What to give a guy for his birthday. Choosing what you can give a guy for his birthday: inexpensive and original options

Gift Ideas

The birthday of a dear person is not only a joy, but also a great responsibility. Each of us wants to please the birthday man and give him something necessary and memorable. But choosing a truly country present is not easy. If you can't figure out what to get your boyfriend for his birthday, our list of ideas will help solve the problem.

How to choose the right birthday present for your boyfriend

The choice of a gift must be approached seriously, considering all the options in advance. There are several criteria for choosing a successful presentation:

  • Recipient's age. Presents for a teenage guy and an adult will be very different.
  • Having a hobby. If the birthday boy has a serious hobby, choose good present it will be much easier.
  • The need for a gift. It is very good if the present is really useful to the guy and will bring pleasure or benefit.
  • Price. The Right Budget a gift should be chosen based on your financial capabilities, but taking into account the capabilities of the guy. If you give something too expensive, it can put him in an uncomfortable position.
  • characteristics of your relationship. In many situations intimate or joke gifts just out of place, remember that.

Before you go shopping, analyze what you know about the guy, about his lifestyle and character. This will definitely give you some ideas. You can also start a conversation about gifts or invite the future birthday boy to walk around the mall. So you will notice what he is more interested in.

Do not ask the birthday man about the gift directly. Usually men are embarrassed or offended by this, and you definitely won’t get a specific answer.

When choosing a present, try to avoid too banal and unnecessary options. In no case do not give ties and socks, shaving accessories and perfumes. You should also avoid ready-made men's gifts from stores, such as shower or bath kits. If you really want to present something like this, choose the right things yourself and pack it with your own hands.

TOP 10 birthday gift ideas for boyfriend

  1. Tools for repair
  2. Covers for documents or wallets
  3. Removable battery
  4. Keyboard vacuum cleaner
  5. USB fridge for one jar
  6. Fitness bracelet
  7. Alcoholic drinks
  8. Golf for the office
  9. Radio-controlled helicopter
  10. Homemade fortune cookies

Useful birthday gift ideas for boyfriend

Most men are very practical, so they like to receive things that are useful in everyday life as a gift. Given the interests of the birthday man and his occupation, you can choose something necessary and pleasant, for example:

  • Tools for home or car repair. It can be a set of the most necessary tools in a compact case, a drill, a screwdriver with a battery, a jigsaw or a set of screwdrivers of various shapes. Also a good gift would be a box for storing tools.
  • Personal care devices. Only a very close person can give such gifts. The best ideas are a trimmer or massager.
  • Household appliances for the kitchen. Such a present is useful to a guy who lives alone and does not like to cook his own food. You can present him with a coffee maker, an electric kettle or a slow cooker.
  • Useful leather goods, for example, document covers, pormone, folder or briefcase for documents
  • Necessary little things such as folding knife, umbrella, money clip, etc.

Almost all modern guys use computers and various digital gadgets. Therefore, any things that will help make their use more comfortable can be attributed to useful gifts. Great gift ideas:

  • Removable battery or solar powered charger;
  • Video Glasses;
  • Keyboard vacuum cleaner;
  • Memory card or funny flash drive;
  • USB mug warming drinks or USB fridge for one can;
  • A stand that cools the laptop while working;
  • External hard drive;
  • Joystick.

Try not to let your undoubtedly useful gift become too boring. To do this, you can come up with a fun package or comic congratulations for delivery.

If the birthday boy is an active guy and loves to play sports, he will need equipment for training or active games, for example:

  • Boxing gloves;
  • Helmet;
  • Dumbbells or expander;
  • Ball for T-shirt, basketball, etc.;
  • Tennis or badminton rackets;
  • Frisbee plate;
  • Fitness bracelet.

Delicious birthday gifts for a boyfriend - a list of ideas

Usually guys love to eat well, so any tasty gifts will be appropriate. Only when choosing such a present, you need to know what treats the birthday person prefers. The best ideas for delicious gifts for a guy:

  • Good tea or coffee set if the birthday boy loves this drink. You can also give mate tea, which must be complemented with a beautiful calabash and bombilla. And to the lover natural coffee a Turk, decorated with an original ornament, will come in handy.
  • Alcoholic drinks. If the guy is an adult and sometimes allows himself alcohol, you can give him a bottle of what he prefers. To make the gift more interesting, the bottle can be decorated, for example, dressed up in a gentleman's paper suit or decorated using decoupage technique. Another good idea is a beer cake for a beer lover. You can make it by attaching the required number of jars to honey with adhesive tape. Be sure to decorate the top of the cake with flowers from snacks for beer.
  • Sweets. If the birthday boy is a real sweet tooth, then the gift should be appropriate. You can order a cake for him from the confectioner with interesting figurines made of mastic, with a photo of the birthday man or with a funny caption. You can also give cookies or handmade sweets of an unusual shape. Not bad idea- make a car or a friend figure out of sweets that the birthday man will definitely like.

A good idea delicious gift- Assistance in the preparation of snacks. If the birthday boy is planning house party, invite him to help with a treat or bring something ready to go. Most single guys will really like this gift.

List of ideas for interesting and funny gifts for a guy

If the birthday boy has a good sense of humor and he is not against jokes, even if they make fun of him, you can choose something cool as a gift, for example:

  • Golf for the office or even for the toilet;
  • Caricature based on the photo of the birthday boy;
  • Board game for the company or Twister;
  • A funny t-shirt made to order so that the joke concerns the recipient personally;
  • A radio-controlled helicopter is the dream of all boys, even quite adults;
  • Certificate for participation in a quest or battle in paintball or laser tag;
  • Hookah - a gift only for a smoking birthday man;
  • An alarm clock that runs away or flies away, or performs other actions that make even the most stubborn sleepyhead get up;
  • An anti-stress coloring book so that the birthday boy never gets nervous over trifles.

