Test forecast 3 neuropsychic stability. Online version

February 23

Psychological test Determining the balance of your character will help you determine which of the three groups of people you belong to: balanced, moderate or reckless. Remember that every person is unique, and to reach your full potential, you need to know yourself better. Answer all questions honestly and without much thought. At the end of the test you will be given an assessment of your balance of character with some comments. Our online test: [The balance of your character] is completely free without SMS or registration! The result will be shown immediately after answering the last question!

The test contains 12 questions!

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Questionnaire V.Yu. Rybnikova Forecast-2 is intended to determine the level of neuropsychic stability (NPU) in military personnel and allows you to identify individual signs of personality disorders, as well as assess the likelihood of neuropsychic breakdowns. Qualitative analysis of responses allows us to clarify individual biographical information, features of behavior and state of human mental activity in various situations.

The technique contains 86 questions, to each of which the subject must answer “yes” or “no”. The results of the examination are expressed as a quantitative indicator (in points), on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the level of neuropsychic stability and the likelihood of neuropsychic breakdowns.

To conduct the survey, you must have the text of the questionnaire and registration forms. The examination lasts about 20 minutes.

Instructions for subjects

“You are asked to answer 86 questions aimed at identifying some of the characteristics of your personality. Be frank, do not think for a long time about the content of the questions, give a natural answer that first comes to your mind. Remember that there are no “good” or “bad” answers. If you answer “Yes”, put a “+” (plus) sign in the corresponding cell of the registration form; if you chose the answer “No”, put a “–” (minus) sign. Make sure that the question number on the questionnaire and the cell number on the registration form match. Don’t miss out on speaking out.”

Registration form for the “Forecast-2” questionnaire
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
81 82 83 84 85 86

The results of the method are processed using special “keys” (Table 1).

Table 1
“Key” for data processing using the “Forecast-2” method

Processing is carried out using “keys”, which are made in the amount of three pieces from transparent plastic (film). A grid is applied to the plastic that matches the grid of the registration form. The slots in each of the “keys” should correspond to the numbers of statements grouped into scales. One “key” is prepared for calculating points on the sincerity scale, two - on the scale of neuropsychic stability (for assessing positive and negative statements).

Processing begins with the sincerity scale, which is used to assess the reliability of the answers. The “key” is placed on the completed registration form, after which the number of minuses that are visible through the slots in the “key” is counted. The resulting number corresponds to the value of the sincerity scale in points. If a serviceman received 10 or more points, then it is not recommended to use these questionnaires, and the reasons for insincerity should be clarified during the conversation, followed by a conclusion about the level of neuropsychic stability.

Then the number of matches with the “key” is calculated on the scale of neuropsychic stability. The number of points received by the military personnel is converted into “stans” according to Table 2 and assessed according to Table 3.

table 2
Stanova scale for assessing neuropsychic stability using the “Forecast-2” method
Primary providers according to the NPU scale43 or more37-42 33-36 29-32 23-28 19-22 15-18 11-14 9-10 8 or less
Stans1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Table 3
Characteristics of levels of neuropsychic stability
StansNPU levelConclusions and recommendations
1-3 ShortLow level of neuropsychic stability. High probability of neuropsychic breakdowns. Consultation with a psychoneurologist (neurologist, psychiatrist) is necessary.
4-6 AverageNervous and mentally stable. However, there is a possibility of neuropsychic breakdowns in tense, extreme situations.
7-10 HighHigh level of neuropsychic stability. Neuropsychic breakdowns are unlikely.

Text of the questionnaire “Forecast-2”

