Notes on nodes for children in the nursery group in kindergarten. Lesson summary for the nursery group

Choice of colors

Which childhood requires most attention to itself in terms of the opportunities provided to accelerate the mental development of the child, the use or non-use of which can have serious consequences?

From a psychological and pedagogical point of view, this is early childhood age from one to three years. This age is one of the key ones in a child’s life and largely determines his future. psychological development. The special significance of this age is explained by the fact that it is directly related to the three fundamental life acquisitions of a child: upright walking, verbal communication And subject activity. But the main thing is that at this age the child masters a skill that significantly influences his subsequent behavioral, intellectual and personal development, namely, the ability to understand and actively use language in communication with people. Through the speech that the child masters during these years, he gains direct access to the most important achievements of human material and spiritual culture. And the process of speech development is integrally connected with the development of fine motor skills of the hand. Developing fine motor skills hands, we simultaneously provide beneficial influence on the development of the child's intelligence. That is why Special attention in class you should pay attention productive activity.

Ø Formation correct speech

Ø Development of thinking

Ø Development of the ability to concentrate and maintain attention

Ø Deepening knowledge about the world around us

Ø Children's health

Ø Development of motor activity

Ø Development of gross and fine motor skills

Ø Awakening interest in creativity

Based on this, it is recommended to start classes in October. The course ends in April. In the month of May, the psychologist conducts leisure activities, games, and diagnostics.



Explanatory note.

What childhood age requires the greatest attention in terms of the opportunities provided to accelerate the child’s mental development, the use or non-use of which can have serious consequences? From a psychological and pedagogical point of view, this is early childhood age from one to three years. This age is one of the key ones in a child’s life and largely determines his future psychological development. The special significance of this age is explained by the fact that it is directly related to the three fundamental life acquisitions of a child: upright posture, verbal communication and objective activity. But the main thing is that at this age the child masters a skill that significantly affects his subsequent behavioral, intellectual and personal development, namely, the ability to understand and actively use language in communication with people. Through the speech that the child masters during these years, he gains direct access to the most important achievements of human material and spiritual culture. And the process of speech development is integrally connected with the development of fine motor skills of the hand. By developing fine motor skills of the hands, we simultaneously have a beneficial effect on the development of the child’s intelligence. That is why special attention in classes should be paid to productive activities.

In the second year of life, the child reproduces the actions of adults with objects, and he develops object-based imitation games. They represent the first steps towards symbolization associated with the assimilation of norms and forms of behavior of adults, and then with the formation of certain personal qualities. Appears later role-playing game, in which the child copies the ways people handle objects and communicate with each other in different situations. During the game, the child will create life stereotypes for himself, which will guide him in adulthood.

I offer educational activities for children nursery group(1.5-2 years). Classes are held in a group of 5-8 people. Child early age“works on imitation,” that is, development between the ages of 1.5 and 3 years is most active if a nearby adult does everything together with the child. The baby feels comfortable, protected and at the same time receives new information that an adult helps him to learn. Therefore, the psychologist must take Active participation in the activity: crawl together on the rug, build towers, dance, feed dolls, sing. The ability to imitate is the basis of motor and intellectual development child.

The main goal of the classes is full development a child of an early age using the experience of folk pedagogy and modern pedagogical techniques.

The following tasks are solved in the classes:

  • Formation of correct speech
  • Development of thinking
  • Developing the ability to focus and maintain attention
  • Deepening knowledge about the world around us
  • Children's health
  • Development of motor activity
  • Development of gross and fine motor skills
  • Awakening interest in creativity

Classes are held in evening time. Lesson duration 10 minutes. Changing activities during class prevents children from feeling tired.

Particular attention in classes is paid to productive activities and finger gymnastics. After all, it is in these types of activities that fine motor skills develop more actively.

The classes are based on the fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”. Children come to visit the fairy tales themselves and the heroes from these fairy tales with different interesting games. Classes are held once a week. Then, over the course of a week, the material learned in class is consolidated: games, conversations, observations, and reading fairy tales are held.

Visual material in the lesson should be bright, large and safe for children. And also durable, so that every child can personally meet the chicken Ryaba or Kolobok. Welcome natural colors, since at this age it is necessary to give the child adequate concepts about the world around him (there are no blue cats and green bears).

When a baby comes to kindergarten, he needs to adapt to new conditions. All children experience the adaptation process differently. Therefore, in September, a psychologist observes the child’s adaptation and gets to know him.

As already mentioned, the adaptation process is different for all children. Therefore, initially it is not necessary to include all children in the lesson. It's okay if your child watches first.

I would especially like to say about the atmosphere of the class. At this age it is very clearly visible that each child is an individual. And the first commandment of an educational psychologist should be like the first commandment of a doctor - “do no harm.” Our task is to help the development of this individuality, and not the desire to level it out, to make the child “like everyone else.” Therefore, our concept of discipline is very relative. We must try to ensure that children are constantly included in constructive activity, but if everyone wants to build a house, but one child doesn’t want to. He wants to go for a ride in the car. Let him walk and ride quietly, because it won’t bother anyone.

I bring sample notes classes. Naturally, they can be adjusted depending on the characteristics of your group.

Developmental activities

In the nursery group.

Lesson 1.

Tasks: 1. establish contact with children.

3. facilitating the process of adaptation.

Material for the lesson:1. chicken toy

Progress of the lesson:

A psychologist appears in the group.

Psychologist: "Hello guys! We can visit you. Only I'm not alone. Chicken Ryaba came with me.”(the psychologist shows the chicken)

“The beautiful hen has come to visit you

She decided to meet you.

We'll make friends with her, we'll sing a song,

Let’s dance and go for a walk together.”

The psychologist approaches each child individually. He offers to pet the chicken and say his name. Then, together with the children, we examine the chicken: comb, beard, eyes, wings, tail.

Chicken Ryaba: “You are all so good and kind!!! Let's play with you?"

(bend the palm a little, the index finger rests on the thumb. First, we “peck” one palm at a time, then the other.) Gymnastics is carried out 3-4 times.

Chicken Ryaba: "Well done boys!!! It's very interesting to be with you. Now it's time for me to go home and feed my chickens. Can I come and visit you again?”

Psychologist: “I have to go too. Goodbye! »

Lesson 2.


2. establish contact

Material: 1. table theater “Ryaba Hen”

2. pouch.

Progress of the lesson:



Psychologist: This is grandfather.

When the mouse breaks an egg, together with the children and the chicken we feel sorry for the grandfather and grandmother.


Finger gymnastics “Chicken” is carried out.

The chicken pecks grain by grain.

It carries a grain in its beak to its babies.

(bend the palm a little, the index finger rests on the thumb. First we “peck” one palm at a time, then the other.)


Lesson 3.


Material for the lesson:1. chicken toy

2. chickens

3. designer with large elements

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: "Hello guys!!! How are you feeling? And I came again with chicken!”

Chicken Ryaba: "Hello guys! Today I came to you not alone, but with my chicken babies!”

We place the chickens on the carpet in front of the children.

Chicken Ryaba: “My children have grown up, and our house has become small for us. Will you help build a new house?

Psychologist: “Well, guys, let’s help the chicken?”

Chicken Ryaba: “ What beautiful houses we got!!! What a great fellow you are! Are you probably tired? Let's relax and play?

(pull your fists forward)

(clap our hands).

Psychologist: “What great fellows! And they built a house and played! But, unfortunately, it’s time for the chicken and I to leave. But we will definitely come to you again! Bye!".

Lesson 4.

Tasks: 1. development of imagination

2. memory development

Material for the lesson:1. dolls based on the fairy tale “Hen Ryaba”

2. pouch

3. felt-tip pens (thick)

5. A3 sheet of paper

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: "Hello guys! Today we will remember one fairy tale. Will you help me?"

The psychologist takes a chicken doll out of the bag and asks the children to remember which fairy tale it is from. If the children don't succeed, he tells them. Then he shows the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”. You can involve children in showing fairy tales. When the mouse breaks the egg, the grandfather and woman begin to cry.

