What are the events in October. Calendar of significant dates

Other celebrations

Russia is a colorful country with rich traditions. Every month is full of big amount holidays. Holidays in October are special. The second autumn month is rich in events: historical, divine and many others happened in October. Holidays in October are rich history and a special meaning for the Russian people.

On October 1, 1754, Emperor Paul I was born. The birth of a boy was of great political importance for Russian Empire, because the baby is the direct heir to the dynasty. Of course, the birth of a baby was an occasion for secrets and gossip: there were rumors about the substitution of the child, the paternity of one of the favorites. For this reason, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna took the child from her parents and took up his education.

October 4, 1957 is famous for the launch of the first Soviet satellite into outer space. Let it be the most simple design with a transmitter on board - in the history of science, this is a huge breakthrough, the first step into space.

On October 5, 1994, the United Nations declared Teachers' Day. The holiday has an international character. At first, the first Sunday of October was considered a holiday, but now Teacher's Day has its own exact date.

October 10, 1824 the great poet of our country Alexander Pushkin finishes his poem "Gypsies". This was a real achievement of Russian literature.

On October 12, 1250, Dmitry Donskoy was born - a prince who was proclaimed a hero. The Battle of Kulikovo - one of the most important battles for Rus' - was won under his auspices.

On October 14, 1905, the Russo-Japanese War ended. The Treaty of Portsmouth was ratified by both emperors.

October 14, 1952 I.V. Stalin made his last speech at the closing of the XIX Congress of the CPSU. In 1964, N. Khrushchev was removed from all posts, marking the beginning of the "neo-Stalinist revolution."

October 17, 1740 is a special day for the residents of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The city was founded on this very day during the second Kamchatka expedition of V. Bering.

On October 19, 1811, the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was opened - a unique educational institution that brought up many great minds and talents. In the history of Russia, this educational institution is the most famous, since nowhere else did so many talented people study and graduate.

On October 23, 1748, the construction of the first chemical laboratory in Russia was completed. Its founder was the greatest of the minds, M.V. Lomonosov.

On October 26, 1962, the Cuban crisis was ended by Khrushchev's address to Kennedy. The Soviet Union removed the missiles in exchange for the United States' refusal to seize the island of Cuba.

Since October 30, 1991, the country has been celebrating the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repressions. A mournful monument to the millions of victims, a granite boulder from the Solovetsky Islands, has been unveiled in a Moscow public garden. The monument symbolizes the victory over totalitarianism, the birth of a democratic system. The date was chosen after political prisoners announced a hunger strike against inhumanity in prisons.

October Church Events

The Church has always been the center of the mysteries and wonders of mankind. Orthodox holidays are of great importance for the Russian people, because on these days one can expect miraculous phenomena from above.

The church holiday is accompanied by services, prayers and thousands of candles from Christians who are devoted to the church charter.

October 8 is a special date for church calendar. On this day in 1391 Sergius of Radonezh reposed. This is one of the greatest people spiritual world our homeland.

Sergius actively helped the saints in the monastery, was engaged in work, prayers, inspiration of the Russian people to abandon the Mongol yoke. Him active ideas the people were inspired to win the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380, and the yoke was broken. His images and powers help the development of the child's mind, heal various ailments.

October 9 - religious holiday when the apostle and evangelist John the Theologian reposed. When the Lord called him to preach, John became a beloved disciple of Jesus Christ, witnessed his torment at the crucifixion. John cared for the mother of the Lord. Became the author of the Holy Gospel.

October 14 - the main holiday of the church - Intercession Holy Mother of God. This church holiday is dedicated to the Mother of God. The founder of this date was Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, he became the founder of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl River in 1165. Intercession is the most beloved of the Orthodox holidays for many. His spiritual idea is in the realization of the care of the Blessed Virgin for us, her intercession before God. On the 14th, the Russian people organized fairs and held wedding festivities.

Modern Holidays

October 7 is celebrated very positive event- Smile day. In the world social networks smile, or smiley, is far from the last place. Artist Harvey Bell came up with a symbol for an insurance company that people really liked.

An ordinary cheerful face with a smile has become the hallmark of the company. In 1963, the smiley appeared and firmly entered the life of a modern person.

The clients of the insurance company were delighted: sales of logos with a smiling face in a few months crossed the mark of 10,000 copies. Since the 90s, October 7 is a day of joy and smiles. In the West, if you ask, October 7 - what a holiday, people without exception answer with their smiles.

October 11 has been declared by the United Nations as International Day of the Girl. The memorable date was established to draw the attention of states to the problem of child marriages and pregnancies. States are encouraged to enact laws to regulate minimum age for marriage, hold thematic events that would solve the important problems of girls.

October 28 - International Animation Day - favorite children's holiday. This date is dedicated to the invention of animated cinema. Animation, presented by Emile Reynaud, the inventor of animation technology, became the prototype for the creation of the first cartoons. About 100 countries celebrate this holiday long before the date itself. Cartoon festivals, children's entertainment programs- the world turns into a huge cartoon carnival for a few days. The first Russian animator in 1906 was Alexander Shiryaev, who presented dancing figures. This was the first cartoon. The first famous feature-length cartoon was " New Gulliver» Alexander Ptushko in 1935. Everyone's favorite "Soyuzmultfilm" was founded in 1936. The film studio released many masterpieces during the years of fruitful work.

professional holidays

On October 9, the holidays are celebrated by postal workers. The holiday is international in nature and is held under the auspices of the UN. In 1874, the Treaty of Berne was signed, which established the General Postal Union. Over time, its name was changed to the Universal Postal Union. International Writing Week begins on October 9th.

October 12 - Day personnel worker in Russia. The holiday, although unofficial, is celebrated by employees of personnel services. In 1918, on October 12, the first personnel departments of the internal affairs bodies were created. The tradition of accepting congratulations from superiors, colleagues and relatives has long become universal. Work on this day does not become less, but in a festive atmosphere, things go faster and easier.

In 1653, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich approved the Unified Customs Charter, which regulates the collection of customs duties in the cities of Rus'. In 1991, the State Customs Committee of Russia was formed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. The customs authorities strive to work according to world standards and successfully develop all new opportunities for their activities. More and more electronic technologies are used by customs officers: from electronic documents to digital signatures. In order to combat terrorism Special attention employees are paying arms smuggling. Traditionally, customs officers celebrate the holiday vigorously.

