With whom does the ex-husband of Evelina Bledans live. And in sorrow and in joy

February 23

Alexander Semin is a person who does not seek publicity. His activities as a director and producer are known to a narrow circle of professionals, but as the husband of an actress and the father of a special child, the whole country speaks of him without exaggeration.

Childhood and youth

There is little information about the early years of Alexander's biography. Born in September 1982 in a family of defectologists who worked in an orphanage with children with Down syndrome. By his own admission, Alexander, he was always afraid that he would have such a child. As subsequent events showed, thoughts are material.

In 2004, Semin graduated from the directing department of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts. While studying at a theatrical fencing class, Alexander received a severe brain injury, almost complete paralysis, but managed to return to normal life, because he decided that he would not remain a victim and would not feel sorry for himself. At one of the forums, Semin wrote that he was guided in life by the principle “What if?”, thanks to which he learned to turn even the most serious trials into interesting ones.


Motto "What if?" Alexander based the name of his own creative agency "What If Semin", which he opened in 2014. According to Semin, the What If Semin Agency sells only ideas, and the ideal client for him is one who is ready to look together for the answer to the question “Why?”, and not just asks: “What?” And How?".

But Semin began with directing and producing. The debut work was the series "Nanolove" in 2010 about the relationship between a robot and an ordinary person. In 2011, Alexander Semin directed and produced the film "The Manipulator" with the participation,.

In addition, Semin held the position of creative director at advertising agencies Deluxe Interactive Moscow and SPN Ogilvy. Alexander is a co-author of advertising ideas and slogans for Unilever, MTS, Central Partnership, Aeroexpress, Kraft Foods, Yota, the Department of Transport of the Moscow Government, the Life Line Foundation and others.

Since 2012, Alexander has been involved in strategic creative work, advertising, scripting and producing film and television projects. His commercials win prizes at various professional forums and festivals.

The director considers mass cinema to be an attraction for eating popcorn, draws inspiration from the drama theater and serials - this is where the most modern playwrights and directors work, and it is high time for critics and culturologists to pay attention to the considered primitive genre of the American series. As Alexander admitted, his biggest dream is to be in the room where the writers of Homeland and Breaking Bad work, and quietly observe their work.

Personal life

On the set of The Manipulator, Alexander met his future wife. At that time, the actress was married to a wealthy businessman. As a result, Evelina did not act in the film, but became Semin's wife. Not everyone from the environment of the actress understood why she changed her prosperous life to some kind of creative person. But Evelina not only found family happiness, but also became a good motivator for Alexander: two years later, the family moved from a small apartment to a large country house, and Alexander himself lost 48 kilograms.

In 2012, the couple had a son, Semyon - perhaps the most famous child with Down syndrome. Parents did not make a tragedy out of this, but, on the contrary, made a lot of efforts to ensure that society learned as much as possible about the peculiarities of raising such children. Alexander's agency launched the Media Sema project. This video portal is designed to help parents of special kids, it publishes materials on the physical and mental development of "sunny children". Alexandra's mother helps in creating videos, publishing photos and news.

On behalf of his son, Alexander maintains pages on Twitter and "Instagram", more than 270 thousand people have subscribed to the latter, and, according to Semin, 15% of them are parents of children with Down syndrome. Judging by the photo on the page, Semyon leads the usual life of an ordinary child. When asked what is the secret of defeating the fear that a child with a syndrome is growing in the family, Semin replies that the situation should be looked at positively, with a share of healthy self-irony.

Alexander Semin now

In the fall of 2017, it became known that Alexander Semin had found a new love. Evelina Bledans herself announced the breakup on the show. Moreover, the divorce took place back in 2016, and over the past year, viewers have only seen a beautiful picture of a family idyll.

At first, ill-wishers were quick to accuse Alexander of leaving his wife with a disabled child. But the actress assured that she broke up with her husband on a friendly note, they are still raising Sema together. Alexander acted like a man - he left Evelina and his son a house, he himself offered to pay alimony.

Apparently, Alexander is not going to quit the social projects he started. The producer has repeatedly said in interviews that working in the event profession implies a change in people, therefore, you need to use this skill to make people change for the better.

Who is the new chosen one of Alexander Semin is not disclosed, nor is it clear what caused the divorce of such an extraordinary couple. According to Evelina, it’s not at all about another woman and not about treason - feelings just faded away, romance left. Alexander said that he was tired of publicity and the fact that his wife had work and spectators in the first place.

The same viewers (well, or some of them) suggested that Alexander's new passion is probably an actress, because, by virtue of his profession, Semin is always surrounded by the attention of women and spent a lot of time outside the family.

