Card index of didactic games on the topic "kindness". Games aimed at developing a culture of verbal communication material (middle group) on the topic Didactic game who knows more polite words


It is better to present the rules of behavior to a child in a playful way to make it clearer and more accessible. For this you can use riddles and games about polite words presented below.


Don't be too lazy to tell your friends


(Good afternoon)

Saying goodbye to each other

We'll say...


Don't blame each other

Better soon...


How beautiful it is

Good word...

(Thank you)

When you are guilty, you are in a hurry to say

I beg you, please-


Never get involved in someone else's conversation,

And you are better than adults...

(Do not interrupt)

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word...

(Thank you)

The old stump will turn green,

When he hears...

(Good afternoon)

If you can't eat anymore,

Let's tell mom...

(Thank you)

The boy is polite and affectionate

He says when meeting...


When we are scolded for our pranks,

Let's talk...

(Excuse me, please)

Both in France and Denmark

They say goodbye...


If a friend meets a friend,
Friends shake each other's hands
In response to a greeting
Everyone says...


I wrote a letter to my mother

Yesterday I answered

And at the end he conveyed

To all friends...


If with a friend or girlfriend

The separation was long,

When we meet we say:

“How old and...”

(How many winters)

If you met someone,

According to the laws of etiquette,

So that the conversation goes uphill,

We ask: “How...”


Don't be rude to older people
And don't be too familiar
Tell them when you meet
Not “hello”, but...


Our world is tired of evil,
So that he becomes kinder,
We are not too lazy to talk
At the meeting …

(Good afternoon)

Masha knew a lot of words,

But one of them is missing

And it’s like a sin,

It is said most often.

This word follows

For a gift, for lunch,

This word is said

If you are thanked.

(Thank you)

Children Dasha and Egorka

Pizza cheese is grated.

The mice are asking from the hole:

"Give! Be..."

(So ​​kind)


Puppy Phil was walking in the yard,

Suddenly I met an old bulldog.

I ask you to quickly guess:

Who should say “hello” first?

(Puppy Phil, because he is younger, and the younger ones are the first to greet the older ones)

Here comes the lapdog Zhulka,

Fashionista, imagination...

And towards me - a gentleman,

Cute Scotch Terrier.

Can you guess it or not:

Who will be the first to say “hello”?

(Scottish Terrier, because he is a man, and a man is the first to greet women he knows)

Below are some funny ones riddles about polite words by Olesya Emelyanova.


1. “Learning magic words”

Tell your child what polite words mean, that people in different countries greet each other differently, and all languages ​​have such magic words.

Learn magic words that are close in meaning - “Hello” and “Good afternoon”, “Goodbye” and “See you soon”, etc.

Or you can learn polite words in different languages ​​of the world. For example, the word “Hello” or “Hello”.

Hello is the most popular and useful word for a traveler. And it’s the simplest thing, so it won’t hurt to know how to say hello in different languages ​​of the world. It is interesting to note that a greeting from another language is not always literally translated into Russian as “hello”; often it will mean “good afternoon” or “hello”, and sometimes even “peace be with you”.

Language What does it sound like
Azerbaijani Salaam Alaikum
English Hello,Hi
Arabic (Egypt) Ahlan wa sahlan
Arabic (East, North Africa) Marhaba
Afrikaans Hola
Belorussian Privitanne
Bulgarian Hello
Hungarian Jo napot
Vietnamese Chao
Hawaiian Aloha
Dutch Hallo
Greek Geia sou
Georgian Gamarjoba
Hebrew Shalom
Indonesian Selamat
Icelandic Godan Daginn
Spanish Buenas dias
Italian Buon giorno
Latin Ave
Latvian Lab dien, sveiki
Lithuanian Sveikas
German Guten Tag
Norwegian Goddag
Polish Dzien good
Portuguese Ola
Romanian Buna
Serbian Hello
Slovak Good day
Thai Sawatdi
Turkish Merhaba
Uzbek Salaam Alaikum
Ukrainian Hello
Finnish Paivaa
French Bonjour
Hindi Namaste
Croatian Zdravo
Czech Good day
Swedish God dag
Esperanto Saluton
Estonian Tervist
Japanese Konnichi wa

2. "Be careful"

This game is best played with several children. You need to ask the children to complete the task, but they must complete it only when you call the “magic word”. Below are examples of commands, you can use them, or you can come up with your own.
Stand up please!
Hands up!
Please clap your hands!
Jump please.
Please, hands forward.
Please put your hands down.
Please, tilt your head forward.
Tilt it back, please.
Please, please take your seats.

