How to talk to a woman correctly table. How to communicate with a girl

Other occasions

Probably every self-respecting person knows about certain rules of communication, decency, etc. But there are also some rules that help a man to appear before a woman in a better light.

1. Stay positive

Each of us after a hard working or school day gets tired and wants to relax. Try to ensure that when meeting with you a woman receives as many positive emotions as possible. This will serve as a good incentive for her to want to meet you again and get a charge of good mood.

2. A man should be responsible

You can also complain about your life, your bosses or your team to your friends by sitting somewhere in a pub. There are problems, and you must show the woman that you are able to solve them. First of all, prove to yourself that you are not a talker, and deeds always follow words.

3. Keep yourself proud

A woman always quickly gets bored when a crowd of boyfriends runs around her. Keep yourself proud. Women pay attention to these. Rid yourself of dependence on female attention. Otherwise, she will start to manipulate you.

4. Confidence

Try to communicate with several women at the same time. This will help you complete your experience with the opposite sex. In addition, women are able to feel the competition, even when there is no reason for this. Determination can make a strong impression on a woman.

5. Surprise

There are enough ways to surprise a woman. Give her an unusual gift that she has never seen before. Or learn some simple trick with a coin or cards. Or you can read on the Internet how to make a flower out of a napkin. This will make a good impression on her if you do it while sitting in a restaurant, for example. You can just give a beautiful bouquet of flowers, as there is a possibility that this could happen to her in the distant past.

6. Compliment

Do not compliment for show. It is always noticeable and repulsive. Try to find something that you really like in a woman and give a compliment from the heart. Be careful. The subject of a compliment can also be a new hairstyle, or new clothes (although this can hardly be traced).

7. Learn to listen and hear

Many women naturally like to talk a lot. Do not think about what topics you need to talk about. Start with general questions, listen, and as the conversation progresses, ask additional questions. When communicating, a woman will begin to trust you more and become more open. But keep in mind, she will do this only with an attentive and grateful listener. For interest, you can view the women's site LadyVenus.ruto better understand what women are interested in.

8. Be active

Make a meeting or a date a holiday for a woman. As you know, a bright holiday will always remain in our memory. You should not delay the date until the moment when both of you become bored and an awkward silence appears between you. End meetings at a time when it seems to you that all the emotional potential between you has been realized, but not completely.

9. Be versatile

Read books, watch more educational programs, go in for sports, in the end. First of all, you need it. The more knowledge you have behind you, the more interesting you are for the interlocutor.

10. Final goal

Determine what the purpose of your acquaintance and communication with a woman is friendship, building a closer relationship, or just sex. If your goal is more than friendship, then try not to languish with it. Do not turn into a "girlfriend in pants."

If you want a closer relationship, turn on romance and go ahead.

Many men are speechless when meeting a beautiful woman. If you're hoping for a friendship, or you're about to ask a girl out on a date, you might be very nervous the first time you talk. This article will give you some tips on how to say those first few words.


Part 1

start a conversation

    Assess her interest with eye contact. Give her a quick glance, wait for her to notice, smile with your eyes, and then slowly look away. If you look at her again and notice that she is looking at you to meet your eyes, she is most likely interested in a conversation. If she completely avoids eye contact with you, then she's probably not interested.

    • If she is talking to another guy, don't approach the girl.
    • If she is in the company of girls, then your situation is better. It will be easier for you to start a conversation if you are not alone, but with your friends.
  1. Get within talking distance. If she is reviewing books, look at the books next to her. If she's at the bar, order a drink and sit next to her. Find any excuse to be at ease with her. However, in some situations it can be difficult (for example, if she is absorbed in working on a laptop in a cafe or talking with her friend). In this case, it's best not to distract her unless she shows that she's interested in you (unless she can't take her eyes off you).

    • Don't wait too long to talk to her. If she sees you, look at her and approach her, smile and show that you are determined.
  2. Start the conversation with a simple observation, ending with a question:“Nice day, isn't it?” or “There are a lot of people here today, right?” It doesn't matter what you say. You don't really need an answer to the question. You are simply engaging her in a conversation. If she replies kindly, keep talking. If she doesn't respond or seems busy or uninterested, then she's probably not interested, so start a conversation with someone else.

