What to give your husband for Christmas? List of ideas. An original New Year's gift for a guy with his own hands: ideas, descriptions and reviews


The most prudent wives and girlfriends begin to stock up New Year's gifts even in the middle of autumn. Frivolous young ladies in a panic storm stores in last week December. And the needlewomen, wanting to please their beloved with care, hastily finish making the planned surprises in order to have time to put them under Christmas tree. And they do it right! After all, what is made with your own hands is filled with the warmth of the soul, which will never be in a purchased present.

When we buy a gift, we go to the store with a certain amount and wander for a long time among the shelves with goods, trying to guess which one will please loved one more. The output is not bad, especially if the beloved managed to thickly hint what he wants to get on New Year. However, purchased gifts There is one drawback: they are faceless. Backlit computer mouse, camping thermos or a watch might just as well fit a husband, a brother, or that bald man over there in line. And they were collected, most likely, by the dexterous fingers of the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom, who managed to fill up half the world with their goods, including expensive shops. The purchased item does not take into account the individuality of your man, no one put their soul into it, did not spend hours over the showcase of a needlework store, reverently selecting materials and colors in accordance with the preferences of a loved one ... Not to mention the fact that there are goods identical to the purchased item, there is a carriage and trolley, and the creation of your hands will be exclusive.

A gift made from the heart, even if it contains a couple of crooked details, speaks of your love. About the desire to please. About knowing the tastes of your "strong half". If you don't aim for pure economy, why spend money when I can build something tolerable myself? - then a hand-made surprise will surely please a man. And maybe it will excite.

Gifts made with your own hand, require compliance with two mandatory conditions:

  • You must firmly know the hobbies and inclinations of a man. Let acquaintances line up for your breathtaking sweaters, knitting a new thing for a loved one with an allergy to wool is pointless. How pointless it is to sculpt a touching keychain from polymer clay for a guy who keeps his keys in his housekeeper and doesn't recognize mimics.
  • You must put love into your gift. Nothing without this.

Instructions for making gifts for a guy with your own hands

So, what is your lover raving about?


A man who spends a lot of time behind the wheel will need a massage mat on the seat. If you are friends with sewing machine, it will not be difficult to sew a flat bed-pillow, quilt it up and down and fill the sectors with peas or lentils. Don't forget to sew the ties on the sides of the rug to secure it to the seat, and the gift is ready.

Want something more elegant and fun? Build a car pillow under the neck, which will save your loved one from stiff muscles and future problems with the spine, and at the same time will remind him of your love every day.

Simple, cute, functional. What else is needed?

For the pillow you will need:

  • fleece in two colors;
  • synthetic winterizer or holofiber, and for lovers of eco-things, buckwheat husks;
  • scissors, thread, pattern paper.

Let's get started.

With a little conjuration with a pattern, you can turn an elephant into any other animal
  1. First, draw a pattern on paper. You have to be tricky to calculate the size of your loved one without noticing, but you have a great excuse for this - loving hugs.
  2. Transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut out all the necessary details: 2 for the body, 1 for the eyes, 1 for the pupils and two multi-colored ones for each ear.
  3. Sew the pupils to the eyes, and the eyes themselves - in the right place to the future head. Decorate the trunk with a few horizontal stitches.
  4. Sew the details of the ears from the wrong side, leaving a small piece open, and turn the ears inside out through it. front side.
  5. On the wrong side, stitch both parts of the body, not forgetting to put ready-made ears in the seam in the right places. (It will be easier if you first roll them up and stab them with pins). Or attach the ears to the head blind seam after the elephant is ready.
  6. It remains to turn the pillow on the front side, fill it with synthetic winterizer or husk, sew up the hole through which you will do this, and straighten your ears. If you wish, you can add a tail to the elephant, and if it is a girl, sew on sponge-bows at the same time as the eyes and make flirty eyelashes with machine stitching. You have a funny present!


The ability to sew is also useful if you managed to get into your networks a real macho heartthrob who is used to paying attention to his appearance. By the way, there is nothing reprehensible in this: why would stronger sex not look like real princes? Moreover, to please your aristocrat is as easy as shelling pears. Sew a stylish one for him neckerchief silk or bow tie. Believe me, no other accessory will make your fashionista stand out from the crowd as brightly as these original little things.

Video: DIY bow tie

to the fisherman

A man who is not kept from going to the lake by snowdrifts or bitter cold will do well to warm up additionally. If you own a crochet or knitting needles, knit a “bearded hat” for your earner, which has not lost its popularity for many years now. Don't limit yourself! The thicker and longer the beard, the better it will warm the fisherman. And how much “thank you” will be said to you mentally while your loved one meditates on the fishing rod!
With such an accessory, severe cold is not terrible!

