A bad feeling about what to do. I have a bad feeling: what should I do if I’m tormented by constant premonitions and anxiety? Prayers for fear, fear and anxiety


Religious reading: prayer if you have a bad feeling to help our readers.

Every person has an instinct of self-preservation, and fear is a completely natural reaction of the body to negative manifestations of the environment. However, there are situations when phobias develop into real panic and begin to interfere with an adequate perception of the current situation. At such moments, Orthodox prayer can help a person out of fear and anxiety - it will not only calm and normalize his state of mind, but also provide reliable protection from higher powers.

The benefits of prayer in relieving anxiety and fear

It is a rare person who can boast of a life devoid of emotional distress, anxiety, and fear. Fear and anxiety are familiar to anyone who has come into this world. Fear makes you afraid of some phenomena of the surrounding reality; anxiety poisons the human soul with the expectation of something unpleasant, with a bad feeling.

According to the Orthodox Church, every representative of the human race was sent by the Lord to this world to enjoy life, enjoy God's gifts, His mercy, and lead their existence calmly and moderately. However, all kinds of phobias and anxieties hinder a full life, because they belong to negative types of internal state.

Fear and anxiety force a person to be in constant stress, undermine his health, and negatively affect his overall life expectancy. If people want to truly enjoy their existence and stay in this world until they are very old, they should, first of all, learn to live without fear, without experiences that torment and weaken the soul.

Faith in God, on the contrary, takes care of the soul of a layman and strengthens it, bringing it closer to the life that the Creator bequeathed for his sons and daughters. Therefore, Orthodox prayer for fear and anxiety is the best way to get rid of negative experiences. The sacred and wise words of prayer texts instill confidence in a person, give him peace and tranquility, and contribute to a sober assessment of the situation that has caused a feeling of horror and anxiety. Under the influence of prayer, he begins to approach difficult life situations more calmly and quickly finds the right solution.

Prayer for fear and anxiety: the most powerful Orthodox texts

There are several Christian prayers that help eliminate obsessive feelings of anxiety and fear. Many of them are widely known. Prayer for fear and anxiety can be long or short, and can be used in certain situations that deprive a person of calm and serenity.

The most famous and widespread Orthodox prayer texts that relieve anxiety and feelings of horror are:

Song to the Mother of God

This is a prayer that helps eliminate obsessive thoughts and fear that arise for no apparent reason. The text should be read at least three times:

Prayer to the Honest Cross

Jesus Prayer

A short prayer that can relieve anxiety and fear. It can be used in any situation:

Prayer for fear and anxiety to the Lord God

This prayer is suitable for reading at any moment, filling the soul with restlessness and making the heart pound in horror. The text is as follows:

Lord's Prayer

“Our Father” is one of the most powerful Christian prayers, the pronunciation of which has no restrictions. If you are overcome by anxiety and fear, read the Lord's Prayer as often as possible. If feelings of horror and anxiety visit you mainly at night, it is recommended to say “Our Father” at least 40 times before going to bed. Text:

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

A prayer directed to your personal heavenly protector - the Guardian Angel - eliminates many phobias and protects you from all troubles and misfortunes. It should be recited in moments of anxiety and fear, as well as every evening or night, before leaving for the kingdom of dreams. Text:

“Alive in the help of the Most High” is an Orthodox prayer that has powerful protective properties. In moments of anxiety and foreboding, it can help no worse than the most powerful sedative, put thoughts in order, and give peace of mind. Text:

“May God rise again...”

The prayer “May God rise again” in times of fear and danger can act as a powerful protective shield. Text:

Listen also to prayers for fear and anxiety in this video:

Kontakion to the Most Holy Theotokos from worries and fears

Regular recitation of the Kontakion to the Blessed Virgin Mary helps to get rid of fears and anxieties. Text:

Morning prayer of the Optina elders

The prayer of the Optina elders at the beginning of the day has proven itself well in the fight against worries and worries. You need to read it every day, in the morning (can be part of the morning prayer rule). Text:

When and how to say a prayer for fear and anxiety

A person’s daily life is full of surprises, and not always pleasant ones. It often involves difficult situations, and stress can strike at any moment. It is not surprising that all kinds of fears and anxieties have long become an integral part of human existence. The worst thing is if they develop into panic. At such moments, a person ceases to control himself, his mental and physical strength fails him, he becomes defenseless and weak. All this could end quite badly. Therefore, prayer for fear and anxiety should take its rightful place in the life of every believer. It can help out in a variety of situations, namely:

  • when a person experiences fear;
  • when the ability to concentrate is lost due to horror;
  • when panic overcomes;
  • when inexplicable and causeless anxiety attacks;
  • when fear becomes paralyzing.

It is better to know prayer texts by heart - this will help you concentrate better in dangerous and critical circumstances, quickly pull yourself together, confront your phobias and worries in time and get rid of them faster. If it is quite difficult to learn voluminous texts, then at least one short prayer for fear and anxiety from those presented above should always be stored in your memory arsenal. You need to pronounce protective words clearly, without haste, with comprehension and understanding, and, preferably, out loud - there will be no use from indistinct muttering.