Birthday gift ideas for boyfriend by age

It's no secret that with age, tastes and interests change. Therefore, when choosing a gift, it is worth considering this factor. The most popular gift ideas by age:

  • Up to 18 years old. The guy will like any computer accessories, for example, good headphones or a gamer's mouse, movie tickets, an invitation to an ice rink or a water park, a funny t-shirt or baseball cap and various jokes. You can also give something useful in your studies. Avoid overly childish presents.
  • 18-25 years old. Presents from the first list are still relevant. You can also give some of the fashion accessories, such as a belt, a scarf, or a stylish umbrella. And a guy of this age will like an extreme (or not so) adventure.
  • Over 25 years old. This is already quite an adult man, who probably has everything you need. At this age, you can give something for a hobby, auto accessories, if the guy has a car, useful gifts for the home. If you have a close enough love relationship, you can please the birthday boy with an intimate present, a Kama sheet or the Party in Bed game will do.

What to do if there is no money for a gift for a guy - the best ideas

The first thing that comes to mind is to make a present with your own hands. If you have some talents, you can safely implement them, for example, knit a chic sweater with deers for a birthday person or sew a cover for a gadget. And for those who are not friends with needlework, you will have to use maximum imagination and come up with something simple, for example:

  • Homemade fortune cookies. Its recipe is very simple, so everyone can handle it. The main thing is to act quickly and come up with really interesting predictions.
  • Balloon composition. Do it with the interests of the traitor in mind. For example, if he dreams of his own car, give a car made of balloons.
  • A collage of shared photos. It is desirable to make it large and supplement the pictures with funny captions.

Do not be afraid of unexpected decisions. You can instead traditional gift organize a raffle or a surprise party for the birthday boy. The main thing is to please the guy and make his birthday unforgettable.

birthday is the most long-awaited holiday, awaited with great trepidation. On this day, we can once again tell our loved one about feelings and present a pleasant surprise. What can you give a guy for his birthday so that the gift brings him positive emotions and is remembered for a lifetime?

Birthday present for your boyfriend

What are the criteria for choosing a gift for a guy?

When choosing a gift for a guy, you need to take into account several criteria: his hobbies, professional interests, age and character. They prefer to receive practical gifts that can be used in Everyday life. At the same time, do not forget that many guys are waiting not for a material gift, but for something that will bring new emotions and impressions. If you do not yet know the hobbies and his desires, you can always find something interesting for everyone, regardless of age.

The most popular gifts for everyone

A child lives in the soul of an adult, so a gift that temporarily takes him back to childhood will not leave anyone indifferent. An exciting computer game, a game console, a game steering wheel with a gearbox will give him positive emotions and drive, which are lacking in everyday life.

Your big boy he will be surprised and interested if you give him radio-controlled toys that he has dreamed of since childhood.

A classic gift for a guy is Leather Products: belt, purse, business card holder, covers for documents. A diverse range of models makes it possible to choose leather gift by age and status of the recipient. Leather materials are durable and do not shed external gloss. This gift will emphasize the elegance and masculinity of your chosen one.

Sports are the most popular hobby for men. Football or basketball, boxing gloves - nice gift for useful leisure. For young people who go to the gym, a sports bag or fitness accessories (designer sports bottle, heart rate monitor bracelet, wristband) is a useful gift. On the sports bag or a bottle, you can apply any pattern or emblem. This service is provided in any photo studio, it will make your gift individual.

Age features of choosing a gift for a guy

Throughout life, life priorities, hobbies, profession and hobbies change. Therefore, it is important to choose a gift according to the age of the recipient. Consider what is customary to give for certain age groups:

  1. boys under 16 they want to grow up faster, so it is important for them to have the attributes of adult men. They will be interested computer games with manipulators to feel as realistic as possible behind the wheel of a racing car.
  2. boys aged 16 to 25 gradually grow up, begin to be interested in technical innovations and fashion trends. A good gift for this age group: electronic book, new model tablet, fashion accessories (belt, bag, watch).
  3. boys over 25 have already determined life priorities and interests and begin to appreciate gifts that emphasize their status and are useful in everyday life.

The better we know the person, the easier it is to choose a gift. When communicating with a guy, pay attention to what activities he is interested in, what he talks about with great enthusiasm and emotionality. This will help you choose perfect gift for a loved one.

Is the guy an avid motorist for whom a car is not only a means of transportation, but a real hobby?

Then feel free to look for a gift in the car shop! Pay attention to useful accessories for the car:

  1. cigarette lighter travel mug
  2. keychain tire pressure meter
  3. dashboard mat
  4. holder for your mobile phone
  5. car keychain in the form of a mini-model of his car

Such accessories are designed for everyday use and will make his trips more comfortable.

Lover active rest, fishing and tourism donate travel bag for fishing tackle or a hiking backpack in his favorite color. From a special educational literature you can pick up colorful books about fishing, hiking or mountaineering. A practical gift for outdoor activities will be an isothermal lunch box that keeps food warm and fresh or a set of travel utensils in a case.

If a guy is fond of computers, it is not necessary to give him narrowly focused devices and gadgets, there is a chance to make a mistake with their choice. It is better to surprise him with a practical and cool gift related to his passion for computers. For a person who spends a lot of time at the computer, a USB-heated thermo mug will be a useful gift. The ability to connect several devices to a computer at the same time is a must for an IT specialist.

Please him with a usb-splitter in the form funny figurines. Give to lift your spirits cool accessories for everyday use: creative computer mice of different colors and shapes, original designer flash cards or USB-heated slippers.

New impressions as a gift

Not only things can serve as a gift, but also interesting events that will give your chosen one positive emotions, new sensations and adventures. This event will be remembered for a lifetime.

