What kind of wedding competitions are there for witnesses? Competitions for witnesses at a wedding: how to make the holiday fun and unforgettable Competition for a groomsman at a wedding

February 23

In the world of wedding trends, such a thing as a wedding without a toastmaster has appeared. Does this mean no competitions? No, it’s just that the role of the host falls on the shoulders of one of the guests, who organizes competitions for witnesses at the wedding.

Perhaps with an overabundance of banal and vulgar competitions and a lack of more suitable ideas for the occasion. However, this is not a reason to refuse them, because the need for a competitive program is obvious.

The undoubted benefits of competitions

First of all, the use of competitions allows you to set a special festive mood and maintain it throughout the evening.

In addition, this is the best way to introduce, liberate, relax and amuse all those invited.

In addition, properly selected competitions can turn a holiday into a bright, memorable event. Therefore, it simply does not make sense to refuse this entertainment at the celebration. The same cannot be said about their individual types.

About inappropriate options

No wedding competition should confuse or cause a negative reaction from guests of different ages (from the youngest to the elderly). First of all, exclude all sorts of tasks with intimate overtones (popular sticks with hitting a bottle, wiping with a napkin, etc.). This point is especially important if one of the witnesses has a significant other. Otherwise, you may encounter misunderstandings, quarrels, or refusal to participate in such competitions.

Avoid competitions for wedding guests, in which participation can easily damage or contaminate clothes (for example, giving various kinds of food or drink). No one wants to spend the rest of the evening at the table hiding a torn dress or a stain on their shirt.

Alcohol and money competitions fall into the “possible, but be careful” category. When using both, it is important to observe moderation.

Witnesses will be repeatedly involved in the entertainment program throughout the banquet; in a sense, they are the main characters: the kidnapping of the bride, the theft of a shoe - in a word, they are the ones who solve all the “troubles” of the bride and groom.

Until the very end of the banquet, the witnesses are required to work hard, and their participation in various alcohol-themed competitions can only lead to rapid intoxication and loss of self-control. This, you see, is not the most pleasant situation.

As for tasks related to collecting money (to determine the sex of a child, for example), it is best not to use them at all or limit the number to two. Otherwise, guests will have an unpleasant impression of a wedding where they constantly “demanded” money. And they will probably be right.

About the witness part of competition tasks

Conventionally, all the “tests” that witnesses have to go through are associated with such stages of the wedding as ransom and collection of funds (if such is implied).

At the time of ransom, it is more logical to select competitions in which the bride and bridegroom will act together, because they have a common goal.

For a kidnapped bride or a shoe, witnesses are required to complete tasks (most often three). Let the competitions be of different types: active, musical, dancing, intellectual.

Mummers are also often used to carry out ransoms. For example, if the wedding is taking place in a nautical theme, then it will be interesting to ransom the bride from pirates or sirens. Then you can select the appropriate competitions for witnesses at a wedding:

  • guess the songs (related to the theme of the sea) from the images in the pictures (prepare in advance);
  • unravel the “Sea Knot” from intertwined pirate hands (classic “Confusion”);
  • dance the most “sea dance” - Apple, being tied back to back;
  • try your hand at tug-of-war with pirates (additionally recruiting a team of guests);
  • with a witness on your back and blindfolded, go around sea mines in the form of balloons (of course, following a tip from the witness).

There can be many options, a prerequisite is compliance with the given topic and diversity. You can get new ideas from games you have known since childhood.

About the props

For each type of competition you will need certain things - props that should be prepared in advance. To do this, consider the following points:

First, safety. You should not use objects as props that can hurt you or damage or stain anything (dishes, balls, cutlery, food, fire).

Secondly, a presentable appearance. For example, when mummers are planned to appear at a wedding, it is worth taking care of the costumes in advance. If the toastmaster is in charge of this issue, ask to see the outfits used. They must be free of visible defects, clean and ironed. If costumes have to be created from scratch, then you can limit yourself to only some characteristic elements of a particular image.

The game items themselves also require neatness.

Thirdly, creativity. You can easily add a twist to any game just by changing the props. Everyone is well aware of the game “Free Space” and its different variations. Chairs are used as props, but why not replace them with something more original? Continuing the maritime theme, these could be barrels or lifebuoys.

