List of contraindications for biorevitalization. Biorevitalization or how we are deceived, contraindications, side effects

March 8

Positive reviews about the biorevitalization procedure are very different from mine personal experience, after which the skin condition, to put it mildly, did not receive the promised changes in better side. Therefore, I would like to warn you against negative impact this procedure.

What is biorevitalization, and what results are promised to you?

After reading articles about the description of a miracle procedure that promises skin rejuvenation through the injection of preparations containing hyaluronic acid, naturally, I wanted to experience this magnificent remedy for myself.

If you have dry skin with fine wrinkles, then biorevitalization promises you:

  • Improving the processes of collagen production.
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes in the body.
  • Alignment of complexion and its relief.
  • Elimination of minor micro-wrinkles.
  • Improving the elasticity of the skin.

Cosmetologists say that biorevitalization causes cell regeneration by stimulating regenerative processes and activating collagen biosynthesis in cells, so even one procedure will be enough to consolidate the effect. But this is absolutely not true!

Biorevitalization - how my expectation turned into a real disappointment

Until the age of 27, I always looked younger than my age, received a lot of compliments and felt like 18. But over the past few years, due to a change in work schedule, my skin condition has begun to noticeably worsen. I work mainly with foreign partners, so I often stay up at work until the night, and when I come home, there are also household chores waiting for me. bad dream, improper daily routine and nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle - all this has postponed the corresponding imprint on my appearance, and now I look like 30.

And so, with the words: “I want to return my 18”, I decided to try the advertised procedure for myself biorevitalization, and at first I was simply delighted with the result !!

Immediately noticed the following changes:

  • The skin was tightened and looked more elastic.
  • The color has changed, become more natural and fresh.
  • I no longer need tonal cosmetics oh, and correctors for the face.
  • Small wrinkles on the neck, which were previously noticeable, completely disappeared.
  • The skin became smooth and pleasant to the touch, as before.

Each time I looked forward to the next biorevitalization session, but soon my master left, and in another salon my savings were only enough for a few more sessions, since the procedure is very expensive. But the master assured me that the course I had completed would be enough for the result to continue to please me for almost decades.

My disappointment was hard to imagine .The effect that was at the beginning did not just disappear somewhere, but began to noticeably turn into shortcomings.

A month later, I began to notice a deterioration in the condition of the skin of the face and neck:

  • The appearance of wrinkles around the nasolabial folds and on the forehead.
  • The skin became pale and unhealthy in appearance.
  • Sometimes there was a small rash in the puncture area.
  • The skin on the neck looked kind of flabby and completely out of my age.

In addition, after the last procedure, I had small redness . From a 27-year-old young girl, I turned into a 38-year-old woman in just a few months.

The actual disadvantages of the biorevitalization procedure - a real review

I finally became convinced that with any beauty products you need to be very careful and, if possible, it is better to avoid such extreme measures. The effect of biorevitalization, like any other procedure, is short-lived , because with the constant introduction of the drug with hyaluronic acid, the body gets used to it and stops producing it on its own.

In the future, you will have to regularly throw away a lot of money in the pursuit of maintaining a normal appearance of the skin. And it’s not a fact that over time the drug will not cease to have an effect on the body at all.

In addition, there are other complications and side effects procedures:

  • Unhealthy appearance skin.
  • Swelling of mild or moderate degree.
  • Nodular and linear elevations in the treated areas of the face or neck.
  • When you touch the puncture site, you may experience discomfort and soreness.

The Internet is swarming large quantity information, and basically these are fairy tales about how you will look younger forever! But I was convinced for myself that these are all fictions and that you don’t need to listen to anyone. . Your body has an individual tolerance for any drugs, and if it suits someone, it is not necessary that the same effect awaits you!

Do not expect magic from biorevitalization, otherwise you, like me, will be disappointed. Healthy sleep and proper nutrition- here the best recipe beautiful and tightened skin!

Change in complexion and skin elasticity. All these age-related changes lead to the fact that the desire to look in the mirror decreases every day. Many solve this problem with plastic surgery, not knowing that there is a more conservative solution - a cosmetic procedure called "Biorevitalization".

