Speech development early age theme autumn. Summary of a lesson on speech development - “Autumn” - in an early age group



Continue to introduce children to colors (red, yellow, green), the concepts of “big-small”, “one-many”, “up-down”.
Teach children to repeat words and actions following the example of an adult.
Develop skills in working with plasticine.
Develop fine and gross motor skills.
Develop visual and auditory perception, sense of rhythm.


Autumn leaves large and small.
Leaves of yellow, red and green colors cut out of cardboard and vases (trays, bags, etc.) of the same colors, blue droplets.
Puddles cut from oilcloth.
Nuts, a “squirrel” toy, a plastic bottle with a “hollow” cut out.
Plasticine in yellow, red and green colors, sheets of paper with a painted tree.
Wooden spatulas with red, yellow, green clothespins attached to them.
Flowers and flower beds cut from egg cages.
Sheets of paper with a background “autumn, tree trunks without a crown.
Audio recordings: “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. I. Tchaikovsky, song “Autumn, autumn has come, the leaves are falling.”

Progress of the lesson:

Greeting "Hello"

Hello palms - clap, clap, clap
Hello legs - top, top, top.
Hello cheeks - splash, splash, splash
Hello sponges - smack, smack, smack
Hello teeth - am, am, am.
Hello spout - beep, beep, beep.
Hello guys - hello!

Guys! Today we are going to the autumn forest. Let's admire the beauty of autumn.

Finger gymnastics “Autumn Leaves”

One two three four five,
We will collect leaves.
(Clench and unclench their fists)

Birch leaves,
(Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)

Rowan leaves,
poplar leaves,
Aspen leaves,
We will collect oak leaves,
Let's collect a beautiful autumn bouquet.
(Twist their hands with their fingers spread)

Didactic exercise “Big and small leaves”

Here are the leaves in front of you. They are different. Here's a big piece of paper. And here is a small leaf. Show me a big piece of paper. Show me a small piece of paper. Place a large piece of paper on the table. Place the small piece of paper on top of the larger one. Now place a small piece of paper on the table and cover it with a large piece of paper on top. A small leaf hid. The large leaf covered the small one so that the small leaf was not visible. Where is the little leaf? Here it is, under a large leaf.

Physical exercise “Trees”

We raised our hands and waved smoothly,
The wind shakes the leaves.
They lowered them down, shook their hands,
Throwing leaves to the ground.

Game with clothespins “The wind blows leaves from the tree”

The autumn wind blew. Blow like the wind. The wind tore off all the leaves from the trees. Remove the clothespins from the stick.

Game “Collect leaves and arrange them by color”

That's how many leaves we have of different colors. Let's collect them and put them in a bouquet.
Place leaves like this in this vase. (Show). What color are they? Yellow. Let's collect yellow leaves in a yellow vase. What color is this vase? Red. We will collect red leaves in a red vase. What color is this vase? Green. Collect green leaves in a green vase.

Dynamic pause “The wind is blowing, blowing”

The wind blows, the wind blows, the wind blows.
(Long exhale)

He picks yellow leaves from the tree.
(Smoothly lower your raised arms)

And leaves fly over the forest path.
(Waving your arms)

Leaves are falling right under our feet.
(Sit down)

Bas-relief sculpture “Autumn Leaves”

Look how sad the trees are without leaves. Let's make plasticine leaves for our drawn trees. Tear off small pieces, apply to a branch and press on top with your finger.

Game "Droplet and Palm"

Rain, rain, little by little,
Drip and drip onto your palm.
(Fingers tap on the palm like drops of rain)

Take a drop in your hand, lift it up, slowly lower it down, right onto the palm of your other hand.

Game “We put rubber boots on our feet”

We make movements as if we were putting on real boots. We put on the “boots” and start walking through the “puddles” (we try to walk in such a way that we step only on the “puddles”, not on the floor).