Chicken Ryaba: “Don't cry, grandfather! Don't cry, grandma! I will lay you another egg, not a golden one, but a simple one! Just give me some grains."

Grandfather: “But we ran out of grains. Guys, help us!”

Psychologist: “Let’s help grandma and grandpa feed the chicken together. Shall we go and draw some grains?”

Children, together with a psychologist, come to the table and draw grains on a sheet of paper. The hen comes up, pecks the grains and gives an egg.

Grandfather and grandmother thank the guys. The psychologist praises the work done. Everyone says goodbye and leaves.

Lesson 5.

Tasks: 1. memory development

2. development of fine motor skills of the hand

3. development of creative abilities

4. development of coordination of movements

Material for the lesson:1. chicken, dog, cat, mouse dolls.

2. cheerful music

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: "Hello guys! Remember what we had in the last lesson? What fairy tale did we watch?(children answer) Well done! Now let’s call the chicken to come to us?”

The psychologist, together with the children, calls the chicken: “Chick-chick-chick.”

The chicken comes:"Hello guys! I have a lot today good mood! Let's sing a song and dance together?

The psychologist turns on the music. Together with the children we sing a song and dramatize it.

The chicken went out for a walk and nibbled some fresh grass.

And behind her are the boys, yellow chickens.

Co-co-co, co-co-co, don't go far!

Rake with your paws and look for grains!

The psychologist praises the children.

Chicken Ryaba: Guys, today I came to you not alone, but with my friends. Let's get to know them.

Kitty. How does she speak?(together with the children we pretend that the cat speaks)

Dog. How does she speak?(we pretend the dog speaks)

Mouse. (we pretend the mouse speaks).

Psychologist: What a great fellow you are! Well done today! It's time for us to leave, but we will definitely come here.

We all thank the chicken and see her off.

Lesson 6.

Tasks: 1. consolidate concepts about colors.

Material: 1. dog doll

2. girl Tassel

4. paint yellow, red, orange

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! I didn’t come to visit you alone again, remember the dog that came to visit with a chicken? She wants to play with you. Shall we play?

Dog: Do you know what time of year it is now? Autumn! In autumn the trees are colorful. But winter will soon come and all the leaves will fall from the trees. Let's do it with you autumn forest, which will delight us all winter. The brush girl will help us with this.

Children are given brushes. On the table in front of them lies a large sheet of paper with drawn trees. Children poke and poke leaves of orange, red, yellow flowers. During the work, the psychologist praises the children and helps them.

Afterwards we all look at the picture and thank each other. Let's go wash our hands and brushes. We say goodbye and leave.

The psychologist and the dog say goodbye to the children and praise them.

Lesson 7.

Tasks: 1. memory development.

2. development of imagination

3. development of movement coordination.

4. encourage children to respond emotionally.

Material: 1. dog doll.

Progress of the lesson:

A psychologist comes to the group and introduces the children to the dog. Reminds children that this is the chicken's friend. The dog greets the children and offers to play.

We conduct finger gymnastics “Sun”.

This is how the sun rises:

Higher, higher, higher!

(raise your hands up, stretch)

By night the sun will set:

Below, below, below!

(squat down, place your hands on the floor)

Good good,

The sun laughs.

And under the sun for all of us

Life is fun.

(clap your hands, smile)

Dog: Well done! Guys, can you help me? My house broke down. Will you build me a new house?

A construction set is laid out in front of the children. Together with the children we are building a house. During construction, we encourage the children, help, and give advice. If someone decides to build something else, we do not prohibit it, but try to connect his construction with the main one.

Psychologist: Well done! Such beautiful house built. Can anyone else live in this house?(we put some toy from the group in the house).That's how well we did! But it’s time for the dog and I to go home.

The psychologist and the dog say goodbye to the children.

Lesson 8.

Tasks: 1. development of movement coordination.

2. memory development

4. speech development.

Material: 1. Cat toy

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! It's me again! Will we be welcoming guests?(children answer) Remember, the chicken introduced you with your friends? Today a cat came to visit you. Her name is Murka.

A psychologist approaches each child. Offers to pet the cat. Let's remember what the cat says. Considering the toy

Psychologist: Look how smooth and soft her fur is. Let's become kittens too.

Fist - palm,

I walk like a cat.

Repeat 3-5 times).

Psychologist: Well done! What good kittens they turned out to be. It's time for the cat and I to go home. But we will definitely come to you! Goodbye!

The cat says goodbye to the children. Everyone leaves.

Lesson 9.

Tasks: 1. development of coordination of movements

2. memory development

3. lay the foundations for dramatization.

Material: 1. Cat toy

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! I came to visit you today for help. Our cat just can’t catch a fish for lunch.

Kitty: Yes. And I want to eat so much... Catch me a fish...

We conduct finger gymnastics “River and Fish”.

The river glistens with waves.

A small fish lives in the river.

(wavy smooth movement of relaxed hands. Repeat 3-5 times)

A small fish swims along the river,

The little fish beats its tail.

(straightened palms pressed against each other. Turn right and left, imitating the movements of a fish with its tail).

We imitate casting a fishing rod with the children. Then we are glad that we caught a fish.

Psychologist: Well done! We fed the cat! Now she will be happy to play with you. Let's blow up the balloons together.

I inflated the elastic ball.

A mosquito bit him.

The balloon bursts - no problem!

I'll inflate a new balloon.

(inflate the balloon again).

Psychologist: Well done! And now it’s time for the cat and I to go home. Bye guys!

The psychologist and the cat say goodbye to the children.

Lesson 10.

Tasks: 1. develop the ability to voluntarily tense and relax muscles

2. memory development

3. development of fine motor skills of the hands

Material: 1. mouse doll

Progress of the lesson:

A psychologist enters the group and greets the children. Introduces the chicken's new friend - Mouse. The mouse offers to play. Children “turn” into mice.

Finger gymnastics “Mouse” is carried out.

Before crunching the dryers,

You, little mouse, wash your ears,

To hear the rustle of a cat,

What sneaks along the path.

(little finger and index finger are bent. Middle, ring and thumb closed and extended. You can walk during the exercise.)

Psychologist: Oh, little mice, the cat is running! Let's hide!(children squat down, cower, cover their faces with their hands)

Psychologist: The cat ran away, let's go for a walk again!

We are doing “Mouse” gymnastics again. Then we hide again.

Psychologist: That's it, the cat ran away. It's time for us to become children again. One two Three!!! That's how good we played! But it’s time for the mouse and me to go home.

The psychologist and the mouse say goodbye to the children and leave.

Lesson 11.

Tasks: 1. introduce the features and signs of winter.

2. develop the ability to use accumulated experience in life

3. develop the ability to work together

4. development of fine and gross motor skills

Material: 1. mouse doll

2. PVA glue

3. a large sheet of paper with drawn trees

4. cotton wool.

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! I didn’t come to visit you alone again, remember the mouse? She wants to play with you again. Shall we play?

Mouse: Guys, winter has come. It got cold outside snowing. All the trees are covered in snow, there are no leaves. Let us make the painting “Winter Forest” together

On the table in front of the children lies a large sheet of paper with drawn trees. We tell the children that now we will glue the cotton wool. After all, she is as soft and white as snow. The psychologist tears off a small piece cotton wool, dips it in glue and invites the child to stick it on a sheet of paper.

Afterwards we all look at the picture and thank each other. We say goodbye and leave.

Lesson 12.

Tasks: 1. development of fine motor skills of the hand.

2. development of imagination

3. continue to develop the ability to work together

4. introduce children to the New Year holiday.

Material: 1. Santa Claus doll

2. A3 sheet with a drawn Christmas tree

3. multi-colored plasticine.

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys. You have guests again. Do you know who this is?(we take out the Santa Claus doll). This is Santa Claus. We'll have a holiday soon New Year. This is very fun party. In every house and on the streets there are beautiful elegant Christmas trees. Let's decorate the Christmas tree too.

