Why did the smell of urine appear? Unpleasant urine odor - why does it occur?

For children

Analysis of excretory products helps the specialist learn a lot about the patient’s health status. But also a common person by some of their external characteristics it can determine that there are adverse changes in his condition. Why does urine smell strong? We suggest you deal with this problem. Find out what possible causes are fraught with an unpleasant, pungent, atypical odor of urine in an adult, child and your pet.

When everything is normal

Before we figure out why urine smells strong, let's consider the normal situation for a person. Urine in this case differs as follows:

  • the liquid is transparent, has a characteristic yellowish or straw color;
  • freshly collected urine should smell practically nothing;
  • if liquid for a long time remains in an open container, then under the influence of air fermentation will occur in its mass, as a result of which the urine will acquire a pungent ammonia smell.

The process of removing urine from the body

Let us also consider in general terms the process of urine excretion in healthy person.

  1. The liquid, in the mass of which waste products are removed from the body, travels a long way - through the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra.
  2. Urine accumulates in the bladder - a muscle sac whose volume is about 300-600 ml. As it accumulates, it is released by the body.
  3. The liquid exits through urethra(urethra).

So why does urine smell strong? The most common reason is that one of the organs that we listed above has some problems in their work. But other things can also provoke an unpleasant odor.

Certain foods

Why does urine smell - strong, pungent, unpleasant? The reason may lie in your recent lunch or dinner.

  1. Spices (particularly garlic) that emit a strong aroma. These seasonings can also give urine a distinct odor.
  2. Seafood. Especially if you ate them in large quantities. The statement applies most of all to mussels - both fresh and marinated.
  3. The most common "food" reason strong odor urine is asparagus. No matter what form you use this plant, it will cause severe unpleasant odor discharge. However, this kind of deficiency can be easily eliminated - add a little sea salt to the dish with asparagus before eating.

Systemic disturbances in the functioning of organs

Why does human urine smell very strong? As we discussed above, this may be due to a systemic dysfunction of organs. Especially those systems through which urine passes.

The most common reasons the following diseases occur:

In men and women

The characteristic putrefactive smell of urine can indicate diseases of the genital area. This is a cause for concern for both women and men. This means that inflammatory foci have formed somewhere in the genitourinary system, surrounded by suppuration. This may also speak about rectal fistulas - rectal, vesical fistulas.

The sharp unpleasant smell of urine in men is one of the symptoms of prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland). The patient also notes pain in the perineum, sexual dysfunction, and difficulty urinating.

If a woman, especially after recent sexual intercourse, diagnoses urine with an unpleasant odor, this may be evidence of the presence of a sexually transmitted infection in the body, an imbalance of the vaginal microflora. For the same reason, some women note this symptom after childbirth.

Taking medications

Why does urine smell so strong? The reason may also lie in taking certain medications. Such by-effect most often it is immediately indicated in the instructions for the drug.

Among the common medicinal and prophylactic agents, the following give an unpleasant odor to urine:

  • "Amoxicillin";
  • "Trovan";
  • "Omnipen";
  • "Ampicillin";
  • "Proloprim";
  • "Ciprofloxacin";
  • vitamin B complex.


Why does urine smell? The pronounced ammonia smell of urine is a rather alarming sign. It may indicate total dehydration of the body! The reason is that water imbalance makes the urine more concentrated than normal.

Dehydration is not always caused by a critical situation or serious illness. It can even affect a completely healthy person. If we are carried away by work or other occupation (and even more so physically), on a hot and stuffy day we forget to drink the required amount of water. Let us remind you that the minimum norm for a person per day is 1.5 liters.


The consequence of fasting is acidosis with all the sad consequences that flow from it. The human body needs a certain amount of carbohydrates every day. When there is a shortage, the deficiency begins to be compensated from preliminary reserves of fatty acids.

Hypoglycemia (insufficient blood glucose) develops. The blood mass becomes acidic, which leads to acidosis. The consequence is that ketone bodies are excreted in the urine. They will give the urine a strong smell of acetone.

Other diseases

Why does urine Strong smell? The reason may also be diseases that, at first glance, have nothing to do with urinary tract:

Metabolic disease

All other dysfunctions of this kind will be characterized by the appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine:

  • sweat;
  • rotten cabbage;
  • sulfur;
  • mold;
  • sour beer and so on.