  1. It happened that I gave up on something I started because I was afraid that I couldn’t handle it.
  2. It's easy to argue with me.
  3. I avoid correcting people who make unsubstantiated statements.
  4. People show me as much sympathy and sympathy as I deserve.
  5. Sometimes I'm sure that other people know what I'm thinking.
  6. There were times when I did not keep my promises.
  7. At times I am completely sure of my worthlessness.
  8. I've never had any run-ins with the law.
  9. I often memorize numbers that have no meaning to me (for example, car license plates, etc.).
  10. Sometimes I don't tell the truth.
  11. I'm more impressionable than most other people.
  12. I am pleased to have significant people among my acquaintances; it kind of gives me weight in my own eyes.
  13. Fate is definitely not kind to me.
  14. People often tell me that I have a short temper.
  15. It happened that I talked about things that I don’t understand.
  16. I easily lose patience with people.
  17. I have no enemies who would truly want to harm me.
  18. Sometimes my hearing becomes so acute that it even bothers me.
  19. It happens that I put off until tomorrow what I can do today.
  20. If people weren't against me, I would have achieved much more in life.
  21. In the game I prefer to win.
  22. Often I cross to the other side of the street to avoid meeting a person I do not want to see.
  23. Most of the time I feel like I did something wrong or even bad.
  24. If someone says something stupid or otherwise shows his ignorance, I try to explain to him his mistake.
  25. Sometimes I have the feeling that so many difficulties are piled up in front of me that it is simply impossible to overcome them.
  26. When I'm away, I behave better at the table than at home.
  27. There are some very nervous people in my family.
  28. If someone is to blame for my failures, I will not leave him unpunished.
  29. I must admit that sometimes I worry about the smallest things.
  30. When I am asked to start a discussion or express an opinion on a subject in which I am well versed, I do so without timidity.
  31. I often make fun of my friends.
  32. Throughout my life, my attitude towards my profession has changed several times.
  33. It happened that when discussing some issues, I, without particularly thinking, agreed with the opinions of others.
  34. I often worked under the leadership of people who knew how to turn things around so that all achievements in their work were attributed to them, and others were to blame for mistakes.
  35. Without any fear, I enter a room where others are already gathered and talking.
  36. It seems to me that I am especially often treated unfairly.
  37. When I'm in a high place, I have the urge to jump down.
  38. Among my friends there are people I don't like.
  39. My plans often seemed so difficult to implement that I had to abandon them.
  40. I am often absent-minded and forgetful.
  41. Seizures bad mood I rarely have them.
  42. I would prefer to work with women.
  43. I'm happiest when I'm alone
  44. Sometimes when I don't feel well, I get irritable.
  45. Often I see dreams that it is better not to tell anyone about.
  46. My beliefs and views are unshakable.
  47. I am a nervous and easily excitable person.
  48. It really annoys me when I forget where I put things.
  49. Sometimes I get angry.
  50. Work requiring close attention, I like.
  51. Sometimes I get so excited that I can't sit still.
  52. It happens that an indecent or even obscene joke makes me laugh.
  53. Sometimes such bad thoughts come into my head that it’s better not to tell anyone about them.
  54. Sometimes I take valerian, elenium or other sedatives.
  55. I am a mobile person.
  56. Now it’s hard for me to hope that I will achieve anything in life.
  57. Sometimes I feel like I'm close to a nervous breakdown.
  58. It happened that I did not answer letters immediately after reading them.
  59. Once a week or more I get excited and anxious.
  60. It is very difficult for me to adapt to new living, working or studying conditions. The transition to new conditions of life, work or study seems unbearably difficult to me.
  61. Sometimes it happened that I was late for work or a date.
  62. My head hurts often.
  63. I led the wrong lifestyle.
  64. I drink alcoholic beverages in moderation (or not at all).
  65. I often indulge in sad thoughts.
  66. Compared to other families, there is very little love and warmth in mine.
  67. I often have ups and downs in my mood.
  68. When I'm around people, I hear very strange things.
  69. I believe that I was very often punished undeservedly.
  70. I'm scared to look down from a great height.
  71. There were times when I could not do anything for days or even weeks because I could not bring myself to get down to work.
  72. I drink an unusual amount of water every day.
  73. I have had periods where I would do something and then not know what it was I was doing.
  74. When I try to do something, I often notice that my hands are shaking.
  75. I think that I am a doomed person.
  76. I have periods like this severe anxiety that I can't even sit still.
  77. At times I feel like my head is working slower.
  78. It seems to me that I feel everything more acutely than others.
  79. Sometimes, for no reason at all, I suddenly experience a period of extraordinary cheerfulness.
  80. Some things bother me so much that it’s hard for me to even talk about them.
  81. Sometimes my nerves get to me.
  82. I often have the feeling that everything around me is unreal.
  83. When I hear about the success of a close friend, I begin to feel like I am a failure.
  84. It happens that bad, often even terrible words come into my head, and I just can’t get rid of them.
  85. Sometimes I try to stay away from this or that person so as not to do or say something that I will regret later.
  86. Often, even when everything is going well for me, I feel like I don't care.

(NPU) employee"

Instructions. Read the statements and answer yes or no.

