Good news: singer Jasmine gave birth to her third child. Jasmine: “I did not immediately dare to confess to my husband that I was pregnant again Pregnant Jasmine

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“Two and a half weeks before I found out about this, I had a dream that I was pregnant. And when I woke up, I told Ilan about it. But we did not attach importance to sleep. And even when I began to feel some changes in myself: I got dizzy - sometimes I thought I would faint - I decided that it was some kind of viral infection, ”says.

- Jasmine, last March you said that you were planning another child in two years. And now a year and a half has passed, you are pregnant ... Is everything going according to plan?

Yes, you can say that. The baby is due in April. After the birth of Daisy (three-year-old daughter of Jasmine and Ilan Shor. - Approx. ed.) I wanted to relax, do creative work, I had many plans. But also . It's better for children to have a slight difference.

- Do you already know the gender of the unborn child?

I'm going to have an ultrasound soon. The doctor promised me that at the twentieth week of pregnancy she would accurately determine the sex of the child. When Daisy was born, Ilan said: "0:1." Now he hopes to even the score. He last time, and Misha (18-year-old son of the singer from her first marriage. - Approx. ed.) I was in solidarity with Ilan on this issue. True, when Margarita was born, Ilan and Misha were happy, and the son generally said: “Still, it’s great that this is a girl.” And now he says: "There is already a girl, it's time to give birth to a boy."

With husband Ilan Shor Photo: Elena Sukhova

- How do you feel yourself?

You know, just the other day I had a dream: a brown-eyed boy is standing, and I know that this is my son. And then something happened, and the same boy looks at me with blue eyes. Last time, unlike my husband and son, I dreamed of a girl, but now I already have a daughter. So me too. And with blue eyes, just like Ilan's. We have already decided on a male name: Miron, in honor of her husband's father. By the way, we named our daughter after my mother. Sometimes my dad and I even call Daisy mommy, mommy, mommy. True, she answers us: "I'm not a mommy, I'm Margarita!" But she only would contradict us in everything. She is a very characteristic girl, besides strong and hardy. Serious beyond her years, rarely smiles. It's not easy for her sometimes. But that pregnancy was easy, now there are more problems. Perhaps this is just because it will be a boy? I remember when I was carrying Misha, I had severe toxicosis, and this pregnancy is the same. And with Margarita, I performed until the eighth month, participated in all the filming, wore high heels. In general, I thought that women make up everything about ailments, fatigue, changes in mood, strange food addictions ... And now I have experienced it all myself - irritability, excessive emotionality. I also noticed that I became very aggressive: I was ready to go into battle, destroy everything, scold everyone. Now don’t feed me bread, let me sort things out with someone. All people do something wrong, live wrong, breathe wrong. At night, I imagine how in the morning I will swear with someone. And I scroll through the whole conversation in my head: I come up with replicas both for myself and for the interlocutor. And I can't even sleep because of it. And in the morning I wake up and I can’t understand at all why, why did these thoughts come into my head the day before?

Fans of the singer thought that she gained a few extra pounds. The most curious followers of the star on Instagram have already begun to find out if the artist is expecting a third baby.

Jasmine received a luxurious bouquet from her husband for her birthday. Photo:

In the last year, Jasmine has become a role model - constant physical activity and proper nutrition helped the star to keep herself in great shape. Moreover, the singer did not give up even on vacation, and other types of fitness. As a result, the mother of two children - 18-year-old Mikhail and 3-year-old Margarita - began to look like a girl. Jasmine lost more than 20 kilograms, achieving amazing results.

However, in September, fans noticed that their favorite artist “floated” again. And after the performance on the New Wave, they began to openly discuss its noticeably changed forms. Jasmine posted a photo on Instagram with Igor Krutoy, which shows the artist's tummy and even the fact that her face has changed a little. After that, the fans bombarded the singer with questions. "You are pregnant? Or have you gotten better? It seemed to me that at the performance you have a tummy))) - the subscribers of the Jasmine page wrote (the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - approx. site). - Jasmine you are pregnant, are you chubby on a new wave? Improved a lot! Ugh! How did you get better if you didn’t have daily workouts ?! I think she has a belly!!! If so, then good luck to you and your baby! She is charming) but it seemed to me that Jasmine is pregnant, her tummy is visible) it's great) I'm happy for her, even if it's not.

Singer Jasmine was born in October in the glorious city of Derbent, Dagestan ASSR. How old is Jasmine - the singer, it is not worth specifying, but at her age she already has three children.

Brief biography of the singer

Real name - Sarah Lvovna Manakhimova. Jasmine is a popular Russian singer, actress, TV presenter, model and designer. And also Honored Artist of Russia and Dagestan. Sarah has been married twice. The first husband was Vyacheslav Semenduev. In 1997, their son Mikhail was born. Jasmine and Vyacheslav lived together for ten years. Thanks to him, the singer reached creative heights. But a happy and long marriage soon came to an end. Rumors began to circulate in the press that the husband was beating his wife. He forced her to sign some documents that Jasmine knew nothing about. Semenduev denied all this, accusing his wife of treason. This was followed by a difficult divorce lawsuit, in which Jasmine managed to defend the right to raise her son Michael.

Jasmine shared the events of a difficult period of her life in a book she called "Hostage". But Sarah did not grieve for long. Soon she met businessman Ilan Shor, who became her support, "friendly shoulder", and then in 2011 Ilan Shor proposed marriage. Later, a beautiful daughter, Margarita, was born. She received the name in honor of the mother of the singer.

Soon, more rumors began to appear in the press that the singer's second husband had robbed three large Moldovan banks for about a billion rubles, and in 2015 he was arrested. This case began to be investigated at the beginning of the year, and in May the businessman was taken into custody. He denied everything and claimed that the money had disappeared from the accounts earlier. This process received a lot of publicity. But this case got a good ending.

Singer Jasmine gave birth to her third child

Recently it became known that the happy couple will soon become young parents again. Dad Ilan and mom Jasmine said they dream of a son. The singer admitted that the third pregnancy allowed her to understand for the first time what it is to be truly pregnant. After all, with the first two, she did not survive all the "joys" - toxicosis, dizziness, weakness and others. During pregnancy, Jasmine managed to get very tired: her poor condition knocked her out of her usual everyday life. The singer often began to visit headaches, irritability and a terrible mood. The young mother admits that she did not believe the stories of future mothers about how hard it is for them to endure pregnancy before, she thought that they were exaggerating. Before the singer Jasmine gave birth to her third child, she did not know what poor health and mood swings were. The third baby brought many surprises. She even had to give up her favorite yoga classes, following the prohibitions of doctors. The singer's tastes have also changed: she preferred sauerkraut and pickles to her favorite dishes of chicken and fish. The news of the baby made Jasmine's husband very happy. He began to care for her even more. True, he works a lot and cannot be around all the time. The artist is already used to the fact that they rarely see each other. Singer Jasmine gave birth to her third child in early spring. Now she and her husband are happy parents again.

Jasmine - singer: "Children are the flowers of life"

Now the family of the singer has three children. The eldest son Michael is 18 years old. Daughter Margarita recently turned 4 years old. And now the singer Jasmine has given birth to her third child.