Any of these examples is a reason to contact a specialist.

Why is my baby's urine smelly?

Let's look separately at cases involving children:

  1. Only newborns will have no odor in their urine. As you grow older, your urine will take on characteristics characteristic of adult urine.
  2. Unpleasant smell Urine in infants is one of the signs that a child has a genetic disease.
  3. For example, why does the urine of a 5-year-old boy smell sharp? This may indicate a genitourinary disease in the child.
  4. Urine in children acquires a pungent odor when high temperature and dehydration (often these factors are related). In such cases it becomes more concentrated. This will be the cause of the smell. Try to give your baby as much fluid as possible.
  5. If the child is breastfeeding, then the smell of his urine often reflects what his mother ate. We have already said which products give urine a pungent odor.

Even if the reason seems too banal to you, it would not be a bad idea to take your child for a consultation with a pediatrician.

Why does my cat have stinky urine?

In conclusion, about our little brothers. Reasons why a cat has smelly urine:

  1. Just like in humans, the strong smell of ammonia from urine will indicate dehydration.
  2. The animal has entered the period of puberty and hunting. The smell is caused by increased activity of the sex glands.
  3. The cat's diet is incorrect. The reason is a protein imbalance.
  4. Disease of a genitourinary nature. Everything here repeats the human situation.
  5. Hormonal diseases, cancer. Warning sign - putrid smell. Often he alone can speak about a serious pathology.
  6. Severe stress. Pungent odor in in this case- failures in metabolic processes.

If an unusual smell appears for no apparent reason and does not go away within 2 weeks, this is a reason to take the animal to the veterinarian.

So we have figured out all the reasons for the strong smell of urine. Even if some of them are harmless, this is still a sufficient reason to consult a doctor.

This is not to say that the unusual smell of urine in females is a rare occurrence. Moreover, every day many women turn to their doctor with such a complaint. Discharge with the smell of ammonia makes you seriously worry. And rightly so!

If the urine smells like ammonia or acetone, then this means a certain disorder that has appeared in the female body. It is unrealistic to identify it on your own (unless the woman, of course, has the necessary qualifications). Therefore, only a specialist can determine the diseases that provoke this phenomenon. Moreover, it is necessary to contact immediately, and not hope that the body will cope with the problem itself.

Only professional consultation and a series of examinations in a special laboratory will be able to establish the reasons why women’s urine smells of ammonia. Below we list the main factors that provoke this symptom.

If urine has an ammonia smell, it can have both pathological and natural physiological causes. It is worth noting that the organs responsible for the process of excretion of urine from the body are:

  • kidneys;
  • ureters;
  • bladder.

If one of them begins to function worse or inflammatory processes appear, this will immediately make itself felt by a change in the appearance and smell of urine. This phenomenon is hard to miss.

The appearance of a strong ammonia odor is often accompanied by bloody discharge. Unpleasant aroma may occur with burning and irritation in the vagina. In some cases, severe or moderate itching occurs.

The smell of ammonia in the urine of women is a consequence of the high concentration of ammonium phosphate in the body. This occurs if there are serious health problems.

It is not difficult to understand that urine has changed in quality and composition. U healthy woman the liquid that removes waste products from the body is either light yellow or amber in color and has virtually no odor. The more water you consume and the more often you visit the toilet, the lighter the urine. If the urine is cloudy and has an unpleasant odor, regardless of the amount of liquid you drink per day and visits to the ladies' room, then this is a reason to be alarmed.

A qualified specialist can help you find out why your urine smells strong. Under no circumstances should you resort to self-medication based on the advice of “experienced” girlfriends. In case of this complaint, a set of examinations should be prescribed, which can only be carried out with the help of professional equipment.

Physiological reasons

Often the smell of ammonia in urine is caused by natural processes, occurring in the female body. In this case, there is no reason to panic, and everything will return to normal on its own. Physiological factors affecting the color of urine:

The diet contains a large number of protein-rich foods. Once in the body, proteins are broken down into microelements - amino acids. These, in turn, release ammonia during decomposition.
Urinary retention. When left in the bladder for a long time, urine changes color and acquires an unpleasant odor. This can often be observed if you have to refrain from going to the toilet (while on transport, at a party, at an important meeting). Once the bladder finally empties, a dark, strong-smelling fluid comes out. If you refrain from urinating too often, you are more likely to develop diseases. genitourinary system.

