Characteristic symptoms of pregnancy. Is pregnancy possible after ovulation? Rapid pregnancy test results


Many families are planning to give birth to a child and are looking forward to the moment when they can find out whether the attempt was successful or not.

Women study all kinds of literature and try to find at least something about pregnancy and its signs. They listen to their feelings with trepidation. Is it possible to be pregnant without symptoms? Let's take a closer look.

What are pregnancy symptoms?

Symptoms or signs of pregnancy are physiological changes that women notice in themselves when they are in an interesting position. Although they cannot be called symptoms. This concept refers to diseases, not the normal healthy state of women. In this article we will use the term “signs of pregnancy” that occur in women in the early stages.

Knowing the main symptoms, a woman can easily guess whether she is pregnant or not. You can confirm or refute guesses with the help of tests and analyses.

Reliable signs of pregnancy

According to statistics, 7 girls out of 100 note that their pregnancy proceeded without signs. Although this statement cannot be considered reliable, because some symptoms may be confused with other processes occurring in the body.

Some women find out they are pregnant while in their third month. And there are several reasons why expectant mothers claimed that the pregnancy proceeded without the first signs:

  • Menstruation can also occur in the first two months of pregnancy, after the egg has been fertilized. If you are concerned about the condition of the baby in the womb, then you need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist.
  • A woman may mistake changes in taste sensations for whims or oddities of the body.
  • Girls blame frequent mood swings on fatigue or hormonal surges.
  • Nausea in the morning is a negative reaction of the body to certain foods eaten last evening, but not toxicosis, the girls are sure.
  • From the above, it becomes clear that pregnancy without symptoms is a rare occurrence. The symptoms may be mild, but they are still there. And it’s worth listening to your body.

Is there even a pregnancy without signs in the early stages? Of course, a complete absence of symptoms is unlikely, especially in the first three months.

Asymptomatic pregnancy is a reality

A natural sign of pregnancy is a growing belly. It is by the presence of this change that pregnancy can be determined. On the other hand, not all expectant mothers experience a pronounced increase in volume. As mentioned above, menstruation may be present in the first trimester. Toxicosis, breast enlargement or swelling, weakness and drowsiness may not be felt at all.

Approximately 10 women out of 100 who have given birth will say with confidence that pregnancy without symptoms occurs. The exact reasons for this phenomenon have not been identified. Most often, gynecologists are faced with cases of late detection of pregnancy, when a woman comes to an appointment and complains of an enlarged belly and strange sensations.

Sometimes expectant mothers complain of minor ailments, such as morning sickness, whitish discharge and delay. But these signs are taken not for pregnancy, but for a malfunction of the body.

Doctors advise to undergo timely examinations and tests in order to monitor your own health. Periodic examination will help prevent the development of various diseases and detect pregnancy in time. After all, women are often interested in the question: is pregnancy without signs possible? This can happen, but there is no need to worry about this, each body is individual and can react specifically to conception.

No early signs

Some women may not notice changes at all - in this case, pregnancy proceeds without symptoms. This applies to girls who normally had problems with the menstrual cycle, so it is sometimes difficult for them to realize that their body has become the site of fetal development. The situation is clarified at a later date during an examination by a gynecologist.

On the 8-10th day after unprotected sexual intercourse, the process of fertilization occurs in the body, after which the embryo is attached to the uterus. During this period, a woman may experience discharge similar to menstruation, so many mistakenly believe that conception has definitely not occurred.

After the gynecologist discovers pregnancy, the woman begins to worry about the absence of any symptoms. But it normal. Yes, many girls feel nauseous at first, some eat chalk, others cookies with ketchup, but this does not mean that all pregnant women should have such signs. There are no definitions of right and wrong pregnancy. Each girl will experience this period individually.

Are periods dangerous?

If pregnancy is established, but menstruation continues, then this is a cause for concern for doctors and the expectant mother. Such cases are extremely rare. Menstruation in the early stages indicates the process of implantation or detachment of the fertilized egg. In such cases, the woman experiences a thin spotting with blood.

Pregnancy without symptoms in the early stages is common. For example, this happens when the fertilized egg does not have time to implant before the onset of menstruation. There may be slight delays - from 5 to 15 days. A delay without signs of pregnancy cannot be considered as confirmation or refutation of the fact of fertilization.

Refutation or confirmation?

Ultrasound and certain tests help to reliably determine pregnancy. But not every woman is ready to undergo paid tests, especially if everything is fine with her health.

A very interesting incident occurred in Brazil. 27-year-old Fernanda Claudia gave birth to her daughter while swimming. The girl was born healthy, weighing about 3 kilograms. After a sudden home birth, a woman went to the medical center herself and told her unusual story to the doctors. It turns out that she had no idea she was pregnant until she started giving birth. This case shocked the public and doctors.

