Feelings in early pregnancy. Woman's body in early pregnancy


The onset of pregnancy for women who want replenishment in the family is a joyful event and a real miracle. Each representative of the fair sex at least once in her life should experience an extraordinary feeling of the birth of a new being in her. Many girls at the first conception do not know at all how the early signs of pregnancy appear, they naively believe that the fetus will immediately move in the womb, give a sign of its presence. In fact, the process that has begun and the signs of pregnancy in the early stages do not outwardly give themselves away enough for a long time. The test will show the presence of a fertilized egg only 8 to 10 days after conception, and the first symptoms of pregnancy may appear only after a month or two.

Signs of early pregnancy

A woman who has not given birth before cannot realize when the first signs appear early pregnancy and how to distinguish them from the onset of the menstrual cycle and often attributes strange changes in the body to malaise or illness. Moreover, some of the symptoms of pregnancy are really similar to disruptions in the functioning of body systems as a result of stress, hormonal disorders, heavy physical exertion, taking potent pharmaceuticals. And menstrual irregularities occur even in healthy women. Therefore, every potential mother needs to learn how to identify the very first signs of early pregnancy, and at the slightest suspicion go to the gynecologist's office.

The first sign of early pregnancy is a change in mood.

When a woman begins hormonal restructuring of the body, preparing for long period bearing a baby, close people simply cannot recognize her. The expectant mother is ready to explode at any moment, to bring down streams of rage on her husband and relatives even for no apparent reason. She feels misunderstood, offended, deprived, surrounded by callous and stupid people. The woman is not able to control outbreaks of aggression, although she understands that she causes pain and resentment to her relatives. Sudden and causeless irritability appears earlier than other signs of early pregnancy. It is she who can suggest the conception that has taken place.

The second sign of early pregnancy is a change in taste preferences.

The body of a pregnant woman, preparing for bearing a baby, tries to accumulate as many nutrients and nutrients as possible. Therefore, future mother unexpected taste preferences are formed. She begins to enjoy eating food that she did not like before, combines foods on a plate that are in no way compatible. All dishes seem insipid to a pregnant woman, so she salts and spices them abundantly. Eating a large jar of pickled cucumbers at a time is not difficult for her. And some mothers suddenly have an irresistible desire to "eat" chalk or sand. A change in taste and an increase in appetite are the first and most obvious symptoms of pregnancy that immediately attract attention.

The third sign of early pregnancy is a delay in menstruation.

Failure of the menstrual cycle - main feature the onset of pregnancy. If after the usual period of time a woman does not start her period, she suspects a successful conception.

Menstrual bleeding will not bother the mother, not only for all nine months of bearing a baby, but also for about six months, and sometimes a year after childbirth. Menstruation will resume only when the mother's body is fully restored. But the absence of menstruation in due date in addition to pregnancy, it can also signal pathological changes in the body, a woman’s wrong lifestyle. Menstrual cycle violate:

  1. stress, depression and anxiety;
  2. strong physical exercise;
  3. change in climate or daily routine;
  4. colds and viral diseases;
  5. the use of contraceptive drugs and potent drugs;
  6. obesity or starvation;
  7. the onset of menopause.

The fourth sign of early pregnancy is swelling of the mammary glands.

Swollen mammary glands and swollen veins on the chest are signs of early pregnancy, manifesting mainly on later dates. When pressing on the nipples, yellowish colostrum is released. And in the first months of pregnancy, a woman can only feel some discomfort in the chest area. Also noticeable signs of early pregnancy are Montgomery tubercles. These are small outgrowths that form in the circle around the nipple immediately after successful conception. Outwardly, they look like warts filled with sebaceous matter, but in no way disrupt the functioning of the mammary glands, do not affect the health of the mother.

The fifth sign of early pregnancy is toxicosis

Usually, toxicosis in a woman manifests itself in the middle stages of pregnancy, when the baby in the womb is already quite developed. The expectant mother is accompanied by nausea and dizziness, she can no longer tolerate the usual dishes, after each meal she is overtaken by the urge to vomit. But sometimes these pregnancy symptoms occur on initial terms. In this case, doctors diagnose the so-called early toxicosis. Nausea and vomiting are not the most clear signs early pregnancy, the cause of these unpleasant phenomena can be food poisoning. Also, many diseases of the digestive tract cannot do without these symptoms: gastritis, enteritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers.