Plant flowers in the flowerbed

Autumn pleases us with beautiful flowers. Let's plant some flowers in the flowerbed. Take the flowers (cut from the egg cage) and plant them - place them in the holes (sections from the egg cage). Place a piece of yellow plasticine in the middle of the flower and press it with your finger. These are the beautiful flowers that have grown in your flowerbed.

Listening to music

Children listen to music (“Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. I. Tchaikovsky); if desired, they can pick up flowers and move around with them.

Collect nuts for the squirrel

Look who's jumping? Who came to visit us? This is a squirrel.

A squirrel jumps along the branches.
Collect nuts for the children.
All squirrels have a sweet tooth
They love to chew nuts.

Let's help the squirrel collect nuts. Here I have one nut. How many nuts do you have? Lots of nuts. I will take one of my nuts and put it in the hollow of the squirrel tree. Like this. Now you put the nuts in the hollow. You have a lot of nuts. The squirrel will be happy!

Musical and rhythmic exercise “Autumn, autumn has come”

Children take sticks and beat out the rhythm to the song on a metallophone.

Program content.

Connected speech: introducing children to poetry, develop a poetic ear.

Vocabulary and grammar: practice forming words by analogy.

Sound culture speeches: to train children in clear and correct pronunciation of sounds [m]-[m’], (isolated, in phrases, in words).

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment - greeting "Morning Circle"

Hello guys! A new day has come. I'm glad to see you all.

Hello, right hand,

Hello left hand,

Hello Friend,

Hello Friend,

Hello, hello friendly circle.

We stand hand in hand

Together we are a big ribbon.

Can we be big? (hands raised up)

We can be small (squats)

But no one will be alone (initial position).

2. The teacher’s story about autumn.

- Now it's outside autumn, especially early autumn when all the leaves on the trees turn yellow, red, burgundy, it’s a beautiful time of year.

3. Looking at the picture about autumn.

But this is also a sad time of year, because it gets cold in autumn, rainy, dirty.

About autumn poets tell very interesting and beautiful stories (poets are those who write poetry). Listen.

4. Reading a poem K. Balmont "Autumn".

The teacher reads poems, then repeats some lines reflecting signs autumn.

K. Balmont « Autumn»

Lingonberries are ripening,

The days have become colder,

And from the bird's cry

My heart became sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away

Away, beyond the blue sea.

All the trees are shining

In a multi-colored dress.

The sun laughs less often

There is no incense in the flowers.

Autumn will wake up soon

And he will cry sleepily.

What ripens in the fall? (cowberry)

Why did my heart become sad? (because autumn has come and it’s getting colder)

Where do you think the birds fly? (to warm regions)

What color do the trees become? (multi-colored)

Why does the sun rarely smile? (he's cold too)

5. Physical education minute

Do you want to visit the animals that live in the forest? How are they doing this fall?

Children and their teacher stand in a circle and repeat the movements.

Autumn day along a forest path ( They calmly follow their friend.)

The animals went to water.

He followed his mother elk. ( They walk with a stomping step.)


He was sneaking after his mother as a fox. ( They walk on their toes.)

(little fox,

The hedgehog rolled after his mother. ( They walk in a squat.)

He followed the mother bear. ( They go on the outside of the foot.)

(bear cub,

They jumped after the mother squirrel. ( They jump.)

(baby squirrels,

Behind the mother hare there are oblique ones. ( Jump on both legs.)


The she-wolf led the way. ( They walk with long strides

All mothers and children want to get drunk. Get on your knees with

leaning on your hands, make movements with your tongue (“lap”).

6. Didactic game “Name it affectionately.”

Mom - mommy, hare - bunny, cat - cat, etc.

7. Pronunciation of words with sounds [m]-[m’].

“Once upon a time there was Murka. What was the cat's name?

She loved milk very much. What did Murka love?

She quickly and quickly lapped up the milk with her tongue. Show me how she did it?

Murka also loved to wash herself. What did she like to do?

But she washed herself without soap. Yes Yes! I just licked my skin clean and clean with my tongue.”