3. “Polite is impolite”

Rules of the game. If you read about a polite act, children clap their hands 2 times. When you read about an impolite act, children stomp their feet 2 times. You can also come up with other fun moves.

Examples of actions:

Say hello when you meet
Pushing and not apologizing
Whistling, shouting, making noise at school
Give way to elders
Do not stand up when asked by the teacher
Help climb the stairs
Say goodbye when leaving

4. “Polite watch”

This is a warm-up game that can be played with one child or several. Children pretend to be a clock. Two hands are arrows that move around an imaginary dial.

Leading: Tiki-tock, tiki-tock -

The clock goes like this.

The clock struck seven in the morning,

All the kids were woken up.

Children clap their hands seven times to imitate the striking of a clock: bom-bom.

Leading: The morning has come

The sun has risen...

Answer me guys

What should you say when you wake up?

Children: Good morning!

Game continues. The arrows are moving again; The clock is ticking and now shows twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

Leading: The day has come, guys;

What should you say when you meet?

Children: Good afternoon

The game continues in the same way.

Leading: The arrows ticked and walked

And six o'clock struck.

Children clap their hands six times.

Leading: The evening has come, guys.

What should you say when you meet?

Children: Good evening.

Leading: Well done!

5. “Polite tram”

This game is best played in a large group. Because it involves the driver, conductor and passengers. Children line up one after another like a train, pretending to be tram passengers. The driver stands in front, holding a toy steering wheel. The conductor treats passengers generously, issuing tickets not for money, but for polite words (thank you, please, be kind, excuse me, hello, etc.). In this case, the same word should not be repeated twice.

Tickets can be made from paper, old postcards or calendars.

If one of the passengers finds it difficult to say a polite word, one of the passenger friends can buy a ticket for it. But at the same time, knowledge of the magic polite words is mandatory.

If no one can rescue the stowaway, the conductor sends him to the driver. The advantage of the driver is that he can say any polite words, even those that have already been spoken. When all passengers are satisfied, the polite tram departs.

To give joy to people, you must be kind and polite.

1. "Evaluate the action"

2. "Yes or no"

3. "Little Helpers"

4. "Sweet Nothing"

5. "Compliments"

6. "Polite words"

7. "Ball of Magic Words"

8. "Help the bunny"

9. "Flower of Kindness"

10. “I know how to give in”

“Evaluate the action.”

Goal: with the help of story pictures, develop children’s ideas about good and bad deeds; characterize and evaluate actions; cultivate sensitivity and kindness.

Material: story pictures.

Children work in pairs. The teacher offers each pair a story picture. Children must look at the picture, describe what they see and evaluate the action. For example: two children say in turn: “The boy took the ball from the girl, the girl is crying. The boy did something bad, you can’t do that.”

"Yes or no".

Goal: to form in children a desire to protect the health and health of other children; teach to understand: what can be done and what cannot be done.

The teacher offers to play a game.

Educator. I will name situations, and you, if you can do so, clap your hands, if you can’t, stomp your feet. For example: you can play with matches; you can sit upright at the table; You should not talk while eating; do not wash your face in the morning; you cannot handle sharp objects; you cannot jump from high slides; it is necessary to wash your hands after returning from a walk, etc.

"Little Helpers"

Goal: to bring children to the understanding that they need to help their loved ones and give them their love; teach children to talk about their help in their family; develop coherent speech and thinking.

Material: box, bear.

“An upset bear came to the children.” He “quarreled with his mother” because he “didn’t want to put his toys away.” And now he doesn’t know how to make peace with his mother.

Educator. Guys, do you get offended by your family when they scold you? Relatives need to be loved and helped. How do you help your family at home? I have my grandmother’s box, you will put all your help in it, and we will give the box itself to the bear so that he also learns to help his mother and does not forget about it.