It is important to remember that early pregnancy can only be determined by ultrasound and hCG analysis. Gynecologists also recommend listening to the following advice:

  1. If you experience a sudden nagging pain in the lower abdomen, you should see a specialist, especially if you suspect that you are pregnant. Pain may be evidence of a threat of miscarriage, the occurrence of inflammatory processes and contractions of the uterus. There is no need to self-medicate, because you do not know the exact causes of pain.
  2. If pregnancy is confirmed, then it is advisable to reconsider all your life priorities and passions. It is necessary to adjust your diet, because food should be healthy. It is also important to completely give up bad habits, which include smoking and alcohol.
  3. If you are worried that your pregnancy is progressing without signs, then it is better to talk to a psychologist who will help you “come to your senses.”
  4. Don't panic if your pregnancy is different from others. Each organism has its own individual physiological characteristics, and its reaction to bearing a baby is difficult to predict.

The main thing!

Did you find out that you are pregnant? And it doesn’t matter whether it is early or late, whether it proceeds like everyone else or is asymptomatic. It is important to remember only one thing - no stress and anxiety.

Spend more time for yourself, relax, walk and breathe fresh air. Only the harmony of your physical and mental state will allow you to experience all the delights of motherhood, starting from the early stages of pregnancy.

Women who are planning a pregnancy always carefully monitor all the body's reactions. They are waiting to see if attempts to conceive have been successful. But most women find out late that they are pregnant, when their belly begins to enlarge or they feel when the baby begins to move. This is because they do not pay attention to the very first symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception.

Why is it so important to determine pregnancy?

The health status of her unborn baby directly depends on a woman’s understanding of her “interesting situation.” After all, if she is in ignorance, then she leads a normal lifestyle, often including:

  • irregular work schedule;
  • overwork and stress;
  • the use of medications that are strictly contraindicated for expectant mothers;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • drinking alcohol and smoking, etc.

All of these factors can have a negative impact on the health of the fetus. Therefore, the sooner a woman becomes aware of pregnancy, the sooner she will eliminate everything that can harm the developing fetus.

So, what are the first symptoms of pregnancy in the first days?

The first signs of pregnancy in the first days

What early symptoms of pregnancy can be detected even before a missed period? First of all, this:

Breast tenderness and swelling

From the first days of conception, the breasts gradually begin to prepare for the upcoming lactation. The mammary glands enlarge due to the action of the hormone progesterone. In some women, the breasts only swell slightly, while others experience soreness and increased sensitivity. As pregnancy progresses, the nipples may increase slightly in diameter. If pregnancy has really occurred, then they may still darken in the near future, and on the chest you can see the vascular network, characteristic of pregnant women.

Basal temperature

Why can you not notice your pregnancy?

The very first symptoms of pregnancy in the first days are not noticeable at all, and even more so, a woman may not feel them at all. Even science does not consider the first days from the moment of conception to be a real pregnancy. This is because after fertilization, over the course of 7-10 days, the egg gradually moves to the place where in the future it can undergo the process of full development from an embryo into a fetus. And already when it is firmly attached to the wall of the uterus, there is reason to believe that pregnancy has occurred. It often happens that the fertilized cell does not have time to fix on the wall of the uterus and is removed from it along with menstruation. If, after fertilization, the egg enters the uterus and, as expected, attaches to its wall, this process is called embryo implantation. Then its development begins and this is the full beginning of pregnancy.

After implantation, the placenta and umbilical cord form first. During this same period, hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. She begins to produce a special hormone responsible for the safe stay of the fetus in the woman’s body in the early stages. It is called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and is 100% present in the blood in the first days of pregnancy.

The first signs of pregnancy can vary greatly from woman to woman. Moreover, in the same woman, these manifestations during the second pregnancy may be completely different than those observed during the first.

Can pregnancy proceed without symptoms?

It happens that a woman carrying a baby may not even be aware of her situation. Her menstruation schedule may last for several months of pregnancy. And there are no other symptoms! Then there is a gradual cessation of menstruation and only then does the woman find out that she is pregnant.

Laboratory changes

The earliest laboratory signs of pregnancy are:

  • A special substance, the so-called early pregnancy factor, can be found in the mucus of the cervix or in the blood of the expectant mother. It can be detected within 28-48 hours from the moment of conception. This factor can be detected in 67% of women who become pregnant. This figure increases during the first months of pregnancy. But this method is currently practically not used.
  • The presence of a specific hormone – human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). With the help of tests and analyses, it is possible to detect it in the blood of a pregnant woman. It is also present in lower concentrations in urine. Based on its level, one can judge whether conception has occurred and that gestation is occurring normally. This indicator increases even before the delay of menstruation. The concentration of hCG is higher in morning urine. That is why it is used to perform a pregnancy test. The test may be positive already in the first days, but you cannot expect a 100% result. To make sure it is correct, the test should be repeated after 7-10 days.

