How to sew a beautiful apron for the kitchen: models, design options, patterns, photos and videos. How to sew a kitchen apron, an apron from fabric with your own hands: step-by-step instructions for beginners, pattern, photo

Church holidays

Like any thing, before you sew an apron, you need to cut it out. And in order to cut, you need to do construction of an apron drawing.
The simplest cut apron is a one-piece one. In this lesson we will make two versions of patterns:
- pattern of an apron with a cut-off bib;
- pattern of a one-piece apron.

For an experienced dressmaker, of course, any version of the apron will not cause any difficulty in cutting it out directly onto the fabric. But for this it is necessary that there is an image of the object being created in the mind. A beginner doesn’t have one, so I suggest making a pattern on paper first. At the same time, an image of the apron pattern will be formed, which will subsequently help you cut it directly onto the fabric.

To make an apron pattern or cut it out on fabric, you need to take several measurements. The procedure for taking measurements is classic.

  1. Tie a belt around your waist and determine the narrowest part of your body.
  2. Measure your waist circumference to determine the length of the belt. Write down half the measurement - St. This measure need not be divided, but written down in full form - From.
  3. Measure the widest part of the body - the circumference of the hips. It should be noted here that the widest part of the body is not always the hips. It may be that the chest measurement will be larger than the hip measurement. We need exactly the hips: the measuring tape passes through the protruding points of the buttocks parallel to the floor, taking into account the protrusion of the abdomen. Do not tuck the tape under your stomach or lift it up. We write down half the measurements - Sat.
  4. The belt at the waist is the zero mark. Down from the waist to the desired length - the length of the bottom of the apron - Day.h. The measurement is recorded in full.
  5. Up from the waist to the desired height - measure the length of the bib - Day. The measurement is recorded in full.
  6. Strap length – Dbr: from the top line of the bib on one side through the neck to the desired height of the bib on the other side. Take this measurement immediately after measuring Day.

The strap, like any other piece of clothing, must correspond to the size of the product and be adjusted to the figure. Both a long strap and a short one not only violates the aesthetics of the product, but also causes discomfort when using the apron.

  1. Bib width: the width measurement must be taken at the intended upper part of the bib and written down - Shn. at half size.

We write down all the measurements in a column (the measurements used for the example are in parentheses):

Take your measurements and write them down in centimeters.

Beginners also have no experience in handling fabric and scissors on a first-name basis, or practicing economical layout, so I always advise that if you have a pattern, then use it, since it makes it easier to lay out fabric layouts, as you will see for yourself.

It is also more convenient to use a pattern if the fabric is coupon and you need to choose the best placement of the cut according to the pattern.

Option 1.

Construction of a drawing of an apron with a bib

An apron with a cut-off bib is more difficult to sew, but it has its advantages - it fits better on the figure. But when constructing a drawing of an apron, it is the basis for a one-piece apron. Therefore, we begin to build the pattern with this option.

  1. Determine the center line of the pattern, corresponding to the fold line on the fabric. Construct a right angle with vertex B.
  2. Place the length of the bib down - point T, draw a horizontal line.
  3. From T downwards, set aside the length of the lower part of the apron. – point H, and draw a horizontal line.
  4. Along line T, plot the width of the lower part of the apron using the formula:

(Sat.: 2) +8 = ... and put point T 1.

Lower the line down and build a rectangle - the lower part of the apron is ready.

5. Along line B horizontally, set aside the width of the bib Shn. (measurement is written in half size) – place point A.

6. Place the measurement Shn horizontally along the T line. + 1.5 cm – point B.

7. Connect A and B. We get a bib - a figure with VABT points

8. Pocket construction. From T down, set aside a measurement of 8-9 cm, for children - 7 cm = point K. From K horizontally (parallel to the waist line) set aside K1 = 8 - 9 cm (for children 7 cm).

From point K1, build a pocket: horizontally to the right - pocket width for children - 15 cm, for adults - 17 cm (according to hand size).

From point K1 downwards, set aside the length of the pocket: for children - 16 cm. For adults - 19 cm.