1. Sometimes such bad thoughts come into my head that it’s better not to tell anyone about them.

2. As a child, I had a company where everyone always tried to stand up for each other in everything.

3. At times I have bouts of crying and laughing that I just can’t cope with.

4. There have been times when I did not keep my promises.

5. I often have a headache.

6. Sometimes I tell lies.

7. Once a week or more often, for no apparent reason, I suddenly feel hot throughout my body.

8. It happened that I talked about things that I don’t understand.

9. It happens that I get angry.

10. Now it’s hard for me to hope that I will achieve anything in life.

11. It happens that I put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today.

12. I willingly take part in all meetings and other social events.

14. I experience muscle cramps and twitching very rarely.

15. Sometimes when I don't feel well, I get irritable.

16. I am rather indifferent to what will happen to me.

17. When visiting, I behave better at the table than at home.

18. If I don’t face a fine and there are no cars nearby, I can cross the street where I want to, and not where I’m supposed to.

19. I think it's mine family life as good as most of my friends.

20. People often tell me that I am short-tempered.

21. I rarely experience constipation.

22. In the game I prefer to win.

23. For the last few years, I have been feeling good most of the time.

24. Now my weight is constant - I am neither gaining weight nor losing weight.

25. I am pleased to have significant people among my acquaintances; it seems to give me weight in my own eyes.

26. I would be pretty calm if anyone in my family got into trouble for breaking the law.

27. There is something wrong with my mind.

28. I am worried about my sexual (gender) problems.

29. When I try to say something, I often notice that my hands are shaking.

30. My hands are as dexterous and agile as before.

31. Among my friends there are people I don’t like.

32. I think that I am a doomed person.

33. I quarrel with my family members very rarely.

34. It happens that I gossip a little with someone.

35. I often see dreams that it’s better not to tell anyone about.

36. It happened that when discussing some issues, I, without particularly thinking, agreed with the opinions of others.

37. At school, I learned the material more slowly than others.

38. In general, I am satisfied with my appearance.

39. I am quite confident in myself.

40. Once a week or more often I get very excited and anxious.

41. Someone controls my thoughts.

42. I drink a lot of water every day.

43. It happens that an indecent joke makes me laugh.

44. I am happiest when I am alone.

45. Someone is trying to influence my thoughts.

46. ​​I loved Andersen's fairy tales.

47. Even among people I feel lonely.

48. I get angry when people rush me.

49. I am easily confused.

50. I easily lose patience when communicating with people.

51. I often want to die.

52. It happened that I quit something I started because I was afraid that I couldn’t handle it.

53. Almost every day something happens that scares me.

54. I am indifferent to religious issues - they do not interest me.

55. I have attacks of bad mood very rarely.

56. I deserve severe punishment for your misdeeds.

57. I have had very unusual mystical experiences.

58. My beliefs and views are unshakable.

59. I have had periods when I lost sleep due to anxiety.

60. I am a nervous person, easily excitable.

61. It seems to me that my sense of smell is the same as that of other people (no worse).

62. Everything works out badly for me, not as it should.

63. I almost always feel dry in my mouth.

64. I feel tired most of the time.

65. Sometimes I feel like I'm close to a nervous breakdown.

66. It really annoys me that I forget where I put things.

67. I am very careful about how I dress.

68. I like adventure stories more than love stories.

69. It is very difficult for me to adapt to new living and working conditions.

70. It seems to me that people especially often act unfairly towards me.

71. I often feel unfairly offended.

72. My opinion often does not coincide with the opinions of others.

73. I often feel tired of life, and I don’t feel like living.

74. People pay attention to me more often than to others.

75. I have headaches and dizziness due to worry.

76. I often have periods when I don’t want to see anyone.

77. It is difficult for me to wake up at the appointed time.

78. If someone is to blame for my failures, I do not leave him unpunished.

79. As a child, I was capricious and irritable.

80. I know of cases when my relatives were treated by a neurologist or psychiatrist.

81. Sometimes I take valerian, elenium, codeine and other sedatives.

82. I have convicted relatives.

83. In my youth I was brought to the police station.

84. It happened that they threatened to leave me in school for the second year.

Processing and interpretation of results. The sum of points is calculated - the correct answers corresponding to the “key”:

“Yes” - questions:



“No” - questions:


For each answer that matches the “key”, 1 point is given.

The more points received, the greater the neuropsychic instability (Table 1). Table 2 presents the characteristics of the NPU levels.

Table 1. Conditional scale of NPU


1. Test several employees of the organization.

2. Determine their level of neuropsychic stability.

3. Draw conclusions.

16. I am rather indifferent to what will happen to me. 17. When visiting, I behave better at the table than at home. 18. If I don’t face a fine and there are no cars nearby, I...

16. I am rather indifferent to what will happen to me.

17. When visiting, I behave better at the table than at home.

18. If I don’t face a fine and there are no cars nearby, I can cross the street where I want, and not where I’m supposed to.

