Pregnancy and nervous experiences. Why You Shouldn't Be Nervous While Pregnant

February 23

While carrying a child, a woman experiences many changes, and they are not all pleasant. One of these unpleasant moments there are nerves. The most important thing is to know what needs to be done so that negative emotions do not cause any harm to the future cub.

Everyone has heard that nerves are useless during pregnancy, but not everyone knows why there is such a ban and how it can affect the course of pregnancy?

The most common cause of high irritability and nervous breakdowns is a change hormonal background during pregnancy. Indeed, when a new life appears in a woman’s body, the body begins to actively produce hormones necessary for the normal formation of a baby. But at the same time, these same hormones affect mood swings and nervousness. It is because of these hormones that a woman can, even because of the slightest trifle, be offended and burst into tears, considering this a huge problem.

There are factors that are very simply explained. This refers to the need to work in the later stages of gestation. A woman works hard, while the severity of the load that has fallen on her actually doubles. The woman starts typing overweight, resulting in swelling, especially if a woman is forced to constantly sit at her workplace.

If a pregnant woman is assigned duties to regularly clean the house, cook, take care of the family - as a result, the psyche does not stand up, which causes reasonable nervous breakdowns. The strongest nerves arise in women who work in an enterprise where the main tasks are associated with stress.

Also, the position of a leader is negatively displayed on pregnant women, when you need to be responsible for a lot, which causes unnecessary stress on the nervous system.

It often happens that a woman in a position perceives herself as the center of the universe. She gets nervous and just becomes furious if she is not given enough attention, do not understand, do not share her opinion in anything. In this case, relatives should be understanding and support the future woman in labor as much as possible.

So why should women expecting a baby not be nervous and whether such conditions are dangerous for the health of the future baby.

It has been scientifically confirmed that there is an exact relationship between the high nervousness of the expectant mother and the difficult course of pregnancy. If the "pregnant woman" is constantly in a nervous, stressful state, then this will be very bad for the immune system, which is already greatly weakened without it.

As a result, the body begins to cope much worse with various bacteria and viral microorganisms, which provokes an increase in the risk of illness. Also, women who, during gestation, strongly "wag their nerves", often note a tremor of the limbs, dizziness, head pain, some also note a manifestation on skin rash, tachycardia.

Strong nervous stress can cause a more powerful manifestation of toxicosis. To the exacerbation of chronic diseases. Of course, all this will have a bad effect on the defenseless baby.

Frequent breakdowns are dangerous for the health of the baby, as well as for his life. During a tantrum in a woman's body, a change in hormonal levels occurs. And this can provoke uterine. On early stages gestation, such a condition can cause a miscarriage, and on recent months can provoke the onset of early, premature birth.

Frequent bad emotions in the 2nd, 3rd trimester can cause a condition such as fetal hypoxia to occur. This is a condition when there is constantly not enough oxygen, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the baby. As a result, this affects the development of the fetus, it becomes slow. In order not to give birth to a baby with a low weight. You should also limit yourself from nerves.

Observations were made on children whose mothers were often nervous when they were waiting. And it was found that in such children the immune system is weakened, most of their bottoms have disorders of nervous origin, such children are overactive and most susceptible to the development of respiratory diseases.

How to avoid a nervous breakdown during pregnancy

Of course, everyone already knows that the nerves have a bad effect on the baby. But what to do, how to avoid various stresses, when in such a state so often there is a desire to cry, shout and roll up a scandal.

There are two ways out of this situation - medicines and activities that can distract. Any medication for a pregnant woman can be prescribed only by a doctor. As with drugs chemical origin, and vegetable are available adverse reactions that can adversely affect the health of the mother and, of course, the child. Usually doctors recommend taking drugs such as Persen, valerian tablets, Magne B6.

You can also sign up for courses where women prepare for the upcoming birth, where you can talk, make new acquaintances, which will ensure good mood and psychological relief.

Also great option- sign up for gymnastics designed specifically for such a period, on. Moderate physical activity is a very good warning of nervousness. This will help to eliminate the nerves and prepare the pelvic muscles for the upcoming action - childbirth.

Many experts recommend that pregnant women stock up on paints and brushes. If something bothers you, try drawing it. Think carefully about which picture can best reflect your condition. Try to draw everything small parts- no matter what the result is, a picture or just an abstraction. On e, if the nervousness still has not gone away, just burn this paper with a pattern. This method of psychology will help you get rid of bad feelings and thoughts.

