How do I know if I'm pregnant. The main signs that can help determine pregnancy without a test before a delay

For a wedding

Every woman who dreams of becoming a mother is looking forward to this moment, constantly listening to herself, wanting to feel some signals from her body about pregnancy even before the delay. But, according to doctors, there simply cannot be any signs of pregnancy earlier than 2-3 weeks after fertilization. They advise women to be patient and wait positive test for pregnancy after a delay. However, experienced ladies who have had a chance to bear and give birth to children claim that about interesting position, if it did come, you can find out almost immediately after conception. In this article, we will tell you about how many days you can find out about pregnancy, and tell you about all kinds of ways to determine it.

Have no idea how to find out pregnancy without a test? There is a lot of research and discussion on this topic, and there is already some specific information that women use. You can try to determine a possible pregnancy no earlier than the 25th day of the menstrual cycle, that is, approximately 3-5 days before the start of the next menstruation. To do this, you can use the following methods:

  • Buy a very expensive pregnancy test at the pharmacy.

He allegedly can determine whether conception occurred almost the next day after intercourse. Only we do not recommend you to do this, because, apart from spending money, you cannot do anything else. Level chorionic gonadotropin, which is released after fertilization, is still too low in the blood for the test to determine pregnancy so early. After a few days of delay - that's when you need to do a pregnancy test.

  • Book an ultrasound.

An ultrasound examination of the uterus and appendages, carried out using modern equipment, at the earliest possible date without risk to your health, will determine the presence of pregnancy or its absence, and also exclude an ectopic pregnancy, which, if any, it is desirable to recognize as early as possible.

  • Donate blood for hCG hormone.

Already 10 days after fertilization, its level in the blood is very high. Therefore, if you are concerned about the question, how to find out early pregnancy as quickly and accurately as possible, use this method. But if you accept hormonal preparations, inform the laboratory assistant who will take your analysis in advance, because this fact may affect the correctness of the results.

How to find out about pregnancy in early pregnancy before a delay

The human body is very wise. About all the changes that happen to him, he makes it clear instantly. Pregnancy, by the way, is no exception. AND we are talking not only about the delay, but also about many other signs. Doctors believe that they cannot be called objective, because they are in many ways similar to ordinary premenstrual symptoms. However, we cannot completely exclude the possibility that they may be harbingers of pregnancy. Therefore, we will tell you how to find out the first pregnancy before the delay for health reasons.

  • You may experience nausea and vomiting.

According to medical indicators, toxicosis usually occurs in pregnant women at week 5. However, the human body is individual. You may be the exception to the rule. Just do not immediately diagnose yourself that you are pregnant. To begin with, rule out the possibility of poisoning or simple indigestion.

  • Pain and changes in the chest.

As a rule, right before menstruation, all women are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon - the breasts and nipples hurt a lot, pour, and any touch on this part of the body causes irritation. But, if, in addition to these sensations, you also noticed the appearance of a venous network on the skin of the chest, darkening of the areolas, the appearance of small tubercles on them and the release of colostrum from the nipples, then this is a reason to contact a gynecologist to confirm pregnancy.

  • Very tight on the lower abdomen.

A somewhat controversial sign, but quite possible. if you have discomfort in your lower abdomen, or you feel pain even before your period starts whole week do not waste time and consult a doctor. 'Cause it could be ectopic pregnancy or appendicitis. In any case, it is better to see a specialist.

This is all a surge of hormones that occurs from the first days of pregnancy and can last until the very birth.

By their nature, they should be the same as during the period of ovulation - no color and no smell.

  • There was one minor bleeding from the vagina without pain.

If this happened to you, then there is reason to believe that pregnancy has come, since this is a sign that the fertilized egg has successfully attached to the wall of your uterus, so implantation bleeding has occurred.

This is again a consequence of hormonal changes in the body due to the onset of pregnancy.

  • Your appetite has increased.

Moreover, it has become quite original - you may want to eat something that you could not even look at before, or you may wish to eat chocolate candy spiced with pickled cucumber.

With the onset of pregnancy, the sphincter of the bladder relaxes, which is why you run to the toilet more often.

  • You are having problems with bowel movements.