Army and independence

On October 11, the Republic of Bashkortostan celebrates its Independence Day. It was then that the Declaration was adopted, providing the republic with sovereignty (independence). This day is a day off for all residents of the subject.

People spend the holiday on the main squares of the cities of the republic, watch the speeches of politicians, attend fairs, salutes and fireworks.

The republic is remarkable in that it is the oldest place where people lived for 10 thousand years BC. The main attraction is a huge monument dedicated to Salavat Yulaev, a national hero.

It is located in the capital - Ufa, weighs about 40 tons and rests on only 3 reference points. In addition to the famous monument, the republic is famous for natural resources. The main souvenirs that are popular with vacationers are skullcaps, women's hats, home shoes made of felt.

October 25 is the official day of Primorsky Krai. On this day in 1995, the Charter of the Primorsky Territory was adopted. The tone of this holiday is not as official as it seems at first glance. In 1922, Primorsky Krai was completely liberated from the intervention and the civil war, which lasted for 5 years. Primorsky Krai is a place rich in natural beauty. Here it is a large number of reserves, parks, forests. The Sikhote-Alin Reserve is included in the list world heritage UNESCO. There is also a huge marine reserve on the territory of Primorsky Krai. The administrative center of Primorye is Vladivostok - favorite place tourists. Sea dishes of Vladivostok will not leave anyone indifferent. In addition, proximity to Japan provides Vladivostok with an influx of tourists and economic benefits.

At the end of October, what holiday, famous for its air shows, even a child knows. October 28 - Army Aviation Day. On this day in 1948, the first aviation squadron was created in Serpukhov, which included helicopters. This moment determined the beginning of army aviation as a separate branch of the army. Since the beginning of the development of aviation, helicopters have performed only secondary functions: transportation of goods, communication, intelligence. But now, when time has already gone ahead and the turn has come the latest technologies, helicopters have become real fighters.

Now the helicopter is a severe weapon, and in any combat mission, the pilots prove themselves heroically. To date, not a single “hot spot” has done without the presence of helicopters. AT Peaceful time army aviation helps in the exercises of the ground forces, now it is impossible to imagine any combat training event without helicopters. By 2003, army aviation was transferred to the Air Force.

To date, the equipment of the Russian army with helicopters is one of the best in the world. Some models are unique. Helicopters serve not only military purposes, they are involved in rescue operations in case of emergencies.

Holiday for man

A holiday has a special meaning for any person. It has always existed, and over the years the number of holidays only increases. A person strives to make every day special, rejoicing in the discoveries, achievements of people and nature. These days emotions get importance: celebrating a holiday, a person sets himself the mood for the whole day. He not only notices the joys around - he teaches his family and friends to see good events day after day. Rejoicing at every moment of his life, a person forgets about fatigue, daily routine, health problems. Therefore, a holiday in a person's life has important role, it must exist.

The holiday makes our life magical, fun and interesting, teaches us to appreciate and love our country and the whole world around us.

It does not matter what time of the year the holiday is celebrated. It should be in the shower, not on the calendar.

Memorable and significant dates in September 2016

September 2, 2016 - 90 years since the birth of Evgeny Pavlovich Leonov (1926-1994), a famous Soviet theater and film actor.

September 3, 2016 - Day of Solidarity in the fight against terrorism. This is a new memorable date for Russia, established federal law"About the days military glory Russia" dated July 6, 2005. Associated with the tragic events in Beslan.

September 4, 2016 - Day of the nuclear security specialist (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 No. 549)

September 4, 2016 - Day of oil, gas and fuel industry(First Sunday in September).

September 8, 2016 - International Literacy Day. It has been celebrated since 1967 by the decision of UNESCO.

September 9, 2016 - World Beauty Day. The initiative of the holding belongs to the International Committee of Aesthetics and Cosmetology.

September 11, 2016 - Lake Baikal Day. Established in 1999 and since then it has been annually celebrated on the fourth Sunday of August, but since 2008, by the decision of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk Region, Baikal Day has been moved to the second Sunday of September.

September 15, 2016 - the birthday of the international environmental organization Greenpeace (September 15, 1971 - the day of the first organized action of environmentalists against nuclear testing).

September 16, 2016 - Juliet's birthday. On this day, the Italian city of Verona celebrates the birthday of Juliet, the famous Shakespearean heroine.

September 19, 2016 - Smiley's birthday. On September 19, 1982, Carnegie Mellon University professor Scott Fahlman first proposed the use of three consecutive characters - a colon, a hyphen, and a closing bracket - to indicate a "smiling face" in text that is typed on a computer.

September 21, 2016 - International Day of Peace as a day of universal ceasefire and non-violence.

September 21, 2016 - 105 years since the birth of Mark Naumovich Bernes (1911-1969), Soviet singer and film actor.

September 22, 2016 - 225 years since the birth of Michael Faraday (1791-1867), the great English physicist.

September 24, 2016 - World Maritime Day. It was established at the 10th session of the Assembly by the International Maritime Organization, has been noted since 1978. Included in the system of world and international days UN. Until 1980, it was celebrated on March 17, but then it began to be celebrated on one of the days last week September. September 24th is celebrated in Russia.

September 25, 2016 - 110 years since the birth of Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich (1906-1975), Russian composer, teacher, pianist, classic of world musical culture of the 20th century.

September 30, 2016 - 125 years since the birth of Otto Yulievich Schmidt (1891-1956), Soviet scientist, geographer, explorer of the Arctic.

Memorable and significant dates in October 2016

October 1, 2016 - International Music Day. Established in 1975 by decision of UNESCO. One of the initiators of the establishment of the International Day of Music is the composer Dmitry Shostakovich.

October 1, 2016 - International Day of Older Persons. It was proclaimed at the 45th session of the UN General Assembly on December 14, 1990, celebrated since October 1, 1991.

October 2, 2016 - International Day of Non-Violence. Established by a resolution of the UN General Assembly on June 15, 2007. The date was not chosen by chance: on October 2, 1869, Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement and the founder of the philosophy of non-violence, was born. In accordance with the UN resolution, the International Day serves as an additional occasion to "promote non-violence, including through educational and public outreach work."

October 3, 2016 - World Architecture Day (first Monday in October). This holiday was established by the International Union of Architects.

October 3-9, 2016 - International Writing Week. Held annually during the week of World Post Day.