Another recommended method of getting rid of nervousness is meditation. Set aside some time each day during the day just to keep quiet. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and watch your own thoughts. Listen to your own breathing and feel the warmth of your body. Enough 5-8 minutes a day.

Such a procedure will help to realize how much of our attention is spent on finding the answers that really are within ourselves. Perhaps many experiences will seem to you not at all significant.

The relationship with a partner greatly affects the course of pregnancy, or rather, how a woman will emotionally feel during this important period.

Often, it is during the period of expectation of a baby that a woman begins to have doubts about the feelings of her lover. Talk calmly with your husband, explain to him your condition and experiences. No need to throw tantrums, talk calmly. Say that you need his support, that his care and understanding is especially important to you now.

Vulnerability, hypersensitivity and anxiety are unnamed companions of pregnancy. A woman can perceive everyday troubles as fatal events, take offense at completely non-obvious things and cry over films that previously did not cause any emotional response. Why is this happening, and most importantly: how to calm down and pull yourself together?

Why are pregnant women so irritable?

Outbursts of anger, sadness and anxiety in pregnant women are mostly due to changes in hormonal status.

Reference! Experts say that in the first trimester, nervous excitability, on the contrary, decreases, and the woman becomes lethargic and drowsy. This condition has a beneficial effect on the formation of the fetus, as it leads to relaxation of the uterus.

In the second trimester, the second hormonal surge occurs, which affects the mood of the expectant mother in exactly the opposite way: the woman is in a state of ongoing nervous tension. Apathy is replaced by nervousness, suspiciousness, fearfulness, and sometimes anger. The following factors aggravate the condition of the expectant mother:

  • stressful work: high responsibility, deadlines, difficult clients and conflicts with superiors - all this hits the nerves a lot even under normal circumstances. For a pregnant woman, even a small reprimand from her boss can seem like a hint of dismissal.
  • Unfavorable home environment tense relationships with households deprive a woman of comfort and peace even within the walls of her own apartment.
  • Changes appearance: swelling in the body, a puffy face, extra pounds - such a reflection spoils the mood.
  • multitasking: work, cleaning the house, cooking, taking care of children and husband, and many more household chores that are shouldered by a woman are very tiring.
  • Physical state: pain in the back, legs and sluggishness make you doubt yourself and your abilities.

Close people surrounding the pregnant woman should do everything possible to future mother I didn’t burden myself with unbearable things and didn’t feel depressed. You should not put pressure on her, blaming her for mood swings and hysteria - in most cases this is a problem of the situation, not character.

Of course, one cannot but say about the category of expectant mothers who perceive their position as a “privileged status” and require special treatment. From there come selfish demands like buying strawberries at 3 a.m. and manipulating your well-being, with deliberate grabbing your stomach when something doesn’t go according to plan. In this case, only a frank conversation and prioritization will help.

Moreover, manipulations of this kind can develop into psychosomatics and the pregnant woman will really begin to feel unwell.

How does maternal anxiety affect the fetus?

The nervousness of a pregnant woman can negatively affect the condition of the fetus. Such mothers most often have children with the following ailments:

  • underweight;
  • asthma;
  • delays in mental and physical development;
  • tendency to neuroses;
  • weather dependence;
  • distracted attention syndrome;
  • tendency to insomnia.

Reference! There is an opinion that children of restless mothers are more likely than others tossing and turning, pushing and kicking inside the womb.

The effect of stress on pregnancy

Irritability and constant dissatisfaction with circumstances often develops into depression, and this, in turn, puts the safety of pregnancy in serious danger:

  • Miscarriage. The stronger the stress factor, the higher the risk of miscarriage. Neuroses are especially dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy.
  • Premature discharge of water. Emotional stress quite often develops into physical, and it can lead to rupture of the amniotic sac.
  • Fading pregnancy. Most often occurs at week 8, against the background of stress and anxiety.

Of course, there are no conditions under which you can completely protect yourself from all stimuli. This is not necessary: ​​in order for a pregnant woman to feel comfortable, it is enough to protect her from long moral experiences and sharp shocks.

How to deal with emotional stress during pregnancy?

