Read the first signs of pregnancy. What are the early signs of pregnancy? Proven early pregnancy symptoms


The first weeks of pregnancy are a very important stage in the development of the embryo, so it is extremely important for a woman to know about the development of pregnancy from an early date, which helps to avoid unnecessary mistakes.

When do early symptoms appear?

It is believed that a delay is the very first sign of pregnancy after conception, but this is not so: let's figure out when other, earlier symptoms appear (before the delay) and what are they?

According to the science of embryology (the study of the development of an organism from the moment of fertilization), from the first days in the body of a woman, hormonal changes begin contributing to the creation of favorable conditions for the development of this pregnancy.

Therefore, the very first, early signs and symptoms of pregnancy, a woman begins to feel even before the delay in menstruation, but after a few weeks after conception. How to understand that she is pregnant, according to her feelings and state of health?

Signs that a woman feels

Fatigue, drowsiness. When the first signs of pregnancy after conception begin, a woman may notice symptoms such as weakness, a constant desire to sleep. Even after a long sleep, there is no feeling of vivacity and strength. The daily routine may be disturbed: there will be a desire to fall asleep early, and wake up late at night, followed by insomnia until the morning.

Emotional instability, irritability. Frequent mood swings from euphoria to feelings of deep sadness, there may be laughter and tears at the same time. The attitude to situations to which they were previously indifferent is changing. Tearfulness and slight vulnerability are especially present in emotionally impressionable ladies.

Change and perversion of appetite. Most women note an increase in appetite, the lack of a feeling of fullness makes a woman eat more often and more than usual. In some women, the appetite decreases and there is even an aversion to previously favorite dishes, or there is a desire to eat dishes that she did not prefer to eat before.

Nausea and vomiting are classic, more common symptoms during pregnancy. Nausea is more common in the morning. Even the memory of certain foods can cause nausea and even vomiting. The severity of toxicosis can be different in women from mild to severe.

Increased sensitivity of the chest. The slightest touch to the chest, when the first signs of pregnancy begin to appear, can be manifested by unpleasant and even painful sensations. There is a feeling of heaviness in the chest. In very rare cases, breast sensitivity may be reduced in some women.

Change in sex drive. During pregnancy, a woman can both weaken and increase sexual desire.

Drawing pain in the lower abdomen. Minor pain may appear, which is associated with an increase in blood flow in the pelvic organs.

Lower back pain may appear after tilting (for example, during cleaning).

Alternate feelings of heat and chills not associated with external factors (under optimal temperature conditions), may appear several times a day.

Aversion to smells. Habitual perfume smells can give you a feeling of discomfort, and even cause nausea and vomiting. An interesting fact is that you will start to like unusual smells (gasoline, nail polish).

Digestive disorder. A pregnant woman may begin to be disturbed by bloating, increased gas formation, and a tendency to constipation.

Frequent urge to urinate. The woman notes more frequent urges (even at night).

Dizziness, headache, fainting may be due to a decrease in blood pressure during pregnancy.

Muscle cramps frequent, especially at night.

What signs are visible outside?

When the first signs of pregnancy occur after conception, they can also be seen from the outside:

  • Darkening of the skin of the areola of the nipples. The skin around the nipples becomes darker in color.
  • Strengthening of the venous network on the chest. Veins on the delicate skin of the chest are more clearly visible, their diameter increases.
  • Breast augmentation. During pregnancy, the breast increases by 1-2 sizes.
  • Pigmentation of the white line of the abdomen. The line running from the bottom of the sternum to the pubis becomes darker.
  • Cyanosis of the mucous membrane of the external genital organs. Due to the increase in blood supply and venous stasis of blood, the genital mucosa acquires a cyanotic character (this is especially noticeable on the labia).
  • Increased vaginal discharge. There is an increased production of secretion by the glands of the vestibule of the vagina.
  • The appearance of thrush. During pregnancy, the acidity of the vagina changes, which creates ideal conditions for the reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida. In this connection, white, curdled discharge with a sour smell may appear.
  • Slight swelling of the hands and feet. You may notice that the rings that you previously wore have become small for you and are difficult to remove.
  • Temperature increase. A slight increase in temperature is normal for a pregnant woman, which is associated with the hormone progesterone.

Now you know when you can feel the first signs of pregnancy, what they are and how to recognize and determine them. Consider what happens at this time with the body and causes all the symptoms.

