Project “Living Soul of Nature” Environmental education of preschool children in kindergarten and family. Project (middle group) on the topic: Ecology project

For a wedding

“Project activities in preschool educational institutions”

Project and research activities “Help nature.”

“A person who has mastered ecological culture subordinates all types of his activities to the requirements of rational environmental management, cares about improving environment, preventing its destruction and pollution...”

A.A. Pleshakov

Project type: research, mid-term.

Age: senior kindergarten group (5-6 years old).

Problem: environmental pollution, the influence of weather conditions on abandoned waste of natural and artificial origin.

Project goals: continue to form children’s understanding of the environment, the need to maintain a clean environment, lay the foundation for the skill of maintaining cleanliness in nature, in kindergarten, Houses.

Project objectives: promote interest in research activities, expand and deepen preschoolers’ knowledge about the environment, its pollution, and cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Project participants: children, group teachers, parents.

Project implementation period: 1 month.

Planned result: promotion ecological culture, awareness by children of the need to maintain cleanliness in various places: nature, kindergarten, home.

Relevance of the work:

Preschool age is an important stage in the development of human ecological culture. During this period, the foundations of personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature and the surrounding world. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, an emotional and value-based attitude to the environment develops, and the foundations of the moral and ecological positions of the individual are formed, which are manifested in the child’s interactions with nature, in the awareness of inseparability with it. Thanks to this, it is possible for children to develop environmental knowledge, norms and rules of interaction with nature, develop empathy for it, and be active in solving certain problems. environmental problems. Relevance:- preservation of the surrounding nature: streets, forests, parks - environmental education of children and parents.

Expected results:- feasible participation of parents in the environmental education of children - increasing the level of knowledge among parents and children about ecology and nature conservation.

3.Integration of areas: cognition, socialization, communication, reading fiction, labor, safety, artistic creativity, health.

1. Preparatory stage

1. Conversation “Caring for nature.”

2. Getting to know folk wisdom: proverbs, sayings.

3. Reading - discussion of the story by V. Sukhomlinsky “Ashamed before the nightingale.”

4. Problem: Why can’t you leave garbage in nature? Where and how should it be removed? How does leaving garbage harm the environment? What happens to natural and artificial waste?

2. Research stage

1.Instillation different types garbage: paper, glassware, plastic dishes, maple leaf, polyethylene.

2. Conversation “What will happen to the garbage?” Children's answers: “It will remain lying,” “It will split into pieces,” “It will rot.”

3.Observation: artificial creation natural conditions of different seasons within the group (summer - watering, increase in temperature; autumn - watering, cool room; winter - snow; spring - appearance of melt water, watering).

3.Final stage

1. Digging up garbage - observing the result of the study.

2. Conversation: as a result of research activities and observations, we came to the conclusion that garbage of artificial origin will pollute nature, it is not enough to bury it in the ground, it is necessary to throw it away in specially designated places. And waste of natural origin is processed naturally.

3. Homework children and parents: find out the decomposition time of waste of natural and artificial origin.

4. Children performing with homework

1. Didactic game “You can - you can’t.”

2. Reading and discussion of the poems “Our Planet”, “Garbage Mountain”.

Annex 1

"Shame before the nightingale"

Olya and Lida went into the forest. They were tired and sat down on the grass to rest and have lunch. They took bread, butter, and eggs out of the bag. When the girls had eaten, a nightingale began to sing not far from them. Enchanted by the beautiful song, Olya and Lida sat, afraid to move. The nightingale stopped singing. Lida collected the leftover food and bread crumbs and put it in her bag.

Why are you taking this garbage with you? - Olya said. - Throw it into the bushes. After all, we are in the forest. Nobody will see.

“I’m ashamed... in front of the nightingale,” Lida answered quietly.

