Nod for the older group to get acquainted with the world around them. ECD for familiarization with the environment and development of speech in the senior group on the topic: Professions

With your own hands

GCD for familiarizing yourself with the environment and developing speech in the senior group “All professions are needed - all professions are important.”

Author: Anna Vadimovna Milenina, teacher of the 1st qualification category, MBDOU No. 157, Murmansk.
Description: Summary of direct educational activities “All professions are needed - all professions are important” for children of the older group (5-6 years old). This material can be used by teachers of the senior group of preschool educational institutions in classes on familiarization with the outside world and speech development.

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about people of various professions.
Continue to develop children’s systemic knowledge about the work of adults and their work processes.
Activate the dictionary on the topic “Profession”.
Improve the ability to clearly answer teacher questions.
Develop attention, thinking, memory, fine motor skills.
Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of different professions.
1. Pictures are prepared with images of people of various professions and tools.
2. Various toy tools and “parcel” boxes.
3. Three hoops, a ball.

Children enter the group and sit in a semicircle on chairs in front of the board.
Educator: Children, listen to poems that talk about people of different professions. (You can learn the poems with the children in advance and ask them to read them)
* * *
The janitor will get up at dawn,
The snow will be cleared in the yard,
The janitor will remove the trash
And the ice will sprinkle sand.
* * *
White sawdust is flying,
They fly from under the saw.
This is what a carpenter does
Windows and floors.
With an axe, a plane
Planes the planks.
Made window sills
Without a hitch.
* * *
The pilot knows his business

An airplane is flying in the sky.
He flies over the earth boldly,
Taking a flight
* * *
Peak cap and vest,
And on the ribbons there are anchors,
There is a large buckle on the belt -
The sailor was not given in vain!

Educator: You guys probably guessed what we will talk about today? Yes, we will talk about professions. What is a profession?
Children: Business, work that a person does.
Educator: What other professions do you know?
The children answer.
What do you think is the most important profession?
The children answer.
From your answers we can conclude that “All professions are needed, all professions are important!”
Guys, in order for a person of any profession to work well, people invented and made various objects and tools.

Game "Who needs what?"

Educator. Our next game is called “Who needs what?”
The teacher selects three drivers and gives them cards with the image of a carpenter, a policeman, or a salesman. The leaders stand in three hoops, and the rest of the children each take a card with a picture of an instrument and run around the table to the music. As soon as the music ends, the children, having determined who needs this instrument, approach the child “depicting” this profession. The winner is the team that quickly gathers their profession.
The game can be repeated 2 times.
Well done, you did a great job!

Ball game.

Educator: Children, I ask everyone to come to me. We'll play with the ball. I will name the tools, and you will answer what they do with this tool, what actions they perform.
With a knife... (cut).
With a broom... (sweep).
With a saw... (sawing).
From a watering can... (water).
With an ax... (chopping).
A ladle... (pour).
With a shovel... (digging).
With a needle... (sew).
With scissors... (cut).
With a comb... (comb it).
On the scales... (weigh).
In a saucepan... (boil).
In a frying pan... (fry).
With a thermometer... (measure).
With a brush... (paint).
Well done, children! Go to the chairs.

Game “Who owns the phrase?”

Educator: And now I want to test how carefully you can listen. We will play the game “Who owns the phrase?” You will answer what profession a person could say this phrase.

How to cut your hair? How about shorter bangs? (Hairdresser.)
Hello children, open your textbooks to page 33. (Teacher.)
Bring bricks and cement. (Builder.)
Today I will paint a landscape. (Artist.)
Open your mouth and say “ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-”. (Doctor.)
Which buttons should you sew on this blouse: white or black? (Tailor.)
How many kilograms of potatoes should you weigh? 25 rubles from you. (Salesman.)
Well done, you guessed all the professions correctly.

Educator: Children, I completely forgot! Today a package arrived at our kindergarten. Let's open it together and find out what's inside.
The teacher brings out the parcel.
Educator: Guys, it says here that this parcel was sent by Dunno. He writes that he wanted to send several parcels to people of different professions, but he mixed something up. Dunno asks the children of the preparatory group to help him figure this out. Please come to the table.

