Women in nude style. Juicy nude photos

To mom

Nude is a genre of art that reveals the beauty of the naked body. A properly taken nude photograph is a work of art; it has nothing to do with vulgarity. Erotica - yes, but erotica is designed to excite people sexual desire, but don't trivialize it. Among photographers, this genre is considered one of the most difficult. Most often, naked or scantily clad people are photographed in black and white.

After all, there is no need here bright colors, we do not convey emotions, we convey the beauty of the body. Properly set light, the pose of the model, and the knowledge of the photographer are the necessary components for a beautiful photograph. The model’s pose is chosen in such a way as to emphasize her advantages and hide her flaws. Naturally, a correctly constructed light pattern also serves the same purpose. With light and pose we show, if this is a woman, the smoothness of the lines, the roundness of the chest, hips, and reduce the waist.

It is not necessary to take photographs in a special studio, especially since if you are not a professional photographer, then without help knowledgeable people there's no way around it. You can also take pictures at home, using window light and artificial light sources as light. Make sure that the image does not come out flat. The chest and hips should be illuminated brightly, with a highlighting light; the stomach should not be so, but also illuminated, preferably with a softer light.

The sides at the waist will be better if they go into the shadows. The legs can be illuminated superficially, and the sides of the legs should also be left in shadow. There is definitely no need to illuminate the groin area. If you are not professionals and want to get beautiful pictures at home, then first look at the material on the Internet, remember the poses, which side, in which case the light is, and try to repeat. The model should not be tense; if you can’t relax it with words, you can pour a little alcohol. But only a little and exclusively for relaxation. A girl should radiate eroticism, but not porn. In this case, the result will be a work of art, and not a cover for a porn magazine.

To make the breasts beautiful, ice cubes are usually applied to them, then the breasts will become beautiful shape, and the nipples will swell. To make the body reflect the light beautifully, the body is rubbed with essential oil. If a man is photographed in the nude genre, then they also use essential oils. But the light is placed differently. It is best to have an overhead light that illuminates broad shoulders and a basin smoothly leading into the shadow. Here, unlike female forms, we show muscle definition, strength, sharp transitions of light and shadow, brutality. Beautifully illuminate the play of muscles with additional hard light. If in a woman the main thing is to show the smoothness and roundness of forms, then in a man we want to portray strength and maybe somewhere stiffness.

The term "nude" comes from French and means “naked”, “undressed”. This is a trend in modern art, in which the central place is occupied by the image of the naked human body, mainly female. But not always. It can be a man, as well as a man and a woman.

Do not confuse nudes with erotica - they are not the same thing. Nude style is intended to show the beauty of the human body through the power of art, but not to excite horny men. Photographs are created in this style. Moreover, one should not equate nudes with pornography, as this can often be seen. There is not a bit of vulgarity in nude photographs. This is, first of all, the youth and health of the model or sitter. By the way, the mood of the model almost always determines how successful and exciting a particular photo shoot will be.

In contemporary art, the nude genre is represented mainly by photography. Previously it was sculptures and paintings. Nude photographs are designed to show the beauty of the naked young body, healthy color faces, natural beauty and grace. And nudity is not always vulgar and inappropriate. The photographer’s task is to convey to the viewer all the naturalness and grace of the body in its original, undisguised form.

Most often, works in the nude style, on the contrary, personify innocence, because the author tries to hide intimate areas body and accentuate the hip, wrist, curls, etc. Through detail, the artist tries to convey not only the external, but also the internal beauty of his model. What is important here are the poses that the sitters take, the play of light when nothing is visible except the naked silhouette. The rest is born in the viewer's imagination. Photos in the nude style of some authors are on the verge of depicting a naked body with an admixture of surrealism.

Nude and the future

Today, nude photographs are pushing the boundaries of the usual idea of ​​art. This genre can be approached in different ways. However, it is an undeniable fact that nudes are the future of modern photography. It is worth saying that despite the apparent simplicity and simplicity of nude photographs, good photos Nude can only be done in a professional workshop if there is appropriate light, etc. At home, such photos are not obtained at the proper level.

There is a common belief that nude photographs are in demand mainly among the male part of the population. This is nothing more than a myth. This genre contemporary art very large audience. With their simplicity, but at the same time elegance, beauty and naturalness, nude photographs evoke only admiration, but not disgust or lustful thoughts.

Brunettes are lucky by nature. They are bright on their own, you can even do without makeup. Therefore, today’s fashionable daytime and evening make-up in the "nude" style, i.e. natural, as close to natural as possible, will come in handy for them. Main rules natural makeup.