What happens to the body?

The physiology of a pregnant woman undergoes significant changes when the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception, both before the delay and after it.

This contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for bearing a child. Most organ systems begin to "work" in an enhanced mode.

Endocrine system

The most pronounced changes in the body of a pregnant woman occur in the hormonal system.

Pregnancy is "the kingdom of the hormone progesterone". This hormone begins to be actively produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary at the beginning of pregnancy, then, when the placenta is formed, it takes on this function.

Progesterone has many effects:

  • Dilation of blood vessels(which explains dizziness, lowering blood pressure, increasing the lumen of blood vessels, leading to venous congestion in the pelvic organs, to the appearance of a pattern on the chest, there is an expansion of the venous capillaries of the external genital organs, which is the reason for the "cyanosis" of the mucous membranes)
  • Impact on the thermoregulation center(there is a temperature regulation center in the hypothalamus, progesterone acts on it, raising the temperature of the body as a whole, which is why pregnant women have a slightly higher temperature, you should not worry about this)
  • Effect on the urinary system, contributing to fluid retention in the body, which is the cause of edema in pregnant women.
  • Impact on the intestinal wall, slowing down the peristalsis of the digestive system, from which there is a tendency to constipation.
  • Suppression of the immune system. On the one side. this is a protective reaction of the body to the development of the fetus, but it can contribute to frequent infections and colds. Therefore, during pregnancy, you must be extremely careful and take good care of your health.
  • Influence on the cells of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, an increase in the amount of secreted fluid, an increase in the viscosity of the secret, which can contribute to the occurrence of inflammatory processes during pregnancy, since favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of microorganisms.

During pregnancy occurs increased production of melanoform adrenal hormone, which causes pigmentation of the areola of the nipples, pigmentation of the white line of the abdomen.

Hormone - placental lactogen contributes to an increase in breast size, increase its sensitivity by increasing the glandular tissue.

Increased activity of thyroid hormones(thyroxine, triiodothyronine), which increases the heart rate (therefore, pregnant women often have tachycardia, even at rest).

External and internal genital organs

When the first obvious signs of pregnancy appear, labia become swollen, acquire a "cyanotic" hue due to venous blood stasis.

The walls of the vagina thicken somewhat, become edematous, the shape of the vagina expands and lengthens. Discharge from the genitals increases in volume, the nature of their normally light, slimy, without an unpleasant odor.

The uterus undergoes the most significant changes. This muscular organ increases its size many times over, in proportion to the growth of the child. Much increased blood flow in the uterus. The uterine arteries increase significantly in diameter, which contributes to normal blood flow.

Nervous system

The susceptibility of the nervous system to all kinds of influences increases, for this reason women note unexplained mood swings(from a complete breakdown to a state of euphoria and joy), working capacity, perseverance decrease, drowsiness increases, irritability appears.

Due to functional changes in the nervous system, a change in the action of mediators, nausea, increased salivation, vomiting appear, the sense of smell is exacerbated, and susceptibility to various odors. Due to increased excitability in the peripheral nerves, there are frequent convulsions, even at night, numbness of the fingers.

Kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system

During pregnancy, renal blood flow increases significantly, and as a result, frequent urge to urinate. However, this is also facilitated by the anatomical proximity of the bladder and the growing uterus.

The peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract slows down (due to the effect of progesterone on the smooth muscles of the intestine), so pregnant women often suffer from constipation, bloating, increased gas production.

Due to the expansion of the venous vessels of the rectal venous plexus, a woman may develop hemorrhoids, which have never bothered before.

Increased respiratory rate, in the later stages of pregnancy, shortness of breath may even appear, due to the pressure of the uterus on the wall of the diaphragm.

Cardiovascular system and metabolism

The heart rate increases. The volume of blood in a woman's body increases. Appears pressure drop(this is especially pronounced in women who are initially prone to hypotension).

Increased need for absorption of calcium, iron and other minerals and the need for vitamins. Carbohydrate metabolism is characterized by an increase in blood glucose levels. There is an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood.

What the doctor says about the manifestation of the first signs of pregnancy before the delay, see the video:

If you find that such changes have begun to occur in your body, then you should contact a specialist in order to reliably find out if your dream has come true!

Today we will talk about how to recognize the first signs of pregnancy and whether it is possible to find out about conception even before the delay in menstruation.