Children take turns talking about how they help their mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother, and grandfather at home, and put their stories in a chest. The little bear “thanks” the children for the “magic box” and returns to the forest to make peace with his mother and help her.

"Sweet Nothing".

Goal: to teach children to address their family affectionately and lovingly; develop coherent speech and thinking; cultivate love for your family.

Material: ball.

The teacher throws the ball to the child and asks him to name a certain word affectionately: for example, mom - mommy, dad - daddy, etc.


Goal: teach children to compliment each other; develop speech and thinking; cultivate friendliness.

Children form a circle and hold hands. First, the teacher begins to speak to the child, whom he holds by the hand on the right. For example: “Misha, you are so polite today!”

"Polite words."

Goal: to teach children to use polite words in their speech; teach to understand that politeness is a good quality of a person; develop children's speech, memory, cultivate politeness and courtesy.

Material: seal, bag.

The teacher invites the children to “put” polite words into a bag and give this bag to the cat. Children take turns saying polite words into the bag, for example: “please”, “thank you”, “sorry”, etc.

"A ball of magic words."

Goal: continue to teach children to use “magic” words in their speech; cultivate politeness and goodwill.

Material: ball of thread.

The teacher invites the children to wind a thread of “magic” words around a ball. Children take turns saying the “magic” words and winding the thread into a ball.

"Help the bunny."

Goal: continue to teach children to use “magic” words in their speech; develop memory, speech; cultivate goodwill.

Material: toy bunny.

The teacher invites the children to give the bunny “magic” words. Children take turns approaching the bunny and telling him “magic” words. For example: “thank you”, “please”, “good afternoon” and others.

"Flower of Kindness"

Goal: continue to teach children to say compliments and polite words; develop the child’s speech, memory, imagination; cultivate goodwill.

Material: toy Baba Yaga, vase, flowers.

The teacher invites the children to give Baba Yaga a flower, saying kind words. Children take one flower at a time, approach Baba Yaga, give her a flower and say compliments or polite words, put the flower in a vase. For example: “Grandma, please be kind!” Or: “Grandma, I love you!” And others.

“I know how to give in.”

Goal: to teach children to respect each other, give in, share; cultivate friendliness.

Material: toys, candy, apple, chair.

A game « Polite - impolite»

  1. Say hello at meeting...
  2. Pushing and not apologizing...
  3. Help you get up, pick up a fallen thing...
  4. Respond rudely to your interlocutor...
  5. Laughing very loudly on the bus...
  6. Litter in different places...
  7. Calm down a crying person...
  8. Resolve disputes with fists...
  9. Laugh at other people's shortcomings...
  10. Help your friend fasten the buttons...
  11. Come to kindergarten neat and combed...
  12. Thank your friend for your help...
  13. Return the item he lost to the owner...
  14. Run hard on group...
  15. Help everyone who asks for our help...
  16. Taking toys from others...
  17. Be happy for the success of others

"Dictionary of Polite Words"

Listen to the rules of the game. I read the first line to you, and you complement it with a magic word. Answer all together (in unison).

Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (Thank you).

The old stump will turn green when it hears... (Good afternoon).

If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom... (Thank you).

In both France and Denmark they say goodbye... (Goodbye).

Having met a bunny, the hedgehog is a neighbor

Tells him: «…» (Hello)

And his neighbor is big-eared

Answers: "Hedgehog, …" (Hello)

To the Octopus Flounder

On Monday I swam

And on Tuesday goodbye

I told her: «…» (Goodbye)

Clumsy dog ​​Kostya

The mouse stepped on its tail.

They would quarrel

But he said «…» (Sorry)

Fox Matryona says:

“Give me the cheese, crow!

The cheese is big, and you are small!

I’ll tell everyone that I didn’t!”

You, Lisa, don't complain,

Tell me: «…» (Please)

Crocodile from the swamp

Didn't go out for the longest time.

Members of the toad council

They gave him a prize for this -

Awarded with a parrot

And they shouted: «…» (Congratulations)

The bull mowed down the daisies

And he invited the ram.

He alone ate the treat,

But he said: «…» (Sorry)

Deer at two o'clock

The fox came to visit.

Fawns and deer

She was told: «…» (Good afternoon)

Moth at sunset

Flew into the light.

We are, of course, glad to meet you.