It is based on healthy, well-hydrated skin. Therefore, do not neglect moisturizing masks and creams.

Choose a foundation with reflective particles, they will make your facial features thinner. Its shade should perfectly match your skin tone. Secure the base with a thin layer loose powder. This will give your skin a velvety feel and allow your makeup to stay on your face longer.

For nude makeup, warm colors are needed that are in harmony with the shades of hair and skin. Pay attention to the glossy satin shadows. Apply them with a dry brush or applicator so that the color is not too heavy and intense. But keep in mind that such shadows can emphasize fine wrinkles around eyes.

Natural makeup involves translucent matte or shiny lipstick, you can even get by with just lip gloss.

As one of the options for natural makeup, you can try, no less popular today, makeup using a monochrome technique. He suggests using the same creamy, pastel-colored texture on your eyelids, lips, and cheeks. The result is delicate makeup, in which the main emphasis is on the eyebrows. But their color should be as close as possible to the color of the roots of your hair.

Tip 3: Tips for erotic nude photography. How to feel freer and more relaxed?

A nude photo shoot is an unusual and vibrant experience that can show the beauty of the human body. For such a shoot, you need to prepare in advance: both mentally and physically.

A “nude” photo shoot is a rather intimate affair, so it’s worth preparing for it in advance. You need to start by communicating with the photographer.

If the shooting takes place in a studio, it is worth checking whether there will be other people there, what kind of light is set and what is the temperature in the room. In the case of location shooting, it is ideal if the photographer has an assistant who can quickly provide clothes in case difficult situation(or if the weather on the day of filming suggests low air temperatures). It is immediately necessary to clarify the availability of a makeup artist on the set. If you don’t have one, you will have to do your face and body makeup yourself and it is best to take with you a small cosmetic bag with corrective and tonal means.

Since a nude photo shoot involves undressing, you should immediately decide on own attitude to him. If this kind of shooting is happening for the first time, it is better to choose a female photographer or a fairly well-known male photographer. If this is not the first experience, then best choice There will be a photographer whose style of shooting you like best. Do not forget that during a photo shoot a professional is busy with filming and views the model exclusively from a professional point of view.

Don't think that the photographer will take care of everything. In most cases, any shooting is a result collaboration model and photographer, so all existing ideas should be discussed in advance.

It is better to arrive at the photo shoot in advance - to the studio 15-20 minutes before the start, to the location - 20-30 minutes. This way you can see the shooting location from different angles, “try on” yourself for a given interior or landscape, communicate with the photographer and makeup artist, and get yourself in order if the makeup artist is not there. As a rule, all studios have a small room with good light, where you can update your make-up, comb your hair and straighten your clothes.

It’s better to start shooting with a 10-15 minute photo shoot in clothes. All you need to do is take with you well-known and favorite things and accessories that will help create a feeling of security and comfort. Remember that a good “nude” does not necessarily mean complete nudity of the model - a favorite stole, draped over the shoulders and covering the chest, both meets the purpose of the shoot and helps not to be nervous in the presence of a stranger. After you feel relaxed, you can calmly move on to nudity.

Music has an excellent liberating effect. After dancing a little in front of the camera to your favorite tune, it will be easy to move on to the stage of shooting without clothes.

A large number of accessories (jewelry, scarves, hats) can also make the model more relaxed. For example, being distracted by beautiful beads, you become more natural in the frame and stop looking at the camera and the photographer. If you need to create an image in the style of a celebrity, you can view the photo in advance and

Alluring photos High Quality on erotic themes that perfectly convey all the beauty naked body, are called "nudes". This style of erotic photography appeared a long time ago. Thanks to him, every lover of temptation and beauty can enjoy selected photographs of naked girls in different poses. Nude girls are usually very cute and seductive. They love to show their sexuality without any embarrassment. These young ladies know the basics of proper posing, which is why all the shots with them are so attractive and exciting. Nude women know how to reveal all their secrets in order and show all their charms during filming.

High-quality nude photos from sexy girls

Stunning nude style is something beautiful and unique. The girls who kindly participate in photo shoots of this type are the most depraved and tender at the same time. They combine audacity and innocence, which together looks excellent. Every libertine is ready to go to great lengths just to enjoy pleasant shots depicting nude girls with all their charms in different revealing poses. Nude is not only beautiful image, these are also the feelings that each photograph gives to its viewer.