Care about mental health no less important than the physical: unfortunately, many expectant mothers forget about this. To calm the nerves and normalize their condition, a pregnant woman should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Rest and relaxation. At least for one hour a day, allow yourself to disconnect from everyday problems and devote time only to yourself. You can meditate, ignite aroma candles or just listen to soothing melodies.
  2. Positive communication: meet friends more often, communication with which gives you pleasure. If possible, distance yourself from people who make you doubt yourself and lead you into depressive thoughts.
  3. Enjoy and pamper yourself. let yourself Tasty food, watch interesting and funny films, go to city events: any positive emotion will be useful.
  4. Build relationships with loved ones. If you know that you offended someone with a rude word at the time of your emotional breakdown, by all means ask for forgiveness. And also warn them that during this period you can not always keep your feelings under control.
  5. Consult with your doctor. As a specialist, he has repeatedly encountered signs of nervousness during pregnancy. He can pick you soothing tea or vitamin complex reducing the level of anxiety.


The expectant mother must learn to control her own emotions, even when it seems impossible. After all, she is just about to face the most crucial stage in her life: the upbringing of a new person.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Here comes the pregnancy. For some, a miracle and a long-awaited event, for others - a pleasant surprise. In any case, the woman understands that now in her was born new life And you will need to make a lot of efforts so that the baby is born healthy. This period of life is accompanied by many emotions. And they may not always be positive. Nervous breakdowns are especially dangerous during pregnancy. Indeed, in addition to worries about the development and health of her baby, a woman, as before, participates in social life. Why shouldn't you be nervous during pregnancy?

Pregnancy and nerves

Nowadays, not many women have the opportunity, when pregnancy occurs, to protect themselves from stress and create ideal conditions for bearing. Unfortunately, it’s impossible not to be nervous at all, because every day we face a lot of difficulties and events that can cause different emotions and affect mental health. Of course, nature is wise and with the onset of pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, a woman, as it were, withdraws into herself, becomes less sensitive to external stimuli. Nevertheless, it is impossible to completely abstract from emotions. The consequences of nerves during pregnancy can affect the development of the child, so you need to strive to control yourself and avoid stress.

How not to be nervous during pregnancy? This will be difficult to implement, given the modern pace of life and the amount of information load, but it is imperative to strive for peace and balance. The negative impact of stress on the body has long been proven by scientists. And during gestation, the woman’s body already functions at the limit of its capabilities and emotional upheavals are very dangerous both for her and for the fetus. Why You Shouldn't Be Nervous During Pregnancy:

  1. The body of mother and child for the entire period of gestation is a single whole. Everything that happens to a woman is reflected in the fetus. Negative emotions and nerves affect the well-being and development of the child.
  2. During strong emotional upheavals and nerves, the stress hormone adrenaline is produced. It constricts blood vessels, increases blood pressure, makes the heart beat faster. This mechanism allows the body to mobilize forces. But in the conditions of bearing a child, the load on all organs and systems of the mother is already colossal, and with constant stress, all the reserve capabilities of the body are exhausted, which leads to exhaustion, exacerbation of existing diseases.
  3. Adrenaline also has a negative effect on the child's body. Under its influence, a vasospasm occurs and the baby does not receive oxygen and nutrients in the right amount. During the laying of organs and systems - in the early stages - constant stress and nervous experiences can lead to developmental disabilities. Excessive emotionality can provoke uterine tone, premature birth and even cause a miscarriage.
  4. Many people, when nervous and stressed, try to distract themselves with food or, on the contrary, cannot eat because of their worries. Both are very harmful when carrying a baby. Excess food intake leads to excess weight, which has a very bad effect on the well-being of a woman and her health, difficulties in childbirth. In case of inadequate supply nutrients will suffer developing child, it is fraught with underdevelopment and congenital abnormalities.

How do nerves affect pregnancy in general? There is only one answer - extremely negative.

What do we have to do?

Of course, it is impossible to predict in advance all the events in your life. But we must strive to plan at least the foreseeable future. by the most the best option is pregnancy planning, when some problems can be solved even before gestation.

If it was not possible to prepare for pregnancy, then you need to try to minimize possible stressful situations. How to stop being nervous during pregnancy?

Work and social life

Many expectant mothers work not only until the onset maternity leave but also up to the birth. And work is probably the most important factor leading to nervous shocks and stress. Moreover, with an increase in the gestation period, a woman becomes more and more slow, it is harder to perceive information, the speed of perception and memory decrease, which also gives the expectant mother negative emotions. You don't have to worry about it, it's absolutely normal phenomenon and after the birth of the baby, everything will be restored. Thus, nature focuses the attention of the mother on her child and prepares for the future birth.

If you have a nervous and hard job, then you need to inform your management about your situation as soon as possible, the law provides for the release and transfer of pregnant women to light work.

