Mild dizziness is the cause of pregnancy. How to get rid of dizziness? Dizziness during pregnancy


Nausea, constant ailments - the first sign " long-awaited surprise". Dizziness during pregnancy - quite normal phenomenon, but the right lifestyle and diet will help eliminate this factor. Women in anticipation of a baby carefully monitor their health, so any changes in the body become a cause of concern and anxiety. And the question of why pregnant women feel a little dizzy is of interest future mother before the baby is born.

The expectant mother can feel dizzy for various reasons:

  • a sharp drop in pressure;
  • anemia - a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • increasing or decreasing glucose levels;
  • hunger, a sharp change in body position;
  • sunstroke;
  • prolonged stay without fresh air in a room with a large crowd of people;
  • mental, physical fatigue;
  • weather conditions, atmospheric pressure drops;
  • increase in the intensity of blood circulation of the uterus in a pregnant woman;
  • excessive load on the vessels and the heart due to an increase in blood circulation and the formation of an additional circle of blood circulation;
  • toxicosis causes dizziness during pregnancy in the initial stages;
  • sugar gestational diabetes formed due to excessive pressure on the pancreas, disappears after the birth of a child;
  • cervical osteochondrosis makes itself felt with spasms with sharp turns of the head.

Dizziness can also be more serious, which can be provoked by various pathologies:

  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels;
  • inflammation of the inner ear;
  • problems with the vestibular system;
  • brain diseases, various injuries;
  • pathology of the cervical spine;
  • ectopic pregnancy, frozen fetus.

Dizziness during pregnancy can also occur for other reasons not related to bearing a child, for example, with allergies or increased ventilation of the lungs.

Vertigo, as a harbinger of an "interesting" situation

The first signs of pregnancy are dizziness constant drowsiness, weakness. What is typical for women who are constantly experiencing mental stress, physical, mental overstrain.

At an early stage, the expectant mother has a new mesh blood vessels near the small pelvis, an additional blood flow is formed, which increases the movement of blood inside the uterus. But the female body does not always respond in a timely manner to such changes, as a result, the distribution of blood supply is disrupted, and a large blood flow is directed to the pelvic area, thereby causing acute oxygen starvation of the brain.

After some time, in the process of establishing the normal functioning of the venous system, vertigo during pregnancy during the bearing of the baby may disappear, or may remain for the entire period of the “interesting” position.

Ailments at all times

Dizziness during pregnancy is a normal process that occurs in female body, so it shouldn't cause much concern. Basically, the condition is defined as mild and does not require specific treatment.

Classification of the disease depending on the term

Period Causes
In the first trimester
  • fever, lack of oxygen;
  • mass gatherings of people;
  • inaccurate movements;
  • weather conditions;
  • prolonged stay in a stuffy room.

Pregnancy in the 1st trimester is often accompanied by mild ailments that are completely natural causes.

In the second trimesterIn the absence of toxicosis, the origin of vertigo is similar. But the body in the 2nd trimester begins to react slowly to irritating factors, therefore, in this case other reasons:
  • absence motor activity long time;
  • hypoxia;
  • a sharp change in body position;
  • low blood pressure.

Pregnancy in the presence of such conditions proceeds quite normally.

In the third trimesterThe last stage of waiting for a child is the 3rd trimester, the most difficult. The body has changed, the uterus is preparing for the appearance of crumbs. This happens at the 38th week. Blood rushes to the bottom, as a result of dizziness during pregnancy.

These are minor ailments that disappear after half an hour. They should not be alarming, if they do not cause fainting, pressure reduction.

Pregnancy in the later stages requires special monitoring, so seizures should be treated more carefully, since fainting, impaired coordination can provoke a fall in the expectant mother, which is dangerous for her and the baby.

The main signs of malaise: diagnosis

Dizziness during early pregnancy, makes itself felt by the following symptoms:

  • feeling of movement of things, body;
  • problems with coordination;
  • vomiting, mild nausea;
  • tinnitus, blurred vision;
  • cold sweating, weakness;
  • temporary fainting.

Feeling dizzy in the early stages can be completely normal reasons, passes on its own. With severe symptoms, the gynecologist examines the patient:

  • analysis (general);
  • biochemistry;
  • Ultrasound of the brain, heart;

Consultation of narrow doctors (neuropathologist, internist, endocrinologist) is indicated, subsequent monitoring of the patient's condition takes place with their participation.