The concept of the method

  • Biorevitalization is an injection of drugs based on hyaluronic acid. The most popular drugs are: Restylane Vital Light, Teosyal Pure Sense Redensity I, IAL System and others.
  • The procedure can also be performed with combined preparations, which, in addition to the main component, include vitamin complexes, peptides, antioxidants and amino acids. These include: Jalupro, Revi, NCTF 135 and others.

The effectiveness of biorevitalization depends on the competent selection of these drugs, as well as on the scheme for their use.

This video will tell you about the features of biorevitalization:

Its types

This procedure can be of two types: preventive and therapeutic.

  1. Preventive biorevitalization used for and early aging what happens when there is a lack of hyaluronic acid. Such a course includes two procedures carried out with an interval of 3-4 weeks. Active hydration and optimal balance are maintained nutrients, which together leads to the curbing of the aging process.
  2. Therapeutic biorevitalization fights more severe skin problems that arise due to age-related changes. The course is recommended for women with and reduced turgor. Three procedures are usually prescribed with an interval of 3-4 weeks.

Pros and cons

The advantages of biorevitalization determine the popularity of this procedure. These include:

  • Naturalness and depth of influence of drugs. Quite a lot of cosmetic products contain hyaluronic acid. However, their effect on the skin is only superficial, bringing only the effect of moisturizing. The biorevitalization procedure allows the component to penetrate deep into the skin, making changes at the cellular level.
  • Fast result. Visible changes occur after 1-2 sessions.
  • Long-term effect of the procedure. Improving skin nutrition and the production of certain hormones leads to smoothing of wrinkles, a change in complexion and skin elasticity. This effect lasts for 4-5 months, and in some cases - up to a year.

The disadvantages of the procedure include a decrease in the ability of cells to produce their own proteins and hyaluronic acid. Oversaturation with these substances in the absence of regular support leads to the fact that the skin after biorevitalization begins to age faster. However, not all experts come to this conclusion, some of them refute this shortcoming.

Indications for holding

Biorevitalization can be performed for both men and women over 35 years of age. The main indications for its implementation are:

  1. Dry skin;
  2. Reduced skin elasticity;
  3. The need to restore the skin after plastic procedures;
  4. Damage to the epidermis by ultraviolet light.


All cosmetic procedures have their own contraindications, and biorevitalization is no exception. Its use is not recommended in the following cases:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation;
  2. and respiratory diseases;
  3. Individual intolerance;
  4. Autoimmune disorders.

Photos before and after biorevitalization

Preparation for biorevitalization

The procedure does not require special preparation, but it is recommended not to drink alcohol, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs the day before. In order to exclude possible complications and contraindications, the doctor diagnoses and examines the problem area.

Before the session, the specialist cleans the skin, at the request of the patient, it is anesthetized.

How is the procedure carried out

The biorevitalization procedure involves the following steps:

  1. Removal of existing makeup;
  2. facial skin cleansing;
  3. Treatment of the problem area with an antiseptic;
  4. Marking for future punctures;
  5. Application of hyaluronate;
  6. Carrying out manual injections or using a special drug.

The duration of one session, depending on the treated area and the mechanism of work, ranges from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours. At the end of it, the specialist applies a special medical and cosmetic composition to the treated area, assesses the condition skin ov, talks with the patient and sets the date for the next session.

This video will show you how the procedure goes:

Consequences and possible complications

If for some reason the biorevitalization technology was violated or the patient did not follow the recommendations in the post-rehabilitation period, the following complications may occur:

  • Severe hypodermia;
  • The development of an infection as a result of bacteria getting under the skin or
    • Swimming in the pool;
    • Solarium visit;
    • Sun tanning and a visit to the solarium;
    • Washing in baths and saunas;
    • Visiting spa treatments;
    • Active sports activities;
    • Excessive alcohol consumption;
    • Active use of decorative cosmetics.