    • Don't worry if you are talking about something that doesn't really matter. The most important thing is to start a conversation. However, do not say things that are not natural for you.
  3. Keep up a fairly natural conversation. Don't come up with "homemade", "mad attraction" or other social clichés. The best way to get along with someone is to speak from the heart. What you say is not as important as how you say it. Communication is an exchange of energy, not memorized remarks. When in doubt, just say "Hi".

    Give her a compliment. If you just met, you should not say that she has the most beautiful eyes in the world or sexy legs. With this you can push this girl away from you. Instead, compliment her on her appearance, such as telling her she has a nice sweater or a lovely necklace. You can also tell that her laugh is very infectious. If your relationship gets more serious, you can tell that she has beautiful hair. However, take your time, do not reveal your feelings right away. Say something to show that this girl is important to you.

    • One compliment during the first conversation will be enough. Don't put her in an awkward position.
  4. Use your environment. If you feel uncomfortable and do not know where to start, look around, something will certainly attract your attention. If you're in a bar, you might ask, "Do you come here often?" or "Have you tried the mango mojito?" If you see a poster that there's a gig coming up in your city soon, you can ask her if she likes this band. In addition, if you notice that she is wearing an item of clothing of a famous brand, you can ask if she has been in a country where such products are produced.

    • You should not look around too much, the girl may feel that you are ignoring her. However, if you are looking for a topic to talk about, the environment around you can be a great help for conversation.
  5. Have a casual conversation. A casual conversation can set the stage for a more interesting conversation. Do not go beyond the question "How are you?" to the discussion of the question "What is the meaning of life?" You can start a conversation about what you did last weekend. Also, talk about friends, work, the weather, and anything the girl would be interested in. Joke, try to make the girl laugh. Don't worry too much about the girl being bored with you. Remember, you're just making casual conversation.

    • If she feels comfortable talking to you, she'll be ready to open up a little more soon.

    Part 2

    Maintain Interest
    1. If this little conversation goes well, tell us a little about yourself - just a little, like what you do or how you enjoyed the show you just saw. At some point, of course, you will want to introduce yourself and perhaps get her name. The essence of sharing information is that you gradually open up. Take turns speaking and each time she gives you some information about herself, give a similar one about yourself, and maybe share something a little more personal than her.

      Give her all your attention. Laugh at her jokes, listen to her stories, and don't get distracted by what's going on around you. It's more important to sound interested than to sound interesting, you don't want to ruin the conversation. Being a good listener is much more important to a successful conversation than being witty.

      • Put your phone away (until you ask for her number). This is not the time to talk to your friends on the phone if you want to please a girl.
    2. Ask questions. If you want a girl to want to talk to you, then you must show that you are interested in her as a person. Avoiding personal questions, you can ask her ideas about life or pick up general topics. For example, you can find out what her favorite sports team is or what she likes to do in her spare time. You can ask about the following:

      • her family
      • Animals
      • Her favorite films, books, albums
      • her friends
      • Her hobby
      • Her work
    3. Ask her opinion. Show her that her opinion is valuable to you and you care what she thinks on this or that issue. You can ask her what she thinks of your new clothes or haircut. In addition, you can find out her opinion about a new movie or about a musical group. You can also find out what she thinks about the local situation.

      • Avoid topics that are too sensitive or political. Perhaps your views differ on certain issues, so a casual conversation can turn into a furious argument! Think twice before asking a question. Otherwise, an inappropriate question may turn the girl away.
    4. Look for the common. Although opposites attract, if you find something in common with a girl, then you will most likely find it easier to carry on a conversation. You don't have to bombard her with questions to determine that you have something in common. Just be observant and you may notice that you have a lot in common. You can talk about your favorite sports team, career, travel to another country, or anything else that both of you might be interested in.