Due to active growth and the action of hormones on the body, the intestines begin to work worse, so constipation and flatulence may occur.

  • You may suffer from migraines and back pain.
  • Possibly a sharp rise blood pressure.
  • Hormones also act on the nasal passages.

Therefore, you may face the problem of nasal congestion. And in general, the immunity of a pregnant woman is weak, and the body is susceptible to any infections and colds. If you feel any sudden discomfort in this regard, it is possible that you are pregnant.

  • Blackheads, pimples, and other rashes may appear on your face.

How to determine pregnancy at home on your own

If you notice at least one of the above signs of pregnancy before your delay, you can try home test for pregnancy. They can be made with iodine, soda and potassium permanganate. So:

  • How to determine pregnancy with iodine?

Urinate early in the morning thin strip plain paper and then put some iodine on it. If you see as a result Brown color, and blue-violet means you are most likely pregnant.

  • How to determine pregnancy with soda?

The definition of pregnancy with soda is based on the opinion that the urine of a pregnant woman has a low acidity. If you add a spoonful of soda to the collected morning urine, then in the presence of pregnancy there will be no chemical reaction.

  • How to determine pregnancy with potassium permanganate?

For this test you will need: morning urine, a glass of warm water and a pinch of potassium permanganate. First dilute in warm water potassium permanganate so that it turns crimson, and then gradually pour urine into the resulting liquid. If, as a result, its color does not change and white flakes appear, then it is highly likely that you will soon become a mother.

Of course, all of the above home pregnancy tests are "grandmother's methods" that are already as old as the world, but this does not mean that they cannot be trusted. If you still doubt their effectiveness, you can use a thermometer. We will tell you how to determine pregnancy using a thermometer - for one menstrual cycle every day at the same time in the morning, without getting out of bed, measure the basal (rectal) body temperature and record it somewhere in a notebook. Closer to ovulation and during its temperature will be high. If by the end of the month it does not decline, then there is a possibility that the pregnancy has come.

What folk methods will help determine pregnancy

There are a lot of different beliefs, according to which an interesting situation can be revealed even without special tests, trusting in folk methods. Let's talk more about how to determine pregnancy with a bow, a wedding ring, and even house flowers. It sounds, to some extent, absurd, our great-great-grandmothers firmly believed in the reliability of folk methods for determining pregnancy. So:

  • How to know that you are pregnant with onions?

Plant two bulbs in two glasses, and think of pregnancy on one of them. If the one you bet on sprouted faster, then you can be congratulated.

  • How to determine pregnancy with a ring?

The woman should lie on her back, and someone should hang over her stomach wedding ring strung on hair. If the ring starts spinning different sides means there is a pregnancy.

  • How to determine pregnancy with home flowers?

A woman needs to collect her morning urine and water the flowers with it. If they begin to grow and bloom brightly, then there is no doubt about pregnancy.

In addition, there are more prophetic dreams, which can signal a woman about her interesting position. For example, a fish or a laying duck seen in a dream testifies to pregnancy. Of course, on this basis, you should not run to your gynecologist and declare your suspicions. When the test shows pregnancy, then you can safely go to the doctor. However, do not forget that the test will give the correct result only if you carry it out according to the instructions, which clearly state: when you can take a pregnancy test and how to determine pregnancy using the test.


Despite the fact that there are a huge number of ways to determine pregnancy before a delay, do not try to use each of them. Suddenly, you inspire yourself with the idea that a miracle has finally happened, and as a result it will be just self-deception. Listen to yourself, take care of yourself, but let a qualified specialist still make a diagnosis of pregnancy.

Video "The first symptoms of pregnancy before a delay"

In this video, the obstetrician-gynecologist of the Center for Immunology and Reproduction Gevorkova Elena Valerievna talks about all the first signs of pregnancy that a woman can recognize before a missed period.

Pregnancy is a beautiful and desirable state for many women.

With its onset, many things change in our lives and bodies.

But women and girls always ask the question, is it possible to find out about their interesting situation at home.

Determine pregnancy at home: is it possible?

Have you been planning pregnancy for a long time and looking forward to the results?

Perhaps a delay in your menstrual cycle is finally evidence that the pregnancy has come? But how do you know that this is really the case if you go to the doctor while there is no time, and there is no test at hand?

