Gel pen tattoo - we create harmless tattoos. How to make a temporary tattoo at home - the necessary materials and tools, sketches with photos

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Since ancient times, people covered their bodies with various drawings and inscriptions, which were supposed to not only decorate, but also bring good luck in a certain area. Now, a sixth of the entire population of the planet has tattoos, but they are no longer given as much importance as they used to be.

Although the tattoo is still a huge responsibility, because it remains for life. Many tattooed people recommend getting a temporary tattoo first.

Photo of temporary tattoos

How to temporarily get a tattoo: the psychology of the issue

No matter how brave people who want to get a tattoo try to seem, sooner or later they admit that they were afraid not so much of pain as of the fact that the drawing would deteriorate or simply not fit. Such a reaction is quite adequate, because tattoos always remain on the body, and their reduction brings not only unbearable pain, but also leaves scars.

Temporary tattoos are an ideal option, because they not only allow you to feel a foreign inscription on your body, but also get used to it. Interestingly, many people who want to get a tattoo earlier change their mind after getting a temporary one. And information on how to make a temporary tattoo can be found on almost all popular resources.

How to temporarily get a henna tattoo

Many who want to capture any drawing on their own body do not know how to make a temporary henna tattoo, and you don’t need to make supernatural efforts for this. The technology itself is very simple, and even a child can understand the stages of its implementation.

Here is the basic sequence for performing a temporary henna tattoo at home:

  • Drawing or inscription. First you need to determine which pattern will soon appear on one of the parts of the body. There are many different drawings and topics, so you need to carefully consider this issue.
  • Preparation. In order to soon begin applying henna to the skin, you should prepare the necessary items. And all you need is: a glass container; wooden spoon; a small amount of henna; one lemon (citric acid can also be used); a sieve and a couple of teaspoons of tea or coffee. The bowl and spoon should be clean and preferably free of grease, which can be done by wiping them with regular paper towels.
  • Stirring. Henna must be sifted through a sieve so that it does not contain large particles that can damage the pattern. Lemon juice should be mixed with henna to the state of toothpaste, and then pour in a little strong coffee or tea. The mass should be like a soft, but not liquid slurry. In order for henna to reach the desired consistency, it must be placed in the refrigerator for twelve hours.
  • Formation. So that henna does not spread during drawing and does not lose shape, you should use a regular bag from which you need to cut a small square. A little henna should be put in the middle of the square, and then rolled up so that it takes the shape of a cone. Having fixed the cone with adhesive tape, you can proceed to the main part - drawing.
  • Drawing. Applying a temporary henna tattoo should be very careful, because henna has very strong coloring pigments and can quickly penetrate the skin. Many tattoo artists recommend using a stencil or a pencil sketch, because in this case, the possibility of spoiling the drawing is practically excluded. It is better to pay more attention to small details, because in this case speed is not important, but quality.

To the question: "How to make a temporary tattoo at home", many people answer that henna is the best option, because it is completely safe, does not contain toxins and does not damage even the most delicate skin.

Many do not know how to make a temporary tattoo with a pencil, but it is very simple and the application process does not require serious costs or a lot of time spent. To do this, you just need to act in stages and follow all the instructions.

Here are the main steps for creating tattoos with a pencil:

  • Preparation. To apply a temporary tattoo on the skin, you need to prepare the following items: eyeliner (preferably black), a simple tracing paper, a regular pencil (but you should not choose too hard, because it can damage the skin), talcum powder. You will also need: alcohol tincture, regular or nail scissors, a wet napkin, cotton wool or cotton pads and a special wound healing agent that creates an invisible film that does not allow drops of fat and water to pass through.
  • Drawing. First you need to make a drawing on tracing paper, and then cut it out. If there are small details in the drawing or inscription, they need to be drawn more clearly. The drawing should be drawn calmly and with high quality, because then it will be on the skin for about two to four days.
  • Disinfection. In order for a temporary pencil tattoo to last for a long time and not be erased in separate fragments, the skin must be disinfected. This will not only help to avoid rapid wear of the tattoo, but also get rid of excessive skin shine.
  • Transfer. You should apply tracing paper to the disinfected skin and blot the pattern with a damp cloth, holding it on the skin for about two minutes. After all these manipulations, the pattern will remain on the skin. The whole procedure of how to make a temporary tattoo can be seen on the video, which is filmed by real tattoo artists -
  • Giving beautiful color. The drawing of a temporary tattoo remaining on the skin should be outlined with an eyeliner, then sprinkled with talcum powder, shading it with a brush. After applying the eyeliner, you should wait a few minutes and only then apply talc, because this sequence will give a more beautiful black color.
  • Completion. At the end of the process, you just need to sprinkle the drawing with a small amount of wound healing spray. When the spray is completely dry on the skin, the tattoo is ready.