If a normal working day is accompanied by nerves and upheavals, after which weakness occurs, headache, increased pressure and pain in the abdomen, then you must definitely tell the observing gynecologist about this. In case of health problems, he will write out a sick leave.

Think about your baby, now this is the most important thing! And work, reports, and so on are not worth the health of a developing baby, and certainly they won’t get away from you after the decree.

Public transport

Unfortunately, many pregnant women have to use public transport. Such trips are burdensome even for ordinary person not to mention pregnant. Indeed, often a woman is haunted by toxicosis, she reacts to smells and sways. Yes and with big belly very scary and uncomfortable to drive in a crowded public transport. It is extremely difficult in such a situation to remain calm and not nervous. What can be done:

  1. You need to plan your travels in advance. In the case of an upcoming trip, it is optimal to calculate the route and choose the transport by which you will get there. This will help keep your nerves and health.
  2. If possible, you can leave the house a little earlier and walk to your destination on foot. Physical activity very useful during pregnancy.
  3. If you need to travel every day and over long distances, for example, to work, then you should try to get into transport at the final stop. It may take a few stops to drive in the other direction, but it's worth it.
  4. It is worth asking friends with personal transport. Perhaps you will be with them along the way, and thus the problem with movement will be solved.
  5. Be sure to bring water, sour fruit or candy with you. In case of nausea, they will alleviate the condition. You can take the player and listen to your favorite music during the trip, this will help you get distracted and the time will fly by.
  6. If you need to go, and the passenger compartment is crowded, then do not hesitate to ask to give you a seat. Standing passengers are more susceptible to serious injury in the event of an accident or sudden braking.

Relationships in the family

Despite pregnancy, all household issues remain with the woman. You should not be nervous if the dust is not wiped off somewhere or the dishes are not washed, especially if the reason for this is poor health. Relax and do this work later.

Talk to your loved one, ask for help and take care of some household issues. After all future dad also interested in birth healthy child.

Try to talk to your partner more often, voice your concerns, talk about how you feel.

In the event of a disagreement or quarrel, try to control yourself, think at this moment about your child. It is best to turn around and go out, for example, into the air. When emotions subside, with a cool head, you can discuss the conflict and try to find a compromise.

Fears for the child

Every mother worries about her child, even the unborn. And worries about the baby during gestation are absolutely normal. But don't get hung up on them. Often women are nervous due to lack of information and misunderstanding of ongoing processes. It is best to contact the antenatal clinic as early as possible, where specialists will provide all the information of interest. You should not listen to acquaintances and girlfriends, and even more so, believe everything that is written on the Internet. Every pregnancy is different and yours will be perfect!

It is very important to choose a doctor that you will trust and feel comfortable with. Be sure to enroll in Responsible Parenting courses when antenatal clinic. They will help not only to understand the processes occurring in the body, but also to prepare for childbirth. To strengthen family relations and mutual understanding they can be visited together with a partner.

There are situations when there are some deviations in the results of tests or ultrasound, which for a woman is a huge stress and cause of nerves. But do not fall into despair. Studies can always be redone, go for a consultation with another specialist. With nerves and experiences, a woman only brings harm to the baby. modern medicine able to help in most cases, the main thing - timely treatment compliance, and a positive attitude.

How to help yourself?

The health of a woman and a baby is in her hands. You need to do your best to suppress negative emotions and avoid stress. Of course, for this you need to make some efforts and change your lifestyle, your thinking. What a woman can do

  1. To distract from experiences, you can do needlework - embroider, draw, put together puzzles and layouts. Sign up for a cooking or modeling class. Find something to your liking.
  2. Rest and spend more time fresh air.
  3. Be sure to play sports. You can sign up for a pool or yoga for pregnant women. Even home exercises and hiking are suitable.
  4. In stressful situations, develop a distraction action, for example, count to 10, and then start talking and doing.
  5. Spend more time with your partner, come up with a joint hobby, do household chores together.

If you feel that the situation is getting out of control and you can’t cope on your own, then be sure to visit a doctor. Accept the majority sedatives during pregnancy is prohibited due to the effect on the fetus. But a specialist can choose safe remedy, for example, the drug Magne B6 or valerian tablets. The sooner treatment is started, the less negative impact will get fruit.

Remember, your baby's health depends entirely on you! If you can't change the situation, change your attitude towards it.

One of the important factors necessary for a successful pregnancy is peace of mind. future mother. Probably, all women who are expecting a baby have heard more than once that it is impossible to be nervous during pregnancy. But few of them know why it is desirable to avoid stressful situations, and what are the reasons for such an excited emotional state expectant mothers during the period of bearing a baby. Let's figure it out.