The sixth sign of early pregnancy is frequent urination

Women usually suffer from frequent trips to the toilet in late pregnancy, when a baby that has grown up in the womb begins to put pressure on the bladder and ureter. However, failures in the urination system can also occur in the early stages of gestation. They are caused by chorionic gonadotropin - a hormone that is abundantly secreted in a pregnant woman and provokes an acceleration of blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Mommy thinks that her bladder is full, although there is actually not much urine in it. This feeling is especially strong in the supine position, so pregnant women do not sleep well at night, suffer from incontinence.

Frequent urge to urinate is not only the first signs of early pregnancy, but also symptoms of complex diseases genitourinary system. Urinary incontinence is accompanied diabetes, in which the patient drinks a lot of fluids, as well as cystitis or urethritis. If a strong painful burning sensation is felt during urination in the lower abdomen, it is not a pregnancy, but a disease.

The seventh sign of early pregnancy is an increase in basal temperature

By measuring basal temperature, women usually set. When the temperature inside the genitals rises slightly above normal, the egg is ready for fertilization. But with the help of basal temperature, the onset of conception can also be determined. To do this, during a delay in menstruation, a thermometer is placed in the anus, since the temperature in the rectum and genital tract is the same. It is better to carry out the procedure after a night's sleep, without getting out of bed.

If a woman keeps a chart of basal temperature for 3-4 months, then in the event of pregnancy, she will notice that a week before the start of menstruation basal body temperature instead of decreasing, it remains at the level of 37 degrees. In this case, you can most likely assume that you are pregnant.

The eighth sign of early pregnancy is bloody discharge from the genitals

A week after conception, some women notice minor bloody issues from the genital tract. They can be confused with scanty menstrual bleeding, but these discharges differ more from menstruation. light shade. They occur just at the moment when the fertilized egg clings to the wall of the uterus, but they do not last long at all. Sometimes women observe quite thick yellowish discharge. So at the beginning of pregnancy, erosion of the cervix appears. There may be no discharge at all, and this is also normal in the early stages of gestation.

The ninth sign of early pregnancy is a painful condition, malaise

Important signs of early pregnancy - a sharp decline immunity and metabolism. The body of a pregnant woman itself suppresses its immune cells so that they do not perceive the fetus as a foreign body, do not try to destroy it. And the metabolism is activated as a result of hormonal changes. The expectant mother in the early stages of bearing a child often catches a cold, suffers from a runny nose and hoarseness, she may have a fever. In order not to harm the embryo, it is advisable to treat ailments not with pharmaceuticals, but with folk methods.

Pregnant women often complain of weakness and drowsiness, they want to sleep both at night and during the day. This is how the hormone progesterone, produced by the ovaries after conception, is responsible for maintaining the fetus.

The tenth sign of early pregnancy - changes in the skin

Pigmentary and inflammatory changes skin- Significant symptoms of pregnancy. Hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body after conception have a great impact on the condition of the skin. Due to the sharp fluctuation of sex hormones, the face, neck and chest of a pregnant woman is dotted dark spots, appear on the legs and arms spider veins similar in color to hematomas. With the birth of a baby, all pigmentation will disappear, mom should not worry about this. Sebaceous and sweat glands during gestation, they work hard, so many women have acne on their faces. Somewhere by the twelfth week of pregnancy, a longitudinal pigment streak, which will remain until the birth. And already from the twentieth week of bearing a baby, stretch marks begin to form on the sides and lower abdomen. They are the more noticeable, the fuller the pregnant woman.

The eleventh sign of early pregnancy is bowel dysfunction.

Sex hormones, being actively produced in the body of a pregnant woman, suppress the work of the intestines, contribute to its relaxation. Therefore, constipation and diarrhea are common symptoms during pregnancy. Usually, these unpleasant signs of pregnancy haunt the expectant mother in the later stages of bearing a baby, when the uterus expands, squeezing the intestines. But sometimes women who are not carrying their first baby notice constipation, excessive gas formation, liquid stool already at an early stage. Many mothers suffer from hemorrhoids. To remove these symptoms of pregnancy, which cause a lot of trouble, it is advisable to use not medical preparations, A folk remedies safe for the developing fetus.

The first changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman at the same time help about the very fact of pregnancy. And if some signs can only be seen by a doctor during examination (cyanosis of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, a slight increase and softening of the uterus), then most of the changes are noticeable to the expectant mother herself.