Game "Antonyms" (ball game).
- So, this task is not easy. I will name an unpleasant word, and you must turn this word into a good, kind one. Well, what shall we try?

Adult: Evil - kind, greedy - generous, weak - strong, rude - polite, cowardly - brave, deceitful - honest, stupid - smart, scary - beautiful, dirty - clean, hard - soft, bad - good, lazy - hardworking, stranger - dear, sad - cheerful, unhappy - happy.

Game: "Cheerful kids."

The adult names the situations, and the child silently shows a red or green circle. Red means that the child does not agree with the statement, and green means that you agree with him.

Never share a toy with a friend.

Try to help your friend do what he can't do.

Don't always try to be first.

Get angry and jealous when you lose.

Don't quarrel with your friends, try to play together.

Never give in, argue over trifles.

Be arrogant if you can do something better than others.

Know how to accept help, advice and comments from a friend.

If a friend is in trouble, don't help him.

Resolve disputes with words, not fists.

"Good deeds".

What does it mean to be kind?

Kindness is an amazing thing.

Is it easier to be good or evil?

It's probably easier for the evil ones.

Being kind means giving

Your warmth to others.

To be kind means to understand

Both loved ones and strangers

And sometimes you don’t know joy,

Caring for others.

Of course, it is more difficult for good,

And yet look:

How many friends he has!

And there is always only one evil one...

GBOU North-Western Administrative District of Moscow, combined kindergarten No. 544


"Give people kindness"

Kindness is the sun that warms a person’s soul.

Everything good in nature comes from the sun, and everything best in life comes from man.

M. Prishvin.

Prepared and carried out


Kozlova Svetlana Valerievna

Moscow 2012

Lesson: “Give kindness to people”

1. Clarify children’s ideas about the concepts of “good”, “evil”, “benevolence”, their importance in people’s lives; develop the ability to evaluate the actions of others;

2. Stimulate the development of imaginative thinking and creative imagination of preschoolers;

3. Cultivate in children a friendly and respectful attitude towards others.

Game equipment: a toy Hare, a chest of Politeness, a letter, an envelope with kind words, a bundle with a crossword puzzle, animal hats according to the number of children, a Miracle Tree, hearts, a sheet of Whatman paper with a heart, felt-tip pens, paper, glue, scissors, audio recordings of V. Shainsky’s songs .

Progress of the lesson.

Adult: Guys, let's play the greeting game “The sun is up!”

Sun is up -

Stop sleeping,

Stop sleeping

It's time to get up!

With these words, children perform movements, repeating them after the adult.

Are you awake? Smile! Let's raise our hands and reach for the sun. Hello Sunshine!

Psycho-gymnastics “Don’t be angry, smile!”

Each of you will turn your head to the person standing next to you, look into the eyes and say affectionately, smiling, “Don’t be angry, smile!”

There's a knock on the door. An adult brings in a toy - Little Bunny.

Hare. Hello guys!

Adult. Let's say hello to the Hare in different ways!

Children bow, say various words of greeting, and shake hands.

Hare. Oh, it hurts! I hurt my paw... (crying)

Adult. Guys, how can we help the Hare? (Take pity, bandage it, take it to the doctor...)

^ Word game “Who will say more kind and warm words to the Hare”

Goal: stimulate the development of verbal communication; evoke sympathy and a desire to help one’s neighbor.

Hare. When you hear so many kind words, and even with a smile on your face, the pain and sadness immediately goes away. I felt much better. Do you know the song “Smile”? Teach me to sing it and dance!

The song by V. Shainsky “Smile” is played.

Hare. Guys, how good it is, how fun you are, now I know for sure that you can help me with one more thing.

A chest is brought into the hall.

Hare: I found this chest under the Christmas tree, but I was afraid to open it without you. Let's see what's there!

He opens the chest, takes out a letter, and the adult reads it.

Hello children. I am a wizard. I live in a fairyland and help everyone learn to speak politely, do good deeds and deeds. This is my Politeness chest, in which you will find many interesting tasks.

^ The adult takes out the first envelope, in which he finds signs with the words “Thank you,” “Please,” “Hello,” and other polite words.

The hare takes out a bundle of paper from the chest, unfolds it...

This is a crossword puzzle with an important word enchanted in it.