(V. Sukhomlinsky)

Types of garbage

Decomposition time

Food waste

From 10 days to 1 month


From 1 month to 1 year

Carton boxes

Wooden boards

Iron fittings

Iron cans

Old shoes

Fragments of brick, concrete



Electric batteries

Rubber tires

More than 100 years

Plastic bottles

More than 100 years

Polyethylene film

Aluminum cans

More than 1000 years

Didactic game “You can - you can’t”

Breaking trees and branches? (it is forbidden)

Plant more trees? (Can)

Walk and trample flowers in the meadow? (it is forbidden)

Walk only on paths? (Can)

Tearing large bouquets of flowers? (it is forbidden)

Admire them? (Can)

Leaving trash in the forest? (it is forbidden)

Collect garbage in a hole and bury it? (garbage of natural origin is allowed, the rest is not)

Lighting fires in the forest? (it is forbidden)

Protect the forest from fire? (Can)

Making noise in the forest? (it is forbidden)

our planet There is one garden planet in this cold space. Only here the forests are noisy, calling migrating birds, only here they bloom, lilies of the valley in the green grass, and only here dragonflies look into the river in surprise. Take care of your planet - After all, there is no other like it!

(Ya. Akim)

Trash fantasy

Never throw away peels, skins, sticks - Our cities will quickly turn into landfills. If we litter now, then pretty soon Garbage mountains may grow in our country. But when they start flying to school on a rocket - Worse troubles will happen on the planet... How they will start throwing jars, flasks, husks, torn bags into space from above into space. Then they won’t fly to New Year snowflakes, And old shoes will fall like hail. And when it starts raining empty bottles - Don’t go for a walk: take care of the back of your head! What will grow in the garden or vegetable garden, how will the waste cycle go in nature? And although we are in classroom We’re not flying in a rocket, Better get out of the habit of littering now, kids!

(A. Usachev)


1. Socially - personal development preschoolers: planning program. Classes, diagnostic materials. Senior group/aut.-state L.A.Zagumennaya. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

2. Modern technologies teaching preschoolers / author.comp. E.V. Mikheeva. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

4. Collection “Integration of activities for the development of educational areas by children in preschool educational institutions.” / Sergeeva I.A., Pavlova A.Yu. - Naberezhnye Chelny: MBU “IMC”, 2013.


Feedback on the design and research work “Help Nature”

Nowadays, the problems of environmental education have come to the fore, and everyone pays attention to them. more attention. Why did these problems become relevant? The reason is human activity in nature, which is often illiterate, incorrect from an environmental point of view, wasteful, leading to a disruption of the ecological balance.

Experimental project activities of preschoolers act as an intrinsically valuable form of work in the development of human ecological culture. Contributes to the formation of the foundations of personality, including a positive attitude towards nature and the surrounding world. This project allows each child to distinguish himself from the environment and develop an emotional and value-based attitude towards the environment. In the course of activities within the framework of this project, the formation of the basis of the moral and ecological positions of the individual is clearly visible, which are manifested in the child’s interactions with nature, in the awareness of inseparability with it. Thanks to such practice-oriented forms of work, it is possible for children to develop environmental knowledge, norms and rules for interacting with nature; nurturing empathy for it, activity in solving some environmental problems.

Teachers used methods such as analysis, comparison, synthesis, and observation. The materials of the work make it clear that teachers, together with the children, previously studied the theory on the topic of this project, and after conducting research, they made their own conclusions.

Thanks to project-based research, children improve their results in educational field“Cognition”, which can be observed when analyzing diagnostic data:

2011-2012 academic year

(the end of the year)

2012-2013 academic year

(the end of the year)

High level

High level

Average level

Average level

Low level

Low level

Considering the current problem of environmental education of preschool children, this project is of interest for further research.

"The life of trees and their significance in human life."

Preparatory group for children with visual impairments

Developed by educators:

Zyryanova A.G.

Seregina T.D.


Expanding and clarifying children’s ideas about the rational interaction of man with nature - acceptable and unacceptable actions in the natural environment.


    Form in children preschool age interestedattitude towards the problems of nature.

    To stimulate the desire to organize independent search and research activities to obtain an answer to an exciting question.

    Cultivate an emotionally friendly attitude towards the plant world.

Duration: short term

Type: educational


teachers: Zyryanova A.G., Seregina T.D.

senior teacher: Aksenyuk V.R.

musical director: Volova N.G.

typhlopedagogue: Gorobets S.V.

Fine Arts teacher: Vishnyakova I.V.

rhythm teacher: Sin N.S.

Physical instructor: Kosareva O.V.

parents children.