First of all, this is the cessation of menstruation. Delay is one of the main signs of pregnancy. IN rare cases menstruation does not stop in the first few months, however, if bleeding occurs after pregnancy is confirmed, this is an occasion for immediate medical attention, especially if it is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

In the first weeks, the breast increases in size and becomes heavier, it becomes more sensitive, pain or tingling in the mammary glands may be noted.

Changes in hormonal levels cause changes in bowel function and Bladder- Urination becomes more frequent, but many women complain of constipation.

An elevated basal body temperature may indicate the onset of pregnancy. If the temperature usually rises during ovulation and decreases before the onset, it rises slightly with the onset of pregnancy and remains so even in later ones.

Everything you can't see with your eyes

Women's mood swings are proverbial. Due to changes in hormonal levels, a woman can feel overwhelmed, tired, and even the joy of her new condition cannot always smooth it out. Emotional condition women during this period easily changes and sadness to inexplicable fun. Often, expectant mothers note that they become more nervous and even whiny.

Sensitivity to smells changes, habitual perfumes may dislike, the sense of smell becomes unusually sharp. It is not uncommon to have an aversion to certain types of food and a desire for certain foods or unusual combinations of them. The craving for salty and sour foods has been known for a long time - sometimes the desire for pickled or pickled cucumbers betrays pregnancy before the advent other signs.

Toxicosis with nausea and weakness usually begins at 6-7 weeks of gestation and disappears by the end of the first trimester. Some women do not suffer from it at all or experience mild nausea in the morning, but others suffer from repeated vomiting throughout the day. Frequent vomiting is dangerous because it can lead to dehydration, so it’s better to consult a doctor - he will explain, with toxicosis, and if frequent vomiting advised to go to the hospital.

Often there is low blood pressure, leading to drowsiness, weakness, dizziness and even fainting. Possible tachycardia associated with an increase in blood volume.

In the early stages, existing chronic diseases and sluggish infections may worsen. If you did not pay attention to treatment during pregnancy planning, the first is not the right time to take medications and some medical procedures. If you cannot do without them, the doctor will select the most sparing treatment regimen for you.
Pregnant women are often annoyed by pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, joints or headaches. Pain in the abdomen can be explained by an increase in the sensitivity of the uterus and stretching of the ligaments that support it. In some cases, there is hypertonicity of the uterus - the lower abdomen seems to be "". In this case, you need to move less, perhaps the doctor will recommend taking safe antispasmodics.

External changes

Barely seeing two stripes, a woman expecting her first child is already peering intently into the mirror in anticipation of a change in appearance.

In the first weeks of pregnancy external changes insignificant. First of all, this is a change in the color of the areolas - the areas around the nipples noticeably darken. Later, pigmentation of the white line of the abdomen leading from the navel to the pubis may appear. Spots on the face, which women often fear, appear much later, if they appear at all.

Fluctuations in hormonal levels and a decrease in immunity, characteristic of early pregnancy, can spoil for a while appearance- the skin and hair sometimes become more oily and dull, the face swells. This is a temporary condition, usually by the end of the first trimester it passes, the hair becomes thick and lush.

In rare cases, pregnant women notice an increase in body hair growth. This may be due to increased level male hormones and requires consultation with an endocrinologist.

The abdomen until the second trimester of pregnancy, and sometimes longer, is almost invisible. However, other women notice that the stomach has nevertheless increased in volume, but this is not due to an increase in the uterus, but to fluid retention in the body and intestinal hypotension.

What is possible or impossible in early pregnancy?

When pregnancy is just beginning, then many factors can adversely affect the development of the fetus, and this time plays important role both in bearing and in the birth of a child. There is a high risk of catching a cold, flu or any other infection that will affect the entire course of pregnancy. If it was not planned, then in the early stages, women can abuse alcohol, smoke and lead an unhealthy lifestyle, which cannot but affect the baby. Therefore, it is important to recognize pregnancy as early as possible, even if it was not planned. There are certain signs, in addition to tests or ultrasounds, that may suggest that a woman is pregnant: this is constant weakness or dizziness, nausea, a change in taste preferences, and, finally, a delay in menstruation.

After discovering these signs in themselves, many women often immediately decide to use pregnancy tests or take an hCG test. But sometimes, at too early a time, the test cannot show its presence, so it is blood donation to detect this hormone that will help determine pregnancy. When it has already been accurately confirmed, then it is worth reconsidering your lifestyle, getting rid of all bad habits and carefully guarding yourself from colds and other infectious diseases. However, what else can affect the development of the child and what should be avoided in early pregnancy?