One of the followers, who is considered an expert on the behind-the-scenes life of stars, called Alexander Semin's demarche humiliating, especially since giving birth to a sick child was a joint decision with Evelina, and parents should drag this cross together, and Alexander should forget about his own ambitions and not turn into a Sunday dad .


  • 2010 - author of the idea and producer of a social video for the Life Line Foundation
  • 2010 - producer of the series "Nanolove"
  • 2011 - producer and director of the film "The Manipulator"
  • 2012 - author of the idea and director of advertising and social videos "Adultery", "Meeting", "Scotch"
  • 2013 - author of the idea and director of the advertising campaign "Honest Taxi Drivers Recommend Aeroexpress"

Evelina Bledans is one of the brightest and sexiest Russian actresses. She was married three times, but, in her own words, she found happiness only in her last marriage. Her husband, director and producer Alexander Semin, is almost 16 years younger than her. There is a lot of gossip around the couple, some spiteful critics consider Alexander a soft-bodied henpecked man who fell into the clutches of a fatal predator. Few people know that it was Alexander who showed firmness in making a fateful decision for the couple.

Who is Alexander Semin?

In the media space, Alexander Semin is often presented as a director and producer. However, Semin's filmography is not very large - you can hear about the film "Nanolove" and the work in the fantasy style "Manipulator".

Alexander was born in 1982 in Moscow, in a family of defectologists. His parents worked in an orphanage, dealing with the speech problems of children with Down syndrome.

In 2004, Semin graduated from the directing department of the Moscow University of Culture and Arts.. After that, he worked in the event industry in the field of advertising, making videos for small and medium-sized companies.

In the position of creative director in the agencies Deluxe Interactive Moscow and SPN Ogilvy, he achieved some success. At international marketing and advertising competitions, his works won prizes.

Today he is an independent consultant and creative director of his own agency of ideas and meanings "What if Semin?". At some point, he realized that most of all he wanted to invent, generate ideas.

As he himself admits, a few years ago "to paint such a picture would have been a brazen challenge to the industry and customers." “Our business today surprises many. We really only sell ideas and only meanings.”

Love story

The history of relationships shows that Evelina initially occupied a leading position: she was the first to take a phone number, the first to call, repeatedly declared her love and made proposals in different squares in different cities of the world. However, the further life together and the actions of Alexander show that the main one in their pair is still a man.

Beauty Evelina met her future husband on the set of the film "The Manipulator" where she played the role of the wife of an oligarch. Alexander was originally the producer of the project, but at some point he picked up the director's mouthpiece. When Bledans appeared on the site, Semin approached her to discuss the role.

She was struck by the exquisite perfume of Alexander, as well as some inexplicable energy. It was then that she asked for the coveted number from the man she liked. The actress flew away on tour, and their romance initially consisted of long text messages.

They agreed to meet after the return of Bledans, but Alexander could not wait for a meeting and rushed to meet Evelina at the airport. Instead of greetings, there was a long kiss.

From that moment on, the lovers began to meet. At first, secretly, because Evelina at that time was married to businessman Dmitry. At that time, the couple practically did not live together anymore, Dmitry moved to Israel with his adult son, and the divorce took place peacefully and painlessly.

Interesting Notes:

Evelina moved to Alexander's 30-meter one-room apartment, and with her moved numerous dresses, jewelry, cosmetics, jewelry. Until that moment, Alexander considered himself a fully accomplished young man - an apartment in Moscow, a successful career. But the appearance in the life of Bledans forced him to reconsider the situation. For three years, Alexander made a creative and career breakthrough, and the family moved to a luxurious country house.

When fear turns into happiness

All fans of the actress know that in 2011 the Bledans-Semins had a child with Down syndrome. The sunny boy Sema has become a symbol of all children with this diagnosis. This genetic disease can be detected during pregnancy, and in these cases, doctors suggest getting rid of the fetus. However, Alexander, having learned about this, insisted that Evelina give birth.

He told the doctors: “Even if you scare us now that the child has begun to grow wings, claws, a beak and that he is a dragon in general, it means that there will be a dragon. We will give birth to a dragon and be happy.”

In making this decision, Alexander was well aware of the difficulties that could await him. From childhood, he saw children with Down syndrome, rested with children with mental disabilities in the same pioneer camps near Moscow. One of his main fears was the fear of having an unhealthy child. And now fate throws him such a challenge.

Evelina and Alexander not only overcame their fear, but also learned to be happy parents, live, enjoy every minute, every small achievement of your Sema. Agency "What if Semin?" launched the Media Sema project. This video portal publishes classes on the development of children with Down syndrome. Alexander, together with Evelina, pays a lot of attention to this problem. Evelina and Alexander consider the saved lives of "special" children to be their great merit. They communicate with families in which parents, inspired by the example of a star couple, did not terminate the pregnancy and safely raise their special babies.