Fourthly, delivery. It is advisable to deliver all the props in advance (the day before the event) to the place of celebration. And to ensure that nothing is left forgotten, make a list and use it to check the availability of the necessary things. This will avoid unnecessary fuss on a holiday.

The only exception is helium balloons. If they will be used as props, it is better to order their delivery a few hours before the banquet. Otherwise, the helium may run out and the balloons will deflate and planned competitions will have to be replaced.

Don't forget to think about the musical accompaniment. It is necessary for all types of competitions (not just music competitions). It is important that the nature of the melody and the competition match each other. Then music will be a great addition to the entertainment program.

About the possibilities of quick and simple organization

If there is no time or opportunity to make props, then you can always use competitions that do not require special preparation. Or the props they need can easily be found at the banquet itself.

For example, to return the bride's shoe, witnesses can play the comic game “Whose Prize?” with the kidnappers. To do this, you only need chairs (they can be placed at any distance) and a funny text that the presenter will say. At the agreed word, you must try to be the first to grab the desired object.

Among the musical ones, the option of selecting lines from songs with a given word will not require absolutely any preparation. The undoubted advantage of such a competition is the ability to choose any word: ship, bride, shoes (if you use the task to buy shoes), and thereby connect the task with any topic.

More about possible examples

Check out the list of rarely seen competitions. Perhaps some will appeal to you or give you some ideas:

  • “Song modifications” - using special effects in the player (or by processing the composition through Internet sites), you need to play the song in slow motion. Guessing such an alteration will not be so easy, but it will be a lot of fun!
  • “Accelerated karaoke” is not an easy task: to sing a song at an accelerated tempo, especially if the composition is already quite fast. Such a soundtrack should be prepared in advance.
  • “Decipher the message” - you can encrypt songs, titles of films, works of literature, or text you came up with yourself. The principle of encryption can be based on replacing words with their scientific definitions. Example: the movement of air in a horizontal direction across a part of the World Ocean, separated by land, moves and a large-masted sailing ship makes it run faster. (The wind blows across the sea and propels the boat - Pushkin never dreamed of such a thing)
  • “Train” - for this game, witnesses can ask the guests for help: standing in a column one after another and grabbing the arms bent at the elbows of the person in front, the participants must form a strong chain. The task is to try to win another train to your side or break the chain of cars. They try to do this first in the column (naturally, these must be witnesses), holding the opponent’s hands.
  • “Bouquet” - guests will be involved in the role of flowers, the gardener will be a witness, and the bouquet designer will be a witness. On command, the gardener runs to the “flower”, picks it up and delivers it to the designer. Then he goes for the next one, and so on several times, until the bouquet contains the required number of flowers (optimally - 5). Then the witness designer takes the ribbon and cuts it by eye to the required length in order to tie the bouquet. If suddenly the tape turns out to be the wrong length, you need to re-measure the segment. The first team to decorate the bouquet wins.

To make the celebration unforgettable, to preserve the funniest moments on video and in the photo album, and for the guests to have only positive memories, it is worth including in the program for witnesses at the wedding.

Witnesses are important participants in the wedding celebration. The toastmaster selects tests for them of a diverse nature:

  • Song competition. Love songs are sung one by one. The winner is chosen by the listeners. Toy instruments, knight's armor, straw hats are used as props - wardrobe items are chosen in accordance with the theme of the song;
  • Dance. The rules are the same, only here the contestants have to dance;
  • Pantomime. Participants need to take turns, using gestures and facial expressions, to tell the guests about an adventurous episode from the life of the newlyweds. The opponent must understand what event we are talking about;
  • Verbal. The witness is asked to name the qualities of the groom, and the witness - the bride. This is done one by one. The winner has the final say;
  • Theatrical. Witnesses will have to become actors and demonstrate their talent for improvisation. So, they can become the bride and groom, and whoever does the better parody will be decided by lot;
  • Photo competition. The witness is given a dozen photographs of little girls, among whom he must recognize the bride as a child. And the witness is trying to find the groom among the photographs of the boys;
  • Identikit. The witness makes a portrait of the bride from a photograph cut into several parts. At this time, the witness is trying to restore the groom’s face. You should not use too small fragments, otherwise the competition will drag on and the guests will get bored.