Game "Fourth wheel"

The teacher takes out one small box from the large parcel. The small parcels depict: a sick child; textile; school; people eating; mirror with comb. Children guess who each package belongs to. The boxes contain 4 items, 3 of them relate to this profession, and the fourth does not.
Educator: Guys, help Dunno and remove unnecessary items from each parcel.
In parcels:
Scissors, scales, mirror, comb.
Primer, pointer, saucepan, globe.
Saw, pills, thermometer, syringe.
Sewing machine, centimeter, watering can, spool of thread.
Frying pan, knife, ladle, brush.
Children complete tasks and sit on chairs. 1 child comes out and explains who needs the extra items.
Educator: Guys, now we can send all the parcels to the recipients. But, in my opinion, that’s not all (looks into a large box). Dunno wrote something else here... These are proposals about how people of various professions work. But I suspect that Dunno did not do everything right. Let's check.

Dora Barabanskaya

"World surrounding a child is first and foremost the world

nature with limitless wealth of phenomena,

with inexhaustible beauty. Here in nature, eternal

the source of a child's mind."

V. Sukhomlinsky.

GCD getting to know your surroundings.

Subject: What such a reserve?

Target: introduce children to the nature reserves of our country;

develop a responsible and caring attitude towards family

nature; instill in children a sense of pride in their family

nature that people protect in our native land,

guard protected areas of nature.

Progress of the lesson:

Nature is important in everyone's life person: after all, in addition to beauty and a wonderful mood, it gives a person something without which it is impossible to live. And what exactly, you will find out when you solve the riddles.

Well, which one of you will answer?:

It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but shining brightly,

And not a baker, but a baker.


That's right, can a person live without sunlight and

Passes through the nose into the chest

And the return is on its way.

He is invisible, and yet

We cannot live without him.


Yes, but can we live without air?

I'm being drunk

I'm being poured

Everyone needs me.

Who is she?


That's right, we can live without water?

Sun, air, water, berries, mushrooms, bees, fish, birds, flowers, trees, and all this is nature. Man lives in nature, human life depends on nature.

What do you guys think, does the beauty of nature depend on humans? (People plant forests, protect animals, feed birds, clean rivers, etc.)

Does man always help nature? Can man destroy nature? (Pollutes rivers, cuts down forests, traps animals, etc.)

People can increase nature, or they can destroy what remains. Many species of living beings began to disappear from the face of the earth. More than a hundred years ago, a law was passed that allowed the creation in our country nature reserves.

The reserve is a place, where nature has the right to live according to its own laws. This is a place where herbs, flowers, mushrooms, bushes, animals, birds, insects, fish.

IN reserve people are prohibited from picking flowers, berries, mushrooms, fishing, or hunting birds and animals. IN reserve they come only on an excursion, where they get acquainted with the beauty and wealth protected areas.

Guys, in our republic there are two reserve"Olekminsky" And "Ust-Lensky".

Reserve"Olekminsky" organized on January 3, 1984. Located in the south of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia, on the territory of the Olekminsky ulus. (Show on map.) In the territory reserve There are 650 plant species, 34 of which are low-rare and endangered. Most of the territory reserve(87 %) occupied by light coniferous taiga. The main forest-forming species are Daurian larch and pine; cedar, fir, aspen, and choicenia are also found. Reserve– active participant in the global campaign "Living Planet". The program’s visitor center has been operating in Olekminsk since 2000 "Living Planet" and WWF Friends Club.

Reserve"Ust-Lensky" organized on December 18, 1985. Located in the far north of Yakutia, in the delta of the Lena River. Most of reserve– tundra and tundra swamps. Flora reserve represented by 372 plant species, 24 of them are listed in the Red Book of the RS (I). Of the 89 bird species, 59 breed their chicks here, and 20 are classified as protected. There are 36 species of fish in the reservoirs, including unique whitefish. The fauna of terrestrial mammals is represented by 25 species. These are reindeer, arctic fox, ermine, black-capped marmot, lemmings, voles, polar bear, weasel, etc. Among the marine mammals in the parts adjacent to the delta, there are beluga whales, narwhals, walruses, bearded seals, and ringed seals.

