Belly at 15 weeks pregnant. Help keep you in shape

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Mom at 15 weeks pregnant

Surely you are well aware that fresh air, nature, walks, exercise are with you at the same time in your desire to conceive a child. Swimming, water aerobics, yoga, belly dancing help stimulate the sex glands, strengthen the pelvic organs, and promote the release of hormones. But most often, the benefits of physical exercise (strengthening muscles, joints, ligaments, helping to avoid stretch marks, prevent tears during childbirth, etc.) are shown from the point of view of the expectant mother. It is clear that mom needs muscle tone to cope with the increasing load on the body. It is also known that cycling, running, horseback riding, as well as water skiing, mountain climbing, and scuba diving can be dangerous for bearing a Baby. But why should the Baby itself be active before birth?

The fact is that the movement and development of the child are inextricably linked. From the very first moments of life, that is, immediately after conception, the human body undergoes changes that require ideal conditions, and one of the most important ones is oxygen, nutrients and the absence of toxins in the mother's body.

The baby begins to make movements very early: already at 7.5 weeks he reacts to touching the skin in the area of ​​​​the lips, and at 8 weeks - to any part of the body; at 9 weeks, he swallows amniotic fluid, his excretory system functions, urine is formed and excreted; at 10 weeks, muscle activity appears, mouth opening is observed, and at 10.5 weeks - flexion of the fingers; starting from 10-11 weeks, the baby actively moves in the amniotic fluid, touches the wall of the fetal bladder, can change the trajectory of its movement; at 11-12 weeks there is already a grasping reflex, and at 13 - sucking. In addition, from the 3rd week, the baby's heart begins to beat, and his brain also shows activity quite early. The baby is developing at a gigantic pace! And he needs your support, and in this case - the physical activity of the mother, oxygen and healthy metabolic processes in her body.

15th week of pregnancy: Video "Changes in appearance"

15th week of pregnancy is the fourth month or 2nd trimester

For a period of fifteen weeks, the development of the cardiovascular system of the fetus is quite active, which even becomes visible, consisting of a network of vessels. The skin at the same time acquires a transparent pink or red hue. Pigments responsible for hair color are produced. The heart is capable of pumping 20 liters of blood per day.

The intestines begin to work well with the release of bile by the liver, then feces are obtained. The kidneys show their activity, due to which the fetus frequently urinates into the water. The amniotic fluid is cleansed enough times for the baby to feel comfortable in the womb.

Quite often, a pregnant woman at this time is tormented by the question of a brown strip that has appeared, which runs from the navel to the lower abdomen. This strange phenomenon is explained by the fact that changes in the hormonal background occur in the body, a pigment substance is released. Some time after childbirth, when the body recovers and returns to its usual state, this strip will definitely disappear, so there is no need to be scared.

In no case should you tighten the stomach during pregnancy, if you tighten the stomach, then you cause inconvenience, which is very harmful to the further development of the baby. Purchase special clothes for pregnant women. On the shelves of modern stores, even owners of large tummies can dress up fashionably and beautifully. Do not tolerate discomfort, dress loosely and comfortably.

With the help of ultrasound and modern technology, you can find out the exact date of birth of your baby.

What happens to the baby at 15 weeks

This period is special in that very important organs of the fetus begin to develop.

The central nervous system begins its development, in the future it will have to control the entire body. During the month, the development of the cerebral cortex and the division of nerve cells occur. Therefore, you need to be very careful and attentive to yourself during pregnancy.

Taste buds have also formed, now the fetus can clearly distinguish the taste of food consumed by the mother, reacting to the taste. If the fetus is male in the womb, then testosterone (male hormone) begins to be produced at this time.

The child's heart actively drives blood (28 liters per day) throughout the body. The gallbladder produces the first bile, which forms the stool. The kidneys excrete urine well. The amniotic fluid, into which the body removes urinary fluid, is constantly updated. The fetal breathing process has already improved.

In the fifteenth week, the lungs develop perfectly, thanks to the exercises of swallowing and spitting out water. Also, all the muscles of the child are actively developing. The glottis is already open due to the developed vocal cords.