October 4, 2016 - Day of the beginning of the space age of mankind (since 1967, by decision of the International Federation of Astronautics).

October 8, 2016 - 145 years since the birth of Ivan Maksimovich Poddubny (1871-1949), athlete, wrestler, circus performer.

October 10, 2016 - 155 years since the birth of Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930), Norwegian polar explorer.

October 9, 2016 - Worker's Day Agriculture and processing industry (second Sunday in October, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 31.05.1999 No. 679).

October 14, 2016 - World Egg Day. In 1996, at a conference in Vienna, the International Egg Commission announced that the World Egg Day would be celebrated on the second Friday of October.

October 15, 2016 is World Handwashing Day. Noted but initiated Children's Fund UN.

October 15, 2016 - 175 years since the birth of Savva Ivanovich Mamontov (1841-1918), a famous industrialist, Russian philanthropist.

October 19, 2016 - Day of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. All-Russian Lyceum Day. Ego holiday owes its appearance educational institution- On October 19, 1811, the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was opened, in which Alexander Pushkin and many other people who glorified Russia were brought up.

October 21, 2016 - Apple Day (or the weekend closest to this date). In the UK, this event was first organized in 1990, at the initiative of one of the charitable organizations. Although the holiday is called “Apple Day”, it is dedicated not only to apples, but also to all orchards, as well as local island attractions.

October 22, 2016 - White Cranes Festival. A holiday of poetry and memory of the fallen on the battlefields in all wars. Appeared at the initiative of the poet Rasul Gamzatov.

October 22, 2016 - 205 years since the birth of Ferenc (Franz) Liszt (1811-1886), Hungarian composer, virtuoso pianist, conductor.

October 24, 2016 - 105 years since the birth of Arkady Isaakovich Raikin (1911-1987), Soviet theater, stage, film, comedian.

October 24, 2016 - International Day school libraries(fourth Monday in October).

October 25, 2016 - 90 years since the birth of Galina Pavlovna Vishnevskaya (1926-2012), Russian opera singer.

October 25, 2016 - 135th birthday of Pablo Picasso (1881-1973), French painter.

October 25, 2016 - International Day of Women's Struggle for Peace (since 1980, by decision of the Women's International Democratic Federation).

October 28, 2016 - International Animation Day. Established at the initiative of the French branch of the International Animated Film Association in 2002 in honor of the 110th anniversary of the public presentation of the first animation technology.

October 1 is a day that will forever remain in the memory of the history of mankind. For historians, it is significant for such events as:
- Accession of the Austrian Netherlands (Belgium) to France (1795);
- conclusion of a union treaty between Finland and Germany (1940);
- unification of Cameroon (1961);
- Independence Day of the Republic of Cyprus (1960);
- formation of the People's Republic of China (1949);
- Independence Day in Nigeria (1960).

On this day, the two parts of the state united to form the Federal Republic of Cameroon: the former French part became known as East Cameroon, and the former British part became Western.

For scientific progress October 1 marked in the automotive industry:
- release of a new car model "Ford Lizzie" (1908);
- release of the world's first car brand "Zaporozhets" (1960).

In culture, two grandiose events took place on this day:
- opening of the Theater of Satire in Moscow (1924);
- opening of the Opera and Ballet Theater in Kyiv (1926).

October 1: Holidays of the world

International Day of Older Persons. Initially, this holiday was officially adopted in Europe, a little later in America, and in the late 90s it began to be celebrated all over the world. However, the day of the elderly is most popular in the Scandinavian countries.

International Music Day. One of the initiators of this holiday was Dmitry Shostakovich. Every year since 1975, around the world on October 1, concert programs are organized with the participation of famous musicians, artists and art groups.

Day of the Russian Ground Forces. The date of the celebration was chosen for a reason. It was on October 1, 1550, thanks to the Decree of Tsar Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible), that the first permanent army was created.

Day of workers of the prosecutor's office of Azerbaijan.

Day of teachers and mentors in Uzbekistan. This is a professional holiday that has been celebrated since 1997.

Japanese Wine Day (Nihon-shu-no Hi - translated means "Sake Day"). Japanese Wine Day was approved at the Central Meeting of the Japan Winemakers' Union in 1978, under the pretext of a professional holiday.

It is on October 1 that winemakers start making new wine. However, it should be noted that such a holiday is not a national celebration in Japan.

Apart from official holidays, this day is also captured in Orthodoxy:
- Memorial Day of St. Euphrosyne of Suzdal;
- Memorial Day of St. Hilarion of Optina;
- Day of the Old Russian Icon of the Mother of God.

Based on the foregoing, October 1 is a truly significant day, and it has a huge number of reasons to celebrate it solemnly!


      • International Day of Older Persons. The General Assembly, in a resolution on 14 December 1990, proclaimed 1 October as the International Day of Older Persons, building on United Nations initiatives such as the adoption in 1982 in Vienna of the International Plan of Action on Aging by the World Assembly on Aging, which was approved at the end of that year General Assembly.
        In Russia, the Day of the Elderly is also celebrated on October 1 on the basis of the Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council Russian Federation dated June 1, 1992 N 2890 / 1-1 "On the problems of the elderly."
      • International Music Day. Established on October 1, 1975 by decision of UNESCO. One of the initiators of the establishment of the International Day of Music was Dmitry Shostakovich, a classical composer of the 20th century. Celebrated annually all over the world concert programs with the participation of the best artists and artistic groups. On this day, compositions that are included in the treasury of world culture are heard.
      • Cyprus Independence Day. Celebrated since 1960. In 1923, under the Treaty of Lausanne, Turkey officially renounced all rights to Cyprus, and since 1925 the island became a British colony, although the Turkish Sultan formally ruled Cyprus. The Greek Cypriots, who made up the majority of the island's population, expressed a desire to unite with Greece, which they considered a kindred country, and these sentiments were especially intensified after the end of the Second World War. The growing tension resulted in hostilities. To stop them, Great Britain, Greece and Turkey signed the Zurich and London agreements, which provided for the independence of Cyprus. On August 16, 1960, Cyprus became an independent sovereign republic; Under the terms of the Agreement, Great Britain retained several military bases that exist in Cyprus to this day.
      • Day of the proclamation of the People's Republic. China.National holiday People's Republic of China - Republic Day has been celebrated since 1949.
      • Goodwill Day. Namibia
      • Guinea Independence Day.
      • Gandhi Jayanti (India). On October 2, India celebrates the birthday of a man who did not create his own religion, although in many respects it corresponds to traditional Indian ideas about a holy guru (religious mentor). Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, during his lifetime called Mahatma, which means "great soul", played an exceptional role in the national liberation movement of the Indian people at that stage, which was characterized by the broad participation of the masses and ended with the country's gaining independence. The greatness of Gandhi lies in the fact that he embodied the democratic tendencies that distinguished the anti-colonial struggle, and, on the basis of a deep understanding of national interests, was able to develop effective tactics for this struggle and the most effective forms of its organization. At the same time, it undoubtedly reflected the contradictory nature of the national liberation movement, which was generally led by the national bourgeoisie in a backward country with a gigantic predominance of petty-bourgeois strata in the population.