Treatment of minor ailments

If a pregnant woman feels that she may feel dizzy, certain measures must be taken:

  • Lie down, put your feet on the pillow. Collar, unbutton the belt.
  • If the attack occurs when the patient is standing, she should sit down, lower her head and drink some water in small sips.
  • With a feeling of hunger, a sharp decrease in pressure, take hot sweetened tea.
  • Indicated for anemia special diet drugs that increase hemoglobin levels.
  • Provide the patient with fresh air.

If dizziness in early pregnancy occurs due to vascular dystonia, then sedatives can be used for treatment medicines based on herbs: pharmacy valerian, medicinal motherwort, peppermint. With hypotension, medications with a stimulating effect are used: coffee drinks, eleutherococcus, tea, pink radiola. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Can a woman prevent dizziness that occurs due to pinching of the inferior genital vein in the final stages of expecting a baby - yes, it can. For this, a pregnant woman should not rest on her back for a long time, the preferred position is on her side.

Basic Prevention Measures

Why you feel dizzy during pregnancy, only a gynecologist can reliably answer, who will also tell you how to prevent such attacks:

  • To maintain a normal blood sugar content, you need to eat little, but often, consume more fresh fruits, vegetables, foods with sufficient iron content (buckwheat, apples).
  • Avoid places with large crowds of people.
  • To walk outside.
  • Do sports daily.
  • Do not stay in one position for a long time, warm up.
  • To strengthen vascular system with dizziness, it is useful to take a contrast shower.
  • With toxicosis, better in the morning eat without getting out of bed.
  • Regular visits to the gynecologist.

Pregnant women should understand that they are now protecting not only their health, but also the life of the unborn baby. With constant dizziness that causes concern, you need to consult a doctor, undergo an examination to determine the causes of vertigo, take certain measures, and prescribe treatment. If you leave such attacks unattended, you can increase the risk of untimely birth, complications of the course of pregnancy at all its stages.

Good day to you, future moms!

I propose to discuss today important question. Why does dizziness occur during early pregnancy and how to deal with it?

The head often begins to spin before the pregnant woman knows about her position. For about one in 10 women, dizziness is the first sign of pregnancy.

I did. During psychological counseling Skype girls, I suddenly felt dizzy, I felt very sick, I began to choke. The conversation had to be rescheduled for another time. This happened several more times after that incident, and only then did I find out the reason.

In itself, the feeling of lightheadedness, when everything “floats before your eyes”, is not life-threatening. But if you don’t deal with it in time, you can faint. And this is more serious. Expectant mothers should not fall.

Then go ahead! All the causes of dizziness, and how to save yourself in each case, I will open in this concise article-cheat sheet!

By the way, the memo at the end of the article on what to do can be printed out and kept at hand.

Ridiculously simple. A pregnant woman needs more oxygen. Her metabolism is accelerated, and blood volume is increased.

Where others breathe calmly, you may feel stuffy. The head begins to spin - this is the brain giving a signal that you need Fresh air. A higher need for fresh air, as you understand, can occur even before pregnancy is confirmed.

What to do: Yes, just open the window. Or go outside.

Reason 2, plow blood pressure

Pregnancy hormones dilate blood vessels. Therefore, blood pressure in pregnant women at an early stage decreases.

Because of low pressure little blood enters the brain - this causes dizziness.

What to do: In the early stages, it is not a sin to eat salty. Salt keeps the liquid in the vessels and the pressure rises. Eat a piece of feta cheese in the morning or add salt and chopped herbs to the usual kefir.

And the pressure normalizes physical education, especially swimming.

Reason 3, ohorthostatic hypotension

This tricky term means this. When you stand up, the vessels in your legs do not have time to narrow, and the blood flows down from your head. The brain is left without an influx of oxygen - and severe dizziness occurs, which can end in fainting.

It often happens in the morning after getting out of bed. Or at night when you got up to go to the toilet.

What to do:

Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

  • Sleep with the head of the bed elevated. To do this, put something under the head of the bed to raise it about 10 degrees. If you use a large pillow or raise only the headboard, there will be no effect.
  • Eat salty. Now, in the early stages, it won't hurt.
  • Don't get out of bed abruptly in the morning. First, lower your feet to the floor and sit for a few minutes.

Reason 4early toxicosis

Everything is clear here. Nausea, weakness, and dizziness. After 12 weeks it will pass. Arm yourself with patience.

What to do: n Do not get out of bed in the morning until you have eaten at least something. Yogurt, or a couple of crackers with juice, a banana ... then lie down for five minutes - and you can get up!

Reason 5, ghypoglycemia

That is low blood sugar. The body of a pregnant woman needs a lot of energy. The cells of the body receive this energy by absorbing glucose. And for the absorption of glucose, the hormone insulin is needed.