The bones of the child grow and become stronger, the baby begins to actively move, roll over, squeeze the legs and arms, which contributes to the active development of the joints and muscles. The skin already consists of several layers, but blood vessels are still visible through it. Hairs begin to grow and thicken on the body, eyebrows and cilia are formed, which can already be seen.

The fetus itself takes on standard shapes and sizes of body parts. Becomes more human. The legs become longer than the arms, unlike the embryo. Fingers and ears have clear contours. The weight of the fetus at the fifteenth week is approximately 70 grams, and the height from the crown to the coccyx is 10 centimeters or more. There is enough space in the womb of the future mother so that the baby, even with increasing dimensions, feels comfortable and cozy while continuing to actively grow and develop.

Changes in the shape of the abdomen

The baby grows, which means it increases in size, which contributes to an increase in the belly of a pregnant woman. Some mothers immediately in the first months begin to feel a change in figure after conception, but there are times when a pregnant belly is not at all obvious, but the waist slightly disappears. And only at the fifteenth week, it instantly sticks out and continues to actively increase in volume.

Another not entirely rare change associated with the abdomen is a brown strip located closer to the bottom. There is nothing terrible or strange about this. This is quite normal. After the birth of the baby, she will surely disappear.

Photo of the tummy at 15 weeks

Feeling pain in the abdomen of a different nature

Due to the growth of the uterus, most pregnant women feel some pain in the abdomen. This is one of the causes of pain, which appears due to the stretching of the muscles of the uterus.

Such pain is quite tolerable and does not cause discomfort, it is also quite safe for both the child and the expectant mother, which suggests that it can be easily transferred at home without going to the hospital. It is imperative to consult a doctor if this pain is accompanied by bloody discharge, aching pain in the lower back is given, or sensations similar to contractions appear. You can not ignore such symptoms and stay at home. This may be a threat of miscarriage, which threatens with premature birth, which causes great danger to the unborn baby and in some cases threatens the life of the pregnant woman herself. The main thing is to be in time, go to the hospital or call an ambulance, so as not to slow down to prevent possible irreversible consequences.

Pain appeared in the back or lumbar region, urination became painful and at the same time there is a very high temperature that cannot be knocked down. Do not postpone a visit to the doctor with these symptoms. This suggests that the pregnant woman has kidney problems (pyelonephritis), which is also a serious disease that has a malignant effect on the unborn baby.

Expectant mothers sometimes experience pain in the coccyx area. This pain can be caused by many reasons. Pinching of the nerve or uterus with an increase squeezes, shift of the internal organs. With pains of this nature, it is not advisable to be sitting for a long time, especially on a soft one. To soothe the pain, it is advised to stand on all fours for some time. In order to make it easier for the expectant mother to go through pregnancy without stress on her back, there is a special bandage. Consult your doctor about this. If the coccyx bothers you with pain after childbirth, seek help from a doctor. In addition, the bandage will prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. There are bandages that can also be used first during pregnancy, and then after, in order to remove the stomach.

Headaches can often also appear in the fifteenth week of pregnancy. A Paracetamol tablet can be taken, but only as a last resort, if the following method does not help. Since medications are not entirely desirable while you are expecting a baby, try taking a leisurely walk in the fresh air and enjoying the surroundings or the weather, then have your favorite tasty treat with a cup of tea, followed by a nice shower and rest in comfort. The headache will go away on its own.


Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) at this time is not the first. Therefore, you can see changes in the development and size of the fetus, comparing with the first ultrasound. It is already possible, having considered, to find out the gender of the unborn child, which every parent is looking forward to. You can observe every slightest movement of the baby on the screen, which will be shown by the doctor conducting this study.

Also, upon request, you can take a picture or even record the activity of the fetus in the womb. At fifteen weeks pregnant, the baby's heart beats at about 150 beats per minute, actively distilling 28 liters of blood.

Ultrasound at 15 weeks

New sensations

No need to be scared when bloody discharge from the nose appears. This happens at this time, of course, the feeling is not at all pleasant, but such a symptom is not treated, it can be endured a little, like nasal congestion, which can also disturb a pregnant woman.

