The child has constant tantrums, what should I do? How to deal with hysterics in a child? Effective advice from a psychologist

February 23

Unfortunately, sooner or later, most parents are faced with the phenomenon of children's hysterics. The child screams, throws himself to the ground, hits his head on the floor, and does not respond to the requests and words of the adult. Parents are confused, what happened to the baby? How to behave so that the nightmare ends as soon as possible?

For some children, the period of hysterics passes quickly, for others it can last for years. Much depends on the behavior of the parents. If you treat hysterics calmly and do not indulge in hysterical attacks, you can correct the situation quite quickly.

Hysterics and whims

It is important to distinguish between the concepts of “hysteria” and “whim”. The child deliberately resorts to whims in order to achieve what he wants, something forbidden or impossible in the world. this moment. Whims, as well as hysterics, are often accompanied by crying, screaming, stamping feet, and throwing objects. Sometimes a child's whims are impossible to fulfill.

For example, a child asks for a chocolate bar that is not in the house or wants to go down the stairs when the elevator arrives.

During a hysteria, the child loses self-control, and his general state is characterized as extremely agitated. A child's tantrums are accompanied by the following signs: crying, screaming, waving movements of legs and arms. During attacks, the baby may bite himself or nearby people, fall to the floor, and there are cases of hitting his head against the wall. A baby in this state does not perceive familiar words and beliefs, and reacts inadequately to speech. This period is not suitable for explanations and reasoning. Conscious influence on adults is designed to ensure that in the end he gets what he wants. Often this behavior has a positive effect.

During a tantrum, the child is characterized as extremely unstable. emotional state and is capable of inappropriate actions


How older baby, the more personal desires and interests he has. Sometimes these views are at odds with what parents think. There is a clash of positions. The child sees that he cannot achieve what he wants and begins to get angry and nervous. Such tense situations provoke the appearance of hysterical states. We list the main factors influencing this:

  • the baby is not able to declare and express his dissatisfaction;
  • an attempt to attract attention to oneself;
  • the desire to get something needed;
  • overwork, hunger, lack of sleep;
  • painful condition during the period of exacerbation of the disease or after it;
  • an attempt to become like other children or to be like an adult;
  • the result of excessive guardianship and excessive strictness of parents;
  • the child’s positive or negative actions do not have a clear reaction from adults;
  • the system of rewards and punishments is poorly developed;
  • when a child is taken away from some exciting activity;
  • improper upbringing;
  • weak nervous system, unbalanced behavior.

Having once seen something like this in their baby, parents often don’t know how to react and how to stop it? My only wish during attacks is for them to end as soon as possible and not start again. Parents can influence their frequency. The duration of such situations will depend on their correct and rational behavior.

Errors in response will lead to delays unpleasant moments on long years. A calm reaction to hysterical attacks, the absence of a reaction as such, will reduce children's hysterics to “no” in the shortest possible time.

Difference from whims

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Before you start fighting hysterical attacks, you should distinguish between the two concepts of “hysteria” and “whim”. Whims are deliberate actions aimed at obtaining what is desired, impossible or forbidden. Whims manifest themselves similarly to hysterics: stomping, screaming, throwing objects. Whims are often born where there is no way to fulfill them - for example, you want to eat candy, but there is none in the house, or go for a walk, and it’s raining outside the window.

Children's tantrums are characterized by involuntary behavior. The baby cannot cope with emotions, and this spills over into physical manifestations. Thus, in a hysterical state, a child tears out his hair, scratches his face, cries loudly or bangs his head against the wall. It can be stated that sometimes there are even involuntary convulsions, which are called “hysterical bridge”. A child in this state arches.