Therefore, in pregnant women, the level of insulin increases. And if you do not have time to eat on time, then blood sugar under the action of insulin can drop sharply.

Then there is a strong feeling of hunger, dizziness - and there it is not far from a hungry faint.

What to do:

  • Eat small meals 5-6 times a day.
  • Less "fast" carbohydrates - more "slow". You do not need buns, cookies and jam, but cereals, vegetables and gray bread!
  • Carry food with you everywhere. Dried fruits, apple, cereal. And in case of hypoglycemia - chocolate or mint caramel.

Reason 6, wellnemia

Decreased hemoglobin is more common in later dates. However, many women live with mild anemia. If before pregnancy you could not notice it, now low hemoglobin manifested itself as dizziness.

What to do: Consult a doctor, take a blood test and take iron supplements.

Reason 7, diseases that were before pregnancy

Migraine, vegetative-vascular dystonia, benign positional vertigo, Meniere's disease, hypertension, heart disease...

During pregnancy, all these diseases can worsen and manifest dizziness. But here I stop talking and entrust you to the supervision of a doctor. Without him, not a step!

Reminder on how to proceed

Congratulations! We figured out the causes of dizziness in early pregnancy!

And here is the promised bonus. Print this memo and keep it with you until you remember the whole algorithm.

What to do with dizziness
· If you are in a crowded place, try to move away from the crowd. Ideal for fresh air. Feel free to ask someone to help you with this if you are not confident in your abilities!

· Ask to open the window, if possible go out into the fresh air.

· Open your skirt or trousers if they are tight. Take off your hat and scarf, free your neck.

· Find a point of support - lean against a wall, sit on a bench or lie down. You can squat down and lower your head.

Clench your fists tightly and tighten your arms. This technique helps not to lose consciousness.

Smell something smelly. Balm " Golden Star or ... your favorite perfume.

Have a drink cold water.

Eat a piece of chocolate, sugar or caramel.

Got better? You are well done!

Dizziness will soon pass, but the joy of motherhood will remain forever!

Let's go to childbirth together, step by step! I have many more useful information for you. Click the button to be aware of all updates.

If, in addition to dizziness, you began to sleep poorly - read. Insomnia is not a rare companion already in the first trimester.

Come visit me more often!))

I hug

your Anastasia Smolinets.

Often, especially in the first months, expectant mothers note seizures
feeling unwell, including dizziness. During pregnancy, these symptoms are so common that they sometimes become the first signs of pregnancy - especially, this happened before, when there were no tests, no clear tracking. menstrual cycle- usually they thought so - a woman often becomes ill - probably pregnant!
There may be several causes of dizziness, but most often it is a consequence of a violation of vascular tone, when the vessels of the head are too open, blood stagnation occurs in them, the blood flow rate decreases, less oxygen enters the brain - this is why dizziness occurs. Most often, women suffering from this ailment had problems with their heads even before pregnancy - they did not tolerate transport, sea rolling, weather changes, a sharp transition from one position to another. During pregnancy, these conditions are exacerbated.
If you feel dizzy - it is advisable to lie down, if it is impossible - at least sit down and lower your head below your chest - in this position, the blood will be forced to flow to the head and the condition will improve. It is undesirable to be in a stuffy or smoky room, stand on your feet for a long time and not move at all - the ongoing stagnation of blood will affect your head. When frequent dizziness associated with vegetative-vascular dystonia, sedatives help well - better herbal ones - valerian, motherwort, mint.
If dizziness is associated with low blood pressure - which happens often - you need to fight this condition - take herbal stimulant drugs - Leuzea, Rhodiola rosea, Eleutherococcus, ginseng, without exceeding dosages. Not forbidden and coffee, tea - not often and not much.
Dizziness during pregnancy may be due to low blood hemoglobin - anemia - or malnutrition, which can cause low blood sugar. Therefore, any fasting, even several hours, is absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women - you need to eat little by little, often and fully, without waiting strong feeling hunger. Anemia needs to be treated.
Dizziness in late pregnancy is less common, as restructuring of cardio-vascular system already happened. Sometimes this may be due to the "vena cava syndrome" - women should not lie on their stomach for a long time, as this causes the pregnant uterus to compress the inferior vena cava. Also, dizziness in these terms can be caused by intoxication - which one - needs to be clarified. This may be a manifestation of gestosis, comorbidities, for example, heart disease, aggravated due to pregnancy. The worst situation in which long terms persistent dizziness with fainting may develop - intrauterine death fetus, missed abortion in which for some reason there was no miscarriage or childbirth. These situations, fortunately, are much rarer, but they must also be remembered and, in alarming cases, thoroughly examined = - CTG, ultrasound and other methods for determining the child's condition.

organism future mother experiencing severe stress at the time of bearing a child and physiological changes. This is often accompanied by unpleasant moments such as dizziness. How serious is dizziness during pregnancy? Is it worth it to run to the doctor as soon as possible and once again to make sure that everything is going well, and nothing threatens the fetus? Let's turn to the opinion of experts.