Some women during pregnancy may be bothered by strong brown or yellow pigment spots, which will disappear on their own some time after childbirth, you just have to wait a little. Also, the nipples become darker, the reason is the production of melanin. Calcium is very necessary for the development of the baby, and the expectant mother gives all her reserves for the full development of the fetus. Therefore, a pregnant woman can exfoliate her nails on her hands and feet, cramps appear in her legs, and even her teeth are painted. The lack of this vitamin has a bad effect on the pregnant woman herself, so you need to focus on this and take action with the help of vitamins containing calcium, as well as eat foods rich in this substance.

Absent-mindedness, forgetfulness and poor attention are very common in the fifteenth week of pregnancy. It is advised not to relax and lead an active lifestyle as much as possible. This does not mean that you need to disobey the doctor, if there are no contraindications, pregnancy should not be carried out in a clumsy and lying position.

Sexual life during pregnancy at this time

If there are no contraindications and threats to the unborn baby, sex at the fifteenth week of pregnancy is not prohibited, and even useful in some cases. When having sex, the hormone of happiness (endorphin) is produced, which positively affects the emotions of the expectant mother. Positive emotions have a very good effect on a child who already feels her mood in the womb. Also, sex is good for the muscles of the uterus.

But sexual contact should be very careful, that is, extreme positions should be abandoned. Hard sex should also be postponed for the duration of pregnancy and get along calm and moderate.

Bloody discharge from the genital tract

Blood discharge indicates that it is necessary to give up sex for a while, to give the body a little rest. If bleeding suddenly opens, it is urgent to consult a doctor, only he can determine the exact cause and help prevent it. At such a short period of time, bleeding does not necessarily mean a threat of miscarriage. There may be many reasons. May be damage to the cervix or abdomen. Erosion also begins when blood vessels burst and bleeding can also begin. Independently identify the cause is not possible and not worth it.

Discharge at the fifteenth week of pregnancy

Seek medical attention if brown or creamy discharge occurs after bleeding. You will have to take a smear to detect infections if:

1) The discharge has a very sharp and unpleasant odor, reminiscent of the smell of fish;
2) Allocations of heterogeneous consistency, curd or lumpy;
3) Purulent nature of the discharge of green or yellow color;
4) Dirty spots on bed linen are noticeable;
5) Discharge, accompanied by unbearable itching, burning in the genital area, or unpleasant pain during urination, fever, swelling of the genital organs.

Body temperature at 15 weeks

Unlike the past first trimester, body temperature does not rise in the fifteenth week. But there are times, especially in the evening, when the temperature becomes higher than usual. Do not panic about this, this is quite normal, unless of course, apart from this, nothing else worries you.

You should not endure, and sit at home if the temperature lasts more than one day 38 degrees and above. This is not the norm, and besides, it is very dangerous for the unborn baby. In such cases, it is necessary to drink a tablet "Paracetamol" or a drug containing it. Do not abuse drugs, in this position it is not entirely useful for an unborn baby.

An increase in temperature, which lasts for a long time, indicates that there may be infectious diseases of a different nature in the body. It could be the flu, inflammation in the kidneys, etc.

Colds during pregnancy at this time

A pregnant woman needs to be careful about colds. After all, the disease has a bad effect on the unborn baby. Any virus is accompanied by fever, which is very destructive to the placenta. Also, antiviral drugs are not intended for women in position, so it will not be easy to treat.

During pregnancy, in no case should you self-medicate, noticing the symptoms of a cold without delay, you need to see a doctor. He will be able to prescribe the right treatment that will not harm the fetus in the womb. During such a period, you can not load the body, it needs a quiet rest and regular sleep. Plentiful drink and light food will be useful for an organism. Don't forget about vitamins. For sore throats, gargle only with herbs such as chamomile or sage. You can use both saline and soda solutions. When coughing, if the temperature is not hung up, inhalations and rubbing can be done. Tea tree oil will help a pregnant woman with a runny nose. Do not use if you are allergic to it.

At such a time as the fifteenth week of pregnancy, the placenta is able to protect the baby from many viral diseases and unpleasant factors.