Stages of attacks

How do children's tantrums manifest themselves? 2-3 years – age characterized by the following stages of attacks:

ScreamThe loud screams of a child frighten parents. In this case, no requirements are put forward. During the onset of another tantrum, the baby sees and hears nothing around.
Motor excitementThe main characteristics of the period: active throwing of things, stomping, hitting with legs, arms and head against the wall, floor. The baby does not feel pain at such moments.
SobbingThe child's tears begin to flow. They simply flow in streams, and the whole appearance of the little one expresses resentment. A baby who has crossed the second stage and has not received consolation in it continues to sob for a very long time. Little ones have a very difficult time coping with the emotions that wash over them. Having received calm only at the last stage, the child will be completely exhausted and express a desire to sleep in daytime. He falls asleep quickly, but sleeps restlessly at night.

When hysterical, a child may fall to the floor and arch, which is especially shocking to unprepared parents

Weak and unbalanced type nervous system the child is most susceptible to severe seizures. Hysterical manifestations also occur before the age of 1 year. They are characterized by heart-rending, prolonged crying. What can cause this condition? The reason can be even a minimal error in care: the mother did not change her wet pants, a feeling of thirst or hunger, a need to sleep, pain from colic. Such children are characterized by constant waking up at night. One year old baby may continue to cry for a long time, even if the causes have already been eliminated.

Tantrums in a child aged 1.5-2 years

Children as young as one and a half years old throw tantrums due to emotional overstrain and fatigue. A psyche that is not fully established gives such results, but what older child, the more conscious are his hysterical attacks. In this way he manipulates the feelings of his parents, achieving his goals.

By the age of 2, a grown-up baby already understands well how to use the words “I don’t want”, “no” and understands the meaning of the phrase “you can’t”. Having realized the mechanism of their action, he begins to apply them in practice. A two-year-old cannot yet verbally express his protest or disagreement, so he resorts to a more expressive form - hysterical fits.

Aggressive and unbridled behavior of 1-2 one year old child shocks parents; they do not know what the correct reaction will be. The baby screams, waves his arms, rolls on the floor, scratches - all these actions require an adequate response from adults. Some adults succumb to provocations and fulfill all the wishes of the little one, while others resort to physical punishment, in order to wean from this in the future.

When hysterical, a child can become aggressive and unbridled, but parents should not panic and follow the lead of the little dictator

Correct response: what is it?

What should be the reaction to hysterical attacks of a two-year-old? The basis is often a whim, expressed in the words “I won’t”, “give”, “I don’t want”, etc. If you fail to prevent a hysterical attack, put aside thoughts about calming your child. Also, you should not reason with him or scold him, this will only further inflame his impulse. Don't leave your child alone. It is important to keep him in sight, so the baby will not be scared, but will remain confident.

Once you give in to the little one, you risk having this happen again. Do not contribute to the consolidation of this skill, do not follow the lead. Once he feels that the child is achieving his goal with his behavior, he will resort to this method again and again.

A one-time weakness in an adult can turn into a long-term problem. It’s also not worth hitting or punishing a child, physical influences will not bring results, but will only worsen the baby’s behavior. Completely ignoring children's hysterics really helps. Seeing that his efforts are in vain and if they do not bring desired result, the child will refuse this method of influence.

You can gently and calmly reassure him by telling the baby how much you love him, while hugging him tightly and holding him in your arms. Try to be more dear and gentle, even if he gets very angry, screams or knocks his head. Do not forcefully restrain a toddler who is escaping from your embrace. In a situation where the baby is hysterical because he does not want to stay with someone (with his grandmother, with his teacher), then you should leave the room as quickly as possible, leaving him with an adult. Delaying the moment of separation will only prolong the process of child hysteria.

Tantrums in public places

It is very difficult for parents to control the process of hysterical demands in in public places. It is much easier and safer for a 2-year-old child to give in in order to stop the noise and establish calm, but this opinion is extremely erroneous. The sidelong glances of others should not worry you at this moment; the most important thing is the same reaction to similar actions.

