carried out correctly, no ingrown hairs remain;
  • easy to use independently;
  • Works on hair of any structure and on any part of the body.

The product is packaged in special jars or granules.

Before use, the composition must be heated in the microwave to the desired temperature.

The main disadvantages of the method are painful removal, the inability to remove hair less than 3 mm in length, and darkening of the hair “fuzz” with regular use of the method.


  1. Prepare the skin in the usual way (steam, cleanse).
  2. Heat the wax according to the instructions to the desired temperature.
  3. Apply the composition to the skin with a special spatula, apply and press the special strip tightly, and leave for 5–10 minutes.
  4. With a sharp movement against the growth of the hairs, tear the strip away from the skin.
  5. After depilation is completed, calm and moisturize the skin.

How to reduce irritation

To ensure that depilation at home is as painless as possible and that irritation on the skin after hair removal is minimal, adhere to following rules Preparation and skin care after the procedure:

  • Do not repeat the manipulation multiple times on the same area of ​​the body; remove remaining hairs with tweezers or be sure to powder the skin with talcum powder (before the third and each subsequent time) to improve the adhesion of the strip to the skin.
  • Apply the composition according to hair growth, and tear off the strips strictly against the direction of growth.
  • Change the strips in a timely manner to ensure the required degree of adhesion of the material to the surface of the body.
  • Before depilation, prepare the skin; If sensitivity is high, use special anesthetic creams.
  • After the procedure, apply a soothing moisturizing lotion.


Waxing at home has a number of contraindications. The procedure is not carried out in following cases:

  • varicose veins, rosacea or rosacea;
  • herpes in the active stage;
  • fungal diseases;
  • warts, papillomas or condylomas;
  • diabetes(the procedure can cause the development of purulent inflammation in the area of ​​skin damaged during depilation).
  • fresh tan (within 3–5 days);
  • cosmetic manipulations and procedures (deep peeling, hardware or laser procedures).


Waxing is considered one of the safest and most effective ways removing excess body hair. This procedure can also be carried out in professional salon, and at home.

Smooth skin is one of the attributes flawless image. However, shaving every day is time-consuming and irritating to the skin. Waxing, or “waxing,” will help you forget about unwanted hair on your body for up to 3-6 or more weeks.

Before you start waxing with cassette wax

To carry out successful cassette depilation, it is desirable that the hairs have a length of at least 3-4 mm. To prepare your skin for waxing, take a relaxing bath with lavender oil and scrub the area to be waxed. This will help exfoliate dead skin cells, allowing the wax to adhere better to your body.

Types of waxing

There are depilation with hot, warm and cold wax. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

How to do epilation with hot wax

To carry out hot waxing, heat the wax in a special thermostat to 60 degrees and carefully apply it directly to the surface of the skin (arms, legs, armpits, bikini area or mustache). Press the wax down with a cloth strip. After hardening, sharply remove the wax in the direction against hair growth.

You can also depilate sensitive areas with hot wax, such as the bikini area or armpits. Under the influence of hot wax, the skin warms up, which makes hair removal easier and faster.

After the procedure, disinfect your skin, rinse in a cool shower and apply a soothing cream. You can also use ice cubes made from decoctions of calendula or chamomile.

When depilating with hot wax, make sure that the procedure is hygienic and the wax does not overheat, so as not to get burned.

How to depilate with warm wax

Before depilation warm wax also prepare and cleanse your skin. Heat the wax to 50 degrees, first opening the jar and removing the foil, checking the temperature while stirring with a wooden spatula with an indicator. Apply the wax to the skin with a spatula, press with a cloth strip, wait until it hardens and remove with a sharp movement. Disinfect, cool and soothe the skin.

Warm waxing leaves the skin smooth for a long time, up to one and a half months, and is absolutely safe for use at home. Under the influence of warm wax, the hair follicles open up perfectly, making hair easily removed. To close the pores after depilation, you need to treat the skin with alcohol, wipe with ice cubes, take cold and hot shower and apply moisturizer.

How to do cold waxing

Cold wax depilation gives good result, if carried out on grown hairs. To do this, purchase ready-made wax strips, remove them from the packaging, warm each strip in your palms for 30 seconds and apply to the surface of the skin. Next, after about 20 seconds, sharply tear off the strip in the direction of hair growth. Treat your skin to soothing treatments to relieve irritation and close pores. Each strip can be used 2-3 times. Cold depilation Provides smooth skin for at least 3 weeks.

How to care for your skin after waxing

In order for the skin to remain well-groomed and beautiful, after waxing it is necessary to provide it with proper care. It includes:

  • skin disinfection,
  • calming and refreshing the skin with a contrast shower,
  • using a moisturizer to prevent dry skin,
  • avoiding tight-fitting clothing in contact with the skin for three days to avoid irritation,
  • avoiding direct sunlight,
  • carrying out peeling three days after depilation (so that hairs do not grow in).

In what cases is cassette wax depilation contraindicated?

When problem skin, i.e. If there are any painful manifestations on it, it is better to refuse depilation. Such painful manifestations include:

  • abrasions,
  • pimples,
  • cuts,
  • bites,
  • sun or thermal burns,
  • inflamed moles, etc.

Also, such depilation is prohibited when varicose veins veins in the legs. Pregnant and elderly people should do it with caution, since the procedure is often accompanied by unpleasant painful sensations.

How to calculate how much wax you will need for depilation

A standard jar containing 250 ml of wax will be enough to depilate your legs twice. A wooden spatula with a temperature indicator must be included with the wax. There are usually 10-15 fabric strips. The larger the area to be waxed, the more wax you will need. As a rule, two 250 ml jars of wax are enough to completely depilate all areas with unwanted hair.