What happens to the fetus in the 1st week of pregnancy?

What happens to the fetus in the early stages? How does pregnancy progress day by day, how does the fetus develop and what does the woman feel?

The beginning of the first week of pregnancy (embryonic) is considered to be approximately 3 days after sexual intercourse. As soon as conception occurs, the future embryo begins to form. After the successful fusion of the egg and sperm, for the first day and a half, the fetus is nothing more than a single-celled zygote. Then, over the course of about 3 days, the cells of the zygote are fragmented. Next, the future embryo follows into the uterine cavity, where it needs to firmly attach itself. It is here that the baby will be formed from him throughout the future period. At this stage, many experts believe that the zygote is not a fetus. But some women experience this period, and the symptoms can be very different. Others have no sensations at all. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

When the expectant mother finds out about her position, the fetus already presents grouped cells that are tightly attached to the wall of the uterus, and their active reproduction and growth has begun.

When to visit a doctor?

As soon as you think you might be pregnant or have a positive pregnancy test, visit your doctor. At about two weeks, he can confirm the pregnancy, determine how long has passed since conception and how the pregnancy is progressing.

Women often ask their gynecologist the question of how to feel that conception has occurred. In addition, an early visit to the doctor is important to determine the health status of the expectant mother and exclude the presence of diseases of the genital area. After all, all diseases can have a negative impact on the baby’s health in the future.

Thus, it is better to visit a doctor as soon as you feel any symptoms indicating a possible pregnancy. After all, the first month is the most dangerous period in many ways, so it is better to protect yourself and the fetus from possible danger. Tell your doctor in detail exactly what sensations you had in the first days after conception and what bothered you. You also need to inform the specialist exactly when your last menstruation was. The gynecologist will conduct an examination, assess the condition of the uterus and only by this will be able to judge the possible occurrence of pregnancy.

There are many signs - physiological, external, laboratory, which in the first days make it possible to suspect fertilization, and a little later - to confirm it. How a woman feels in the first days of pregnancy, what signs appear immediately after conception, largely depends on her body and state of health. It will not necessarily be possible to observe any of these signs. It may happen that in your case the symptoms of pregnancy will be completely different. If pregnancy is confirmed, take care of your health so that you can easily carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

How wonderful it would be if the very next day after conception the uterus signaled to a woman that pregnancy had occurred with some obvious symptom. But this does not happen and we have to rely only on signs of hormonal changes in the body. Considering that each woman is individual, signs of pregnancy in the early stages may not appear at all, or they may all begin to bother the expectant mother as early as 1 month.

What are the earliest symptoms?

If you do not observe any of these signs, this does not mean that there is no pregnancy. Perhaps your body reacts differently to conception and changes in hormonal levels do not affect your well-being so much.

No. 1: High basal body temperature

If you regularly monitor your cycle and measure your basal temperature, you will notice that it will remain high throughout the luteal phase. Progesterone causes the temperature to remain high throughout ovulation, and if BBT remains high, this indicates pregnancy. If conception does not occur, then the BT drops and menstruation occurs on its due date.

#2: Lack of menstruation

The most obvious and well-known symptom is that you notice that your period is not on time. But, despite the fact that this symptom is most often attributed to pregnancy, there are a number of other reasons that can lead to a delay. For example, severe stress, serious illness or surgery. On the other hand, many women note the presence of menstruation already during pregnancy. For some, they will continue for several months or even the entire pregnancy.

#3: Morning Sickness

Another fairly well-known symptom is. It, of course, can manifest itself not only in the morning, but also at any time of the day, as soon as the blood sugar level drops significantly. Therefore, you need to monitor regular nutrition. Nausea can occur throughout the first trimester, and some women suffer from this symptom for up to 9 months.

#4: Breast changes

  • nipples become tender, sensitive and darken;
  • the breast begins to hurt and/or becomes lumpy;
  • veins on the chest become noticeable;
  • areolas (circles around the nipples) may darken and enlarge;
  • small bumps on the areola may become larger or their number may increase.

No. 5: Natural discharge increases

An increase in the hormone progesterone leads to an increase in the amount of cervical mucus. For some women, this symptom may not be noticeable at all, while others have to change panty liners more often.

#6: Fatigue

During your first pregnancy, your metabolism speeds up to support your unborn baby and your own body. This leads to a feeling of endless fatigue. It may seem to you that you constantly want to sleep or at least just relax. Progesterone also has a sedative effect, so many women literally close their eyes from fatigue even during the day. There is no need to fight with your body - you simply need rest now.

#7: Frequent urination

Already a week after conception, you may notice that the urge to go to the toilet begins to occur somewhat more often than usual. This happens because the embryo has already begun to produce hCG, a pregnancy hormone that increases blood supply to the pelvic area. As a result, the bladder signals that it is full even when there is a small amount of urine. This especially bothers women at night.