^ Word game "Guess the word."

Purpose: to practice solving riddles.

Adult. By writing the answers to the riddles in the boxes, you will read the right word!

I'm running on paper

I can do everything, I can do everything.

If you want, I’ll draw a house,

Do you want a Christmas tree in the snow?

Do you want an uncle, do you want a garden,

Any child is welcome to me! (Pencil)

And he only booms when

When they hit him in the sides:

Wooden clubs

They knock out the shot on the back. (Drum).

What a strange hut

Appeared above the edge?

Hanging low above the ground

And he turns the propeller.

There are windows, there is also a door,

And he growls like a terrible beast. (Helicopter)

My family lives there -

In the house that stands under the Christmas tree.

I bring needles there,

I bring the spoils.

It's not difficult to find us in the forest,

Just look at your feet

Call me quickly - I am a worker... (ant).

Look, along the path

Little legs walk.

There is a comb on the head.

Who is this? (Cockerel).

We brought you to a magical house

The box is extraordinary.

Press the required button,

Sit in a chair and watch! (TV).

You take it in your hands

And you press the button hard.

And how she spins,

He'll whine and spin around,

He will dance and sing.

Who will name the toy? (Yula).

Adult. What word did we get? (Kindness).

Hare. What a great fellow you are! You have found a very important word - Kindness. In the forest this word will be useful to everyone. Why do you think the forest dwellers need this word?

^ Word game "On the contrary".

Goal: to activate the use of opposite words in children’s speech, to evoke positive emotions and a friendly attitude towards others.

Adult: I will name the animal, and you will choose kind words for it. For example, an evil wolf is not an evil wolf, but... (which one?) (The wolf is fast, dexterous, strong, brave, fluffy, courageous, etc.)

A cunning fox, a clumsy bear, a prickly hedgehog, etc.

Hare. Thanks guys, let's look in the chest again.

He takes out another task from the chest.

^ Didactic game: “Evaluate the action.”

Goal: to develop children’s coherent speech, to practice establishing cause-and-effect relationships based on a plot picture, to cultivate honesty, modesty, and politeness.

The adult takes out cards from the didactic game “Evaluate the Action” from the envelope and asks them to find a continuation to it.

Hare. Guys, help me choose from these pictures only those that depict good deeds. Let's put them together in a chain and tell a good story!

Adult. The sorceress really liked this story, we will put it in her chest. (Takes out a package and a note.) Guys, this is the Miracle Tree! Look how sad and dry it is! Help him become smart and cheerful!

^ Game "Miracle Tree".

Purpose: to practice distinguishing mood pictograms, stimulate joyful emotions, and develop the ability to work in a team.

Adult. In order for the tree to come to life, you need to choose from all the cards only those that correspond to a cheerful, joyful mood.

Hare. We will decorate our Miracle Tree with these pictures! Now all the animals in the magical forest will be able to bask under its branches.

The hare takes out the last envelope from the chest. There are hearts in it.

This is a thank you from the Sorceress for your good deeds!

Hands out hearts to the kids.

I really enjoyed your stay, but it's time to go home. Goodbye!

Adult. Guys, let's say goodbye to the Hare in different ways!


  • M.A. Vasilyeva “Program of education and training in kindergarten”

  • Methodological recommendations for the “Program of education and training in kindergarten” publishing house “Education of Preschoolers”, Moscow, 2009.

  • Magazine "Preschool Education" No. 3, No. 8, 2008.

  • Psychology of social giftedness. Edited by Y.L. Kolominsky, E.A. Panko, Moscow, Linka-Press, 2009.

  • Magazine "Preschool Pedagogy" No. 5, 2008.