Alexander turned out to be a very good father and a real core of the family. He is the main earner, support and wall, despite his youth and the lack of a bright "star" status. “The Lord is cool, talented and ironic,” says Alexander, “you just need to notice it and turn it to your advantage.”

In the fall of 2017, Evelina and Alexander divorced, but they often spend time together and parted on a friendly note.

The result of the incredible transformation of the man could be seen in the photo on his Instagram and the Instagram of his wife (with whom, unfortunately, divorce proceedings are foreseen). The actress was very proud that Alexander was able to achieve a result of almost 50 kg in a year. Evelina claims that her husband has tried many techniques. The couple spoke about the most effective ones without hesitation.

The beginning of the way

Evelina Bledans' husband, Alexander Semin, did not immediately lose weight. After all, drastic weight loss is not always considered beneficial. This is a big blow to the body, and therefore it is worth approaching this issue responsibly.

Semin tried several mono-diets, which, unfortunately, did not bring much results. Moreover, he claims that such a diet is dangerous to health, and after a quick weight loss, the weight will return with a makeweight. He tried it on himself, but came to his senses in time. Now husband Bledans has learned from his mistakes and now correctly chooses weight loss programs.

Weekly fasting was another unsuccessful attempt. One can imagine that this method not only did not help to lose weight, but also negatively affected his entire life. It became difficult and uncomfortable to sleep, mood swings drove into a dead end, unwillingness to act was new to the actress's husband. Problems with nails and hair began, as well as susceptibility to infections. All this is due to the fact that the necessary vitamins and minerals did not saturate the person. Stopping again in time, the man still did not give up. He was not embarrassed by the defeat, and he continued to improve himself.

A big role was played by the willpower of a man. He set himself a firm goal and walked towards it without hindrance. Apparently, all thanks to the desire to match the beautiful Bledans. Her support also helped to survive.

Principles of weight loss

The husband of the actress turned to a nutritionist for help. Together they drew up a plan for losing weight to Alexander. Here are a few rules that helped to achieve the result:

  1. Drink lots of fluids. Especially on an empty stomach for every half hour before a meal. The water balance for a person plays a significant role, and if it is properly regulated, it is possible to achieve improvements in metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, water restores and nourishes the skin from the inside, regulating changes in weight.
  2. Instead of any unnecessary diets, Semin's menu consisted of only healthy and nutritious foods: vegetables, fruits, boiled meat. Very important was the rejection of flour and sweets. It is harder for men to switch to healthy food, so at first the family experienced a certain crisis. But the body was very quickly fed with the right vitamins and minerals, and the need for fast carbohydrates, heavy meals and sugar disappeared. A feeling of lightness visited her husband Bledans and everything returned to its place.
  3. The diet was 6 meals, but in small portions. This is due to the fact that in a hungry state, the stomach can take an exorbitant amount of food, because the feeling of satiety comes after 30 minutes. Therefore, it was necessary to make sure that Semin did not experience hunger, but prevented it by nourishing the body in small portions. And this method proved to be effective.
  4. An important rule is - do not eat at night. In order for our organs to be able to saturate the vitamins and minerals received during the day calmly, they need a clean stomach. Since the metabolism is very slow at night, the digestion of the food just received can be delayed for a long time and not properly assimilated. Therefore, Alexandra's nutritionist forbade eating less than 2 hours before bedtime. It is better to drink a glass of warm water to "deceive" the stomach, and thereby help the speedy process of cleansing.
  5. Sports also played a significant role. Morning jogs, three times a day at the gym, exercises on the horizontal bars while walking with my son. All this helped to generate food into energy and fill the body not with fat, but with new forces. Alexander, who has already lost weight, no longer wants to give up sports, as this has a very good effect not only on losing weight, but also on the standard of living in general: on well-being, health, emotional state, sleep.
  6. Sasha admits that the microclimate in the family helped a lot. The support of his wife and young son gave strength not to give up. Proper nutrition, on which the whole family got hooked, not only cheered up the wife of Bledans, but also healed the whole family. After all, food affects our mood. A polluted stomach will not contribute to an increase in vitality, which means that dissonance will be felt in communication. And the lightness of the stomach improves mood, forcing you to think only about the positive. And this is the key to harmony in life.
  7. Semin also realized that one should not force and force oneself to lose weight, starve, diet. Everything should take place in a natural way so that the balance of energies is not disturbed. This will be important for the end of losing weight. After the cessation of cardinal methods, weight can begin to recover again, and if you tune in to the correct daily routine and nutrition, then weight loss will pass easily and imperceptibly without disastrous consequences.
  8. You just need to eat less. Alexander advises to enjoy food, savoring every bite of it. Then even limited portions will bring joy and satiety for a long time.