Problem environmental education– one of the most relevant today. Careful attitude towards nature, awareness of the importance of its protection and restoration, the formation of environmentally appropriate behavior in nature must be brought up with early years. It is from preschool age that a positive attitude towards nature is formed.How can we help children learn to sympathize with the surrounding wildlife and care for natural objects? How to teach children to value peace and justice? How to develop a love for nature and the desire to protect it? To answer these important questions we decided to develop a project on environmental education on the topic: “The life of trees and their significance in human life.” Already at preschool age, children have an idea of ​​the structure of trees and recognize them by characteristic features: the color of the bark, the shape of the leaves and instills a love for trees. Through independent search and research activities, children have the opportunity to directly satisfy their inherent curiosity and organize their ideas about the world.

Expected Result:

The result of the work on this project there will be the creation of an ecological mini-museum in the “Miracle Tree” group, children will develop the ability to distinguish between features and appearance each tree, children’s ideas about environmentally appropriate behavior in nature will expand (you cannot break tree branches, tear leaves, scratch tree bark, etc.) and through independent search and research activities they will have the opportunity to directly satisfy their inherent curiosity.

Environmental project on the topic:"In Nature's Pantry"

Developed by educators:

Kiyatkina I. V..

Kuznetsova N. S.

Objective of the project:

develop children's ideas about natural resources, their benefits, significance for humans.


  • Introduce children to living objects and inanimate nature, teach to recognize, distinguish and name them.
  • Develop observation skills and interest in natural objects.
  • To instill in children a caring attitude towards nature and emotional responsiveness to its beauty.


Environmental education for preschool children is extremely current problem present time. Properly organized and systematically implemented, it has an intense impact on the mind, feelings, emotions and will of a preschooler.We chose this topic because its content is understandable to children: it introduces objects of living and inanimate nature, develops observation skills, and fosters a caring attitude towards nature. This topic includes various types children's activities: search, creative, productive.

Expected Result:

  • Create a developmental environment for children to acquire new knowledge about natural resources.
  • Develop children's cognitive abilities.
  • To instill in children a caring attitude towards nature.
  • A child’s mastery of aesthetic and environmental literacy when using and contemplating natural resources.

Duration: short-term (September–August).

Type: educational.


children and parents of the “Kapelka” group

Teachers: Kiyatkina I.V., Kuznetsova N.S.,

Senior teacher – Aksenyuk V. R.,

Art teacher activities – Vishnyakova I.V.

Phys. Instructor – Kosareva O.V.

Project on environmental education of preparatory group children"Ecological Theater"

Developed by the teacher:

Guseva E. G.


Increasing the level of environmental competence of preschool children, creating necessary conditions for manifestation creativity every child.


  • To increase the level of children's knowledge in the process of direct perception and interaction with objects of living and non-living nature.
  • Nurturing environmentally friendly behavior in nature.
  • Development of children's creative abilities in reflecting environmental problems accessible to their generation through participation in environmental performances.

Project type: Cognitive, short-term.


children of the group "Sun",

parents of children from the “Sunshine” group,

teacher: Guseva E.G.,

senior teacher: Aksenyuk V.R.

musical director: Volova N.G.,

instructor physical education: Kosareva O.V.

Relevance: Environmental education and the education of children is one of the most pressing problems of the present time. It is in preschool age that the foundation of the child’s ecological culture is laid, which he will have to develop in more mature years. Therefore, we believe that environmental culture implements a wide range of educational tasks. Children acquire new knowledge about nature and expand their horizons. In solving this problem big role plays theatrical activity. It allows children to discover the beauty of the world around them, the beauty of relationships between people and nature, and become a participant in everything that happens.

Expected Result:

    Creating conditions for increasing the level of environmental competence of the child.

    Development of creative abilities of preschool children.

    Development of cognitive abilities.

    Increasing the level of environmental culture.

Research work "Difficult egg"


Novik Daria


teacher-defectologist A.I. Smyshlyaeva

teacher-speech therapist O.N. Yarema

1. Introduction.

2. Research on topics:

2.1. Structure chicken egg, its properties;

2.2. In what conditions did Chicken Ryaba live with her grandfather and grandmother (based on Russian folk tale"Chicken Ryaba");

2.3. Experiment “Softening the shell of a chicken egg.”

3. Research results.

4. Sources of information.

Research project "Ural Gems"


Kornelyuk Denis

Shafikov Seva

Silantiev Stas

pupils of MDOU DS No. 53


Teacher-defectologist Smyshlyaeva A.I.