Knitting patterns on the Internet can be found for every taste. For example, this one -

Search the web and be sure to find the right "style" of the beard


A friend who spends his days at the computer will need your skillful hands no less. Did you manage to become the girlfriend of an inveterate gamer or the muse of a man of a creative profession, sitting over the keyboard for days? Nice gift warm socks with fingers or house slippers will be for them, so that their feet do not freeze, and their mood rises. Are you good at knitting and sewing? Try yourself as an artist by painting a mug with abstract patterns to serve fragrant tea to your beloved one. There will be an additional reason to make him break away from his occupation and switch to you.

Isn't it beautiful?

You will need:

  • nail polish;
  • container for painting;
  • toothpick;
  • hot water;
  • white mug.

Let's get started.

  1. In a container with hot water drip 1-2 drops of varnish.
  2. "Drag" it with a toothpick on the surface of the water to create arbitrary patterns.
  3. Gently dip the mug into the water and let the pattern dry.

Two tips: act very quickly so that the varnish does not have time to curdle in the water and practice on old dishes before you take on your masterpiece. The first pancakes, as you know, come out lumpy.

If in childhood you gravitated not to paints, but to plasticine, instead of a drawing, you can create a unique stucco bas-relief.

Video: Nautical style mug decor

For merry fellows and gourmets

A young man with a good sense of humor can be presented with a bouquet ... of socks. It's fun, unusual, and in the household an extra pair of these ever-losing items of clothing (or fifteen pairs is better, the bouquet should be lush!) Never hurts.

fabricate clean men's bouquet for a loved one

If you have socks full order, remember the simple truth that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Surely you do not really welcome the use of strong drinks by your young man. But ahead of the New Year, in which everything is allowed! Impress a man to the core with a bouquet of dried roach and cans of his favorite brand of beer collected in a “cake”. Or collect gift basket from beautifully cut sausages of different varieties and a bottle of your favorite, albeit forbidden on weekdays, alcoholic drink.

What man would not like such a gift? Vegetarian teetotaler only

Soap making is very popular these days. Soap base, which can be molded into any shape, dyes different shades and the most incredible molds turn this process into pure creativity. Give your man a symbol of an abundant and well-fed life - a sandwich with caviar!

Video: Do-it-yourself "Caviar Sandwich" soap

souvenir for beloved

Many of us had snow globes as kids with cute figurines and glitter floating around them in the water. Romantic ladies can create such a ball for their man with their own hands, putting into it something that only the two of you will understand. A toy model of a Ferrari that your boyfriend dreams of. The miniature Eiffel Tower, where you are going to climb together one day. An Apollo figurine with a verbal statement that it is a replica of your loved one. He will definitely like it!

You will need:

  • a jar with a tightly screwed lid;
  • glycerol;
  • Super glue;
  • figures to create a composition;
  • sequins.

Getting Started:

A gift can be romantic, or maybe a little spicy.
  1. Flip the lid back side up and superglue whatever you want to put inside the snow globe with superglue.
  2. While the glue dries, fill a jar washed to a shine with a mixture of water and glycerin in a 1: 1 ratio.
  3. Pour glitter into the jar.
  4. Lubricate the edge of the threaded lid with a thin strip of glue for better adhesion and quickly put it on the jar.
  5. Let the glue set, turn the jar upside down and make sure that no water is leaking. Snowball ready to use!

Gallery of creative gifts for men

Socks for a true sports fan A funny accessory will remind you with every phone call Cute, cozy, warm. All in the spirit of winter! The gift will warm and amuse Beloved - a jack of all trades? Then such a belt will definitely come in handy for him. Accessories for a tablet will come in handy for any modern man. It is possible to paint a mug in a simpler way. polymer clay, problem with souvenirs solved Another idea for a cool gift soap Who said that among men there are no sweet tooth?
Husband loves to steam? Sew him a bath set! A passport cover can also reflect personality. What New Year without humor and light pepper? With such a pillow, the remote will definitely not be lost!

What presents are best to refuse?

  • The idea of ​​handmade gifts will have to be abandoned if your young man is a principled opponent of hand-made. There are people who absolutely cannot stand home-made gizmos, even if they are made with reverent care. Well, you won’t be forced to be nice, run to the store for shaving foam and perfume.
  • Do not try to decorate your boyfriend's favorite mug or T-shirt with a painting! He will not forgive you such a mockery of the adored thing.
  • Naturally, edible gift not suitable for a man who is firmly aiming at a diet, and alcoholic - for someone who decides to “tie up”.