No. 8: Cramps in the lower abdomen

This symptom causes concern for many women, because they are afraid. However, even if you are not pregnant, your uterus is constantly contracting. This is also normal while expecting a baby, because the fetus grows and puts pressure on the walls of the uterus, which leads to its spasms.

But if these contractions are accompanied, then this could indeed be a miscarriage. In this case, you need to contact your gynecologist and an ambulance as quickly as possible. But don't panic - sometimes spotting can be another sign of pregnancy.

No. 9: Bloody discharge

8-10 days after ovulation (when you are due to have your next period), you may notice a light-colored spotting called . They are usually not as bright in color as periods.

#10: Constipation and gas

An increase in hormones leads to the fact that the intestines relax and work worse - this is necessary in order to free up more space for the baby. But as a result, this often leads to constipation. Fortunately, there are many products that can help and are safe for pregnant women.

#11: Smell

Smells that never bothered you before can now become a real problem. Even cooking can now be disgusting.

#12: Colds and/or stuffy nose

During normal pregnancy, the woman's immune system is suppressed. This is provided by nature so that the pregnant woman’s body does not reject the fetus as a foreign body. As a result of these hormonal changes, the expectant mother is very susceptible to various types of infections. And the nose is stuffy again due to hormonal effects on the nasal passages.

No. 13: The appearance of acne

You may find yourself prone to acne. And even if this trouble has not bothered you before, the period of waiting for a baby quite often leads to acne.

#14: Change of taste

Rising hormone levels in the body can also affect your saliva. You may experience a metallic taste in your mouth that changes the taste of regular foods.

#15: Emotional swing

From the very first weeks of pregnancy, a woman may feel either incomprehensible surges of joy or sudden influxes of sadness. It often becomes a very acute problem and relationships with others begin to deteriorate.

Pregnancy tests

Sometimes a test at a very early stage may not show the coveted second strip. Even if conception has occurred, the hCG level may still be too low for the test to detect its increase. If you think that conception did occur during the last ovulation, then you should wait only 2 weeks and the result will be accurate.

Examination by a gynecologist

The hospital may offer you several types of pregnancy determination:

  1. Analysis of urine;
  2. blood analysis;
  3. inspection.

To avoid infection, it is better not to do the last procedure. The first two are enough to determine whether the long-awaited pregnancy has occurred.

Pregnancy is a very important event in the life of any woman. For some it is joyful and long-awaited, for others it is the opposite. But, one way or another, everyone wants to know about the beginning of the development of a new life as early as possible - if possible, already in the first days after conception.

The reason to suspect pregnancy for most women of reproductive age with a regular cycle is a delay in menstruation. Doubts are finally dispelled by two strips of self-test and the conclusion of a local gynecologist.

How many days later can you find out about pregnancy?

To correctly answer this question, it is necessary to understand from what event the gestational age is usually calculated.

Note: in obstetric practice, the onset of pregnancy is counted from the first day of the onset of menstruation.

If we talk about the obstetric period, then there simply cannot be early signs of the first or second week of pregnancy, because During this period, the woman is not even pregnant yet. The actual beginning of pregnancy is associated with the day - the day when a mature egg leaves the ovary into the fallopian tube and meets there with a viable sperm capable of breaking through its membrane and producing fertilization.

It is quite difficult to calculate this day, but it is precisely the beginning of the embryonic period of pregnancy. Typically, ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle, i.e. with a 28-day cycle, a woman can become pregnant around the 14th day after the start of her last menstruation.

Note: it is necessary to remember that the ability of an egg to conceive in the uterus remains for 12-36 hours, and the date of ovulation can shift for a number of reasons, so it is almost impossible to accurately determine the date of conception.

Whether there was unprotected intercourse on the day of ovulation is not so important, because... sperm can remain viable in a woman’s genital tract for about 1 week, “waiting” for a mature egg. It is for this reason that when determining the duration of pregnancy, you cannot focus on the days of last sex.

Of course, all of the above does not apply to determining the duration of pregnancy during planned and controlled conceptions. In such cases, the date of the beginning of the birth of a new life is always known.

As you understand, all the woman’s statements that she began to feel the first signs of pregnancy at 1-2 weeks of the obstetric period can be considered intuitive.

However, there are also very real physiologically based early signs that the egg is fertilized. They can be felt no earlier than 3 weeks of pregnancy (according to the obstetric period).

First signs of pregnancy

The onset of conception is a signal for the body to begin serious hormonal changes and prepare organs and systems for subsequent pregnancy. It is these hormonal changes that provoke changes in condition that can be considered harbingers of a new period in a woman’s life.

Important:The main hormones responsible for the appearance of the first signs of pregnancy are human chorionic gonadotropin.