        M.K. Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar (Gujarat) in the family of a minister of a small principality, according to the Vaishya caste, i.e. merchant. After completing his education in India at the age of 18, he went to England where he studied law and passed the bar examination. Back in India, he tried to practice as a lawyer, but special success did not achieve. In 1893, the young lawyer moved to South Africa, where at that time there were many Indian merchants and plantation workers, as well as servants, porters, and others. The harassment by the racists shocked Gandhi. He begins to organize a movement for the equality of his compatriots and, after many years of struggle, achieves some, although far from complete, success. During these years, his formation as a religious thinker and preacher-moralist, which began in his student days, is completed. On the other hand, it is in South Africa Gandhi manifests himself as an outstanding organizer of the mass movement, an innovator in the development of tactical means of struggle and establishing links with the broad masses of the population. All this gave him great prestige among the Indians in South Africa and gained fame far beyond its borders.

        In 1914, Gandhi returned to his homeland and joined the Indian National Congress party, which was at the head of the national liberation movement. Organizing in 1917-1918. a number of successful mass demonstrations in various parts of India, he strengthens his authority. During the period of the post-war upsurge of the national liberation movement (1919-1922), Gandhi became its recognized leader. The tactic of non-violent mass protests against the authorities - satyagraha - developed by him, is turning into the main instrument of struggle. In this struggle, the personal courage of Gandhi, who did not stop before frequent hunger strikes, was arrested and imprisoned, his closeness to the people, the desire to share the hardships of his life, won him the love and devotion of millions of Indians.

        Gandhi did a lot to improve the situation of the lowest, most oppressed and downtrodden castes, the so-called untouchables (he introduced the term "harijans", "God's children", now officially accepted in the press and government documents). He tirelessly fought for equality and the political activation of women. Propaganda of religious tolerance, the struggle against communalism - militant hostility towards all religions, except for one's own, the exclusivity of which is defended and extolled - important points his political and philosophical credo. At the same time, one cannot fail to note the utopian nature of his social concept Sarvodayi - "Societies for the common good."

        Gandhi attached great importance to the promotion of handicrafts, hand weaving, spinning and wearing clothes from homespun cloth "khadi". In this he saw not only a symbol of a return to his sweet heart and, of course, the idealized life of the Indian village of ancient times with its imaginary simplicity. Started primarily as part of a campaign to boycott British goods and encourage domestic production (swadeshi), it was an important economic aid to the masses of Indian artisans. For Gandhi and his companions, spinning took on the character of a ritual, and a hand spinning wheel ("charkha") long years was the symbol of the Congress party.

        Gandhi managed to live to see his dream come true - the birth of an independent India. However, the tragedy of the partition of the country into two states, accompanied by a fratricidal massacre between Muslims and Hindus, shocked him. He gives all his strength to the fight against religious fanaticism and chauvinism, and it was at this time that his life was cut short by the bullet of the killer, the Hindu fanatic Nathuram Godse, who fired several shots at point-blank range in the courtyard of the industrialist and philanthropist Birla in New Delhi, where on January 30, 1948 he died. Gandhi, as usual, came to pray in the circle of his admirers. Now the street where former home Birla, which has become a museum in memory of Gandhi, is called "Tis Janvari Marg" - "Thirtieth January Street".

        Gandhi's birth anniversary - Gandhi Jayanti - has been declared a national holiday in India. Various societies that claim to preserve the ideology and traditions of Gandhism arrange prayers and hand spinning on this day. At prayer meetings, episodes from the life of the Mahatma are retold, his favorite religious hymns, verses from the sacred for Hindus "Bhagavad Gita", the Koran, the New Testament and the writings of other religions are read. In Delhi, the main place associated with the memory of Gandhi is his memorial - Gandhi Samadhi - in Rajghat (on the banks of the Jamna, near the Red Fort), where some of his ashes are buried. Visitors constantly come here, many of whom pray, bring flower petals, lay them on a marble tombstone, on which last words- "He Ram!" ("Oh my God!"). Especially a lot of people gather here on October 2.

        Next to the Gandhi Samadhi is the Gandhi Darshan Museum, where visitors can get acquainted with the life and work of the great son of India.

      • Feast Day

      • Day of German Unity. Germany Celebrated in honor of the reunification of the GDR and the FRG. On this day in 1990, the reunion was formalized.
      • Day of formation of the state of South Korea.
      • 2002: Islam Miraj (Israv al-miraj or Rajab Bayram) - The feast of the ascension of the prophet to the heavenly throne of Allah. Holiday to commemorate wonderful trip Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem (quds) and his ascension (miraj) to the heavenly throne of Allah has become one of the most popular plots of Muslim traditions. This event happened on Rajab 27, 621, it is celebrated in many Muslim countries, Muslims spend the night of Rajab 27 in vigil, read the Koran, pray and retell the legend about the miraculous ascension of the prophet.
        According to legend, Muhammad, having fallen asleep near the Meccan mosque, in a miraculous lightning-fast way, with the help of the Archangel Jabrail on the winged horse Burak, traveled to Jerusalem, and then, leaving Burak there, accompanied by Jabrail, passed through the seven heavens. On the first, Adam himself opened the "heavenly gates" for him, on the second, the prophets Yahya and Isa met him, on the third - Joseph, on the fourth - Idris, on the fifth - Harun (Aaron), on the sixth Musa, in the seventh heaven sat the forefather - patriarch of all prophets Ibrahim. And when from the seventh heaven Muhammad appeared to the throne of Allah, he talked with him, saying 99 thousand words ... Then Muhammad was returned to earth, back to Mecca. Returning, Mohammed made sure that his bed had not yet cooled down, and water had not had time to flow out of the overturned jug when setting off.
      • World Habitat Day. World Habitat Day is celebrated on the first Monday in October.