We show the children a picture of a Christmas tree. We distribute small pieces of plasticine. We show the children how to roll balls. After this, we invite the children to “hang” the balls on the Christmas tree. Each child can make several balls. After the tree is decorated, the psychologist draws a star on the top of the head.

Psychologist: that's what it is beautiful tree we succeeded. Now we have a real new year. Well done. But it's time for me to go. See you.

Lesson 13.

Tasks: 1. development of fine motor skills

2. consolidation of the experience gained.

3. memory development.

Material: 1. grandfather doll

2. cardboard of blue color(A4 format)

3. white plasticine

4. allspice peas (for eyes)

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: hello kids. Grandfather came to visit you today. Let's say hello to him together.

Grandfather: Hello guys! Do you know what time of year it is? That's right, winter! What lies on the ground in winter? Snow. What kind of snow is it: cold or warm? You know, what I love most is making snowmen. But there is no snow in your group. Let's make another snowman with you - from plasticine.

We put cardboard in front of the children, on which the outline of a snowman is marked, and explain to them that the plasticine needs to be smeared carefully with your finger inside the outline. We say that you need to pinch off small pieces. Next, we help the children pinch off a small piece of plasticine. During the work, we remind you that plasticine must be placed only inside the contour. If one of the children put it outside the contour, we tie it to general work. After the peppercorns, add the eyes.

Grandfather: that's what it is beautiful snowman We did it! Well done boys! I’m kind of tired, I’m getting quite old. I'll go home.

The psychologist says goodbye to the children and leaves.

Lesson 14.

Tasks: 1. fixing the names of basic geometric shapes

2. developing the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper

3. consolidation of the concepts “above” and “below”.

Material: 1.granny doll

2. A4 sheet

3. red square, yellow rectangle, blue circle, two green triangles.

4. PVA glue

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys. Your grandmother has come to visit you. She really wants you to help her. Can you help?

Grandmother: Guys, I'm getting really old. I just can’t make my bed. Look, everything is mixed up!(show the children a plate with geometric shapes).Help me put everything together correctly.

We remember with our children what we cover ourselves with (a blanket), what we put our heads on (a pillow), and what we lie on a mattress. We tell you that at the very bottom we have a red mattress. The psychologist sticks a square on a piece of paper. Let's remember what we cover ourselves with. We say that we put a blanket on the bed. Accordingly, we glue a rectangle onto the square. Next, glue the circle (pillow) and two triangles (on the duvet cover).

Grandmother: thank you guys! You helped me a lot. But it’s time for me to go home and do other things. Thanks again.

The psychologist and grandmother say goodbye and leave.

Lesson 15.

Tasks: 1. encourage children to respond emotionally

2. continue to teach how to listen to the teacher.

4. educate good relations to man-made

5. development of attention and perseverance.

Material: 1. table theater "Turnip"

2. pouch.

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! Today we will go to a fairy tale!

The psychologist sits down at the table, and the children gather around.

Psychologist: I have a bag. Want to know what's in it?

Grandfather takes it out of the bag. Children look at the toy. Then we take out the turnip. We put her opposite grandfather.

Then we take out the characters of the fairy tale one by one, while telling it at the same time. Children look at the heroes of the fairy tale and try to imitate them.

When they take out the turnip, we rejoice and clap our hands.

Psychologist: Well done guys!!! Now let's play.

We raise our hands up

And then we lower them,

And then we'll separate them

And we’ll quickly press you to us.

Clap once, again,

We'll clap now!

Now hurry up, hurry up

Clap, clap more cheerfully!

The psychologist says goodbye to the children and praises them.

Lesson 16.

Tasks: 1. encourage children to respond emotionally

2. establish contact

3. teach to listen to the teacher.

4. cultivate a kind attitude towards man-made things.

5. development of attention and perseverance.

Material: 1. table theater "Kolobok"

2. pouch.

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! Today we will go to a fairy tale!

The psychologist sits down at the table, and the children gather around.

Psychologist: I have a bag. Want to know what's in it?

Grandfather takes it out of the bag. Children look at the toy.

Psychologist: This is grandfather.

We take the grandmother out of the bag. We put her opposite grandfather.

Then we take out the characters of the fairy tale one by one, while telling it at the same time. Children look at the heroes of the fairy tale and try to imitate them.

Psychologist: What a fairy tale!!! Now let's play.

We perform finger gymnastics “Ball”.

I inflated the elastic ball.

(put your fingers in the same position as when holding a ball)

A mosquito bit him.

The balloon bursts - no problem!

(fingers of both hands are gathered in a “pinch” and the tips touch)

I'll inflate a new balloon.

(inflate the balloon again).

Psychologist: Well done! Well, we played together.

The psychologist says goodbye to the children and praises them.

Lessons 17.

Tasks: 1. development of coordination of movements (catching and throwing a ball)

2. consolidation of knowledge about the shape of a circle.

3. reinforce the concept of the color yellow

Material : 1. Kolobok doll

2. ball

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! Guests came to you today (we take out the kolobok).Who is this? That's right, bun. What shape is the bun? What color? Now let’s look for what else we have in our group round shape.

Together with the children we walk around the group, looking for round objects. The psychologist emphasizes these things in children. If one of the children finds it, we praise it.

Kolobok: That's how great you are! How many round things were found? I also have a round object - it’s a ball! Let's play with you?

The game “Catch the Ball” is played. Children stand in front of a psychologist who has a ball in his hand at a distance of 1.5 m. First, our hands will work: the psychologist throws the ball, and the child must catch it. If you fail to catch it, pick up the ball and put it in his hands. Then our legs work: the psychologist slightly hits the ball with his foot, the child catches it, and then hits the ball back to the psychologist. The game is played 2 times (first one stage, then the second).

Kolobok: That's how great you are!!! How good are you at catching the ball? They have become quite big. Guys, it's time for me to move on. Can I come visit you again?

The psychologist and the bun say goodbye to the children and leave.

Lesson 18.

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys. Today Kolobok came to visit you again. Do you remember what shape it is? What color? he wants to play with you again. Will you play?

Kolobok: Guys, do you remember the fairy tale about me? Let us remember it.

We remember the fairy tale “Kolobok” with the children. We imitate the movements of animals.

Bunny: jumped like bunnies, hid from the wolf, jumped (repeat 3-4 times)

Wolf: hands in front of you, fingers in different sides, jump on Kolobok (repeat 3-4 times)

Bear: waddle (duration 15-20 seconds)

Fox: soft movements with your hands, walk smoothly (duration 15-20 seconds)

Psychologist: Guys, we don’t want the fox to eat the bun, do we? Let's then show Kolobok how to run away from a fox(they ran in small steps).

Kolobok: That's how great we played! Thank you! But it’s time for me to go home to my grandparents.

The psychologist and Kolobok say goodbye to the children and leave.

Lesson 19.


3. learn to work together

Material: 1.granny doll

2. A3 sheet with a painted apron

4. PVA glue

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! Today the grandmother from the fairy tale about Kolobok came to visit you. What will you and I have to do now when she comes? That's right, say hello!

Grandmother: Hello guys! You know, when I was cooking Kolobok, my apron got all dirty. Will you help me make a beautiful new one? Well, then let's try...

In front of the children we place a sheet of AZ format with a drawn apron. We invite them to glue colorful geometric figures on the apron. We draw the children's attention to the fact that we glue the figures inside the outline. While working, we praise the children and encourage them.

Grandmother: Thank you guys! That's what beautiful apron you did it for me! I’ll go show it to my grandfather and boast about it!

Psychologist: What should I tell my grandmother? That's right, goodbye! And now we will play with you again.

Finger gymnastics “Kneading the dough” is carried out.

We knead the dough, knead it, knead it!

Press the dough, press it, press it!

We'll bake pies!

(with our hands we imitate the process of kneading dough and making pies).

Psychologist: Well done! What delicious pies you baked! Let's give ourselves a clap!! They also helped me sew an apron for my grandmother! That's how many things we did in class today!!! And now you can play!