There are many other challenges for the groomsmen and groomsmen - the imagination of wedding planners knows no bounds.

Buying the bride's shoe

One of the most popular challenges is stealing the bride's shoe. The thief is usually one of the guests. Witnesses will have to not only find the loss, but also pay a ransom for it.

If the competition does not cause problems for anyone, you can offer to pay the ransom with kisses. The best man is invited to show with a stuffed animal how much he enjoys kissing. The presenter voices the places where the young man’s lips touch, and then invites him to repeat exactly. Only the witness will have to kiss instead of the toy.

Sometimes witnesses are forced to search for a shoe using the “hot and cold” method. Guests applaud and suggest in which direction to move.

Cool music and dance

The host of the celebration makes sure that the guests do not get bored, and that the witnesses do not sit too long. For example, he invites them with every cry of “Bitter!” stand up and act as a cheerleader, waving pom-poms. You can suggest that the witness repeat the movements of his partner once, and then she changes with him.

Important! In order not to tire witnesses too quickly, active entertainment alternates with calmer ones.

Or the best friends of the newlyweds can arrange. Having gathered teams of five people, the girls tie bright ribbons around their necks, the guys put on stylish ties. Each group presents its own dance.

Dance with clothespins

The essence of this cool competition for witnesses is that, blindfolded, they must find five clothespins or office clips on each other that the presenter has attached. All this happens to the accompaniment of cheerful rhythmic music. When it breaks, the counting of discovered trophies begins. Whoever has more is declared a triumphant.


A rope is placed on the floor, over which two chairs are placed with their backs facing each other, but not close together: there should be a gap of about half a meter. Windbreakers with the sleeves turned out are placed on the backs. The opponents run around their chair in a circle, put their sleeves in order, put on a windbreaker, button it up, sit on the chair and pull the rope. The participant who completes the task faster wins. To make it more fun, participants run to the tune of a catchy melody.

Guess the melody

Participants in the game are shown a collage of pictures. Based on associations with them, it is necessary to determine the song. For example: a glass, a bottle of vodka, a table. It is unlikely that anyone will not guess the song by Grigory Leps “A Glass of Vodka on the Table”. When the answer is heard, an excerpt from the encrypted composition is played. For the competition, it is better to choose hits from different years.

Newspaper disco

A newspaper is completely spread out on the floor, on which the couple must dance while a piece of music plays. Then the newspaper is folded in half and another song is played. Each time the composition becomes more and more catchy, and the paper “dance floor” becomes less and less. Whoever stands up for the newspaper first loses.

Cash for boyfriend and boyfriend

No wedding is complete without a cash competition. So, you can collect bills in blue and pink sliders or paper bags. If the amount collected in blue things is greater, it means that the first-born in a young family will be a boy. A girl will be born if more money is thrown into girl-colored onesies. They are usually chosen by the female half of the guests.

The competition can be diversified: children's caps are put on the witnesses' heads, and a bottle with a nipple is handed into their hands, into which milk or fruit juice is first poured. Test results depend on speed: the bridesmaid drank everything first - the newlyweds will have a daughter; The best man completed the task faster - he will have to choose a name for his son.

In the final, competitors can take an unforgettable selfie and receive.

Funny with food and alcohol

Essential attributes: food and alcohol. You can have a speed competition: who can eat the most hot dogs or who can finish a portion of spaghetti faster using Chinese chopsticks instead of a fork. Guests can be invited to place comic bets in the form of candies.

Hungry children

For this fun you will need:

  • 8 volunteers;
  • 8 baby caps;
  • 10 tablespoons;
  • 8 kinder surprises.

Two containers with chocolate eggs are placed on chairs near one wall of the hall. On the opposite side, volunteers are squatting: “babies” in baby caps and with spoons in their mouths.

Witnesses, at the signal from the toastmaster, must take an egg with a spoon clamped in their teeth and take it to the “child”. The well-fed “kids” get up and move aside. The winner is determined by the number of successfully transferred eggs. Agility and speed are important in this competition.