      • Ask open-ended questions. Don't ask, "Do you like this sports team?" Instead, ask: "What is your favorite sports team?" Thanks to this, you can continue the conversation, even if the girl does not like a certain command.
      • Be careful. Maybe during the conversation the girl mentioned that she went to college in Spain, you can ask: "Did you spend some time in Spain? I also worked in Barcelona for a year. What area did you live in?"
    5. Show her that you are a mature person. You're talking to a young woman, not a girl, right? If so, then you need to show her that you are an independent, intelligent and mature person. Don't complain about work, don't talk about other people, don't act like you're a teenager. You can be casual and joke around a lot, but avoid teenage behavior.

      Let her speak. Perhaps you want to impress the girl so much that you talk incessantly, without letting her insert a word. Stick to the following rule when talking with a girl: 50/50 or, in extreme cases, 60/40 if one of you is very talkative. If your stories take up 80-90% of the total conversation, it is unlikely that a girl will be pleased to communicate with you, even if you tell her the most interesting stories in the world. Pay attention to how much you speak. Don't interrupt her. In addition, do not be afraid of silence, if there is a slight pause. This is a great opportunity to collect your thoughts.

      • If you want her to see that you have a lot in common, tell her what interests you and listen carefully to the girl.
    6. Flirt. Flirting maintains interest. Of course, don't overdo it. Smile. Joke with her (just do it in a way that doesn't hurt her feelings). Show her that you are not too serious, you also like to have fun. Flirt. Lean a little closer to her if you manage to keep a lively conversation going. If a girl is not ready for a relationship, she is unlikely to respond to your flirting.

    Part 3

    1. Make sure you're interested in her. While you can't really tell if a woman likes you, there are some signs you can look for that will show that she cares about you. If she looks you in the eye, laughs a lot, doesn't pay attention to her friends, doesn't step aside when you approach her, then most likely she likes you. If she answers your questions in monosyllables, just "yes" or "no", and with her whole appearance shows that she is not interested in you, you should not continue trying to win the sympathy of this girl.

      • Pay attention to body language. Does she lean towards you or does she try to stay away from you? If she leans towards you when you are talking to her, then this may be a sign that she wants a closer relationship.
      • Remember that every woman is different. She can be very shy and you can misinterpret this into thinking she has no interest in you.
    2. Break the barrier to hint at your romantic intentions. If you don't let a woman know from the start that you're romantically interested in her, you risk falling into the friendship zone. It's not that hard to touch a person while remaining respectful. If you're both about to go somewhere, stick out your elbow, suggesting that she take your arm, or touch her back with your hand, slightly above the waist, directing her to the door (or hallway) with the words "after you."

      • Or be brave and just take her hand. If she is interested, she may seem a little surprised, but will still be receptive. If she is not interested, you will see that she is not comfortable.
    3. Finish the job. For most people, this is the hardest part because you need to be clear about your intentions and risk getting rejected. Be bold. Say that you would like to see her again, just ask for her phone number, or if it seems appropriate, try to set up a date. If she's not interested, don't worry. There will always be another woman to talk to.

      • Don't push her too hard. Just say, "I had a great time with you and would like to invite you to dinner together. Could we exchange phone numbers?" Don't use the word "date" and don't say "I love you" or anything like that.
    • When speaking, pay attention to her body language. If she is facing you or leaning towards you, it means that she is interested in you. If she is fussy or quiet, she may not be interested, or she may just be shy.
    • Practice active listening skills. When you listen, you need to make it clear to the person that you are listening to him. Maintain eye contact. Nod. Say “Yes”, “I understand”, “Interesting” or something similar to show that you are paying attention and not thinking about anything else, such as what you are going to say next.
    • Get to know women. Do you think you understand women? Or are they creatures from another planet for you? Spend more time with women. Read books that give some insight into the differences between women and men. Get information about the issues women face. The more you understand women, the more comfortable you will feel talking to them.
    • Ask questions! Most people love to talk about themselves, so give them that opportunity. Ask open-ended questions (not ones that are answered with “yes” or “no”): “What classes are you attending this year?” or “Did you see that new movie? Did you like him?"
    • Don't talk about yourself all the time. The girl wants to see that you are interested in her, and do not think only about yourself.