Reserves– these are islands of saving nature from humans. Reserves- this is our wealth, the golden fund of our country, which each of us can be proud of.

Guys, what do you think, is it only in nature reserves must be protected? (Children's answers)

That’s right, we need to protect our native nature in any place.

Physical education minute "Swans".

Swans fly and flap their wings,

And they bent over the water,

and shake their heads.

They know how to hold themselves proudly and boldly,

And they land on the water very silently.

2h. Let's, guys, remember the rules of nature conservation (paintings are hung).

1. Outdoors remember what you see.

2. Walk along the paths.

3. Do not break tree branches.

4. Do not trample flowers and herbs.

5. Do not shout or play loud music.

6. Don't destroy birds' nests.

7. Don't catch insects.

8. Do not destroy mycelium.

9. Do not catch fry or frogs.

10. Do not break cobwebs.

11. Do not light fires.

12. Do not destroy anthills.

Yes, guys, don’t pick a lot of flowers, trample them, don’t break trees. Birds need to be fed and their nests not destroyed. We all should remember: every plant, every animal creature is amazing and needed by nature! There is nothing superfluous in it! Love nature, which means don’t touch it, don’t stop it from living according to its own laws.

Fragments of GCD.

Publications on the topic:

“You are good, winter-winter!” Summary of GCD (familiarization with surroundings) in the middle group“You are good, winter - winter” Goals and objectives: 1. Encourage children to express their thoughts consistently and develop coherent speech. 2. Systematize.

Summary of educational activities for familiarization with the outside world in the middle group “Introducing children to the properties of glass”

Abstract of educational activities for cognitive and research activities (familiarization with the outside world) in the second junior group Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 177 of the Samara city district Abstract.

GCD for familiarization with the outside world in the middle group “Familiarization with the properties of glass” Topic: “Introducing children to the properties of glass” Types of children's activities: playful, productive, communicative, cognitive and research.

NOD “Winter hut of forest animals” (familiarization with the outside world for children of the older group) NOD “Winter hut of forest animals” (familiarization with the outside world for children of the older group) Objectives: to introduce children to the life of wild animals in.

Solomatina Lyubov
Summary of educational activities for familiarization with the outside world in the senior group “Caution: fire”

Abstract GCD for fire safety

Subject: « Carefully: fire»

Senior group

Educational area « Cognition»

Target: Consolidation of basic knowledge and skills in children’s behavior in the event of a fire.


Clarify children's knowledge about the profession of firefighter;

To consolidate knowledge about fire safety rules and rules of conduct in case of fire;

Expand knowledge about the dangers of fire, promote formation skills to properly handle it;

Activate motor activity, develop physical qualities (speed, agility, coordination of movements).

Children's goal: remember the rules of conduct in case of fire.

Difficulty: what items can be flammable.

New knowledge: A fire can be extinguished not only with water, but also with foam, earth, and sand.

Learning task: form children have safe behavior skills.

Dictionary: fire, fire, causes of fire, flammable objects, fireman, fire extinguisher, hose, firefighting aircraft.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about the profession of firefighter.

Examination of illustrations;

Reading fiction literature: "Fire Dogs" L. Tolstoy;

"The Tale of an Unknown Hero" S. Marshak.

Equipment: presentation « Carefully: fire» , projector, screen, laptop.

Types of children's activities: viewing a presentation, conversation, didactic games, physical exercises.

GCD move:

Guess what we're going to talk about today speak:

Hisses and gets angry

Afraid of water

With tongue, and not barking,

No teeth, but bites.

Children's answers: fire

On fire you can watch for a very long time. This probably remains from our distant ancestors, who fire the fire seemed like a mysterious living creature.