People wondering: "How to temporarily get a tattoo?" they must understand that there is nothing complicated in the process itself, and the main thing is just to believe in your strengths and capabilities.

How to make a temporary tattoo on the arm at home

You can get a tattoo using a printer that almost everyone has at hand.

To perform a temporary tattoo, we need:

  • jet printer,
  • a sheet of paper for the printer, the size and type of paper do not play a special role,
  • transparent tape, preferably wide.

  • News

DIY temporary tattoos with a gel pen

If you feel like trying your own temporary tattoo design, then try this method! In this public we will tell you how to make it using stationery gel pens, which we write with and can be bought at every stationery and art supply store.

Idea for a temporary gel tattoo

First you need to present the design of your temporary tattoo before proceeding to make a tattoo. Before you start, figure out exactly what you want. The tattoo will stay on the skin for several days, so make sure it's the one you like. Look for images of your favorite tattoo designs and chances are you'll come up with tons of new ideas.

Temporary tattoo mockup

Draw the drawing with a dark gel pen. The ink in the gel pen will happily print off the paper onto your skin once you're done. Just draw the image on tracing paper or parchment paper with a pencil, and then carefully color it with a gel pen. Do not overdo it so that the pattern does not spread.

Place for a tattoo

Step by step:

Soak a piece of cloth in warm water.

Attach the paper with the image to the place where you want the tattoo. Press the wet cloth firmly against the tattoo image for 30 seconds.

Slowly and gently lift the edge of the paper to make sure the tattoo has completely blended into the skin. If this is not the case, press the fabric against the image for a few more seconds and then check again.

As soon as the tattoo is imprinted on the skin, remove the rag and paper. Let the tattoo dry well, being careful not to touch it with clothing or other parts of the body.

Do-it-yourself temporary tattoo with a gel pen is ready

Enjoy your new tattoo! It won't stay for long, but it's good for a party or other event as it stays fresh all day long. Note: After contact with water, the tattoo will begin to wear off quickly. P.S. If this option does not suit you, then try to make a temporary tattoo using a regular pencil or a permanent marker. You can order tattoos with your own design here. Please leave a like below if you enjoyed the article. Thank you.)

Decorating your body with a tattoo is undoubtedly the decision of strong and self-confident people. Although some do not accept this way of self-expression, yet the fashion is steadily gaining momentum.

A huge number of people daily apply drawings to their bodies. If not so long ago, tattoos were applied with paint that remained on the skin for a lifetime, then with the development of technology and the growing demand for this kind of wearable jewelry, the application of so-called temporary tattoos became available.

In fact, temporary tattoos can be of different types. There is airbrushing on the skin, biotattoo, transfer tattoos, henna drawings.

Recently, among all the diversity, special fame has gained henna tattoo. And this is not at all accidental, since henna tattoos have a lot of advantages.

Henna tattoo at home

First of all, I would like to note the advantages of such. Firstly, you can safely experiment, because the tattoo is temporary, it will wash off after a fairly short period of time, and there will be no trace of the drawing on the body. If you like it, then such a tattoo can be easily updated or redrawn.

The choice of location will also not be such an acute problem as with a permanent tattoo. First, you can apply henna drawing on one area of ​​​​the skin, and then, taking into account all the pros and cons, leave it in the same place or apply it again in another.

Another important point is that the dye - henna does not have a chemical base, therefore it does not cause allergies and is safe and non-toxic.

It is impossible not to mention the fact that the cost of a set with henna for tattoos is low, so such a product is affordable for the buyer.

Inflicting henna tattoo at home, you can save a decent amount of money, which usually goes to pay for the work of the master.

But at the same time temporary tattoo made at home can be in no way inferior to that made by the master in the cabin.

If you really decided on the desire to decorate your body with a tattoo, then many questions immediately arise: how to make a temporary tattoo at home And what you need to do?

First of all, you need to acquire the necessary accessories. If you are confident in your talent as an artist, then you can limit yourself to buying henna.

It can be a powder from which a paste is made, or a ready-made paste, which is usually packaged in the form of a cone with something similar to a pastry bag.