The teacher reads a poem by G. Sapgir "Cat". Then he repeats it, and the children participate in the dialogue (from the cat's perspective).

Cat, what's your name?

Are you guarding the mouse here?

Meow, do you want some milk?

How about a puppy as a friend?

8. Reflection

What did you learn about in our lesson today?

What did you like most?

What can you tell your dads and moms about from our lesson?

What would you like to do in your next speech development class?


  1. A big book of activities on speech development. EM. Kuritsyna, L.A. Taraeva. Publisher: Rosman. Year of manufacture: 2006.
  2. Tell the children. Emelyanova E. L. Publisher: Mozaika-Sintez. Year of release: 2012.

Electronic resources:

  1. http://azps.ru/baby/index.html
  2. http://pochemu4ka.ru/

The integrated structure of classes gives the child the opportunity to realize his creative abilities and develop communication skills. In an integrated lesson with young children on the topic “Seasons”, we encourage children to speak freely, share their impressions, and stimulate cognitive interest and activity.


  • Expand and consolidate children's understanding of seasonal changes in nature, develop vocabulary.

Tasks :

  • Develop children's cognitive activity.
  • Strengthen the ability to determine the time of year by characteristic features, establishing cause and effect relationships between the seasons.
  • Enrich active and passive vocabulary on this topic, develop phrasal speech.
  • Develop children's fine motor skills.
  • Cultivate a sensitive and caring attitude towards nature.



  • conversation, explanation, clarification.


  • didactic games, finger gymnastics, outdoor games.


  • Demonstrative material corresponding to the themes: “Autumn”, “Winter”, “Spring”: a basket with mushrooms, autumn leaves, an umbrella, three white mugs, clothespins, the sun, a character - Hedgehog.

Preliminary work:

  • Classes to familiarize yourself with the surrounding world, conversation using pictures about the seasons, observation of natural phenomena, the change of seasons on a walk in the city, excursions to a pine forest.


  • Children of groups 6 and 9 (Daniil, Dima, Katya, Vika).



  • Alexandrova Irina Alexandrovna,
  • Galikhina Tatyana Gennadievna,
  • Cherkasova Victoria Viktorovna,
  • musical director Ilchibaeva Roza Mikhailovna.

Progress of the integrated lesson

Children enter the hall, which is fragmentarily equipped for three seasons: autumn, winter, spring.

Organizing time:

Hello guys, now we will go on a trip to a fairy forest, where we will see different seasons all together. I suggest you go to the forest on a train.

Warm up:

Here our train is rushing, the wheels are knocking,
And there are children sitting on our train!
“Tut-tu-tu, tu-tu-tu” - the locomotive hums,
He took the boys far, far away.

Main part

Guys, here we are in a fairytale forest. Look how beautiful it is here. Let's remember what animals live in the forest?

Bunny, bear, wolf, fox, hedgehog and so on.

Well done! I want to tell you a riddle about a forest dweller.

Riddle about a hedgehog:

Instead of a fur coat, only needles
Wolves are not afraid of him either.
Spiky ball, no legs visible.
Of course his name is….. (Hedgehog).

A hedgehog enters the hall.

Hello guys! You arrived in the forest, look around, what do you see?

The leaves fell from the trees, turning yellow and red, puddles underfoot.

What time of year is this?

Children: - Autumn.

A game is played to develop breathing:

One leaf, two leaf
Suddenly a breeze rose
Red, yellow - you fly
And invite your friends with you! (Blow on the leaves).

Look, mushrooms have grown under the leaves. We have them big and small, we will collect mushrooms in different baskets.

A game is played to sort mushrooms by size.

Finger gymnastics:

Rain, rain! Drip-drip-drip! (We tap on the palm with our index finger).
Don't go on the guys (They threaten with a finger).
We will take an umbrella with us (Cover our heads with our hands).
New boots (We put our feet on the heels).
And all together in the rain we will jump along the path (Jump).

Phys. just a minute:

Rain music sounds, children hide under an umbrella.