To plan conception, you need to know the date of ovulation. To do this, you need to keep a calendar of the menstrual cycle, measure the basal temperature correctly and regularly.

If you have 28-30 days between critical days, then the egg will leave the follicle in the middle of the cycle. If the interval is more or less days, then 14 must be subtracted from the number of days in the cycle.

For example, if the cycle length is 35 days, then ovulation will occur approximately 21 days after the start of the last menstruation (35-14 = 21).

The most reliable signs of pregnancy in the early days

  1. Basal temperature indicators. If you keep track of basal rates, then you know that the graph looks like a curve - the values ​​\u200b\u200bare peaking on the day of ovulation, after which they decrease. If this does not happen, the temperature does not drop below 37.1 degrees, the likelihood that you are pregnant is quite high. But a similar situation is observed in some inflammatory processes, so other symptoms must be taken into account.
  2. Bloody discharge before the onset of critical days- On the underwear, you can see a few brown or pink spots about a week after ovulation. This phenomenon is called implantation bleeding, a fertilized egg has reached the uterus, fixed in the epithelium, if the integrity of the tissues is violated, a few drops of blood appear. But this symptom does not always appear.
  3. Severe weakness, constant fatigue, drowsiness- with the onset of pregnancy, a lot of changes take place in a woman's body, and the body spends a lot of energy on all this. There may also be signs of a cold, as the immune system weakens after conception.
  4. Frequent mood swings, tearfulness, sentimentality.
  5. The occurrence of discomfort in a sitting position.
  6. Unusual allergic reactions. The immune system of pregnant women from the first days begins to work for two, therefore it perceives any potential allergen as an enemy substance. Reacts accordingly: rash, peeling, redness.
  7. Condition of the cervix. Before menstruation, it becomes soft, opens, rises high. If conception has occurred, then the organ becomes hard to the touch, closes, sinks low.

All these signs indirectly indicate pregnancy, since they can accompany various pathological conditions in the body, therefore, in any case, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.

How to find out about pregnancy before a delay in menstruation - sensations and external manifestations

The first sensations during the onset of pregnancy in each woman manifest themselves in different ways, many manage to find out about conception in a few days.

First signs of pregnancy before missed period

  1. Toxicosis. Nausea, vomiting, slight fever - these symptoms appear due to the fact that the body perceives the fetus as a foreign body. may be early, late, or absent altogether.
  2. Decrease in arterial indicators. Hypotension develops against the background of restructuring in the cardiovascular system, manifests itself in the form of dizziness, migraine, nausea, weakness.
  3. Increased nipple sensitivity, soreness of the mammary glands - the body begins to prepare for natural feeding, which causes swelling of the breast.
  4. Tubercles of Montgomery. A rather specific and accurate sign of pregnancy - small elevations appear on the areola near the nipples, which are outwardly similar to goose bumps. Often appear in the early stages of pregnancy and venous patterns on the chest.
  5. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, a tingling sensation in the uterus is a normal phenomenon, so the reproductive organ is preparing for the upcoming birth. Normally, discomfort should last no more than 2 days.
  6. Sleep disturbance- Pregnant women suffer from chronic sleep deprivation, they are constantly sleepy.
  7. Change in taste preferences, increased appetite, intolerance to smells - classic signs of pregnancy, usually appear at the beginning of the second month, but many women begin to experience such sensations from the first days after conception.
  8. Digestive problems- bloating, constipation, diarrhea. With the onset of pregnancy, the intestines begin to work slowly, its walls swell a little against the background of hormonal changes, various dyspeptic disorders appear, salivation increases, and an obsessive taste of metal in the mouth appears.
  9. Frequent urination- a consequence of hormonal changes, occurs approximately 10-14 days after conception.

The onset of pregnancy may be indicated by swelling of the face, the appearance of acne or their sudden complete disappearance, a constant bright blush. Against the background of calcium deficiency, cramps occur during sleep.

Most of these signs occur during PMS, so you should wait until the onset of critical days, or take a pregnancy test. A missed period is one of the most obvious signs of early pregnancy.

When can I do a pregnancy test

Even the most sensitive test will not show pregnancy immediately after conception, it should be done no earlier than a week after the date of ovulation. During this time, the fertilized egg will move through the fallopian tubes until it is implanted in the uterus, the hCG level will be low.