    The price of one session of biorevitalization depends on many factors, including individual preferences. beauty salons, the prestige of the city, the degree of qualification of the masters and much more.

    In Moscow, depending on the drugs used, one session costs from 6,500 to 14,000 rubles.

    Despite progress in aesthetic medicine and cosmetology, biorevitalization, like any other invasive manipulations like Botox injections, carries a certain risk of complications and side effects. Why complications? What to do to avoid them?

    The ideal procedure

    Cosmetologists and clients themselves often sin with negligence when initial consultation: the cosmetologist does not conduct a full examination and does not even ask questions about taking medications and the presence of allergies. And clients, respectively, are silent. Often, biorevitalization is done, barely examining the face! But in order to ensure good result after the procedure, the cosmetologist should get as much information as possible about the client’s state of health (from his words), collect an allergic and cosmetic history, find out what drugs were used earlier (this is especially true for fillers), and also when such procedures were performed.
    Good beautician takes into account not a single problem of the face or body, but is based on an analysis of all of the above and, if necessary, appoints consultations of related specialists. Indifference and, accordingly, therapy errors and an incorrect prognosis, first of all, indicate a lack of qualifications of a cosmetologist, and secondly, it will lead to a negative or short-term result.

    Complications of biorevitalization

    Problems after biorevitalization can arise both through the fault of the cosmetologist or the patient, and unforeseen "technical problems". Study them to "lay straws"!

    Allergic complications after beauty injections are dangerous not only for beauty, but also for health. Besides and the best measures prevention of such is strict adherence to the protocols for the procedures, the performance of allergy tests, if required by the manufacturer and the protocol of the procedure. It is better to carry out biorevitalization with proven and certified hyaluronic acid preparations, preferably of synthetic origin.
    Actually "technical" complications injection techniques are microhematomas, pain, infectious complications.

    Microhematomas rather, it can be attributed to the side effects of all invasive techniques: an injection is still a rather rough intervention in the delicate structure of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Most often, bruises appear if you do biorevitalization during menstruation or menopause, with rosacea, in smokers, while taking anticoagulants (including aspirin for headaches or herbal remedies for varicose veins).

    Thus, before deciding on biorevitalization, consider these risks and be sure to tell the cosmetologist about them at the initial consultation.

    Pain. Painful injections are well known, however, the use of local or conduction anesthesia can significantly reduce the degree of sensitivity. Please note that in this case there is a risk of allergies!

    Infectious complications are bacterial and viral. The formation of pustules at the injection sites indicates either a gross violation of the rules of asepsis by the doctor, or a violation of the rehabilitation period by the patient. So the key to the development of such complications is strict adherence to the protocol and full information to patients. Viral includes, first of all, exacerbations herpetic infection.

    Nodules and discoloration of the skin- one of the most serious side effects of biorevitalization, but if you are in the hands of an experienced practitioner, these complications are very unlikely. Of course, as with hyaluronic acid fillers, an overdose can lead to unwanted changes in appearance. Other side effects depend on the area of ​​injection. It is possible to get into blood vessels, there are even cases of a needle falling into lymphatic vessels in the neck area. Biorevitalization, which is carried out around the eyes, has more high risk unwanted effects and should be used with great care.
    You can avoid these side effects if you choose a reputable clinic that works with drugs purchased from certified distributors. The doctor must show you the medicine and the unopened disposable instruments.

    Beauty injections with hyaluronic acid: norm and deviation

    After biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid preparations, a long-term presence of papules is possible.

    Normally, depending on the concentration of hyaluronic acid, papules should disappear within 12-72 hours.

    If the degree of skin dehydration is underestimated and hyaluronic acid preparations are administered, papules can remain on the skin even longer and cause at least aesthetic problems. Well, in case of permanent injury (for example, by hands), there is a high risk of developing inflammatory complications.

    The use of preparations for biorevitalization with a high concentration of hyaluronic acid on the skin lower eyelids, especially with fatty hernias, is fraught with prolonged swelling under the eyes. Moreover, after the swelling completely subsides, they are replaced by wrinkles and sagging.

