Brown spotting in the early stages. Spotting in early pregnancy


During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes various changes. Many external symptoms can make the expectant mother uncomfortable or even seriously frighten her. What to expect if spotting appears in early pregnancy? Is this harmful to the mother and fetus?

What is daub?

“Dauce” is the popular name for minor discharge. They often appear at the very beginning of pregnancy, when the woman may not yet know about her new status. There are often situations when the next menstruation is expected, but instead just a couple of drops of blood or a small amount of dark brown discharge appears. Usually the daubing lasts only a couple of days, after which it stops. Sometimes pain may appear - sharp, cramping. Taken together, all these symptoms can frighten not only a woman who dreams of becoming pregnant, but also a woman who does not think about procreation. Accordingly, a visit to a gynecologist is necessary in any case, since bloody or dark discharge can be one of the signs of pregnancy. However, this is often how hormonal imbalance manifests itself.

For what reasons does spotting appear in early pregnancy?

Most often, a small amount of blood (which we can see in the smear) is released from the tissue of the uterine walls when the fertilized egg is fixed. This can happen if no more than two weeks have passed since the estimated conception. Sometimes brown discharge during pregnancy is a concern when taking hormonal medications prescribed to maintain pregnancy in various pathologies.

What to do if discharge appears during a diagnosed pregnancy?

Theoretically, discharge can appear at any time. If daubing in the early stages of pregnancy occurs with severe malaise and pain, there may be a threat of miscarriage. In this case, you need to urgently visit a specialist who is managing your pregnancy. If measures are taken in a timely manner, the likelihood of a favorable outcome is high. Dark discharge during pregnancy may appear during a frozen or ectopic pregnancy. Both conditions are extremely dangerous for a woman's health. They are accompanied by sharp pains and discomfort in the lower abdomen.

With a frozen pregnancy, early secondary signs of pregnancy - breast enlargement, toxicosis - may disappear. Diagnosing both pathologies is not difficult at all: just do an ultrasound. Many experienced obstetricians and gynecologists determine a frozen pregnancy only based on the patient’s complaints and external examination. But spotting in the early stages of pregnancy does not always indicate terrible pathologies. Sometimes this is only an external manifestation of hormonal imbalance or inflammatory processes in organs

Signs of pregnancy are confirmed by a medical examination, but suddenly spotting appears, reminiscent of menstruation. Someone in such a situation begins to panic, others react more calmly, but prudently show themselves to a gynecologist. Where does this phenomenon come from and how dangerous is it? Every expectant mother should ask this question.

Can I smear during pregnancy?

Even when pregnancy has obviously occurred, sometimes a discharge appears from the vagina, similar in appearance to menstrual discharge, but less intense and, as a rule, darker, the color of coagulated blood. In such cases, doctors and patients say: smear during pregnancy - and look for the reason for the change in the condition of the expectant mother.

The discharge may also be lighter: creamy, or almost brown. Their causes are different, so it’s worth seeing a doctor. Only he can decide whether these are natural changes in the body or whether the source of the discharge should be sought in certain pathologies.

Hormonal changes

The most common cause of this phenomenon is hormonal changes in the mother's body. In the very first weeks they are absolutely not dangerous. The amount of progesterone increases at this time, which leads to “tension” of the vascular system and weak bleeding. Fortunately, this phenomenon is infrequent, and it is believed that it does not pose a threat to the fetus.

It smears weakly during pregnancy during the so-called implantation period, that is, at the very beginning, during the time when the fertilized egg penetrates the uterine cavity and attaches to the wall of the uterus. In order to securely attach itself, the embryo prepares a “nest” for itself by lightly scraping the epithelium of the uterus. Only 10-12 days have passed since conception, and this time frame should suggest the true cause of the discharge. But it is still necessary to see a doctor; he will weed out other causes of “spotting” and make a competent prognosis of the course of pregnancy.

Smears at the beginning of pregnancy

Quite common in the early stages small placental abruption. It is not critical for either the mother or the child and the problem usually resolves itself. But with more serious abruptions of the placenta or chorion (the outer membrane of the fetus), it smears at the beginning of pregnancy, and this can become a serious problem. The bleeding becomes severe enough that the placenta loses its ability to function normally, and the fetus may die as oxygen and nutrients are no longer supplied.

Another reason for this phenomenon is ectopic pregnancy or so-called frozen (when the fetus stops developing for some reason). In these cases, it really hurts during pregnancy, and most often you have to resort to surgical intervention: full-scale or in a gentle form, laparoscopy. Sometimes it is possible to induce an artificial miscarriage with medication; the woman’s genitals remain almost normal. In a few months, or better yet, after six months, you can plan a new conception.

Cervical erosion

The so-called spotting in early pregnancy is a likely manifestation of cervical erosion or polyps of the cervical canal. These diseases are sometimes accompanied by slight discharge and pain, which intensify during intimacy.