The psychologist says goodbye and leaves.

Lesson 20.

2. development of a sense of beauty,

3. ability to work together

4. learn to paste, taking into account the compositional position.

Material: 1. A3 sheet with a drawn and colored vase

2. flowers cut out of white paper (according to the number of children)

3. PVA glue

4. picture of spring

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! Do you know what time of year it is? That's right, spring!(discuss the signs of spring from the picture).And we have a holiday soon! Holiday of mothers and grandmothers. And we definitely need to give them a gift - beautiful bouquet colors! Let's try to do it!

In front of the children we place a sheet of A3 format with a drawn and colored vase. Please note that there are no flowers in the vase. We hand out flowers cut out of paper and painted to the children. We invite them to glue them onto the sheet, then we will succeed beautiful bouquet for Mom.

In the process of work, we help children, encourage them, and correct them.

Psychologist: Look how beautiful the bouquet turned out! Your mother will definitely love this bouquet! Now let's play - turn into flowers.

The sun is rising -

The flower is blooming!

(we spread our fingers in different directions at the same time. If it works, then you can raise your hands at the same time).

The sun is setting -

The flower goes to bed.

(we bring our fingers together, lower our hands. You can squat down).

Psychologist: Well done guys!!! What beautiful flowers you made. Now let's clap for ourselves! We will place the picture so that mothers can see your beautiful bouquet!

The psychologist says goodbye and leaves.

Lesson 21.

Tasks: 1. development of fine motor skills of the hand

2. developing the ability to work together

3. consolidate knowledge about the time of day night and morning.

4. develop the ability to voluntarily tense and relax muscles.

Material: 1. painting of a starry sky

2. yellow plasticine

3. cardboard dark blue

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: Guys, look at what time of day is shown in the picture? That's right, night! What appears in our sky at night? Moon and stars! Is the moon big or small? Are the stars big or small? Let us now also make the night sky.

We place a sheet of dark blue cardboard in front of the children. The psychologist makes a moon (a large piece of plasticine) and invites the children to make many small stars. We give the children a small piece of plasticine. We constantly remind them that stars should be small. We help children, correct their work if necessary.

Psychologist: What a beautiful night sky we have! Now let’s show you how the sun rises. Let's first squat down and rest a little(children imitate sleep).And now the morning comes! We wake up, get up, reach high, high for the sun!(repeat the exercise 3-5 times).Well done! Let's clap for each other and ourselves.

The psychologist says goodbye and leaves.

Lesson 22.

Tasks: 1. development of fine and gross motor skills

2. development of speech, imagination

3. development of coordination of movements

4. develop the ability to correlate your movements with words.

Material: 1. A3 cardboard (tracks are made of plasticine on it)

2. beans

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello my dear! Well, shall we play? Let's turn into kittens with you? First, let's meow like kittens... And now we'll show everyone our tails... And now we need to wash ourselves: first the ears, then the eyes, then the nose, then the mouth, and also the tummy and, of course, the back! This is how clean we are now. Let's go for a walk, kittens.

We perform finger gymnastics “Kitty”

Fist - palm,

I walk like a cat.

(make two palms into fists at the same time and place them on the table, then simultaneously straighten your fingers and press your palms to the table. Repeat 3-5 times).

Psychologist: What wonderful little fluffy kittens. Do you know what kittens love to do? They love to play. Now let's jump merrily, and now let's spin, and now clap our hands, and how our feet stomp loudly! And when kittens run along the paths, they leave traces. Look, we have a path(we show the children cardboard with plasticine tracks).Let us now leave such traces of grains with you(with the children we press the beans into the plasticine).That's how funny the kittens are - how quickly and cheerfully they run along the paths. Do you like to walk? Certainly! Then let's play a little more and then go for a walk.

The psychologist says goodbye and leaves.

Lesson 23.

Tasks: 1. encourage children to respond emotionally

2. speech development

3. cultivate a kind attitude towards man-made things

Material: 1. tabletop theater Teremok

2. pouch.

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! Today we will go to a fairy tale!

The psychologist sits down at the table, and the children gather around.

Psychologist: I have a bag. Want to know what's in it?

Swing with a magic wand- He takes out a tower from the bag. Children look at the tower.

Psychologist: The tower is located in the forest. Here's the Christmas tree.

We take out the Christmas trees from the bag. Children place them around the tower.

Then we take out the characters of the fairy tale one by one, while telling it at the same time. Children look at the heroes of the fairy tale, depict them: their voice, their gait.

When the bear is destroying the tower, we focus the children’s attention on how upset the animals are. But the bear is not a negative hero. After all, he helped build a new tower.

Together with the children, we decide how the animals helped at the construction site, who did what work.

Psychologist: Well done guys!!! What a mansion they built!!! Even better than before! Now let's take a rest.

Finger gymnastics “Trumpet” is carried out.

The house has a big chimney

You and I will live in it.

The chimney on the roof looks up,

And it smokes as if it is breathing.

(hands clenched into fists, round holes inside. Hands in front of the chest. Place fist on fist, changing the position of the hands. It turns out to be a long “pipe”).

Psychologist: Well done! Well, we played together. Do you remember which fairy tale we went to visit?... Teremok!

The psychologist says goodbye to the children and praises them.

Lesson 24.

Tasks: 1. development of fine motor skills of the hand

2. development of perception, memory

3. training in design techniques

Material for the lesson:1. bear toy

2. designer with large elements

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys!!! How are you feeling? And I didn’t come alone. The bear from the fairy tale “Teremok” came with me

Bear: Hello guys! Do you remember what a beautiful little mansion my friends and I built in a fairy tale? Do you want to learn how to build such a mansion yourself?

A construction set is laid out in front of the children. Together with the children we are building a house. During construction, we encourage the children, help, and give advice. If someone decides to build something else, we do not prohibit it, but try to connect his construction with the main one.

Bear: What a beautiful little mansion we have made!!! What a great fellow you are! Are you probably tired? Let's relax and play?

Finger gymnastics “Building a house” is carried out.

The whole day - knock and knock, there is a ringing knock.

The hammers are knocking, we are building a house for the chickens.

(hands clenched into fists, knock one fist on the other one by one).

That's what good house, we will live gloriously in it!

(pull your fists forward)

We will sing songs, have fun and dance.

(clap our hands).

Psychologist: Well done! And they built a house and played! But, unfortunately, it’s time for the bear and I to leave. But we will definitely come to you again! Bye!

Lesson 25.

Tasks: 1. cultivate a kind attitude towards others

2. develop the perception of composition

3. learn to work together

4. learn to fill space without going beyond the contour

Material: 1. fox doll

2. A3 sheet

3. multi-colored geometric shapes made of paper

4. PVA glue

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello guys! Today a fox from the fairy tale “Teremok” came to visit you. What will you and I have to do now when she comes? That's right, say hello!

Chanterelle: Hello guys! You know, we need a beautiful tablecloth for the table in our new little house. Will you help me do it? Well, then let's try...

We put a sheet of AZ format in front of the children. We invite them to glue multi-colored geometric shapes to make a pattern. We draw the children's attention to the fact that we glue the figures, paying attention to how other children glued the figures. While working, we praise the children and encourage them.

Chanterelle: Thank you guys! Here's what beautiful tablecloth you did it for me! I'll go show it to my friends!

Psychologist: What should you say to the fox? That's right, goodbye! And now we will play with you again.

Physical education exercise “Clap once” is held.

We raise our hands up

And then we lower them,

And then we'll separate them

And we’ll quickly press you to us.

Clap once, again,

We'll clap now!

Now hurry up, hurry up

Clap, clap more cheerfully!

(we perform movements in accordance with the text).

Psychologist: Well done! Let's give ourselves a clap!! They also helped sew a tablecloth for the fox! That's how many things we did in class today!!! And now you can play!

The psychologist says goodbye and leaves.

Lesson 25.