Video: Creative gift

They say that it is not a gift that is dear, but attention. And you with your skillful hands hit both at the same time! If you take into account the desires of your man, the gift will be not only in demand, but also loved, because attention was more than shown during its creation. Only a person with the hardest heart can fail to appreciate your impulse.

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It's time to look for a gift for the New Year of the Rooster for your beloved husband. How to please a spouse if he is critical of presents? What does he lack for happiness? Let's try to answer these questions right now.

Are you still wondering what gift to give your husband? We decided today to start choosing presents, you want to make sample list things that can potentially be presented to a spouse for the New Year? Take advantage simple recommendations, remember useful tips and familiarize yourself with interesting ideas gifts. Then you will certainly be able to pleasantly hit your beloved man! He will be delighted with your ingenuity, creativity, appreciate your care, love.

Let's start with the main thing: the secrets of choosing the right gift for her husband

First of all, you need to remember the main points so that you can bypass the most dangerous "pitfalls" when choosing a present for the New Year for your beloved husband. Be sure to use these tips, otherwise an unsuccessful gift can bring some grief.

  • Intelligence service
  • This is a gift for my husband!
  • Help a friend
  • Purchase budget
  • Useful and aesthetic gift

If you really want to make a good gift to your husband, try to transform into a real scout for a while. Be more attentive, show maximum sensitivity and miracles of observation. You will surely be able to find out what exactly your spouse is missing right now. It is desirable to have accurate information and not rely on chance. When you find out that your husband is looking for some thing, dreams of an object, but does not dare to spend on it yet a large sum, you need to make sure that your spouse does not have time to buy this thing for himself before the holiday. Otherwise, the desired item may be unnecessary.

When you decide to choose an interesting gift for your husband, you should not think that he will like a beautiful floor lamp that you have long dreamed of, or a fluffy plaid with huge multi-colored chrysanthemums. Remember that you are now choosing a gift not for yourself or your family as a whole, but for your husband. He does not need your chandeliers, sconces, pots and carpets. Let it be a gift that is designed specifically for your beloved spouse.

If you have not discovered the talents of an intelligence officer in yourself, and complex analytical reasoning has not led you anywhere, you can use one more useful tip. Ask your husband's friend for help. When people already communicate closely, go for walks, rest together, they may well consult about the upcoming choice of gifts. It is likely that it is your common comrades, friends of your husband, who know exactly what thing will come in handy for him.

Many women mistakenly believe that it is best to purchase a more expensive gift. You can save money for a long time, even deny something to yourself personally, without hitting the family budget. But the likelihood that your husband will like this approach is still extremely small. He will probably immediately think that he would find this money best use. The conclusion is simple: do not choose a gift that is too expensive for your beloved husband, limit yourself to a more modest budget. Otherwise, a big waste in itself can cause irritation.

It is not so easy to choose an original expensive gift that you will like one hundred percent. It is much easier to focus on two things: one should be useful, the other can become a symbolic addition. For example, you give a high-quality organizer, attach a small cute figurine of a cockerel to it. An organizer should come in handy, and a souvenir will make your gift themed.

Souvenir ball "Snowmen"

When you already know the basic principles of choosing a gift, you can begin to consider various options. Remember that you are buying a present for your husband, not a long-awaited item for yourself. Try not to spend too much or buy completely useless things. One cute souvenir as a New Year's gift to her husband is not enough.

Christmas gifts for husband

Fisherman's set

Many women have already noticed that men value useful gifts more than anything else. Your spouse may be touched by a nice souvenir, but practical thing makes him much happier. Try to choose presents that will definitely come in handy, become a universal solution and in any case your husband will like it. These are the very gifts that can not be many.

  1. Things for active rest. If your husband loves to fish, travel, go hiking in the woods, you will definitely be able to pleasantly surprise him. useful gifts. So, a suit for winter fishing will never be superfluous. Even if a friend gives your spouse a similar suit, all things will certainly come in handy. Tent, sleeping bag, a set for cooking outdoors, functional reliable tiles will become great gifts for lovers of an active lifestyle.

  2. Sport equipment. It is also much easier for sports fans to choose a gift. Moreover, it may well be quite expensive if you are sure that your husband will like such a thing. For example, you may have heard from your spouse that he would like to buy a new bike or change his skis for a long time. Just boldly go to the sports store and buy the right thing! Such a gift will delight your spouse.


  3. Gifts for car lovers. It's great if your spouse is a car enthusiast. You will be able to please him with a modern navigator or video recorder, a convenient functional car organizer, a heated mug. Try to choose useful accessories, not ordinary car pendant toys.