        In 1985, following the recommendation of the Commission on Human Settlements, the UN General Assembly declared "World Habitat Day". In 1986, the Day coincided for the first time with the tenth anniversary of the first international conference on the theme "Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements" (Vancouver, Canada, 1976).

        In his address for World Habitat Day 1999, on the theme "Cities for all", the Secretary-General stated that all city dwellers - young and old, rich and poor, men and women - should have a voice in decision-making that concerns their life, and noted that when local governments had a genuine partnership with civil society, including the urban poor, the whole environment was beneficial.

      • Columbus Day - Columbus Day in the USA. Columbus Day in the USA - state national holiday. Celebrated on the first Monday in October since 1492.

        World Architecture Day. World Architecture Day was celebrated on the first Sunday of July. In 1996, the International Union of Architects at the XX General Assembly in Barcelona adopted a resolution according to which World Architecture Day will henceforth be celebrated on the first Monday of October.

        World Architecture Day was established by the International Union of Architects, which emerged after the Second World War, when many countries faced pressing question restoration of destroyed cities and other settlements, industrial enterprises. In September 1946, a meeting of the Board of the International Conference of Architects was held in London, at which a decision was made to establish the International Union of Architects.

        The Union of Architects of the USSR was one of the founders of the UIA and an active participant in it. creative activity. In June 1998, the 50th anniversary of the UIA was celebrated in Lausanne. Today, this international community brings together more than a million architects of the world.

        International Housing Day. International Housing Day is celebrated on the first Monday in October. Established by decision of the UN General Assembly with the aim of providing housing for the world's population by the year 2000. Since 1996, the World Day of the Architect has been timed to the day of Housing.

      • World Animal Day. This holiday is associated with the name of St. Francis, the patron saint of sacred animals, who is revered mainly in Catholic countries. It has been celebrated in Russia since 2000 at the initiative of the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Animal Day is established to raise public awareness of the need to protect environment, increasing their activity in the protection of animals.
      • Denmark Assault on Frederikstad. Military Flag Days (holidays and memorable dates, in honor of which, in the places established by law, state flag Denmark), allocated in a separate group, belong to different periods Denmark's wars with immediate and distant neighbors. Wars for Denmark were not always successful, but the victories won over the enemies are sacredly honored by the Danes. In the Danish-Prussian war for the possession of the Duchy of Schleswig 1848-1850. commemorates the assault on Frederikstad, which took place on October 4, 1850.
      • Italy, Bologna Festival of Saint Petrogno.
      • Day of the military space forces of Russia. Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 10, 1995 N 1239 "On the establishment of the Day Missile troops strategic purpose and the Day of the Military Space Forces". On this day, October 4, 1957, the USSR launched the world's first artificial satellite into space.
      • October 4-10: World Space Week. In December 1999, the General Assembly proclaimed the period from 4 to 10 October as World Space Week to celebrate the contribution that space science and technology makes to human well-being. These dates bring to mind such events as the launch on 4 October 1957 of the first artificial Earth satellite, Sputnik I, and the entry into force on 10 October 1967 of the Treaty on Principles for the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space.
      • Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year. As autumn approaches, Jews around the world begin to prepare for the ten-day cycle of self-purification and repentance that falls between Rosh Hashanah (New Year) and Judgment Day (Yom Kippur). These days are called the decade of repentance. Her last day - Yom Kippur - is a holy day.

        Rosh Hashanah is celebrated on the first day of the month of Tishrei and usually falls in September or October according to the secular calendar.

        On the days of the New Year, special prayers are read in the synagogue, and all those gathered are dressed in bright, elegant clothes. For a moment, complete silence reigns in the crowded synagogue - the shofar (ram's horn) sounds. His trumpet sounds awaken people from hibernation, from indifference, make them think about life.

        On the night of Rosh Hashanah, there is an almost universal custom of dipping the first piece of challah in honey. After the challah is eaten, each participant is given a piece of an apple dipped in honey and says: "May this year be kind and sweet." Everyone sends New Year's Greeting Cards relatives, friends and acquaintances, wishing them a good and sweet year.

      • International Teacher's Day. In Russia - established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 03.10.94 N 1961 "On the celebration of Teacher's Day."
      • Republic Day Portugal.
      • The 1st day of Ramadan is the beginning of Lent for Muslims.
        The 1st day of Ramadan is the beginning of the monthly fast (saum) during holy month Ramadan. A big fast during the month of Ramadan (in Persian - Ramazan) is obligatory for all adults, healthy, ritually clean people. Ritual purity (tahara) in Islam is of great importance, tahara means liberation from everything that defiles. Those who accidentally break the fast must fast after the end of the month of Ramadan during the lost days.

        Fasting for a Muslim is a means of curbing the passions generated by the animal nature (nafs) in a person. During fasting, the believer, by concentrating volitional efforts, is freed from instinctive vices and improves the human spiritual principle (Kalb) in himself, thereby ennobling human nature, as it were. Therefore, fasting, especially in the month of Ramadan, is the best remedy atonement for sins committed during the year. In Islam, unlike Christianity, there are no intermediaries between God and man, there is also no clergy in the Christian sense, which can forgive sins to the believer on behalf of God. A Muslim is responsible to Allah for his sins.

        The observance of a 30-day fast in the month of Ramadan is associated with the mention in the Qur'an that it was in this month that Allah, through the archangel Jabrail, sent down the Qur'an to the prophet Muhammad in the form of a revelation.