Insufficient water consumption. If the body does not receive the proper amount of fluid for a long time, dehydration begins. Urine becomes more concentrated and has an unpleasant odor, but it also has more dark color. As a rule, it emits an ammonia aroma, but in some cases the smell of acetone is also observed.

The period of menstruation is often accompanied by the appearance of a foul odor and a change in color in the urine. Hormonal imbalance and metamorphoses occurring in the microflora are typical reasons for the appearance of abnormal phenomena in physiology. The same can be observed during menopause.

Pregnancy is characterized by hormonal changes, hypotension and constant dehydration. Also, during the period of gestation, the lifestyle changes. As for the microflora, it does not remain unchanged. You can not pay attention to what color the urine becomes, because with the combination of all these factors, the normal color of urine is excluded.

Taking some medicines contributes to metabolic disorders. The smell of alcohol, ammonia and acetone emanating from urine is quite normal phenomenon after taking a medicine that contains calcium or iron. The same can be observed after taking certain groups of vitamins.

All physiological reasons changes in the state of urine have characteristic indicators:

  • short duration;
  • fast normalization;
  • absence pain and other signs of violations.

Otherwise, changes in the state of urine have a pathological cause.

Pathological causes

If the natural factors listed above are absent, and the urine still has an unpleasant odor, then this indicates Negative influence pathology developing in the body. The main causes are the following diseases:


The smell of ammonia in urine often appears due to inflammatory diseases mucous membrane Bladder. As a rule, cystitis develops due to infections, but often the cause is ordinary hypothermia (swimming or winter walks in light clothing). Symptoms of the pathology depend on the form of the disease. If the stage is chronic, then the disease manifests itself frequent urges, sharp pain at the exit of the urethra, blood in the urine and heaviness in the bladder. If the acute phase is detected, then when urinating, cramps and pain in the abdomen are observed. Possible weakness. It takes longer to urinate due to pain. Another symptom acute form Cystitis may be cloudy urine.


The most common cause of inflammation is urine excretory system is the entry of pathogenic microorganisms. The manifestation of the disease is cutting pain, as well as changes in the characteristics of urine.


Inflammatory processes in the kidneys caused by infection. Along with a change in the characteristics of the fluid that removes waste products from the body, symptoms such as fever, chills and lower back pain are observed. With inflammation of the kidneys, urinary disorders cannot be ruled out.

Venereal diseases

Infection and unpleasant odor of urine are two interrelated components. Changes occur due to inflammation of the genitourinary organs.


With this disease, the content increases ketone bodies. Also, the reason for the change in smell is constant dehydration - one of the main symptoms.


With an infectious lesion of the liver, a change in the characteristics of urine occurs. It becomes dark, and this appearance remains throughout the entire duration of the illness.

Metabolic disease

Another common reason. Metabolic disorders provoke various abnormalities that occur in the body. This also applies to changes in the properties of urine.

Also factors that cause changes in color and odor include tuberculosis and cancer pathologies. Do not forget that the treatment of these diseases often occurs by medication. Medicines, as already mentioned, contribute to changes in the color and smell of urine. It may start to smell like acetone or ammonia.

With pathology, a large amount of ammonium phosphate accumulates, which leads to these metamorphoses.

Ammonia-smelling urine during pregnancy

Almost all women notice changes in the properties of urine during pregnancy. It begins to smell unpleasant and changes color. This scares many people. As statistics show, in most cases there is no danger to health, and such manifestations have the following reasons:

  • hormonal changes occur in the body;
  • constant dehydration due to the baby’s high water consumption;
  • consumption of certain groups of vitamins.

But not everything is always explained by the listed factors. Often, changes in the color and smell of urine are a harbinger of developing diseases.

During pregnancy, compression of the ureters occurs, which contributes to prolonged urinary retention. Such conditions are favorable for the appearance of harmful bacteria in it. They, in turn, contribute to the development of infections.

Changes in urine color and odor may also occur when gestational diabetes. It appears due to insufficient insulin production. This phenomenon is explained by the large release of various substances necessary for the development of the baby. They inhibit the production of the hormone.

Unpleasant odors when urinating can also occur due to inflammatory processes, which pregnant women are often susceptible to. It is especially worth highlighting kidney diseases that arise due to constant compression and disruption water balance in organism.