Difficult feast

Required details:

  • 4 small tables;
  • 2 bottles of beer;
  • 2 glasses;
  • 2 plates with salad.

Tables are placed in pairs at opposite ends of the room. Like beer and snacks. At the signal from the toastmaster, witnesses rush to the bottles, pour beer and very quickly say the phrase: “Eat, drink, sing songs until the morning.” Having emptied their glasses, they run to the food, throw a round of cucumber or radish into their mouths and return to the beer. Whoever drinks it all down the fastest wins.

For dexterity and accuracy of bridesmaids and groomsmen

Thanks to the wedding, the witnesses can feel like participants in a kind of Olympics. On this day, all life experience, all skills and talents will be useful. In some competitions, you cannot do without excellent coordination of movements and the ability to hit the target accurately.


Required equipment:

  • large sheet of plywood;
  • tape or cloves;
  • 20 balloons;
  • note paper.

In this competition, witnesses determine the fate of the young: They write ten notes with permission. Samples: “Permission not to wash dishes (do not take out the trash) on Fridays”; “Permission to buy ten handbags at once”; “Permission to give flowers (a bottle of beer) to your significant other every day,” etc.

The notes are placed inside balloons, which are inflated and attached to plywood with tape or hung on pre-driven nails. Now the witness, having burst the balloon with a dart, chooses the bride's license. Then it's the best man's turn.


Required details:

  • 2 ice trays;
  • 2 cocktail straws;
  • 2 women's scarves;
  • juice (mineral water).

The toastmaster ties the wrists of the “victims” behind their backs with scarves and places molds filled with liquid in front of them. At a signal, young people begin to drink using straws stuck in their mouths. The goal is to drain all the holes faster than your opponent.

Finding or collecting items

Often witnesses are asked to collect or find something. For failure, the toastmaster may assign a penalty task. The reluctance to end up in the penalty box will serve as an additional incentive for competitors to win.


Several small items are placed in the clothes of those gathered. The groom's friend and bridesmaid are presented with a list of items that need to be found. If something is not discovered, then the witnesses will have to pull forfeits out of a hat with the wishes of the heroes of the occasion: for example, dancing on the table, walking on hands, a funny toast, feeding each other cake blindly.


Witnesses wear large pants, which they use to collect small balloons from the floor. There should be very little air in them. It is prohibited to use your hands during this process.

Active competitions require physical effort, but the toastmaster tests the newlyweds’ friends not only on endurance, speed, and agility. Ingenuity, attentiveness, and the ability to read faces are also tested.

Useful video

Witnesses at a wedding become not only the main assistants of the newlyweds in organizing the celebration and competitions for guests, but also participants in comic competitions. One of these song competitions in the video:


When compiling a list of wedding competitions, you should clarify in advance whether the witnesses are romantically involved with someone or are single.

Otherwise, you can easily provoke complications in the relationship. It also wouldn’t hurt to find out how well your young friends have a sense of humor and whether there will be children or elderly people among the guests.

Witnesses at a wedding are not only close friends, but also the right hands of the newlyweds. According to tradition, an unmarried girl from close friends or relatives becomes a witness, and a young unmarried boy can apply for the role of a witness. In addition to the main duties of assisting in all wedding processes, witnesses must ensure that everything goes at the highest level. When guests are bored or simply tired, witnesses come to their rescue. It’s great if the witnesses have organizational skills and a great sense of humor, then the wedding will go off with a bang.

A wedding is a fun and noisy holiday. Competitions for witnesses at a wedding will help to carry it out perfectly.

We present several options for wedding competitions for witnesses:

Competition "Egg"

Many people probably know this competition, but, nevertheless, it will always make guests laugh.

The toastmaster brings out a raw egg and gives a task to the witnesses of the newlyweds. The task of the guy and the girl is to take turns to smuggle a raw egg through each other's clothes. For example, pass an egg through the witness's trousers, and he through the witness's dress. This task must be completed very carefully, otherwise you will not be able to do without scrambled eggs in your dress or trousers.