It is useful to include visualization: imagine an image of your fear in your imagination and gradually mentally destroy it in any convenient way (tear it to shreds, dissolve, etc.). It is not forbidden to pray by candlelight - their flame will help you calm down and concentrate.

The most basic thing that is required when saying a prayer for fear and anxiety is sincere faith in God and heavenly powers. A prayer text pronounced with pure and unshakable faith in the soul will certainly be heard by the Creator and His helpers.

Thank you very much! Recently I have been experiencing panic attacks. I started praying at such moments - and it really does become easier.

A long time ago I memorized several protective prayers and prayers against fear. My profession is dangerous, and sometimes I simply cannot live without them. Alive, healthy, serious dangers have always miraculously avoided me. I believe that the Lord and the saints are helping me

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Surely you have had moments when you experienced a bad feeling - a premonition of trouble before the onset of some unpleasant events in your life. What to do if you have a bad feeling?

You can guess about upcoming problems by numerous signs, or even simply by focusing on your bad feeling. Premonition of trouble. In psychology, such a premonition is called a “subconscious warning”, and in occultism - an “astral signal”.

I will quote one of the letters: " Hello, dear Vladimir Petrovich! I want to ask you this. All last week, until yesterday, I was in a very bad state, absentmindedness, heaviness in my soul, apathy, and a bad feeling. Yesterday I couldn’t resist and went to see a specialist I knew. He picked up a very strong, as he said, “signal” from me. The condition immediately improved significantly. I want to ask what kind of “signal” this could be?"

So, if I correctly understand the meaning of the term “signal” in an occult context, it means a warning about some unpleasant events that may occur in the near future. At the same time, people with sufficiently developed intuition can feel everything that is described in the letter (a bad feeling, as if “cats are scratching at the soul”). Accordingly, the phrase “remove the signal” means eliminating the symptoms of a bad feeling.

But if a person has stopped experiencing bad premonitions of trouble, this does not mean at all that trouble will not happen. After all, first of all, it is necessary to neutralize what could have caused this very “signal” (i.e., neutralize future negative events). By the way, all this, as a rule, has nothing to do with any witchcraft activity. More often, certain negative events of natural origin are implied (illness, accident, family crisis, problems at work, etc.), and the premonition of them is also quite natural.

When “signals” of the described kind appear (decline in mood, mental heaviness, premonition of trouble, expectation of something bad), it makes sense to use the help of a professional specialist or, at least, independently read protective and protective spells and prayers.

I quote here the text of one of these conspiracies: “Jesus Christ descended from heaven, lifted up the life-giving cross. He overshadows us with the life-giving cross, with his miracles he protects us from the walking beast, from the flying serpent, from the thief, from the robber, save me, O Lord, your servant (name) ) Around our yard stands Mount Sinai, and our dear helper angels stand in formation."

And here is a protective plot “from evil people”: “I, servant of God (name), will get up, be blessed, and go, crossing myself, into an open field, wash myself with the morning dew and the bright dawn, wipe myself with the red sun, gird myself with the bright moon, and repel myself with small frequent stars , I will be covered with the copper sky, I will pray to the forty martyrs, Michael the Archangel, Gabriel the Archangel. Give me, Lord, from the pure field, go, fierce beast, to evil people, take out the heart with the hot liver, bring it to me, the servant of God (name). Just as it is impossible for the servants of God, evil people, to sigh under a stone, so it is impossible for me, the servant of God (name), to bear my heart and think and remember evil - forever, amen."

And one more simple but effective remedy: to protect yourself from tears, you should remove the lid of the pan in which the water is boiling and shake it in all directions. In this case, the tears are replaced by drops falling from the lid.

You can find a significant number of other protective and protective rituals and conspiracies in my book “Magical Attraction of Money” (click on the title of the book).

And finally, I would like to note that in such circumstances, many people come up with the standard and, frankly speaking, rather stupid idea of ​​going to church, putting a candle on the iconostasis, etc. But if this action can calm you down somewhat, you can do so.

If you need to contact me personally for any clarification, consultation, or in connection with the need to solve certain problems, click on the button and write me a letter:

Prayers for fear, fear and anxiety

Anxiety, night terrors, obsessive thoughts - everyone has experienced it. Even in ancient times, people knew that the most effective remedy against mental anxiety and bad thoughts was prayer.

When you are in mental confusion, it can be difficult to find words. In this case, ready-made texts are used, compiled by hermits who lived in secluded places where fears and anxiety act with particular force.

Their prayers are a sure way to get rid of phobias, anxiety, and thoughts that confuse the soul.

Fear of people

Strong prayer for fear and anxiety - David's Psalms.

King David, who lived in pre-Christian times on the land of present-day Israel, suffered persecution from his own son Absalom, who also wanted to reign. Once, while hiding from pursuit, David wrote the psalm “Lord, why do my enemies multiply?” While the king was praying, his enemies were defeated by the power of God, without the use of weapons.

The Davidic Prayer can still be heard every day in an Orthodox church during evening services.

You can pray in both Slavic and Russian.