Construct a rectangle drawing of a pocket.

When cutting, the pocket is cut out separately, but on the apron you need to mark the place where the pocket will be sewn, so the pocket is marked on the apron. However, the location of the pocket can be determined during fitting, and the pocket can be drawn separately.

9. The strap, belt and scarf are cut out directly on the fabric, although the school curriculum requires making patterns of these parts on paper.

a) The length of the strap is equal to the measurement plus 6 cm for the allowance, the width of the strap is 5 - 6 cm.

b) The length of the belt is: (St + 30 cm for ties) * 2 =

or: From + 60 cm for ties. You need to add 2 cm for processing the ends of the belt and 2 cm for each stitching seam if the belt is made of several parts.

The optimal belt width is 7 cm.

d) I don’t recommend making a scarf on paper. However, to draw a drawing on paper or a pattern on fabric, you need to measure the front part of the head, add 30-40 cm to the ends for tying a scarf. This segment is equal to the hypotenuse of an isosceles triangle (approximately 105-110 cm). Lay the piece along the bias thread so that you get an isosceles triangle: with sides 65 -75 cm, depending on the size (the numbers are indicated with seam allowances). Draw a scarf and cut it off.

Option 2.

One-piece apron.

We perform the same actions as when building an apron with a bib:

  1. Construct a right angle with its vertex at point B.
  2. From (.)B, put two measurements in a row down the length of the pattern: Day. - T;

Day hours – N.

3. Along line B, horizontally set aside the width of the bib Shn - point A.

4. Along the T line horizontally - the width of the lower part: calculate using the formula: (Sb: 2) + 8 = point T 1

Lower the perpendicular down to line H, construct a rectangle.

5. From T along the width of the pattern, set aside Shn. : 2 + 1.5 cm = B

Connect the top and bottom points of the bib: A and B.

6. Form the side cut of the apron from the top of the bib to the waist line with a smooth concave line.

The corners of the bottom of the apron can also be smoothly rounded. The radius of curvature is determined experimentally depending on the size of the apron. The smoother the corners are rounded, the easier it will be to process them, both with a hem seam with a closed cut and with an edge seam.

In addition, if you choose to process the cuts entirely with edging tape, then you will need to slightly round the upper corners of the bib.

Apron without bib

In the past, an apron with a cut-off bib would have been suitable for a technology lesson. "How to sew an apron, grade 5. Federal State Educational Standard". But the program has been changed, simplified, and this lesson will be more difficult to understand than provided for in the new program, although it includes elements of an apron for the fifth grade. You only need to take the lower part of the apron and the belt. The same applies to those who needed apron without bib.

Today we completed drawing of an apron, we looked at two options for constructing patterns: a one-piece apron and with a cut-off bib, we learned about the advantages of cutting on fabric and using a pattern.

Which pattern option is more interesting for you, will you cut directly onto the fabric or will you create an apron pattern? Share your experience, your successes - everyone will be interested.

I look forward to your comments and questions. If the article was useful, share it with friends, like, subscribe to the news and receive the book as a gift "Sewing machine for home use."

With love, Olga Zlobina

Summary of a technology lesson in 5th grade on the topic: “Modeling an apron”

Tugareva Irina Vasilievna, teacher of GBS(K)OU "Suponevskaya special school - boarding school of the VI type"
Description of the material: the proposed material can be useful to technology teachers when conducting lessons in the 5th grade, and to sewing teachers in type 8 correctional schools.
Target: Give an idea of ​​modeling garments.
introduce types of clothing modeling and professions in this field;
teach modeling techniques using the example of an apron;
develop students’ spatial imagination, creative thinking, and aesthetic ideas through the selection of matching details of the apron and decoration;
promote the development of the sensory sphere of students (development of the eye, orientation in space, accuracy and subtlety in distinguishing colors, patterns, shapes);
cultivate demands for the quality of their work, responsibility, accuracy and consistency in completing tasks.
Equipment: workbook, samples of finishing materials, drawings and patterns of an apron, templates for drawing an apron in M ​​1:4, details of a fabric apron, sketches, photographs and finished models of aprons, samples of fabrics and finishing materials, colored paper, scissors, glue.
Vocabulary work: model, modeling, fashion designer, sketch, lace, applique.
Lesson plan:
1.Organizing moment. Checking readiness for the lesson.
2. Updating students' knowledge.