Erosion is a fairly serious disease, but if it is discovered after pregnancy, it is better to postpone treatment until later, before delivery, since it is not dangerous for the fetus. And only in special cases, at the insistence of the doctor, will urgent medical intervention be required.

Risk of miscarriage

In the first trimester of pregnancy, women are often bothered by leucorrhoea, that is, light-colored discharge with an unpleasant odor. In themselves, during this period they do not pose a threat, being a product of hormonal changes, but they become an alarm bell if they sharply change color and intensity, and are supplemented with purulent mucus. This is a signal of a possible exacerbation of some kind of sexually transmitted infection. And a reason to contact a specialist and start treatment.

Apply during pregnancy and in situations of threatened miscarriage. In the initial stages, the mother’s body can simply reject the fetus as some kind of foreign body, for example, in a situation of Rh conflict or other individual reactions. The first thing a woman should do is: limit physical activity, abolish hot showers and baths, and will have to impose a taboo on sex life - until the reasons are fully identified together with the doctor.

In the life of any adult woman, at least once, such a nuisance as a reddish-brown daub arises, especially often appearing during pregnancy. The term “smear” should be understood as weak, light bloody discharge from the vaginal passage.

Pregnancy In the antenatal clinic on the monitor
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Doctor's clothing level

Causes of pathology

As a rule, spotting during pregnancy indicates a change in hormonal levels in a woman’s body. Depending on the period of their appearance, the following reasons can be given:

  • aging of tissues inside the uterus, i.e. during the last cycle, the menstrual flow did not pass on time, and, as a result, having aged, the tissue began to come out now, turning brown;
  • reaction to taking contraceptives, especially after conception, the body goes through a period of adaptation, which is why discharge appears;
  • readiness to fertilize the egg, provided that the daub began after the end of menstruation;
  • strong uterine tone;
  • various diseases, for example, endometriosis and others.

But perhaps the main reason for the appearance of brown spotting instead of menstruation (or before menstruation) may be a sign of a woman’s pregnancy. Try it.

Spotting in the early stages of pregnancy can be dark red, light pink, or brownish. This is not a lot of discharge, which rather slightly stains or “smudges” (hence the common name “daub”) the underwear. The reasons may be the following:

  • in the very first days after conception, weak discharge appears due to the body adjusting to its new state, this has already been mentioned;
  • taking medications to normalize hormone levels, which the doctor sometimes prescribes to prevent pregnancy from continuing, can also trigger the appearance of discharge;
  • a short light pink smear in the first days of pregnancy will most likely indicate that the embryo has attached to the wall of the uterus;
  • possible deviations from the norm in the body can also cause discharge.

Don't ignore

The appearance of short-term brown spotting during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, is common. Therefore, this should not immediately cause concern on the part of the woman, but this feature should not be ignored either.

The reasons for this pathology are as follows.

  1. In the very first days, spotting may occur instead of menstruation and be a sign of pregnancy.
  2. After conception, the hormone Progesterone, which is responsible for the development and preservation of the fetus, increases. This hormone causes periodic spotting at 6-8 weeks of pregnancy. If its level is insufficient, such discharge sometimes indicates a threat of miscarriage.
  3. In some cases, brown spotting during pregnancy may occur throughout the first trimester on the days of expected menstruation.
  4. With diseases of the genitourinary system, a woman also experiences discharge.

Possible dangers to the fetus

Any type of spotting during pregnancy indicates a deviation of its development from the norm. In most cases, this feature does not pose a strong threat. But consultation with a specialist is definitely recommended, as this may serve as a signal of possible complications.

  1. Bloody smear, especially at the beginning of pregnancy, often indicates a threat of miscarriage. For treatment, the gynecologist suggests some hormonal medications.
  2. The development of an ectopic pregnancy is also accompanied by brown discharge. When the diagnosis is confirmed, cleaning is prescribed (or, if time permits, drug treatment), since fetal development is possible only in the uterus. Refusal of treatment may cause cervical rupture.
  3. With a diagnosis such as “frozen pregnancy,” when the fetus stops developing and dies, brown mucus is also released. Most often, for this reason, spotting appears in the 5th week of pregnancy, during the highest period of threat of miscarriage. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) can make an accurate diagnosis. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the woman is hospitalized and curettage is performed to avoid various inflammations in the future.
  4. Detachment of the fertilized egg, when the body of the expectant mother begins to reject the already attached embryo. In this case, a brown daub appears. Most often, the threat worsens at 7-10 weeks of pregnancy. The woman is admitted to the hospital and prescribed medication.
  5. Placental abruption. If it is insignificant, then it does not pose a threat to the baby’s development. But with a large detachment there is a risk of fetal death. The doctor prescribes a full examination and further treatment.
  6. Uterine erosion is also a cause. During pregnancy, it is not treated, just observed. After giving birth, you should definitely consult a doctor about this.
  7. With the development of genital infections, discharge is observed, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor and burning sensation, clots or flakes. So, based on the symptoms, a woman should immediately understand the nature of the discharge. The doctor makes a smear to determine. Treatment is prescribed depending on the test results.