Unfounded fears

Every person experiences dark thoughts from time to time. It seems like nothing happened, but my heart is tormented by panic and premonitions of trouble. In these cases, they turn to the Mother of God.

She spent a long time in anxious anticipation of the misfortune that was about to happen to Her Son, Christ. Her help is strong in similar situations that happen to people.

In the 8th century, there lived a Greek monk, Theosterictus, who suffered from bouts of fear and anxiety. To get rid of them, Theosterikt compiled a Canon for the Mother of God for prayerful assistance, “read in spiritual sorrow and situation.”

This is a strong prayer against obsessive thoughts that give rise to phobias, printed in any prayer book.

By reading the canon every day, believers truly get rid of fear, anxiety and worry.


The creation of Theostiriktus the monk

Irmos: Having passed through water like dry land, and having escaped the evil of Egypt, the Israeli cried out: Let us drink to our Deliverer and our God.

Chorus: Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Contained by many misfortunes, I resort to You, seeking salvation: O Mother of the Word and the Virgin, save me from heavy and cruel things.

Passions trouble me and many despondencies fill my soul; die, O Young Lady, with the silence of Your Son and God, All-Immaculate.

Glory: Having given birth to Thee and God, I pray, O Virgin, be delivered from the cruel ones; For now, running to You, I stretch out both my soul and my thoughts.

And now: Sick in body and soul, grant the visitation of the Divine and providence from You, the only Mother of God, as the good Mother of the Good.

Irmos: Supreme Creator of the heavenly circle, Lord, and the Creator of the Church, Thou strengthen me in Thy love, the desires of the land, the faithful affirmation, the only Lover of Mankind.

I offer the intercession and protection of my life to Thee, the Virgin Mother of God: You feed me to the refuge of Thy good, guilty, faithful Affirmation, the only All-Singing One.

I pray, Virgin, to destroy the storm of my spiritual confusion and sorrow: You, O Bride of God, gave birth to Christ, the Chief of Silence, the only Most Pure One.

Glory: Having given birth to good and guilty benefactors, pour out riches of good deeds to everyone: for all you can do, as you have given birth to the mighty one in the strength of Christ, O blessed One.

And now: You are tormented by fierce ailments and painful passions, O Virgin.

Help me: for I know You’s infinite healing, Treasure, Immaculate, indescribable.

Warm prayer, and an insurmountable wall, a source of mercy, a refuge for the world, we diligently cry out to Thee: Mother of God, Lady, advance, and deliver us from troubles, the only one who will soon intercede.

Irmos I have heard, O Lord, the observation of Your mystery, I have understood Your works, and I have glorified Your Divinity.

The confusion of my passions, the helmsman who gave birth to the Lord, and the storm that calmed my sins, O Bride of God.

Grant me the abyss of Thy mercy, Who gave birth to the Blessed One, and the Savior of all who sing to Thee.

Enjoying, O Most Pure One, Your gifts, we sing in thanksgiving, Our Lady leading Thee.

Glory: On the bed of my illness and infirmity, for those who lie down, as God-loving, help the Mother of God, the only Ever-Virgin.

And now: Hope and confirmation, and salvation, the immovable wall that belongs to You, the All-Singing One, we get rid of every inconvenience.

Irmos Enlighten us with Your commandments, Lord, and with Your high arm grant us Your peace, O Lover of Mankind.

Fill, O Pure One, my heart with joy, Thy incorruptible joy that gives birth to joy, which gave birth to the Guilty One.

Deliver us from troubles, O Pure Mother of God, having given birth to eternal Deliverance and Peace, which prevails over all minds.

Glory: Resolve the darkness of my sins, Bride of God, with the enlightenment of Your Grace, Who gave birth to the Divine and Eternal Light.

And now: Heal, O Pure One, the infirmity of my soul, worthy of Thy visitation, and grant me health through Thy prayers.

Irmos: I will pour out a prayer to the Lord, and to Him I will proclaim my sorrows, for my soul is filled with evil, and my stomach is approaching hell, and I pray like Jonah: from aphids, O God, lift me up.

As if He saved death and aphids, He Himself gave birth to death, corruption and death my former nature, Virgin, pray to the Lord and Thy Son, to deliver me from the enemies of crime.

I am your representative of life, and my steadfast guardian, O Virgin, and I solve rumors of misfortunes, and drive away taxes from demons; and I always pray to deliver me from the aphids of my passions.

Glory: Like a wall of refuge for money-grubbers, and the all-perfect salvation of souls, and space in sorrow, O Youth, and with Thy enlightenment we ever rejoice: O Lady, save us now from passions and troubles.

And now: I now lie on my bed sick, and there is no healing for my flesh; but you who gave birth to the God and Savior of the world, and the Savior of ailments, I pray to You, the Good One: raise me from aphids and illnesses.

The intercession of Christians is shameless, the Intercession to the Creator is immutable, do not despise the voices of sinful prayers, but advance, as the Good One, to the aid of us who faithfully call Thee: hasten to prayer, and strive to entreaty, ever interceding, the Mother of God, who honor Thee.