Teacher-speech therapist Yarema O.N.

We hold with you, buddy, in our hands

“Ural Tales” about wondrous mountains.

Many stories have happened here,

There was both joy and sorrow,

AND good people This is where tales are kept,

Who talk about magic.

Environmental education

Definition 1

Environmental education– direction to preschool pedagogy which consists of introducing children to nature.

In children of preschool age, through targeted pedagogical influence, it is possible to form the makings of an ecological culture, conscious and correct attitude to natural phenomena and objects. This attitude is developed only under the condition of close contact and interaction of the child with the flora and fauna.

Definition 2

A consciously correct attitude towards nature- this is the totality of the child’s knowledge and active manifestations, in particular: interest in various natural phenomena, desire to preserve nature and create necessary conditions for the life of plants and animals, emotional response to any manifestations of the natural world, its beauty.

A correct attitude towards the world around us can be formed in children if they are systematically introduced to natural diversity, demonstrate a connection with their environment, are involved in practical activities to maintain the necessary conditions for the life of plants and animals, and are given the opportunity to observe their growth and development.

IN preschool period With the help of environmental education, the child develops an initial understanding of human interaction with nature.

An effective way to implement environmental education is project activity. Environmental projects, implemented in kindergarten, give rise to the formation of an environmental culture in children. Such projects are based on organizing the interaction of children with the nature of their immediate environment, learning about what grows and lives nearby.

Ecological project “Birds of the Native Land”

Objective of the project: consolidating pupils’ ideas about birds, their way of life and connection with the environment, as well as the role of humans in the life of the bird community, attracting pupils’ attention to environmental protection, teaching children to be merciful.

Project objectives:

  • expanding students’ knowledge about the birds of their native land;
  • observing the habits of birds;
  • familiarization with feeders and their purpose, methods of making them from various materials;
  • to interest parents in activities related to nature conservation and talk about the need to educate children conscious attitude to the world;
  • teach children and parents to organize environmental activities;
  • teach students how to properly feed birds;
  • upbringing caring attitude to birds and the desire to help them in winter conditions.

The project consists of three main stages:

  • preparatory, which consists of creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project, in particular: discussion with parents of the goals and objectives of the project, selection of literature, preparation of presentations; production of didactic games; organizing an exhibition of drawings dedicated to birds, making feeders.
  • the main stage of the project, including an exhibition of feeders, choosing a place to hang feeders, bird watching, feeding birds, designing propaganda posters calling for feeding birds in winter, creating and filling out an observation diary.
  • the final stage, at which the results of the project are summed up, participants and winners of competitions are awarded.

Ecological project “Secrets of Water”

Objective of the project: clarification and expansion of children’s ideas about water in various states, its characteristics, and properties.

Project objectives:

  • create conditions for the formation of cognitive interest in children;
  • expanding children’s understanding of the properties of water, its transitions into different states;
  • formation of ideas about the importance of water in human life.

Project implementation consists of creating an album “Secrets of Water”, joint work of children and parents in the form of drawings, applications, crafts, memorizing poems about water, reading stories and fairy tales about it, preparing and viewing a presentation on the topic “Water”.

  1. Name.
  2. Explanatory note.
  3. Project passport.
  4. Project implementation plan for the middle group.
  5. Analysis of diagnostic results for preschool children.
  6. Bibliography.
  7. Appendix 1. GCD notes on ecology: “What is water for?”, “Where is the water hidden?”, “Secrets of water in the liquid state,” “What are clouds?”, “Secrets of water in the solid state.”
  8. Appendix 2. Short collective work.
  9. Appendix 3. Experiments.
  10. Appendix 4. Observations.
  11. Appendix 5. Games.
  12. Appendix 6. Entertainment scenario “Secrets of Water”.
  13. Appendix 7. Artistic creativity.
  14. Appendix 8. Creative works of children and their parents.

Explanatory note.

A preschool child by nature is characterized by an orientation towards understanding the world around him and experimenting with objects and phenomena of reality. Children love to experiment. In preschool age, this method is the leading one, and in the first three years it is practically the only way to understand the world. The knowledge gained during experiments is remembered for a long time if the child does everything himself and is not in the role of an observer.