  • If a young man loves thrill, present a certificate for a parachute jump.
  • Meet your hero after the jump and invite him to a festive picnic and a walk.
  • A certificate for a joint flight on an airplane with the ability to fly it yourself will bring a storm of new sensations and drive to both the recipient and the donor.
  • For a connoisseur of a relaxing holiday in nature, choose horseback riding. This joint horse ride will provide an opportunity to enjoy nature and each other's company.

Read also: What snacks are now choosing for the festive table?

A new format of entertainment is gaining relevance - game quests in reality, in which, due to its logic, it is necessary to pass all the tests and leave the room. Gather friends and have fun with the birthday boy - original idea that will please everyone.

When buying a certificate, consider the interests of the recipient of the gift, there are historical quests, frightening quests, fun quests, intellectual quests.

Guys like to play computer games with shootouts. Give him the opportunity to shoot paints in reality in a paintball club with friends, and then have fun together at the recreation center.

A gift with a touch of romance will be an invitation to festive dinner on the roof. You can hint in advance unusual evening, blindfold him and bring him to the roof, where a table will be set for you with a beautiful view of the city. Now in every city of Russia there are agencies that provide such a service. You can easily choose the most convenient option.

romantic an intimate gift for a guy will be a beautiful striptease performed by you, an erotic massage or an intriguing erotic game for two. Such a gift will help you express your feelings and emotions for a guy on this important holiday for him.

Gift with a minimum budget

How to congratulate a guy with a small budget at his disposal to buy a gift? There is always the opportunity to pick up a gift without spending a lot of money, or make a gift with your own hands. In any photo salon, you can order a postcard with a collage of photos of the birthday man. Draw a poster by adding interesting photos, nice words and sticking pictures of wishes. Let all the grandiose dreams of the birthday boy come true on this poster: a luxurious villa on the ocean, a luxury car and exciting travels.

A sweet tooth will be pleased with a cake made to order or baked by you. Approach a sweet gift with humor by ordering a cake in the form of a tuxedo, a racing car, soccer ball or some other hobby of his. Give your boyfriend a bottle of good liquor or a set that includes a corkscrew and wine corks. The sets are sold in an elegant box that will decorate any interior. They are perfect for a presentation. ex boyfriend as a sign of respect.

Buying a gift

Where to find the right gifts without wasting much time? The modern system of online stores allows you to order any product with home delivery. On the Internet, you can track current promotions and sales. This is a great opportunity to quickly and inexpensively buy the right product. Many online stores offer real-time online consultation. Experienced employees of the store will help you choose and unusually arrange a gift.

Let's be clear about the concepts. Who are these guys?
Cool, funny, confident and not so, "cool", crazy, athletic, dexterous and courageous, self-sufficient and low-income, romantic and shy, doubtful and determined.

In general, we call a guy a young man, a teenager, or even a boy. Therefore, when the conversation turns to gifts, we will rely on this definition: a guy is a young man from 15 to 30 years old.

It makes no sense to say that everyone loves gifts. As well as the fact that the choice of a gift should be individual. It is important not to forget that the purpose of your birthday surprise is to raise the mood and self-esteem of the birthday person.

Let the gift be not very expensive, but it must necessarily carry its main function - to bring joy. So let's start picking!

If the guy is your classmate

You study with this guy at school, which means you know him as a student, comrade, friend.
Take a closer look at what your classmate pays the most attention to. What is he interested in, what is he interested in?

Book most universal gift. There will be exceptions only when you find out that the birthday boy cannot read at all. Fortunately, this is a rarity these days.

The book can be chosen according to your friend's interests: about computers, about animals, about tricks, about cars, about fishing, about sports, etc. Or maybe the birthday boy is a fan of fairy tales. After all, even adults are interested in fairy tales.

The price will be different. Depends on binding, quality of sheets and format. From 150 rubles and more.

Soft toy. You will be mistaken if you think that such gifts should be given only to girls. Not at all. Every guy at heart remains a child and has his own sentimentality. Only one hides it deep. Others are not shy about showing their feelings to others.

Associate your present with the birthday boy. Maybe he is a lion according to the horoscope? Or maybe his parents do not allow him a live dog, then the toy will be the embodiment of his dream. Remember A film for children about Electronics and Syroezhkin!

The price depends on the size and quality of the material. From 100 rubles.

If you are not invited to a birthday, but just want to express your attitude to the birthday event, you can give the guy small souvenirs: keychain, magnet with good words, a disk with a photo, a pen (preferably a cool one), a notepad. And you can limit yourself to a simple postcard. The main thing is attention!

If a guy goes in for sports, well, or at least not against physical education, then sports gifts will obviously please him.
Volleyball (from 300 rubles), football (from 700 rubles), basketball (from 500 rubles). Tennis sets (racquet and ball) for playing on the table (from 500 rubles). The price will depend on the quality of the product.
If the budget allows, you can purchase a set for tennis (from 4000 rubles).

a good gift for winter birthdays there will be ice for skiing from the mountain (from 200 rubles). Gloves for the goalkeeper (for those born in the summer). If the birthday boy strives for victories, you can speed up his dream and present a sports cup. It's good if you engrave "Dreams come true!" or “On the birthday of the future world champion” (cost from 400 rubles plus engraving).

Games. Give the birthday boy the game "Battleship" or "Monopoly". Checkers, chess, backgammon, dominoes... Or maybe Darts is better? A great surprise will be the game "Puzzles". The price is about 300-500 rubles.

Computer or phone accessories. A birthday boy will always need a new computer mouse (from 150 rubles), a flash drive (from 300 rubles), a headset for mobile phone(from 150 rubles), headphones (from 200 rubles), a keyboard for a computer (from 700 rubles), a phone case (from 300 rubles).