The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages - diagnostic methods

An increase in the level of hCG in the blood, ultrasound, listening to the fetal heartbeat, all other signs, doctors call possible symptoms of pregnancy.

Precise signs of pregnancy:

  1. HCG level. This hormone begins to be produced 7-10 days after conception, its level rises throughout pregnancy, based on this indicator, the development of the fetus is judged.
  2. ultrasound- the most accurate method for determining pregnancy, but even a good specialist will be able to see a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity 2 weeks after the delay.
  3. Listening to the baby's heartbeat- one of the most touching moments in the life of every woman. But you can hear how your baby's heart beats only at 10-12 weeks.

If, against the background of a delay in menstruation, abundant spotting is observed, the pain in the lower abdomen is intense, cutting, the temperature rises strongly - you need to urgently consult a doctor, these symptoms may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.


After conception, radical changes occur in the female body, which can manifest itself in the form of various symptoms, new sensations, and a change in the psycho-emotional state.

This article talks about those first signs of pregnancy (pregnancy symptoms) that will help you determine the likelihood of pregnancy at the earliest possible date. By comparing your symptoms with the signs of pregnancy listed below, you can more accurately assess your condition.

Pregnancy is a unique phenomenon when a new life is born inside you unexpectedly or long-awaited. This is an amazing, indescribable feeling that every woman should experience at least once in her life.

And many people think that they will be able to "feel" the onset of pregnancy, assuming that something will begin to stir in their tummy from the very first day. But in fact, this is not entirely true. Almost no woman who has not given birth before can instantly determine what is really happening to her. The difficulty in identifying the symptoms of this condition is faced by both young girls and older women. Young people, as a rule, are not informed about the early signs of pregnancy, and women of mature age either forget about them or simply attribute them to age-related changes in the body.

So, here are the main symptoms of early pregnancy.

The first sign of pregnancy is irritability

One of the earliest signs of pregnancy is increased nervousness and irritability. Moreover, a woman begins to poorly control her behavior, even if she understands that her behavior does not correspond to the norm. Outbursts of aggression can be of such strength that no PMS can compare with them. It is excessive unreasonable nervousness and irritability that should lead you to the idea of ​​a possible pregnancy. At this moment, it will seem to you yourself that it is all those around you who “behave like complete idiots and cretins.” But in fact, this condition is caused by hormonal changes in your body, which precedes all other processes and more obvious signs of pregnancy.

The second sign of pregnancy - pulls on salt

The common expression among the people “pulls for salty” arose for a reason. A distinct craving for salty foods (or rather, a change in taste preferences) is indeed one of the symptoms of pregnancy. All food will seem bland and undersalted to you, but eating five pickles one after the other will seem to you the most natural thing.

The third sign of pregnancy is nausea

The third of the most common manifestations of new life inside a woman is nausea or vomiting. This is called early morning sickness, and it can manifest itself as a pronounced sensation accompanied by vomiting at every meal, or as mild nausea, dizziness (lightheadedness) at a specific time during the day.

The fourth sign of pregnancy is breast swelling

Breast swelling. With simultaneous appearance of veins in the mammary glands. It usually happens already in the later stages, but sometimes it manifests itself in the early stages. There may be sensations in the chest that can be described as "pulling on the chest."

The fifth sign of pregnancy is a delay

And, of course, the most obvious and reliable sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation at the set time. Delayed menstruation is so well known to everyone that every woman, of course, knows about this symptom. And not in vain. It is the absence of menstruation that is the most reliable confirmation of the onset of the pregnancy process. And, by the way, if the pregnancy is really confirmed, then you can say goodbye to menstruation for a very long time - nine months of pregnancy plus about six months and even a year after childbirth, which is very nice.

Specific signs of pregnancy

The first specific sign of pregnancy (not found in everyone) is an increase in the activity of the vaginal microflora, accompanied by abundant white flaky discharge.

The second specific symptom of pregnancy is a change in the perception of smells or an aversion to any food.

Third on the list of such symptoms is the appearance of a "metallic taste" in the mouth.

The next sign of pregnancy in this series is increased drowsiness and fatigue of the expectant mother, or, on the contrary, sleep disturbance.

When such symptoms appear, it is impossible to accurately diagnose the onset of pregnancy, since the female body is extremely complex, and the hormonal system often surprises us. To accurately determine this condition, modern diagnostic tools should be used, such as test strips, sold at any nearby pharmacy.