Competition "Candy"

The witness should be placed on chairs and candies, small fruits or something similar should be placed on her. After the witness sees the girl with fruit on a chair, his eyes and hands are blindfolded. At this time, the girl is replaced by one of the guys. The witness, not knowing anything, begins to collect candy or fruit with his lips. This action is always accompanied by loud laughter from interested guests.

The “Candy” competition will make guests laugh heartily

For this interesting competition, the presenter takes a large sheet of paper and broadcasts it on the wall so that all spectators can see it. Witnesses are given a marker and blindfolded. The competition consists of drawing a bride and groom on one sheet of paper, with the witness drawing the bride and the witness drawing the groom. The presenter accompanies the birth of this “miracle creation” with funny comments, for example: the bride’s hair stood on end - she’s probably very strict and loud, and the groom, for some reason, has big eyes - he’ll probably always react like that to his wife’s whims

Competition "Pants"

Read also:

Witnesses are given large-sized pants with elastic. Small balloons are scattered across the floor. At the presenter's signal, the witnesses must collect as many balls as possible in their huge pants. After this, the witness and witness pop each other's balloons without using their hands. The winner is the one who bursts all the opponent's balloons first.

The “Pants” competition is always fun, funny and interesting

Competition "Sign Language Translation"

The witnesses stand opposite each other. The task is to tell about the bride and groom as accurately and interestingly as possible. During this action, you cannot utter a word, but use only gestures and facial expressions. While the first one tries to describe the newlyweds, the second one must decipher it all. The one who does it best becomes the winner.

The “Sign Language Translation” competition will not leave anyone indifferent

Competition "Guess the object"

Various small objects are placed on the chair, then covered with cloth or newspaper. Participants must sit on a chair and guess what is there, but they cannot help themselves with their hands. The one who guesses the most items wins.

Witnesses should not only help the newlyweds in everything, but also help create a fun and relaxed atmosphere at the wedding. It’s very good if the witnesses have organizational, public speaking skills and a good sense of humor, then your wedding will go perfectly. Our website Svadebka.ws presents several options for wedding competitions for witnesses that will amuse both themselves and all the guests present!

"Find your stash"

Participants: witnesses.

Props: banknotes.

The witness goes out to prepare for the competition in another room, where he hides banknotes in his clothes. You can use a sock, collar, pocket, etc. as secluded places. Then he goes out into the hall, and the presenter invites the witness to find the “husband’s” stash in order to return the money to the “family.”

"Contest with clothespins"

Participants: witnesses.

Props: clothespins (about 10 pieces).

Witnesses are blindfolded, then clothespins are put on each person (their number on each person should not exceed 5 pieces). Next, they will be asked to identify each other’s attached clothespins by touch. The first person to find all the clothespins on his competitor will be the winner.


Participants: witness and witness.

Props: chairs, candy.

It is necessary to place chairs in a row. After which the witness must lie on them. After this, the wedding host places sweets on her in different parts of her body and always on her lips. Next, the witness’s hands are tied behind him and thus he must collect all the candies for a while.


Participants: witnesses.

Props: video, projector.

Witnesses are shown a video of the newlyweds without sound. Their task: to voice the roles of the bride and groom as funny as possible.

"Guessing Game"

Participants: witnesses.

Props: paper (newspaper), chair, 4 small items.

After 4 small objects are placed on the chair, they must be covered with paper or newspaper on top. Witnesses must sit on a chair and identify what objects are underneath them. The winner is the one who determines the maximum number of objects located under the newspaper.

"Draw the newlyweds"

Participants: witnesses.

Props: markers, 2 Whatman paper.

The presenter invites the witnesses to draw the newlyweds blindfolded. Moreover, the presenter himself accompanies the birth of each “masterpiece” with funny comments, for example: the bride’s hair stood on end - probably the groom will get it now, and the groom has such big eyes - probably this is how he will react to his wife’s whims. The winner is chosen by vote.


    When my younger sister was getting married, she asked me to come up with or find some interesting wedding competitions for guests. In principle, she and I periodically arranged various table games, especially when we celebrated holidays at home - and these, as you understand, are the birthdays of all family members, various home holidays, anniversaries and memorable dates.