Irmos: The youths who came from Judea, in Babylon, sometimes, by the faith of the Trinity, asked the fire of the fire, singing: God of the fathers, blessed art thou.

Just as you wanted to create our salvation, O Savior, you moved into the Virgin’s womb, and you showed the world the Representative: our father, God, blessed are you.

The Commander of mercy, Whom you gave birth to, Pure Mother, beg to be delivered from sins and spiritual impurities by faith, calling: our father, God, blessed are you.

Glory: The treasure of salvation and the source of incorruption, who gave birth to You, and the pillar of affirmation, and the door of repentance, you showed to those calling: our father, God, blessed are you.

And now: Bodily weaknesses and mental ailments, O Theotokos, with the love of those who approach Thy blood, O Virgin, vouchsafe to heal, Who gave birth to us the Savior Christ.

Irmos: Praise and extol the Heavenly King, Whom all the angels sing, praise and extol forever.

Do not despise those who demand help from You, O Virgin, who sing and extol You forever.

You heal the infirmity of my soul and bodily illnesses, O Virgin, that I may glorify You, Pure, forever.

Glory: You pour out a wealth of healings faithfully to those who sing Thee, O Virgin, and to those who extol Your ineffable Nativity.

And now: You drive away adversity, and you drive away passions, O Virgin: therefore we sing of You forever and ever.

Irmos: We truly confess You, the Mother of God, saved by You, Pure Virgin, with your disembodied faces magnifying You.

Do not turn away from the current of my tears, Even though you have taken away every tear from every face, the Virgin who gave birth to Christ.

Fill my heart with joy, O Virgin, who accepts the fulfillment of joy and consumes sinful sadness.

Be a refuge and intercession for those who come running to You, O Virgin, and an indestructible wall, a refuge and cover and joy.

Glory: Illuminate Your light with the dawns, O Virgin, driving away the darkness of ignorance, faithfully confessing Theotokos to You.

And now: In the place of the embitterment of weakness, the humbled one, Heal, Virgin, transforming from ill health into health.

It happens that anxiety is so strong that you don’t have the strength to read for a long time.

In these cases, repeated repetition of the short prayer “Most Holy Theotokos, save me” or singing “My Blessed Queen” will help:

Fear of death

Every person experiences fear of death for several reasons:

  • the unknown of the event itself;
  • fear of leaving children or loved ones without help;
  • unwillingness to lose the pleasures of life.

They all stem from lack of faith in the will of God. At such moments, prayer helps against fear and anxiety caused by the expectation of death.

Many saints experienced similar states.

The Venerable Mary of Egypt was tormented by the fear of death, living for 17 years completely alone, in the desert, until the Mother of God Herself delivered her from spiritual confusion. The martyr Boniface, who loved various pleasures during his life, undoubtedly went to death when it came to confessing faith in Christ.

You can ask these saints for help in your own words or with special petitions:

Night terrors

When the day approaches evening and the surrounding environment becomes poorly distinguishable, an impressionable person is overcome by imaginary fears. Children are especially susceptible to this: their imagination draws monsters under the bed or ghosts outside the window.

An effective prayer against night fears caused by demons is the psalms of David “May God rise again” and “Alive in the help of the Most High.”

The first of them calls on God to drive away enemies - evil spirits, and the second tells about the serene life of one who always hopes for God's help.

Short prayers for nervousness and anxiety

In moments of particular anxiety and nervous tension, it is good to read short prayers that calm the feelings:

  1. Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.
  2. Most Holy Theotokos, save me.
  3. Saint (name), pray to God for me.

At the same time, you can finger the rosary, which helps you concentrate and calms your nerves.

Prayer is not a magic spell, but a testimony of a person’s faith in God.

When asking for the help of God and the saints, you need to try and live according to God’s commandments yourself. Then mental anxieties, phobias, obsessive thoughts and fears will go away without return, and every event in life will bring joy.

Premonition... only the one who felt it knows what it is. A premonition is literally an understanding on an intuitive, subconscious level that something bad, irreparable, and terrible will happen. That a problem is about to arise, maybe a small one, or maybe a big one, a real catastrophe. The worst thing is the premonition of death. And most importantly, there is uncertainty ahead, because other than a bad feeling there is absolutely nothing to rely on. But a premonition is not proof; you can’t go to the police with it. What to do? Where to run? In general, should you believe your premonitions, since they don’t always come true? And how to get rid of the bad things that await? Is it possible to prevent misfortune if you foresee it in advance? Let's try to figure it out together with the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

What is a premonition? Can a person truly anticipate something bad, such as death?
What can a premonition transform into and why does it not work out in some cases?
What to do if you are tormented by constant premonitions of something bad?

The question of the truth of premonitions has worried people since ancient times. Can a person foresee his own death or the death of a loved one? Should we believe bad premonitions? Does a person have intuition? Can this feeling be somehow justified from a scientific point of view?