You and I have visited the autumn, now we will go further on the train and invite the hedgehog with us.

Guys, it's getting cold, it's snowing. We need to wear warm clothes. What time of year is this?

Children: - Winter!

An outdoor game is played:

Very cold in winter
But we will go for a walk with you,
I'll wear a fur coat
I'll wear a hat
I'll wear a scarf
And another scarf.
And then fluffy, warm, beautiful
Crumbs - I’ll put mittens on my hands.
And although I am small, I have felt boots. (perform movements according to the text)

Guys, a cold wind blows in winter. How does it blow?

Practicing sound pronunciation:

The wind blows: ooh-ooh,
The blizzard howls: z-z-z (increasing sound),
The forest groaned from the blizzard: mmm (quietly, in a high voice),
The oak trees groan heavily: mmm (loudly, in a quiet voice),
The spruce trees are making noise: sh-sh-sh,
The blizzard subsides: ssss.

Guys, what can you make from snow?

Children: - Snowballs.

Finger gymnastics is performed:

One, two, three, four (we bend our fingers),
You and I made a snowball (they make it by changing the position of the palms),
Round, strong, very smooth (show a circle),
And not at all sweet (we shake our fingers),
Once - we'll throw it up,
Two - we'll catch
Three - we’ll drop it, and... we'll break it (stomp our feet).

Guys, I don’t know how to sculpt a snowman at all. Teach me please.

Children use three circles of different sizes to assemble a snowman.

We were visiting winter, now let's move on.

Guys, look, the sun is shining brightly, the snow has melted, a stream is running, the grass is turning green. What time of year is this?

Children: - Spring.

An outdoor game is played:

Drip-drip, drip water (rhythmically move the brushes from top to bottom)
It's spring, spring,
The sun has warmed up, (raise your hands up),
The birds have arrived. (wave hands)
Chiv - chiv - chiv - chiv
The swallows are singing,
They fly merrily
The grains are collected (tapping the palm of the right hand with the thumb and forefinger).

Hedgehog: - Guys, look what I found! What is this?

Children: - Circle.

Hedgehog: - What does he look like?

He looks like the sun, only he lacks rays. Now you and I will make some rays for him.

A game is played with clothespins “Sun”.

Guys, streams flow in the spring. And you and I also have a trickle. Let's play with him.

The game “Stream” is played:

Here is a cheerful stream………..Uh (jump over the tape to the word “UH”)
It is not narrow, not wide………Uh,
It's not shallow, it's not deep......Wow
Our transparent stream......Wow

Final part

Well, guys, we've returned home. We visited a fairytale forest, where we celebrated Autumn, Winter, and Spring.

And I have a treat for the guys. They are all great guys, I really enjoyed playing with them.


  • Anishchenkova E.S. Finger gymnastics for the development of speech of preschool children./-M., 2006.
  • Gromova O. E. Lexical topics on the development of speech of children 3-4 years old./-M., 2010.
  • Mironova S.A. Speech development of preschoolers in speech therapy classes./M., 2007.

“Konakovo specialized
Children's home for children with organic lesions
central nervous system with mental disorders”
Tver region:
Alexandrova Irina Alexandrovna,
Galikhina Tatyana Gennadievna,
Cherkasova Victoria Viktorovna

1. Greeting

Goal: to create a positive attitude towards the lesson in children and parents.

2. Nursery rhymes in motion

Goal: to develop general and fine motor skills, the vestibular apparatus, to influence the BAP of the auricle and foot, to massage the facial muscles (mic massage), to introduce children to folklore, to create a positive emotional background for the lesson.

3. Physical education:

1) Children riding on a blanket accompanied by a nursery rhyme.

Goal: to develop the vestibular apparatus, cultivate interest in oral folk art, and create a positive attitude.

2) Overcoming the “tunnel”.

Goal: to relieve the fear of overcoming the tunnel for children born by caesarean section. Develop gross motor skills.

3) P/i “Basketball”

Goal: learn to throw the ball into the net, develop binocular vision, coordination of movements.