The thermostat is purchased separately. You can use it instead water bath or a microwave oven, however, it is safer to heat the wax in a thermostat, since the device is equipped with a temperature regulator and does not allow the wax to overheat.

Waxing in cassettes

Instead of jars of wax, you can use wax in cassettes. The cassette needs to be inserted into the warmer for 20-30 minutes, and during this time, prepare the skin for the procedure. A cassette roller is passed along the skin along the hair growth, the paper is applied and ironed and, holding the skin with one hand, the paper is sharply torn off with the other hand against the hair growth. It is not recommended to treat the same area more than twice. Use tweezers to remove remaining hairs.

Comment on the article "How to do depilation with cassette wax at home"

Why can’t you do this yourself at home? I smeared wax, stuck the cloth on and pulled, but that’s just it? How long does it take to wax the bikini area? Why go to some master again?


Ripping it out is still normal) And in the salon you can do all this yourself, it’s not difficult and in general it’s tolerable. I went to electro and laser, that’s where the trash and masochism are!!

04/18/2018 09:21:46, NeMamaSita

In the film Bad Moms 2, it is very clearly presented how depilation of the bikini area is done, and for a man.

Section: Epilation (Do-it-yourself epilation with biopaste at home). Who does their own hair removal at home? I was wondering if I should start serving myself at home.


I have never had it done by a cosmetologist. I have an epilator, I’m quite happy - my legs and armpits are great. I shave my bikini, it hurts too much to epilate. I don’t know, sugar, wax, in my opinion it’s already a thing of the past. I once made it with sugar, about 15 years ago - I wasn’t impressed. Still tinkering with this heating and consumables.

I do. The toad is strangling to pay in the salon, and there is no time. I make it with sugar, I ordered hard and soft paste online. I only make bikinis for myself, not everything comes out perfectly clean, but it’s pretty decent. My friend learned to do it very cleanly and perfectly, but she has motivation - new man, and I've been married for a long time :))

12/29/2017 19:54:30, Vot

Waxing (waxing). Special wax for hair removal is sold in stores. Hair removal for girls. Wax strips for depilation on the face Veet. shave without cream...


I waxed my daughter, she is also 10, this summer. Quickly. Without shouting. And she is happy.

06.08.2017 15:29:30, Veronica-strawberry

Take phytoresin with honey and apply a small piece to the areas that bother her. Just before the procedure, numb the pain with Acriol Pro. The techniques are now all described on the Internet, and the effect lasts longer. I somehow had inflammation after a razor, so now I’m their opponent.


I have two heaters:
1. heater for cartridges without base. It keeps my temperature down, I have enough time to clean both legs. But it seems like it should be more comfortable with the base. Non-woven strips. I use only thick, opaque waxes. I don’t like transparent ones :-(any company, IMHO. The main thing is that the cartridge is the right size for the heater.
2. Wax melt for hot wax for bikini (especially deep :-))) and armpits. Here I use white wax with talc for a very sensitive skin. Also dense.
Everything I have is Spanish, I’m happy :-)

I have no base, the wire is always on, I don’t turn it off. The strips seem to be paper. I always buy different wax, but in fact, not all cartridges are suitable. I bought them once, but they were actually smaller and flew out of the heater.

Section: Epilation (I saw a device here in the store for heating wax for hair removal. That is, you can remove hair at home yourself, it turns out more economically than in a salon, from someone else...


try it once and go to the salon :-)

I make my own bikini. I buy Sally Hansen, which you rub in your palms and off you go (know hit). Previously there were pink stripes, then you had to wash your hands specially :) now they have released transparent ones that are cheaper and stronger. I like these better. It doesn’t hurt me :)


Let me try :))
First: From hair removal using a cartridge, it is very rare to bleed, I have never had it, either when I did it or when it was done to me.
Second: A normal master, even if there is blood, will not smear wax there again.
Third: The cartridge is designed in such a way that the wax is applied on top, that is, there is a roller, there is wax on the roller, this wax is placed on top, well, this is not 100% protection, of course, but in theory a drop of blood, although this is practically impossible (see p. 1 and 2) in theory should not stick to the roller itself.
More often, blood occurs when epilating with hot wax, which is applied with a spatula, which should be disposable, like the wax used. In some "sharashkin's offices" I can use a spatula and wax 10 times :))) Therefore, it is worth visiting a trusted salon. :)) Well, that's how I could :)))

I don’t know if this is called hot wax or warm (it feels warm), but they do this to me in the salon: they spread the wax with a spatula, which the master takes from a special wax. device. Then he applies strips of some kind of fabric (prints it out in front of me:), and tears the strips off the skin along with the wax and hairs. Both before and after the procedure, the epilation site is disinfected :)))))
And recently I tried Veet cold wax- the result is the same, but costs several times less! In addition, I can use it to epilate 2mm hairs, and not wait for 5mm :)))

Waxing (waxing). Special wax for hair removal is sold in stores. It is more convenient to use wax in special cartridges that are inserted into the wax melt.


Everything here is very individual, maybe in a week they will start to grow, or maybe in three. If you don't try, you won't know. In general, while they grow back, you wear trousers. And after waxing, as many have already written, the hairs are not as thick as after shaving, i.e. less noticeable. It’s a matter of personal preference, so to speak: for me, it’s easier to wait a week than to sit in the bathroom with a razor every day :) And there are no problems with tanning.

This is the main inconvenience of wax hair removal: you have to wait until at least 4-5 mm grows, that is, you have to go unshaven for a week :(

On Monday I had waxing on intimate places, and was not satisfied. Half of the hair turned out to be simply torn off, and not torn out by the roots, it turned out to be small...


But, pain relief exists, but it is rarely resorted to unless you have a low pain threshold - it is not painful, but rather unpleasant:((I always only take lotion with me to slow down hair growth, and nothing else.