The main task progesterone– reduce the excitability of the uterus, prepare conditions for the attachment of the fertilized egg to its inner layer, and ensure the growth of the mammary glands. An increase in the amount of this hormone is fraught with changes in a woman’s mood: she may experience irritability, tearfulness, etc. In some cases, fluid retention is provoked), or may occur.

The journey of a fertilized cell through the fallopian tubes to the uterus itself takes about a week. In this case, the fused male and female cells turn into a small ball filled with liquid. Once in the arms of the uterine epithelium, it begins to look for a convenient place and attaches itself to the walls. It is from this moment that we can talk about pregnancy.

The very attachment of the embryo is often accompanied by discomfort in the lumbar region or lower abdomen. These are the key signs of pregnancy, appearing at 3-4 weeks in the obstetric period (one of the first signs of 1-2 weeks of pregnancy in the embryonic period).

Successful implantation of the embryo triggers the accelerated process of producing another pregnancy hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin(CG), which is designed to protect the embryo and the woman’s body from adverse factors and future stress.

It stimulates the production of progesterone and triggers cell renewal processes in various organs and tissues. This means that changes will continue to occur in the woman’s body, which can be regarded as the first signs of pregnancy. Their peak development occurs after 3-4 weeks of obstetric (1-2 weeks of embryonic) pregnancy, but some women begin to notice these changes literally from the first weeks after fertilization. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Drowsiness and nausea

Nervous system disorders

Often, already in the very early stages, a woman’s ability to perform noticeably decreases, and some lack of composure appears in her behavior. For many, forgetfulness is also common.

In some cases, apathy develops, that is, complete detachment, indifference and indifference. Changes in mental status are caused by increased secretion of progesterone. As pregnancy progresses, its effect is offset by increased estrogen production.

Decreased libido

Sexual desire decreases starting from the first days after conception, and normalizes by the second trimester. This fact can also be regarded as the first sign of pregnancy.

Important:already from the first week, some women show signs of mild toxicosis.

Traditional methods of detecting pregnancy in the first days after conception

“Grandmother’s methods” for determining pregnancy before a delay have no scientific basis. It was once believed that the occurrence of conception was indicated by the appearance of spider veins on the chest in the “décolletage area” and metallic. Despite the lack of specific explanations, many women notice such first signs of pregnancy, so they should not be ignored.

Why is early diagnosis of pregnancy important?

Early manifestations provide a good reason to conduct tests and identify the fact of pregnancy. In this case, an important point remains the determination of the place of implantation of the fertilized egg.

The norm is the placement of the fertilized egg in the uterus. If diagnosed, the patient requires urgent medical attention to prevent serious complications.

The sooner a woman learns that she will be a mother, the greater the chances that pregnancy and childbirth will proceed without complications. The appearance of one or more early signs is an absolute basis for the immediate abandonment of bad habits, adjustments to the diet, discontinuation of medications with embryotoxic and teratogenic effects, and normalization of sleep and rest patterns.

Plisov Vladimir, medical observer

Is it possible to determine pregnancy before a missed period? Are there the first early signs of pregnancy, even before the delay? After all, many women say that they knew about their pregnancy even before the positive test result? Or maybe you have already noticed some changes in your body?

All over the world it is customary to count the beginning of pregnancy from the first day of the last menstruation. And since ovulation on average occurs on the 14th day of the cycle, then the first two weeks of pregnancy, in fact, you are not yet pregnant. During this period, an egg begins to form, which can subsequently be fertilized. So the first signs of pregnancy appear 2-3 weeks after fertilization, in fact already at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy. Simply put, in the 4th week of the cycle, even before the missed period, the onset of pregnancy may manifest itself with some signs.

If fertilization has successfully occurred, the expectant mother’s body begins an active restructuring aimed at successfully carrying and giving birth to a child. These changes cannot occur unnoticed and asymptomatic; the first minor signs appear, which, even before a missed period, may indicate pregnancy. They often cause some inconvenience for a pregnant woman. But they're worth it! Having passed all these tests, the woman receives a well-deserved reward, a small miracle, her baby!

Even before the delay of menstruation, many women begin to listen to their body; they feel a pain in the lower abdomen, feel sick in the morning or have a headache. Could these be the first signs of pregnancy?

So, what happens in the body of a pregnant woman and what signs may indicate that pregnancy has occurred even before a missed period? So let's find out.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: light bleeding.

Light spotting approximately 6-12 days after intercourse may be the first signs of pregnancy. A woman may have the idea that her period is starting, but somehow unusually and at the wrong time. This discharge indicates that a fertilized egg is implanting into the wall of the uterus. Implantation discharge, as a rule, is not abundant and yellowish-brown in color.

Slight bleeding may occur after a delay, but in this case you should be wary and consult a doctor immediately, as they may be a sign of an incipient miscarriage.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: change in basal temperature.