You should not resort to self-diagnosis and treatment. Only a special urine analysis can show the real reason deviations. And only on its basis can a course of treatment be prescribed.

What to do

If there is a sharply emerging disgusting odor, then this cannot be ignored, especially if mucus is secreted from the vagina, and this secretion smells like ammonia.

It is possible to eliminate the ammonia odor of urine in women only after identifying the causes that caused it. Each of them requires a special approach.

If the changes are caused by dehydration, then it is enough to start drinking plenty of fluids. This will dilute the contents of the bladder. You should also not drink too much. The normal dosage is 1.5-2 liters per day.

You should pay attention to your daily diet, because excessive consumption of protein foods can also be a provoking factor. In this case, you need to reconsider your diet.

An unpleasant odor caused by sexually transmitted diseases is a direct path to a venereologist. After the analysis, the appropriate medicine is prescribed. Other indicators will also help determine sexually transmitted diseases - discharge, cutting sensations and stains on underwear (checked in the morning).

Often, an ammonia smell is an indicator of the development of pathology. In this case, a visit to the doctor is inevitable. Only a qualified specialist can prescribe current methods diagnosis and treatment.

To establish the cause of the changes, you will need a blood and urine test, which can only be done in a professional laboratory. As a rule, treatment occurs by taking medications. You can get rid of unpleasant sensations when urinating within a few days or several weeks, depending on the severity of the disease.


To prevent the ammonia smell from appearing, you should carefully monitor your health. It is recommended to drink more water. The normal dose is 2 liters per day. You also need to minimize the amount of protein-rich foods in your diet and include more vitamins.

An excellent way to prevent it is to eat the following foods:

  • yogurt with honey (1 tsp);
  • cranberry juice;
  • fruit drink

You must always follow the rules intimate hygiene. Do not forget about periodic examinations in the hospital to monitor your health.

Most people know that the urine of a healthy person is a light yellow liquid or completely colorless, which does not have any unpleasant odor. Any deviation from this norm signals the development of pathology in the human body. It’s good if the illness is not serious, but what if the disease is quite dangerous?

Taking into account all the potential risks, we can definitely say that every person who cares about their health needs to monitor the condition of their urine. As a rule, suspicion of the disease is caused by an unpleasant odor emanating from the urine. We will talk in more detail about what to do when it appears in the article below.

Strong odor coming from urine and its dark color– a phenomenon that should alert absolutely every person. Of course, when a problem is discovered, there is no need to sound the alarm, but it is imperative to approach it with the proper measure of responsibility. First, try to remember your diet for the last 1-2 days. U

Surprisingly, a number of food products often change the color of urine and give it an unpleasant odor. The most used of them are the following:

  • garlic
  • horseradish
  • most seafood
  • asparagus
  • sugar cane

In addition to food, changes in the properties of urine can occur under the influence of certain medications and decoctions and herbal infusions. Given such features, it is very important to identify their specific relevance to your situation. It is worth understanding that over time the smell will go away and the color of the urine will normalize. For example, in the case of a drug-related problem, it will disappear after 2-3 days after completing the course of therapy, and in the case of a food-related problem, recovery will take no more than a day.

There is absolutely no need to worry under such circumstances, since changes in urine in such situations are absolutely natural and indicate the normal functioning of the body’s urinary system.In the absence of the previously presented features of cases of problems with the smell and color of urine, the problem most likely lies in pathological condition one of the nodes of the body.

It is almost impossible to identify the disease without the help of a specialist, so turning to one cannot be avoided.

As a rule, the cause of unpleasant odor in urine is the development of one of the following diseases:

  • cystitis (chemical smell)
  • venereal pathologies (fishy smell)
  • (blood contains additional particles of blood)
  • inflammation of the kidneys (accompanied by severe lower back pain)
  • (ranging from a sweetish apple smell to a strong chemical smell)
  • disturbances in the body caused by fasting or dehydration (ammonia smell)
  • liver failure (beer smell)
  • a number of hereditary ailments - leucinosis, for example (odors are completely of different nature: from sweetish to chemical and ammonia)

It is important to understand the seriousness of the problem and if urine smells or changes in color, take appropriate measures. Otherwise, the risk of developing an existing disease is enormously high, which is very bad for any person, because treating diseases early stages much simpler than those already launched.