    The funniest wedding competitions are usually the simplest ones - don't bother, it's better to spend a little time preparing and make funny cards. What could be on the cards?

    1. funny wishes
    2. Answers on questions

    The simplest option is the last one. There are no difficulties - the presenter only needs to prepare cards with answers to the question. The answers should be funny. The presenter approaches each of the guests in turn, the guest says loudly “I came to this holiday ...” and then reads what is written on the card drawn out blindly. The best answers usually earn a storm of applause, and a good mood for the guests at the table is guaranteed.

    Cards can be left for guests as a souvenir - especially if they are printed with a wedding hashtag or symbols of the celebration. By the way, you can use similar ones or any other holiday.

    In general, you can make some pretty cool wedding competitions with cards. The guests at my little sister's wedding enjoyed a competition called “My Motto.”

    The idea is simple - the host has two sets of cards prepared, each guest draws one from each set (you can put the cards in hats, we used small decorative baskets). One set of cards contains the first part of the phrase - your motto in a certain area of ​​life. It could be love, work or some simple situations. You can use the templates I have given, or you can make more interesting options - relating to the real life of guests or newlyweds. The second set contains cards with the mottos themselves.

    Proof of love

    You can also play a little with different objects and show off your most creative side. Both newlyweds and guests can show them. For example, there is a funny competition for newlyweds, which will require fairly simple props - any material. This could be a towel, but a scarf, ribbon or even a simple clothesline will also work.

    First, the groom needs to be given the item and asked to tie it very tightly and intricately - the way he loves his young wife. When the groom has had enough practice in making knots, you need to ask him to untie all the knots with the same ease with which he will solve any family difficulties or problems.


    When we were choosing competitions for the second day of the wedding, I wanted to do something so that my sister and her husband would have souvenirs as a keepsake, and we decided to do a competition with portraits. Technically, this is, of course, not a competition, but a simple table fun on the 2nd day of the wedding (when many guests were a little tired the day before - just right!).

    So, you will need: a large number of pencils, crayons and markers, as well as two Whatman paper. You can use any props that are at hand - for example, give the bride a bouquet of flowers and give the groom a glass of champagne. The guests are divided into two teams - from the groom's side and from the bride's side. Each team must paint a portrait of the bride and groom, respectively. There are no winners - guests have fun while painting, and the bride and groom receive portraits painted by the people they care about most.

    Candy and the sweet life

    If you want to have competitions at the table, then by all means organize a candy competition at the table at the wedding. The only props you need are a box of chocolates and a beautiful tray.

    The host announces that the young family is given a box of chocolates, the bride is given an empty box, and all the sweets are given to the groom on a tray or plate. The point is that the bride needs to remember as many confectionery products as possible, thereby promising the groom a sweet family life. The bride says that she will be his Chocolate, Marmalade, Cake, and so on... For each epithet, the groom gives her a candy. You need to collect the entire box of chocolates this way.


    Many people really like intellectual table competitions for weddings, and we were no exception - we wanted not only to dance and fool around, but also to think a little, especially since our guests were quite smart. One of the competitions that we decided to hold was aimed at compliments for newlyweds. Each guest takes turns speaking a certain text, inserting their own epithets.

    For example, “Let the husband be the pot, and the wife the lid,” “let the husband be the head, and the wife be a warm cap that will always keep you warm.” It is necessary that the epithets fit each other.

    The most interesting epithets always cause a lot of excitement, which is why such original wedding competitions are always a success.


    If you like modern wedding competitions, then you can also play a fun game for young people called “Get a star from the sky.”

    The groom needs to pick a beautiful star from the ceiling (the host fixes the star on the ceiling in advance). The groom's friends can help him in everything - for example, build a living pyramid so that he can reach the cherished star and give it to his beloved.

    A glass to the newlyweds

    The following competition can also be used for bride price.

    Witnesses (or any active guests) are invited, the girl holds an empty glass with her knees, and the guy holds a bottle of any drink. The task is for the guy to reach the girl without spilling the liquid, fill the glass, and then drink it. Naturally, everything is done without hands. The couple that completes the task the fastest wins.