Women who keep a basal temperature chart can easily determine pregnancy. An increase in basal temperature to 37 or higher can serve as one of the first signs of pregnancy, even before a delay. If, in the absence of pregnancy, the basal temperature returns to normal a day or two before menstruation, then when pregnancy occurs it remains at high values.

Basal temperature is measured in the rectum, vagina or mouth. Moreover, measurement in the rectum is considered the most reliable. You should measure your basal temperature immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed.

An increase in basal temperature is a consequence of a change in a woman’s hormonal background; the hormone progesterone increases, which causes an increase in BT.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: implantation retraction.

Implantation depression on the basal temperature chart is one of the first signs of pregnancy. A drop occurs in the second phase of the cycle for one day, when there is a sharp drop in temperature and then an increase again. This is a consequence of hormonal changes. Progesterone causes an increase in temperature, and with the onset of pregnancy there is a sharp release of estrogen, which causes a sharp drop in temperature.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: sometimes hot, sometimes cold.

“It’s either hot or cold” is one of the first signs of pregnancy. This is due to an increase in body temperature in the first weeks of pregnancy. That is why women complain, sometimes of heat, sometimes of cold. Either it becomes unbearably hot and you want to open the window in winter, when everyone at home is freezing, then it is impossible to warm up under a warm blanket, it freezes and shivers. Also, a consequence of an increase in temperature in a pregnant woman may be redness of the facial skin in the evening.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: feeling unwell.

Due to the increase in body temperature in the first weeks of pregnancy, many girls think that they are sick. Since even a slight increase in body temperature to 37 is quite noticeable and not all women tolerate it equally well. General fatigue and performance increase and feelings of malaise arise.

Also at this time, it is not uncommon for pregnant women to experience cold symptoms, cough, sore throat, and runny nose. This is due to the fact that in the first weeks of pregnancy the general immunity of the woman’s body decreases slightly. These symptoms can be considered the first signs of pregnancy before a missed period.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: increased breast sensitivity.

Increased breast sensitivity is one of the first signs of pregnancy before delay. Many women note that their breasts become enlarged, swell, and their sensitivity increases. Any touch becomes painful. Sometimes the chest hurts so much that it becomes almost impossible to touch it.

Changes are also observed in the skin around the nipples, bumps in these places become more noticeable and fluid is released from the nipples when pressed. This suggests that the body is preparing for such an important process as breastfeeding. This symptom can appear even before a missed period, in 1-2 weeks of pregnancy.

Conversely, it is not uncommon for breasts to not produce any symptoms. Women notice that there are no changes in the breasts, whereas usually at this time before menstruation the breasts became painful.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: you feel “fullness” in the lower abdomen.

During pregnancy, women experience blood flow to the pelvic area, and the uterus begins to grow rapidly. This is what is associated with the feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen. A feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen can be considered one of the first signs of pregnancy. Women who are expecting a child feel the uterus already from 1-2 weeks of pregnancy.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: increased or decreased sexual desire.

Hormonal changes in the body are also responsible for a woman’s sexual desire. In the first weeks of pregnancy, it may decrease or, conversely, increase. And if there are no medical contraindications to sexual activity, for example the threat of miscarriage, then you should not deny yourself the joys of sex.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: tingling in the uterus.

Pregnant women always have a colitis somewhere somewhere. Tingling in the uterine area is a faithful companion of pregnancy. This is due to the rapid increase in volume of the uterus, and at earlier stages, when it is too early to talk about the growth of the uterus, this is due to the fact that blood flow to the area of ​​the organs in the pelvis increases, which causes tingling in the uterus. Tingling, strong or not very strong, pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes on the right, sometimes on the left, depending on in which ovary the egg has matured - these are the first signs of pregnancy before the delay.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: insomnia.

The first signs of pregnancy before a missed period include insomnia and restless sleep. Many women note that they want to go to bed earlier and fall asleep very quickly and soundly, but at the same time they wake up early and cannot fall asleep again. Or vice versa, in order to fall asleep you have to toss and turn in bed for a long time, and sleep becomes very restless.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: absent-mindedness, drowsiness, fatigue.

Absent-mindedness, drowsiness, forgetfulness, fatigue - these are the companions and one of the first signs of pregnancy even before the delay. This is due to hormonal changes in the body - the woman’s body prepares for pregnancy and makes the appropriate adjustments. The hormone progesterone grows rapidly and it is this hormone that causes mental depression in the pregnant woman. It becomes difficult to concentrate on work, you feel sleepy, or you just don’t feel like doing anything.

But don’t worry, this condition will not last throughout your pregnancy! Already in the 10th week, the placenta will begin to produce the hormone estrogen, and it is this hormone that has a stimulating effect on the woman’s psyche and is responsible for a good mood.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: pain in the lower abdomen.