    • Don't waste your time on a woman who seems rude and uninterested. Not only women have the right to standards. Make it a rule to only talk to women who are friendly and polite. Even if a woman isn't romantically interested in you, there are many ways to show it in a kind way. She should not treat you with irritation. In other words, a woman shouldn't act stupid. If she rolls her eyes, barely responds to you, and generally acts rude, don't wait for her to find an excuse to leave. Say something like, "You don't sound like you really want to talk," or find an excuse to leave. There is no reason to waste time on a person who is not interested in you. Just trying to talk to a complete stranger will boost your self-confidence.
    • Don't let the conversation fade. Keep it short and sweet. Even if the conversation is going well, you need to leave topics for conversation for the next meeting. Also, it's easiest to "close the case" when the conversation is going well, not when it has faded.
    • Let go of the despair you may have. Despair precedes obsession, and obsession is terrible. People in despair are unbalanced and unstable because their happiness depends so much on someone else. If you're giving off impulses that tell you that you'll be deeply upset if she doesn't show interest in you, then it's time to slow down, be patient, and look at yourself.
    • Prolonged, direct eye contact is what lovers usually do. This can be done if your interlocutor is clearly interested romantically, but even then it is risky, as there is a high probability of failure if you are mistaken. Look the person in the eye when they speak, but be sure to look away from time to time and shift your interest to other things. Make sure you don't get in the habit of staring at someone's body (chest, arms, shoes, whatever), even if you're doing it out of admiration or curiosity. In general, you do not want your interlocutor to feel that you are examining him under a microscope.
    • At the very beginning of the conversation, do not talk about anything personal. Talk about your surroundings, the show you just watched, and so on, but don't talk too much about yourself or ask your interlocutor personal questions.

You may be disappointed when you find out that you need to talk to a woman. A lot of. For a long time. And patiently. Even when you don't feel like it at all - for example, when you are tensely maneuvering behind the wheel, and all your thoughts are filled only with not crashing.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to use a gag in this case, so you have to remain peaceful, kind and patient.

Yes, what is there - women talk, it would seem, always. Not only when you're driving, but also when you're reading the newspaper, doing crossword puzzles, watching the news, or worse, rooting for the football you love so much!

Everything would be fine if it were possible to confine ourselves to the meaningful “uh-huh”, but women require attention and understanding ...

Well. It's time to reveal all the secrets, gentlemen!

Rules for communicating with women

1. As you know, for the most part, women are not subject to logic, to put it mildly. In conversations and conclusions, they rely more on intuitive and sensory indicators than on mental and logical ones. Nevertheless, the opinion of men is important to women, their point of view on many issues. Therefore, they attach great importance to the phrases spoken by you. Consider this.

2. A woman always wants to know almost everything about a man, so the question of whether to be extremely honest or still hide something remains only on your conscience. If you are planning further cooperation with a woman (in any sense - even on a personal level), then it is better to speak the pure truth. Do not forget about sincerity - this is what all women love so much. Honesty builds and builds trust, so remember that truth is the golden key in any relationship.

3. Talking to a woman and criticizing her body is strongly discouraged! This question is acute for many ladies of any age, even if they have no obvious reasons for this. It is worth refraining from criticizing her relatives - you never know what it can turn into (plus what kind of relationship she actually has with them).

4. Refrain from "empty" words and rash statements. For example, don't say you can't live without her. Not a day. Right today, right now, you are ready to commit suicide if you do not hear the desired answer. Such statements for a woman sometimes look weak and spineless. And demonstrating your weak qualities is not the best sign.

5. Do not forget about compliments - this is what makes all women bloom and melt so much! Emphasize her perfection, the beauty of her body, the zest in her eyes, a beautiful smile and even posture. A woman is a rose, so let it always bloom!

6. Never, you hear, never try desperately to prove your case to a woman. It's useless. A better tactic is to immediately admit that the woman is right about something, but add, "Now let's think about it together" and carefully use your arguments. This will turn the barricade over to your side. At the same time - completely unnoticeable!