    Needle with thread

    It is best to hold such competitions on a wedding anniversary or on the second day of celebration. The newlyweds need to be given a thread and a needle, and explain that they will now demonstrate to the guests how exactly they know how to help each other and generally work as a team.

    Moneybox of wishes

    You can hold wedding competitions without a toastmaster - more or less active guests are enough. The simplest of them can be carried out by any witness. For example, fun wedding competitions are related to wishes - you can play a game with wishes.

    Guests should pass the piggy bank around and say “I’m friends with the newlyweds, I’ll put it in their piggy bank (for example, the letter L) ...” - after which they name five wishes for this letter. You can't repeat yourself. For example, with the letter L you can wish for Love, Lollipops, Lyalechka, Affection, and so on. With each epithet, a symbolic coin is dropped into the piggy bank (empty piggy banks should not be given as gifts). At the end of the competition, the piggy bank is awarded to the newlyweds.

    Many people do not like money competitions for weddings, but this competition should appeal to the newlyweds, since this competition is always appropriate at a wedding - it is not monetary, but rather touching.

    music and dancing

    Musical competitions for weddings are usually remembered for all the unbridled fun.
    For example, short wedding competitions for the groom and mother-in-law - the essence of the competition is that the groom and mother-in-law are blindfolded, they must call each other. Well, for example, a mother-in-law calls her son-in-law “Son-in-law!” and hears in response “Mother-in-law!” Blindfolded, they are taken in different directions, they must call each other and eventually meet, and the guests must disturb them by shouting the same thing in their own voices, or imitating them in order to confuse them.

    If during the time allotted for the competition the son-in-law and mother-in-law were unable to find each other, then they will have to dance in order to become closer to each other. Musical competitions for weddings help you relax and move a little after the feast, which is very important for a wedding without a toastmaster.

    Boy or girl

    Finding out who will be born to a couple is always a sensation! As you already understand, this game offers a joke to predict the sex of the child to the newlyweds. There are various wedding games and competitions - for example, rompers, where the toastmaster collects money for future children in new rompers of two shades (pink and blue) - so to speak, guests vote with rubles for the sex of the baby.

    In the version I chose, the newlyweds receive the answer to this question with the help of a poster - a Whatman paper with a drawn baby in a diaper or diapers appears in front of the guests. The game is supposed to be played as follows: each guest is blindfolded and asked to first choose a pink or blue circle, and then attach it to whatman paper using a glue stick. Based on the results of the competition, the number of circles is counted and it is decided whether it is a boy or a girl - if there are more pink ones, then the first child will be a girl, and blue circles foretell a boy.


    You will need a plain screen on which the baby is depicted - a onesie and bib are sewn on, holes are left for the head, arms and legs. You will also need props: pacifiers and bottles, caps and balls, a potty, rattles. Before you start, you need to prepare a team - you need 4 people, two actors and two assistants, who will hold the screen. One of the actors (usually the groom) sticks his face into the place of the baby’s “head”, inserts his hands into his “legs”, and the second actor (the bride) is responsible for the hands. It turns out to be an impromptu “Baby”.

    Then everything is simple, the presenter tells a story about this baby, and the bride and groom, who play the roles of actors behind the screen, perform various actions, which invariably causes bursts of laughter - for example, when the presenter says that the baby has learned to put on a cap on his own, the bride “hands” The baby needs to blindly put a headdress on the groom's head.

    The scenario can be anything, absolutely everyone will have fun, but the best response is received by a real story from the life of the groom, during which all the objects used for the scene are played out. The biggest fun always lies in the interaction between the “hands” (responsible for the bride) and the baby himself (performed by the groom). Such competitions for newlyweds (or competitions for witnesses, if they participate) always cause a storm of emotions!

    Ideas for competitions

    Want to create a dance competition for your wedding? Make a cut of unusual music(a fiery melody, followed by a slow and romantic one, then sports rock and roll) and invite the newlyweds to dance. Such competitions for newlyweds make everyone happy!

    A very fun competition for parents at a wedding and for relatives: large paper hearts are cut into elements, and guests need to assemble the heart as quickly as possible.