Everything for creativity. Apparatus for burning wood (from 2000 rubles). Mass for modeling (from 200 rubles). Paints, brushes, crayons, felt-tip pens, an artist's portfolio (around 500-1500 rubles).

Entertainment. Cinema tickets (from 150 rubles). Tickets for attractions in the park (from 120 rubles), planetarium, diorama, museum.

gifts for development. Globe (from 300 rubles). Microscope (from 1000 rubles). Set "Young Chemist" (from 500 rubles). Designers (from 200 rubles). Geographic Maps.

Piggy bank. Great present for a classmate. Throw some coins into the piggy bank. A start. Let him save up for some next dream! (price from 250 rubles).

Photo frame. Of the inexpensive gifts, the most suitable. Find the most interesting birthday photo. Pick a theme frame. The presentation is ready. Feel free to give the birthday man, he will definitely smile! (costs 100-200 rubles).

Gift for a young classmate

This young man is already older and his hobbies are more conscious and strong. We continue to focus on this when choosing a gift for a birthday.

All for music lessons. Give a CD with recordings of your favorite artists (from 100 rubles). A good option for a singing lover is a microphone (from 1500 rubles). Flash drive for phonograms (from 500 rubles). The guitar is a chic choice for a joint gift from real friends.

Photo album. The album itself is already a gift with meaning. If you have known the birthday person for a long time and have a lot of joint photos in the archive, you can insert them into the album, thereby making the surprise more significant (price from 600 rubles).

Watch. The clock, they say, hints at lost time. But this is not the case with the guy. At present, young people simply need a guide. So much to do!

Give a wrist watch (from 250 rubles) if you know the birthday man well and are sure that the gift is needed.
Wall clocks can be given to everyone (cost from 300 rubles).

Covers for documents: passport, driver's license, student card. Specialized stores have a wide range of products to choose from.
There are classic, creative, thematic, humorous (about 500 rubles).

Paintings. This gift belongs to the neutral type and is very commonplace.

Find an unusual picture (made of sand, stone, cloth, wool, etc.). Image, technique, style are important. Intrigue the recipient. Compose a legend that you want to believe in (from 600 rubles).

Alarm. An option has already been proposed - a clock. But still, we will single out this gift in a separate category.
Your classmate needs an alarm clock. Wake up in time, “come to your senses” in time, “catch a happy moment”, find “your time”. And besides, it's so fashionable to wake up to the sound of a real alarm clock.
Great if the model is vintage. A true connoisseur of creativity will definitely appreciate your creative approach! (Price from 500 rubles).

Frame. This gift is better to give with inserted photos. Come up with an original name and “stretch” it as a leitmotif throughout the surprise.
For example, choose a frame in the style of "I will not give up without a fight!" or “Everything is in my hands!” or “When the trees were big…”, print suitable photos (price from 300 rubles).

Magnetic board. This show is getting more and more popular. Since childhood, everyone has a desire to draw on the board. Give this opportunity to your friend! (from 1000 rubles).

Chess. And why not give this game to a smart student? Choose the right option: wood, ceramics, stone… or chocolate (the price can fluctuate sharply from 200 rubles to several thousand).

Backpack or bag. A necessary and functional thing, especially for young people.
Remember yourself: often when you are going on a trip, it suddenly turns out that there is no suitable bag.

And also such a gift will remind your friend of the happy minutes spent traveling (price from 600 rubles).

What gift to choose for a colleague

What to give for a birthday to a young man with whom you share daily workdays?

If only work brings you together, then gifts should be either professional-related or neutral. Can do joint gifts with other work colleagues.

Stationery set on the table. The most popular present for unfamiliar colleagues. It does not oblige to anything, does not hint at anything. Simple, aesthetic, functional, beautiful. (price from 2000 rubles).

Cup. Well, without her? Your colleague simply needs it: coffee, tea, kefir and other drinks consumed at work. Who will update the container for a colleague? Of course, you!

Buy an expensive mug, unusual, or maybe personalized or with your favorite saying. You can also add a spoon. Be creative, and your gift will be accepted with a bang. (price from 1000 rubles).

Tea or coffee collection. If a colleague is a fan of tea, then the collection set is a very good birthday present. Accordingly, the coffee collection is suitable for lovers of coffee drinks. (price from 2000 rubles).

Mini barbecue and barbecue skewers. You need to rest constantly. Going to barbecue is one of the most favorite activities in Sundays. A gift to a young colleague will only increase and speed up pleasant moments of enjoyment in nature. (price from 2500 rubles and above).

office chair. A good gift for a birthday (price from 2000 rubles).

Umbrella. The bigger, the better. Definitely good quality. Work is work, but the weather in the house is always more important. Let this gift not only serve its intended purpose, but also protect the birthday man's family from all "misfortunes and blizzards."

bottle of cognac and original stand for it. You can give a special box for a bottle.

It is better to give such a present to a colleague with whom you can communicate outside of working hours (price from 2000 rubles).

Mini bar. Suitable option for a colleague friend. He will appreciate your hint and will invite you to visit more often (from 3,000 rubles).

Gifts with humor. Pillow for sleeping (during a break) (700 rubles), mood calendar (300 rubles), a book-box for a bottle (from 600 rubles), a ball of desires (600 rubles), an anti-stress pillow (300 rubles), a flying alarm clock (from 600 rubles roubles), illuminated slippers (2000 roubles), car interior set “Clean Car” (from 1500 roubles).

gold fish in aquarium. It's good if your colleague has a separate office. Well, or at least a separate shelf. You can always ask for your desires a miracle fish (from 600 rubles).