Why do women get very nervous during pregnancy

Of course, in the life of all women who are expecting a child, big and small troubles happen. In most cases, pregnant women react to these problems very violently and emotionally, with tears and screams. Even if it's just a broken nail. So what is the reason that expectant mothers become so nervous during pregnancy? During the bearing of a child in the female body, there is an intensive production of hormones that are necessary for normal development baby. But these same hormones are also responsible for frequent mood swings. Precisely because of hormonal changes in the body, a woman during pregnancy can burst into tears even at the most trifling occasion.

What are dangerous nervous breakdowns during pregnancy

The connection between the increased nervousness of the expectant mother and the complications of the course of pregnancy has been scientifically proven.

If a woman expecting a baby is constantly under stress, then this negatively affects her already weakened immune system. As a result, the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria decreases, and the risk of disease increases.

Also, women who begin to get a lot nervous during pregnancy often complain of dizziness, tremors of the limbs, headaches, tachycardia, and even skin rashes. An overly excited pregnant woman may increased manifestations of toxicosis. Constant increased nervousness can lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Naturally, this will negatively affect the health of the baby.

Frequent nervous breakdowns during pregnancy pose a threat to the health and life of the baby. During a tantrum, a woman's hormonal background changes in the body, and this can lead to uterine hypertonicity. In early pregnancy, this condition is dangerous because it can provoke spontaneous interruption pregnancy (miscarriage) later dates is one of the causes of premature birth.

Constant negative emotions in the second - third trimester of pregnancy can lead to fetal hypoxia. Hypoxia is a constant lack of oxygen, and, naturally, this will affect the development of the child: it will become slow. Pregnant women should not be nervous in the third trimester, as this can lead to the birth of a small baby.

Also, observations of babies whose mothers were constantly nervous during pregnancy showed that children weak immunity and they are more prone to disease respiratory system, most of them are hyperactive and have diseases nervous system.

How to avoid a nervous breakdown

There are two ways to prevent stress during pregnancy: medications and distractions.

The drug should be prescribed only by a doctor: an obstetrician-gynecologist or a therapist. Because no matter what the origin of this drug: chemical or homeopathic, it has side effects, which can adversely affect the development of the baby or the health of the woman. The following are usually prescribed: "Magne B6", "Persen", "Glycine", valerian tablets, decoction of motherwort. But once again we want to draw attention to the fact that the dosage and frequency of taking any medicines should be appointed by a qualified specialist, and not by the expectant mother on her own, after listening to the advice of a neighbor or girlfriend.

To stop being nervous during pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to learn how to receive positive emotions from the outside. For example, you can enroll in a group preparing for the upcoming birth, where a woman will be able to communicate with other pregnant women, discuss questions about carrying a baby or childbirth with midwives, as a result, the expectant mother will receive emotional relief and good mood.

You can attend yoga or gymnastics classes for pregnant women. We all know that moderate exercise stress is an excellent stress reliever. And regular performance of a set of exercises designed specifically for expectant mothers will not only help to cope with nerves, but also prepare the pelvic muscles for the upcoming labor activity.

During pregnancy, many women change their behavior, become unpredictable in deeds and words, get a lot of nervousness and, in response to a harmless joke, can become hysterical. Absolutely everything can annoy expectant mothers: how a husband eats, how colleagues look at her, how carelessly an older child draws ... “Hormones ...” - many will say and they will be right, because hormonal changes occur in the body during pregnancy. It directly affects the psycho-emotional status of a woman and manifests itself in frequent tantrums, tears for any reason, and a bad mood.

Causes of increased nervousness during pregnancy

One of the main reasons why the expectant mother becomes nervous is the hormonal surge in her body, which inevitably occurs already in the first weeks of bearing a baby. Such a serious change in the hormonal background is always reflected in the mood and susceptibility of the world around the pregnant woman. Indeed, even during PMS and menstruation, a woman is more nervous than usual, but these states are incomparable with the storm of emotions that involuntarily arises in the head of a pregnant woman day by day, until she is born long-awaited child and her hormonal status gradually returns to normal.

But a pregnant woman should know and understand that one should not be nervous during this crucial period of life, since excessive nervousness can affect her health, affect the course of pregnancy and provoke various health and developmental problems in a newborn baby.

Why You Shouldn't Be Nervous During Pregnancy

The mood of the mother is transmitted to her baby even during prenatal development, therefore, a woman must understand that in order to give birth to a calm and healthy child, she needs to learn how to control her emotions, even if this seems like an impossible mission. The very process of the appearance of a particular emotion depends on many neurogenic factors, as a result of which hormones of happiness or stress are released into the blood of a woman.

So, during a nervous breakdown during pregnancy or any, even minor, stress, the hormones cortisol and prolactin are produced, which freely penetrate through placental barrier. This causes constant activation endocrine system the baby, which after his birth leads to various deviations in behavior.

If a pregnant woman often experiences positive emotions, into the blood in large numbers hormones of happiness - endorphins and encephalins, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the fetus and contribute to the birth of a healthy and calm baby.

Nerves during early pregnancy

Starting from the 4th day after conception, hormonal changes take place in the female body, which naturally affects the excitability of the nervous system of the expectant mother. And even if the pregnancy was expected and long-awaited, a woman sometimes cannot cope with her emotions, which not only harm her and the nascent child, but also those around her: her husband, work colleagues, friends.

Nerves during early pregnancy are often provoked by a sharply worsening physical condition women:

  • weakness appears;
  • suffering from severe toxicosis;
  • I want to sleep and eat all the time, which is why weight is rapidly gaining.

But if others can understand and for the next 9 months come to terms with constant tantrums future mother, then the woman herself is not always able to control herself. And learning how to do this is vital, because nervous breakdowns in the first trimester can provoke a miscarriage.

Nerves during late pregnancy

Starting from the second trimester, female body gradually gets used to the new hormonal status, and the pregnant woman becomes a little calmer. But the beginning of the third trimester is often accompanied by a resumption of stress, tantrums and other negative states. This is more related to upcoming birth and the process of preparing for it, since a woman still needs to complete many things at work and at home, prepare the house and things for the appearance of a new family member, and there is less and less strength left.

Constant fuss inevitably affects the mood of the expectant mother, while a woman may notice an increase in the activity of the child: he often and intensely pushes, even at night. This may indicate fetal hypoxia developing against the background of stress, when the baby does not have enough oxygen, and this can be fraught with a delay in intrauterine development of the baby and premature birth.

How do mother's tears and tantrums affect the fetus

Recommendations according to which one should not be nervous during pregnancy are not unreasonable. Scientists have long found out that strong negative emotions can harm not only the pregnant women themselves, but also be dangerous for their children. Nervousness during pregnancy can cause:

  • delayed fetal development, which is associated with a violation of the formation of embryonic cells;
  • fetal hypoxia - lack of oxygen;
  • pathology of the formation of the cardiovascular system;
  • the birth of a child with a lack of weight;
  • the development of asthmatic diseases in a child;
  • premature birth.

In addition, women who are constantly nervous during pregnancy often have very restless babies. They grow up hyperactive, react to crying loud sounds, light, are very irritable and often suffer from abdominal colic. In these children, at an older age, I more often diagnose diseases of the nervous system.

Nerves during pregnancy: consequences

Nervousness during pregnancy negatively affects not only the health of the baby, relationships with her husband and people around her, and her own psycho-emotional state. Frequent tears and tantrums can seriously harm pregnant women, causing the development of diseases and adverse conditions even before birth:

  1. Pregnant women, who are often nervous, face problems such as headaches, dizziness, and tremors in the limbs.
  2. Stress conditions further depress an already weakened immune system: the body can no longer adequately respond to the penetration of viruses and bacteria, which significantly increases the risk of developing diseases - from a common cold to venereal infections.
  3. Nervous skin rashes may appear.
  4. Chronic nervousness can provoke the development of tachycardia.

Nervous breakdowns during pregnancy: what to do

First of all, you need to learn how to discuss such moments with your husband and family. As soon as the wave negative emotions subsides, talk with loved ones and share your experiences, ask them to help you in those moments when your nerves are at the limit.

Pregnant women need to learn how to relax. To do this, be more outdoors, sign up for yoga or gymnastics courses for pregnant women, buy interesting book. Ask your husband to give you a relaxing massage every day before going to bed, try chatting on forums with pregnant women with the same period as you: you will surely have something to discuss. Experts recommend women "in position" not to neglect daytime sleep.

If, despite all your efforts and the help of your relatives, it was not possible to normalize your condition, you can discuss with the leading doctor the possibility of taking medications allowed for pregnant women. A specialist can prescribe valerian tablets, Magne B6, Persen. But it is forbidden to choose drugs on your own: you can harm yourself and your child!