Having received a positive result, you should immediately consult a doctor to start procedures and examinations related to the management of pregnancy.


The information contained in the answers to the most frequently asked questions may partially repeat what has already been stated above, but it will still be useful for you to familiarize yourself with it.

What signs of pregnancy occur before a missed period?

At the slightest delay in menstruation, we usually fly to the pharmacy to check the only thought of pregnancy with a test. However, tests usually reliably show the result after the period when menstruation should begin. In a situation where you want to know about it at the earliest possible time, even before menstruation, you should pay attention to several possible signs. They may be subtle or quite strong, but they will indicate that perhaps the miracle of pregnancy has come to you.

First of all, examine your chest. If she reacts sensitively or painfully to a greater extent than when critical days approach, this may indicate that you are expecting a baby. The chest may increase significantly. The main symptom is the darkening of the alveoli and a dark pigmented stripe in the inguinal region. Pigmentation can also appear on the face. Small bumps may form on the nipples.

In addition, you may experience severe nausea or dizziness, not only in the morning, but also during the day, hypersensitivity to odors and a change in food preferences. Appetite may increase sharply, but some women feel quite strong rejection of food. Premenstrual syndrome in the form of tearfulness, bad mood, uncontrollable anger may intensify. These signs are explained by all the same hormonal changes, when the rebuilding organism adapts to bearing a child.

In addition, there may be pulling pains in the abdomen and slight bleeding, which is often mistaken for early menstruation. The thing is that in the interval of 8-10 days, the fetal egg, having passed its way through the fallopian tubes, is attached in the uterus, causing these rather unpleasant symptoms. At this time, pregnancy is difficult to determine, but you can definitely understand that a woman is not pregnant by measuring daily basal temperature. As you know, after ovulation, the basal temperature is slightly increased and when pregnancy occurs, it remains above 37 degrees. However, if the temperature has dropped sharply, you can expect the onset of menstruation.

It must be noted that nature has created us so different that the signs appear very individually. In some cases, you will not notice any changes at all, and sometimes a woman knows for sure even before her period that she is expecting a baby. This is our famous female intuition (the main thing is not to confuse it with suspiciousness).

Is it possible to notice pregnancy in the first week?

In the first week, determining pregnancy is even more difficult. A fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tubes to the uterus for a whole week. At this time, the division process is constantly taking place and the placenta and umbilical cord are formed. At this time, the embryo already has the shape and size of a pea. A week later, it attaches to the walls of the uterus. You can feel the birth of life only intuitively, as well as observing the very first signs.

First, you should keep a basal temperature diary. During pregnancy, it is higher than 37 degrees, however, this only indicates a high probability of an “interesting situation”. Other signs: drowsiness and fatigue, headaches, migraines, throwing it into heat, then into cold - all this is possible when the body is reorganized to bear offspring. Drawing pains in the lower back, noticeable processes of breast enlargement and swelling, nausea.

Do not rush to draw conclusions and rush to extremes, all this can be just common symptoms not related to pregnancy. You can accurately determine your condition with the help of a blood test, but it is best to wait. Just a few days, and medicine or nature will be able to answer you more definitely.

What sensations arise in the first month of pregnancy?

The conception that has taken place can be determined by several individual signs. Many do this at different times, on their own or with the help of tests. Symptoms only help determine the likelihood of conception, since many factors can be just symptoms of a "false pregnancy" - a condition that many nervous ladies experience, wanting to bring their dream of having a baby closer. Only a gynecologist can finally confirm this fact 100% at a later date, approximately 4-5 weeks.

According to statistics, during the first month after conception, 90% of women experience changes in the condition of the breast. Sensitivity increases, some soreness appears. The chest, as it were, swells up, becomes more voluminous, a network of protruding veins is clearly visible. Of course, everything is the fault of hormones. In addition, the areola and nipple become dark brown. Perhaps, when pressed, colostrum is released from the nipple.

Some women feel toxicosis even before the expected period of menstruation. Statistics tell us that during the first month more than 60% of women experience toxicosis - nausea, aversion to food, vomiting, more often in the morning. The sense of smell changes. Some smells become simply unbearable, others are strangely very attractive.