  4. Computer equipment, gadgets. Now it is difficult to surprise people with technical innovations. But smartphones, phones, flash drives and laptops are usually not superfluous. These are the things that will always make you happy. You can choose a compact modern laptop for your beloved, and put New Year's greetings on video inside. It is very original and will be remembered for a long time.

  5. A purse, an organizer, a comfortable backpack will also come in handy for everyone. Pay attention to the style decision, design features, so that your husband can really always use this thing. You can immediately put money in your purse so that they “lure” other bills, insert a card with congratulations, your photo there.

  6. Happy hours. Someone thinks that giving a watch - Bad sign. However, in life, many present watches to each other, causing joy in the happy owner of a brand new mechanism that counts time. You can choose an original table clock with a large electronic dial that glows in the dark. There are interesting options for office workers, people who work at home in a separate office. Clocks are mounted in special stands, and they are complemented by figurines, photo frames, toys that relieve stress. Wrist watch, reliable, comfortable, will also be a wonderful gift.

  7. With a spark. For any smoker, a lighter will be a nice present. They are now presented in large assortment. It is easy to pick up a souvenir lighter with original design, inscriptions and logos, catchy pictures. A lighter will also not be superfluous.
  8. Let him spend himself, and you just choose a certificate. If your spouse is used to going to a particular store, visiting a sports complex, swimming pool, Entertainment Center, you can present him with a certificate for a certain amount. The gift card will become good gift, since your loved one will be able to use it at their own discretion, choose the most suitable services or products.

Remember that your gift should sincerely please your husband. Try to find a useful thing that your loved one will be able to use. It can be new speakers for your computer, a rare part for a car, a modern phone or a comfortable backpack so you don’t have to look for the things you need.

You will be able to make your husband an unusual gift for the New Year. It can become the main one, only to complement the main holiday present.

If you are ready to give up your principles a little and forget about healthy way life, give your spouse a ticket to a wine tasting. He will definitely love this gift!

A good solution is to take care of the sports training of your loved one, give him entertainment and vivid emotions, and give him the opportunity to gain new useful skills. Now everyone will be able to order a certificate for an extreme driving course, a ticket for a martial arts course. Someone will gladly go to the shooting gallery to learn how to shoot, assemble and disassemble weapons, and for someone, the best New Year's entertainment will be a game of paintball.

Order a portrait of your loved one from a photograph from the master and present it to your spouse! A picture can not only be drawn, but also embroidered with threads and beads.

It's nice to give emotions! Together with your spouse, you can launch a shining flashlight into the sky.

If you have free money, it’s good to go on a short vacation together: ski resorts, water parks are always happy to receive guests on holidays.

And someone is happy to go to the sauna with a loved one, ordering there New Year's program: pleasant music, a wonderful festive dinner, swimming in the pool and relaxing in the steam room will definitely give you wonderful emotions and allow you to relax.

Choose the most appropriate creative gift for your husband, consider his interests and taste preferences, physical training and features of character, temperament. You should know that he will like going to a shooting gallery or a trip to a ski slope or relaxing in a sauna more.

Of course, you can give your husband a cool present. If your spouse likes to joke, appreciates good ideas and extravagant things, cool gifts, he will also like it.

An interesting option - to present to your husband exclusive gift. For example, you can order a funny inscription, logo, engraving. You will be decorated with a flash drive or a mug, they will write about your love on an organizer, calendar, watch or ring. Some willingly order gift medals. Such a brilliant medal is placed in a spectacular case, and you can write any wish on it. Or make it an award: beloved husband, best man in the world, the one and only. Come up with your own options!

A car, a helicopter on the remote control will also appeal to most men with a sense of humor, a penchant for working with different mechanisms. You may well remember childhood dreams with your spouse, launching a controlled all-terrain vehicle through the snow, surprising passers-by with an unidentified flying object with a searchlight.

Cap with beer holders for watching your favorite football

Approach the choice of a present creatively, please your beloved man with a cool gift! It will bring positive emotions and vivid impressions to both of you.

If your husband likes to sit at the computer, then you can give him cool USB devices

USB slippers for cold weather winter evenings

USB cooler for beer

Original gifts for her husband for the New Year

You can easily capture the imagination of your spouse if you prepare a truly original gift for him. Try to show imagination, use our advice.

First of all, you should think about a romantic dinner. It is advisable to organize a dinner so that you can celebrate the imminent New Year of the Rooster in advance, but not with friends and relatives, but alone with your loved one. It is this romantic dinner that will be remembered for a long time. There are several options here.