      • Memorial Day. Turkmenistan.
      • Spain, Zaragoza Fiesta.
      • National Children's Day. USA
      • Health and Sports Day (Japan).
        Sports Day (Taiiku-no-hi) established in honor of the first for Japan Olympic Games 1964 held in Tokyo.
      • Day of workers of agriculture and processing industry. The Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers was established by Presidential Decree on the second Sunday of October (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 1999 No. 679)
      • World Post Day. World Post Day is one of the international days celebrated in the United Nations system. It is held by the decision of the XIV Congress of the World Postal Union on the day of the creation of the union in 1974.
      • world day mental health. World Mental Health Day has been celebrated annually since 1992. The day was established by decision of the World Mental Health Federation with the support of World Organization healthcare.
      • Alexis Kivi Day (Literature Day) (Finland).
        Finnish novelist Aleksis Kivi's (1834-1872) birthday is also celebrated as Finnish Literature Day.
      • Sovereignty Day of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The Declaration on State Sovereignty of the Bashkir ASSR was adopted in 1990. A new name for Bashkiria was also adopted - the Bashkir SSR within the RSFSR. From February 1992 - Republic of Bashkortostan within the Russian Federation.
      • Revolution Day. Panama
      • International Day for Hazard Reduction natural Disasters. International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction. It is celebrated on the second Wednesday of October by decision of the UN General Assembly.
      • Opening day. Bahamas.
      • Nation Day. Spain. (Day of the Spanish culture or the Spanish spirit) / Dia de la Hispanidad /. On October 12, the Kingdom of Spain celebrates the Day of the Spanish Nation. The big national holiday of the Kingdom of Spain is established in honor of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, a Spaniard by nationality. The discovery of Columbus gave Spain world influence and became the brightest event in world history. The Day of the Spanish Nation has been celebrated since 1492.
      • Independence Day. Equatorial Guinea.
      • 2002: Armenia Yerevan - city day.
      • Day of foundation of the National Assembly of the Republic of Afghanistan (1964).
      • Friendship Day. Virgin Islands
      • Yom Kippur (Judgment Day) is a Jewish day of repentance and prayer.
        Day of Atonement, Judgment Day, in Jewish tradition - the most important of the holidays, the day of fasting, repentance and remission of sins. It is celebrated on the tenth day of the month of Tishrei and is a significant completion of the ten days of repentance. "The sound of the horn is intended to wake our souls from sleep and turn to teshuva, and therefore - to the past, our own and our people."
      • International day of standardization. On this day, October 14, 1946, a decision was made to establish the International Organization for Standardization.
      • Ukraine Day of Ukrainian Cossacks.
      • Mother's Day (Belarus). Mother's Day in Belarus has been celebrated since 1996 in accordance with the order of the President of the Republic A. G. Lukashenko.
      • Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos (Orthodox). Orthodox holiday - Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated only in Russian Orthodox Church and is one of the greats.

        The Feast of the Intercession is established in honor of the appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos to Blessed Andrew. Holy fool Andrew and his disciple St. Epiphanius saw the Mother of God with saints and angels during a service in the Blachernae Church in Constantinople, standing in the air and stretching the Veil over the praying people. According to legend, this event took place in 910 under the Constantinopolitan Emperor Leo the Wise and Patriarch Macarius.

        This holiday is considered the patron saint of weddings, and therefore rural girls then pray for a speedy marriage. To this end, they consider it an indispensable duty to visit the Church on the Feast of the Intercession; some put candles in front of the icon of the Intercession of the Mother of God and generally try to spend this day merrily, believing that "if you spend the Intercession merrily, you will find a dear friend." Around the Feast of the Intercession, the first snows usually appear in our climate. They cover everything around and thereby involuntarily bring this natural white winter cover closer to a wedding veil or veil.

        On this day - the first holiday of the cold - they baked pancakes (thin pancakes), "baked corners" so that heat would not blow out of the dwelling.

      • Independence Day. Bosnia
      • Mid-Autumn Festival. China
      • World Food Day.
      • Workers Day road infrastructure. professional holiday road workers is celebrated on the third Sunday of October in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin of March 23, 2000
      • Republic Day North Ossetia- Alanya. Day of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania has been celebrated since 1994. Established by a decree of the President of the SO on October 13, 1994 to commemorate the 220th anniversary of the annexation of Ossetia to Russia. It was first celebrated on October 14-15, 1995. It is celebrated on the third Sunday of October.
      • Workers Day Food Industry. Food Workers Day was established in 1966 and is celebrated on the third Sunday in October.
      • Vatican City Pope Election Day.
      • International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.
        At first, this day was called World Day for the Eradication of Extreme Poverty. It was celebrated by non-governmental organizations of the world at the initiative of the International Movement for Assistance to the Needy Groups of the Population - "The Fourth World".

        In 1992, the UN General Assembly supported this initiative and declared this day the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness of the need to fight for the eradication of poverty and deprivation in all countries, especially in developing countries, a need that has become a priority.

      • Chang Yung Festival. China, Hong Kong.

      • Mothers Day. Malawi.
      • 90 years of Cadillac (1902).
      • Independence Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan (proclaimed in 1991).
      • Day of the Republic of Kalmykia. In 1990, the Declaration on State Sovereignty was adopted.
      • Alaska Day. USA. In 1867, Alaska was sold by the tsarist government of the United States, until 1884 under the jurisdiction of the US War Department, in 1884-1912 a district, then a territory, from 1959 a US state. October 18 is considered Alaska Day in the United States.
      • Sukkot is a joyful Jewish holiday. seven days lasts fun party Sukkot is the "festival of tents". These days, Jews are commanded to live in huts, or at least eat there. The word "sukkah", which gave the name to the holiday, is translated as "tent", "hut", or "tents". But, in fact, the word "sukkah" means "dwelling", any dwelling, the roof of which is made of "shah", i.e. from plants. Sukkot - perfect special holiday among all Jewish holidays. This is a nationwide "harvest holiday" - a harvest festival. The crops in the fields and gardens have already been largely harvested, and now the farmers can rest from work until the first rains. On the holiday of Sukkot, Jews turn to the Almighty with gratitude and praise for the fact that He has blessed His people with abundance. The holiday has many names: "gathering holiday" (harvesting), "booth holiday", and "God's holiday". On Sukkot, the ascension of the lulav (netilat lulav) is performed. This is a special festive act of raising and blessing a set of four types of plants: "In preparation for the Sukkot holiday, when they built and decorated the sukko, they carefully chose the "beautiful fruit" etrog and the freshest unblown shoot of the date palm, and then carefully tied the lulav to perform this Finally, the seven days of Sukkoh began: meals under the shade of freshly cut branches among friends and relatives who had gathered together for the holiday, and the fun and joy of the "true celebration". During the time of Beit ha-Mikdash, during the seven-day celebration of Sukkot, seventy oxen, symbolizing the seventy peoples of the world, were offered up on the altar. The eighth day from the beginning of Sukkot, Tishrei 22, is a separate holiday, Shemini Atzeret.
      • Lima Day. Peru.
      • Revolution Day. Guatemala.
      • Army Day. Kenya.
      • Day of Belgrade. Yugoslavia.
      • Heroes Day. Jamaica.
      • Honduras Army Day.
      • Somalia Revolution Day.
      • Saint Margaret Cliterow Day (patron saint of business women). Saint Margaret Cliterow (1556-1586). Born and raised in the bosom of the Anglican Church, she married a wealthy York butcher, John Clytherow, and secretly converted to the Catholic faith. After the death of her husband, she herself managed the entire household and became one of the most famous merchants in the city. She was arrested several times for providing asylum to Catholic priests and for allowing Catholic masses to be held secretly in her home. She was last arrested in 1586 and sentenced to death for refusing to name her accomplices. Marguerite Clytherow was executed on March 25, 1586. In 1970, she was canonized by Pope Paul VI and almost immediately (apparently due to her business activity) became the patroness of business women.
      • Honduras Army Day.
      • Marshall Islands Accord Day.
      • Somalia Revolution Day.
      • Holiday of the White Cranes (Dagestan). Feast of the White Cranes in Dagestan. Established by the people's poet of Dagestan Rasul Gamzatov as a holiday of poetry, it has been celebrated for two decades and as a memory of those who fell on the battlefields in all wars.
      • Hungary The day of the beginning of the revolution and the liberation struggle of 1956 and the proclamation of the Hungarian Republic (1989).
      • Chulalongkorn Day (Thailand). Chulalongkorn Day - Chulalongkorn Day - honoring King Rama V (Chakri dynasty).