Alcohol during pregnancy at this time

If at the fifteenth week the placenta protects the child from adverse external factors, this does not mean that it will also save the expectant mother from drinking alcohol. Alcoholic drinks directly get to the baby and cause very great harm to the entire body. Throughout pregnancy, alcohol is completely contraindicated.

It happens very often that a pregnant woman really wants to drink some kind of alcoholic drink, this indicates that there is a lack of protein in the body. But this does not mean at all that you need to use this drink, it is enough to replace it with products such as non-fat meat or nuts in which there is a very large amount of this substance. As soon as the body takes the norm, the whim to drink alcohol will disappear.

Proper and healthy nutrition

Proper nutrition during pregnancy plays a very important role, both for the woman and for the unborn baby, who is about to be born. Carbohydrates, fats and proteins are necessary for the full development of the fetus. A varied diet is simply necessary during the bearing of a child. Fruits, vegetables, dairy products and cereals, eggs and, of course, meat must be present on the table of a woman carrying a baby.

Vegetable fats containing vitamin E are very useful for strengthening the placenta. Get vegetable oils in your kitchen that are useful to add to food. Also, seeds and nuts will bring a lot of benefits.

Proteins in the diet, this is the most important substance of all the necessary substances, which should be a lot.

Meat dishes, of course, should be in the first place in the diet of a pregnant woman. It is considered normal to consume 200 grams of meat per day, alternating with fish, for example, every other day.

Condition of the uterus

The doctor will evaluate the uterus according to the ultrasound. The norm is that the muscular layer of the uterus (myometrium) is about 2.5 centimeters.

At this time, the uterus can be felt through the abdominal wall. The space in the middle, approximately from the pubis to the navel.

Screening at the fifteenth week of pregnancy

At this time, this procedure is called second trimester screening. The second screening is carried out from the fifteenth to the seventeenth week of pregnancy. Screening determines the risk of giving birth to a child with abnormalities, such as Down's syndrome or with a neural tube defect. A special ultrasound examination is carried out and the required tests are taken, which will help identify the proportion of risk, but will not make a definite and specific diagnosis.

The screening carried out at this stage is more accurate, as it includes the collection of three tests. Free estriol, total hCG and AFP analysis. Therefore, some doctors do not do the first screening.

A ratio of 1:350 is very unfavorable for screening. Additional tests are ordered to confirm the high risk. A woman has every right to refuse this procedure due to the fact that this procedure will not give accurate results.

Analysis indicators

It is necessary to start taking the prescribed tests already at this time no later than the twentieth week. A triple test is the name of the main analysis, which is carried out precisely at this time.

As a rule, at the fifteenth week of pregnancy, the level of hCG begins to decrease markedly. It is considered not normal if the level of hCG is too high or too low. It can also be caused by an incorrectly set deadline.

In case of suspicious discharge from the genital tract, a smear is necessarily and immediately taken to identify possible infections.

Examinations prescribed by your doctor must be attended without missing, so as not to miss the necessary and required tests in due time, which are prescribed by the doctor who monitors your condition and the condition of the baby. Various blood tests and urinalysis are needed to monitor a pregnancy. Obeying the doctor, you can quite calmly carry a child without worrying.

During the persistent growth of the baby in the womb, the stomach accordingly becomes large, it is difficult to find a comfortable position for a good sleep, so that it is comfortable for the woman and does not harm the fetus in the womb. There is a rule that you need to sleep on your left side.

Dangers that exist during pregnancy at this time

Problems with the kidneys or adrenal glands, concerns those who are expecting a male child. This problem means that the child is producing testosterone to the fullest. You must tell your doctor so that he can prescribe treatment for kidney disease.

A suitable and safe analysis is considered at this time, which includes the sampling of amniotic fluid analysis for its composition. This analysis is carried out in women who had genetic diseases, or as prescribed by a doctor in connection with indications.

Rhinitis of pregnancy, one of the problems that includes nasal congestion at five weeks of pregnancy.

Brown pigment spots cover the skin of the face, but after the baby is born, they will disappear.

How to behave in order to avoid problems during pregnancy

Pay attention to the skin of the abdomen. Get a cream for stretch marks that effectively helps by preventing them. Don't forget to use it regularly. Otherwise, after childbirth, it will not be easy to get rid of skin breaks that do not bring any joy.