  1. When pregnancy just begins, the diet changes, someone switches to healthy food, and someone is forced to do this by toxicosis, which begins just at the very beginning of gestation. However, often when changing normal diet an allergic reaction may occur, which is very dangerous for little man. Such products include chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries and so on. They are worth eating at all in large numbers to get all the vitamins and nutrients, but not harm the unborn child.
  2. It is important to monitor not only the food itself, but also its quality. Unwashed, expired or poor-quality products can cause dangerous diseases, so they must be thoroughly washed and processed before use. This applies not only to fruits or vegetables, but also to meat, fish, eggs or greens.
  3. Many expectant mothers have the wrong opinion about flights. This can be done in the early stages of pregnancy, if there are no contraindications, but closer to the third trimester, due to pressure drops, the child in the womb may suffer, which negatively affects him and causes premature birth. Therefore, in this case need mandatory consultation specialist and even written permission doctors.
  4. In the early stages of pregnancy, you should not dye your hair or perform other manipulations that contain harmful chemical compounds, such as ammonia. The same applies to nail extensions and manicures. Of course, some of the women can wait 9 months to put themselves in order, so it is better to use ammonia-free paints, do not build up nails, so as not to breathe harmful dust and fumes. It is best to limit the use of hairspray or other sprays so as not to harm your unborn baby as well.
  5. At the very beginning of pregnancy, it is not advised to swim in in public places especially with the slightest discomfort. This often leads to various infections. urinary tract or other diseases. It is not recommended to take hot baths, go to the sauna, spas or baths. This is also dangerous because the pressure may rise, and the woman may simply lose consciousness or fall.
  6. Also, experts say that in the early stages you can’t talk a lot on a mobile phone and even turn off cellular telephone should not be placed next to you. Electromagnetic radiation is harmful to a child. The same applies to x-rays.
  7. Do not abuse aromatic oils or incense, since such smells can not only cause allergic reactions but also severely harm the baby in the womb. To such essential oils include cedar, lemongrass, juniper, patchouli, cypress, basil, and cinnamon. They are able to increase the tone of the uterus and invigorate, and this provokes premature birth. In any case, even if it seems to you that some aroma oils absolutely safe, before using them, you should consult a doctor.
  8. As for taking baths, you can use various herbal infusions or decoctions. If doctors allow expectant mother take baths, it is mint, chamomile and calendula that will the best option. They can be used both fresh and dried. It is not necessary to dissolve them in water; they can be folded into an ordinary linen bag that is hung on a faucet. A jet of water will flow through it and bring useful substances into the bath.
  9. Early pregnancy is not compatible with wearing high heels, too tight or uncomfortable clothes that should not tighten the stomach or waist. High heels are simply uncomfortable, they can cause a fall, as well as adversely affect the spine. Because of this, there is an additional load and, as a result, the development of neuralgia.
  10. When pregnancy occurs, it is not recommended to sleep on your stomach, and lie on your right side for a long time. This impairs the nutrition of the baby in the womb, can disrupt blood flow and lead to miscarriage.
  11. Both at the beginning and at the end of pregnancy, you should not lift weights and reach for something. This applies to the cross-legged position, which is also not good for a developing child.
  12. You have to be careful with sports. Of course, light physical activity, swimming, yoga or Pilates can help the expectant mother learn how to breathe properly, which is important during contractions and attempts. Exercise will help maintain shape and muscles, because during childbirth the load is very high! But before training, you should consult a doctor, because in the presence of a number of diseases or pathologies of pregnancy, such physical activity is contraindicated.
  13. It is important to limit contact with sick people and animals, because this also negatively affects the health and even the life of the baby.

There are many restrictions that should be followed during gestation, you can learn all about them from your doctor.

Pregnancy is a diagnosis, and the diagnosis in translation means “management tactics”. Indeed, pregnancy leaves an imprint on the entire body of a woman as a whole, since at this time there are intense changes in all organs and systems of her body.

In addition, pregnancy is a contraindication for the appointment of certain drugs, which is especially important to consider for doctors of other specialties. During pregnancy (here, the signs of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay, that is, the very beginning of a new life), are contraindicated for fluorographic or any other x-ray examination that can be prescribed to a woman if she is not known to be pregnant.