        King Rama V (Chulalongkorn) the Great (1868-1910) is one of the most beloved and revered kings of the country in its entire history. During his reign, contacts with outside world, became more modern education, transport and infrastructure. Largely due to his diplomatic gift, Thailand avoided colonization.

      • United Nations Day. The anniversary of the entry into force of the Charter of the United Nations, October 24, 1945, has been celebrated as United Nations Day since 1948. By tradition, it is celebrated in the world through meetings, discussions and exhibitions dedicated to the achievements and goals of the Organization. In 1971, the General Assembly recommended that all Member States mark it as Public Holiday.
        World Development Awareness Day. In 1972, the UN General Assembly established World Development Information Day. The goal was to attract the attention of the world public opinion to development problems and to the need to strengthen international cooperation to solve them. The Assembly decided that the date of this day should coincide, in principle, with United Nations Day, 24 October.
      • (24.10-30.10) Week of disarmament. Disarmament Week (24-30 October) has been celebrated every year since the founding of the United Nations in 1978. States were invited to bring to the fore the question of the danger of the arms race, propagate the need to stop it and help raise public awareness of the urgent tasks in the field of disarmament.
        In 1995, the Assembly invited governments and international and national non-governmental organizations to continue to adopt Active participation in Disarmament Week. The Assembly invited the Secretary-General to continue to use the information bodies of the United Nations to the fullest extent possible to promote a better understanding of disarmament issues and the objectives of the Week by the world public.
      • World Development Awareness Day. In 1972, the UN General Assembly established World Development Information Day. The goal was to draw the attention of world public opinion to development problems and to the need to strengthen international cooperation to solve them. The Assembly decided that the date of this day should coincide, in principle, with United Nations Day, 24 October.

        This date is also the date of the adoption in 1970 of the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade. The Assembly expressed its conviction that better dissemination of information and the mobilization of public opinion, in particular among young people, would be an important factor in raising awareness of development issues and thus facilitating increased efforts in the field of international development cooperation.

      • Zambia Independence Day.
      • Egypt Suez Victory Day. Anniversary of the 1973 Egyptian-Israeli truce, after which Egypt regained control of the Suez Canal.
      • Russia Day of Remembrance of the Dead Missilemen (1960, 1963).
      • 2001: October 24-25 Miraj Night - Muslim holiday- the night of the ascension of the Prophet Muhammad to the throne of the Almighty and the establishment by Allah of five daily prayers for Muslims.
      • International Day of Women for Peace. It takes place within the framework of the Week of Action for Disarmament (October 24-31). Held by decision of the Women's International Democratic Federation since 1980.
      • Virgin Islands Thanksgiving.
      • Kazakhstan Republic Day. It has been celebrated since 1990. This year, on October 25, the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the Kazakh SSR was adopted. Now - the Republic of Kazakhstan.
      • Day of the customs officer of Russia. Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 04.08.95 N 811 "On the Establishment of the Day of the Customs Officer of the Russian Federation".
      • Shemini Atzeret is a Jewish holiday. The eighth day from the beginning of Sukkot, Tishrei 22, is a separate holiday, Shemini Atzeret. Due to the fact that it follows immediately after Sukkot, many mistakenly consider it the last day of this holiday. However, it is not. In Shemini Atzeret, they do not fulfill the commandments associated with Sukkot, and therefore it is impossible on this day to sit in a hut or pronounce a blessing over the "four kinds of plants." On the same day in Israel, on the same day with Shemini Atzeret, another holiday is celebrated - Simchat Torah. In Shemini Atzeret, the general spiritual upsurge that has reigned in the Jewish communities for so long is coming to an end. During the seven-day celebration of Sukkot, seventy oxen were offered to the altar, symbolizing the seventy peoples of the world. And on the eighth day - in Shmini Atzeret - only one ox and a ram were sacrificed. The Midrash says: “It is as if the king invited all the inhabitants of his country to a seven-day feast ... And when the feast was over, he said to his close friend: "We have fulfilled our duties towards all the inhabitants of the country. Now let's go and spend time together. Just you and me together..." Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah is the day holiday prayers, songs and dances in synagogues around the Torah scroll. In Shemini Atzeret, a special prayer is read - for rain. On Sukkot, the holiday of the harvest, they still do not ask the Almighty to send rain - because the rains would interfere with the fulfillment of the commandment to live in a hut. But on the day of Shmini Atzeret, they ask the Almighty to send us blessed rains.
      • National holiday of the Republic of Austria.
        National holiday of the Republic of Austria. On this day in 1955, the Austrian Parliament passed the Permanent Neutrality Law.
      • Mother-in-law's day. USA
      • The beginning of Diwali (for Hindus - the festival of lights).
      • Feast of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God (Orthodox). Orthodox feast of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God, considered the intercessor of the human race. The celebration was established in memory of the bringing to Moscow of the copy of the miraculous icon in 1648.
      • Simchat Torah is a Jewish holiday. The eighth day of Sukkot in Israel is also the day of Simchat Torah. In countries of dispersion, where holidays double, Simchat Torah falls on the ninth day of Sukkot. The essence of the holiday lies in the fact that on this day the reading of the Torah ends, the last weekly chapter of the book of Dvarim "And Behold the Blessing" is read, and a new annual cycle of reading the Torah begins, again from the beginning.
      • Labor Day. New Zealand
      • Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesNation Day.
      • Independence Day of Turkmenistan. It has been celebrated on October 27 and 28 since 1991. On October 27, 1991, the Parliament of Turkmenistan adopted the Law on Independence.
      • Rescuer Day. Ukraine
      • Ohi Day (Greece).
        Day of "Ohy" ("ohy" in Greek means "no"). Greek counterpart Russian Day victory. True, the Greeks celebrate not the end of the war, but its beginning. On October 28, 1940, the Greek government rejected an ultimatum from Italy demanding that Italian troops be allowed into Albania. The consequence of the refusal was the attack of Italy and Germany on Greece.
      • Day of the motorist.
      • Youth Day. Liberia
      • Day of the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey. On this day, solemn parades and festivities are held.
      • Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repressions.
        The Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions was established by the Decree of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR of October 18, 1991 N 1763/1-I "On the Establishment of the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions."
      • Laylat al-qadr - the night of predestination (Muslim holiday). Laylat al-qadr - the night of predestination. The night of the 27th day of the month of Ramadan is considered the night of predestination, fate, power. The holiness of Laylat al-Qadr lies in the fact that this night began the sending down of the Koran to Muhammad.