The child’s need for new impressions underlies the emergence and development of inexhaustible orientation-research (search) activity aimed at understanding the world around him. The more varied and intense the search activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully he develops.

Experiments allow us to combine all types of activities and all aspects of education. In the process of experiments, the desire to understand the world develops, the child’s memory is enriched, observation and inquisitiveness of the mind develops, as well as all cognitive abilities, the ability to invent and use non-standard solutions in difficult situations, a creative personality is created.

No wonder they say in China:

What I heard, I forgot.

I remember what I saw.

I know what I did!

This project allows you to clarify and expand children’s understanding of water in different states, its characteristics and properties. After all, water is a favorite object for research by all children. Children come into contact with water from the first days of life. Therefore, the first ideas about water develop in early preschool age: water flows from a tap, in a spring stream, water spreads, it can be spilled. But how many secrets does water hide in itself, when children are surprised by the disappearing puddles on the asphalt, their reflection in the water, the windows in the locker room fogged up from damp clothes and much more... Through experimentation, we decided to unravel some of the secrets of water.

Project passport.

Project type: educational and research.

Project participants: children of the middle group (4-5 years old) of the Belochka kindergarten, group teacher, parents.

Subject of study: properties of water.

Relevance of the topic: The first ideas about water develop in early preschool age: water flows from a tap, in a spring stream, water spreads, it can be spilled. But how many secrets does water hide in itself, when children are surprised by the disappearing puddles on the asphalt, their reflection in the water, the windows in the locker room fogged up from damp clothes and much more... Through experimentation, we decided to unravel some of the secrets of water. What are these secrets?

Objective of the project: Clarify and expand children’s understanding of water in different states, its characteristics and properties.

Project objectives:

Create conditions for the formation of cognitive interest in children;

Expand children's understanding of the properties of water and its transitions from one state to another (taste, color, smell, fluidity, ability to reflect, evaporate, harden);

To form ideas about the importance of water in human life.

Expected result:

Expand and deepen the child’s knowledge and ideas about water, the ability to determine the various states of water;

Develop interest and cognitive skills through experimental activities;

To form among parents an interest in the problem of environmental education of their children;

Develop a caring attitude towards water.

Project result: Creation of the album “Secrets of Water”: experimental activities with photographs, joint works of children and their parents (drawings, applications, crafts), poems, riddles, stories and tales about water. View the presentation of the project: “Secrets of water.”

Project implementation plan in the middle group of preschool educational institutions

Preparatory stage of the project:


Forms of work


Development of a project implementation plan.

Identify children’s existing knowledge about water and the level of children’s interest in this topic.

Selection of educational literature, educational books, illustrations, pictures.

Drawing up diagnostics.

Diagnosing children.

1-2 weeks of November

Enrich the subject-ecological environment in the group for the implementation of the project

Creation of an experimental laboratory in the group.

Preparation of safe experiments and experiments with water.

Selection of didactic, verbal and outdoor games.

Development of GCD notes for various areas of the program.

Involve parents in project activities, determine the role of parents in this project

Questioning parents

Parent meeting

Collecting information to create a creative piggy bank with poems, riddles, nursery rhymes, stories about water, through the efforts of the teacher, children and their parents.


Throughout the project

Research(main) stage of the project:

Perspective-thematic planning of the environmental project “Secrets of Water” for children of middle preschool age

Dates: December - January

Kind of activity

Integration of educational areas

Cooperative activity adult and children

Working with parents

Cognitive and research





Experiments: “Secrets of water in a liquid state”, “Secrets of water in a solid state”, “A droplet goes in a circle”, “Steam is also water”.

Experiments: “Where water evaporates faster”, “Conversion of steam into water droplets”, “Water dissolves substances”, “Reflection of water”.

Observations: “Where did the puddle disappear”, “Observation in a group”, “Clouds are white-maned horses”, “Autumn rain”, “Birth of an icicle”, “Ice”, “Secrets of snow”.

Looking at photographs of water and children's illustrated encyclopedias. Creation of water protection signs.

Entertainment “Secrets of Water”

Creation of thematic albums about water: riddles, proverbs, nursery rhymes, poems, fairy tales, stories with pictures.

Physical Culture

Artistic creativity




Didactic games: “Water Experts”, “Who Needs Water”, “ Cutting pictures", "What does a cloud look like", "Find a reflection", "Traces", "Find a mate for a snowflake."