You just need to listen to your body. After all, during the period of gestation in the body of a woman, various changes which are simply impossible to miss. In addition, actively used folk methods.

If you are interested to know what methods for determining pregnancy exist, then just read this article.

How to determine pregnancy at home: signs

The most classic sign of pregnancy is, of course, the cessation of the menstrual cycle. But this factor not always reliable. After all, a delay can occur even without the fact of pregnancy, for example, with nervous tension. However, the presence of menstruation does not always mean that you are not in such an interesting position! In some women, menstruation can go on after fertilization of the egg. Therefore, if you are sure that pregnancy has occurred, but critical days not stopped, visit a doctor. There are other signs:

characteristic symptom pregnancy - swelling of the mammary glands and their soreness. However, during PMS, many can observe a similar condition. A feeling of heaviness arises in the mammary glands, the breast increases slightly in size, and if you touch it, it begins to hurt.

Another sign of pregnancy change taste preferences . If you notice that those products that you didn’t admire before, now suddenly began to like, then this completely characterizes your new state. Sensitivity to odors may increase, especially the smell of tobacco or perfume.

One of the signs of early toxicosis is vomiting and nausea. This condition usually appears in the morning.

Change from the side nervous system , does not apply to all women, but it is quite possible. So, for example, a calm and friendly woman, after the onset of pregnancy, can scream, cry, and constantly get nervous for no reason. It is influenced by hormones future mother, which is also subject to change.

The main signs of the first weeks of pregnancy - fatigue and constant sleepiness . If you constantly want to lie down to sleep, but you didn’t notice this before, then maybe you are pregnant?

Pain in the lumbar region, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, are also signs of a new state. The thing is that the uterus begins to increase in size, thereby causing pain.

Number of selections from the vagina may be larger than before. But at the same time they should be transparent, and not be accompanied by any unpleasant odor.

How to determine pregnancy at home: tests and their types

IN last years became popular pregnancy tests, which at home allow women to determine whether pregnancy has occurred or not. Their action is primarily based on determining the level of the hormone.

There are many ways to determine the hormone in the urine and blood of a girl. So, for example, according to a blood test, which is carried out by specialists in medical institutions can be said with 100% certainty possible pregnancy. But texts conducted at home can give an accurate answer just a few days after the delay, while the level hCG hormone won't be as high.

test strips

Households use instrumentless tests. The simplest and most economical type is the test strip. They made them thick paper, and impregnated with a special substance - a reagent. All you have to do is dip the strip into the container of urine and hold for 30 seconds. After a few minutes, you can evaluate the result.

If one strip appeared on a white background, it means that pregnancy did not occur, or perhaps the test was taken too early. The appearance of the second strip will indicate the onset of pregnancy.

There are many factors to consider before choosing a test. Despite the fact that all manufacturers promise 100% results, their quality is still different from each other. Therefore, it is not recommended to save, it is better to buy a more expensive product.

When checking the test, certain conditions must be taken into account, namely, to correctly collect urine and immerse the strip in it. That is why, before you take the test and get the long-awaited result, carefully read the instructions on the package.

Inkjet and tablet tests

In order to get more exact result, tablet tests are recommended. The reagent layer is placed in one of the two windows. Unlike strip tests, the data is more expensive. To date, products are considered the most reliable. For many girls, they are convenient because you do not need to collect urine in certain time days.

How to determine pregnancy at home: folk methods

Formerly women asked how to determine pregnancy at home. After all, in those days there were no tests, no ultrasound, and many people wanted to know about a possible pregnancy. That is why our grandmothers came up with their own methods for determining pregnancy, all of them have been tested for years, and many continue to be popular to this day:

1. Method 1 - iodine. The main component for determining pregnancy is, of course, urine. Take a small container and fill it completely with urine. Then you need to take a pipette and drop a drop of iodine into a container. It was believed that if the drop spreads, it means that this urine does not belong to a pregnant woman. If iodine is on the surface and does not sink, suspicions are confirmed.

2. Method 2 - determination using urine. Take one sheet of paper and soak it in urine, after that put a drop of iodine. If after that, iodine will acquire lilac shade so the result was positive. With a negative “test”, the color of iodine will turn blue.