7. The intellect of a woman is sacred. Never criticize him! Just like the body.

8. Don't let the conversation veer off topic. If a woman understands that the situation is reaching a critical point, in most cases she begins to use a standard technique - digressing from the topic, saying something like: “Why haven’t you nailed the shelf yet, although you promised a month ago? And then you say something to me?" Answer that you are to blame for this and be sure to fix it (the woman will hear the desired answer and calm down), and return to the conversation again.

9. Keep a sense of humor in mind - this subtle and skillful tool will help you at any moment.

Charm a woman once and for all

1. Speak slowly, clearly and with emphasis. Pause. Big pauses. For what? They will give you more gravitas. To get in the right mood (tone / style of conversation), watch the first part of the movie "The Godfather". So, Brando says exactly the right thing there. And also, if you are asked a question, mentally count to three and only then answer. Works, tested!

2. Let the woman speak. Speak little. If you want to say something meaningless, it is better to remain silent. Let your words be rare, but very well-aimed. Women love it, believe me! Less your conversation - more of their monologues. And it's so exciting!

3. Do not Cry. Be quiet enough. So that you listen carefully. But do not go too far - let every word of yours reach it. Don't make her ask again!

Remember the following rule (most importantly, by the way!): When talking with a woman, always consider the following three questions:

  1. What did your interlocutor say?
  2. What did she mean by that?
  3. What did she actually say?

And, accordingly, have three answers. Three golden answers. Which sometimes even the woman herself does not know.

Ted Sefren derived his 10 rules based on his experience with his 2-year-old niece Lou-Lu, but, according to Sefren himself, they are universal.

1. Ignore them.
Here Sefren did not discover America, but rather repeated after the classic: "The less we love a woman, the more she likes us." And he turned out to be right. If you impose your communication on a woman, she will most likely turn away from you, and if you show moderate indifference, you will only interest her.

2. Bribe them.
Women can really be bribed, the correspondent believes. The main thing is to give them spectacular gifts. In the case of his niece, you can get by with a pair of shiny hairpins and a large plush hare, but for adult ladies, you need to understand, this is unlikely to be to your taste. Therefore, a jewelry store is at your service.

3. Compliment them.
If you give compliments less often, they are more appreciated. Bullshit, says Sefren. Communicating with his two-year-old relative, he realized that women need to be praised constantly and for any reason. Even the smallest one.

4. Listen to them.
If you listen carefully to a woman, you don’t have to puzzle over what she needs - she will say everything herself, you just need to turn into one big ear. If you fully perceive the information that a woman pours on you, then life will become easier - just do everything in accordance with her words.

5. Ask for forgiveness.
Yes, ask him constantly. Whether you spilled her tea, awkwardly moving your hand near the cup, or you were late for a meeting - apologize, apologize and apologize again. The most important thing is not to sound fake in your apologies. If you managed to convince a woman that you are sincerely repentant and her forgiveness will save your life - it's in the bag.

6. Never interfere with her.
It doesn't really matter what a woman does. Let her occupation seem to you the most stupid way to kill time - do not interfere and keep your mouth shut. Open your mouth only to express your approval. Just watch - she will soon find out for herself that her idea was stupid.

7. Don't tell them what to do.
A woman will never do what you asked her to. In any case, a 2-year-old relative of a journalist, one must understand, would never have become. It is better to push a woman to a conclusion, pretending that the initiative comes from her.

8. Don't complain to them about life.
They are not interested. And, if you begin to earnestly complain, in her eyes you will lose your masculine appearance. Calm down. If you really have problems, she herself will feel and come to your aid.

9. Don't argue with them.
Arguing is a waste of energy, air and time. There are two options - either you don’t argue with her, or you win the argument, but you get a woman in the worst mood. Is victory in some dispute worth such huge problems?

10. Never bring them to tears.
Believe me, you will not be able to stop her - be it a 2-year-old child or a 32-year-old woman. Any man is defenseless in front of a crying woman, and there is no way to stop crying - she must get tired of crying herself, and no one knows what her limit is. So it's best to just not bring it up.

Grigory Tumanov

Proper communication with people and in particular with women, given their psychological type, should be built according to certain rules that are extremely important to follow for the successful result of such communication. I should note that in this article I do not want to talk about the ways of flirting, but about the general rules of communication between a man and a woman, which can be applied in a variety of situations, it can be both business and personal relationships. Rather, these rules should even be applied if a man wants to win over a woman, and not push her away. The psychology of men and women has some differences, although there are some psychological aspects that are inherent in both sexes, because if we generalize as people, it turns out that we have a lot in common, and if we generalize as living beings, like animals, then there will be similarities and even more. And yet, those very differences in the psyche of men and women must be known in order to build the most subtle dialogue, and not use exclusively natural instincts. So how exactly should we men communicate with representatives of the opposite sex, so that we would be pleasant to them in such an interesting activity?

First of all, we must be careful in communicating with a woman, they feel the attention very subtly, especially if your attention is switched to someone else, and even more so if it is switched to another woman. You should not pay attention to other women, communicating with the one that interests you, first of all, especially if you just met. Be serious and attentive, dear men, do not question the exclusivity of your interlocutor, focus solely on her, control yourself. Further, it is very important to let the woman speak, while listening to her in the most attentive way. I understand that some women can talk for hours and in some cases it will be appropriate to stop her, but in most cases it is better not to do this, it does not take much time for most women to fully state their position. Therefore, listening carefully to her, let her speak, show respect for her, pretend if necessary that you are interested in her words, you find them relevant, interesting, and they even make you think, it certainly depends more on what was said.

Sometimes a woman is waiting for your emotions that you need to show, even if you don’t have them, well, this is elementary politeness and a demonstration of understanding, applicable not only to communicating with women, but in general with all people. Do not mock or judge a woman, many men often do this, especially if you have a woman in front of you who is asking for such an attitude towards herself. Become an exception for her, do not react to her like everyone else, this is already interesting for her, and means that you see someone else in her, not like the rest, and in her words, of course. If a woman shows dissatisfaction with you, or she expresses her indignation regarding a situation, complains about something, or somehow shows her emotions, you should not argue with her and oppose something to this. That is, accept everything that she says and soften her indignation, agree that you, say, may be to blame, or take pity on her, or support her, in general, do not oppose anything to her.

You should not show your masculinity and start arguing, put forward arguments against what she says, and do not ask a woman to be strong, she is a woman. Agree, pity, reassure and support the woman if she shows her emotions, otherwise if you argue with her, it's like throwing coal into the oven, from which the flame in it will flare up even more. So be a soft cushion, not a stone wall, for most cases, this is the correct response. A woman often likes to convey her emotions to a man in order to encourage him to act, while often sometimes exaggerating what she is talking about, this is done by her consciously or unconsciously, but quite often. Therefore, if you do not react violently and start, but assure her that everything will be fine and you will solve all the problems, then control over the situation will already be in your hands. In this case, the woman will get what she wants, the confidence that you will solve all her problems or simply sympathize with her, depending on what she actually wants, expressing her position too emotionally. And on the other hand, you will not, like a chain dog, thoughtlessly react to her words, softening the situation both for her and for yourself.

These are the simple, but very important rules for communicating with a woman that men need to follow if they want to please a woman, understand her, and generally control their dialogue with her. As I said, this applies everywhere without exception, any situation requires a man, first of all, just such behavior. Of course, if you want to seduce a woman, and consider your communication with the fair sex aimed only at this, then here you need to follow a number of rules that allow you to achieve this, but about them in the following articles. In this one, I want to emphasize another interesting point that you probably noticed. Some of the methods of communication that have been considered here as methods of communication with a woman may well be applied to men. Men also love to be listened to attentively, when they show attention and respect to them, sometimes they just need to speak out. And this tells us about the peculiarities of human psychology in general, only these moments are especially important for a woman, because they appeal to her feminine principle. But about what appeals to the masculine, and how a woman should communicate with a man, I will tell you in my next article.