Causes of unpleasant smell of urine in a child

An unpleasant smell of urine in a child is a phenomenon that requires enormous attention from his parents. Often the reasons for changes in urine are the same as in adults, but in some cases there may be completely different ones, unique to children.

The most striking example of this etiology of the problem is a lack of vitamin D in a child. This pathology is accompanied not only by an unpleasant odor of urine, but also by increased sweating and groundless weight gain.

In addition, changes in urine in children can be caused by:

  1. colds
  2. metabolic disorders in the body
  3. lack of fluid intake
  4. in case of infants– improper diet of a nursing mother

It is important to understand that a strong smell of urine in a child is quite serious problem, especially if it does not disappear for several weeks. In this case, you should not self-medicate, but you must immediately take the child to the clinic, conduct a comprehensive examination of his body and identify the true cause of the problem.

Only by such actions can any parent guarantee that his child will grow up healthy and that existing disorders in his body will be eliminated on time and without consequences.

What to do? Which doctor should I contact?

Let's submit your urine for analysis!

As mentioned earlier, the appearance of an unpleasant odor in urine is not a reason to panic. This phenomenon, of course, cannot be ignored, therefore, at the first signs of pathology, it is advisable to observe its course. If the smell and other changes in urine disappear within 1-7 days of observation, then a trip to the clinic, at a minimum, can be postponed, but in the opposite situation, you need to act more globally.

In most cases, the problem of fetid urine is addressed to two main specialists: a therapist or a urologist. Regardless of the specific specialization of the doctor, he mandatory listens to the patient, analyzes the etiology of his illness and refers him to the necessary examinations.

Useful video - What does the unpleasant smell of urine indicate:

After passing these tests, the patient can safely go to his attending physician, who will make a diagnosis with the maximum guarantee of truthfulness. As a rule, the test results finally confirm one or another cause of the odor and the patient is redirected to the appropriate specialist:

  • endocrinologist
  • venereologist
  • urologist
  • surgeon and so on

In any case, it is undesirable to ignore the strong smell of urine and other changes in the structure of this substance or self-medicate. It is important to understand that only a doctor, a professional in his field, can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct course of therapy.

Treatment and prevention of pathology

Considering the versatility possible reasons stench of urine, talk unambiguously about its treatment, without knowing the specifics specific case, irrational. In most situations with a similar problem, they prescribe medicinal methods combating the pathology that caused changes in urine. Much less often, doctors resort to more global treatment methods, for example, surgery.

Despite this ambiguity in getting rid of the problem being considered today, we can highlight a number of basic methods overcome unpleasant symptoms– odor and changes in urine color.

The most common methods of treatment and prevention of “urinary stench” are as follows:

  1. Taking various medications from the urological pharmaceutical field: uroantiseptics, herbal medicines, and the like.
  2. Usage traditional methods getting rid of urine odor. The greatest effect is achieved by tinctures and decoctions of lingonberries, knotweed and cranberries.
  3. Complete cessation of cigarettes, as well as significant restrictions on the consumption of salt and beer.
  4. Following a certain diet that completely excludes the consumption of foods that cause changes in the color and odor of urine.
  5. And on the contrary, adding foods to the diet that accelerate the work of the diuretic system and cleanse it. A striking example These include watermelon and green tea.

Do not forget that the methods presented above are aimed only at relieving the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, which causes changes in the urine.

In order to completely overcome the pathology, it is very important to conduct a detailed diagnosis, identify the true cause of the problem and, with the participation of a professional, determine the only correct course of therapy.

Otherwise, the smell of urine will most likely remain and existing pathologies will progress further.As you can see, figuring out what to do when your urine smells strong or its color has changed is extremely simple. The main thing in the process of diagnosing and treating an illness is a competent approach and action exclusively in the order presented earlier. We hope today’s material answered your questions. Good health to you!

For any person, uncharacteristic odors of urine cause some anxiety. After all, normally the color remains light yellow, the urine itself is clear, like water, and does not emit unpleasant strong aromas. If deviations from the normal state become noticeable, there is a reason to pay close attention to own health and get examined by a doctor.