Now it’s enough to strike a match on a box, flick a lighter, bring the flame to the firewood - and now the stove or fireplace is crackling merrily fire.

But there was a time when people did not know how to light a fire, moreover, they were afraid of it. And then one day, two stones hitting each other struck a spark, or due to vigorous friction with a stick between the palms of the hands, smoke began to ooze from under it.

Since then fire never fades and serves man. Tell me how people use it? What benefits does it bring? fire to people?

Children's answers: fire warms, helps prepare food, facilitates the operation of appliances.

But, like thousands of years ago, fire can become angry and scary. What happens when you handle fire carelessly?

Children's answers: fire may occur

I- fire!

I'm a friend of the guys.

But when they play tricks on me,

Then I become an enemy

And I burn everything around!

Di "Choose items"

Select and name among these items only those that can cause a fire.

Children's answers: candle, fireworks, matches, household appliances.

So that there is no trouble

Do not take flammable objects!

Besides flammable objects, what other causes of fires can be?

Children's answers

A game "Stomp, clap"

(if the said action can be performed, they clap; if it is not possible, they stomp).

I know now, friends,

That you can't play with fire! (clap)

Matches burn merrily

I will play with them. (stomp)

Kolya ran behind the house,

There he plays with a fire. (stomp)

He's dangerous, Lena knows

The iron no longer turns on. (clap)

Tanya and Nina are playing,

The gas is lit on the stove. (stomp)

Klim saw: House is burning,

Boy "01" calls. (clap)

To avoid fires,

Children need to know a lot!

Guys, remember that

That you can't joke with fire

Who's with the fire careless

There's a risk of fire there.

If there is a fire, what should you do first? What is the telephone number for the fire department? What should you say on the phone?

Children's answers.

You can't fight a fire on your own

This work is not for children

Without wasting time

"01"- call quickly.

What should you do in case of fire?

Children's answers.

If you gave the correct address, a fire truck will arrive very soon. What is the name of the profession of people who put out fires? How are they dressed?

What items do firefighters need?

If you don't have a fire extinguisher or water nearby, what can you do to put it out? fire?

Children's answers

If the fire is very strong, for example, an entire forest burns. The firefighters can't cope. What fire equipment comes to the rescue?

Physical education for a minute:

That's how big it is fire! (raise your hands up)

Just don't touch him (to wave hands)

Run away from him (stomp)

Call the adults quickly (to wave hands)

If small light(sit down)

Throw sand on it (fingers)


Tell me children fire is our friend or enemy? Why?

Children's answers

Certainly, we need fire, but we must use it correctly. After all, it depends on the person whether there will be fire help or destroy. Let's look at the pictures. Zhuravleva Svetlana Vasilyevna teacher Municipal preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority.

Summary of GCD for familiarizing yourself with the outside world. in the senior group “Travel to the Native Land” Open lesson summary

Summary of educational activities for familiarization with the environment in the senior group

“Visiting the TV show “Be Healthy”

Target. Systematize children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits as sources of vitamins.


To help clarify and generalize children’s ideas about the external and taste qualities of vegetables and fruits most consumed in our area; strengthening ideas about the importance of fresh fruits for human health;


Develop cognitive and emotional interest;

Motor activity of children;

Improve speech as a means of communication;

Expand your vocabulary (taster, TV viewers, TV show).


Cultivate an interest in a healthy lifestyle and a desire to maintain health with proper nutrition.

Preliminary work:

Design of the exhibition “Gifts of Autumn” in a corner of nature.

Watch a story from the program “Live Healthy”

Conversations with children: “What vegetables grow in your garden”, “What grows in the garden”, etc. on the topics “Vegetables”, “Fruits”

Telling the fairy tale “How Nastya fell in love with salads”; memorizing the poem “Vegetables”, finger exercises “Compote”, etc.

Didactic games “Garden - vegetable garden”, “Taste it”, “Describe - we will guess”, etc.

Material: pictures depicting vegetables, fruits, models of vegetables and fruits, 2 hoops; hats, capes: pencils, felt-tip pens, stencils, sheet of paper; chopped vegetables, fruits, blindfold.