Raising politeness in a child is a serious and responsible matter. Don't take this lightly. By raising a child within the limits of politeness, you will make your life easier - because you will avoid everyday hassle; and make life easier for your child - after all, he has to live among people, he has to find approaches to people and, with the help of these people, solve some of his problems. No one will want to help a person if he is ignorant.
They teach etiquette and works of art. Some directly, others in a more veiled form. Children read, become captivated by the plot, empathize with the characters, and between the lines they learn the rules of behavior. There are many wonderful creations that could be included in an etiquette book. Here are just the most popular:

"A very polite turkey" (B. Zakhoder)
“A Lesson in Politeness”: A bear of five or six years old was taught how to behave... (S. Marshak)
"Moidodyr", "Fedorino's grief" (K. Chukovsky)
story by Valentina Oseeva. "Magic word"
"The Tale of Lost Time" (E. Schwartz)

"The Little Prince" (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
A short tale about the benefits of politeness "Polite Rabbit" - a fairy tale for dramatization
The tale of a smart, polite mole
The fairy tale "Two Princesses" by Maria Shkurina about polite and impolite girls
"Thank you, I'm sorry and you're welcome" audio tale
A funny fairy tale with illustrations from a speech therapist “The Tale of How a Dog Invited a Pig to Visit”
A tale in verse about polite words
a short Kurdish tale about polite camels
Alexandra Yashin's tale about a polite dachshund
Beautifully designed riddles
Short works for reading and discussion are given in the methodology for developing speech etiquette in children of senior preschool age:
“The ABC of Politeness” by L.P. Vasilyeva-Gangus, “Grandma Treats You to Tea,” “Visiting Nyusha,” “The Phone is Ringing,” “Talking on the Phone,” “Masha,” “Goodbye, Come Visit” N.E. Boguslavskaya, E. Moshkovskaya “Polite Word”< Appendix 2>.
Demo material
folder moving "History of polite words"
cards with rules of behavior
A manual with pictures and tasks "Politeness Lessons"
Maria Manakova "Lessons in good manners. I am a well-mannered child"
2 children's presentations
Games and tasks
design idea for the "Tree of Polite Words"
Idea with the game "Tree of Polite Words": flowers or leaves can be added by the one who names the polite word
"Thank you" card template with gratitude, there is always someone to give it to
Etiquette mnemonic tables
10 Speech Patterns You Can Teach Your Child
An exciting and educational game-method for children from 5 years old and their parents."
Coloring book with a task to come up with polite words
Game based on the Montessori method "Sorry".
Children stand in pairs, one after another, as in the game “Stream”. The leader passes between the pairs, stopping each time and saying: “Excuse me,” the children let go of their hands, letting them pass: “Please.” The leader takes the child from the last pair by the hand, and the one left without a pair starts the game over.
Game "Make a bouquet of polite words"
(There are flowers on the table. Children say polite words and put flowers in a vase)
Children: Thank you, good morning, excuse me, excuse me, goodbye, goodbye, good night, I beg your pardon, good evening, hello.
Game "Different Greetings".You unexpectedly met: your mother, a friend, a homeless puppy, Koshchei the Immortal, an inhabitant of an extraterrestrial civilization, a fairy. What words would you use to greet each of them?
Monster Manners Printable Game in English with the last coloring sheet, which can be used as a template and in any case the inscriptions can be replaced. The monsters have posters with sayings: monsters with good manners (children name an example of using statements) go to the closet (an envelope with a picture of a door) - bad ones (children name what is wrong) go under the bed (an envelope with a picture of a bed)
Attention game "Please"
At my request, you perform certain movements, but only when I say the magic word “please”; if I do not say the magic word “please”, then you do not perform the movements.
(The teacher offers a variety of commands during the game.)

A flower with polite words - for discussion and play. You can play like this:
Game "On the contrary"

Guys, I had a magic flower, but the trouble is, it crumbled. Please help me collect all the petals. Children, I will say negative words, and you must choose positive words. If we choose all the words correctly, then we will get a magical flower.

Weak – strong

Sick – healthy

Evil - good

Bad - good

Lazy - hardworking

Sloppy – neat

Stupid - smart

Sad - cheerful

The teacher turns the flower over to create a diagram.

Dialogue with subtext.This game is usually very fun to play. It is based on Vadim Levin's poem "Mr. Snow".
- Mister Snow! Mister Snow!
Will you come visit again?
- In one hour. I give you my word.
- Thank you, Mr. Snow...
This poem is universal in the sense that with the same text it can express completely different subtexts, including the exact opposite: delight, joy, restraint, indifference, disappointment, grief, fear, horror. Each child performs the poem while others guess the subtext and discuss how each reading was considerate of Mr. Snow.

Situations in which it is necessary to observe methodological development etiquette