Teeth are one of the main factors affecting the health of the whole organism. Make more time for them. Start treating caries.

It is better to sleep on your side, preferably on the left. Take a comfortable position not only for yourself, but also for the baby. For convenience, you can use a pillow, putting it in places convenient for you.

Pregnancy with twins at 15 weeks

At the 15th week of their development, each of the twins weighs approximately 60 grams and has already grown to 10 cm. At this time, they are already training their lungs - they make breathing movements with the glottis closed. This is how the muscles responsible for breathing are developed, but water does not enter the lungs.

Each of the babies are in the uterus, curled up, in the so-called fetal position. But there is still enough space, both fruits are actively moving. A woman carrying twins has a larger tummy at this time than those who are pregnant with one child. But she still cannot feel the movements of the babies, since the children correspond to the general terms of development, they do not differ in size from other children.

The twins are still very thin at this stage. Their small bodies are covered with lanugo - a small fluff. Children already know how to wrinkle their nose or frown their brows. Movements become coordinated, and the limbs are proportional to the body. This week, babies develop a sucking reflex - they can suck a finger or an umbilical cord. An individual daily routine is formed. Basically, children sleep and wake up once an hour. And in the skin folds, a cheese-like lubricant is formed - this is the secret of the glands. It protects the fetus from moisture and facilitates its release during childbirth.

Fifteenth week. Now, in addition to the length of the fetus and the diameter of its head (and at this time it is already 28.2 mm), they talk about two more indicators: the diameter of the baby's tummy and chest. This week, these parameters are approximately equal: 28 mm - the volume of the chest, 27.6 mm - the abdomen. Although the fetus is actively moving, you do not feel it yet. And for the first time you will feel closer to the middle of the term - on the 20th week.

The brain continues to develop, and convolutions are already beginning to form. The tiny heart works at a frequency of 150-160 beats per minute, and it pumps almost 23 liters of blood through the vessels. Subcutaneous fatty tissue is not yet sufficient, so blood vessels are clearly visible through the skin. Now, when the rudiments of the hairline appear, their color is determined. It will be produced by special cells that are responsible for it. And in the intestines, the original feces will begin to form. The bone marrow begins to develop this week. The load on the placenta is increasing. The amount of amniotic fluid increases. And along with the urine that the child's kidneys secrete, they maintain an optimal chemical composition.

The thickness of the placenta at this time already reaches 17.7 mm. And the environment of the child is reliably protected. However, it is worth taking care to avoid infection.
And even now, if you have not started doing this before, you can talk to the baby. Because he is already able to hear your voice. Moreover, he knows how to recognize the voice of his mother.

Now your tummy is already visible. And in the departments for pregnant women you are greeted with open arms. There is already more amniotic fluid, the uterus has noticeably increased. At each appointment, your doctor measures your tummy and writes down a mysterious figure: the height of the uterus. So at this time, this value is 14 cm. The uterus rises higher and puts less pressure on the bladder and intestines.

Now, most likely, you feel an unprecedented surge of strength (although, unfortunately, this does not happen to everyone). It is at this time that a woman begins to blossom. Enjoy your state - you have not had this before!

You began to notice age spots on your face, I have a dark stripe in the middle of the abdomen. She is already quite visible. This is due to estrogen and progesterone, which are actively produced in your body.

To discolor age spots, you can use special creams and in the summer apply creams with maximum SPF protection to your face and try not to stay in the bright sun for so long.

Of course, against the backdrop of many plans for the future, you want to feel comfortable and cozy. And the only problem that spoils the mood is frequent constipation. For prevention, doctors advise eating more fiber. What it contains: in vegetables, fruits, bread with bran, cereals.
Beets have a laxative effect, and plums from fruits.

From time to time you have to deal with anemia. Red blood cells do not have time to form in sufficient quantities, and anemia during pregnancy is almost inevitable. It causes dizziness, heaviness in the head, weakness. But in order not to bring the situation to a critical point, if necessary, take iron supplements.
In addition to anemia, hypotension is also dangerous. As a result, blood flow in the vessels and the brain is reduced, and due to oxygen deficiency, it can cause problems in the condition of the fetus. Such habitual conditions for many still need to be treated.