Tasks: 1. development of imagination

Material: 1. A3 sheet tinted green

2. cotton wool

3. picture of spring

4. PVA glue

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello. Do you know what time of year it is now? That's right - spring! Look at the picture(look at the picture, pay attention to the signs of spring).

Now let's do it together beautiful picture. Now you will become wizards yourself. Look, we have a green meadow. There aren't enough flowers in this meadow! Let's plant dandelions here now.

We distribute pieces of cotton wool to the children. We suggest sticking it on the meadow (the psychologist puts a glue point, and the child must put cotton wool on this point).

Psychologist: These are the beautiful dandelions we got. Now let's play with you a little.

Finger gymnastics “Flower” is carried out.

The sun is rising -

The flower is blooming!

(at the same time we spread our fingers in different directions, at the same time we raise our hands).

The sun is setting -

The flower goes to bed.

(bring our fingers together, lower our hands, squat down).

Psychologist: Well done! Let's clap for each other.

The psychologist says goodbye and leaves.

Lesson 26.

Tasks: 1. development of imagination

2. strengthening the skills of using a brush

3. developing the ability to work together

4. nurturing a sense of beauty.

Material: 1. meadow with flowers, made in the last lesson

2. white paper butterflies

3. gouache of different colors

4. tassels (according to the number of children)

5. rags

Progress of the lesson:

Psychologist: Hello. Remember, in the last lesson we made a magic meadow. Look how beautiful it turned out! But still something is missing. Magic butterflies! Let's now everyone try to make a magic butterfly. After all, now you are wizards.

We hand out butterflies made of white paper to the children. Each child colors it the way he wants. Then we fold each butterfly in half so that the paint is mixed. Let it dry.

Psychologist: these are the ones beautiful butterflies we got it. Now let's play with you a little. Let's turn into butterflies! First we’ll fly... And then we’ll sit on a flower and relax. And now they're flying again! It's time to rest.

Well done! Let's clap for each other.

The psychologist says goodbye and leaves.

Note: the next day we come and glue the flowers to the meadow.

Lesson summary on speech development
“Chicken Ryaba visiting the guys”
Goal: development of children's speech, desire to answer questions, stimulation of active speaking.
- educational: learn to answer questions, speak emotionally, expressively; teach to understand the content of a fairy tale; learn to concentrate, coordinate movements
- developing: to form Breathe-helping machine, develop fine motor skills, attention, memory; develop interaction skills between children;
-educational: to cultivate interest in oral folk art; emotional – positive attitude towards others.
Methodological support: Toy chicken, chicken, basket with feathers, plastic eggs for playing, half masks “Chickens” for children, “Chickens” for the teacher, cats, table theater “Ryaba Hen”, bowls with grains and worms, basket for eggs, song “The chicken went out for a walk” Preliminary work:
- Reading Russian folk tale“Ryaba Hen”, examination of illustrations for the fairy tale.
- Learning outdoor games: “Hen - chickens”, “Hide and seek - chickens”.
- Acquaintance with chicken poultry, with its children - chickens.
- Drawing “Let’s feed the chicken grains”
Progress of the lesson:
Children sit on chairs, with a teacher in front of them.
Educator: Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's say hello to them.
Children: Hello!
Educator: Now let’s tell our eyes “ Good morning»
Good morning little eyes! You woke up? (Children stroke their eyes with their hands)
Children: Yes!
Good morning ears! You woke up? (Children stroke their ears with their hands)
Children: Yes!
Good morning pens! You woke up? (Children clap their hands)
Children: Yes!
Good morning legs! You woke up? (Children stroke their feet)
Children: Yes!
We woke up, smiled and reached for the sun.
Educator: Guys, when I went to kindergarten this morning, I found a basket near our group.
Surprise moment
- Do you want to see what's in the basket? (Children's answers)
Look, there are feathers here. What is this? Guys. (Feathers). Look how feathers are (Light, fluffy). If a breeze blows on a feather, it can fly.
Let's blow on a feather and see how it flies.
(Breathing exercise “Blow on a feather.” Children blow on a feather several times.) Educator: And now we will find out who lost this feather.
I'll tell you a riddle, and you try to guess who I'm talking about.
Walking around the yard
The chicken convenes:
Co-co-co-co-co Don't go far!
Children, who is this?
(Children answer: - Chicken) Educator: Of course, chicken. Look guys, this beautiful chicken has come to visit us.
Chicken: Hello guys!
Educator: Let's also say to the chicken “Hello chicken”
Look how big and colorful our chicken is. How does the chicken scream? (Ko-ko-ko).
And the mother chicken also has a child - yellow, small (Children - chicken).
That's right chicken.
What a chicken he is! – (Children – small, yellow).
How does a chicken scream? - (Children pee-pee-pee).
Right. Pee-pee-pee
Educator: What do you think the hen and chick like to peck? (Children: grains, worms, grass).
Now let's feed them.
An exercise to develop fine motor skills - forming a tweezer grip.
“Feed the Chicken.”
In front of each child there is a plate containing worms and grain. Children should be big and index fingers transfer the grain and worms to the hen and chicken in the clearing.
Educator: Let's put some treats for the hen and chick in the clearing.
My chicken, my clever girl.
Here's some grain and some water! Give us an egg.
Game "Collect eggs"
Educator: Guys, the chicken ate and laid a whole basket of eggs. Look how many eggs there are? Take an egg in your hand. Touch the eggs, what are they like? (Smooth). What do chicken eggs look like? To the balls! We’ll play with them now, roll them in our hands. You just need to roll it carefully, the testicle is fragile. It can be crushed if pressed hard. What egg? (Answers from children 2-3 people).
Finger gymnastics “Egg on the palm”
Roll an egg
But without letting go:
It is very fragile -
That's how chickens do it.
Educator: Well done, put the eggs back in the basket.
Guys, the chicken didn’t just come to visit you, she brought you a fairy tale. What fairy tale do you know about a chicken?
- Let's remember what happened in this fairy tale and tell it. I'll start, and you help me.
Sit down on the chairs more comfortably, prepare your ears and eyes, let's begin our fairy tale.
Showing the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” with dolls tabletop theater.
(There is a table on which puppet characters from the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” are placed).
Children watch the unfolding of the content of the fairy tale in the theater and finish the phrases.
Once upon a time there lived (pause) a grandfather and a woman, and they had (pause) a chicken, Ryaba. The hen laid (what did she lay?) an egg, not an ordinary egg (eh?) a golden one. The grandfather (what did he do?) beat, beat, but did not break, the woman (what did she do?) beat, beat, but did not break. (Who ran?) The mouse ran, waved its tail, the egg (what did it do?) fell and broke. Grandfather (what is he doing?) is crying, woman (what is he doing?) is crying, and the hen Ryaba is cackling: “Don’t cry (pause) grandfather, don’t cry (pause) woman, I’ll lay you a new egg, not a golden one, (but what kind?) simple!”
Educator: Did you like the fairy tale? Who laid the egg? Who broke the egg? How? What did the chicken promise to grandpa and grandma?
Guys, now the chicken is inviting you to play the game “Chickens and the Cat”.
I will be a chicken, and you are my chickens. We'll go for a walk and eat some grains. But just be careful, there is a cat lying down and dozing on a bench by the path. If he wakes up, run away from her into the houses. Our houses will have chairs.
(One of the guests is nominated as a cat, puts on a cat’s hat and pretends to be asleep. Children and teachers walk around the cat.) The chicken went out for a walk, to nibble some fresh grass.
And behind her are the boys, yellow chickens,
Co-co-co-co don't go far
Rake with your paws, look for grains.
They ate a fat beetle, an earthworm.
We drank a trough full of water.
On the bench by the window, a cat lay down and dozed.
The cat opens its eyes and catches up with the chickens.
(Children run away from the cat and hide in houses).
Well done guys - chickens. The cat didn't catch anyone.
Lesson summary:
Guys, we really enjoyed having chicken at your place. But we need to go home. And, because you were so dexterous, brave, and quick-witted, we want to give you a chest in which we have prepared gifts for you. Let's say goodbye and thank you to the chicken. Now come to me and let’s see what’s in this chest.
Guys, who came to visit you today? Did you like playing with the chicken? What fairy tale did we tell you today? Well done, let's now say goodbye to our guests.