It is worth noting that henna, which is sold in bags and is intended for hair, is not suitable for drawing a pattern on the skin. If you want to get a good result, then it is better to purchase ready-made pasta.

If you are not sure that you can apply the drawing you like on your own, then it is better to purchase and.

With it, you will accurately apply the coloring matter. The choice of stencils is huge, so you can certainly pick up a sketch that you like.

To lubricate the skin, many masters prefer essential oils. The invigorating smell of the oil will make the procedure more pleasant.

Before the actual procedure of applying a day or two, it is best to clean the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on which the tattoo will be located with a scrub.

This will clear the skin and keep your drawing visible for quite some time. More experienced craftsmen recommend removing hair from the surface of the skin, this will help make the drawing more accurate and even.

How to make a tattoo at home?

The application process itself henna tattoos at home can take quite a long time. Therefore, it will be better if you leave a few hours in reserve.

For work, you need to choose a well-lit room in which you will feel comfortable. You can open the window, then the fresh air will invigorate your body.

Music lovers can enjoy their favorite hits of artists. But at the same time, nothing should be distracting so that you can concentrate and devote yourself entirely to the creative process.

The work surface should be flat and large so that you can place everything you need without effort.

If temporary henna tattoo is applied through a stencil, then first the stencil must be firmly glued to the skin.

The maximum density of the stencil sticker to the skin will provide a good result, you will have more chances that the henna paste will not spread and the pattern will be clear.

Then the process of filling the free space of the stencil begins, so you will transfer the pattern to the skin.

If you do not use a stencil, then it is better to make a sketch on clean skin with a regular pen, and then start painting with henna.

If you are confident in your strengths and abilities, then you can start applying henna to the skin without too much preparation.

After the drawing is completely applied, you must wait until the moment when the paint dries. This may take up to two hours, so please be patient.

The thicker the applied layer, the brighter the pattern will look, but the drying time also increases. Approximately in a day from henna it acquires its true form.

Using a tattoo machine at home

A temporary tattoo is certainly a good option. But if there is a desire to get a permanent tattoo, then everything is not so simple. It would be very good for this purpose to turn to a professional master in a specialized salon.

However, as a rule, tattooing procedures are quite expensive and can take a long time, since the drawing is carried out in several sessions. Tattoo artists use a special tattoo machine, which is the main working tool.

A good machine is quite expensive, so home tattoo machine may cost a large financial investment. Here it is worth weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of such a purchase.

A good range of cars is presented by many online stores, here you can find reviews and characteristics of each model.

But there are alternative methods like make a tattoo machine at home. The machine can be replaced by a needle and special ink (paint) for tattoos.

It is best to purchase a disposable ink container, it will be much more convenient to work with.

Big risk when applied tattoos at home is that you can get infected. Therefore, it will be better if the needle is sterilized in boiling water and treated with alcohol.

It is also necessary to work in sterile rubber gloves to eliminate the risk of infection or dust.

Some people think that it is better to make a stylus pen for a needle, then it will be more convenient to use when working.

Such a stylus can serve as a pencil, to which the needle must be firmly and securely fixed. Around the needle, you need to make a shell of cotton wool.

You need to make several punctures in the skin, then lower the homemade typewriter into the ink so that the cotton wool absorbs them a little. Drops of paint should get under the skin. The depth of the punctures should be medium so that the skin is stretched over the needle.

Methodically repeating the punctures and applying the drawing centimeter by centimeter, you should regularly wipe the place where the needle has already worked to remove excess paint and oozing. However, do not forget about cleanliness and sterility, change cotton swabs and towels or wipes to wipe the tattoo.

When you are done sketching and the tattoo is in the process of being finished, give the whole surface you were working on a good wipe down.

After that, it is advisable to close this place with a gauze bandage, since, in fact, there is an open wound on your body.

Follow the healing process, avoid exposure to bright sunlight, which can cause skin burns, as well as high humidity.

Today, all kinds of tattoos are very popular. However, not everyone is ready to decorate their body for the rest of their lives. An excellent alternative in this case would be a temporary tattoo, for example, for the summer, which you can easily do yourself, right at home.

In addition, some people use this method when they want to check whether this or that drawing suits them. After all, if you are dissatisfied with your work, you can delete it at any time.

What are temporary tattoos?

Temporary tattoos differ depending on the type of dye used and the method of application.