3. Method 3 - Examine the urine. At home, it is quite easy to find out about the presence of pregnancy on early stage, for this you need to carefully examine the color of your urine. Our great-grandmothers also noticed that the urine of a pregnant girl is dark. yellow and regardless of the time of day. In addition, it contains special hormones that can affect the growth of flowers. applied next way, and to many it even seemed strange: they collected urine, watered her flowers in a pot. If after a while they become lush and beautiful, then the woman is in position.

4. Method 4 - pulse. Lie on your back and feel for a pulse just below your navel. Put your hands there and press them a little to your stomach, if you clearly feel the pulsation, then the fetus of the future baby is inside you.

5. Method 5 - bow. TO folk remedies that our ancestors used with you, this funny way also applies: take two onions and plant them in two glasses. As you probably already understood, the first means pregnancy, the second does not. Wait until they start to sprout. The bulb that first reaches 4 centimeters will be the answer.

In addition, our ancestors have always paid special attention to dreams. It was believed that if in a dream a woman dreamed that she was fishing, then in reality she was pregnant. Swimming in a clean, clear body of water also speaks of pregnancy. Moreover, many women today believe in deciphering such dreams.

Definition of pregnancy at home: causes of failure

Many women complain that a pregnancy test stubbornly shows negative result while they are expecting a baby. This is really possible, it's all about the wrong application of the test.

It is important to know that the exact result will be shown only 10 days after conception. But in what cases the test will be wrong, what affects it in the first place:

The woman has an ectopic pregnancy. HCG level will be much less;

Frozen pregnancy;

Before the test, the girl drank a large number of liquids;

Taking diuretic drugs;

kidney disease;

The gestation period is too short;

After an abortion;

The test was overdue;

Urine for its implementation was taken stale.

As you can see, it is really possible to determine pregnancy at home, you just need to know the proven methods. But if you have the opportunity, of course it is better to go to the doctor.

How to understand that you are pregnant early?

Certain symptoms, like finding out that you are pregnant at an early stage without a test, indicate the presence of a fetus.

You can determine whether conception has occurred at the very beginning, based on the signs:

  • the presence of secretions in a small amount;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • dietary changes;
  • blood pressure is lowered;
  • sensitivity to odors.

Symptoms, how to understand that you are pregnant in the first days without a test, come down to general fatigue, possible discomfort in the uterus. The most obvious symptom is the appearance a small amount secretions. Occur at the beginning of the first trimester. They are scarce, yellowish or pinkish in color. The presence of secretions is due to the fact that the egg is attached to the walls of the uterus.

Nausea occurs during the first weeks. Many do not pay attention to this at first. Some smells begin to irritate, unusual eating habits appear, for example, something salty.

The onset of pregnancy may be accompanied by weakness, dizziness. The reason is a decrease in blood pressure. The hormonal background is changing. This affects well-being. There are problems with sleep, there will be a headache.

Signs of how to find out that you are pregnant without a test at home include:

  • temperature increase;
  • breast augmentation;
  • discomfort may be felt in the lower abdomen.

You can determine the presence of a fetus by paying attention to the temperature, which often becomes above 37 degrees in the first weeks. She provokes some lethargy of the girl.

Conception often provokes a feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen. There is a feeling of heaviness, a strange tingling sensation. This is due to the egg, which is attached to the wall of the uterus. After that, it gradually increases. All this helps to determine at home without a test whether a woman is pregnant.

One of the symptoms of how to find out if you are pregnant without a test at home is an upset bowel. The presence of a fetus may be indicated by increased urge to go to the toilet. This sign will accompany all trimesters. Subsequently, the fetus will begin to put pressure on genitourinary system which causes frequent urination.

The main signs of the onset of pregnancy

When the question “how to know that I am pregnant at home without a test?” appears, it is recommended to monitor the work of the intestines. Pregnancy is often accompanied by bloating, severe gas formation, and constipation.

Hormonal changes indirectly affect the work of the intestine, which becomes lazy. It is possible to determine that there is a pregnancy, if present, at least a few of indicated signs. If you need to know how to understand that you are not pregnant without a test, you should take the above measures.