UDC 373.23
B B K 74.102
K26 N. A. Karpukhina
Lesson notes for the nursery group of a kindergarten. Practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh:
IP Lakotsenin S. S., 2010 - 208 p.
ISBN 978-5-98225-086-5
The proposed lesson notes are recommended for use
for work on the programs “Education and education of children in kindergarten»
(Vasilieva M.A., new edition), “Childhood” (Russian State Pedagogical University named after Herzen), “Development
(team of authors led by L.A. Wenger) and others.
The book is recommended for use by methodologists and educators.
kindergarten students, parents and tutors.
ISBN 978-5-98225-086-5 Г^^ло "
B B K 74.102
Other publications of this publication in any form,
in whole or in parts, are illegal
and are prosecuted
© Karpukhina N. A., author, 2010
© IP Lakotsenin S.S., publisher, 2010
Signed for publication on 08/25/10. Newsprint paper. Format 60x84 1/16. Printing of-
net Volume 13 p.l. Circulation 5,000 copies. Order No. 3745.
Editor-in-chief S. S. Lakotsenin. Executive editor Yu. A. Krapivin.
Proofreader A. N. Taltynova. Layout by A. Naydenov
IP Lakotsenin S.S.: Voronezh, st. South Moravian, 156
Printed by the OJSC Order of the Badge of Honor "Smolensk Regional Printing House"
named after V.I. Smirnov." 214000, Smolensk, prospect. Yu. Gagarina, 2.

Preface 3
A newborn is a mystery. Nobody
doesn't know what will come of it. He can
become a genius and enrich the world if for
favorable conditions will be created for him
viya. But all the promising makings
will remain in vain if parents, educated
tel, doctors will not help to open them.
Look for a friend in your child, learn
put his interests above all else.
Because in the end everything is best
in life is done for the child.
Professor M. Korshunov
During the 2nd year of life, significant changes occur in the child’s body, both physically and neuropsychic development. .
Most characteristic feature the behavior of a child of this age is high physical activity, emotionality, great interest in the environment, a great need for frequent communication with adults and high learning ability.
How a child will develop when he gets older, what his relationships with people around him will be, largely depends on whether adults will have to develop and continue what has already been brought up in the baby, or whether there is a need to re-educate and change unwanted forms of behavior.
Early age is literally Start. The child is just entering the world of relationships, he is inexperienced and very trusting.
Our task is to help him maintain this trust, to fall in love with those who tirelessly care for him, to create a cheerful, cheerful mood - all this is necessary for comprehensive and harmonious development in subsequent years. Under 2 years of age crucial For the correct, all-round development of a child, the state of his health is essential.
Healthy child If he is raised correctly, he is emotional, eats with appetite, and is active. To do this, it is necessary to create in the child, as A.S. Makarenko said, “a habit of a certain hour,” i.e. properly organize the daily routine - play activities, sleep, nutrition, walks, targeted activities should replace each other in the most appropriate sequence.

Preface 4
The daily routine organizes children's behavior, creates a feeling of well-being in children, and introduces rhythm into work nervous system.
When it is executed, it produces conditioned reflexes for a while.
Thanks to this, the body is, as it were, prepared in advance for this or that activity. Correct conduct of regime processes is a necessary condition not only the full physical development of children, but also their cheerful mood, good appetite, restful and deep sleep.
When carrying out regime processes, it is necessary to comply with the principle sequences And gradualism.
Principle sequences is that adults should be vaccinated with early childhood children the skill of performing certain actions in a certain order. For example, before going to bed, you need to collect all the toys, before eating, be sure to wash your hands, etc.
Principle gradualism consists in gradually involving children in small groups in performing one or another routine process, rather than younger child, those smaller group. This is explained physiological characteristics children of the 2nd year of life: they do not know how to wait for a long time, they begin to be capricious if crowding appears, and they quickly get tired of the monotony of actions.
In implementing the principles sequence and post-
foaminess Certain rules must be followed:
1. Each of the regime processes must pass only
in the background of the game.
2. When conducting regime processes, it is necessary to use an individual-personal model of education.
3. Implementation of the principles sequence and gradual
ness provides for the unity of demands on the part of adults both in preschool institution, and at home.
The methodology for conducting regime processes involves the use of mandatory techniques:
1. Creating a pre-set in children for this
2. The implementation of one or another regime process must
proceed without fuss, without causing discomfort to the kids.
3. When carrying out any regime process in a child,
cannot build confidence that everything will work out, he will be able to
t.thick. action to the end, if he tries.

Types of activities
Expansion of orientation in the surrounding world and development of speech
3 2. Speech development
2 3. Classes with didactic material
2 4. Classes with building material
1 5. Musical activity
Duration of classes is 10-15 minutes, with a subgroup of children of 8-12 people.
For all types of activities, approximate long-term plans and lesson notes for the year are presented.
Preface 5
4. An adult should definitely rejoice in the success of the kids and
Praise them more often for any new achievements.
In order to systematically influence the comprehensive development of children in at this age Special classes are held in which children are taught to listen, to follow what the adult is doing and showing, and are encouraged to imitate his words and actions, and to carry out the teacher’s tasks.
We present to your attention a list of basic activities for children of the second year of life according to Education, training and
development in kindergarten under new edition V.M. Vasilyeva.

,10 The child and the world around him
Child and the world around

for children 2 years of age
1. “Visiting children” phenomena public life:
family, culture of behavior
2. “Okay, okay” Not Live nature:sand properties
3. “Leaves are falling” living nature:
vegetable world
4. “Our toys” object world:
toys - color, shape
5. “The path to the bunny’s phenomenon of social life: the hut” city
6. “Cockerel cockerel” inanimate nature: Sun
7. “Wonderful bag” wildlife: vegetables fruits
8. “Who lives next to us? » subject world:
purpose of objects
9. “Who lives in the house? » phenomena of social life:
10. “Hummocks, hummocks, smooth inanimate nature: the soil
11. “To the forest to see friends!” Live nature: wild animals
12. “Room for Katya” object world:
furniture - name, color
13. “On the path to winter forest» phenomena of social life:
14. “Doll Katya is walking” inanimate nature:
seasons - winter
15. "Our faithful friends" Live nature: winter quarters for animals
16. “Toys in places” object world:
purpose of objects

Forward planning for a year 7
17. “How we play together” phenomena of social life:
18. “Snowflakes are flying” inanimate nature: properties of snow
19. “Little Christmas tree” wildlife:
evergreen herringbone
20. “Masha the Confused” object world: cloth
21. “Capricious Bear” phenomena of social life:
culture of behavior
22. “The doll is cold!” inanimate nature: signs of winter
23. “Teddy bear on the hill” wildlife:
plants, animals
24. “What will you drive?” subject world: transport
25. “What will we give Tanya? » phenomena of social life:
26. “Let’s dress Katya for a walk” inanimate nature:
seasons - spring
27. “Where is my mom?” Live nature:
animals and their babies
28. “Let’s feed Katya” subject block: dishes
29. “We are mother’s helpers” phenomenon of social life:
30. “Come out, my friend, wildlife: plants
to the green meadow"
31. “Yellow, fluffy” wildlife: poultry
32. “Toys for Misha, object world: toys
and Mishutki"
In May, classes can be held to consolidate children’s knowledge about the world around them, practicing the skills of observation, research, and curiosity.