5. Physical education minute.
6. Consolidation.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.
Greeting and checking students' readiness for class.
2.Updating students' knowledge.
In the last lesson we built a drawing of an apron.
Name the details of the apron. What shape are they?
What measurement is needed to determine the length of the apron? How is it removed?
What is clothing design?
What does a design engineer do?
Why is the apron drawing done for half the figure?

Which parts have a center line?
3.Explanation of new material.
Each type of clothing has its own purpose. Depending on the season, we choose clothes according to the weather. For school and work - one dress, for special occasions - another. What do you think aprons are for and what they come in?
/children's answers/
Will we wear the same apron to do the cleaning and set the table for receiving guests?
/children's answers/
Of course, we are convinced that aprons not only protect our clothes from getting dirty, but are also one of the elements of the traditional school uniform for graduates and can be beautiful and elegant.
Look at the drawing of the apron. If you make a pattern, cut and sew an apron, it will turn out like this:

But would it be interesting if everyone made exactly the same aprons? Of course not!
Today in the lesson we will learn how to get various models of an apron based on one drawing, we will learn how to perform modeling.
Look at this drawing.

Is it possible to sew such an apron using the pattern we have?
/children's answers/
Why? (I suggest checking the conformity of the shape of the apron parts and the pattern and finding the answer. Children find the difference. They conclude that the shape of the apron parts needs to be changed.)
Models of aprons differ from each other in shape, color and finish. The way one model differs from another is called style.
Modeling is changing the shape of clothing parts and selecting different types of finishes (students write in a notebook)
There are 2 types of modeling: technical and artistic.
Clothes modeling is carried out by representatives of such professions as artist and fashion designer. He models clothes and selects the appropriate finishing for them. A fashion designer makes drawings and patterns.
There are several ways to model an apron: (write in a notebook)
1 - changing the geometric dimensions and shape of individual parts of the apron.
2 - use of artistic finishing.
3 - color modeling.
When developing a new model, several modeling methods can be used at once.
The easiest way to model an apron is to change the geometric shape of the parts, but we must remember that if we have already changed the shape of any part, we must definitely apply this shape to another, at least one part of the apron.

Apron finishing. Finishing decorates and enlivens the product, making it attractive. Modern fashion designers use a variety of types: fabric of a different color or texture, embroidery, decorative stitches, braid, lace, applique. There is only one rule here: maintaining a sense of proportion.

You need to be very careful when choosing the finishing of aprons made of colored fabric. You can achieve a harmonious color combination if you use in the finishing the same color that is present in the main fabric of the product (fabric with a pattern) or a finishing color that contrasts with the main background.

4. Introductory briefing and practical work.
During our practical work, you will all become fashion designers and create your own models of aprons. Don't forget about the rules for working safely with scissors.
Task No. 1.
A sketch of an apron is proposed, and templates for an apron with a rectangular bottom part are given. It is necessary to modify the template (from colored paper) in accordance with the sketch.
Task No. 2.
Choose a contrasting color finish for the proposed apron.
Task No. 3.
Remove the excess. Envelopes with one template for the lower part of the apron and several options for a bib and pocket of various shapes are given. For the proposed lower part of the apron, select a bib and pocket that match the shape.
5. Physical education minute.
Once - we got up
Once - we stood up and straightened up.
Two - bent over, bent over.
Three - three claps with your hands.
And four are on the sides.
Five - wave your arms.
Six - sit down again.
6. Consolidation.
What is modeling?
What types of modeling are there?
Picture task:

How to choose finishes for an apron?
7. Completion of the lesson, summing up.
Mutual control of completed practical work. Making marks.
Reflection. Students attach happy emoticons to the board if everything went well in the lesson, or sad ones if there were difficulties.
Homework: complete your own sketch of an apron, taking into account the available fabric for later production in class.