There is no pregnancy when:

  • temperature indicators are within the normal range, do not change - there is no increase or decrease, regardless of whether ovulation has occurred or not;
  • when conducting a test with urine, it began to boil, which indicates the absence of a fetus;
  • there are no universal, key symptoms of fertilization, including nausea, jumps mood, changes in the chest area.


  1. Many women have a moment when they ask themselves the question: "How do I know if I'm pregnant without a test before my period?". You can determine pregnancy at home without a test using various folk methods.
  2. Thanks to numerous cases of unmistakable detection of the result, the actions described above make it possible to determine pregnancy even at its onset.
  3. Key signs of how to find out that you are pregnant at home without a test help to identify fertilization.
  4. The detection of at least a few symptoms and the results of the described methods should prompt a woman to take a test.
  5. The final results after determining pregnancy at home without a test should be announced by the doctor after the examination.

Pregnancy, perhaps, is exactly the state that every woman awaits with trepidation. It's amazing when you know and feel how it grows inside little man, or, but already beloved and desired.

For many, this is such a long-awaited moment that, almost immediately after conception, they begin to listen to the behavior of their body in order to recognize the symptoms of pregnancy in time.

But it is unlikely that such a state can be recognized literally in the first days.

Before early signs should be at least a week.

But even in this case, it will not be a 100% guarantee of a positive result. A more accurate answer can only be given by a gynecologist, after a delay in menstruation, and not earlier than after 4-5 weeks, as a result of a complete examination.

There are several signs by which pregnancy can be determined.

They are divided into:

  1. doubtful, i.e. not giving any guarantee, but having a place to be,
  2. probable, which the doctor takes into account,
  3. reliable, confirmed by diagnostics.

The symptoms of pregnancy are characterized by a set of certain physiological changes occurring in a woman's body.

Often, for many, even in the early stages, you can see the first signs that conception has occurred.

Doubtful signs

  1. Sudden mood swings. Nervousness. Irritability. Even before the delay of menstruation in female body hormonal changes begin to occur, becoming the cause of this condition. The girl perfectly understands and gives an account of her actions, but is unable to control them. Sometimes there are such outbursts of rage that are in many ways superior to those during PMS.
  2. Nausea. The phenomenon is attributed to early toxicosis, the degree of its manifestation is quite different. Nausea can be pronounced, ie. with vomiting, disgust, fainting, and may pass, like an indisposition with slight dizziness. Basically, this symptom is observed in the same period of time, most often in the morning.
  3. breast augmentation. It usually appears in late pregnancy, but there are exceptional cases when the swelling of the mammary glands becomes noticeable literally in 1-2 weeks. Often, such symptoms can be if a woman has given birth before.
  4. Increased cravings for salt. It should be noted right away that not everyone can become owners of such a sign. Such an addiction is explained by the fact that during changes in a woman's body, the usual perception of food is disturbed. So, it starts to be bland and undersalted, leading to an additional need for a pronounced taste. Therefore, it is pickles or tomatoes that at such a moment seem to be the most suitable saviors.
  5. Special perception of smells. During pregnancy, as mentioned earlier, there are hormonal changes, in which some smells can attract, while others, previously so loved and alluring, cause complete disgust. This also applies to food preferences.
  6. Microflora of the internal genital organs. Some women with the onset of pregnancy almost in the first days have abundant flaky discharge. white color from the vagina.
  7. Sleepiness and fatigue. It is in the early stages that problems with sleep very often begin: its absence or block, on the contrary, increased drowsiness. Very quickly comes a feeling of fatigue and apathy.
  8. increased appetite. The body begins to expend a sufficiently large amount of energy and, in order to restore strength, it sends a signal to the brain about the necessary saturation.
  9. Frequent urination.
  10. puffiness. optional occurrence. But in some cases, there is an unusual, previously not inherent swelling of the hands and feet.
  11. And finally delay of menstruation. The most obvious sign of the above. But, it is valid only if the menstrual cycle is constant and no delays occur.

Intuitive pregnancy

These symptoms are optional or, as they are also called, specific, because in the early days of pregnancy it is quite difficult to determine.

In the early stages, the fertilized egg slowly but moves along fallopian tubes. The embryo resembles a pea in size, which will attach to the walls of the uterus only after a week.