,10 The child and the world around him
Child and the world around
Lesson cycle
Lesson No. 1
Visiting the children
Program content: Introduce children to the basic ethics of greeting, develop communication skills in relation to adults and peers, and develop cultural communication skills.
Material: screen; doll, bear, bunny, dog - toys.
Progress of the lesson
The teacher draws the children’s attention to the weather outside the window: leaves are falling, children are going to kindergarten. There is a knock on the door, a Tanya doll appears from behind the screen and conducts a dialogue with the teacher:
- I am the doll Tanya. I came to the kids. I want to say hello to them
(greets the children and gives them green leaves).
The teacher invites all children to greet them.
Then another knock is heard and other toys appear one by one from behind the screen: a bear, a bunny, a dog. They don't know where they are and don't know how to say hello.
The teacher explains to the toys where they ended up and invites the children to teach the animals to say hello. The animals thank the children and give them leaves: red, yellow.
At the end of the lesson, the teacher draws attention to the fact that many guests have come to them and calls them: Tanya doll, bear, bunny, dog. They all look at the leaves together and say: “Autumn has come. The leaves are falling. The leaves are different - yellow and red."
Lesson No. 2
Okay, okay
Program content: To acquaint children with the properties of sand, develop attentiveness and finger motor skills, cultivate accuracy and mutual assistance during the game.

September 9
Material: sand molds, container with water, sand, planks, Tanya doll.
Progress of the lesson
The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the doll Tanya will soon come to visit, she needs to be treated to pies and offers to prepare pies.
The children sit in a semicircle on chairs, the teacher takes sand and sand molds and tries to make a pie, but the pie doesn’t work, the sand crumbles. He takes water, waters the sand, the children look at the wet sand and possible options making pies from different molds.
The teacher explains why the pies are made. Next he invites the children to make their own pie using molds from sandy set.
Oh, okay, okay,
Let's bake pancakes
We will invite Tanyusha,
We'll treat you to some pies.
The doll Tanya comes in, examines the prepared pies, and thanks the children.
Lesson No. 3
Leaves are falling
Program content: Introduce children to color scheme autumn leaves, compare leaves by size: big, small, cultivate a love of nature, develop cognitive interest.
Material: autumn leaves: green, yellow, red - large and small.

Progress of the lesson
The teacher suggests going to the carpet, on which there is a basket of leaves. different color and magnitude. Children look at colored leaves with the teacher: red, yellow and green.

,10 The child and the world around him
Then it is carried out outdoor game “Leaves are falling”- children spin around with the leaves to the music, and at the teacher’s signal they squat with the leaves.
The teacher asks the children questions:
- What kind of leaf do you have, yellow? (yellow leaf)
- What kind of leaf do you have, red? (red)
At the end of the lesson, children lay out an autumn pattern on the carpet
- big and small leaf and once again they admire and examine the leaves.
Lesson No. 4
Our toys
Program content: Help to find toys, identify them by size, name them, develop spatial orientation, and develop forms of careful handling of toys.
Material: set of toys: bear - big and small, bunny - big and small.
Progress of the lesson
The teacher draws the children’s attention to the sounds of an approaching car; a large car drives in with big bear.
The teacher says:
- Look who came to us? (bear)
- Which big bear, he wants to play with the little teddy bear, let's help him find it.
Together with the children they find a teddy bear in group room. Held outdoor game “Find the bear”. Work with large and small bunnies is carried out in the same way. Children find a little bunny.
At the end of the lesson, an active game is played, where the teacher puts “bear” and “bunny” hats on two children, all the children dance and jump to a tambourine, start to run away at a signal, and the “bunny” and “bear” catch up with them. The role of a “bunny” or “bear” can be played by a teacher.

September 11
Lesson No. 5
Path to the bunny's hut
Program content: To promote the development of visual perception of a moving object, coordination of movements, give the concept and name “Path to the hut.” Cultivate accuracy when performing a task.
Material: bricks of the same color, a bunny toy, Christmas trees, trees, a house from a tabletop theater.
Progress of the lesson
The teacher draws the children's attention to forest clearing with a hut, the children look at it: “There are so many fir trees and trees, but here is the hut. Who lives in this hut? A little bunny appears and cries bitterly; he does not know how to get to his hut in the forest. The teacher invites the children to help the bunny build a path to the hut out of bricks. Together with the teacher, the children lay out a path of bricks towards the hut. Then the teacher invites the children to lead the bunny along the path to the hut, saying: “top-top.”
IN At the end of the lesson, the bunny thanks the children and under-
visual game “Bunny, dance.” Children dance and jump to the tambourine with the bunny.
Lesson No. 6
Cockerel cockerel
Program content: Introduce children to time concepts: morning, develop imaginative thinking. Develop cultural and hygienic skills.
Material: Tanya doll; a crib, a comb, a towel, soap, a basin of water, a toy cockerel.
Progress of the lesson
The teacher and children examine the crib and the sleeping doll
Tanya. The voice of a cockerel is heard: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” The teacher conducts a dialogue with the cockerel:

,10 The child and the world around him
Cockerel, cockerel!
Golden comb!
Oil head,
Silk beard,
Why do you get up early?
Don't you let Katya sleep?
The cockerel answers:
It's time for everyone to get up
And Tanechka and Vanechka,
And to all the kids!
The teacher and the children lift the Tanya doll, dress her, comb her hair, and wash her. Tanya says to everyone: “Good morning!”
At the end of the lesson, the children play with the Tanya doll and the cockerel, and the teacher reminds that the cockerel wakes up all the children in the morning, all the children get up and say: “Good morning!” The cockerel leaves and says to all the children: “Goodbye.”
Lesson No. 7
Wonderful pouch
Program content: To consolidate children’s knowledge in naming fruits: pear, apple, banana; recognize them in the picture.
Cultivate a love for nature.
Material: dummies of fruits: pear, apple, banana; wonderful pouch, Tanya doll, cut cards with images of fruits
(2 parts).
Progress of the lesson
The teacher and children look at the nature of autumn through the window: leaves are falling, the breeze is blowing, children are dressed in jackets, coats, hats, boots. There is a knock on the door, and a Tanya doll comes in with a wonderful bag containing fruit. The children greet the doll and the a game
"Guess what it is?" Doll Tanya takes out an apple and asks the children: “What is this? “If the children find it difficult to name, the teacher helps them.
- Apple.
- Is the apple red? (red)
- And what's that? (pear)

September 13
- Is the pear green? (green)
- And what's that? (banana)
- Is the banana yellow? (yellow)
IN at the end of the lesson didactic game"Collect the car-
teen." Children first collect a picture following the example of the teacher, then independently.
Lesson No. 8
Who lives next to us?
Program content: To develop in the child the skill of correlating his actions with a simple (consisting of one task) verbal instruction, not supported by a gesture or other auxiliary means, to give an idea of ​​how a chicken moves and pecks grains. Cultivate care for others and love for animals.

Game activity in the nursery group of a kindergarten (for children of the third year of life), topic: “Turnip”


Arouse interest in the fairy tale “Turnip”.
Learn to count like an adult.
To form stable ideas about the concepts “big-small”, “top”, “din-many”, “first-then”.
Learn to play the role of a fairy tale character with the help of an adult.
Reinforce knowledge about yellow and green colors.
Introduce words with diminutive suffixes into the children's dictionary.
Continue teaching children to draw with crayons and sculpt with salt dough.
Develop in children the ability to listen carefully.
Develop attention, speech, sense of rhythm, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.
Bring up friendly relations with peers.


Characters for the table theater "Turnip".
Salty dough. Turnip silhouettes.
Cardboard silhouettes of turnips with green clothespins, tops, trays in yellow and green colors.
Cardboard large and small “turnips” and “baskets”.
Board. Crayons.
Coloring pictures “Turnip”, green and yellow wax crayons.
A large yellow ball with a green one attached corrugated paper tops
Doll dishes (pots, plates, spoons), napkins, cereals.
Audio recording of the song “Friendship”. Diamonds.
Attributes for staging a fairy tale: hat, scarf, apron, “Dog”, “Cat”, “Mouse” hats.

Progress of the lesson:

Greeting "Our smart heads"

Hello guys, it's great that you all came today!

Our smart heads
They will think a lot, cleverly.
Ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
Hands will clap
Feet will stomp.
The backs are straightened,
Sit on the cushions.
Hold hands tightly
One two three four five
Let's start the story.