On the one hand, we have to state the fact that all serious sciences in the world deny the existence of any premonitions. On the other hand, many people have evidence when premonitions actually come true. Surely, every reader of this article will definitely have an uncle or aunt, grandmother or neighbor who testified that they had premonitions of something bad, which then, in the near future, happened. This is not always something significant, but, nevertheless, it is an indisputable fact that cannot be argued with. How can this be? And why is the phenomenon of premonition not given enough attention in psychodiagnostics?

Indeed, scientists have dismissed intuition and hunches throughout the history of science. Scientists' guesses on this matter were more of a philosophical nature than a real scientific definition. For a long time, occult and mystical teachings and practices speculated on the feeling of premonition and its interpretations. And to this day, all sorts of charlatan fortune tellers very often build relationships with their clients solely on their premonitions and intuition, actually exploiting imagination and guesses for their own selfish purposes.

Only today can we finally say that the feeling of premonition, its origin, its formation, the reaction to it by man and those around him has been completely unraveled and described. And this was done in the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

The phenomenal solution lies in one of 8 vectors - visual. The number of people who have a visual vector is about 5%. Each viewer may think that he is able to foresee the future. The paradox is that all his premonitions are pure fiction, which he himself believes in due to his mental peculiarities.

Premonition and creativity - who wins?

People with a visual vector by nature have one feature - they see the world more than others, distinguish incomparably more colors, and are able to touch the maximum with their eyes. Vision is a real erogenous zone of the visual person, using which the visual person truly enjoys. It brings him joy to see the beauty of the world, take photographs and draw, contemplate the sunrise or sunset. From the very morning they open their eyes and absorb everything that happens around them - these are truly the most “big-eyed” people in the world.

Today the world is more complicated - the number of colors around us has increased many times over. We are literally surrounded by visual information that moves, develops, and accelerates. And a visual person must notice everything - especially since his desire for information is enormous. Any person receives 90% of information through vision, but a visual person’s eyes are literally overstrained. A little rustling, a little swearing - everything needs to be looked at, everything needs to be examined, seen with your own eyes. And visual people see not only in front of them, but the visual periphery also develops - what we do not pay attention to, in fact, the eyes saw with peripheral vision and recorded in the brain.

Potentially, any viewer is a creative person, one way or another, in different forms. Spectators are actors, artists, art critics, writers, directors, photographers - representatives of any creative profession. Often, if it happens that their life path is in no way connected with a creative profession, it becomes their hobby: they sew and embroider themselves, make crafts, compose fairy tales for their own children, and much more. It is the accumulated information about the entire world around us through vision and the visual periphery, digested through the visual vector, that is transformed into creativity. And the more developed a person is, the higher his temperament, the more he can transform the received visual information into a sensual, emotional and very accurately true picture-story about the outside world. It is always exciting, impressive, mesmerizing.

The viewer can also express himself in contact with others, it's the spectators subtly sense the mood of another, potentially being the best therapists, psychologists, doctors.

But it happens differently. The visual periphery accumulates, but is not expressed through creativity. It is in this case that it results in a feeling of foreboding, anxiety, nervous tension from the feeling that something will happen. It does not result in creativity, but turns into fiction, a fairy tale, which is perceived as reality. Non-realization, a large amount of fear makes premonitions bad. The viewer always assumes the worst, often death. Because death is the most terrible thing that can happen to a spectator. So it turns out that everything premonitions are often the fruit of unrealized vision.

There are a number of other properties of the viewer that enhance premonitions. And often this happens out of the blue. Emotional coloring of fear, a buildup of anticipation from 0 to 100 in a couple of minutes, hysteria, and much, much more.

But the worst thing is believing in your premonition as a correct prediction. By the way, this is where all superstitions with signs originate. Especially if there were already precedents when a premonition or superstition came true, even despite the fact that it was an isolated case. We ourselves come up with premonitions, various de-ja-vu, predictions, and we believe in it - on this basis, visual hallucinations even arise, which a person not only believes in, it seems to him that he actually experienced it. And all this is given a strong emotional coloring, which enhances premonitions.

Visual premonitions are false ideas about the future, anticipation of one’s own fears. Can such premonitions be trusted? No, but you can understand where they are coming from.

Why do premonitions sometimes come true?

Of course, premonitions are always the prerogative of a visual person in a state of stress and unrealization. And yet, each such person relies not on fiction, but on fact - in his life there have been many confirmations of premonitions. How can this be explained?

The fact is that the life of such a visual person consists entirely of premonitions. Most of which do not even come true and are quickly forgotten due to impressionability and sudden changes in mood to which all visual people are subject. In 1-2 cases out of 100, the premonition actually comes true. And this could be chalked up to coincidence. But even here, not everything is as simple as it seems.

A visual person in a state of stress, and therefore fear, constantly attracts various misfortunes to himself. This is not esotericism or evil forces, but the simplest physiology. Such a visual person, especially with a skin vector that is in the “failure” life scenario, is constantly drawn into the most unpleasant stories. And often, by the way, such a person has no premonitions about them at all, but, nevertheless, there is a feeling that his whole life is going badly, that fate is unfriendly to him. And in this life he constantly feels premonitions of something bad, irreparable. And although most of these premonitions do not come true, yet the whole life passes unhappily, downtrodden, and unpleasantly. Moreover, such a person easily gets hooked on astrologers and fortune-tellers, believes in esotericism, spends his entire life tossing around in unrealistic dreams and constantly feels a lack of joy and happiness.