15th week of pregnancy: discharge from the genital tract

You have known for a long time what healthy secretions should be, and by the slightest prerequisites you can guess that you need to rest and bring yourself back to normal in order to avoid aggravation of thrush. The usual moderate, light discharge indicates that everything is normal again.

Therefore, any purulent discharge should immediately alert you. There are situations when, during pregnancy, women have picked up infections such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, or even more seriously, gonorrhea. Of course, in a family where everyone is responsible for each other, such a diagnosis would be surprising. But life is different. And it was by purulent discharge from the genitals - foamy purulent with trichomoniasis, abundant with pus - with gonorrhea - that doctors diagnosed the infection. They are especially dangerous because during pregnancy they are especially acute due to reduced immunity. And they can affect the health of the fetus.

As for spotting, they are either a sign that cervical erosion is taking place, or a threat of miscarriage. And to avoid unwanted consequences, you should immediately consult a doctor. Or call an ambulance.

15th week of pregnancy pregnancy nutrition

Now, even with a balanced diet, it is not easy for you to compensate for all those vitamins that are required for the healthy development of the fetus. More energy is required. At least 200 calories.
If there are problems with the stomach, bread or a roll is better to prefer crackers with fresh tea. When the uterus rises, and the baby begins to move more actively, many complain of heaviness in the liver area. To avoid stagnation, it is better to eat more often and, if possible, refuse too heavy and fatty foods.

Vitamin C and iron are required in much larger quantities than before - as you remember, they affect the level of hemoglobin, in other words, the formation of blood. Now you will remind yourself of a magician who is trying to patch the caftan with different patches. You have to notice everything and be in time everywhere so that the baby’s growing body gets everything it needs. If you were underweight before, now is the time to eat well. You need strength and energy for two. And in winter, when part of the energy is spent on heating, the calorie content of food should be even higher.

Now on the baby's face you can see the upper and lower jaw, ears, eye sockets. The kid constantly changes his position and posture, he sleeps and is awake. And now we can already talk about the first relationship with him - he hears you and actively reacts.

pregnancy calendars

Fifteenth obstetric week of pregnancy - it is already possible to carry out a triple test. The coccyx-parietal size of the fetus at the fifteenth week of pregnancy is almost 10 cm.

The fetus is actively moving in the surrounding amniotic fluid. It will take its final position in the uterus only at the end of the third trimester, and now it manages to radically change the position of the body in space several times in 5 minutes. At the 15th week of pregnancy, bone formation continues and the limbs and torso begin to stretch. Now the head doesn't seem so big anymore. The skin is slightly thickened, although it is still transparent. Blood vessels shine through it and therefore, the baby's body looks red. KTR (coccyx-parietal size) of the fetus at the fifteenth week of pregnancy is 90-100 mm, and its weight is about 50 grams. The size of the fruit is comparable to the size of a large orange. If at this time you have to undergo an ultrasound examination, then the focus will be on other dimensions - the parameters of the head and torso. The biparietal size (BDP) at this time is 32 mm, and the perimeter of the skull is 90 mm. The perimeter of the chest at 15 weeks of gestation is 90 mm, and the perimeter of his abdominal cavity is 78 mm. The length of the femur of the fetus is 19 mm.

Simultaneously with the fetus, the size of the uterus also increases. Normally, the height of the fundus of the uterus, that is, the place where its upper limit is determined, is at this time 15 cm above the pubic joint. The uterus is still round in shape, but will soon begin to stretch.

For a woman, the time comes when a second wind opens. The level of the hCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin) began to decrease even after the 10th week of pregnancy and is now gradually becoming even lower, and there are no sharp hormonal changes, so your mood is more even and there are much fewer reasons for tears than it seemed a month ago. At the fifteenth week of pregnancy, you may notice the appearance of absent-mindedness and forgetfulness - all thoughts are now occupied by the future baby and the old values ​​fade into the background. The 15th week of pregnancy is often the time for ailments such as sudden hot flashes to appear. Your face may turn red and covered with pink spots. Keep in mind - overheating is very dangerous. Dress in such a way that you can always unbutton and take off your outer clothing without any problems.