Purchase Certificate. Oddly enough, guys love such gifts. Correctness in determining the price of a certificate is important here. It is ridiculous to give 1000 rubles to go to a store where the cost of goods is from 3000 rubles. It is better to pay attention to the priorities of the birthday boy in advance.

Technique. A tape recorder, a telephone, a voice recorder, a tablet, a camera are excellent collective gifts.

If the guy is economic, you can add something from household appliances: a slow cooker, a kettle, a coffee maker, a double boiler, a microwave oven, a juicer, a steamer ( estimated cost from 3000 rubles).

Money. Banknotes were and remain a good gift. Put such a surprise in a beautiful envelope. Be sure to add a bouquet of flowers.

Male flowers: carnations, callas, gladiolus, daffodils.

What to give your boyfriend for his birthday

Classic category

Wallet. Of course you don't care financial position your friend.
Choose a quality wallet or purse for him.

Be sure to invest a coin, and preferably a dollar or euro. (Price from 2000 rubles, no less!)

Belt. Fashionable, modern, better black, leather. This gift will always please and remind you of your care (price from 2500 rubles).

business card holder. Better leather and original. For men, it is very important that a woman supports his passion for his favorite work. And here is such a gift - a warehouse for business cards at work. The guy will definitely appreciate your approach to business (price from 1500 rubles).

silver chain with a cross (from 3000 rubles). You can also give gold if your relationship is strong enough. But still, do not try to choose gold as a gift for young guys. Let the initiative to give dear jewelry remains with the men.

hat and scarf, sweater, gloves, sports jacket, vest ... In general, something from the clothes. When choosing such things, you need to clearly know the size and favorite colors of the birthday man. Mistakes in choosing such gifts cannot be allowed. Otherwise, the surprise will not be pleasant.

romantic gifts

Dance for the beloved. Your friend will simply be "stunned" when he sees that you learned this dance only for him. Surprise with a costume and make-up. It's good if you capture your surprise on camera. Memories will remain for a long time.

romantic dinner. Create a holiday atmosphere. Light a trail of candles to the venue. Prepare exquisite, unusual dishes, accompany them good wine or champagne.

Cake"Only for you!". You can hide congratulations or wishes wrapped in foil in the cake. Or maybe it will be some kind of pleasant birthday news.

Slide show from photo. Include the birthday boy's favorite music in the show. Use a photo where the positive is in the lead and good mood. Let it be yours joint photos. The birthday boy will once again think about how good he is with you!

Frame. In the frame, the inscription "It's very sad without you!" Add a good touching story about how empty your life is without a birthday boy.

Photoshoot in a romantic picturesque place. Get a photographer. Find a suitable place for romantic photos.

Poetry. If you compose a little, then your poems will be a very touching gift. Print them out on beautiful paper, frame.

Bed set to order in the style of "For the Beloved".

extreme gifts

Do-it-yourself gift for a guy

Such gifts will definitely be appreciated by the guy who loves you. His joy will know no bounds. After all, you constantly thought about him while preparing your surprise.

Now he will think about you, carefully preserving the little thing that you made with your own hands. Making such gifts requires certain skills. If you are endowed with them - go ahead!

Knitted or sewn item. It can be a sweater or shirt, hat or shorts.

Did you sew the tie and bow tie yourself? Or maybe it's a case for glasses? Or maybe it will be house slippers? Gloves? Socks? You know what you need!

Painted bottle or mug. Suitable stained glass or acrylic paints. Determine the theme according to the interests of the birthday person: the sea, hunting, sports, fishing, love ... You can wrap the bottle with leather, sprinkle with shells, small pebbles ...

Embroidered pillow or a T-shirt.

you raised plant for loved one? Name it: “My tenderness”, “My cat”, “For my hare”, “For my prince”, “Love aroma”, “Our dreams”… Show your imagination by coming up with a name for a gift to your hero.

fabricate a book with anniversaries , events or with beautiful aphorisms and expressions. Or maybe you'll illustrate your boyfriend's favorite jokes.

Soap. Weld gift soap for the birthday boy unusual forms: heart, sandwich, candy, cup ... Pack with a homemade box. Make a memorable holiday inscription.

Portrait or friendly cartoon.

write down song or video for the beloved.

fabricate triptych frame. Place good photos with the birthday boy.

fabricate postcard with your own hands.

And the last. Gifts are best given on a birthday in the morning! Thus, we "charge the birthday boy for the holiday." After all, do you remember the main goal of congratulations?

When holidays come one after another: New Year, Christmas, February 23, birthdays, dating days, wedding anniversaries, etc., looking for gifts. And if finding a gift for a woman is not difficult, then finding ... It seems that what he needs, this man, especially when you ask him and hear the answer - nothing? This does not mean at all that he does not need anything. It's just that he is so tired of answering this question, taking into account the fact that he himself does not know what he needs, but he still wants to get something pleasant and / or useful.

Having collected all the fabrications of a similar topic on the forum, adding a couple of books and experience here, we make a list of what. A plus interesting rule- for a birthday, it is advisable to give a good and the right thing, for the New Year, February 23 and other minor holidays - of course, you can do the same, but it’s easier to buy a souvenir (otherwise there will be nothing left for the next birthday). In the list below, gifts are sorted (roughly) in descending order of cash spent on them. You can change things around. A separate list - bells and whistles for those who are fond of something.

General gifts for men

Flat. No comment. Only for the very best…

Car. Probably, but for fairly wealthy ladies. Just make sure you really need it. Some are just afraid and don't want to drive. And some already have 1-2-3 cars and yours is like a dog's fifth leg.

Motorbike . Gadgets to it, if you already have. Motorcycle helmet, matching T-shirt, bandana, etc.

Computer or laptop. Only here you need to know what to give. If you don't understand, it's better not to. Or ask if you need something specific.