Therefore, timely detection of the fact of pregnancy is very important, since proper management pregnancy from the earliest dates is the key to its successful completion - the birth of a live viable child. Based on this, knowledge of the early signs of pregnancy is important both for the patient herself and for doctors of various specialties. This is what will be discussed in our article.

The main directions of pregnancy diagnostics

Often, the diagnosis of pregnancy in a short period presents significant difficulties, since the detected early signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation are not very specific and can be observed in other conditions and diseases. Diseases of the endocrine glands, neuropsychiatric disorders, stressful situations, taking some medicines can mimic the state of pregnancy, which is misleading for both the doctor and the patient.

The observed hormonal changes during pregnancy lead to the appearance of new subjective feelings, as well as to certain objective changes that are determined by the doctor. In addition to identifying these signs of pregnancy in the early stages, additional research methods are used, which include conducting ultrasound and level determination chorionic gonadotropin in the urine (urinary pregnancy test, which can be qualitative and quantitative) and in the blood. These are laboratory signs of pregnancy that can be detected.

But the establishment of the fact of pregnancy does not yet allow to put an end to the diagnostic search. At the next stage, it is important to establish where the fetal egg is localized (in the uterus or outside it), and also whether the pregnancy develops, that is, to exclude a non-developing pregnancy.

Thus, diagnostic search includes three areas:

  • diagnosis of pregnancy;
  • determination of the place of implantation gestational sac;
  • determination of the heartbeat of the embryo / fetus (an embryo is a fetal egg up to 8 weeks of development).

Methods of examination of pregnant women

What are the early signs of pregnancy and how to identify them? This is the main question that worries many women trying to get pregnant. First, let's look at how you can determine the signs of pregnancy.

Pregnancy detection is based on an assessment of:

  • complaints and subjective feelings of a woman;
  • an objective examination of a woman, which includes an examination of the mammary glands and a vaginal examination (using mirrors and a two-handed examination);
  • results of additional research methods (ultrasound, blood and urine tests).

Let us dwell in more detail on additional research methods, since the first signs of early pregnancy are difficult to diagnose using conventional clinical trial(questioning, examination, palpation, etc.).

Ultrasound examination allows you to establish the fact of the presence of pregnancy, its localization, as well as the presence of an embryonic heartbeat, that is, it solves all three main tasks of a diagnostic search. The most reliable and early information can be obtained if the study is carried out using a vaginal sensor. It is important to establish the presence of a heartbeat before the 8th week of pregnancy, since by this time the embryonic heart had already begun to form.

If by this time there are no fetal heartbeats, then, most likely, the pregnancy has frozen (non-developing pregnancy).

Determination of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood or urine (a sign of early pregnancy - 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks) allows you to diagnose the presence of a fetal egg. However, it does not give exact information about the place of its implantation. This can only be indirectly judged - the discrepancy between the level of this hormone ( less than normal) estimated gestational age.

The same can be said about the viability of the product of conception. If the content of chorionic gonadotropin corresponds to the gestational age, then the pregnancy develops normally, and if it is less than normal, then one must think either about a missed pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy.

Very rarely, there can be a significant increase in this hormone, which is regarded as serious pathology and testifies to hydatidiform mole or chorionic carcinoma. These are varieties of the so-called trophoblastic disease, which refers to oncological diseases. A slight increase in chorionic gonadotropin is the earliest sign of twin pregnancy, that is, it does not characterize the pathology.

Subjective signs of pregnancy

Subjective signs of pregnancy are signs of early pregnancy, which in the medical literature are called doubtful signs. The woman herself talks about these signs. Their appearance is associated with hormonal changes that occur in the mother's body if the egg is fertilized by a sperm. For the same reason, objective symptoms also appear, which the doctor reveals during a thorough examination of the woman.

They are the second most important in the diagnostic search and are called probable signs of pregnancy. The most reliable are reliable signs, which are determined only in the second half of pregnancy.

These include:

  • fetal movements felt by the doctor;
  • fetal heartbeat;
  • palpation (groping) of small parts of the fetus.