Game exercises: “Bul-bull”, “Rain”, “Oh, Frost!”, “Freeze”.

Imitation games: “Water in a glass”, “Mirror”.

Snow game “Do as I do”, “Hit the target”




Examination of the paintings: “Who needs water”, “What is water needed for”, “ Winter forest», « Winter fun", "Reservoirs".

Conversations: “What is water for?”, “Where is the water hidden?”, “What are clouds?”, “Water through the looking glass”, Word game: “Give me a word.”


Physical Culture



Outdoor games: “Cloud and droplets”, “I’ll freeze”, “Snowflakes”, “ Funny snowflakes", "Stream", "In the swamp", "The sea is agitated."

Complex morning exercises"Snowballs"

Gymnastics complex after sleep “The Journey of a Snowflake”

Physical education lessons “And above the sea you and I”, “To become strong and agile”, “I’m not afraid of frost”, “Water splashes quietly”, “Snowflakes are falling from the sky”, “It’s frosty in our yard”

Finger gymnastics: “The rain dripped on the palm”, “Rain, rain, more fun!”


Practical work: “Water the flowers”, “Let the clothes be clean”, “Snow buildings”, “Making colored ice floes”.


Artistic creativity

Drawing “How a river is born”, “Clouds”, “Puddle on the asphalt”, “Raindrops”, “Funny snowflakes”.

Applications “Reservoirs”, “What types of clouds are there”, “Carrots made of ice”, “Snowman”, “Water drops”.

Creating a panel: “A droplet is walking in a circle.”

Exhibition of works on the topics: “What is water for?”, “Water conservation

new signs"

Reading (perception of fiction)

Reading fiction

no literature

Reading works: E. Moshkovskaya “River”, E. N. Uspensky. “If I were a girl”, K.I. Chukovsky. “Fedorino’s grief”, B.V. Zakhoder. “Whale and Cat”, M. D. Perina “Water of Life”,

E. Blagina “Snow”, I. Bunin “It’s raining, cold, like ice”, A. Davy “Winter”, “Snowflake”, T. Novitskaya “White fluffy snow”, Nikolai Sladkov “Under the snow”, K. Ushinsky “The pranks of the old woman of winter”, L. Voronkova “It’s snowing”, D. Tikhomirov “Snow patterns on the windows”, N. Abramtseva “The Tale of the Fog”, A. Melnikov “The artist painted a picture all night”, L. Kvitko “Cow in fog”, T. Shorygina “Do you recognize winter?”, N. Boltacheva “The Tale of the Water Cycle”.

Riddles about water.

Songs and nursery rhymes: “Water, water, wash my face”; “Ay, okay, okay, okay”; “Rain, don’t rain!”, “Rain, rain, more!”


Using music Listening to the sound of a waterfall

Final stage of the project:

Dates: February


Expected Result

Entertainment on the theme: “Secrets of water”

Identify skills to cope different situations owning your knowledge.

Diagnosing preschoolers to determine knowledge on the topic of the project

Determining the level of knowledge on the design topic.

Analysis of diagnostic results for preschool children

Confirmation of the relevance of the implementation of this project

Exhibition joint work children and parents on the topic: “What is water for”, “Water protection signs”

Exhibition of photographs on experimental activities.

Album design “Secrets of Water”

Presentation of project results

Project design

Providing materials for the competition

Analysis of diagnostic results for preschool children

Ecological and pedagogical work with children during certain period gives clear results. The diagnostics carried out allow us to more objectively, more thoroughly and accurately record the level of knowledge both at the beginning of the project and at its completion. Thus, we see these indicators in the survey table and chart below.

If at the beginning of the project the children have low level knowledge on the following topics: “What is steam”, What is a cloud”, “Water cycle”, “Properties of snow and ice”, then upon completion of the project the newly carried out diagnostics show good results. Children independently answer questions, understand and understand what is being asked of them, can explain the properties of water in its different states, and know about the importance of water and the protection of water bodies.

I believe that the project was a success, because... children are active, reaching out more and more for new knowledge, giving examples, drawing their own conclusions from what they saw and said, and can talk about it and depict it in their drawings and applications.