Camera (simple or digital). Video camera (analogue or digital). Accessories for them (flashlights, tripods, bags, cassettes, etc.)

Household appliances as a gift for a man

TV, home theater, music center, VCR, DVD, tape recorder, speakers. Karaoke, microphone.

Hair clipper.

Bachelor - Dishwasher, good iron, microwave with grill . To him - binoculars or spyglass (if there is a high-rise building opposite). Light music for the music center. Nice bright table lamp.

Radio or small tape recorder if the work is related to business trips in the wilderness. The radio receiver can be in the form of headphones. Same way - electronic games like "Tetris", "Electronics", lotto or monopoly.

Electric Toothbrush.

Cell phone and accessories . There is nothing to write on cell phones, it’s easier to go to the store and get advice from the sellers. Gadgets - key rings, luminous pendants, laces, headphones, a phone stand at home, in the car. You can use a simple phone, a home phone, preferably a wireless handset.

Watch. Depending on the availability of money - gold, gilded, very expensive, not very expensive, very cheap. For the military - necessarily commander's, they do not recognize others. You can give an alarm clock - especially to a person whom you meet not so long ago and he is always late for dates. Or you wake up to work together - a double benefit. Stylish or funny.

Pneumatic rifle. Shooting kit (target+figures+pistol or rifle). Darts and cool darts to it.

Business accessories as a gift for a man

Notepad, business diary, diary, electronic notebook, organizer, calculator (especially if a man is an accountant, this will be a very good gift for him) and other things for work.
Stand for stationery - such a thing on the table, where pens, pencils, scissors, paper clips, notepads and other nonsense live. From very stylish, expensive and large to a simple stand for a notebook and a pen. There are also very beautiful wooden and not only business card holders.
Good pen. Leather cover for the passport. Leather cover for auto-documents. Wallet or purse (also preferably leather). Good penknife. Housekeeper (leather or so), key ring (for the car - with its symbols).

Clothes fit for a man

Sweaters, jumpers, t-shirts . You can knit a sweater or jumper yourself or buy it, funny or serious, depending on the relationship with the man.
A simple, very expensive branded T-shirt, with a photo (of a man, of you, your child, your family, your favorite actress or singer (possible in the nude), etc.), with the inscription (The best husband-lover, etc., with a cool inscription).

Outerwear - coat, jacket, windbreaker, sheepskin coat, hats and more. Jeans, trousers (sew by yourself), suit, jacket.

Robe. Pajamas. Underpants (only for a very close person, you can and should be funny, in sex shops they sell VERY interesting ones in general. Mikey. Slippers - summer flip flops, winter warm, funny and not very, but also necessarily practical.

Scarf (buy or knit, you can knit together with a hat in the same style). Gloves (leather, sheepskin). Socks (knitted by myself and only for a loved one, father, brother or grandfather - others will not understand).

Ties. Only for those who wear. Serious, funny, in blots or with naked women. Tie-pin .

Trouser belt. Here it is unambiguous - only leather, for some reason they do not recognize others. Suspenders (only for those who wear it, otherwise it’s a waste of time and money. Or if his wife is pregnant, it will be very convenient for her to use them).

Jewelry. The chain is gold or silver (if you like more, ask in advance). A cross, if baptized or about to be baptized. Ring or signet, if you like. Half of a heart on a chain (there are such - two halves on chains, keep the other half). You can gold, silver, but there are also simple ones.

Bags. Purse, folder, diplomat, good bag(large capacious or small folding), suitcase. Leather, leatherette, rag. Backpack ( young guy instead of a bag, for an adult - for fishing, hunting).

Shoes usually causes problems, well it is, for the sake of completeness.

Holiday gifts for men

Beach mat, folding beach chair, sun lounger, large beautiful towel, swimming trunks, sun cream, cap.

Warm blanket, warm big camel blanket.

Rocking chair, hammock.


A set of glasses, wine set.

Perfumes as a gift for a man

Eau de Toilette. Depending on the character of your man, his hobbies for sports and common wishes and most importantly, your sensitivity to smells. Sniff something basically you!

Deodorant. Shaving kits. Creams, gels, jellies for shaving and aftershave. To them, or separately - an electric razor or machines of a good brand + shaving brush, depending on what you shave with.
Sets for face and body skin care. Creams, balms, gels, milk and more. There are men who are very fond of it. Especially those who have bad skin (anti-inflammatory balms, anti-acne tonics). But keep in mind, if you give this to a person who is not very familiar, there may be a lot of insults.
Shower sets. Also not for all men, many simply do not understand what it is and who needs it. Here - aromatic salts, shampoos for men, shower gels, washcloths (there are in the form of naked ladies).

Further, a chaotic list of various little things as a gift for men

Flask. There are simple ones, there are leather cases, there are sets - a flask + glasses.
A mug with a photo (of him, yours, child, family), with his name, his zodiac sign, funny poem, with undressing girls, etc.
Books. Depending on his hobbies - construction, cars, computers and so on. Work books. Kamasutra in pictures. Stereobooks 3CD (third dimension). Fairy tales for adults ("A Thousand and One Nights"). The last book favorite author. A collection of aphorisms from your favorite philosopher, a collection of sketches from your favorite artist.
Video cassettes, DVDs and just discs, audio cassettes. Favorite movies, songs, karaoke, new gizmos, erotica, porn, educational cassettes - sports, wrestling, bodybuilding, computers, studies, English and other languages. Toys for the computer. Cartoons for adults.
Souvenirs. Protect, author's toys. cool gifts- a glass from which you cannot drink, a mug with holes, a mug without a bottom. Bubble lamp. Singing fountain. Flowers or air balloons to work (without a signature, let him guess from whom.) For a bachelor - bed linen with a naked girl on a sheet (it is possible with you if this is your bachelor). Soft and not very funny toys. Pistol lighter. A chest with a pop-up and neighing brownie or other evil spirits.