    AT modern cosmetology biorevitalization is considered to be one of the most safe procedures. Most of the inhabitants assume that such a technique is completely painless, suitable for everyone and everyone, has a huge number of advantages and does not have any disadvantages. However, this is not the case. Contraindications to biorevitalization are quite extensive, and side effects after it appear quite often.

    Does this mean that cosmetologists and beauty salons are deceiving us? We will try to find out as many pitfalls as possible about this procedure in order to form our own opinion about where is the truth and where is fiction.

    How to understand that the procedure is prohibited for you?

    Contraindications for biorevitalization in without fail voiced by a specialist cosmetologist at the stage of counseling a potential patient. A true professional will not inject or treat the skin with a laser if any of the risk factors are present.

    First of all, they should include the period of pregnancy and lactation. For the procedure, as a rule, hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin is used, and a number of synthetic hypoallergenic components designed to perform helper function. Negative influence filler substances on the fetus in the womb and already born baby during the session were not identified, studied and not proven, however, for safety reasons for you and your baby, it is recommended to refrain from this procedure.

    During pregnancy and lactation, biorevitalization cannot be carried out.

    The second important circumstance is individual intolerance or allergy to one of the components of the corrector. Although these fillers are made from special non-rejection ingredients, the reaction human body may be unpredictable. Be sure to tell the beautician about all your allergies so that he can choose the right filler for you.

    The whole truth about biorevitalization is that carrying out the procedure in the presence of obvious contraindications can lead to very backfire. Complications may arise if you have:

    • oncological diseases;
    • autoimmune diseases;
    • extensive defects and inflammation of the skin in the area intended for the introduction of the corrector;
    • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
    • tendency to form scars.

    Among other things, you should temporarily abandon such cosmetic care at elevated temperature body or taking blood thinners. Injections are not injected into moles, warts and other skin formations.

    Most Common Side Effects

    The consequences of biorevitalization are often quite deplorable. We are used to hearing about a positive result, which lasts for 8 - 12 months, however, this does not always happen. Side effects of the procedure may even be the complete absence of the result. Most often, local bruising and bruising can be observed at the injection site, in addition, swelling and compaction can be observed. The higher the sensitivity of the skin, the higher the chance of redness or, conversely, the pallor of the skin. In some cases, there may be very discomfort, pain, itching and feeling of tightness. As a rule, they pass on their own within a few days, but the risk of complications still exists.

    Why biorevitalization can give a negative reaction?

    Many of us think about why someone easily tolerates biorevitalization, and someone suffers from a large number negative manifestations? There are two main factors that affect the success of the procedure:

    • The professionalism of the specialist conducting the injections. Violation of technologies for introducing a filler under the skin is the most common cause the appearance of swelling and bruising, as well as a short-term and uneven result. Take increased attention choice of clinic and cosmetologist.
    • Patient irresponsibility. In pursuit of in a simple way gaining young, hydrated and toned skin, many of us do not pay attention to the characteristics of our body and do not inform specialists about the possible presence of contraindications, which leads to the most unexpected results.

    Interestingly, of all the side effects of injecting hyaluronic acid into the skin, one has a positive property.

    Prof. A. Di Pietro conducted an analysis of cell protection hyaluronic acid from exposure to harmful UV rays. Patients who received intradermal injections before tanning and solarium confirmed the elasticity of the skin after tanning.

    Another study by Professor S. Pugliese on 20 patients revealed an improvement in the blood flow of the dermis after injections. In those women who received two injections with a break of 15 days, a six-month effect was observed.

    In general, if you find a good specialist, which you can trust, then after injections you can get not only smooth, but also more updated skin, protected from UV rays.

    According to statistics, about 70% of women are satisfied with the result biorevitalization. Another 20% say positive effect but consider it insufficient.

    To the question “when was the effect of biorevitalization seen?”, about 80% of women answered that after the first procedure, there was a noticeable hydration of the skin, restoration of its structure.

    Doctors believe that the skin is restored, first of all, due to the stimulation of fibroblasts, that is, the fibers that are responsible for skin elasticity.