You can choose the place of your date at home, but only the atmosphere should not be familiar. Be sure to decorate the room, decorate the corridor, front door. If you plan to enter the hall, dance there or watch a video, you must definitely take care of the interior in that room. Create a magical atmosphere, let there be many decorations around. The lighting is subdued. Do not forget to please your spouse with author's dishes, sweets and an original present.

Merry New Year's Eve for a beloved husband

For active, enthusiastic loving people, especially young people, New Year's Eve celebration in the style of practical jokes is ideal, in game form. Give your husband an exclusive addictive game! You can come up with quests, puzzles and riddles, make funny forfeits. Let your spouse laugh and solve your intricate puzzles all evening, winning all sorts of prizes.

An excellent option is to order an organization romantic dinner V unusual place. Great if you can celebrate the holiday on the Ferris wheel. When your city has such a wheel with closed booths, you should not miss great opportunity please your beloved man! A table will be laid for you in the booth, it is heated and illuminated, it has Internet access, air conditioning. You may as well sit there in evening dress! At the same time, through the transparent walls, beautiful views will open in front of you. Your husband will be delighted with such a non-trivial gift.

Gifts-toys for the husband for the New Year

Gifts-toys are in great demand. Try to give the present a special meaning, choose the thing carefully. Need a cool or original gift, a toy with interesting features or an exclusive soft animal, impressive life-size puppet or a piggy bank toy. Of course, the usual soft toy may confuse your husband. Consider the most interesting options.

The main thing is that your spouse likes your present. Consider his tastes.

We make a gift to her husband for the New Year with our own hands

A great idea is to make an original gift for your husband for the New Year with your own hands. Such a gift will definitely be remembered, it will become the best manifestation of attention, care and love. Moreover, even little thing, a souvenir created by you personally, will be the perfect complement to any gift bought in the store. You can easily make the present themed by decorating it with embroidery, appliqué, a homemade “logo” with a cheerful cockerel for the coming 2017.

What is better not to give your husband for the New Year. We transform boring presents

It is important to remember some "pitfalls". Unfortunately, many men and women are dominated by stereotypes and continue to choose gifts that do not please their loved ones. At the same time, even a banal present can be instantly given sympathy! Let's take a look at the main examples.

  1. It is not recommended to give presents that directly indicate the shortcomings of a loved one. For example, dumbbells will not please a man who is starting to get fat. It is likely that such hints will offend him. If your spouse has a great sense of humor, he is not touchy - feel free to give! Just emphasize that this is a funny present, complete it with a funny postcard.

New Year is one of the most long-awaited and fabulous holidays in a year. This beautiful time when almost every house is decorated with green elegant Christmas tree. This is the best moment to show your loved one warmth, attention and care.

You need to think about what to buy as a surprise for the New Year in advance. 1-2 weeks before the holidays, start looking closely at what is dear to the heart of your loved one.

Choose New Year's present It’s not easy for a person at all, and even more so for a loved one. Try to write down the hobbies and hobbies of your loved one, think about how he spends his free time and what he does when he meets friends.

What to give your loved one for the new year ideas

  • Emphasize your attention and care for your loved one - present something that matches his hobbies. It could be modern gadget , books or CDs, a new version of your favorite game.
  • Romantic gift. present unforgettable evening his soul mate, making an appointment in an unusual place. You can, for example, visit a spa salon together or go to a master class on learning to fire tango.
  • A classic gift for the new year. For a man, it could be an elegant cigarette case, a good Cuban rum or a designer tie. You can give a girl perfume, watches or jewelry.
  • Show your imagination and make an original gift. For example, funny homemade pajamas or a T-shirt with a funny pattern.
  • Make a gift with your own hands. This will probably be the most creative gift. For a man, it can be a warm scarf, hand-knitted or a small embroidered picture with a New Year theme. You can give a girl a collage of your joint photos.
  • Gifts with a taste of extreme. If your loved one is a fearless fidget, give him a skydiving certificate or organize an unforgettable trip to a ski resort.

An original gift for a loved one, what to choose?

What to present to a guy if he doesn't like banal gifts? Think of something unusual - for example annual supply socks. Such a gift to your beloved for the new year will undoubtedly be to your liking, because now he will not have to wash his socks often.

Don't forget to include a postcard in the box. New Year's greetings. Also original surprise for a male car enthusiast there will be a lock-defrosting keychain, now your young man will always open his car with ease.

What to give your loved one for the New Year?

What a gift for the new year to your beloved guy to make, the advice can be different. First of all, the present should please your young man and suit his taste.