19. I think that my family life is as good as that of most of my friends.

20. People often tell me that I am short-tempered.

21. I rarely have constipation.

22. In the game I prefer to win.

23. For the last few years, I have been feeling good most of the time.

24. Now my weight is constant - I am neither gaining weight nor losing weight.

25. I am pleased to have significant people among my acquaintances; it seems to give me weight in my own eyes.

26. I would be pretty calm if anyone in my family got into trouble for breaking the law.

27. There is something wrong with my mind.

28. I am worried about my sexual (gender) problems.

29. When I try to say something, I often notice that my hands are shaking.

30. My hands are as dexterous and agile as before.

31. Among my friends there are people I don’t like.

32. I think that I am a doomed person.

33. I quarrel with my family members very rarely.

34. It happens that I gossip a little with someone.

35. I often see dreams that it’s better not to tell anyone about.

36. It happened that when discussing some issues, I, without particularly thinking, agreed with the opinions of others.

37. At school, I learned the material more slowly than others.

38. In general, I am satisfied with my appearance.

39. I am quite confident in myself.

40. Once a week or more often I get very excited and anxious.

41. Someone controls my thoughts.

42. I drink an unusual amount of water every day.

43. It happens that an indecent or obscene joke makes me laugh.

44. I am happiest when I am alone.

45. Someone is trying to influence my thoughts.

46. ​​I loved Andersen's fairy tales.

47. Even among people, I usually feel lonely.

48. I get angry when people rush me.

49. I am easily confused.

50. I easily lose patience with people.

51. I often want to die.

52. It happened that I quit something I started because I was afraid that I couldn’t handle it.

53. Almost every day something happens that scares me.

54. I am indifferent to religious issues - they do not interest me.

55. I rarely have attacks of bad mood.

56. I deserve severe punishment for my actions.

57. I have had very unusual mystical experiences.

58. My beliefs and views are unshakable.

59. I have had periods when I lost sleep due to anxiety.

60. I am a nervous person, easily excitable.

61. It seems to me that my sense of smell is the same as that of other people (no worse).

62. Everything works out badly for me, not as it should.

63. I almost always feel dry in my mouth.

64. I feel tired most of the time.

65. Sometimes I feel like I'm close to a nervous breakdown.

66. It really annoys me that I forget where I put things.

67. I am very careful about how I dress.

68. I like adventure stories more than love stories.

69. It is very difficult for me to adapt to new living and working conditions. The transition to any other living, working, or studying conditions seems unbearable.

70. It seems to me that people especially often treat me unfairly.

71. I often feel unfairly offended.

72. My opinion often does not coincide with the opinions of others.

73. I often feel tired of life and I don’t feel like living.

74. People pay attention to me more often than to others.

75. I have headaches and dizziness due to worry.

76. I often have periods when I don’t want to see anyone.

77. It is difficult for me to wake up at the appointed time.

78. If someone is to blame for my failures, I will not leave him unpunished.

79. As a child, I was capricious and irritable.

80. I know of cases when my relatives were treated by neurologists and psychiatrists.

81. Sometimes I take valerian, elenium, codeine and other sedatives.

82. I have convicted relatives.

83. In my youth I was brought to the police station.

84. It happened that they threatened to leave me in school for the second year.

Data processing

The sum of points is calculated - the correct answers corresponding to the “key”:

“YES” – questions: 3, 5, 7,10, 16, 20, 26, 27, 29,32,35,37,40, 41,42, 44,45, 47,48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84;

“NO” – questions: 2,12,13,14,19, 21, 23, 24, 28,30,33,37,38,39,46,49, 54, 55, 58, 61, 68.

The technique contains a scale for checking the sincerity of answers:

“YES” – questions: 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 17, 18, 22, 25, 31, 34, 36, 43.

Summarizing should begin by checking the sincerity of the respondent’s answers: if the respondent scores 5 or more points on this scale, the survey results are unreliable, because the person wants to appear better, and not as he is.

The technique was developed at LVMA named after. S.M. Kirov and is intended for the initial identification of persons with signs neuropsychic instability. It allows you to identify individual pre-morbid signs of personality disorders, as well as assess the likelihood of their development and manifestations in human behavior and activity.

You must answer 84 yes or no questions within 30 minutes. Analysis of the answers can clarify individual biographical information, behavioral characteristics and states of mental activity in various situations.