Too rapid growth of the uterus can provoke pain in the lower back or in the sacrum. In the last week of a monthly pregnancy, the fetus, increasing in volume, can press on the uterus, causing frequent urge to urinate. Salt can linger in the body, so slight but noticeable swelling is sometimes observed on the arms and legs. Small pink discharge, indicating the exit of the embryo from the fallopian tubes and attaching it to the uterine cavity, is often almost invisible, but can also resemble meager periods.

In any case, don't trust your intuition too much. The first weeks are the most responsible. If you suspect that you may be pregnant, go to the gynecologist as early as possible in order to be monitored in time and provide yourself and your child with comfortable conditions for bearing.

What are the signs of abnormal pregnancy?

A dangerous symptom of pregnancy is severe pain in the abdomen, uterus and fallopian tubes. With or without fever. The appearance of such not even too painful sensations, and the absence of menstruation, is a sign of a woman's life-threatening ectopic pregnancy. In such cases, a woman is urgently examined and, according to indications, operated on, since delay can lead to serious problems with women's health and even death. What is extremely rare therefore, do not be afraid in advance, but simply show yourself to the gynecologist in a timely manner.

Otherwise, stay positive. After all, the process of pregnancy is full of interesting and pleasant moments. And the birth of your baby will open up a whole new world for you and become a new page in your life.

The topic of pregnancy is always relevant for women of reproductive age.

In order to learn about a special position as early as possible, they begin to listen to the unique changes in their own body.

In order to determine on what day after fertilization the implantation of the egg occurred, you should find out the exact date of ovulation.

This period will be taken as the starting point. Most often, the introduction of the embryo occurs on the 9-10th day after fertilization.

But depending on the individual characteristics of the female body, the terms can be shifted by 1-6 days up or down. It turns out that implantation can occur 8-14 days after the fertilization of the egg.

When do signs of pregnancy appear?

The first trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the manifestation of specific symptoms such as:

They can appear a certain number of days after the intended conception.

  • Implantation bleeding.

These are, which are scarce and plentiful, depending on the physiological characteristics of the female body.

It appears 8-10 days after fertilization, when the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. This is one of the important signs of pregnancy.

  • Slight uterine pain of a pulling nature.

Pain is provoked by the process of planting the embryo on the epithelium of the uterus.

On the 8-10th day after the alleged conception, slight pains in the lower abdomen may appear.

This is a standard phenomenon, but in case of an increase, you should consult a doctor to avoid termination of pregnancy.

  • Allocations.

The appearance may be associated with, or other infectious processes.

Observed 8-10 days after conception.

  • Increase in basal body temperature.

Basal temperature is measured rectally in the morning, immediately after waking up.

Basal temperature rises to 37.1-37.3 ° C the day before ovulation. At this level, it remains until the replanting of the embryo.

At the moment of egg attachment, the basal temperature drops to 36.8-36.9 °C. This is due to a sharp increase in estrogen in the body of a woman.

After implantation of the ovum the basal body temperature again rises above 37.1 ° C and remains at this level until the 14-16th week of pregnancy.

Then the rectal temperature drops to 36.8-36.9 °C.

Increased sensitivity of the mammary glands may occur in the first or second week after the alleged conception (7-14 days).

Changes in the hormonal background lead to such manifestations.

Some pregnant women experience breast swelling and pain only 20-30 days after the fertilization of the egg.

  • Sudden mood swings.

Depression, replaced by joy, is also due to a hormonal surge. Usually appear on the 10-14th day after the onset of pregnancy.

Human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood is usually determined as early as 9-12 days after the conception of the child has taken place.

  • The second strip on the test.

Many women use special tests to confirm their "interesting" position.

The test will show a second strip, that is, it will give a positive result only 12-14 days after the intended conception of the fetus.

It determines the amount of the hCG hormone, the level of which in the urine does not appear immediately, but only 11-14 days after the expected date of conception.

  • Diarrhea and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Heartburn, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea are characteristic signs of pregnancy that can occur 14-20 days after the alleged fertilization.

  • Toxicosis.

This is one of the main signs of the imminent birth of a child.

It usually occurs 5-7 weeks after the fertilization of the egg.

  • Increased fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness.

These are important signs of a special state of the female body. The reason lies in the sharp drop in blood pressure.

2-3 weeks after the intended conception, some women may begin to periodically lose consciousness.

But this phenomenon is considered normal.

Conception is a complex physiological process that goes through several stages. The result is the fertilization of the egg and the formation of an embryo that continues to develop in the uterus until the onset of childbirth.