Do not forget that the design of the festive packaging should be creative and unusual.

Fulfill the dream of a loved one, give him what he dreamed of since childhood - a radio-controlled toy, or give an extreme driving lesson.

What to give a loved one a list

  • Hobby Surprises. For lovers technics - accessories for computer, digital pen, headphones, flash cards. For motorists - car recorder or radio. For athletes - a ball autographed by a loved one sports club or tennis rackets.
  • Practical gifts. A housekeeping guy can be given a toaster, coffee maker or cozy plaid with embroidered Christmas pattern.
  • Universal gifts. These can be high quality accessories such as a belt, wallet, pen, lighter, etc.
  • an unusual gift for a loved one for the new year. These may be intangible, but such pleasant surprises like quad bike racing, paintball games, riding or acting lessons, wind tunnel flying.
  • handmade gift. Do-it-yourself gift for your loved one in the new year is aerobatics. Perhaps the thing will be imperfect, but absolutely unusual. It can be a knitted sweater, a scarf or socks, a mug or a T-shirt painted by you, any homemade cakes.

You can also try this wonderful method:

What to give for the new year to your beloved husband original ideas

Every man is a child at heart. How to please your beloved husband with an original and unusual gift? It can be a gadget for a computer or a ticket to a concert of his favorite band, a mug with cool inscription or a certificate for a massage session.

Men appreciate unusual gifts and are always happy with surprises. Look for options, give up banality and your husband will definitely appreciate your efforts.

DIY gift

Sometimes you can deviate from the classical principles and make a gift to your loved one in the new year with your own hands. The most important thing is that you need confidence that you will definitely succeed and your work will be appreciated. Here are some handmade gifts:

  • Edible gift. It could be holiday dish prepared by you. For example, a delicious cake or fragrant pastries.
  • Commemorative collage. Probably for last year you have had many events. You can capture them in a photo collage and give them to your loved one.
  • We sew felt pillows. On a winter evening, they will certainly delight you with their warmth.
  • Warm socks or a stylish sweater knitted by you will surely please your boyfriend.

What to give your girlfriend for the new year

  • A win-win option is jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics. By choosing such presents, you will undoubtedly bring a lot of pleasure to your beloved.
  • Gifts for the soul. It could be tickets to the theater or to a concert of her favorite artist.
  • Practical gifts. There are girls who are very economic, and they will like gifts such as a coffee maker or a blender.
  • Romantic gift. It can be a trip for two, a dinner on the roof of a skyscraper, or a serenade under her window.
  • An original gift for the New Year to your girlfriend can be an individual photo session, figure skating lessons, interesting master class or pool membership.

What to give your beloved wife for the new year

If your wallet allows. Of course, any woman will be delighted with a beautiful fur coat, designer dress or a trip to the sea.

  • Cosmetics or expensive perfume with her favorite scent.

  • The smartphone of the latest model will also surely be to the taste of your half.
  • A budget option. Make a family movie cut from photos and videos on your computer.

The husband is the most important representative of the stronger sex for any woman. Gifts for my husband for the New Year 2018 is a way to express your feelings, emphasize the value mutual love and respect. Every caring wife is worried about the question: What to give her husband for the New Year 2018? How nice to surprise your loved one? Many options for unusual gifts for men are presented in the following lines.

The main gift ideas for her husband for the New Year 2018 are:

  • Alcohol, cigars and accessories;
  • Gifts that are related to hobbies;
  • Presentations related to work;
  • Fun gifts;
  • Things that are made by hand;
  • Certificates for extreme adventures;
  • Games;
  • Vacation packages;
  • personalized gifts;
  • Gifts that help you take care of your health.

Alcohol, cigars and accessories

At least 76% of men drink alcohol, 60% of the stronger sex smoke. In this regard, a husband who consumes strong drinks or tobacco products can be presented:

  • Havana, Dominican or Nicaraguan cigars;
  • Exclusive smoking pipes;
  • Mouthpieces self made for cigarettes or cigars;
  • Collection whiskey 12 or 18 years old;
  • Stands for bottles in the form of human hands;
  • Flasks for alcohol;
  • Stones for whiskey.

Gifts related to hobbies

Any man is pleased when his wife knows what he is fond of and understands at least a little about his hobby. Interesting gifts that are related to hobbies are:

  • Combined plastic model of the ship, tank and aircraft;
  • Carbon rod;
  • Fisherman's and hunter's vest with many pockets;
  • A set of arrowheads;
  • English cape;
  • Holster for an air pistol (you need to know the exact brand of the weapon);
  • Home smokers for heat treatment of meat and fish.;
  • Sets of dumbbells or expanders.