Today, the following types of such jewelry are most popular:

  • mehendi, or henna tattoo. The safest way to apply a temporary tattoo on the body, which almost never causes allergic reactions. Henna powder for creating an image can be purchased at specialized tattoo parlors. To obtain it, use the upper leaves of henna, which are first very finely ground. The original drawings obtained with this natural dye are burgundy or red. Sometimes black graphite is added to it to get a more durable and dark image;
  • airbrushing is a method of applying temporary pictures, close to body art. To create tattoos that will remain on your body for only 3-5 days, a special tool is used here - an airbrush filled with water-based paints;
  • biotatu is not suitable for any area of ​​​​the skin and does not last long. To apply the image in this way, not only special paints are used, but also a variety of sparkles;
  • decals, too, to some extent, can be attributed to temporary tattoos. They are applied to the selected area of ​​the skin using a stencil pre-moistened with water. This decoration will wash off your body on its own in a few days.

In this article, we will tell you how to make a temporary henna tattoo that can please you for several weeks or even months.

How to prepare a solution for application?

First of all, you should prepare henna to create a drawing. You need to start preparing the day before.

Follow our instructions carefully:

  • Sift henna powder through a fine strainer;
  • Pour 1 heaping tablespoon into a glass container and add lemon juice, approximately 50 ml;
  • Mix the components until a homogeneous slurry;
  • Wrap the dishes with the prepared mixture in a plastic bag and leave it for 12 hours at a temperature of 22-25 degrees Celsius;
  • After this time, remove the plastic bag and add 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar and 1 teaspoon of any aromatic oil to the mixture;
  • Then gradually add lemon juice and constantly stir the resulting paste. Ultimately, it should resemble 20% sour cream in consistency;
  • Re-wrap the container in a plastic bag and leave it like that for another 12 hours.

How to prepare for the procedure?

First you need to decide on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on which you will apply the image. If you are going to get a temporary henna tattoo not for the first time, try to choose a different part of the body. Experts do not recommend decorating the same place more often than once every 2-3 months.

At least a day before applying the drawing, refuse to visit the solarium, and also try not to expose the skin to direct sunlight.

  • wash the skin thoroughly with a hard washcloth and soap;
  • wipe it with a cotton swab, abundantly dipped in alcohol;
  • from the area of ​​​​the skin on which the image is planned to be applied, it is necessary to completely remove all hair.

How to make a temporary tattoo at home?

When you have prepared the paste for application and have decided on the part of the body where you will draw, you can proceed directly to creating the decoration. Such a temporary tattoo will stay with you for a period of one week to 3 months.

Mix the previously prepared solution again and proceed to outline the contour.

To do this, you will need a special tool that you can make yourself from foil or polyethylene, according to the following scheme:

  • Cut out a square measuring 5x5 cm;
  • Put 1 tablespoon of cooked pasta in the center of the cut out square;
  • Next, you need to put one side into the other so that our square takes the shape of a cone;
  • The tip of the resulting cone should be rolled out between the thumb and forefinger so that the hole in it becomes comparable to the diameter of the sewing needle;
  • The sides of the cone must be secured with tape.

With the help of the resulting tool, you can easily draw the outline of the future image by gently squeezing the tape. At the same time, a little paste will come out of the tip of the cone.

The current fashion for tattoos is rooted in antiquity. A variety of symbols were applied to the body not so much for aesthetic purposes, but in order to protect against evil forces. Modern tattoo culture retains its symbolism, while simultaneously bearing a decorative load. In the East, the tattoo is still part of the subculture and carries an element of a festive tradition. In Islamic countries, on the eve of the wedding, the hands and feet of the girls are painted with henna, applying floral patterns and national symbols.

How to make a temporary henna tattoo at home?

What is a henna tattoo? This is a fairly simple technology for painting on the body, which will not need to be reduced later. A temporary drawing will decorate your body without causing any discomfort.

In order to get a good result and a high-quality drawing, you should strictly follow the technology for preparing a special composition based on traditional henna, which also includes the juice of two lemons, a small amount of sugar and aromatic oil of your choice.

  • To avoid lumps, henna must be carefully sieved. After that, measure out 20 g of henna and dilute 1/4 cup of lemon juice.
  • Wrap the resulting viscous mixture directly in a bowl tightly in a plastic bag and place in a warm place for 12 hours. For a darker shade, you can add a little basma to the mixture.
  • After 12 hours, add 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar to the infused mass so that the paint does not spread.
  • Next - a teaspoon of some aromatic oil, so that the drawing lasts longer and has a beautiful dark color. Mixing lemon juice into the mixture, dilute the mass to the consistency of sour cream. Do not mix artificial dyes into the composition, which can harm and cause skin allergies.