In general, souvenirs should be given like this - you go into a large store and just look - what you like is what you buy. Preferably cool, moving or sounding.

Lottery tickets (it’s better to give this only to relatives - husband, dad, grandfather, brother - and suddenly they win, so you will worry all your life that you didn’t leave yourself). A photo. Yours, his, child, family. Options: a photo in a frame, a calendar with a photo, a mug with a photo, a T-shirt with a photo, a photo puzzle, a collage in the form of a calendar or a stand. His portrait, drawn by you or commissioned from a photograph to a good artist. A picture with his physiognomy or from your wedding. Nudity is good only in one case - if he himself does not mind, otherwise he will become jealous of the photographer and the one who printed the pictures. Photo album - empty or with yours shared photos. Kit playing cards with images of relatives, friends and acquaintances. You can send your or his pictures to the local newspaper, magazine with a congratulation or with some interesting article.
A set of tools (drill, screwdriver, chainsaw, screwdriver set). Toolbox. A box for small things (cogs-bolts).
Alcohol in beautiful packaging. Or just good expensive and tasty alcohol.
Tickets for: concert, performance, show, hockey, football and more. Dinner at a restaurant, cafe. Overnight at the hotel, hotel (with you). A ticket to somewhere abroad or to the nearest rest home, sanatorium (for one or both of you). A trip to the sauna.
Dog or cat. Alive. And only if he dreams about them. It is advisable to give along with a sleeping basket, a box of Chapi or Whiskas, a kit for a cat litter box. And already toilet trained. Last but not least, a horse. If you already have a saddle with his initials or a bit. Just keep in mind - if you live together, most likely walking-grazing-feeding-buying food-stocking hay-bathing and so on will be on you.

Special gifts for men

And now let's go through individual hobbies and "extra" gifts.

Car. You can buy things to it indefinitely. A good radio, tape recorder, jvc radio or CD player, stinky thing (mounted on the wall or on the roof - in the form of a sticker, a toy, just in a jar), cell phone mounts (now there are flashing when there is a signal, very beautiful), curtains on the rear window, a toy or amulet (there are such beautiful brownies with a steering wheel in their hands, as well as Japanese hieroglyphs-amulets for a car), a leather cover for auto documents, a sticker like "The bumper is strong, nerves to hell" (sold in bookstores stores). Something with the symbols of this car. Key ring. The steering wheel cover is thin for the summer and warm fur for the winter. Car paint in the most unnatural color. And even better - give the car to the salon for painting, or to draw airbrush drawings on it (make sure that the man will not mind).

A computer. Also endless gifts. A good modem, video card, CD-ROM, stylish system unit box, monitor from 17 to infinity, keyboard, printer, video camera, microphone, uninterruptible power supply, speakers, flash drive. The mouse is simple, wireless, luminous, etc., a joystick (if it plays). Mouse pad - simple, soft, fluffy, square, round, abstract, with a hand rest, you can again with your photo. Headphones. If he plays - toys on CD; watching movies, listening to music - give them. Stands, bags, boxes for discs.

Sport. A bicycle (simple, mountain), a simulator for something (walking, running, an exercise bike, etc.), weights, dumbbells or a barbell (just keep in mind that you will most likely have to carry and remove all this), a foot massager; clothes for classes (one for a hockey player, another for a football player, a third for a judoka). And then - by sport, think for yourself - a stick for a hockey player, a ball for a football player, a basket for balls (home or at the cottage) for a basketball player, etc. Expander, ski poles (possible with skis), diving accessories (fins, mask, goggles, etc.). Skates, roller skates, knee pads and elbow pads for them, a skateboard. Swedish wall. Tennis rackets - large and small. For a small one, you can still have a tennis table. home set for golf (slide + club + ball) to the office or home. Badminton.

Job. Look at the profession - an accountant - a calculator, a teacher - a pointer, good book for work, military - command hours, etc. For the head - a leather chair in the office or a set of flags - Russian, regional, city. In general, any man can be given their OWN chair home, they are very scrupulous about THEIR chairs and stools. Vibrating massager for this chair. You can give a safe, and not only to the leader, but to any man, they always like to hide something.

Fishing. Fishing rods, spinning rods, sets of hooks and spinners, nozzles in the form of worms and other things. Good thermos. Net. Picnic set in a basket. Fishing chair, waders, netting suit (which is waterproof).

Musicians. Cases for their instruments (guitar, balalaika, button accordion), a cape for the piano, a good plectrum, a leather strap for the guitar. Send a piano tuner if it's out of tune. Cassettes or CDs with your favorite opera, waltz and more. Piano chair (rising-falling). If there are no instruments, but there is a dream - give a guitar, violin, saxophone and so on ...

Artist. Easel, set good colors, good brushes(be sure to ask the brand in advance!). A ticket to the open air (to the nearest lake or to the Far East).

Choosing a birthday gift is easier if you remember a few fundamental points:

  • You can give your boyfriend anything! The main thing is to give a present with a smile and do it with all your heart.
  • The representatives of the stronger sex love surprises. Arrange his birthday and half the battle is done!
  • A handmade thing looks interesting. However, it is better to postpone such a gift to your boyfriend until a less significant event.
  • Try to keep up with the times. modern men do not pull out of the virtual space. With a little imagination, you can make an original Internet present.
  • An inexpensive souvenir will be memorable gift if personalized. Don't neglect this opportunity.
  • Guys love tech stuff. Men who served in the army and the military are especially interested in army topics.
  • The hobby of the birthday boy will help you decide on the choice of gift. Encourage, don't scold young man for hobbies.
  • If you have a fairly close relationship with the guy's relatives, ask their advice. It's always good to get the opinion of elders.