Educator. My dear little friends! Today I was asked to be a presenter on the “Be Healthy” program. I agreed, but I can’t cope without your support! Do you agree to be my assistants? Shall we tell TV viewers about the benefits of vegetables and fruits for human health? (children's answers).

Educator. Then let's begin.

Educator. Have a great life, dear friends! I'm glad to see you on our show. Today in our program we will talk about the benefits of vegetables and fruits.

(Several children in masked hats and capes come out and say, for example, I -Carrots are very healthy, they contain vitamin A - a growth vitamin, especially necessary for children and. etc.)

Educator. And this is all about health, and now we will remember where such healthy vegetables and fruits grow.

Game "Garden - vegetable garden" with elements of competition.

The hoops contain dummies - vegetables and fruits. Children are divided into teams. You need to choose: one team - what grows in the garden, the other - what grows in the garden.

After the game, the teacher invites the children to the tables, where a work place has been prepared for each child (a sheet of paper, pencils, markers, a stencil depicting fruits and vegetables).

Educator. Guys, choose the fruit you like best on the stencil, circle it and shade it. Circle any vegetable and color it in. Children complete the task.

Program content: teach children to navigate their surroundings, to be environmentally literate people who understand that life needs to be made cleaner. Develop thinking and memory. Cultivate a love for nature. Practice making sentences using reference words and finding the place of sounds in a word.

Vocabulary work: nature reserve, law, distress signal, ecologists.

Demo material: posters calling for nature conservation, children's drawings on an environmental theme, the Red Book, illustrations of nature reserves, paintings depicting factories and cars.

Preliminary work: conversations about nature reserves, the Red Book, excursions into nature, memorization of environmental poems, observation in nature.

Methodical techniques: conversations, the use of posters, the “Yes-No” game.

Lesson structure:

1. Conversation, riddles.

2. A story about the reserve.

3. Poem “Our common home.”

4. SOS – call for help; getting to know the posters.

5. Red Book.

6. Game “Yes-no”.

7. Environmental training.

8. Making sentences based on supporting words.

9. Result - an exhibition of drawings.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator:- Nature is important in a person’s life, because in addition to beauty and a wonderful mood, it gives a person something without which it is impossible to live. And what exactly, the riddles will tell you:

“Well, which of you will answer:

It's not fire, it burns painfully

Not a lantern, but shining brightly

Not a baker, but a baker” (Sun)

“It goes through the nose into the chest

And the way back is on its way

He is invisible, and yet

We cannot live without him" (Air)

"They're drinking me,

I'm being poured

Everyone needs me

Who is she?" (Water)

"He'll wink at you furtively

Sweet lantern made from grass" (Berry)

“Stood on a strong leg

Now it’s in a basket” (Mushroom)


Flies over the lawn

Will fuss over the flower

And share the honey (Bee)

“Shining in a clean river

Silver Snow" (Fish)

Educator: - Sun, air, berries, mushrooms, bees, fish and what is all this?

Children: - This is nature. Man lives in nature, human life depends on nature.

Educator: - Do you think the beauty of nature depends on humans?

Children: - Yes. People plant trees, protect animals, feed birds, clean rivers...

Educator: - Do people always help nature? Can man destroy nature?

Children:- Man pollutes rivers, cuts down forests, traps animals...

Educator:- People can embellish nature, or they can destroy the rest. In the history of mankind there are many examples when people do not take into account the laws of natural development and cause enormous harm to the flora and fauna and entire ecological systems. But it’s wonderful that people know how to correct their mistakes and create nature reserves.

Educator: - What are nature reserves?

Children: - A reserve is a place where nature has the right to live according to its own laws. It is prohibited to pick flowers in the reserve. Berries, mushrooms, fish, hunt birds and animals. People come to the reserve only for excursions.

The reserve is an island of saving nature from humans. Nature reserves are our wealth.