Some visual people express their premonitions in the form of predictions not only for themselves, but also for others. Believing in their gift of premonition, they predict fate by reading their hands or using tarot cards, or even simply by looking into a person’s eyes. There is no trace of any real basis, other than an imaginary premonition, for such predictions. Often this is presented as a hobby or fun, such people do not even understand what responsibility they have when they instill their premonition in other visual people who are able to believe in unjustified words that can radically change their lives.

How to get rid of bad feelings?

For a visual person, it is very important to get rid of premonitions; this will allow him to transform his life and become a truly happy person. How to do it? Of course, you can engage in creativity right now - this will relieve tension and bring the biochemistry of the brain into good condition. You can try your hand at working with people, but without proper knowledge and development, not everyone has the patience for this. For a visual person, it is very important not just to stop believing in your premonitions, but to know accurate information, understand yourself and others, and unravel the psychology of people.

Each of us is familiar with a sudden premonition of trouble. And, probably, at least once she regretted that she had never listened to him. Let's figure out what the features of such a premonition are, what you need to understand and how to ward off trouble from yourself and your loved ones.

Premonitions are special states that help us avoid troubles, misfortunes and disasters. You do not see any obvious signs and “signs of fate.” The feeling originates inside you and comes on its own. You cannot call him artificially, you cannot turn to him for advice. Premonitions overtake skeptics, pragmatists, and romantics. They are an indisputable fact, but its nature has not yet been fully elucidated.


Some scientists believe that premonitions are information from the depths of the subconscious. Sometimes a person is able to instantly analyze what is happening, combine it with information from the subconscious, give the most likely scenarios for the development of events, select the most dangerous one - and build a plan of action to avoid it. Psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung associated the ability to anticipate misfortune with the memory of ancestors - someone in the family once encountered something similar, and now this experience suddenly surfaced in consciousness. His point of view does not contradict the modern theory of genetic memory: many phenomena associated with disasters are recorded in our genes and are read at critical moments.
The most common theory of premonitions these days: for a short time a person has a channel of personal communication with the global information space, where there is no past or future and all times are mixed up. A sad event or tragedy causes very strong outrage before it occurs in our world. And during the broadcast we experience discomfort, anxiety, worry and fear.
A popular idea is that premonitions are sent to us by our guardian spirits so that we can avoid or prepare for danger. Christians call this guardian an angel; in other religions it may be the spirit of an ancestor, a totem animal.


They arise suddenly, do not last long and push us to a certain action or force us to avoid something.

Example. Winston Churchill was returning from checking an air defense battery in 1941. Accompanied by senior officers, he approached his car. The driver opened the door of the front passenger seat for Churchill, which he always occupied. But then, to everyone’s bewilderment, Churchill quickly walked around the car, opened the door of the rear right seat and climbed inside. An hour later, on the way back, a bomb exploded in front of the car. The entire left side of the car was torn apart, with the area next to the driver being especially badly damaged. but the car didn’t even turn over - Churchill’s weight prevented it. When friends and colleagues asked him why he suddenly changed his habit, he answered: “I sensed danger and heard an inner voice: stop!”

Another example. In 1974, a Tu-154 plane crashed during landing in Moscow, causing many deaths. During the investigation of the disaster, they learned that one of the passengers, from the Czech Republic, three hours before the flight, terribly nervous, handed over his ticket. Suspicion arose whether he had committed a terrorist attack. But it turned out that the Czech suddenly experienced an irresistible desire to go to Moscow by train and return his plane ticket, for which he had overpaid a lot of money in those times of shortage. He desperately struggled at the cash register with his greed, but still overcame the “damned” one and went to Moscow by train. He had nothing to do with the plane crash.

Who meets
People who are sensible and self-confident. Such a person is used to trusting himself. He does not mistake his inner voice for another glitch, and is not afraid to seem funny or wrong. He has no internal barriers between the feeling of danger and the action that follows. And as a rule, he performs this action.

Why are they given?
They are addressed to those who are drawn into trouble by an absurd accident, and provide an opportunity to avoid problems, misfortune or even death.

How to distinguish a premonition-insight from an acute panic attack . Panic is extreme terror, cold sweats, palpitations, the inability to feel anything other than fear, and the inability to act purposefully. After the attack, exhaustion and general weakness occur.
“Insight” is not associated with fear and is not accompanied by unpleasant physical symptoms. You retain the ability to think and act.


Sometimes it can feel as if all the horror of the world has opened up before you. But before you could even comprehend what you had seen, the curtain fell, and you were left with only a shadow of the memory of the nightmare you experienced. This terrible cold can overtake us during a friendly conversation, on the beach, at a work meeting - or anywhere. Frost runs through your skin, and for a while everything seems meaningless and scary. And then it goes away.