    Do you need competitions for the bride and groom? Invite them to play a game of assigning responsibilities and create an official document where all household responsibilities will be listed.


    The bride and groom take turns choosing pieces of paper and reading out the responsibilities that fall to them. Or you can design it in the shape of a chamomile and tear off the petals and read it out loud.

    Before reading the text of the card, it is advisable for the bride and groom to say the following:

    To the groom:
    My only one! For the sake of your smile I am ready...
    To the bride:
    My dear! I love you so much that I agree...

    Phrases for cards:
    - Making money - I can do that.
    - Cook cabbage soup, or maybe borscht - I’m not averse to doing this.
    - Playing sports in the morning - This suits me, brothers.
    - My job is to relax, lying on the ottoman to read.
    - Play in the casino until nightfall - I love this job very much.
    - Go shopping….. I’ll do it, so be it.
    - I will wash, and do laundry, and clean the apartment.
    - Mushrooms, fishing and hunting - That, friends, is my job.
    - I will bake pies...Only on holidays.
    - There is no more beautiful job - Making compotes for the winter.
    - I will take the children... To the circus, to the cinema, to the theater, to the museum.
    - I say in front of everyone, friends, I will tinker with the children.
    - Digging a garden at the dacha I will, but how else?
    - Serve coffee in the morning... I’ll be in your bed.
    - Pouring yourself in the bath afterwards - This is a wonderful job.
    - Eating the harvest in the garden... I’ll be there, everything’s fine here.
    - Make the bed in the morning... I’m not too lazy every day!
    - Throw the trash out of the house - I am familiar with this matter.
    - Give gifts and flowers... You will be in our house!
    - I can fix the bell or the door, believe me.
    - To nail a shelf to the wall, I can do that completely.
    - I’ll go on vacation at the seaside, no need to argue.
    - Dress only according to fashion - I can do that, I think.
    - Repairing the car in the garage - I will, of course.
    - Travel the world - I will, how sweet it is.
    - Renovate the apartment - I will be amazingly different.

    At the end the presenter says:
    Family responsibilities are divided, but I am sure that you will help each other in difficult family work.

    Soap bubbles

    Do you want to find cool and simple wedding competitions? Try a great mother-in-law game called Soap Bubbles.

    Both mothers are given a bottle of soap bubbles, the toastmaster asks questions in turn to one and the other, which imply a number answer (for example, how many times will you kiss your grandchildren), and mothers blow soap bubbles as an answer (guests must count loudly).

    A kind and funny wedding competition that doesn’t require much effort.

    Interesting contests for golden weddings can be created if you first invite the heroes of the occasion, and then the guests, to remember how their family life turned out - what was the weather like on the day of the first date? How many days did they spend together? What day can be considered the day of the beginning of a new union? Some ideas for questions in pictures:

    Are you coming up with competitions for a silver wedding? The silver wedding will be fun if you offer to brighten up the feast with simple dance competitions and word games. For example, you can offer a question and answer game - guests must guess from the pictures how someone gets drunk.

    You can also play on the date itself - 25 years of family life. Hand out cards with numbers to your guests and ask tricky questions that they will have to answer with numbers - about how 25 years of family life went, and what the forecast will be for the next 25 years.

    Do you need competitions for the bride and groom? Make two sets of question and answer cards for the bride and groom to read out in turn. By the way, this competition can be designed in the form of a daisy - the daisy for the groom will have questions, and the daisy for the bride will have answers.

    We've picked up competitions for weddings at the table - pick up memorable gifts too! For example, competitions for witnesses may be rewarded with a bottle of champagne, competitions for parents - a box of chocolates with balloons.

    Here's another question and answer competition:

    You shouldn’t do vulgar competitions if the wedding will be attended mostly by adults - what is funny at 25 is no longer very interesting at 40. However, it depends more on the audience; it happens that the newlyweds are twenty, and they only want to dance decently waltzes, while the 40-year-old couple will give everyone a head start.

    By the way, you can come up with your own new and unusual wedding competitions - in general, any games and competitions for a wedding are best used only as ideas, so you can not only enthusiastically play at the holiday, but also bring guests and newlyweds closer together.