4) Walking along massage paths.

Goal: to develop and strengthen the arch of the foot (prevention of flat feet), stimulate biologically active points on the foot. Develop tactile sensations, teach them to differentiate (smooth-prickly, buttons, pebbles, sticks).

5) P/i “Bubble”

Goal: develop walking backwards, learn to play group games, develop auditory skills.

4. Demonstration of the painting “Golden Autumn”

Goal: to introduce children to a work of painting, to cultivate a love of beauty, to clearly demonstrate the season “autumn”.

5. Listening to the music of Vivaldi “The Seasons. Autumn."

Goal: to introduce works of classical music, to cultivate taste and interest in good music.

6. Finger gymnastics “Birds” (Zheleznovs).

Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the fingers, auditory attention.

7. Demonstration of migratory birds (pictures).

Goal: to study migratory birds, to enrich the vocabulary with the names of birds.

8. Demonstration of animal figures that hibernate during the winter.

Goal: to study animals that go into suspended animation during the winter, to enrich the vocabulary with animal names.

9. Imitation of leaf fall (to “Leaves” by the Zheleznovs)

Goal: to introduce the leaves of different trees, to enrich the vocabulary with the names of trees. Teach counting and develop mathematical abilities.

10. Physical education session “Bumps”

Goal: massage the palms and fingers, teach the words of songs to children, develop auditory attention, and ensure contact with natural materials.

11. Fiction. A dramatization of the poem “The fox’s mushroom got lost.” Reading Erikeev’s poem “Autumn has come”

Purpose: To introduce works of fiction on the topic “Autumn”

12. Creative work. Finger painting. Handprints - “autumn leaves”.

Goal: to develop the imagination and creativity of children, continue to learn colors, learn to create drawings using a print.

13. Demonstration of mushrooms (pictures).

Goal: to introduce children to different mushrooms, edible and poisonous, to enrich their vocabulary with the names of mushrooms.

14. Demonstration and reading of words on cards on the topic “Autumn” (global reading)

Goal: early learning to read. Enrich your vocabulary on the topic “Autumn.” Develop an interest in reading words.

15. Tapping the rhythm with wooden cylinders or on a drum to “Rain, rain, lay, lay” (Zheleznovy)

Goal: to develop a sense of rhythm, to introduce musical instruments of the peoples of the world (djembe)

16. Farewell. (Farewell song)

Summary of a lesson on speech development - “Autumn” - in an early age group.

Educational area: “Social and communicative”, “Speech development”, “The world around us”.


1. Introduce children to the characteristic signs of autumn.

2. Learn to distinguish between red and yellow.

3.Develop fine motor skills.

4. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Materials for the lesson:Painting “Autumn”, yellow and red paper leaves, multi-colored sheets of paper.

Progress of the lesson.

1.Teacher’s story based on the painting “Autumn.”

The teacher shows the children a picture and talks about what is depicted on it: “Autumn has come, it has become cold. We wear warm sweaters, trousers, and hats. It's raining outside. How does the rain fall? "Drip-drip-drip." Trees are preparing for winter. The leaves on the trees turn yellow, red and fall to the ground. This is called leaf fall."

Leaf fall, leaf fall,

Leaves are flying in the wind.

2.Game exercise “Gather a bouquet of leaves”

Educator. Look, we have leaf fall too. Look how many leaves attacked. The leaves are different yellow and red. Let's collect bouquets of yellow and red leaves.

3. Exercise to develop speech breathing.

Educator. In autumn the wind often blows. Let's blow like a strong autumn wind. And now it’s like a gentle breeze. Let's blow on our palm and feel the wind.

4. Outdoor game “Sun and Rain”

5. Game for developing fine motor skills “Autumn Leaves”The teacher hands out multi-colored sheets of paper to the children and offers to make autumn leaves by tearing the paper into pieces. Then he shows the children how leaves fall from the trees and swirl in the wind. At the end of the game, you can ask the children to help you remove the leaves.

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