Presentations related to work

Men occupy different positions in society. Representatives of the strong half of humanity like it when women emphasize it. Depending on the profession, you can give your husband:

  • Pen with name engraving;
  • Cufflinks in the form of a car gearbox;
  • A set of tools in a beautiful package;
  • Leather cover for driver's license;
  • Travel bag;
  • Table pear to relieve stress;
  • A memory card in the form of a racing car.

Things that are made by hand

A gift that is made with your own hands and presented to your husband should take a lot of time for the beloved to appreciate the labor and attention of the most valuable woman. Without the use of special skills for a loved one, you can make:

  • Photo frame;
  • Warm socks;
  • Case for small things from an old tie;
  • Belt holder;
  • Book holders;
  • Cover for tablet computer;
  • A mug with a mustache.

funny gift

If the husband has a sense of humor, creative gifts for him will be:

  • Troll mask;
  • Cap with coasters for beer cans;
  • Key rings in the form of a female breast;
  • Bell to call for kisses;
  • Comic certificates of a “faithful husband” or “family leader”;
  • Covers for the passport of the "king" or "Santa Claus";
  • A set of telescopic cutlery;
  • Fake brick.

When choosing jokes, it is important not to offend the human dignity of the husband, but to emphasize his abilities and skills.

Extreme Adventure Certificates

Different types of extreme adventures are loved by all representatives of the stronger sex. It is advisable to clarify the dates on which the husband is free and his preferences in the field of unusual holidays before choosing certificates for such events. Certificates for:

  • Quad bike rides;
  • Trial aircraft piloting lesson;
  • Skydiving;
  • Paragliding or hang gliding;
  • Climbing course;
  • Martial arts lessons;
  • A visit to the rope park;
  • Scuba diving.


Board and indoor games - perfect gift for a person who likes to spend time in the company of friends and acquaintances. Good presentations for an extroverted man will be games:

  • Booty-ka;
  • Road monopoly;
  • Las Vegas;
  • What? Where? When?
  • Darts (board and darts);
  • Mini basketball;
  • Football or hockey with levers.

Vacation packages

Vouchers for New Year's holidays should be chosen based on the wishes of both spouses and the presence or absence of both halves of the family holiday vacation. Great objects to visit for the New Year 2018 will be:

  • Ski resorts in Poland and the Czech Republic;
  • Thailand beaches;
  • Villas in the Seychelles;
  • Red Square in Moscow;
  • Palaces and museums of St. Petersburg;
  • House of Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug;
  • Ice floes of polar bears in the Far North.

Gifts that help you take care of your health

Presents that emphasize health care are suitable for a man over 40 years of age. To a young representative of a strong part of humanity, such gifts will seem like an ugly reminder of illnesses or flaws in the body. As gifts that help take care of health fit:

  • Warm slippers;
  • Massagers for the back or legs;
  • Nordic walking set;
  • Jade pillow;
  • Cream honey with mint or cedar resin;
  • Body ultrasonic device;
  • Certificate for 1-2 massage sessions.

personalized gifts

Personalized gifts show a woman's knowledge of the individual traits of her beloved man. Great personalized gifts are:

  • T-shirt with an inscription;
  • Mug with original print;
  • Warm bathrobe with embroidery;
  • Cup holder with engraving;
  • A bottle of alcohol with a name label;
  • Memory card with pasted letters of initials;
  • Keychain with photo.

How to give a gift to your husband?

You should always give a gift to your beloved man with a smile on your face, even if, according to the woman, the thing that is being presented is not very useful and necessary. The representative of the stronger sex will appreciate the wife's sincere desire to deliver pleasant emotions. You can also arrange a small quest, the tasks of which will hint at the nature of the gift.

Present packaging should not be bright and colorful. A plain (black, brown) box or package will be much more pleasant for a man. You should never use a courier to deliver a gift. It is better to present a present within 10 days after the holiday, but in person.

You need to give a gift without witnesses, left alone with your husband. To make the event brighter, you can get out of a big box in erotic lingerie or put a present at night in the most prominent place in the apartment (a chair near the bed, a desk or a TV stand).

Time moves inexorably forward. Until recently, the arrival of a new totem of the year of the yellow earthen Dog was celebrated, as it is already necessary to prepare for the New Year holidays, including the purchase of gifts. Pleasant and unexpected presents are loved not only by children, but also by adults. The husband is no exception in this regard. Let's find out what to give her husband for the New Year 2019 so that he is satisfied.