At the antenatal clinic

Methods of drug therapy

The best decision is to immediately seek advice from a specialist.

The doctor will carry out a number of activities.

  1. He examines the woman on the chair.
  2. Take a smear to check the state of the microflora.
  3. Will issue a referral for PCR tests for sexually transmitted infections.

If for some reason it is not possible to see a doctor at the moment, the following measures should be taken:

  • monitor compliance with the rules of personal hygiene: wash yourself 2 times a day, use special products for washing the intimate area or baby soap, choose comfortable underwear;
  • significantly reduce physical activity, try to maintain bed rest;
  • give up junk food, smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs;
  • if any inflammatory processes have arisen or chronic diseases have worsened, you should immediately begin to treat them; weakened immunity in any case has a bad effect on the development of the fetus;
  • avoid any stressful situations, worries can only provoke a deterioration of the condition;
  • it is required to refrain from sexual activity while the causes of the discharge are determined;
  • remain calm and positive, do your favorite things, if they do not contradict the points mentioned earlier;
  • Find the time and way to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible.

To avoid all possible threats that can darken the life of the expectant mother, such as the threat of miscarriage, frozen pregnancy, it is necessary to adhere to the following preventive measures:

  • limit long walks;
  • rest and relax more;
  • avoid stressful situations and emotional stress;
  • refuse sexual intercourse for a while.

It should be remembered that this feature is not yet a reason for premature excitement and study of various forums. This is, first of all, a signal about the need to conduct additional examinations for the presence of various pathologies. Find out and read

There is no medical term for “spot.” But gynecologists and their patients sometimes use it to describe some kind of vaginal discharge. When we talk about spotting during pregnancy, in such cases we are talking about bloody vaginal discharge, the volume of which is more than a few drops, but less than what usually happens during menstruation, that is, a pregnant woman’s underwear “smears” from time to time. In addition to red or brown, spotting may be cream or colored.

Let us note right away that we can talk about spotting in the early stages only when pregnancy is confirmed by the results of studies - a blood test for hCG, an ultrasound of the uterus. If the gynecologist concluded that pregnancy had occurred by touch, based on changes in the woman’s genital organs and tracts, which he was able to determine during her examination on the gynecological chair, then there is always the possibility of an error. It is quite possible that the doctor made a mistake, and spotting from the vagina is the beginning of the next period, but delayed for some reason.

If you are sure that you are pregnant, then do not rush to panic: in most cases, the phenomenon described is harmless and does not threaten anything. However, in no case should such discharge be left unattended, because if there is a threat of miscarriage, the outcome may entirely depend on timely assistance provided.

The so-called spotting is caused by the same reasons as vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, which we have repeatedly mentioned in a number of our articles. But still, let us remind you of the main thing, because, as they say: repetition is the mother of learning.

So, in the early stages of pregnancy, spotting can be caused by completely understandable processes that occur en masse in a woman’s body during the period of hormonal and physiological changes. Let us at least remember the increase in the amount of progesterone: against this background, spotting may appear, which does not pose any threat to pregnancy.

Quite often, scanty traces of blood are observed during the implantation period, when the fertilized egg reaches the uterine cavity and begins to attach to its wall, “scraping out” cells from the uterine epithelium and preparing a seat for itself here. Remember: if the spotting is not accompanied by pain, or the spasms are minor, slightly noticeable, and no more than 10-12 days have passed since conception, then there is nothing to worry about. This is almost certainly what is known as “implantation bleeding,” but it is nothing like actual bleeding and is simply a few drops of blood or a slight brownish/beige discoloration of the vaginal discharge. A doctor will tell you this, and if you discover bloody stains on your underwear in the early stages, you should definitely visit them.

Spotting may also appear on those days when the next menstruation is due (in the event that fertilization would not have occurred). In addition, after sexual intercourse, a woman may find bloody spots on her underwear. This is especially true for pregnant women who have been diagnosed with cervical erosion or the presence of polyps: such discharge does not pose a threat to the fetus, but should be a reason to consult a doctor so that he can confirm the safety of the situation.

But, unfortunately, the daub may not be so harmless. In the early stages, its appearance may well signal that for some reason the woman’s body is rejecting the fetus (more often this happens in the second half of the first trimester). If the necessary measures are not taken on time, then this time you may not become a mother.

In addition, “smearing” can also occur in case of an ectopic or frozen pregnancy, and in this case, you should also under no circumstances hesitate.

That is why, if you detect blood stains, even very minor ones, ALWAYS contact the antenatal clinic. There you will receive qualified assistance and your pregnancy will be saved! While you are at home, limit your physical activity as much as possible: it is better to lie down all the time; sex is contraindicated until the cause is determined (as is a hot shower, by the way).

Be responsible for your health and the life of your unborn child, but if there is no reason for this, do not worry in vain: this is very inopportune now.

Health to you and your baby!

Especially for- Elena Kichak