Children: - Poem:

“Rapidly delving into the experience of the ancients

And comprehending the essence of its roots,

I learned perseverance from the trees,

And the dexterity and strength of animals.

Learned to feel freedom from birds

In Pisces - remain silent in concentration

Therefore I owe nature

It is worthy to defend against all enemies.” (P. Sergeev)

Educator: - Only in nature reserves should we protect nature?

Children: - Nature must be protected and preserved in any place.

Educator: - Can a person exist without nature?

Children: - No.

Educator:- Every person has a home, birds, animals. What can we call our common home?

Children: - Earth is our common home


- “There is a huge house on earth

Under the roof is blue

The sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,

Cheerful sound of the stream

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead

You will always be in it

The nature of my native land

This house is called."

Educator: - Although man is the most intelligent creature on the planet. But because man is stronger, he became the cause of the death of nature. Why?

Children:- Builds factories, the smoke from the factories poisons the air: it pollutes rivers with emissions from factories. Exhaust gases from cars also pollute the air.

“Well, now about the most important thing

It’s scary to look at our Earth!

The water is becoming cloudy every day,

And the air! There is so much dirt in it!

When - that pure, blue

Now he's dirty and sick!

Every living thing can die!

Earth, what happened to you?!

Let the sign of trouble mark us

Sick spots on the planet!”

Educator: - Our planet earth is in danger. There are many sore spots on it. Nature is dying. Our nature requires help. Do you know the distress signal?

Children: - SOS is a call for help.

Educator: - How can you and I help our planet?

Educator: - That’s right, we must learn to love nature, love it from childhood, learn to understand how all these creatures live. This is what people – ecologists – do. Do you want to be environmentalists?

Children: - Yes.

Physical education minute.

Educator: - And now we will rest, close our eyes, listen to music, and do exercises.

"The sun shines brightly,

Light breeze blowing

I inhale ego clean

Fresh air,

The grasses are swaying.

Birds proudly circle above me

I feel good and pleased.

I want to live in peace with nature.

I will be a friend and protector

To all living things."

Educator: - Look, children, I have the “Red Book” in my hands. Its cover is red for a reason. After all, red is a signal of alarm and danger. The book warns of the danger of extinction of many species of animals and plants from the face of the earth. It contains animals and plants, of which very few remain. The beauty that nature gives is priceless.

"If you save money

You can buy a lot

House, clothes and factory,

Airplane and ship.

But you can't buy dew

Birdsong in the forest.

And don’t hide it in your wallet

Spring and poplar."

Game "Yes - no"

Educator: - Raise a green circle for the answer - Yes, and a red circle for the answer - No.

1. Have you come to the forest and will you light a fire on the green, thick grass? (No).

2. Mom gave you a thermometer, did you start playing with it and throwing it? (No).

3. You collected all the garbage after relaxing in the forest. (Yes).

4. Mom is doing the laundry, and you came up and ate the powder. (No).

5. You approach medications and take them without asking. (No).

6. Do you throw plastic bags on the ground? (No).

7. Do you sit at the computer from morning to evening? (No).

8. Do you care about nature and do not violate the rules of conduct? (Yes).

Educator: - And now environmental training. Imagine yourself as trees: Our roots have grown deep into the ground, my trunk, my branches reach towards the sun. These are trees in the forest. Elbows bent, hands shaken, the wind knocks down the dew.

We wave our hands smoothly, the birds are flying towards us.

We’ll also show you how they sit down -

We will fold our wings back.

Educator:- You need to not only take care of nature and its riches yourself, but also stop others, those who treat nature as consumptives and do not take care of it.

"Tree, grass and bird

They won’t always be able to defend themselves

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet."

Educator: - Now let’s make sentences based on supporting words:

1. Plants, animals, need to be pitied.

2. House, common, Earth, ours.

3. This, place, is protected, nature, reserve, where.

Educator– Talk to your parents at home and ask. Is our city in danger? What threatens him? Should we put an SOS icon next to the name of our city?

Now let's visit an exhibition of drawings on the theme “Let's make our lives better.”