In terms of laboratory tests, the 15th week of pregnancy is the time when you can already take a triple test. It is very important to pass this analysis from the 15th to the 20th week of pregnancy, when its indicators are most reliable. The test is based on determining the concentration of three hormones in the blood of a pregnant woman - AFP (alfafetoprotein), hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) and estriol and allows you to exclude, or vice versa, suspect fetal abnormalities. The test results cannot unequivocally indicate a pathology, but serve as the basis for a more detailed examination in case of deviations from the norm.

The 15th week of pregnancy is the fourth obstetric month. If you look at the weeks, then 99-105 days have passed since conception. The 15th week of pregnancy is characterized by active growth and development of the fetus. The baby feels comfortable inside his mother's tummy, and an interesting position becomes noticeable to others. Toxicosis is already behind, and the stomach does not interfere with the expectant mother yet, so she enjoys her position.

15th week of pregnancy: fetal development. What happens to the baby

Inside the mother, the child makes many movements - he tumbles, compresses his fists, bends and unbends his limbs, rotates and swims. The weight of the child (fetus) at the 15th week of pregnancy is about 50-75 grams, and its height from crown to tailbone is about 14-16 centimeters. The size of the fetus at the 15th week of pregnancy can be compared to an orange or a large apple. The diameter of the head is 28 mm, chest - 28 mm, abdomen - 27.5 mm.

As a rule, at the 15th week of pregnancy, a woman still does not hear the baby's movements, but this moment will come very soon, because the child is becoming more active and growing very quickly. Earlier, thin women who are not pregnant for the first time begin to feel the movements of the baby. But at the 15th week of pregnancy, such cases are quite rare. Also at this time, the formation of the placenta is completed.

15 weeks pregnant. what does a child look like

  1. The skin of the baby at the 15th week of pregnancy remains thin and translucent, although it already consists of several layers. Blood vessels are visible through it. The bones and joints of the child get stronger, and muscle tissue develops. The hairline of the crumbs becomes pronounced, including in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelashes and eyebrows. Thin nails appear.
  2. The fetus becomes more like a small person at the 15th week of pregnancy, its legs are lengthened relative to the size of the hands. At the same time, his body is also stretched. The baby's ears are already formed, and the eyes have become closer to each other.
  3. At this stage, the work of the child's cardiovascular system improves. The vascular network is visible through the skin, and the heart pumps about 28 liters of blood per day. Due to such intensive work, the baby's skin is red, but sometimes turns pink. At the 15th week of pregnancy, pigments are produced that affect the future color of the baby's hair.
  4. The intestines activate their work, as the liver produces bile, which enters the large intestine. The work of the kidneys of the fetus also improves, as a result of which it empties the bladder more often. Amniotic fluid is cleaned at least 10 times a day, so the baby is comfortable in them. By this time, the taste buds of the child have already been finally formed, so he can react to the food eaten by his mother.
  5. Another important event in the development of the baby at the 15th week of pregnancy is the laying of the cerebral cortex, which is formed over the course of a month. At this stage, convolutions and grooves appear on the left and right cerebral hemispheres. The division of nerve cells begins, the growth of the processes of neurons and the formation of the nervous system of the baby. In the future, it will control all processes in the child's body.
  6. The formation of the endocrine glands of the fetus also begins, while the sweat and sebaceous glands are already functioning. This is due to the development of the endocrine system of the baby. Boys release the male hormone testosterone.
  7. The first bile is produced by the gallbladder. In the future, thanks to her, the first feces of the baby will be formed. The respiratory system of the fetus is improving, the vocal cords are already fully formed. At the 15th week of pregnancy, the baby actively swallows and spits out amniotic fluid. Thus, lung tissue is formed, which prepares the child for his first breath.

A child at the 15th week of pregnancy is not yet able to open his eyes, but he already distinguishes light from darkness. The baby still does not distinguish sounds, but feels vibrations and gets used to his mother's voice, so you need to communicate with him more often, sing songs or read books.