So, back to the signs of pregnancy in the early stages. These include the following subjective sensations:

  • nausea and vomiting (up to 2 times per day is regarded as a variant of the norm, more than 2 times - as a symptom of early toxicosis);
  • change taste sensations(adherence to a certain type of food and aversion to other types);
  • increase or decrease in appetite;
  • change in smell ( hypersensitivity To perfumery products, intolerance to tobacco smoke);
  • increased irritability;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • general weakness;
  • drowsiness, including during the day;
  • non-intense headaches and dizziness associated with reduced vascular tone;
  • frequent painless urination;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands and their slight increase;
  • the appearance of increased pigmentation along the white (middle) line of the abdomen, on the face, on the nipples;
  • the appearance of stretch marks, which are due to the influence of glucocorticoid hormones.

This is how pregnancy manifests itself in the early stages, and the signs before and after the delay of menstruation, which are detected, often require additional research methods. At the same time, the earliest sign of pregnancy from additional research methods is the appearance of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood or urine, as discussed above.

Enlargement of the uterus

Enlargement of the uterus is one of the likely signs of early pregnancy. The growth of the uterus is associated with the growth of the embryo and extraembryonic structures (chorion, amnion, yolk sac). This sign in early pregnancy can be established from 2 weeks. It's about about two weeks from the moment of conception, which correspond to 4 obstetric weeks.

In addition to an increase in the uterus, its shape changes, the consistency of the reaction to various stimuli. Before the era of ultrasound, these changes were regarded as very early signs of pregnancy, which with a high degree of probability indicate the conception and implantation of the fetal egg. The pregnant uterus has an asymmetric shape, that is, it has a protrusion in the place where the fetal egg has implanted.

Such a uterus is soft, since progesterone, which is released in large quantities during pregnancy, relaxes the smooth muscles (especially the uterus). This causes its increased mobility. The uterus in a pregnant state is able to actively respond to external stimuli, therefore, with a two-handed study, it first tones up and then immediately relaxes.

In addition, during a vaginal examination in order to detect pregnancy in the early stages, it is also important to evaluate the discharge. In pregnant women they have white look and a thick consistency, since progesterone changes the nature of the vaginal secretion. With a complicated course of pregnancy, their character may change - they either become mucous (this may indicate an increase in estrogen and a decrease in progesterone), or bloody.

Bloody discharge from the genital tract most often indicates a threat of termination of pregnancy, therefore, to maintain it, immediate treatment is required, which includes the appointment of antispasmodics, hemostatic agents and progestin drugs (Dufaston, Utrozhestan, Progesterone). Gestagens are able to influence immune processes that play a very important role in the normal development of pregnancy.

Purulent discharge and early signs of pregnancy are also a reason to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist, as they can lead to infection of the fetal egg, which can be realized in pathology at an early stage or at a later date.

Infection in the early stages of pregnancy manifests itself non-developing pregnancy or miscarriage, and in the later leads to premature birth, intrauterine infections, placental insufficiency with its consequences (fetal growth retardation and intrauterine fetal hypoxia). Most often, up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, to combat purulent discharge, it is prescribed local therapy in the form of suppositories, creams, so that systemic drugs do not have negative impact on developing fetus and did not lead to anomalies of its development.

A period of up to 12 weeks is critical, since at this time all organs and systems are formed and their primary differentiation takes place, therefore, at this time, a pregnant woman, if possible, should not take any medications. In this regard, the earliest signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation should be known to every woman who goes to the doctor with a particular disease. She must warn the doctor about them so as not to harm the fetus with the prescribed treatment.

Diarrhea and pregnancy

The above doubtful symptoms that can cause inconvenience to a woman are signs of early pregnancy, and diarrhea, which some women may have, most often indicates a pathology. He is associated with or food poisoning, or with an intestinal infection, less often with chronic pathology gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the assertion that diarrhea is a sign of pregnancy is a delusion.


The first signs of early pregnancy are important to identify in women suffering from miscarriage, since such women need the earliest possible start of therapy aimed at maintaining pregnancy.

A miscarriage should be spoken of in cases where a woman has had two or more pregnancy losses in a row. As a rule, such patients are examined outside of pregnancy in order to identify the reasons for its termination. Knowing the exact cause, you can prevent its effect on the newly fertilized egg. Such early treatment contributes to the preservation of pregnancy and the birth of healthy, viable babies.

Thus, the first signs of pregnancy at an early stage help to timely diagnose the fact of pregnancy in order to optimize the management of such a patient. An obstetrician-gynecologist diagnoses pregnancy and makes an appropriate entry in the medical records.

After that, to such a woman is applied special approach- the risks of prescribing certain drugs, certain methods of examination are assessed, and, if possible, complications of pregnancy are prevented, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.