Don't rush to panic

A bad odor noticed during urination is not always a sign of danger. There are several pathological reasons, which cause urine to smell differently than usual. A changed odor in a normal state of health may appear due to the following circumstances:

  • Human diet. Urine sometimes changes aroma under the influence of alcohol, asparagus, spicy and salty foods. Causes strong smell caused by food, go away on their own. This usually requires 1-2 days from the last time you took such products. But if you continue to regularly abuse beer and eat smoked foods, the situation will not change. If after giving up this diet the aroma becomes normal, then the problem was in the diet.
  • Medications. Vitamins, antibiotics and other medications can affect the characteristics of urine. After drug treatment ends, the substances are independently eliminated from the body, and the urine is normalized in all respects. For example, when treated with ampicillin, many people note a strange smell of urine, which goes away after the end of the course of therapy. B vitamins also affect urine characteristics.
  • Violation of water balance. An unpleasant odor of urine in men and women can occur if a person sits on strict diet or suffers from dehydration. This usually happens to those who play sports or try to get rid of excess weight. As a result, when urinating, you sometimes feel acrid smell ammonia. In order for the situation to normalize, you need to drink a lot and eat a balanced diet, including required amount vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Health problems

The specific smell of urine cannot always be attributed to diet, taking vitamins, or other harmless reasons. Even in the strongest body, failures can occur. With age, the development of certain chronic processes can negatively affect the excretory system.

Urine has a very strong odor in the following situations:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system (inflammation of the bladder, urethritis, prostatitis, ureaplasma, etc.),
  • metabolic disease,
  • diabetes,
  • kidney problems (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis),
  • infectious lesions of the urinary tract,
  • liver dysfunction, etc.

Urine may smell like yeast, mushrooms, or beer. Sometimes it smells like bread, gouache and even phenol, apples, garlic or iodine. Such situations are often the result of non-pathological processes in the body. An unpleasant smell of urine in a man or woman, the causes of which are not related to the food eaten or medications taken, may indicate serious problems.

When the concentration of the aroma increases or it becomes putrid in nature, urine is released brown tint, or blood impurities are formed, you should definitely undergo an examination and determine the cause of the changes. Especially if the process is accompanied by other symptoms in parallel. Only through detailed analyzes can provoking factors be identified and appropriate therapy prescribed. Apply treatment folk remedies It is not recommended without consultation with a doctor.

What could each specific smell mean?

Let us consider separately several situations where it is possible to roughly determine the causes of pronounced anomalous aromas.

  • Mouse smell of urine. It is observed in phenylketonuria - this is a genetically determined pathology in which urine smells of a strong chemical composition. It occurs due to the disruption of phenylalanine metabolism in the human body. The disease affects the central nervous system and provokes the release of toxic substances.
  • Smell of ammonia. Especially if the aroma is felt in the morning, it usually indicates congestion in the kidneys. A typical phenomenon for pregnant women, bedridden patients and those who spend a lot of time sitting. There is nothing dangerous in this, but you will have to change your lifestyle. Ammonia can also occur in diabetes mellitus and genitourinary tract infections.
  • Why does urine smell strong like fish? If there is a sharp, unpleasant odor of herring, you should be wary. This aroma is characteristic of trimethylaminuria. Experts believe that urine smells like fish due to systemic disorders in the liver, or more precisely, in the fermentation processes. This leads to the accumulation of trimethylamine in the body. It is this that, when it enters the excretory tract, causes the urine to smell like fish. As the disease progresses, the aroma becomes very strong and may be noticeable to others. This is not treated with medication, but with a special diet. This disorder can be observed throughout life and intensify with age if you do not adhere to nutritional rules.