    Approximately 70% of women after the second acid administration procedure claim that their skin color has improved, its pigmentation has decreased.

    Biorevitalization also evens out the skin relief, eliminates shallow wrinkles, nets around the eyes. Hyaluronic acid cannot cope with pronounced skin folds. But after four injections nets and small wrinkles noticeably disappear in 55% of women.

    Side effects and negative effects

    As mentioned in the main review, complications in the right beautician With medical education and with work experience reduced to zero. Yes, there is swelling of the face and under the eyes, there are minor complications (bruises, injection wounds), but you don’t need to be afraid of them - they disappear in a few days.

    The most unpleasant and terrible side effects are associated with skin inflammation - erythema. Inflammation is not terrible if not is infectious in nature (if the infection was not introduced with the injection). Erythema may lead to other dangerous complications after biorevitalization: necrosis.

    Usually, necrosis (death of tissue in a living organism, death) occurs due to an unusual reaction of the skin to hyaluronic acid. Some cosmetologists will seriously state that hyaluronic acid is unable to cause tissue necrosis, however, this is not so.

    Such cases have already been described in the scientific literature. In order to avoid necrotic tissue lesions, the doctor must carefully collect the patient's history before the procedure.

    Hyaluronic acid is one of those substances that allergies are very rare. Therefore, if a patient has a negative reaction after biorevitalization, in 99% of cases the cause of this was a medical error.

    In addition to intolerance to the administered drug, there are artificial reasons causing erythema. These include:

    • poor disinfection of the skin area;
    • unsuccessful administration of the drug (injury, large injection depth);
    • poor sterilization of injectors;
    • incorrectly selected amount of hyaluronic acid.

    In general, only a competent doctor can prevent necrosis. That is why it is necessary to carefully choose a doctor, collect reviews about him, come to the appointment several times in order to understand the competence of a specialist.

    The harm from biorevitalization can also be associated with acid quality.

    Clinics work only with reliable suppliers, but proven companies can fail. A poor-quality drug can migrate under the skin, as well as form granulomas - reddish swollen formations that are very difficult to remove.

    The usual negative consequences of necrosis and granulomas are ugly scars on the face.

    As for laser biorevitalization, it has no serious side effects. At the same time, the effect of it is less noticeable than that of the injection.


    Don't chase profit and buy sessions for 900 rubles with coupons that recent times very common.

    It should be remembered that cost price laser biorevitalization of the face with hyaluronic acid good stuff is about 3 thousand rubles. In addition, the price of the service should also include the cost of renting the premises, the salary of a specialist.

    Normal injection biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid will cost much more than laser, starting from six thousand rubles (for AcHyal).

    In the regions, prices can start from 5 thousand, and this is in best case. The price of facial biorevitalization is determined, first of all, by the drug.

    Also, the overall cost can be affected price policy specialist and clinic.

    Most clinics have a price list, which can be downloaded from the site or requested during a visit to find out how much laser and injection biorevitalization costs. Before choosing your beautician, it is better to visit several establishments. After all, if something goes wrong, you will not only lose money, but also spend money to recover.

    Where to do it - at home, beauty salon or clinic?

    The previous article only touched on the topic of choosing a place for this procedure.

    On the Internet, you can find a lot of offers, ranging from cosmetologists with home visits to special clinics for anti-aging injections.

    Place, where not to do biorevitalization- this is own house or the beautician's apartment. It is necessary that the doctor worked in a licensed institution that has its own office and regular customers. So you get a certain guarantee that the specialist will not evaporate if you have complications after biorevitalization.

    Biorevitalization by injection takes place under local anesthesia. It should be carried out after a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist or doctor, after skin tests.

    The beautician must determine what will not negative consequences, so it is best to choose not beauty salon, but a clinic where not only cosmetologists, but also candidates of medical sciences work.

    Doctors who have specialized in this area for several years can give good advice.

    In large cities, there is a good selection of institutions that specialize in injections. Just it is worth spending some time choosing a place. Haste can cost health.