Therefore, pregnancy itself can only be felt on an intuitive level.

And not all young girls are able to do this at such an early date.

Another way to help your intuition is by measuring basal body temperature. As a result of conception, it rises and keeps at the level of 37 °. Even after the second week of conception, sometimes there are pulling pains in the lower back and a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen.

As a result of a delay in menstruation, the sensitivity and some soreness of the breast may increase, in some cases with the release of colostrum when pressed. But all these symptoms are not accurate, because. female body quite complex and individual, often subject to the action of hormones.

"False" pregnancy

Due to certain circumstances, it happens: a woman with such a desire wants a child that sometimes she invents these symptoms for herself and believes in them in full.

The reason for this condition is mainly psychological. This is due to long and unsuccessful attempts, or increased desire bring the magical event closer.

Therefore, often the first, allegedly appearing symptoms are presented as real.

Dangerous symptoms

Immediately after the delay, you should carefully listen to your body. Any changes that raise doubts or suspicions of an unfavorable outcome must be checked.

So, in the first period, there may be obvious symptoms of pregnancy, only ectopic, which is very dangerous for a woman's health. They are characterized by acute severe pain in the abdomen, uterus and fallopian tubes.

In this case, it is urgent to consult a doctor for a complete diagnosis.

It happens, after a delay, with regular menstrual cycle, appear clear signs the onset of menstruation, and the most serious consequences can occur even in the first weeks, creating a threat of termination of pregnancy.

An ambulance needs to be called immediately so that it can be provided in time medical care to preserve the fetus.

In order not to confuse them with ordinary menstruation: such bleeding need not be copious, but may be accompanied by either strong or unusual pulling pain lower abdomen.

Reliable signs

If you look at all these signs together, then we can confidently conclude that the symptoms of early pregnancy are very similar to a cold.

Therefore, in the first days of conception, it is quite difficult to determine most accurately whether a woman is in an interesting position. But how can you find out about conception even before the delay of menstruation, in the early stages?

  • A blood test for hCG can help with this.

It shows the result already in the first 10 days, because. this hormone begins to be produced only after the embryo is fixed on the wall of the uterus.

  • Some time after the delay, test strips may be a more reliable way.

Today they are so improved: some of them can show results with a small level

When a woman suspects that conception could have occurred, and it is not possible to use a pharmacy test, the question arises of how to determine pregnancy without a test.

It is worth paying attention to your well-being and the behavior of the body, perhaps there are some changes. And you can use the methods of traditional medicine.

It is not difficult to determine pregnancy without a test at home. You need to pay more attention to your body, sensations.

You can recognize the conception that has occurred by certain manifestations:

  • . The absence of menstruation on time always suggests a possible pregnancy. However, the symptom may indicate the development of a disease. The opposite case is also possible, when menstruation occurs after the onset of conception.
  • swelling and. At conception, changes begin in the mammary glands. They become more sensitive and larger, they can change their shade of the nipples. So in the body of a woman begins preparation for the future feeding of the child. Breast augmentation and an increase in its sensitivity is possible with PMS - or with the development of a number of diseases, for example, mastopathy.
  • Nausea and vomiting. Nausea often occurs early in pregnancy either on its own or as a precursor to vomiting. It may be the beginning of the development of toxicosis in a pregnant woman. Similar manifestations are possible with mild poisoning or exacerbation existing diseases gastrointestinal tract such as gastritis.
  • Dizziness. The head may be spinning after conception due to changes hormonal background. The symptom is complemented by a feeling of clouding of consciousness. May be due to overwork or stress.
  • Increase in body temperature. A slight increase in indicators, up to about 37.5 degrees, for several days may indicate a conception has occurred. The reason is the implantation of a fertilized egg in the tissue of the internal cavity of the uterus. The organism perceives the embryo as foreign body so the immune system kicks in. Hyperthermia may indicate the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases in the body.
  • . When a fertilized egg is introduced into the wall of the uterus, a woman may feel pain in the lower abdomen. This pulling sensations, which are complemented by gravity. Possible slight spotting, worsening general well-being and malaise, soreness in the umbilical region.

What else indicates conception?