According to the statements of most reputable physicians, weakness and headaches during pregnancy do not pose a great danger. Compared with such a symptom of toxicosis as vomiting, dizziness in early pregnancy is only natural reaction organism to the changes taking place in it. But if a woman experiences severe dizziness during pregnancy, which is also aggravated by fainting, excessive weakness, increased drowsiness, coordination of movements is disturbed, then you should immediately go to an appointment with a specialist.

Mild dizziness during pregnancy can occur even with minor factors. For example, the expectant mother abruptly rose from the bed or chair, which caused the subsequent short-term weakness. The head can also become dizzy when overheating or staying in a stuffy room for a long time.

Dizziness and nausea during pregnancy are the companions of most expectant mothers. If the symptoms are minor, there is no need to panic, extra nerves and worries can even harm the fetus more than slight dizziness as a sign of pregnancy.

What causes the head to spin?

Most often, severe dizziness during pregnancy is caused by some problems with the woman's health and, in particular, with a violation of the blood supply to the brain. These include diseases of the heart and blood vessels, vegetative dystonia, brain tumors, etc. The causes of dizziness can be anemia (anemia), low blood pressure, low blood sugar. Sometimes a feeling of instability during pregnancy occurs due to reasons not directly related to bearing a child: hyperventilation of the lungs, allergies, etc. The reasons why dizziness occurs in late pregnancy are usually also related to the factors described above.

Dizziness during pregnancy, how to cope?

Often, weakness and dizziness during pregnancy are the first sign of a pre-fainting condition, which, aggravated, turns into a real faint. Reduced blood flow to the brain, which causes symptoms such as darkening of the eyes, incomprehensible ringing in the ears, a strange "emptiness" in the head. The body is covered with cold sweat, and the limbs become numb and cease to obey.

What to do in such a situation?

If possible, it is necessary to lie on your back and raise your legs higher, this should normalize the flow of blood to the brain. If for some reason it’s impossible to lie down, then, as an option, sit on a chair, tilting your head as low as possible between your knees that were previously apart.

Prevention of dizziness in pregnant women:

Do not make sudden rises and movements;
- practice moderate physical exercise;
- do not stand (sit) for a long time in the same position;
- try not to appear in places where there are too many people;
- fully and properly eat;
- do not forget about the ventilation of the room;
- take a contrast shower.

Following the above simple rules, you can, if not completely protect yourself from dizziness, then certainly reduce the risk of their occurrence.

When a woman begins to feel dizzy, the first suggestion that arises is pregnancy. Dizziness often accompanies pregnant women, especially in the first trimester. The body begins to globally rebuild to provide for two already. In this article, we will try to figure out what causes dizziness during pregnancy.

Causes of dizziness during pregnancy

When dizziness begins during pregnancy, the issue is quite controversial, since it all depends only on the characteristics of the organism of the future mother.

The reason for such phenomena in neurology: vestibular disorders, problems with the optic nerves. The intensity of such attacks and the degree of development are important here. With severe and painful dizziness during pregnancy, it is imperative to immediately consult a doctor.

The nature of dizziness depends on your general condition health. If you had problems before pregnancy, for example, with your back or neck, or you suffered from headaches, then dizziness, weakness and nausea during pregnancy will be quite frequent.

You can display a specific list of reasons that can cause dizziness:

  • osteochondrosis. The cervical region is able to give persistent signs of dizziness up to the formation of fainting;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency, headaches of various origins of a chronic nature;
  • violations in the work of the vestibular apparatus;
  • lack of a substance such as serotonin in the cerebral cortex;
  • psychosomatic diseases associated with coordination of movements;
  • change in the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • change, often a fall, in glucose levels.

Dizziness as one of the signs of pregnancy

A woman can be tormented by dizziness with toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, an additional blood flow appears inside, the body does not always immediately and correctly rebuild, so slight dizziness may occur. Blood circulation during pregnancy can be disturbed.

The blood rushes too much to the uterus, as a result, it is not enough to stimulate the cerebral cortex. There is a kind of "strike" of the brain in response to insufficient blood supply.

Sometimes other reasons related to the health of the mother can be superimposed on this condition:

  • vascular diseases;
  • psycho-emotional state;
  • general health;
  • the presence of anemia;
  • abrupt movements.