An apron is a necessary thing in the home of every housewife. And if your little housewife is growing up, make an apron for her too! Your little princess will love having the same apron that mom wears and will be more enthusiastic about helping you around the house. Sew paired “mother-daughter” aprons and start preparing homemade culinary masterpieces!

How to sew an apron? First you need to decide on the fabric. Choose something thicker. The ideal base for an apron is linen, but choose by eye and touch. Then we start cutting.

The pattern for a children's apron is made on fabric measuring approximately 40*50 (focus on the child's height). First you need to take measurements. Do this according to the diagram below.

A standard apron pattern for a child 6-12 years old looks like this.

If your child is tall enough, other sizes will suit you.

However, this apron is also suitable for adults. Well, the standard apron pattern for adults looks like this.

However, all these dimensions are relative. They are standard, so just use them as a rough guide. Take measurements of yourself and your child to ensure the apron fits perfectly.

When the pattern is ready, fold and iron all the edges. Now stitch them at a distance of 1 cm.

Make a pocket. It can be sewn in the center of the apron. Or you can make two on the sides. It all depends on where it is more convenient for you to put kitchen items while preparing dishes.

It’s better to make the ties wider, so the apron will fit tighter. Two ribbons should be on top, two more in the center.

For decoration, you can use the same fabric from which the apron was sewn. You can cut a strip of fabric, then gather it into an accordion and sew it to the bottom of our craft to make a frill. Bows will also look very nice on the apron.

Take a look at the ideas we have collected for you: get inspired and decorate the finished accessory with your own hands!

The article contains patterns and photographs of aprons that you can sew with your own hands.

What material or fabric is better to sew from, sew a home apron, apron: tips

An apron is exactly that “mandatory” thing that every housewife should have. You can purchase it at any store or sew it yourself (this will testify not only to your skill, but can also be the most practical thing, since it will be made taking into account all your features).

It is customary to keep several aprons in the house, for example, for each family member or in the case when one apron gets dirty and another is needed “for backup.” An apron (or “apron”) is needed not only for working in the kitchen, but also in cases where you care for flowers in the garden, “digging” through old things, doing cleaning, or even repairing a car.

There are many styles of women's and men's aprons that perfectly protect clean clothes from dirt, dust, and wear. The apron can be attached to the waist or neck, covering the chest. If you have enough aprons, you can sew one to give as a gift to a loved one.

INTERESTING: You can not only feel comfortable in an apron, but also work comfortably, because it is equipped with many large and small pockets for storing handy things.

When creating an apron, remember that it should not only be good and comfortable, but also beautiful. For a self-made apron to turn out very “successful”, you should choose its style in advance, find patterns and purchase practical material.

The material for sewing an apron should be one that can “accept” all types of dirt and not stain the material of clean clothes. In addition, the apron gets dirty too quickly and very often, and then it is important that the material can withstand frequent washing well.

Which materials are best:

  • Teflon fabric(capable of transmitting water, but not absorbing stains; the only drawback of this material is that it is relatively expensive).
  • Linen(absorbs and transmits moisture well, can be easily washed multiple times).
  • Cotton(light fabric that is practically not felt on the body, absorbs moisture well and washes well, withstands high water temperatures).
  • Denim(a very unusual material, quite dense, but heavy and its weight is immediately felt on the body).

Other tips:

  • It is best to choose colored fabric for an apron. On such a material, stains will not be as noticeable as on a plain and light material.
  • Another option is to sew an apron from a dark fabric, for example, blue, black, purple.
  • You can diversify such aprons with different colored inserts.

Home apron in loft style made of denim or linen

How to make a pattern for an apron, apron 46, 48, large size?

In fact, an apron is a dimensionless accessory, as it has no fasteners or buttons. In cases where the apron “turns out to be small,” it should only be tied looser at the waist or the ribbon that holds the bib behind the neck should be lengthened.

How to make a pattern and sew an apron:

  • In order to sew an apron correctly and accurately, you will need paper, fabric, scissors and thread (or a sewing machine).
  • First, draw a pattern on paper (it consists of two large squares, three ribbons and two pockets).
  • You can cut the pattern from paper such as whatman paper, wallpaper or a sheet of newspaper (large spread).
  • After this, the pattern is applied to the fabric and the apron blank is cut out.
  • Each edge is folded and stitched, after which pockets and ribbons are sewn on (on the neck and on both sides for tying at the back).
  • The decorative finishing of each apron is done to your liking.


How to quickly and step by step sew a simple apron, an apron without a bib for the kitchen made of fabric: sewing technology and instructions for beginners

Sewing an apron without a bib for the kitchen is very simple. To do this, you should use one large piece and one ribbon to hold it and with which you can tie the apron at the waist. Such an apron must have several pockets for handy items, and any decorative finishing of the product, such as frills or ruffles, is done according to preference.

IMPORTANT: This apron is easy to sew from starched cotton fabric.


  • Make a pattern from a sheet of paper, place it on the fabric, and cut it out.
  • The tape should be stitched on each side so that the fabric does not fray and the belt is tight and strong.
  • You can sew the two elements of the apron by hand or using a sewing machine.
  • Pockets are already sewn to the finished product, and best of all, using several lines, so that they can withstand even a heavy load.

How to properly sew the details of an apron?


  • It is best to sew the apron parts together using double stitching to ensure the product is durable.
  • The apron skirt can be folded into a small fold and stitched so that it is fluffy and voluminous. This will add elegance to the product.
  • The tape that holds the bib should be exactly the length that suits you, so take measurements in advance.
  • The length of the belt on both sides is not so important, so you can make it with a margin. It is better to cut off a belt that is too long or tie it twice around the waist.

We sew aprons, simple aprons for the kitchen: ideas, styles and patterns

You can choose exactly “your” version of a home apron by studying all possible ideas and patterns. Choose exactly the style that you think will be beautiful and practical. The fabric for the apron can be taken from old scraps, remnants of clothing, or you can buy special material.

Apron patterns:

Patterns of different types of aprons No. 7

We sew aprons, aprons for the kitchen ourselves with frills, ruffles: ideas, styles and patterns

Aprons sewn with frills, decorated with embroidery, lace, inserts from other materials, pockets and complemented by an unusual cut always look much more interesting and pleasant than a classic apron.

IMPORTANT: You can get ideas for sewing and get acquainted with patterns of “interesting” aprons in this article.


We sew aprons, aprons for the kitchen ourselves with bibs: ideas, styles and patterns

The advantages of such an apron:

  • Fits well on the body
  • You can sew additional pockets on the chest for storing things.
  • Covers most of the body, preventing clean clothes from getting dirty.

IMPORTANT: You can find options for beautiful, simple and unusual aprons with bibs in the photographs and sketches below.


Patterns and models of aprons No. 1

We sew stylish, beautiful aprons for the kitchen: ideas, styles

The more interesting the apron is, the more attention it deserves, the more pleasant it is to wear, the more such handmade work is worth. Check out the ideas and styles of unusual, very stylish kitchen aprons.

We sew aprons and aprons for the kitchen with our own hearts: ideas, styles and patterns

Aprons with a heart are a fashionable kitchen accessory that women love so much. The secret of the apron is that the bib in this case is cut out in advance with a heart and trimmed with frills.

Photo and pattern:

Apron with heart

We sew aprons and aprons for the kitchen in large sizes: ideas, styles and patterns

To sew a large apron, you will need the appropriate pattern.

We sew aprons and kitchen aprons for men: ideas, styles and patterns.

Even men need aprons in the kitchen. They can be in the form of an apron or solid, covering the chest.

Patterns and photos:

We sew aprons and aprons for the kitchen ourselves without a pattern: technology, ideas, styles

Even without a pattern, you can quickly make a practical apron for the kitchen or gardening with your own hands.


The best models and styles of kitchen aprons, aprons for the kitchen with your own hands: photos

Each needlewoman has her own view of things, creativity and work, and therefore there are many original aprons, hand-sewn using unusual patterns.

Video: “How to sew an apron with your own hands?”

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Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Lesson type: combined

The purpose of the lesson: introduce students to the concept of “clothing modeling” and teach techniques for technical modeling of an apron in M ​​1:4.


  1. To familiarize students with the sequence of making clothes from a sketch to the finished product, with the concept of “modeling”, with the types of modeling, with the specialties “artist - fashion designer”, “constructor - fashion designer”.
  2. Using the example of an apron, teach the selection of parts that are in harmony with each other in shape, color and pattern of the fabric, the nature of the finish, teach techniques for technical modeling of an apron in M ​​1:4.
  3. To develop students’ spatial imagination, creative thinking, and aesthetic taste.
  4. Cultivate accuracy and consistency in work.

Teaching methods: informational - reporting; work on the interactive whiteboard.

Form of organization: frontal, group.

Interdisciplinary connections: Fine art, history, MHC, drawing.

Material and technical equipment:

  • Multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard, presentation for the lesson “Modeling an apron.”
  • Visual demonstration material, mannequin, apron with bib.
  • Markers, pencil, eraser, colored paper, scissors, glue.
  • Forms with a basic drawing of an apron for group work. ( Annex 1)
  • Work plan for the “artist-fashion designer” and “artist-designer”. ( Appendix 2)

During the classes

Lesson steps Teacher activities Student activity
I. Organizational moment. (1 min.) Greets students, checks their readiness for the lesson, and notes those who are absent. Greetings from the teachers.
II. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson. (2 minutes) Informs the topic and purpose of the lesson. Write down the topic in your notebook.
III. Repetition of the covered topic. (5 minutes) Gives the floor to the speaker on the topic: “The history of the appearance of the apron.” The student talks about the origin of the apron.
Asks questions to review the topic covered. Answer questions.
IV. Learning new material. (10 min.) 1. Talks about the process of making clothes, introduces the professions: artist-fashion designer, artist-designer, sewing production technologist. Answer questions.
2. Talks about the combination of color, finish, and shape of the apron. To reinforce the material, they perform tasks on the interactive whiteboard.
3. Shows techniques for technical modeling of an apron on the STARBOARD interactive board.
V. Physical education minute. (1 min.) Performs a physical exercise Perform physical education
VI. Practical work 1. Listens and corrects students’ work. Perform technical modeling of the apron on the interactive whiteboard.
2. Divides students into groups. Gives an assignment on the topic of modeling. Distribute roles in the group. They name the studio, come up with sketches, and perform technical modeling of the apron. Protect your apron designs and technical modeling. Groups evaluate each other's work.
VII. Fixing the material. (3 min.) Asks questions for reinforcement Answer questions
VIII. Summing up the lesson. (3 min) Evaluates student work. They talk about what they learned in class.
Parting. Workplaces are being removed. Parting.

I. Organizational moment.

Checking students' readiness for the lesson. Appointment of duty officers.

II. Announcing the topic and objectives of the lesson.

(The topic of the lesson is written on the board).

Statement of lesson objectives.

III. Repetition of the covered topic.

Teacher: Girls, let's remember when and how the apron appeared.

The student (speaker) talks about the history of the appearance of the apron. ( Appendix 3)

Students answer teacher questions:(Slides 13,14)

  1. What three groups can aprons be classified into?
  2. What is construction?
  3. Name the main structural lines of the human figure. Show it on a mannequin.
  4. How many parts does an apron with bib consist of? Name these details.
  5. What measurements need to be taken to build the basis of the drawing of an apron with a bib? Name these measurements. Show these measurements on a mannequin.
  6. Why are drawings based on half a human figure?

IV. Learning new material.

Now let’s take a closer look at the stages of the product manufacturing process. (Slide 15)

  • Stage 1- artistic modeling, includes drawing up a sketch of clothing, taking into account the individual characteristics of each person. Is doing this Artist-fashion designer. (Name the names of famous fashion designers). He must know the human figure, its proportions and plasticity, as well as the laws and rules of the harmonious combination of individual parts of the suit, cut lines, decoration, have a good understanding of additions and decorations, as well as sewing technology.
  • Stage 2- design and technical modeling, includes taking measurements from the customer, drawing up a basic drawing of the product, modeling based on the basic drawing, calculating the amount of fabric, accessories, etc. This job is done Designer and fashion designer. The designer embodies the artist’s ideas in drawings and patterns
  • Stage 3 - cutting out the product. Using ready-made patterns, the product is cut. Is doing this Cutter.
  • Stage 4 – manufacturing technology. Develops this stage Sewing production technologist. A sewing production technologist determines the methods of manufacturing a product, taking into account the complexity of the style, the properties of the fabric and modern technology for sewing the product. Manufactures Seamstress. The sewing equipment operator performs sewing operations. That's how many professional people work on creating clothes.

So, let's write down the definition in our notebook. (Slide16)

Modeling is a change in the shape of parts of a product and its artistic design in accordance with the chosen model.

What should a fashion designer be guided by in order to draw up a sketch of an apron?

  • A color scheme. If the apron is made from colorful fabric, the trim should be made one color, and it should match one of the colors of the fabric.

The brighter and larger the pattern of the main fabric, the less finishing there should be.

Fabrics of bright colors are best combined with less bright ones or white, black, gray.

On the contrary, it is good to enliven pale, colorless fabrics with bright finishes. (Slide 17)

  • Combination of finishes. When making a garment, various decorative finishes are used: braid, applique, piping, lace, etc. (demonstration of finishing materials). (Slide 18)
  • Combination of shapes. If the product uses rounded shapes, then this property must be taken into account when modeling the lower part, the bib, and the pocket.

(Slide 19)

Now, using the interactive whiteboard, complete the following tasks:

  • Match the pocket and bib to the bottom of the apron to match the shape.
  • Select details according to shape and finish, fabric pattern. (Slides 20, 21)

Let's move on directly to the technical modeling of the apron.

The modeling process can be divided into three stages:

  • Determine and apply the style line.
  • Cut the pattern along the style lines.
  • Make changes to the pattern (spread it or glue it according to the model).

(Slide 22)

Now you and I will be fashion designers. Our task: to change the shape of the apron parts by applying new lines and obtain new apron styles.

In front of you on the board is a sketch of an apron model. (Slide 23). It is necessary to make changes to the basis of the drawing in accordance with the new model. It must be taken into account that the drawing is based on half of the human figure. We make all changes using an interactive pen on the board STARBOARD. (Teacher shows techniques for drawing new lines)

  • Login – PC Screen – Tools – Pen – Thickness – Draw Lines – Palette – Brush – Paint over the object.
  • Select – Select object – Menu – Group – Clone – Align – Flip – Horizontally – List of pages – Save – Export to file – File name (pdf) – Save.

Girls independently perform technical modeling of an apron on an interactive board . (Slides 23, 24)

Then the teacher shows techniques for designing technical modeling on paper.

V. Physical education minute:

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up (torso to the right, to the left)
I didn't want to sleep anymore. (torso forward, backward)
He moved, stretched, (Hands up, stretch)
He soared up and flew. (Hands up, left, right)
The sun will just wake up in the morning,
The butterfly circles and curls. (Spin around)

VI. Practical work.

Students are divided into 2 groups.

Teacher: Now imagine that you work in a tailoring shop. Some of you will be an artist-fashion designer, some will be a designer-fashion designer. Distribute roles among yourself. I'm handing out modeling forms for you. You come up with a name for your studio and enter it on the form. Fashion designers sketch models and describe their style, then transfer the forms to another studio. Another studio should technically model the aprons according to your sketches in M ​​1:4. Then the fashion designer and designer defend their projects and give an assessment to another studio. In order not to miss anything in your work, use the work plan of the “artist-fashion designer” and “artist-designer”

Ongoing instruction: the teacher guides the work of students, corrects shortcomings with the help of students.

VII. Fixing the material.

Questions to reinforce new material:

  1. What is "modeling"?
  2. Name the types of modeling.
  3. Name the professions of people who work on creating clothes.

VIII. Summing up the lesson.

Students talk about what they learned in class. Workplaces are being removed. Parting.