Table theater "Tale "Turnip"

The teacher tells a fairy tale, moving character toys on the table.

Didactic exercise “One-many”

How many turnips have grown? One turnip has grown. How many people and animals dragged turnips? A lot of. Let's count them. Grandfather one, grandmother two, granddaughter three, Bug four, cat five and mouse six. That's how many people and animals were dragging turnips.
Was the grandfather able to pull the turnip out of the ground alone? No, only my grandfather could not. And everyone did it together, in unison.

Dynamic pause “They planted a turnip in the garden”

We follow each other
Forest and green meadow

There is a vegetable garden in front of us
(stretch your arms forward)

Grandfather is calling us for help
(wave hands)

So we planted a turnip
(bend over)

And they poured water on her
(simulation of movement)

The turnip grew good and strong
(spread your arms to the sides)

Now let's pull it
(simulation of movement)

And we’ll make porridge from turnips
(simulation of movement)

And from the turnip we will be healthy and strong
(show strength)

Managed to handle it quickly
And they sat down quietly.

Modeling “Turnip in the garden”

Children roll out the green dough with straight movements of their palms. Turnips and cardboard silhouettes are stuck and planted in the resulting thick sausage-bed.

Didactic game “What first, what then”

So they planted a small seed in the ground.
(Sit on your knees and group)

From the seed a small turnip first grew.
(Stand up straight while sitting on your knees)

And then the turnip grew and grew and grew big and big.
(Get to your feet. Raise your arms up)

Here are the turnips in front of you. How many are there? Let's count: one, two. How many turnips? Two turnips.
The turnips are different - one is small, the other is large.
What was the first turnip? At first the turnip was small.
Take a small turnip and place it in a small basket.
And what did the turnip become later? Then the turnip became big. Take a large turnip and place it in a large basket.

Saying the chant “Rain-Rain”

In order for the turnip to grow large as quickly as possible, you need to water it. Let's call for the rain to water our turnips.

Rain, rain, pour harder.
Field our turnips.

Drawing with crayons on the board “Rain”

A cloud is drawn on the board. Children use short strokes with crayons to draw rain.

Dynamic pause “Everything under the umbrella”

Oh, what a rain it poured. How can you hide from the rain? You can hide under an umbrella. The teacher opens the umbrella. Children run to hide under an umbrella.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”

Children put on attributes (hat, scarf, apron, “Dog”, “Cat”, “Mouse” hats). Then the children perform their role according to the words of the fairy tale that the teacher tells.

Drawing with wax crayons “Turnip”

This is the turnip that grew in this picture. We need to color it.
What color of chalk will we take to decorate the turnip? Yellow chalk.
What color should we paint the tops of the leaves with? Green.
Children paint over the silhouette image of a turnip with wax crayons.

Didactic game with clothespins “Let’s clear the tops from the turnip”

Let's use clothespins to show what kind of tops and leaves the turnip has. Attach clothespins to the top of the turnip. But what color clothespins will we choose? What color are the leaves? Green. So what color clothespins should we take? Green clothespins.

Children attach clothespins to cardboard silhouettes of turnips.

To cook porridge, you need to clean the turnips from the tops - green leaves.

Children remove green clothespins from cardboard silhouettes of turnips.

What color turnips? Yellow. So put the turnips on the yellow tray. What color are the tops? Green. Place them on a green tray.

Exercise “Pass the turnip in a circle”

Children pass the turnip ball to each other.

Dynamic pause “Porridge”

This is our porridge from turnips.
(Place your palms in front of you)

Steam rose above the porridge.
(Raise your hands up)

Where's the porridge?
(To shrug)

No! All!
(Shake your head negatively and spread your arms to the sides)

Exercise “Transfer the porridge from the pan to the plate”

Take napkins and place them in front of you. Place a plate on top of the napkin. Now put the porridge in a plate.

Children use a spoon to pour the cereal from their doll's pans into plates.

Word game “Name the heroes of the fairy tale affectionately”

The teacher asks the children to repeat after her.

Turnip - turnip.
Grandfather - grandfather.
Grandma is grandma.
Granddaughter - granddaughter.
A dog is a doggy.
A cat is a kitty.
Mouse is a mouse.

The nursery group of the kindergarten is intended for children of the so-called early age, which includes the range from 3 months to 3 years, which in turn are divided into three categories:

A child’s stay in kindergarten can be either daytime or 24/7. It all depends on the type and type of kindergarten. Typically there can be from 10 to 16 children in a nursery group. The main task of such groups is to help the family in comprehensive and harmonious development and raising a child. Children acquire cultural and hygienic skills and self-care skills, develop basic movements, develop memory and attention, thinking, and speech. The ability to navigate the environment expands and sensory impressions become enriched. The ability to play with peers develops.

Meals in the nursery group

Babies in the nursery are fed 4 times - breakfast, lunch, after nap afternoon snack and dinner. Breakfast usually consists of light dishes: casseroles, cottage cheese soufflés, milk porridge, omelet, vegetable salad (necessarily fresh), a warmed drink. Lunch for children consists of vegetarian soups, steamed meat dishes or boiled fish with side dishes of mashed potatoes or cereals. Daily fortified drinks, such as compote or jelly, are required. Since these are very young children, the menu should be as suitable as possible for all children because not all children adapt equally well and quickly to the new conditions of the nursery.

For dinner, children are offered vegetable stew, beet and carrot caviar, vegetable casserole, and puddings. In addition to the meal, they provide sour milk products, fresh fruits, and juices.

Lessons in the nursery group

They are carried out two to three times a day. Morning - after morning exercises and breakfast before the walk and in the afternoon after sleep and afternoon snack. They usually consist of music, physical education, dancing, drawing, and sculpting.

Here great attention pays attention to the development of children's sensory skills, which is planned in close connection with other areas of development, as this gives the child an idea of ​​the size, shape, color of objects and will definitely be used by him in the future. Kids learn to group objects by properties, simultaneously improving hand movements when inserting and removing objects, when playing with mosaics.

Children under three years of age come to nurseries with different skills and abilities. Many have never held a pencil in their hands or used paints. The initial task of the teacher is to equalize the level of preparation of children. Its task is to explain and clearly show how to use a pencil, felt-tip pen, and brush. While in the nursery, children are taught basic drawing skills. Children are taught to use gouache, with which they draw horizontal and vertical lines and, if possible, closed lines (circle, oval).

During the modeling process, children become familiar with the properties of plasticine, clay or dough. Kids learn to pinch off, flatten, roll out, connect several pieces, and try to make appliqués. By becoming familiar with the signs and properties of objects, observing nature during walks, and conducting simple experiments, the child qualitatively enriches his understanding of the world, of inanimate and living nature.

Speech development

During speech development classes in the nursery group, children learn to understand speech addressed to them, make sentences, communicate with peers, and master the culture of communication. These lessons are combined with articulation and finger gymnastics, where kids learn to reproduce sound images, master the correct speech breathing, reproduce the rhythms of the poem. By making extensive use of literature and illustrated material, it is easy to make classes fun and lively.

Music is probably the most accessible of all the arts for young children. Many children, as soon as they hear sounds, begin to sing along, dance, and generally respond to the sound.

In kindergarten musical activity children in general is confined to sound imitation, onomatopoeia, singing along, and is also limited to simple rhythmic movements(claps, stomps, spinning), which children like. Of course, music classes are conducted in a playful form accessible to children.

The mental development of a child is closely related to the physical. A child who is more relaxed and more active learns more about the world around him. His mind will have more food for thought. He will feel more confident and become more connected with peers and adults. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the child’s ability to play outdoor games, which, in addition to physical education will give development imaginative thinking, fantasies, will teach you how to interact with other children. He must practice motor skills and strength training.

To ensure that the child does not get tired of the activities, they are organized so that they do not overlap in meaning and are not repeated. It is optimal when activities aimed at developing imagination, thinking, and speech are replaced by active and quick games, dancing, physical exercise, which can be continued during the walk.