Short term project:

Carrying out a promotionpurity and kindness at MBDOU DS "Korablik" in Volgodonsk

Project motto: There is such a firm rule - “Get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your city in order.”

Main activities aimed at implementing the project:

1. Development of a plan for holding an action in the MBDOU DS “Korablik” in Volgodonsk “Cleanliness and Kindness Action”.

2. Conducting a cleanup day together with teachers, parents and children on the territory of the kindergarten.

3.Conduct joint events aimed at implementing the project with employees, teachers, parents of students and children.

The most important result of our project is the formation of a real community of children, teachers, parents who love their own kindergarten, making their contribution to its cleanliness and prosperity!

Project principles.

The project is based on four principles:

Principle of differentiation- Creation optimal conditions for self-realization of each participant in the project.

Integrative principle- implies close cooperation with family and society.

Principle of individualization - individual approach to each project participant.

The principle of humanism- see the child as a full partner, take into account his point of view.

Project implementation stages:

Stage 1 - preparatory.

Objective of the stage: analysis of the situation; determination of its main goals: the formation of environmental consciousness, ecological culture, kindness and mercy as the basic qualities of a person.

Stage 2 – organizational: planning and forecasting upcoming work

Objectives of the stage: greening all sections of the education and training program for preschoolers; Creation ecological environment in the preschool educational institution, involving all project participants in the upcoming creative work; development of plans for working with teachers and parents on the formation of environmental education through environmental campaigns, selection of literature and information on the project.

Stage 3 – Practical activities.

Objectives of the stage: the formation of basic environmental knowledge and ideas of educators, children and parents, as well as the beginning, the foundations of environmental education through environmental action.

Stage 4 – final.

Objectives of the stage: generalization of experience and determination of the result practical activities.

Forms of work on project implementation with teachers:

Selection and study of literature on this topic;

Planning and forecasting of upcoming work;

Making a stand " Undersea world seas and oceans";

Update of the panel “Flora and Fauna of the Rostov Region”;

Participation in an environmental cleanup;

Forms of work to implement a project with children:

Observations and ecological excursions;

 creation of presentations, slide shows;

 educational reading;

 competitions and quizzes;

productive activity;

 environmental, active, didactic, simulation games.

 Final event.

Forms and methods of working with parents:

Consultations and messages environmental orientation For parent corners;

Participation of parents in cleanup work;

Conducting joint ecological excursions;

Collaborative activities between teachers and children

Interaction with family

    Viewing and discussion of the presentation “The enemy of nature is garbage!”

    Reading literary works: “Respect other people’s work”, N.A. Ryzhova “How people offended the river” and others.

    Children's drawings of “prohibition signs” View and discuss the presentation “The enemy of nature is garbage!”

    Making crafts from waste material“I clean up and play.”

    Conversation " Beautiful city- clean city".

    Competition for the best craft from recycled material: “Mom, Dad, I - we create miracles”

    Photo stand using photos of the cleanup event “That’s how clean it has become!”

    Labor landing (subbotnik) to clean the territory of a preschool institution

    Acquaintance with folk wisdom: proverbs, sayings about careful attitude to nature

    Exhibition “Nature and Creativity”


1. Evdokimova, E.S. Pedagogical support for families in raising preschoolers / E.S. Evdokimov. - M.: TC Sfera, 2005.

2. Zhernevskaya, T.V. System of cooperation with parents as a condition for optimizing environmental education of preschool children / T.V. Zhernevskaya, L.A. Maltnova //Management of a preschool educational institution. - 2007. - No. 3.

3. Zvereva, O.L., Krotova, T.V. Communication between a teacher and parents in a preschool educational institution: Methodological aspect / O.L. Zvereva, T.V. Krotova. - M.: TC Sfera, 2005.

4. Martynovich, V.A. Introducing children 6-7 years old to nature: interaction between preschool educational institutions with family /V.A. Martynovich //Management of a preschool educational institution. - 2005. - No. 2.

5. "We." Program of environmental education for children / N. N. Kondratyeva et al. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2003.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten "Korablik" Volgodonsk

(MBDOU DS "Korablik" Volgodonsk)

Short-term environmental project:

"Carrying out the actionpurity and kindness in MBDOU DS "Korablik" in Volgodonsk"

Prepared by:

Senior teacher

Gorkovskaya A.A.