  • The cause of the strong odor of urine, which smells like acetone, penicillin or notes of sulfur, is kenoturia. This is one of the markers of diabetes; acetone can also be a sign of severe infectious damage to the excretory system. This smell also appears during fasting and dehydration.
  • Cloudy urine with a pungent odor reminiscent of feces, signals that there is an E. coli infection in the body. Strong odors and stench may indicate that there is pus in the urine. You should be tested for sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Smell of honey, maple syrup, or other sweetish urine odor indicates the likelihood of developing maple disease - leucinosis. This is a hereditary pathological disease caused by decreased activity enzyme system. Some amino acids are not sufficiently oxidized, resulting in a characteristic sweet aroma. Sugary notes may also appear due to diabetes mellitus.
  • Fragrances sauerkraut indicate insufficient absorption of amino acids. Sour-smelling urine potentially indicates kidney damage, fungal infections excretory tract, dysfunction digestive system. Sometimes it appears with venereal diseases. When the urine gives off a vinegary, sour, unpleasant odor, you cannot self-medicate and wait until everything goes away on its own.
  • When your urine smells like coffee or roasted seeds, there is no need to worry too much if there are no other symptoms or pain during urination. The aroma of seeds is often due to frequent use coffee. Sometimes his urine smells like buckwheat and becomes dark in color. Try eliminating coffee from your diet for a while or reducing its dose. If everything goes away after a few days, the reason was in the drink. If you do not drink coffee, but there is a change in the smell of your urine, it is better to get tested.
  • What does it mean when the urine smells like burnt rubber, sulfur, or a chemical smell? Or phenol, tablets, iodine? This indicates chronic diseases of the genitourinary system. Characteristic when age-related changes body and most often appears after 50 years of age due to natural aging.
  • Urine smells strongly of beer, crackers, bread or yeast. This is potentially a sign of methionine malabsorption - a dysfunction of intestinal absorption. A pharmaceutical smell appears when a person takes various medications that contain calcium and iron ions. When women have inflammation of the appendages, the intimate area sometimes smells like onions.

How to fix the situation?

For the most part, the appearance of a strong urine odor does not indicate pathology. Especially if there are no other signs of health problems. But there are situations when the strong smell of urine is directly related to diseases. It is impossible to identify a disease purely by aromas. But it is the unusual pungent smell of urine in men, women and children that will be a good reason to get tested.

A number of diseases are distinguished by characteristic aromas, which can be used to identify disturbances in initial stage their development.

Urine with odors requires increased attention and responsible attitude towards one’s own health.

Urine is a great source of information about the current state of the body. By conducting simple research, many questions can be answered.

The reasons that lead to the appearance of odor in urine in women can sometimes be very serious and require immediate treatment. If even a slight unpleasant odor appears, you should pay close attention to your health and undergo a series of examinations in order to find out the exact cause and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment.

The reasons leading to the appearance of a sharp and unpleasant smell of urine in women can be different and do not always arise as a result of diseases. Very often this situation arises due to the following changes in the female body:

  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor in urine may appear during menstrual cycle, since during this period changes occur in hormonal levels;
  • a pungent odor can also appear during pregnancy, the explanation is the same changes in hormonal levels;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor can also be explained if a woman does not follow the rules of personal hygiene;
  • when protein products predominate in a woman’s diet, established disturbances in liver function occur, which lead to the appearance of a strong odor in urine;
  • night dehydration of the body also provokes the appearance of an unpleasant odor, as well as untimely emptying of the bladder.

In addition to the factors listed above, the following reasons can also provoke a situation that will lead to urine becoming smelly:

  • taking medications that are based on iron or calcium ions;
  • eating foods that have a specific smell;
  • as a result of age-related changes;
  • the presence of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.

The reasons leading to the appearance of a sharp and unpleasant smell of urine in women can be different.

In all of the above situations, changes in the odor of urine do not pose a danger to human body. In order to get rid of such an unpleasant situation, it is enough to simply eliminate the factor that provoked such changes.

As for diseases that lead to urine smelling strongly and unpleasantly, they are mainly the following:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis;
  • progressive diabetes mellitus;
  • disorders in the digestive organs;
  • various neoplasms in the bladder;
  • liver failure;
  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • chlamydia;
  • ureplasmosis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • pyelitis.

These are not all diseases that can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant and strong odor from urine in women, so in order to find out the exact reason why this happens, you must immediately contact medical institution and undergo a number of additional studies.

Symptoms of pathology

As shown medical practice, smelly urine in women is the first signal that a pathological process is developing in the body. If this sign is left unattended, the disease will rapidly progress and manifest itself with additional symptoms, and will also lead to serious complications.

Basically, the smell in the urine in women is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the occurrence of pain during urination;
  • the appearance of blood impurities in urine;
  • pain during intimacy, as well as the appearance of an unpleasant odor after sexual intercourse.

When such signs occur, the situation requires immediate appeal to a medical institution, since otherwise there is a possibility of developing an extensive inflammatory process.

If a process such as cystitis or urethritis develops in a woman’s body, then in addition to the strong smell of urine, symptoms such as severe pain in the lumbar region, itching and burning during urination, unbearable pain in the bladder area, as well as cloudy urine.