When choosing a birthday gift for a guy, consider a list of the most common options. One of them will surely please the birthday boy.

  • Favorite cologne or toilet water.
  • Good alcohol, a set of wine glasses for it.
  • Cool souvenir.
  • Gadgets, home appliances.
  • Book, periodical subscription.
  • Gift box with board games.
  • Wardrobe item, interior decoration.
  • Home gym, sports nutrition.
  • Accessory for car or computer.
  • Branded clothing or shoes.
  • A joint trip to the sauna, massage.
  • Tourist trip.

So you couldn't choose anything? Consider some of the most popular presentation categories.

The best gift ideas for your loved one

Most girls want to arrange a chosen one romantic surprise. It doesn't take much to do this. Organize a candlelit dinner or invite a guy to a restaurant. Moreover, the occasion has! The evening should be light and pleasant, flowing smoothly into the continuation of the house. You can rent a hotel room or a house outside the city.

A common gift for a beloved guy is paired items. , medallions, cases for smartphones, mugs, t-shirts and jumpers are a great sign of attention. It is a pleasure to use such a present. The original thing emphasizes quivering feelings for its hero. To please a young man, also suitable:

Photomosaic. You choose which pictures to use to create a picture. Each work is one hundred percent unique.

Figurine from photo. An example of a stunning gift for a guy. Characteristic pose, favorite clothes, other details will be copied to create an accurate image.

Photocalendar. Such gifts will always find a place in the house. Main element design - the best shots of your couple.

Award figurine "Oscar". Many guys pretend to be Hollywood stars. Making a birthday dream come true is a good idea.

Annual supply of socks "Optima". It's nice to give and watch the reaction of a young man. Suddenly actually decides to use the content throughout the year.

Wireless shower speaker. A wonderful gift that will come in handy for guys who love music. The signal source is a smartphone located outside the bathroom.

Choosing an inexpensive gift for a guy on his birthday

A cool present with a minimum of funds is the most difficult task. You will have to forget about the fulfillment of the cherished dream of the guys and limit yourself to certain limits. However, cheap does not mean boring. You can always give a birthday unusual cake, order a personalized set of sweets or chocolates with photographs for the holiday. Interesting ideas are doomed to success!

Affordable gifts are stationery, leisure accessories, posters, home textiles. The symbolic top of the presentations should include an original beer mug, a thermo glass, a keychain projector, a knife in the shape of a credit card, as well as:

Clock out vinyl record"Desperate Musicians". Owners respond positively to such gifts. The original chronometers look more interesting than the classic ones.

Notepad "For a workaholic". Will be with a guy at work or while studying. Lazy people and loafers do not buy!

Whetstone 1500. sample of the present male gift. It will help to find out if the young man is able to take on the duties of the head of the family.

Enamel mug with personalized engraving . Unusual decision. Thanks to the gift, your boyfriend will remember his childhood and grandmother's porridge.

Name flask "Congratulations". Made of stainless steel and decorated with personalized engraving. Equally convenient for water or alcohol.

Tuxedo tea set. Includes a printed mug men's suit and a pack of elite tea. The packaging is stylized as a shell box.

A few ideas for a practical birthday gift for a guy

Men are rational. They always lack useful things in everyday life. Going shopping, remember not only about this, but also about the age of the birthday man. Then the contents of the box with the bow will not go to the far shelf.

If the guy is 12 - 15 years old, give a cool flash drive, wireless headphones, a gaming keyboard and mouse, unusual ones, a webcam and a microphone. At 16-20 you want to look good. Stop the choice on a fashionable wardrobe item: a leather belt, a scarf, a wrist watch. A man who has exchanged his third decade earns a living himself and is able to purchase the accessory he likes. In this age best surprise- an electronic device. If funds allow, you can purchase a smartphone, tablet, laptop. A good gift would be a copter with a video camera, a car DVR or a navigator. Consider the best options for useful gifts.

Name thermos "High-altitude equipment". Designed for professional travelers. On a long trip, he will provide the guys with hot drinks.

Motorist set " Road sign» . Triangular case with the best tools. If the car breaks down, the driver will gratefully remember the gift and those who gave it.

Bath box. A set of aromatic oils of cedar, juniper and eucalyptus. Desired gift a guy who prefers a Russian bath.

Barbecue set "Caucasus". Celebrate in nature. Watching the birthday man fry meat, you will get a complete picture of the guy.

Wallet "Berne". Leather wallet with large quantity departments and pockets. Business gifts please men who have achieved certain successes in life.

Shoe care kit. Preference similar gifts it is given so that the hero of the occasion looks like five plus. His shoes and boots will definitely shine!

Ideas for intangible gifts for a guy on his birthday

The best sign of attention for a young man is an extreme adventure. If the birthday boy is fond of aviation, loves books about aircraft, it's time to send him to the sky. An hour of flight on a light aircraft will be remembered for a long time! Equip the hero of the occasion with a video camera that can take beautiful shots as a keepsake. You will want to show them to other guys!

If the holiday falls during the cold season - it does not matter. good winter fun there will be a trip on a snowmobile or a reindeer sleigh, ice fishing, a survival course in a snowy forest. Original gifts will cost a lot, but thanks to them, the guys will feel like real men.

Skydiving. Definitely a gift for your boyfriend for his birthday. If you dare to try, you will get rid of most of your own fears.

Master class on extreme driving. You can learn not just to drive a car, but to manage it. An experienced instructor will be with the guy for the duration of the lesson.

Flight into the stratosphere on the MiG-29. Civilians are allowed to carry only on this type of fighter. The rise will become an unforgettable gift guy. This kind of thing happens once in a lifetime.