15 weeks pregnant belly photo. Belly at 15 weeks pregnant

15th week of pregnancy - ultrasound and tests

At this time, there is no scheduled ultrasound examination. It can be prescribed by a doctor if any questions arise. In this case, you can find out the location of the uterus and the premature date of birth. The thickness of the muscular layer of the uterus at the 15th week of pregnancy is 2.5 centimeters, the structure is homogeneous.

Also, the baby has already formed the external genitalia, so the doctor can. The heart of the fetus at the 15th week of pregnancy makes about 150 beats per minute.

At this time, a second one, called a triple test, may be prescribed. A biochemical blood test is given for the purpose of early detection of the risk of fetal chromosomal abnormalities. In this case, the level of hCG, the hormone estriol and AFP is determined. If they deviate from normal values, one can judge any anomalies in the development of the fetus. If the screening has identified a risk group, then the doctor may prescribe a more accurate study - amniocentesis. It should be noted that the triple test is informative only up to the 20th week of pregnancy.

If necessary, at the 15th week of pregnancy, a general urine test is given, with the help of which the work of the kidneys is controlled.

15th week of pregnancy: ultrasound photo

15 weeks pregnant. What's going on with mom. Feelings of the expectant mother

By this time, the well-being of a pregnant woman is improving, since, as a rule, the toxicosis of the first trimester has already receded. A good appetite appears and now you can fully satisfy your nutritional needs.

  • The belly is still small and can only protrude above the waistline of the trousers. During this period, a woman may notice midline pigmentation on her abdomen. This is due to the restructuring of the hormonal background of a woman and the release of melanin. Such a line does not carry any harm, and disappears on its own after childbirth. The nipple halos become darker, and the mammary glands increase in size.
  • Due to hormonal changes, a woman's memory and attention suffer. She becomes distracted and inattentive. Do not worry about this condition, it is the norm.
  • The stomach at this time begins to increase and the woman should take care of purchasing loose clothing that will not put pressure on the fetus. At the same time, not only the baby grows, but the uterus also grows.
  • The uterus moves into the abdominal cavity, so its pressure on the bladder decreases. Due to this, the number of urination decreases, but problems with the stool may begin. To eliminate constipation, you should review the diet. You need to give preference to vegetables and fruits, dairy products, cereals and whole grain bread.
  • Also, a pregnant woman has an increased need for nutrients, especially calcium. This is most relevant for those who have begun to experience night cramps in the calves. Calcium deficiency also affects the condition of hair, teeth and nails. If brittle nails or hair loss appear, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe a complex of vitamin preparations. You don't have to choose it yourself.
  • You need to get everything you need not only from pharmaceutical preparations, but also from a varied diet. It is useful to get an additional dose of calcium to eat cottage cheese daily and drink at least 2 liters of water.
  • In a woman's body, the volume of circulating blood increases, so iron deficiency may also occur. Anemia during pregnancy is expressed by weakness and dizziness. It also negatively affects the fetus - it begins oxygen starvation.
  • Also, due to increased blood circulation, nosebleeds may occur or bleeding gums may increase. A woman at night sometimes feels choking attacks, which are also acceptable. You may also have to endure nasal congestion, the so-called rhinitis of pregnant women.

15 weeks pregnant. Why does my stomach hurt

Many during this period feel pain in the abdomen. Most often, it is associated with the growth of the uterus and the tension of its muscles. At the same time, the pain sensations are mild and do not cause problems for the woman, just a little uncomfortable. Often pregnant women are overtaken by pain in the coccyx. It is associated with uterine pressure, pinched nerve endings and a shift in internal organs.

If at this time the pain has a cramping character, radiates to the lower back or is accompanied by discharge mixed with blood, then you should immediately go to the doctor to exclude the threat of termination of pregnancy. An increase in temperature, frequent urge to urinate, and pain in the lumbar region of the back may indicate the development of pyelonephritis.

Pain in the calf region should also not be ignored. It is necessary to take calcium supplements, often give the legs a rest, wear comfortable shoes and use special compression underwear. Massage of the feet and calves will also help to get rid of cramps.