You can determine pregnancy by numerous signs that appear in the first trimester. But for each symptom, a certain time period of manifestation is characteristic. All of the above signs are quite specific and appear within 2-14 days after conception.

The first signs of pregnancy in the first days of conception is a rather rare occurrence. Various changes in the body are much more noticeable when the embryo is a few weeks old. But let's look at all these noticeable and not so symptoms in more detail.

The likely signs of pregnancy in the first month are, basically, not the results of any medical procedures or tests, but the personal feelings of each individual woman. Experienced mothers who have given birth more than 2 times say that they themselves, without doctors, can easily determine an interesting position in themselves, for example, by breast size before the expected onset of menstruation, by nipple sensitivity, increased or decreased sexual desire, mild nausea, etc. And all this even then, as doctors say the impossibility of a correct diagnosis. But still, the signs of pregnancy in the first days of the delay are not reliable evidence of the emerging life. However, they cannot be left unattended. So, the very, very first feelings of the expectant mother.

1. Fatigue, insomnia, frequent mood swings, change in eating habits, etc. A lot has already been written about the latter phenomenon, but scientists are still inclined to the hypothesis that in this way the mother's body takes care of the child. For example, for the development of a baby and maintaining the immunity of a future mother, vitamin C is required, but not in very large quantities. Where is vitamin C found? In fruits, mainly in citrus fruits. That's why we see pregnant women buying kilos of oranges and tangerines. However, you need to be careful with this, as citrus fruits are one of the most allergenic foods on our table. From 1-2 fruits a day, of course, there will be no harm, but you definitely shouldn’t overeat them. By the way, vitamin C is also found in our “local” berries and herbs. For example, there is a lot of it in the wild rose. Do not be lazy - collect and dry these berries in the summer, then for a whole year you can make healthy and tasty rosehip tea for your loved ones and yourself. And from herbs, you can recommend fragrant lemon balm, it should also be used in the form of a decoction.

The fatigue of the expectant mother and mood changes, as symptoms of pregnancy in the first week, are also due to protective reactions. This is more often observed in women engaged in too nervous or physically hard work, which, without reducing the load, can provoke spontaneous abortion. Insomnia is more often caused by fear or vice versa by a strong desire of a lady to become a mother.

2. An increase in the amount of secretions from the genital tract. Firstly, in very rare cases, expectant mothers at the time of the introduction of a fertilized egg into the endometrium of the uterus may experience scant, barely noticeable bloody or brownish discharge. For reference: implantation occurs approximately one week after conception, and conception occurs in the middle of the cycle. The duration of the menstrual cycle of the average woman is 4 weeks, which means that these discharges should be expected no earlier than a week before the expected start of menstruation. By the way, it is from this moment, more precisely in the near future, that more obvious symptoms of pregnancy appear before the delay - such as a positive or weakly positive pregnancy test as a result of an increase in hCG. But more on that later.

Secondly, there may be an increase in colorless discharge, similar to those that occur during the period of ovulation. A woman expects her period, but instead of it there is only this discharge. Another interesting point - in some cases, menstruation can come on time in pregnant women. It should also be borne in mind that if the signs of pregnancy in the first days are spotting (after the onset of the delay), instead of "normal" bleeding, it will not hurt to check for pregnancy. But to notice the difference is quite simple, these discharges are shorter and very scarce. It should also be borne in mind that this bloody discharge is one of the symptoms of a threatened or incipient miscarriage, especially if regular, pulling or sharp pains in the lower abdomen, in the uterus or ovaries join the discharge. Therefore, if your position is confirmed by a gynecologist and ultrasound, you will have to keep bed rest at home or go to the hospital.

3. Enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands. The phenomenon is quite common, and not only among expectant mothers. Every month, cyclical changes occur in the female body, and they concern the mammary glands, as well. Someone calls it mastopathy, in fact, a slight soreness of the breast before menstruation is a normal phenomenon, indicating that the woman's body is working correctly. However, if conception has occurred, the pain is usually constant and more noticeable. If you are afraid that discomfort may not be associated with pregnancy, but, say, with the pathology of the mammary glands, at least you need to conduct a breast self-examination (palpation). If the cause is a neoplasm, the pain is felt locally in any area, and during pregnancy, both breasts hurt equally. A little later, colostrum may begin to stand out from the nipples when pressed. This phenomenon is natural, but if these symptoms of pregnancy are absent in the early stages, you should not worry either. According to the state of the mammary glands, it is possible with a high degree of probability to determine any trouble, for example, a fetal arrest in development. In this case, the breast one day becomes soft, as at the beginning of the menstrual cycle and absolutely painless.