Having given in once and quelled the scandal, you provoke a second repetition of the situation. The baby asks for a toy in the store - be firm in your refusal. Do not react to his stomping, indignation and dissatisfaction of any kind. Seeing the confident and unshakable behavior of the parents, the child will understand that hysterical fits do not help achieve what they want. Remember that the baby throws hysterical attacks for the purpose of influence, often in public places, counting on the opinion of the public.

The best response is to wait a little. After the attack ends, you should calm the baby down, hug him and gently inquire about the reason for his behavior, and also tell him that talking to him is much more pleasant when he is in a calm state.

Tantrums in a 3 year old child

A 3-year-old child wants to be independent and feel mature and independent. The baby already has his own desires and wants to defend his rights before adults. Children of 3 years are on the verge of new discoveries and begin to feel like a unique individual, they can behave differently in such a difficult period (we recommend reading:). From the main characteristics this stage is negativism, stubbornness and self-will. Tantrums in a 3-year-old child often discourage parents. Just yesterday their little one did everything with joy and pleasure, but today he does everything in defiance. Mom asks to eat soup, and the baby throws the spoon, or dad calls to him, and the child persistently ignores these requests. It seems that the main words of a three-year-old become “I don’t want”, “I won’t”.

We go out to fight hysterics

How to deal with children's tantrums? When weaning your child from this harmful activity, it is important not to concentrate your attention on his bad actions. Give up the desire to break his character, this will not lead to anything good. Of course, allowing a child to do whatever he wants is also unacceptable. How then to deal with this disaster? The child must understand that hysteria does not help achieve any results. Wise grandmothers and mothers know that The best way in such cases – switch children's attention to something else, to distract him. Choose interesting alternatives: watch your favorite cartoon or study or play together. This method will not work if the baby is already at the height of hysteria. Then the best thing is to wait it out.

When showing tantrums at home, clearly formulate your idea that any conversations with him will only be after he calms down. At this moment, do not pay any more attention to him and do household chores. Parents should set an example of how to control their emotions and remain calm. When the baby calms down, talk to him and tell him how much you love him and that his whims will not help achieve anything.

When whims happen in a crowded place, try to take or take the child to a place where there will be fewer spectators. Regular tantrums in your baby require a more attentive attitude to the words you say to the child. Avoid situations where the answer to your question may be no. You shouldn’t say categorically: “Get dressed quickly, it’s time to go outside!” Create the illusion of choice: “Will you wear a red sweater or a blue sweater?” or “Where would you like to go, to the park or playground?”

Approaching the age of 4 years, the child will change - children's tantrums will subside and pass as suddenly as they appeared. The baby is reaching the age when he already has the ability to talk about his desires, emotions and feelings.

Sometimes a regular cartoon helps distract a child and redirect his attention.

Tantrums in a 4 year old child

Often we, adults, ourselves provoke the appearance of whims and hysterics in children. Permissiveness, lack of boundaries and concepts of “no” and “no” do a disservice to the child. The baby falls into the trap of parental carelessness. So, 4-year-old children perfectly feel the slack and if the mother says “no”, then the grandmother can allow it. It is important for parents and all raising adults to agree and discuss what is permitted and prohibited, as well as inform the child. After this, you should strictly adhere to the established rules. All adults must be united in their methods of education and not violate the prohibitions of others.

Komarovsky claims that frequent children's whims and hysterics may indicate the presence of diseases of the nervous system. You should contact a neurologist or psychologist for help if:

  • there is an increased occurrence of hysterical situations, as well as their aggressiveness;
  • there is a disturbance or interruption of breathing during attacks, the child loses consciousness;
  • tantrums continue after 5-6 years of age;
  • the baby hits or scratches himself or others;
  • hysterics appear at night in combination with nightmares, fears and frequent mood swings;
  • After an attack, the child experiences vomiting, shortness of breath, lethargy and fatigue.

When doctors determine the absence of any diseases, the cause should be sought in family relationships. The baby's immediate environment can also have a great influence on the occurrence of hysterical attacks.