To accurately answer the question of why women’s urine smells strong and unpleasant, you need to undergo a series of medical studies.

The repulsive smell of urine is very often felt by pregnant women. The basis for such changes is the restructuring of the body and changes hormonal levels and does not require any treatment, since after childbirth all unpleasant odors disappear on their own.

Note! If the smell of urine during pregnancy becomes acetone, sweetish, or reminiscent of rotting apples, then this may indicate the development of diabetes mellitus, which requires immediate diagnosis and treatment.

The repulsive smell of urine is very often felt by pregnant women

On recent months During pregnancy, the unpleasant odor of urine becomes more intense. This is explained by the fact that urine stagnation occurs as a result of compression of the ureter by the uterus.

Some women turn to a medical institution with the question of why urine smells like fish, but as practice shows, such a manifestation in the fairer sex is diagnosed quite rarely, and the cause is mainly sexually transmitted diseases. This mainly occurs due to certain vaginal secretions that enter the urine during urination, which in turn leads to the appearance of such an odor.

As mentioned earlier, the basis for the fishy smell is certain sexually transmitted diseases, such as trichomoniasis. This disease is transmitted during unprotected sexual intercourse and has a damaging effect on the internal intimate organs.

Some women go to a medical facility asking why their urine smells like fish.

In addition to the fishy smell, the woman also experiences the following symptoms:

  • appearance;
  • the occurrence of pain during urination;
  • swelling and redness of the vaginal mucosa.

In addition to trichomoniasis, the fishy smell of urine can also occur with vaginal dysbiosis, as well as with microflora disorders. Such pathological processes are evidenced by the following additional signs how abundant greenish discharge from the genitals, which are also accompanied by strong fishy smell, and unpleasant sensations during urination and inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Women may experience cloudy urine with a fishy odor if trimethylaminuria develops in the body, which is genetic disease and is expressed in the complete or partial lack of regulation of the processes involved in the production of liver enzymes.

We found out what the fishy smell of urine in women means, now let's decide what it means if urine has sour smell. The main cause of bad odor in urine in women is fungal infections organs of the genitourinary system, such as candidiasis or urethritis.

These diseases are accompanied by additional symptoms, such as:

  • cloudy urine;
  • appearance white plaque on the labia and vaginal mucosa;
  • curdled vaginal discharge;
  • itching in the genital area.

The sour smell of urine may indicate problems in the functioning of the digestive system.

A sour smell when urinating in women may also indicate problems in the functioning of the digestive organs and diseases such as intestinal dysbiosis, as well as increased acidity of gastric juice.

If a woman’s urine smells like mold, then this primarily indicates congenital pathology, in which the liver fermentation system is inactive, why this happens and how to get rid of the pathology can only be answered by a doctor.

With this pathological process The woman also experiences the following symptoms:

  • apathy;
  • the occurrence of convulsive conditions;
  • retardation in physical and intellectual development.

Treatment of the disease consists of strictly following all the rules and recommendations in nutrition. If you ignore the doctor's prescriptions, the disease can lead to damage to the brain and central nervous system.

Treatment of the disease consists of strict adherence to all rules and recommendations in nutrition

As for non-specific odors, they can also appear. Very often you can notice that urine smells like garlic or ampicillin. Such odors mainly appear as a result of eating certain foods, as well as seasonings or the use of antibacterial drugs. In such situations, you need to exclude from your diet foods that cause an unpleasant odor, which will then disappear on their own.

Vaginal odor and discharge

As a result of the anatomical features of the female body, very often women cannot distinguish between changes in the smell of urine and vaginal discharge. An unpleasant odor may appear in the discharge as a result of improper intimate hygiene, as well as as a result of inflammation of the bladder or partial urinary incontinence.

All unpleasant odors in this case completely disappear if the cause of their appearance is eliminated. If for some reason this is impossible to do, for example while pregnant, then in order to get rid of the unpleasant odor you need to wear special urological pads, which can completely eliminate external inconveniences.


To get rid of the unpleasant smell of urine, you should first find out the cause of this deviation in the female body. To do this, you need to immediately seek advice from a specialist.

After undergoing certain studies, the woman will definitely be given an accurate diagnosis and prescribed effective treatment. As practice shows, after getting rid of the cause, the smell of urine returns to normal, as well as its transparency. But in order to fully verify the cause of the odor, you should contact a medical institution to make an accurate diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.