If the expectant mother had a history of these diseases, then dizziness may well be a sign of pregnancy under certain conditions.

Dizziness in the first trimester of pregnancy

Dizziness at this point is normal and should not be a concern. In most cases, the condition is classified as mild and does not require any treatment.

In the first months of pregnancy, the head may feel dizzy from:

  • strong stuffiness;
  • a large crowd of people;
  • weather;
  • abrupt movements;
  • long stay in a room that is not ventilated.

Dizziness in the first trimester is based on natural and completely removable causes.

Dizziness in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second half of pregnancy, in the absence of toxicosis, the causes remain similar. The body has almost rebuilt, the uterus continues to prepare for childbirth.

The body reacts somewhat slowly in the state of pregnancy. So here are some other reasons:

  • prolonged stay without movement;
  • circulatory disorders and oxygen starvation brain;
  • sudden attempts to get up or change position;
  • pressure drop.

Dizziness in the third trimester of pregnancy

The third trimester is considered the most responsible. At this stage, the body has rebuilt, but the uterus begins to actively prepare for the process of giving birth to a baby. This happens around the 38th week of pregnancy. As a result, the blood rushes down more, forcing the cerebral cortex to starve, provoking dizziness.

Normally, these are minor circling of the head, which disappear within half an hour. They should not disturb, if they do not cause a sharp drop in pressure and subsequent fainting.

In late pregnancy, dizziness should be treated very carefully, because due to impaired coordination of movement, you can lose balance and fall, which is very dangerous for both the mother and the unborn child.

Signs and symptoms preceding dizziness

Women who are familiar with dizziness easily recognize the approach of an attack. Dizziness does not occur immediately, it is preceded by one or more indirect signs:

  • sudden tinnitus:
  • sensation of pulsating blood in the temples or ears;
  • loss of coordination of movements;
  • blurred vision;
  • the appearance of weakness and sudden cold sweat;
  • sometimes numbness of the limbs or only the fingers.


Diagnosis is carried out either by a psychoneurologist or a neuropathologist. It is clinically desirable to do this if allowed by the leading gynecologist.

It is necessary to take pictures of the cervical spine, take a blood test for biochemistry, and also pass urine.

The main task is to exclude pathological processes, the treatment of which is extremely difficult and dangerous during pregnancy.

Treatment Methods


Usually, dizziness during pregnancy does not require medical intervention. If dizziness is caused by toxicosis and proceeds along with nausea or nausea precedes fainting, then it is advisable to prescribe antiemetic drugs, for example, Cerucal.

With the permission of the treating specialist!

If this condition is caused low level hemoglobin or changes in the work of the pancreas, it is necessary individual consultation gastroenterologist.

Folk remedies

Useful for dizziness tea from mint and lemon balm. Brew loosely and drink several times a day. Melissa acts as a powerful sedative, improves the general condition.

You can also just use mint as a snuff. At the first symptoms of dizziness, there are no restrictions. If dizziness is caused by stuffiness, then be sure to put a cold compress on your head and drink cool water with honey.

However, in any case, the use of such funds must be agreed with the leading doctor!

First aid

With signs of dizziness, you need to lie down so that the head and shoulders are in a slightly elevated state. If possible, close your eyes, try to calm the inner fear.

Put something cold on your head: a bottle, ice. Whiskey and forehead can be wiped with vinegar. A pregnant woman can make a mint compress, if this does not help, use Asterisk balm. Grate some whiskey with balm.

We measure pressure and heart rate, if necessary and with the permission of the attending physician, we stabilize the condition to normal. The heart rate should not exceed more than 100 beats per minute, while the rate of pressure is individual, depending on the general state of health.

If persistent vomiting is observed, attacks are tormented, it is necessary to call an ambulance team. We must try to keep the woman conscious, to prevent fainting.

Windows should be open if there is no heat. Otherwise, turn on the fan so that it blows on the pregnant woman, but is not directed at her.


Dizziness can be minimized by following a few guidelines:

  • do not stay in a stuffy room;
  • avoid prolonged exposure to the open sun;
  • do not be nervous;
  • maintain spinal health;
  • do not make sudden movements;
  • go out in the summer only after sunset;
  • constantly ventilate the apartment and maintain a comfortable temperature;
  • do not take uncomfortable postures that affect the correctness of blood circulation.

Dizziness should not be alarming unless it turns into fainting. During pregnancy, such conditions are considered quite normal and disappear immediately after childbirth.

Small precautions and maintenance own health help to minimize the risk of severe dizziness.

The video tells how to deal with dizziness: