What is two-color dyeing. Two-tone staining: the best options and combinations


Hair coloring in two colors is one of the latest trends that is in great demand among modern fashionistas. This technology is represented by a mass of various variations, so you will certainly have plenty to choose from.

Benefits of double painting

Double painting has gained wide popularity due to its advantages:

  • Due to color transitions, it increases the volume and splendor of sparse hair;
  • It is considered gentle and causes less harm;
  • Refreshes the image and makes a woman more attractive and younger;
  • If you choose natural shades, the roots will not be evident. This will save time and money spent on going to the hairdresser;
  • It is universal - double coloring looks equally good on ladies of all ages and strands of any length, density or texture;
  • It has a wide variety, from which each of you will be able to choose the right option.

Coloring in two colors - variations on a theme

Experts distinguish these types of hair coloring in two colors.


This painting is very popular not only among Hollywood stars, but also among ordinary women. Brondirovanie (blond + brown), combining chocolate and golden notes, looks very natural and is ideal for brunettes and brown-haired women. As is customary in modern hairdressing fashion, it is performed without sharp and contrasting transitions. Another important condition is the harmonious combination of the applied shades not only with each other, but also with the natural color.


Shatush is an incredibly beautiful technique that imitates the natural burnout of hair. The base shade of the strands is rich and deep, the additional color is light, playing in contrast. Strands for such painting are selected in random order, which gives the hair an incredible volume and excellent appearance. At the same time, a couple of centimeters recede from the root zone, which has a positive effect on the health of the hair. Shatush fits perfectly on both long and short hair.


As you can see in these photos, balayazh involves dyeing the ends of the hair and bangs with a different color. In the classic version - due to the light shade, close to the native tone. For more daring women, you can choose shades of bright and contrasting colors - purple, green, red, pink and blue. This technique is easy to reproduce at home. The main thing is not to overdo the paint, otherwise you will have to cut off the burnt ends.


Another type of gentle staining, for which products without aggressive components are used. Majimesh is the best option for blondes who take good care of their hair. For painting, natural tones are used that go well with the native hair color.

Partial or zone painting

Partial double coloring allows you to focus on the tips, bangs or individual zones. This is a great way to add a touch of novelty without drastically changing the color of your own hair. For zonal staining, both natural and contrasting shades are used.


Highlighting is familiar to absolutely all modern women of fashion - it is often used by women of all ages. The essence of this method is to color individual thin strands in the colors of a light palette. At the same time, the new shade can both be combined with the original one, and radically differ from it. Highlighting with two colors is performed on both light and dark hair, so this technique is rightfully considered universal.


Fashionable options for coloring this season cannot do without coloring. This technique is characterized by dividing the hair into small strands and then painting them in different colors. The border between tones can be both very soft and well noticeable.


The coloring technology, in which the top is light and the bottom is dark, or vice versa, is called ombre or transverse coloring. Ombre is of three types:

  • Classic. In the classic version, it is characterized by the effect of well-grown roots, painted in dark colors, and clarified ends - a dark top and a light bottom;
  • Bright. For bold and daring ladies, a creative ombre is ideal, involving the use of bright colors - pink, red, green, red, blue, etc .;
  • "Ponytail". Looks great on long-haired women who love tails. The effect will be exactly the same as with traditional staining - this is a smooth transition from the dark root zone to the highlighted ends. The only difference is that the coloring line should pass at the level of the gum.

There are also options in which the border between two shades runs diagonally or another shade is applied in a stripe. The border between tones is shaded with a brush or made clear. Cross coloring is available for home use, because this procedure does not require any special hairdressing skills. Interestingly, there are no clear rules for ombre, which allows you to conduct a variety of experiments with your own appearance.

colored tips

With this type of two-tone coloring, which looks best on black hair, only the ends are tinted. For this technology, a variety of colors are used - both bright and natural. Colored tips look great on haircuts of any length - long, medium and short.

Tips to help you color your hair yourself:

Split coloring

The technology, which involves dividing the hair into two parts and painting them in different shades, is called split coloring. Stars resort to it (Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj) and ordinary girls who want brightness and variety. The border between colors can run vertically (along the parting) or vertically.

According to experts, the best combinations are:

  • Black/red;
  • Black White;
  • Caramel/dark chocolate;
  • Blue/purple;
  • chestnut/copper;
  • Scarlet/eggplant/burgundy/dark brown.

3D coloring or volumetric coloring

This technique is characterized by the use of both dark and light palettes. At the same time, the difference between the shades should remain as blurry as possible and almost imperceptible. Thanks to this solution, you can add a unique volume to the styling. It is necessary to perform this complex painting in the cabin - you are unlikely to be able to do it yourself.

Coloring with wide strands

Coloring with two colors is a modern analogue of highlighting, in which fairly wide strands are selected for painting. For a natural effect, we advise you to stay on a natural palette. For lovers of shocking, colorful contrasting colors are more suitable.

Screen staining

It looks very nice and quite unusual. The main condition for stencil technique is perfectly smooth and straight hair. Unfortunately, on curls and curly hair, the effect will be invisible. Experts say that screen painting requires a lot of experience, so you can only trust it to specialists. But many girls are happy to make it with their own hands, using a special template and washable dyes (crayons, sprays or gels).

How to choose the type of two-tone staining - useful tips

When choosing a two-tone hair color, there are a few important tips to keep in mind.

Tip 1. In adulthood, it is better to avoid overly bright colors. Remember, contrasting shades only emphasize age.

Tip 2. Bronding suits both straight and wavy hair equally well - there are absolutely no restrictions on this. In addition, this technique well structures the hairstyle, emphasizes the cheekbones and refreshes the complexion, which will surely appeal to owners of pale or too dull skin.

Tip 3. When making an ombre on straight hair, be extremely careful, because every mistake is visible on smooth hair. With curly hair, there will be no such problems - curls will hide the nuances.

Tip 4. Highlighting looks great on swarthy women, as it just perfectly sets off a light tan.

Tip 5. On medium hair that is not very thick, it is better not to apply contrasting shades. In this case, it is worth stopping at shatush, smooth armoring or 3D coloring. They will add volume.

Tip 6. The smoother the transitions and the more natural the shades, the younger the look will be.

Tip 7. For rare and thin strands, it is advised to choose a soft natural tone, which will provide additional splendor. But the contrast transition is not able to give such an effect, so they can only be used on thick hair.

Tip 8. By doing double coloring on the square, you can emphasize the cheekbones, lips and eyes.

Tip 9. When choosing a paint tone, consider your color type (color of eyes, skin and hair).

Tip 10. To ensure that you get pure shades and easily paint over only one specific area, use foil or a special plastic scarf.

How to dye your hair at home?

This detailed scheme will allow you to paint the strands in two colors without the help of craftsmen.

Step 1. Prepare everything you need for staining:

  • Dye;
  • clarifier;
  • Brush;
  • Containers for mixing compositions;
  • Cape;
  • Comb;
  • Shampoo;
  • Foil;
  • clamps;
  • Balm;
  • Oily skin protection cream.

Step 2. Separate those areas or strands that you are going to paint. For convenience, secure them with clips.

Step 3. If the hair is dark, it will have to be pre-lightened. To do this, prepare the composition according to the instructions described on the package, apply it to your hair, wait the right time and rinse with warm water. In order not to stain the rest of the hair, place pieces of foil under the strands.

Step 4. Prepare the coloring composition and perform a two-tone tinting of bleached hair. Apply it to the strands and make sure that the paint is evenly distributed and correct.

Step 5. Wait about 20 minutes and wash with water and shampoo.

Step 6. Use a balm.

Important! In order not to make a mistake with the combination of shades, buy a ready-made set or pick up two shades from the same line of the same manufacturer. They can be lighter or darker than the original color of the strands by no more than 3 tones.

Every year, bold new ideas burst into the hairdressing art, designed to bring freshness to the everyday female look.

Hair dyeing in two colors is another fashion hit that allows you to diversify the look, but at the same time, dyeing hair in 2 colors or double dyeing is a fairly simple technique (look at the photo).

We invite you to learn more about it from our article, as well as decide whether this tinting method is right for you.

Hair coloring in two colors. What is it like?

Two-tone hair coloring has a huge number of different techniques. It includes ombre, balayazh, and even highlighting. The essence of this type of dyeing is simple and comes from the name of the technique - the hair is dyed in two shades, or the hair is lightened to make the color transition from natural to lighter, but the essence remains the same - the hairstyle consists of two tones.

The technique of dyeing hair in two colors can have different ways of applying paint. For example, in such types of toning as ombre or balayage. the paint is applied mainly to the lower part of the hair, and when coloring, highlighting and other similar techniques, vertical strands are directly involved.

Hair coloring in two tones begins with the choice of the method by which toning will be performed. It is also necessary to choose the paint and shades that will be used in two-tone coloring. Most often, either a clarifying emulsion is used to make the lightening of a natural shade, or a contrasting color.

Double hair coloring can also be very provocative and catchy: you can dye your hair in colors such as blue, blue, pink and purple. A bright shade can either be combined with its natural color of the strands, or be a “competitor” of another bright shade.

In the latter case, dyeing hair in 2 colors will be the most time-consuming, because first you need to paint each area of ​​​​the head in a suitable color, and then add a second one so that the transition between tones does not look rough and most smoothly. If the hair is too dark, then first they will also need to be lightened.

Hair coloring in two colors (2016 is especially rich in unusual color combinations) can instantly turn your ordinary look into a noticeable and unforgettable one. However, it is worth noting that bright colors look good only on young women, older women should prefer smooth and natural tones.

For example, lightening the ends of the hair, as well as strands near the face, looks great. In addition, such options for dyeing hair in two colors visually reduce age and rejuvenate the face.

Coloring dark hair in 2 colors (photo)

Any hair coloring in two colors, the photo of which you have probably already picked up as a sample, will be the most effective if an experienced master undertakes to perform it. This is especially true for very dark hair, because before dyeing they will need to be pre-lightened.

In order to successfully dye black hair in two colors, it is better to show the photo of the desired result to the hairdresser in the salon before he starts the dyeing process. The fact is that sometimes it is impossible to achieve the desired effect the first time and there is a risk that you will have to visit the salon more than once, and maybe even not three times.

Have you always dreamed of dyeing your hair blonde? Find out some safe ways to dye your hair in light colors from the article.

The same, especially relevant double hair coloring, a photo of white and a dark tone on which look especially impressive, will be almost impossible to repeat in real life on naturally black hair. Even a long and laborious process of washing off paint and lightening does not guarantee a sufficiently bright effect from two-tone staining.

Therefore, it is recommended to dye black hair in two colors using smooth, not too sharp shades.

  • Glitches of chestnut, dark blond, golden coffee tones look good on dark hair.
  • Coloring the tips in a lighter shade may also be successful.

Each coloring of dark hair in two colors, the photo of which at first glance seems so simple to perform, must be selected individually by the master for each client. For example, some women do not go cold at all, or, on the contrary, warm shades. And it may well turn out that the long dyeing process was not worth the effort, money and time spent, because the golden curls on the lower half of the hair do not dye at all.

To avoid such mistakes, it is better to remember two important rules:

  1. Trust the coloring of your dark hair exclusively to a professional master;
  2. Do not risk and do not dye your hair in two colors at home yourself.

Dyeing dark hair in two colors (photos of ideal examples of which have long flooded every fashion site) is still possible and feasible, despite some difficulties due to the rich pigment of black hair. You need to be patient and not rush to lighten the strands mercilessly, but act in stages. Then it will turn out to preserve the health and beauty of your hair, and achieve the desired effect of two-tone coloring.

Bicolor blonde hair

Unlike brunettes, fair-haired young ladies can afford more experiments with hair in two-tone coloring. And if you have experience painting with your own hands, then it will not be difficult to perform this technique at home. Hair coloring in two colors, blondes and fair-haired women most often perform ombre or coloring.

Hair coloring in 2 colors looks especially impressive with the so-called burnt strand technique. The master applies a clarifying emulsion to the top of the hair, as well as to the tips. This method is vaguely reminiscent of highlighting, but it looks more inconspicuous and natural. The lower part of the hair remains intact and darker, more saturated. No less popular is the dyeing of half of the hair. It can be a classic ombre or balayazh, which affect only the lower part of the hair.

It should be noted that two-tone coloring is most popular among fair-haired women, because hair coloring with two colors, photos of which on the Internet encourage domestic women to go to beauty salons, is very simple on fair hair, and the effect is natural and very refreshing hairstyle.

Coloring the lower layer of hair

Hidden hair coloring is a technique in which the lower part of the hair, invisible to the eye, is tinted in a more saturated color (or, on the contrary, lightened). That is why this method was called inconspicuous and secretive, since it affects the part of the hairstyle that is directly hidden from prying eyes.

So, now you already know the name of hair dyeing in two colors and to whom it suits the most. It is noteworthy that when painting the lower layer, masters most often resort to contrasting tones.

  • So, for blondes, this zone is usually tinted in a darker color, and sometimes in a bright and unusual one.
  • For fair-haired girls, this method of dyeing will help visually make the hairstyle more interesting, add overflows to the hair.

The coloring of the lower layer of hair looks quite catchy and noticeable, and therefore we can say that covert painting is just a metaphor.

Double coloring short hair

Coloring short hair in two colors is the most recommended solution by stylists, which allows you to beat any, even the most mediocre haircut. It is important that with two-tone dyeing, the hair looks thicker and more voluminous, and this is sometimes lacking in too short haircuts. The scope for imagination for short hair is unlimited - you can only dye the ends of the strands, or you can tint your hair in two layers, even a clear line between two shades looks no worse, which in this case looks like a thoughtful decision by a hairdresser.

  • Hair dyeing in 2 colors using the ombre method looks most successful on bob haircuts, on a bean, and also on shoulder-length hair.
  • A dark shade when stained with a secretive method can visually make the face thinner, so it becomes possible not only to update the haircut, but also to correct the oval of the face in this way.
  • Double coloring for short hair using bright, flashy shades also looks very stylish.

You can show imagination and courage, experiment with tones. But you need to remember that no matter how good the double hair coloring in the photo looks on the Internet, you should always proceed from your personal characteristics. You should not blindly copy someone else's image, and it certainly does not hurt to get advice from a good master before a radical change in image. And then your hair dyeing in two colors will bring you only positive emotions and positive changes in appearance.

The fair sex at absolutely any age wants to look stylish and attractive. At the same time, they try to emphasize their merits and hide certain shortcomings. Therefore, they pay a lot of attention to the choice of clothing items, cosmetics and techniques, shoes, etc.

Hair coloring is also important. Now among many women, two-tone painting options are popular. This procedure is commonly called highlighting, but it has a lot of varieties.

Varieties of hair coloring

This technique makes it possible to interesting styling and stand out from the gray mass. When staining in two shades, there are no restrictions. Any length of curls will do here. The most important thing is to correctly select colors and provide them with a harmonious transition.

Modern salons offer a lot of options for dyeing hair in two tones. Each of them has its own characteristics. In addition, each type is suitable for a specific length of curls.

Classic highlighting

This type of procedure is known to a large number of women, because it has been used for a very long time. The meaning of classic highlighting is based on the fact that during the procedure individual strands are colored.

At the same time, the natural shade is mixed with the artificial one. Highlighting is suitable for both dark and light hair. There are several options for this two-tone hair coloring.

Balayage technique

With such highlighting, only the ends of the hair are processed with a dye, that is, this type is zonal. In some cases, highlighting begins from the middle of the curls. This results in a unique effect of burnt hair.

This solution looks great on girls of any age, because the balayage technique visually makes the face look fresher and younger.

Mazhimesh and Shatush

Majimesh staining technique It is considered the most gentle, because it uses dyes that have a cream base. The composition of such preparations includes wax and perhydrol, which adversely affect the condition of the curls. However, when referring to the majimesh technique, it is impossible to create platinum shades, since it only allows you to create golden and honey tones.

The shatush technique involves applying a lighter coloring composition randomly. When performing the procedure, you should not reach the parting by about a couple of centimeters. So you can convey the natural burnout of curls. In order to slightly blur the border between individual tones, you should make a pile.

Coloring and ombre

The coloring process involves dividing hair into separate curls which are dyed in different colors. In this case, the border of shades can be both blurry and sharp.

Obmre is also called transverse coloring. This technique is characterized by the effect of grown roots. In order to create it, you need to apply a dark-colored dye to the hair, dye the untouched hair in a lighter shade, and the resulting border should be carefully shaded, making an imperceptible and smooth transition.

When creating an ombre, both natural tones and unnatural shades can be used, which will look very creative. Ombre is a fairly simple hair coloring technique, so you can even do it yourself at home.


This type of two-color coloring is characterized by a combination of shades from the category brunette and blonde. The border of colors should be barely noticeable. Tones are selected in accordance with:

  • with a hint of eyes;
  • with the shape of the face;
  • with skin tone.

Bronding is a rather laborious method of dyeing hair, therefore it is better to do it in a beauty salon or a hairdresser.

Features of dark and light hair

Dark hair dye considered the most difficult procedure. With a slight lightening of the strands, they, as a rule, are subjected to significant stress, which worsens their condition. In this situation, washing is a mandatory procedure, because it allows you to clean the hair of the old dye so that the next one can firmly fix on them.

In order to lighten the strands, potent chemicals are used that violate the very structure of the curls. As a result, the curls become very brittle and brittle, lose their natural luster. To minimize the adverse effect of the coloring composition, you need to select products High Quality or contact a specialist with extensive practical experience.

On a hair of a dark shade, red, green, cognac and chestnut shades look great. Among other things, for dyeing in two colors, you can use pearl and platinum colors. Violet tones will help to make the image more outrageous and original.

With light curls, as a rule, there are no problems when staining. Here you can choose a lot of options:

In addition, dyeing with two colors is great for split ends and fading hair. This procedure allows you to change the female image almost beyond recognition.

Ideas for short haircuts

It is noteworthy that two-tone dyeing is also suitable for short hair. The result will look very stylish and attractive. For example, for short haircuts, bangs dyed in two shades and contrasting strands are suitable. The most important thing is that the styling should suit you perfectly, create a modern and original image.

Long hair coloring

For happy owners of long hair, the most suitable solution considered balayage. It is recommended to perform this technique in the salon, since it is very difficult to choose the right tones on your own, and the wrong edging can ruin the entire created image.

Hair coloring in two colors is currently extremely popular, because this procedure allows you to transform absolutely any version of the hairstyle. In this case, the length and color of the hair do not matter. In addition, coloring curls in two shades is suitable for women of any age, as the combined procedure allows you to mask imperfections, rejuvenate and refresh your face.

Any girl or woman, at all times of human history, has always dreamed of looking fresh, well-groomed, attractive and fashionable. Since we successfully got out of the caves, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, but the fair sex has not changed much, they also dream of attracting admiring glances. To do this, women often use all their secret tricks, and one of the main such secrets is fashionable hair color, which can change quickly from season to season. Our ancestors only knew how to dye their hair with henna and basma, and the development of chemistry helped to provide a whole palette of the most unimaginable colors. The most fashionable at the moment is considered to be two-tone hair coloring, which is also called amber, which will be discussed in our article.

Original hair coloring in two colors: advantages and disadvantages

This type of two-tone staining has several names, and all of them actually reflect the essence of the issue, however, they may differ slightly in the execution technique, as well as in the colors of the strands. Moreover, it should be understood that different girls and women can have a variety of preferences, which must be satisfied by an anemone-fashion, which never stands still, but constantly invents something new, creates revolutionary options that can knock down their originality and simplicity.

Like it or not, amber (or ombre, balayazh, degradation, and so on) is double hair coloring, the photo can be viewed in more detail by choosing exactly the option that suits the most, which became a real squeak of last season and quite successfully migrated to the first positions of the present. To stay in trend, it is worth painting something like this for yourself and no one will doubt whether you are following the latest trends.

Today, we can say with absolute certainty that two-color hair dyeing is the most popular trend of the season, it is successfully used by the most famous stylists and fashion designers to create original and unique images on the catwalks, and simply in new collections. It is the amber that can simply and unobtrusively emphasize the femininity of the image, give the girl mystery and mysticism, add the very zest that we all sometimes lack so much.

  • With the help of such staining, you can achieve the most contradictory results. For example, to preserve naturalness, emphasizing the novelty of the image, and also to make it simply incredibly defiant, if you apply bright, and even more so, acid tones.
  • The amber dyeing technique will go for both a short haircut and an ultra-short one, and for long hair it will be the best choice. So this method is universal in every sense.
  • Coloring of this kind allows you to lighten the hair, or most often, part of it, without resorting to brighteners that spoil and injure your hair.
  • Only with the help of such an amazing technique can you hide the flaws of a haircut, and hair as well, as well as highlight all the advantages of your hairstyle, add volume, healthy shine and beauty.

Moreover, this is far from all, and you can talk about it for hours without getting to the very essence. Photos of hair dyeing in two colors will show everything much more accessible than any words, however, it is up to you, of course, to decide, and no one can impose their opinion on another.

Hair dyeing in two colors: photo, what colors are combined, what options are

I must say that the first to appreciate the new staining technique, which, by the way, appeared not so long ago, were Hollywood actresses to always look great. At the very beginning, the amber technique, which in French would simply mean “shadow”, meant darker roots, which gradually became lighter towards the tips. It looked as if the hair itself had burned out in the sun, which made the face look fresher, younger and more attractive.

After that, dye your hair in two colors, photos of which are attached in sufficient quantities, it also occurred to other girls who have absolutely nothing to do with an artistic or acting career, but also want to always look great under any circumstances. However, the main issue in such a painstaking process, in fact, will be the correct selection of color combinations, which is the main task of the hairdresser, and the client girl herself as well.

After all, it is you and no one else who will have to walk with dyed hair, so think three times before you start painting, since the hour is uneven, you will have to paint over the whole thing later in a darker shade, and this is far from always acceptable. Therefore, you need to carefully consider the proposed photos of hair color in two colors, present a similar option at home, and only then make a final decision.

Eternal classic - two-tone (two-tone) amber: photo of hair dyed in two colors

There is no more popular option for hair coloring in modern salons than the classic ambergris, it just so happened and there is simply no way to hide from this fact. It can be characterized by the presence of only two main shades, as well as a horizontal border of demarcation, which can be completely clear, or one color can smoothly flow into another. Moreover, the transition line can be completely at any height, and not at all in the middle.

You can highlight the direct amber, as well as the technique of two-tone staining of the reverse order. That is, the ends of the hair can be lighter than the roots, or vice versa, be darker, which is also acceptable. In fact, stylists believe that classic coloring of this type is completely possible with a wide variety of colors, but practice shows that only a few options can be called classic: cognac shades, wheat, delicate chocolate or dark coffee.

First of all, when you start choosing shades for a classic two-tone tint, you should think about your own color type. This means that the color of the skin, eyes, the original shade of one's own hair, and so on will play a role. Naturally, this technique will be most acceptable for dark-haired beauties who definitely have a place to roam, because the combinations can be made the most unexpected, from calmly natural to revolutionary cardinal. However, see for yourself how beautifully to dye your hair in two colors, and the photo will illustrate the whole process in the best possible way.

Original bright variations on the theme: painting with two colors of hair, photo

However, the classics seem rather boring to many modern young girls, but they want and want something completely unexpected, extraordinary and truly revolutionary. For those who love extraordinariness, as well as extravagance in the image, there is also a variant of their own two-tone coloring, bright and conspicuous shades of which will definitely appeal to lovers of thrills and shocking.

In practice, this is the same classic amber, but with the use of bright, acidic, so beautiful that it simply takes your breath away, fortunately, there are enough colors of the most incredible tones on the market. You can combine anything, from orange-red options to acid greens, blues and purples, which, in combination with the dark base of your own hair, will look very original.

Cross coloring: photo of hair coloring in two colors or more

You need to know that this staining technique involves not only the use of two primary colors, but also more of them. This option is also called multi-tonal amber, as it is directly related to the technique of applying dyes to the hair.

That is, everything is actually quite simple, there are two main shades, as well as several intermediate ones, which allow you to achieve a smooth flow of one color into another. It should be understood that only professionals are fluent in such a technique, and without the appropriate experience, it is not worth doing such manipulations with your own head.

Bright highlights in the hair: incredible fantastic acid strands

The above options, even in fairly bright shades, will still look dull and unattractive if you put a girl nearby who decided on a rather bold decision to dye her hair in trendy shades of all the colors of the rainbow. The thing is that in this version, the most acceptable use of a wide variety of options for color combinations.

For example, sets of green, blue and purple strands look great, or vice versa, white, yellow, orange, red and purple for contrast. An infinite number of options are possible, but keep in mind that not every look will suit such a bright hairstyle that will immediately distinguish you from the crowd, instantly making you the center of attention. If you do not want this, it is better not to do such hairstyles.

Beautiful photos: two-tone hair coloring of light and dark shades

Every fashionista and beauty knows for sure that any coloring options on dark hair will look much better than on light ones, which are already attractive in themselves. Therefore, it is also worth discussing options for painting in two-tone options. But blondes should not be upset either, as there are options for them, for example, bonding, which we will talk about a little later. In the meantime, it’s worth talking about dark shades first, as well as the option that is called the most relevant in the world today.

Tongues of flame: two-tone staining for the most refined and sophisticated

Moreover, combinations with caramel, chestnut, light brown, and even cognac and wheat can be considered the most beneficial for dark hair, for example, even for jet black. There are even options with coffee and chocolate overflows that will make your look more lively, natural, natural, which is especially in fashion today.

Worth knowing

To date, it is two-color staining, which many stylists call "Tongues of Flame", has become the most popular and popular, due to its unusual and original appearance.

We are talking about the fact that the hair, dark on top, gently and gradually turns to shades of red and orange, personifying fire. If the painting is done correctly, then the impression will be as if your hair was really engulfed in witchcraft flames, the look is original and mystical. At the same time, those who do not want to radically change their image completely are invited to paint only some curls and strands in two colors in order to simply enliven their appearance.

Bonding or regrown ends

This coloring option is most suitable for girls who have light, but not very hair. The technique implies an option when the hair is dyed as if it were completely lightened, but then grew a little.

Moreover, if earlier it was considered bad form to walk with a regrown cap of dark hair on your head, today we can say this is another trend of the season. The length with which the strands should already lighten up reaches ten or twelve centimeters, so that everything looks natural and not sloppy.

When everything became more or less clear with the main shades, it remains to choose the optimal combination for yourself, so that later you don’t have to decide everything with drastic measures, and even more so with scissors. This technique of two-tone or more coloring will make any hairstyle original and even unique, so all fashionistas who want to stay in trend should pay special attention to it.

  • If your blonde hair of a platinum hue began to split, look dull and lifeless, then you should think about a smear two-tone coloring, which can immediately change the appearance beyond recognition, the main thing is that it be gentle.
  • All shades of the rainbow fit perfectly on dark hair, from the usual chestnut-cognac to cardinal green, orange or blood red and pink.
  • Also, gray-violet and platinum shades, as well as pearl colors, are excellent for dark hair. All this can turn your hairstyle into a real masterpiece, however, if it is created by a skillful hand.

Among other things, keep in mind that even with ultra-short hairstyles, it is possible to make yourself such a coloring. For example, bright strands or bangs will look great, but all this needs to be looked at according to the situation, the main thing is that it all goes well for you, because there is already enough bad taste in the world, and girls need to be beautiful, attractive and modern.

Preferring monochromatic coloring of curls, hair coloring in two colors - it is possible not only to transform the image, but also to make it as unique as possible.

After all, to remain unique is the natural desire of girls and women.

As a rule, the first thing that attracts in appearance and stands out from the crowd is the hairstyle. In this case, the hair does not have to have a bright and extravagant color.

In the photo below you can see extravagant and stylish coloring.

Today, natural motifs are in fashion, the beauty of which can be enhanced by double hair coloring.

Variants of such hairstyles are presented in the photo in our article, and the video materials present in the article will tell you how toning is carried out in two colors.

Hair coloring in two colors has many interesting names, among them ombre or degrade, transverse and partial coloring, a technique called balayage, etc.

All the names mentioned are two-tone coloring methods with a harmonious transition from one color to another.

At the same time, the difference between the technologies for applying paint still exists. You can get more information on how best to dye your hair in two colors from the proposed video material.

Judging by the photo of girls with curls painted in two colors, we can note a lot of advantages that two-tone painting of strands gives.

Unlike hair tinting with one color, double coloring allows you to create an attractive styling effect of volume.

This fact is especially important for owners of straight and thin strands. A smooth transition from one shade to another creates a play of light, and from the side the hairstyle seems more magnificent.

Coloring curls in two colors is ideal for women who want to refresh the look.

At the same time, this technology does not emphasize skin imperfections, which can manifest themselves in the form of wrinkles and acne, on the contrary, it makes the face more attractive and younger.

In addition, it suits any color type of appearance.

Highlighting is one of the two-color staining technologies

Highlighting is the very first two-tone technique for dyeing curls.

By bleaching selective strands from the total mass of hair, it allows you to get the effect of “burnt out” curls in the sun.

Despite partial coloring, the procedure is not safe, since bleaching of the hairs adversely affects their structure. In the photo below you can see what happens as a result of two-color highlighting.

Therefore, after changing the color of the hair, it is necessary to take care of restoring their health. For this purpose, soft moisturizing shampoos and nourishing balms are purchased.

In addition, bleached strands grow back over time and lose their original gloss. Depending on the form of staining, they may need to be corrected after about a month.

Highlighting can be performed in several ways:

  • Mazhimesh is a gentle way of dyeing strands, performed with cream paint supplemented with wax. Since hydrogen peroxide is not included in the coloring composition, hair can only be dyed in honey and gold shades, but not in platinum;
  • Balayazh is a newfangled technique for dyeing curls in two colors. They work with a paint that differs in shade from the base hair color, only the ends of the strands are processed. On too short haircuts, balayazh is performed differently than on long strands. First, a pile is made, then the paint is applied to the tips with the help of foil;
  • Shatush - sometimes this technique is called the "sun kiss". This type of coloring in two colors is suitable, both for blondes and for dark hair of brunettes or brown-haired women. The technique involves the creation of strands with the effect of burnout in the sun. To make the transition between shades allows a specially made fleece during the dyeing process. If you want to give the styling a natural-looking volume, the application of paint can be done in the depths of the hair.

How highlighting is done by real masters, you can see in this video.

Coloring - coloring curls with two colors

This type of hair coloring in two colors involves dividing the strands into partings and coloring them, either by a smooth transition to two colors, or by emphasizing the contrast.

At the moment, colorists can work in several directions:

  • Ombre - other names for "degrade" or transverse coloring. Performing the actions of the master is reduced to the formation of the effect of overgrown strands on the hair due to dark roots and clarified tips. The master can perform both too sharp a transition and a gradual one. At the same time, two-tone ombre staining looks spectacular both on dark short strands and on medium-length hair;
  • Bronding - Brond technique is a common type of coloring. The name combines the two concepts of "blonde" and "brunette", the result of the use of bronding looks like a natural combination of two color shades with minimal contrast. This technique is ideal for dyeing blonde hair. The master uses mainly beige, brownish and golden shades;
  • 3D-coloring - the use of this technique also allows you to paint in two colors using different tones from the same range. The technique is considered the most difficult, an example of its execution can be seen in the video.

3D coloring in the photo can be seen in the photo below.

How to dye your hair in two shades?

Having decided to dye the strands yourself in two colors, it must be taken into account that the result may be unexpected even for short hair.

Two-tone staining is a complex technology. And if it is still possible to perform the usual highlighting or ombre yourself, then it is recommended to decorate curls using 3D technology only with a professional colorist.

The fact that you managed to buy a professional paint for independent two-color staining is not a guarantee of a quality result.

Often, in order to achieve a smooth transition of shades, it is not enough to know the rules for applying paint, in addition, you have to align the base hair color.

The following video will tell you how a specialist dyes curls in two colors.

First of all, you need to stock up on all the necessary working materials.

You will need:

  1. several brushes for applying different shades of paint;
  2. foil for fixing processed curls;
  3. dye;
  4. container for mixing the coloring composition.

The effectiveness of the result depends on the correct selection of shades of paint.

In this case, it is desirable to choose colors that will be lighter or darker by 3 tones from the base shade of the hair.

Before the procedure, you need to conveniently lay out all the working materials near you, then be sure to read the instructions, and test for the presence of an allergic reaction of the body.

Stages of two-tone staining:

  • From the general head of hair, you need to separate the strands to be dyed, it is better to fix this hair with hairpins. To make the staining result neat, do not separate strands with a width of more than 0.5 cm;
  • Alternately, under each strand, we put a square of foil, while its edge near the roots must be bent down. Next, carefully apply a certain tone of paint to the hair, wrap it in foil so that the hairs are held firmly in it. With other strands of hair, we continue similar actions, first you need to move from the bangs to the back of the head;
  • Having withstood the coloring composition on the head for the period of time indicated in the instructions, the strands must be thoroughly washed with a mild shampoo;
  • Next, apply a moisturizing balm or mask to wet strands to restore healthy hair. It is better if this tool is included with the paint used;
  • Hair should be dried naturally without using a hair dryer, because lightening already has a traumatic effect on the structure of the hairs.

In conclusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video instruction on how to carry out the procedure for dyeing hair in two colors at home.