Example. At the age of forty-one, the wealthy landowner Leo Tolstoy completed the novel “War and Peace” and, satisfied with life, went on a trip to buy another estate for his family. On the way, he stopped in Arzamas, where he experienced a night full of agonizing fear and foreboding of his imminent death. After this night, Leo Tolstoy became a different person, rejected everything secular, believed in God, came to vegetarianism, and non-resistance to evil through violence. He turned from a fashionable writer into a philosopher and master of thoughts. And he lived another forty-one years. Such premonitions are given to a person who has already completed his life task, but someone or something from above invites him to take on a second one. In fact, a person can no longer be the same as he was. If he has enough energy and courage, the old personality dies in him and a new one arises. Anyone who lacks strength begins to get sick and fade away.

Who has it?
He can visit anyone and everyone - regardless of the subtlety of his mental organization. And more than once.

Why is it given?
The condition is unpleasant, but useful. Esotericists believe that at this moment you were destined to die if you had made some mistake and lived your life incorrectly. But since you warded off death from yourself with the right behavior, it flew past, barely touching you with its wing. You successfully escaped a terrible fate. Well done! And if everything is wrong with you now, it’s disgusting and disgusting - spit and forget about the bad things. You live as you should. Perhaps, if it weren’t for what seems like a terrible problem to you, death would have already claimed you. And since you avoided it, a bright and clear period awaits you soon.


1. Look for its cause. It is always there - in you or in the world around you. Go to the doctor for an examination, analyze everything that is happening, understand the motives behind the behavior of people important to you.
2. Take care of safety. Especially about something you have a bad feeling about. Take your car to a service center, set aside some money just in case, buy health insurance for yourself and your parents, check the accounts and financial records of your company and family.
3. Visit the temple - the one where you are drawn, so that the ancient rituals appeal to your subconscious.
4. Light aroma lamps with myrtle, sandalwood, lavender or incense oil - they call patron spirits to us.
5. Mentally talk to your heavenly patron, ask him for support and protection.

If something has been revealed to you, it means there is a chance to influence the outcome of the event or prepare for it. We foresee troubles affecting not only us, but also those close to us. And we don’t know whether to talk about them or remain silent. If you say it, you'll set it up for disaster. If you don’t say it, you’ll miss the opportunity to save. Don't worry if you weren't able to save someone from harm. It was meant to be for him. By sharing your feelings, you did everything you could. He had a choice. And remember that every person has it.

Surely you have had moments when you experienced a bad feeling - a premonition of trouble before the onset of some unpleasant events in your life. What to do if you have a bad feeling?

You can guess about upcoming problems by numerous signs, or even simply by focusing on your bad feeling. Premonition of trouble. In psychology, such a premonition is called a “subconscious warning”, and in occultism - an “astral signal”.

I will quote one of the letters: " Hello, dear Vladimir Petrovich! I want to ask you this. All last week, until yesterday, I was in a very bad state, absentmindedness, heaviness in my soul, apathy, and a bad feeling. Yesterday I couldn’t resist and went to see a specialist I knew. He picked up a very strong, as he said, “signal” from me. The condition immediately improved significantly. I want to ask what kind of “signal” this could be?"

So, if I correctly understand the meaning of the term “signal” in an occult context, it means a warning about some unpleasant events that may occur in the near future. At the same time, people with sufficiently developed intuition can feel everything that is described in the letter (a bad feeling, as if “cats are scratching at the soul”). Accordingly, the phrase “remove the signal” means eliminating the symptoms of a bad feeling.

But if a person has stopped experiencing bad premonitions of trouble, this does not mean at all that trouble will not happen. After all, first of all, it is necessary to neutralize what could have caused this very “signal” (i.e., neutralize future negative events). By the way, all this, as a rule, has nothing to do with any witchcraft activity. More often, certain negative events of natural origin are implied (illness, accident, family crisis, problems at work, etc.), and the premonition of them is also quite natural.

When “signals” of the described kind appear (decline in mood, mental heaviness, premonition of trouble, expectation of something bad), it makes sense to use the help of a professional specialist or, at least, independently read protective and protective spells and prayers.

I quote here the text of one of these conspiracies: “Jesus Christ descended from heaven, lifted up the life-giving cross. He overshadows us with the life-giving cross, with his miracles he protects us from the walking beast, from the flying serpent, from the thief, from the robber, save me, O Lord, your servant (name) ) Around our yard stands Mount Sinai, and our dear helper angels stand in formation."

And here is a protective plot “from evil people”: “I, servant of God (name), will get up, be blessed, and go, crossing myself, into an open field, wash myself with the morning dew and the bright dawn, wipe myself with the red sun, gird myself with the bright moon, and repel myself with small frequent stars , I will be covered with the copper sky, I will pray to the forty martyrs, Michael the Archangel, Gabriel the Archangel. Give me, Lord, from the pure field, go, fierce beast, to evil people, take out the heart with the hot liver, bring it to me, the servant of God (name). Just as it is impossible for the servants of God, evil people, to sigh under a stone, so it is impossible for me, the servant of God (name), to bear my heart and think and remember evil - forever, amen."