Test instructions

You are offered a test of 84 questions, to each of which you need to answer “yes” or “no”. The proposed questions relate to your well-being, behavior or character. There are no “right” or “wrong” answers here, so don’t try to think about them for a long time - answer based on what best suits your condition or ideas about yourself. If your answer is yes, then fill in the box with the answer “yes” above the number of the corresponding question; if the answer is no, then fill in the rectangle with the answer “no”. If you find it difficult to answer, then fill in both rectangles, which corresponds to the answer “I don’t know.”

You have 30 minutes to complete the task.

Test material
  1. Sometimes such bad thoughts come into my head that it’s better about. don't tell them to anyone.
  2. I rarely (or not at all) experience constipation.
  3. At times I have bouts of laughing or crying that I just can't cope with.
  4. There are times when I don't keep my promises.
  5. I get headaches often.
  6. Sometimes I don't tell the truth.
  7. Once a week or more often, I feel hot throughout my body for no apparent reason.
  8. It happened that I talked about things that I don’t understand.
  9. Sometimes I get angry.
  10. Now it’s hard for me to hope that I will achieve anything in life.
  11. It happens that I put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today.
  12. I willingly take part in meetings and other social events.
  13. The most difficult struggle for me is the struggle with myself.
  14. I rarely (or not at all) experience muscle spasms and twitching.
  15. Sometimes when I don't feel well, I get irritable.
  16. I'm pretty indifferent to what happens to me.
  17. When I'm away, I behave better at the table than at home.
  18. If I'm not facing a fine and there are no cars nearby, I can cross the street where I want, and not where I'm supposed to.
  19. I think my family life is just as good. like most of my friends.
  20. People often tell me that I have a short temper.
  21. As a child, I had a company where everyone always tried to stand up for each other in everything.
  22. In the game I prefer to win.
  23. For the past few years I have been feeling good most of the time.
  24. Now my weight is constant (I am neither gaining weight nor losing weight).
  25. I am pleased to have significant friends among my acquaintances; it kind of gives me weight in my own eyes.
  26. I would be pretty calm if anyone in my family was in trouble.
  27. There's something wrong with my mind.
  28. I am worried about sexual (gender) issues.
  29. When I try to say something, I often notice that my hands are shaking.
  30. My hands are as dexterous and agile as before.
  31. Among my friends there are people I don't like.
  32. I think that I am a doomed person.
  33. I quarrel with my family members very rarely.
  34. It happens that I gossip a little with someone.
  35. Often I see dreams that it is better not to tell anyone about.
  36. It happens that when discussing some issues, I don’t think much and agree with the opinions of others.
  37. At school, I learned the material more slowly than others.
  38. In general, I am satisfied with my appearance.
  39. I'm quite confident in myself.
  40. Once a week or more I get very agitated or anxious.
  41. Someone is controlling my thoughts.
  42. I drink an unusual amount of water every day.
  43. It happens that an indecent or even obscene joke makes me laugh.
  44. I'm happiest when I'm alone.
  45. Someone is trying to influence my thoughts.
  46. I love Andersen's fairy tales.
  47. Even among people I usually feel lonely.
  48. I get angry when people rush me.
  49. I am easily confused.
  50. I easily lose patience with people.
  51. Often I want to die.
  52. It happened that I gave up on something I started because I was afraid that I couldn’t handle it.
  53. Almost every day something happens that scares me.
  54. I am indifferent to questions of religion; it does not interest me.
  55. I rarely have attacks of bad mood.
  56. I deserve severe punishment for my actions.
  57. I have had very unusual mystical experiences.
  58. My beliefs and views are unshakable.
  59. I have periods when I lose sleep due to anxiety.
  60. You must register

    To see the entire material, you need to register or log in to the site.

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    Key to the test
    Sincerity scaleNeuropsychic stability scale
    No (-) Yes (+) No (-)
    1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 18, 22, 25, 31, 34, 36, 43 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 26, 27, 29, 32, 33, 35, 37, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84 2, 12, 13, 14, 19, 21, 23, 24, 28, 30, 38, 39, 46, 54, 55, 58, 61, 68

    The indicator on the NPU scale is obtained by simply summing up the positive and negative responses that match the “key”.

    Interpretation of test results

    Characteristics of NPL levels according to the “Forecast” questionnaire

    29 or morehigh probability neuropsychic breakdowns. Additional medical examination by a psychiatrist or neurologist is necessary.

    14-28 – neuropsychic breakdowns are likely, especially in extreme conditions. This fact must be taken into account when making a determination of suitability.

    13 or less– neuropsychic breakdowns are unlikely. If there are other positive data, it can be recommended for specialties that require increased normalization.

    Methodology for determining NPL