The onset of pregnancy can be confused with the beginning of menstruation. Pain in the lower abdomen, like before menstruation, is one of the first signs of pregnancy. But your period doesn’t start tomorrow or the day after tomorrow... In this case, you should go to the pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test. Many women complain that pain in the lower abdomen continues throughout pregnancy, precisely on the days when menstruation is due.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: lower back pain.

Pain or shooting in the lower back near the sacrum may indicate pregnancy. Moreover, lower back pain can occur not only when standing or walking, but also occurs during sleep, when it is impossible to find a comfortable position. The lower back hurts both when lying on your back and on your side, but it goes away when you get out of bed. And vice versa, there may be relief when lying down, but pain when walking. Pain and shooting in the lower back can accompany a woman throughout pregnancy and are the first signs of pregnancy before a missed period.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: aversion to smells.

Aversion to smells, one of the milder variants of toxicosis. This symptom is one of the first signs of pregnancy even before the delay. There is no vomiting, but some smells that previously did not cause any emotions, for example, the smell of cooked meat or some other foods, can cause disgust and seem unpleasant. Rejection can be caused not only by the smells of food, but also by perfumes, cosmetics and others.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: changes in taste.

A change in taste preferences is a clear sign of pregnancy and can appear as early as 1-2 weeks after conception, that is, even before the delay. Due to hormonal changes in the body, a woman’s tastes also change. Those foods that were favorites before pregnancy suddenly become unpalatable or even disgusting. And vice versa, you may be tempted to eat something exotic and unusual, which in normal life before pregnancy you did not want to eat at all.

33 first signs of pregnancy before missed period: toxicosis.

It is not uncommon for toxicosis to begin already in the first week and is the first sign of pregnancy even before a missed period. It manifests itself with nausea and vomiting. As a rule, moderate toxicosis does not threaten the health of either the woman or the child. It becomes dangerous only if, due to nausea and vomiting, a woman cannot drink and eat, resulting in dehydration and weight loss.

From the first weeks of pregnancy, toxicosis can manifest itself as motion sickness, intolerance to odors, etc. However, as a rule, by the second trimester these symptoms cease to torment the pregnant woman and the woman can return to a normal diet.

Nausea itself can be a symptom of many other diseases; poisoning cannot be considered a clear symptom of pregnancy without other signs.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: a feeling of discomfort in a sitting position.

The first sign of pregnancy even before the delay is a feeling of discomfort in a sitting position. Pregnant women complain that they cannot find a comfortable sitting position. You have to constantly “fidget in your chair” before you manage to sit down somehow more or less comfortably.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: an aversion to alcohol or simply a rejection of it by the body.

Pregnant women may experience an aversion to alcohol, even to the point of vomiting, immediately in the first weeks of pregnancy, even before their missed period. The same applies to tobacco smoke. This is again due to hormonal changes in the body and changes in taste preferences.

Although it may be the other way around, suddenly an irresistible craving arises, for example, for beer, which the woman did not drink at all before pregnancy and the taste was disgusting.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: frequent headaches.

Headaches often occur in pregnant women during the first trimester. These symptoms may serve as an indirect sign of pregnancy. This is due to a sharp change in the level of hormones in a woman’s body. These pains, as a rule, go away by the end of the first trimester, when the body has already completely rebuilt and prepared for pregnancy, and hormone levels have leveled out.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: Frequent urination.

Frequent urination is not a very pleasant sign of pregnancy and may appear even before your period is missed. Often a pregnant woman can get up 10 times or even more during the night for a small need. This is again connected with the growth of female hormones and the restructuring of the body. Kidney function changes temporarily. There is an intense flow of blood to the uterus, it increases in size and puts pressure on the pregnant woman’s bladder, which leads to an increase in the frequency of urination.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: increased vaginal discharge.

As mentioned earlier, during pregnancy there is a sharp flow of blood to the pelvic organs, in particular to the uterus. This causes an increase in vaginal discharge.

The increase in vaginal discharge, in turn, plays a protective function - hydrogen ions, contained in large quantities in the vaginal fluid, protect the expectant mother’s body from harmful microorganisms.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: thrush.

But you should also know that in this environment - vaginal secretion - a favorable environment is created for the proliferation of candida yeast fungi, which cause the development of thrush. Thrush must be treated, as during childbirth it can increase the number of ruptures and can also cause infection of the fetus.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: darkening of the skin around the nipples.

As already mentioned, the breasts are one of the first to react to the onset of pregnancy and darkening of the areas around the nipples may be the first sign of pregnancy before a missed period. However, this sign is rather indirect and without other more obvious signs of pregnancy... it can be a symptom of PMS.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: irritation of the salivary center.

One of the first signs of pregnancy before a delay is an increase in salivation in women. Sometimes this can lead to sudden weight loss, up to several kilograms. For pregnant women, such weight loss is neither desirable nor safe. If this saliva is swallowed, it can lead to a change in the acidity of gastric juice and, as a consequence, to digestive problems.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: slight swelling of the arms and legs.