4. Toxicosis. As a rule, reliable signs of early pregnancy, which include regular nausea and vomiting, do not appear. But in some cases, especially sensitive women may experience ailments in the morning. But it's pretty easy to get rid of it. For example, in the morning you can drink a mint decoction or a decoction of lemon balm. Weak tea with lemon or just lemon is also suitable ... without tea. In general, there are a lot of ways. However, do not confuse toxicosis with poisoning. Usually, in case of poisoning, in addition to vomiting, there is also diarrhea and general malaise. With early toxicosis, a woman feels unwell only at certain times of the day and when taking any food, inhaling any odors, and not regularly.

5. Fever, fever. The body temperature may rise to subfebrile values, while other symptoms of diseases are absent. If this is about you, then measure your basal temperature. It is best to take measurements in the morning and in the rectum, then the result will be much more reliable. If you have already begun to delay or are about to begin, and the basal temperature is above 37 degrees, then it is quite possible that the reason for the conception has occurred. But these are, rather, dubious signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation ... Too many factors can affect the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat the thermometer will show. Say, if you got up at night to use the toilet, then it is likely that the temperature will be elevated without pregnancy, or if sexual intercourse was a few hours before the measurements.

6. Increased urination. As a rule, it is observed at the earliest stages and up to childbirth. These symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception are due to the production of the hormone progesterone, which contributes to some relaxation of the sphincter of the bladder, and in the last trimester, the strong pressure of the fetus on the bladder.

7. Delayed menstruation. Actually, this is the very first and reliable sign of an interesting situation. Violation of the cycle is the reason for a visit to the doctor and subsequent testing. However, not always the absence of menstruation occurs only in expectant mothers. Delays occur with strong nervous tension (for example, during a session with female students), with a sharp change in climate (from cold Siberia to hot Egypt), sudden and severe weight loss and various hormonal disorders caused by certain malfunctions in the body.

To determine the above symptoms, the presence of a doctor, the purchase of any diagnostic items and medical procedures are optional, but they are not so reliable. In addition to them, other important points must be taken into account.

1. Pregnancy test and blood test for hCG. The simplest and most affordable diagnostics for every lady. As a rule, the results are not erroneous, at least if the test is done without violating the instructions and after the onset of a missed period. The tests come in different sensitivities, but they don't differ too much from each other. The most “sensitive” ones allow you to determine an interesting position approximately 12 days after conception, that is, 2-3 days before the delay, the less sensitive ones - from the first day of the delay, so the difference is not great. Tests show a second line if the woman's urine contains the hormone chorionic gonadotropin, produced by the developing placenta - the chorion (hence the name - chorionic). When the first signs of pregnancy have just begun to appear before menstruation, you should do a test in the morning, when the hCG content is maximum, it is more reliable. A weak second strip, as a rule, also indicates pregnancy.

A blood test for hCG allows you to make an accurate diagnosis even earlier - already 8-10 days after conception. This analysis is necessarily done to women who become pregnant with the help of IVF. But if you don’t know exactly when you ovulate, just like that, for the sake of curiosity, you still shouldn’t take an analysis. This, of course, is not harmful, but it is not free and not necessary, and the results are not the fact that they will be accurate. Let's say a woman can ovulate on the 20th day, and someone on this day is already being tested for the presence of hCG, which, of course, will be negative, while pregnancy in this cycle is still possible.

2. Ultrasound examination and gynecological examination. Both the first and second are relevant with a delay of more than two to three weeks. It was then that on the monitor you can see a tiny, literally a couple of millimeters fetal egg, and the doctor can accurately diagnose an enlarged uterus in connection with future motherhood. However, ultrasound at such early dates, according to indications, is done quite rarely, only with the existing threat of miscarriage, when the existing signs of pregnancy in the first week suddenly disappear for no reason (that is, with a missed pregnancy), or when there is a suspicion of ectopic localization fertilized egg. Do not worry, you are unlikely to be asked to drink water before the procedure, since they will not look through the abdominal wall, but with a vaginal sensor.

That's all the main probable and reliable signs of an interesting situation. We hope you find this information useful.

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