Thanks to such golden rules, Evelina Bledans' husband lost 50 kg. and continues to actively fight for a healthy body and spirit.

Now relatives of Alexander Semin are beginning to worry about the fact that the man was able to stop in time. He has already lost enough weight, has become two times smaller than he was before. But worries are in vain, since this is not a strict diet, not forced weight loss. The body began to return to normal, the metabolism resumed. As a snake sheds its skin, so does the weight leave a person, because it is superfluous. As soon as Alexander completely returns to normal, cleanses himself, then the weight loss will stop. In the meantime, we just have to wish Semin good luck and take note of the basic rules for losing weight to her husband Evelena Bledans.

The news of the collapse of the family of Evelina Bledans and producer Alexander Semin produced the effect of an exploding bomb. The comedian announced a divorce from her third husband on the transfer of Andrei Malakhov. Moreover, Evelina admitted that she broke up with Alexander a year ago. But for a long time, Bledans continued to create the appearance of a harmonious family.


And her ex-husband lost a lot of weight and found a new love, Starhit competently reports. Despite the fact that once Bledans and Semin signed a marriage contract, now, according to the actress, she and her ex-husband are resolving the contradictions that have arisen between them over jointly acquired property. Allegedly, Semin is very reluctant to make concessions to Bledans. Alexander makes it clear in every possible way that he intends to fight Evelina.

It is known that so far only the filming of the program has taken place. Andrey Malakhov's program will be aired tomorrow, September 13th. Nevertheless, thanks to the social network Instagram, where photos from the filming process appeared, it is known that singers Danko and Natalya Gulkina, actress Zhanna Epple were noted as guests in the studio.

The public has already expressed its attitude to the situation. In particular, the fans concluded that Evelina broke up with her husband because he could not bear the burden of worries about their son Semyon, who suffers from Down syndrome, and took pity on her.

"Few men can withstand special children, but for some reason I believed that everything would be different for them. Now she will go and give birth to healthy and necessary people, and women, as always, remain alone. Sorry🤔", "It's a pity women who are alone with special children", "It's a pity.... it's a pity💔💔💔💔", "How few real men are left. Responsibility. No, I haven't heard...", "I read that it was a divorce. I can’t believe!!! Such a couple! My husband and I constantly remember your videos, especially often about a duvet cover. I can’t believe that such a kinship of souls could disappear! ..”, “Wow .... I didn’t expect .. .🙁" - said the upset fans.

The personal life of Evelina Bledans is her own choice. For the third time in her life, she is left alone, and does not cease to hope for a new happiness.

In the origin of Bledans Evelina Visvaldovna, several nationalities mixed up: Jewish, Latvian, Slavic blood flows in her veins. But the leitmotif of being can be clearly traced: one must live interestingly and cheerfully. Already her first serious relationship with classmate Yuri Stytskovsky, as Evelina herself says, was like a joke: they lived in a civil marriage for seven years, and, having signed, they parted after 2 months.

Evelina's second husband, businessman Dmitry, showering his wife with flowers and jewelry, did not consider it necessary to take into account her opinion. At the first opportunity, he left for Israel, Evelina refused to leave Russia - Slavic blood turned out to be stronger. After 17 years of family life, she was again left alone, except for her adult son Nikolai, whom her husband arranged to study in Switzerland.

Evelina's third husband - Alexander Semin

New husband - Alexander Semin - Evelina Bledans "smelled" on filming. The smell of the producer's and director's perfume suggested that this was the man of her dreams. The age difference did not bother the lovers: she was 41, and he was 28. They enthusiastically began to play the "Mask Show" of their lives. The wedding (2010) was played in the Indian Ocean on about. Mauritius under the dancing of disguised natives. The family union was sealed with blood - instead of the usual rings.

The birth in 2012 of Syoma, a child with Down's disease, is the first serious test of the family life of Syomin and Bledans.

For five years, parents surrounded Shoma Semin with joint care and attention. They even created a fund under the beautiful name "Love Syndrome" - to support the same "sunny children" as their son. But for a long time the forces were not enough: their feelings for each other began to cool.

The thinner husband of Evelina Bledans

In 2015, having lived with Evelina for almost 5 years, Alexander decided to take care of himself and began to purposefully lose weight. In a year, he managed to lose 50 kg, fans admired the slender and rejuvenated husband of the actress. She, in turn, admired his willpower.

Semin's recipe is well known: food restriction, fitness, drinking water. However, recently friends have begun to worry: 35-year-old Alexander looks very thin.

Some, looking at his photo, suspect anorexia or some other illness.