You can list a number of other factors in a woman's body:

  • Increased sleepiness. A sign by which one can suspect that conception has happened. There is a restructuring of the body, are created the necessary conditions for the development and growth of the embryo. As a result, a lot of energy is wasted and the woman lacks strength. Drowsiness and weakness occur. These same symptoms may indicate overwork, lack of vitamins.
  • Change in taste, smell. Probable sign the onset of pregnancy. A woman smells differently, her taste preferences change.
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet. Frequent urination is another manifestation of the onset of pregnancy. However, it does not occur immediately after conception. Small trips to the toilet become more frequent towards the second trimester, when the enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on bladder. Otherwise, the sign may indicate the development of cystitis or other infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  • Vaginal discharge. After conception, the work of the body is radically rebuilt. From the genital tract of a woman, mucus without a specific smell or color can be released. Bad smell or a color other than clear indicates the presence of a sexually transmitted infection.
  • Increase in body weight. After conception, toxicosis does not begin in everyone. In the absence of nausea and good health appetite improves, the woman drinks more fluids. This leads not so much to weight gain, but to the accumulation of water in the tissues and the appearance of edema.
  • Mood swings. The sign will help to recognize the onset of pregnancy without doctors. Increased irritability, aggressiveness or tearfulness is a consequence of hormonal changes. Symptoms can also be a manifestation of premenstrual syndrome, but in this case they occur monthly.
  • Change in libido. An increase or decrease in sexual desire explains the increased production of sex hormones.
  • Pigmentation. A symptom characteristic of late dates pregnancy. However, it can also appear immediately after conception due to a hormonal surge.

How to determine pregnancy without a test?

Urine check

The method also involves the use of urine and iodine. It is necessary to prepare a strip of paper and soak it in the morning portion of urine so that it is completely saturated. Next, put a drop of iodine on the strip. If the iodine stain has changed from brown to blue or purple, then the woman is pregnant.

For the greatest accuracy of the test, several conditions must be met:

  • Careful hygiene before the procedure.
  • Only freshly collected urine is suitable, it should not stand in a container.
  • Iodine does not drip from a height, but as low as possible to the surface of the paper.

Methods with iodine have no scientific justification. However, according to women, the method is working.

Use of baking soda

A home pregnancy test can be done using baking soda. The method is based on the acid-base balance of urine, which shifts towards alkaline at conception.

To recognize pregnancy, you need to put a teaspoon of soda in a container with morning urine and watch the reaction:

  • Hissing, the formation of bubbles in the liquid - no pregnancy.
  • Lack of reaction and soda settling to the bottom - pregnancy is likely.

Alkalinization of urine and positive result possible with kidney disease, the predominance of vegetables in daily diet women.

Basal temperature

The use of iodine, soda, urine is not always perceived as a serious technique. More realistic.

The method involves measuring the temperature in the rectum, vagina or mouth. Spend 2 days before the day of menstruation.

What is the essence of the method? After ovulation and before menstruation, there is a decrease in basal temperature to about 37 degrees. With indicators above 37, it is likely that conception has occurred.

For the accuracy of the result, the temperature must be measured for several days with the usual mercury thermometer. Keep at least 5 minutes in the mouth and at least 3 minutes in the rectum or vagina.

Measurements are taken only in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting up in bed. No sudden movements are recommended.

If there was sexual intercourse the night before, any medications were taken medications or alcoholic drinks, then the result will be invalid.

On the video about the first signs of pregnancy

Are online tests correct?

If a regular pharmacy pregnancy test is not available, you can use the possibilities of the worldwide network. Many sites offer online tests for unmistakable definition presence or absence of pregnancy.

If you soberly look at the offer, then diagnostics through the monitor, of course, is impossible. At the heart of such tests are a number of questions that need to be answered. This is information such as the presence of nausea in a woman, swelling of the mammary glands, pain in the lower abdomen. Well, if such a service is free, for paid services There is no point in paying this kind of money.

You can determine pregnancy without a test and doctors at home if you carefully consider your well-being. A combination of a number of symptoms will indicate that conception has occurred. The most reliable are a medical pregnancy test, a blood test for hCG, or a visit to a gynecologist for diagnosis.