Husband Gift Ideas

If you are recently married, then choosing a gift will not be difficult for you. You can buy the most necessary things for your beloved husband:

  • new hat:
  • scarf;
  • jacket;
  • shirt
  • tie;
  • shaving and hygiene products.

The list of necessary things can be continued indefinitely. The main thing is that the gift you choose will please your spouse. To do this, at least a little you should already know his tastes and preferences.

Before choosing, it does not hurt to find out in some way what your spouse wants. To do this, you can start a casual conversation on the topic of presentations. Maybe your spouse this moment it is more important to get, for example, a mustache and beard razor or something else unusual.

In the first years of marriage, spouses make a lot of efforts to please each other. Sometimes they even pamper the other half. Any woman tries to make the life of her beloved man happier. Therefore, an original New Year's gift can be any signature dish prepared by one's own hands especially for one's man.

Other a good gift young spouse can become an erotic evening. To do this, you can not stand in the kitchen for several hours in a row, just stock up aromatic oils, bubble bath, seductive underwear and create a romantic atmosphere.

If you have lived with your beloved man for more than one year, then choosing a gift for him will be much more difficult.

Answers to the following questions can help:

  1. What are your husband's hobbies?
  2. What industry does your spouse work in?
  3. How does the beloved man spend his free time?

If your husband loves fishing, then he will surely like a rubber boat or a new fishing rod as a gift. The husband of a hunter will not refuse a tent, a hunting knife and other similar equipment. Husband of a gamer can be surprised new game. If your beloved man still goes to Gym and monitors his health, then he can be presented with something from sports equipment. You can not be afraid that your gifts will alienate your spouse from you and that then he will completely plunge into his hobbies. On the contrary, the husband will finally understand that you are supporting his hobby and will become much more attentive to your requests.

If the spouse is an office worker, then he can be presented with any accessories that facilitate his service. It can be a computer mouse, flash drive, charger, etc.

If your spouse is a driver, then he will need things that are simply necessary on the road: a thermos, a thermo mug, a battery, a flashlight, tools, etc.

Businessman husband will like it status gifts: Swiss Watches, an expensive suitcase for business trips, expensive cufflinks, a tie or shirt of a famous brand.

Some men don't like work-related gifts. Moreover, many of them are very tired in the service. In this case fit soulful gifts made by hand. In the year of the Boar, they will be very appropriate. Men like to wear things that contain a particle of the soul of their loved ones. They feel that someone is needed and someone cares about them. Therefore, if you want to please your beloved husband, then make a gift for the New Year with your own hands. This will give a much greater result than you present a standard gift. So, what can you give in this case?

Knitted sweater, scarf, hat These things, made by your hands, will warm the soul of your beloved husband on business trips, on a hike, on a picnic, or just on vacation.

Photo collage He will remind his wife best moments that happened in your life together.

sweet gift If your husband has a sweet tooth, then a gift in the form of a Christmas tree or a pyramid of sweets, a chic cake, etc. will do. You can supplement the gift with expensive alcohol.

Massage mat A spouse who gets very tired at work will like a massage mat. It can be easily made by gluing pebbles to a dense fabric.

Cushion for computer chair Such a detail will appeal to a husband who works for hours on a computer or is a gamer.

Picture frame It can be made from thick cardboard, sticking seashells on it from the sea, on which you were happy with your husband. Do not forget to insert a photo that captures pleasant moments into the frame.

Unusual gifts for your beloved husband

Unfortunately, our everyday life is poor in vivid emotions and unexpected joys. But they are the most memorable in our lives. Why not give your spouse something emotional on New Year's Eve that will surprise him and warm his soul. Of course, in this case, a lot depends on finances. But, if you have no problems with this, then in the year of the Boar, you can offer your husband:

  • a weekend trip to a ski resort or diving in the exotic South Sea;
  • trip to the water park, paintball club, bowling, football, billiard club;
  • winter fishing trip.

You can give your beloved husband a subscription to a karting center so that he learns extreme driving. Great mood your spouse will also get a ticket to a sauna or a Russian bath, especially if you buy a bamboo or eucalyptus broom and essential oils for this.

If your husband likes to spend his free time at home, then you can give him: interesting book, Board games, TV box, warm blanket, a mug with his name or a bathrobe with his photo.

A spouse who likes to spend the weekend in the forest, in the country or by the lake, you can choose:

  • compact brazier;
  • folding table and chairs;
  • bowler hat;
  • picnic bag.

In general, there are a lot of ways to surprise and delight your beloved man for the New Year. The main thing when making a gift is not to forget your spouse to say that he is the most reliable and most faithful husband that only happens on earth.