Slight swelling of the arms and legs is one of the first signs of pregnancy. As mentioned above, in the first weeks of pregnancy, i.e. Even before the delay of menstruation, a sharp increase in the hormone progesterone is observed in a woman’s body. Progesterone, in turn, causes a woman’s body to retain salts and excess fluid. Which leads to minor swelling of the arms and legs. If you clench your hand into a fist, you will notice that they have increased slightly in volume.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: bloating, intestinal upset.

One of the early signs of pregnancy, even before a missed period, can be considered an increase in the volume of the abdomen, when the uterus itself is still quite slightly enlarged. This is because bowel movements slow down during pregnancy, which can lead to bloating and constipation. Also, due to hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman, blood flows to the pelvic organs, which leads to swelling of the intestinal walls.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: low blood pressure, fainting, darkening of the eyes.

Low blood pressure is a fairly common sign of pregnancy and can appear even before your period is missed. A decrease in blood pressure can lead to frequent dizziness, headaches, weakness, and sometimes even fainting. This often happens in hot weather, when a pregnant woman has to stand for a long time or perform some other heavy load. Dizziness and fainting are also possible after a hot bath on an empty stomach.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: increased appetite.

An increase in appetite, one of the most well-known signs of pregnancy, can appear at an early stage, even before the delay. A woman is suddenly attacked by “gluttony”; an irrepressible craving appears for eating any foods that she previously did not want, sometimes with a specific taste.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: mood changes.

Frequent mood swings are a companion to pregnancy. Irritability, frequent mood swings, and tearfulness can manifest themselves at an early stage of pregnancy, already in the first week after conception, that is, even before a missed period. A woman can be cheerful and suddenly start crying for no reason at all, or vice versa, an attack of bad mood can instantly give way to laughter and fun.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: feelings of anxiety and fear.

The consequence of hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman can be a feeling of anxiety and fear that arises for no reason. As well as nervous excitement or causeless melancholy. These signs of pregnancy can appear as early as 1-2 weeks after conception, even before your period is missed.

33 first signs of pregnancy before a missed period: Increase in hCG.

An increase in the hCG hormone is an objective sign of pregnancy. HCG is responsible for the normal course of pregnancy in a woman and is detected only during pregnancy and sometimes during certain diseases. An increase in hCG is observed already in the first weeks of pregnancy, even before the missed period. The growth of hCG can be monitored using laboratory tests of urine and blood. A blood test for hCG allows you to detect an increase in hCG at the earliest stages. You can also determine the increase in hCG using pregnancy tests. It makes sense to determine the level of hCG no earlier than 10-12 days from the expected conception.

33 first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed: missed period.

Delayed menstruation is one of the most obvious and well-known symptoms of pregnancy. However, a delay in menstruation can also occur due to a number of certain diseases, as well as the body’s reaction to stress, hypothermia or a sudden change in time zones, for example, when traveling or going on vacation. But if you have an active and regular sex life and your periods are late, you need to take a pregnancy test to confirm or refute doubts.

33 first signs of pregnancy before missed period: positive test.

One of the simplest and most accessible ways to determine pregnancy is a pregnancy test. It is not expensive, the price starts from 12-15 rubles. It is very easy to use and is sold in almost every pharmacy. When can I do a pregnancy test? For this question, you must follow the test instructions. Most tests are designed to be used from the first day of your missed period. But there are also more sensitive tests, the manufacturers of which assure that testing is possible at earlier stages, even before the onset of a missed period. It is advisable to do the test in the morning, but do not urinate for at least 6 hours before the test. Then the concentration of hCG in the urine will reach its maximum level and it is more likely to get accurate results.

It should be noted that a positive test almost always means pregnancy, except in exceptional cases when some diseases also cause an increase in hCG in the blood. However, a negative test does not always mean there is no pregnancy. Sometimes there are also cases when the second stripe is visible very faintly and not clearly. In these cases, testing must be repeated after 2 days to confirm or refute all doubts.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that the first signs of pregnancy before a missed period are always relative and can be symptoms of prolonged PMS. The most accurate sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. In this case, to obtain an accurate result, you must consult a doctor.

This is what medicine says about the first signs of pregnancy before a missed period. And psychologists advise women to relax and not rush into this important matter. Haste and motherhood are not compatible. Therefore, we need to learn patience now. When the first signs of pregnancy appear before your period is missed, you should wait until the first day of the delay and take a test. If the test is negative, there is no period, and the first signs of pregnancy persist, you should wait two days and repeat the test. And there is no point in buying packs of tests, being disappointed when one test after another shows a negative result. Attributing everything to the fact that the tests were not of high quality or you did them too early. This behavior leads to neuroses, which in turn leads to disturbances in the woman’s hormonal background and does not contribute to pregnancy. Tune in to a positive mood, you will become a mother in any case, not in this cycle, then in another!