And one more simple but effective remedy: to protect yourself from tears, you should remove the lid of the pan in which the water is boiling and shake it in all directions. In this case, the tears are replaced by drops falling from the lid.

You can find a significant number of other protective and protective rituals and conspiracies in my book “Magical Attraction of Money” (click on the title of the book).

And finally, I would like to note that in such circumstances, many people come up with the standard and, frankly speaking, rather stupid idea of ​​going to church, putting a candle on the iconostasis, etc. But if this action can calm you down somewhat, you can do so.

If you need to contact me personally for any clarification, consultation, or in connection with the need to solve certain problems, click on the button and write me a letter:

We'll tell you what to do when you suddenly have a bad feeling, why you worry and expect trouble, and how to get rid of the bad feeling.

They say about some people that they are capable of making an elephant out of a molehill, inflating any conflict, describing the scale of the catastrophe even if nothing close to that is planned. These same people often feel that “something is about to happen.”

However, from a psychological point of view, a bad feeling is a symptom of unrealized potential and internal fears.

If you have a bad feeling, then you should delve into yourself and figure out where it could have come from. The easiest way, of course, is . He will ask the right questions and force you to get to the bottom of the reasons for the premonition of trouble. However, you can also do something yourself.

If I have a bad feeling, what should I do?

First, you need to analyze your own behavior, your character and temperament. There are people who absorb all the colors of the world more clearly and brightly than others. Such people notice details, nuances, see many shades. Often these are creative individuals who can be poets, artists, designers, or musicians. Even if they don’t work in the creative field, they make something at home in their free time, write stories, draw, embroider.

The accumulated information about the external environment results in new essays, creative thoughts on paper, new creations of the material world. People willingly use their imagination to create new things. This could be paintings, sculptures, blog stories, written songs. However, not all people are creative.

Sometimes accumulated data gives rise to thoughts,

which are heading in the wrong direction.

And here your imagination works to its fullest - you imagine gloomy scenes of the future.

Out of nowhere, a bad feeling arises in your soul, which is nothing more than a play of imagination and the result of your inner fears.

Most likely, in the past you have had situations where you were worried, suffered, and could even get into serious trouble or suffer because of other people or circumstances. Instead of focusing on the future, on the creative and beautiful, you are in the past, past circumstances.

Your brain clings to everything you have experienced, and therefore any vivid impression gives rise to a new emotional surge in your consciousness, which results in a bad feeling in your soul.

Please note that active, active people are less susceptible to negative thoughts. In particular, they are not visited by any premonitions, thoughts with bad connotations, memories and snippets of phrases that can spoil the mood. If a person actively spends his energy and directs it in a creative direction, then more and more positive things begin to happen in his life.

How to get rid of a bad feeling?

You need to understand that when you think about the bad, you make yourself worse. There are people who are able to get fixated on an idea, a thought, an event, and develop details in their imagination. They plunge into a world of obsessive ideas, from which it is very difficult to escape. As a result, more and more bad feelings appear.

One bad feeling can lead to another,

which can provoke hysteria in a healthy person and the feeling that the whole world is against him.

Panic attacks, insomnia, suspicion, eternal fear of any event, person, life - this is what accompanies a person who cherishes his bad feeling.

If you want to figure out how to get rid of a bad feeling, find an activity that is guaranteed to distract you from your own thoughts. This could be immersion in some new and complex project where 100% dedication is required.

From a physiological point of view, sports and creativity help. Creative processes, moments when you create something, help to establish biochemical processes in the brain and create new neural connections. As a result, you will get out of the vicious circle of thoughts, when you have already developed the habit of always worrying about something.

A premonition of trouble or a habit of looking for negative connotations in everything?

If up to this point your life cannot be called happy and successful, then you will certainly fall into the trap of a bad feeling. After all, if up to the current moment everything was not very good, then the brain adapts to reality and invites you to perceive the future with caution. Since you have already suffered, where is the guarantee that it will not happen again in the future? Something terrible must happen, because up to this moment it was so!

In fact, you find yourself in a situation where you do not know how to recognize the good that is happening. In the life of any person there are upheavals, troubles with loved ones, difficulties in his personal life, failures and falls. The question is how exactly you perceive everything. Some people learn a lesson and take some things into account, while remaining happy and cheerful, others cherish the memories of negative moments and are afraid to take the next step, because they understand that dangers may lie in wait for them everywhere.

Even if there was a negative experience and something happened in the past, you cannot live with it all the time. First you need to learn how to release energy and direct it to the positive, to what brings joy.

If you have a bad feeling and you don’t know what to do, first of all you need to try to pull yourself together, and then learn to be distracted and focus on something good and pleasant. It helps a lot to keep a gratitude diary at the end of the day, where you can write down all the good things that happened to you during the day. This will help you switch from negative thoughts that give rise to a bad feeling to a positive wave. It will not be so easy to switch at first, but it is quite possible if you practice daily journaling.

When getting rid of a bad feeling, it is important to understand that it did not come from outside, and you are its creator. Having realized and accepted this, it will be easier for you to cope with bad premonitions and save yourself from unnecessary worries.