At the end of all these procedures, the resulting composition must be tightly wrapped again in a bag and put in a warm place for 12 hours, after which the composition is ready for use. The color shades of a temporary henna tattoo have a peculiar nature. After removing the mixture, the pattern will be faded and will appear over the next 2-3 days, acquiring a dark brown color. During this time, avoid getting water on the drawing. The brightness also depends on the type of skin in the areas where the pattern is applied. If the skin is dry, the pattern will be bright.

Drawing on the body

The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on which you are going to apply the drawing must be degreased with alcohol. Henna tends to be absorbed instantly, so all inaccuracies in the pattern should be wiped immediately with a damp cotton turunda. If you do not know the basics of drawing, try to draw the desired plot or pattern on paper, and then repeat it on the body with a pen or felt-tip pen, or cut out a stencil with the desired outlines.

To obtain a light pattern, apply the paste in a thin even layer, cover the darker areas of the pattern with a thick layer. When completed, the drawing should be fixed with hairspray as a fixative and allowed to dry, leaving overnight. Do not wash off the remaining paste, remove them with a cotton swab with lemon juice.

In Arab countries and in India, such a tattoo for women is a classic decoration. It is called mehendi and has a ritual meaning as protection from evil forces and the evil eye. The bride must be protected by a special pattern, which is applied on the palms and on the soles of the feet. In all Eastern countries, you can get such a tattoo in many places, sometimes even right on the street, especially in the markets. Mehendi fashion was brought to Europe and America by tourists who made tattoos on their travels. Now you can get mehendi in our beauty salons.

How are temporary tattoos drawn?

A beautiful temporary tattoo does not have to be painted. For these purposes, you can use ready-made forms that work like classic children's "decals", only they are superimposed not on paper, but on the human body.

Also now in fashion are special velvety, luminous or shiny temporary tattoos that are simply glued to the body. Their service life is quite short, but they are usually offered as an evening, weekend decoration for going to a club, to a party, to visit. It can last for several days, gradually losing its attractiveness, but it is usually washed off or removed immediately after the end of the holiday.

Another type of body decoration that only remotely fits the definition of a tattoo is rhinestone decor. It plays a decorative role, serves a short time, otherwise it behaves like a regular temporary type tattoo.

Most of all, it looks like a familiar “decal” tattoo. Products of high quality can be made so realistic that it is very difficult to distinguish them from real work. But they have a number of advantages that make them attractive in the eyes of users: they are temporary, that is, they give a person the opportunity to feel “on their own skin” how a tattoo will look like, whether they will be comfortable living with it. You can get rid of a temporary drawing quickly and painlessly, but reducing a real one can be very painful, long and expensive.

There is another way to get a temporary tattoo - using a special marker. The drawing is simply applied to the body, but it does not last long.

A number of tattoo parlors offer a special service - a tattoo that will be visible for several years, and then gradually turn pale and disappear. For it, special biodegradable paints are used, which slowly lose their brightness. But many users note that an inexpressive and unaesthetic colored spot, strongly reminiscent of a bruise, remains in place of the tattoo for a long time.

How long does a temporary tattoo last?

The lifespan of a temporary tattoo varies greatly from person to person. In many ways, it depends on the properties of the skin, care and the rate of tissue renewal. Such a decoration is the least useful on oily skin, for people prone to active sweating, for those who are engaged in physical work, sports, dancing or just move a lot, often take a shower, visit a sauna or bath, use aggressive detergents.

If we summarize all the available data, we can say that you can use a temporary tattoo from one day to two weeks.

As for henna drawings, their "shelf life" depends on the quality of the henna itself. Natural henna usually starts to fade on the 9th day, so it is believed that a good mehendi can last from 10 days to two weeks. If the paint "under henna" was used, it most often will not live more than 5 days.

How to keep a temporary tattoo as long as possible?

To keep the drawing longer, lubricate it with vegetable oil before water procedures and minimize the mechanical effect on the skin area.

A lot depends on how the body will be prepared before drawing the picture. In order for the tattoo to last as long as possible, before the procedure, you need to clean the skin with a scrub as efficiently as possible, and even better, do a superficial peeling with soft preparations. They will dissolve the outer stratum corneum, level the surface and the paint will lay down smoothly, adhere well to the skin, so it will last longer.

It is impossible to remove a tattoo from henna until it completely clears itself. To speed up the elimination process, use soap and scrub more often.