        Koran - last book Revelations of Allah. After the holy Prophet Muhammad, the Almighty did not send his prophets to mankind, did not transmit the Holy Scriptures. The final approval of monotheism is connected with the Koran - faith in the One God and the cessation of the deification of idols and their worship.

        The sending of the Koran to people is connected with the birth in the Arabian city of Mecca of a man named Muhammad, whom Allah chose as his messenger and prophet for all mankind. He was born in 570 (according to the Gregorian calendar), lost his parents early, was brought up by his grandfather, then by his uncle. He didn't have to study early years he began to work. Allah says: “You have not read any scripture before and you have not drawn with your right hand; otherwise those who consider this scripture would be in doubt.”

        Until the age of 40, he lived like all Meccans, was known among them for his exceptional honesty and good behavior, reliability and was invested with trust. He liked to retire in the mountains located around Mecca, to close himself in caves, to indulge in reflections.

        This happened on the twenty-seventh day of the month of Ramadan 610, on Monday night. On Mount Jabal al-Nur in the cave of Hira, someone in human form appeared before Muhammad and announced the words of Allah: “Read! In the name of your Lord, who created man from a clot. what he didn't know."

        It was the archangel Jibrail, the Wahi messenger of Allah. Muhammad repeated the words after him, and the archangel disappeared. So Muhammad learned from Jibrail that Allah had chosen him as his prophet. Thus began the earthly life of the Holy Book of Islam.

        It is believed that on the night of predestination, Allah decides on the fate of each person, taking into account his piety and the requests expressed in prayers. Therefore, it is customary to spend Laylat al-Qadr in the mosque, reading the Koran and offering prayers and requests to Allah and the angels.

      • Workers Day road transport and road management. The professional holiday of road transport and road workers has been celebrated since 1996 on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 7, 1996 N 1435 "On the establishment of the Day of workers of road transport and road facilities." Celebrated on the last Sunday in October.

      • In English-speaking countries - Celtic Samhain (Halloween, All Saints' Eve) - a fun holiday evil spirits and humor.
        The ancient Celts chose November 1 for their New Year. By November, the harvest was over, a cold, dark winter was approaching, which northern peoples associated with death. The Celts believed that on New Year's Eve the border between the worlds of the dead and the living opens and the shadows of the dead visit the earth in the past year.
        In order not to become the prey of a dead shadow, people extinguished the hearths in their houses and dressed up as scarily as possible - in animal skins and heads, hoping to scare away the ghosts that crawled across the open border. The spirits were put out treats on the street so that they would be satisfied with this and not break into the house. And the inhabitants themselves gathered around the fires, which were bred by the Druids, the Celtic priests. On this night, predictions were made, animals were sacrificed, and then everyone took a tongue of sacred flame into their house to light the winter hearth.
        By A.D. 43 e. the Romans occupied most of the Celtic territories. Over the 400 years that they spent on the lands of the Celts, not only the population, but also traditions mixed up: two Roman holidays were combined with the New Year. The first is Feralia, celebrated at the end of October, something like the day of remembrance of the dead, and the second is in honor of the goddess of fruits and trees, Pomona. Its symbol was an apple, and hence the modern Halloween tradition of playing with apples.
        In the 7th century, Pope Boniface IV approved November 1 as All Saints' Day, which was supposed to glorify saints and martyrs. So the Catholic Church replaced pagan holiday death to something similar.
        It is believed that Halloween was brought to America by the first Irish immigrants. On this day, people dressed up in costumes of witches and devils "representatives" of other evil spirits, scared and played each other, carried hollow pumpkins with a cut grin and a candle inside, symbolizing restless sinful souls. Halloween paraphernalia is entirely pagan-satanic: night time, the bats, cats, spiders, pomelo, skeletons, evil spirits, vampires, ghosts, goblins, scary stories as memories of the deeds of evil spirits. An indispensable attribute of Halloween is the rite "Trik or trak" ("Dirty or gift").
        However, at the end of the 19th century, they tried to do away with the mystical bias of Halloween, turning it into public holiday. City officials were ordered to throw parties with games and treats, and newspapers urged parents to "scare children less." So many of the superstitious features of Halloween have faded into history.
      • Protestants Celebrate Reformation Day(1517). Feast in honor of the founding of the Evangelical Church
      • Day of national dedication. India. It is celebrated on the day of the death of Indira Gandhi.
      • Day of Remembrance. Karachay-Cherkessia. ( anniversary of the deportation of the Karachay people from their places of residence).
      • Day of Remembrance for the victims of the tragic events of 1992, which marked the beginning of the Ossetian-Ingush conflict. North Ossetia Alania. Established in 1994 by the Decree of the President of SO A. Galazov.
      • Reformation Day. Slovenia.
      • Nevada Day. USA, Nevada.
      • Day of Chiang Kai-shek. Taiwan.
      • Mothers Day. Yakutia.