How to deal with children's tantrums? It is important for parents to catch the moment close to an attack. Perhaps the baby purses his lips, sniffles or sobs slightly. Noticing such characteristic features, try to switch the baby to something interesting.

Distract your child's attention by showing the view from the window or changing the room by occupying interesting toy. This technique is relevant at the very beginning of a child’s hysteria. At active development attack, this method will not give results. To prevent hysterical conditions, Dr. Komarovsky gives the following advice:

  • Compliance with rest and daily routine.
  • Avoid overwork.
  • Respect the child’s right to personal time and allow him to play for his own pleasure.
  • Put your child's feelings into words. For example, say: “You’re upset that they took your toy” or “You’re angry because mom didn’t give you candy.” This way you will teach your child to talk about his feelings and give them verbal form. Gradually he will learn to control them. Once you have set boundaries, make it clear that their violation will not be tolerated. For example, a baby screams in public transport, you explain: “I understand that you are angry with me, but screaming on the bus is unacceptable.”
  • Do not help your child do things that he can do on his own (take off his pants or go down the stairs).
  • Let your child choose, for example, what jacket to wear when going outside, or what playground to go for a walk.
  • Assuming there is no choice, express it like this: “Let's go to the clinic.”
  • When your baby starts crying, distract him by asking him to find an object or show him where something is.

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  • The child is 2.3 and we cannot be separated from the pacifier. If during the day I can somehow tolerate her hysterics and somehow try to distract myself, and that doesn’t always work, then at night I simply don’t have enough strength. We go to kindergarten and it's the same there. The teacher swears, she said that they would wean her off within a few days. Or you stayed at home, what should you do?

  • Hello, Doctor. Tell me, my child 2.3 began to scream without calming down, demands to wear not these but other pants, or even take off his jacket in winter and screams like a pig, not reacting to anything. You give up, you can’t go out into the street, screams for half an hour throughout the entire yard.

  • Good evening, I have the same problem. My child is 2.4 years old, as soon as he started attending kindergarten, he began to have hysterics, fall on the floor, scream, get nervous, I don’t know what to do anymore, please tell me.

  • Hello, Natalia! Please help me with advice... I’m already desperate and don’t know what to do.. Daughter, 2.7. She is very stubborn in character, behaves aggressively - she can bite and hit, she tells her to go outside. IN Lately my nerves can’t stand it at all - when it starts screaming - give me a tangerine, show me cartoons, give me money (to sort through them and play with them). I have no strength at all. The neighbors are already knocking on the wall!!! Our family is normal, no one is aggressive, we love her very much, we feel sorry for her, we constantly kiss and hug her, and we cannot understand why and where such aggression comes from... I have read many articles on this topic, and advice like: explaining to a child his behavior and feelings in an even voice does not help. Going to another room doesn't help. Not reacting at all - he becomes even more hysterical. No more strength. What should we do?

    Good afternoon, I have a question, what should you do if a child wants something and you don’t do it or don’t give it, then he throws a tantrum for about 20 minutes, is this the norm? We avoid these hysterics, can we say I’m afraid of them, since he doesn’t want to hear anything at all?

  • My daughter is 2.7, hysterics started around 2.5, before we didn’t react, we just went to another room and it helped, but now everything is much worse. Hysterics for no reason, and she screams so much that drool is flowing from her mouth, she covers her mouth with her hands and cannot stop, what should I do?

  • A 2-year-old child is hysterical: what to do? A fairly common occurrence among children under 2-3 years of age are. Children scream, lie down on the floor, stomp their feet, throw various things around. At such moments, adults who have recently become parents are confused and want to stop this as soon as possible. How to respond to tantrums? Half of the adults are very lost in this situation - the hysterical crying of a 2-5 year old child can drive anyone crazy. In order to skillfully cope with such conditions, it is important to understand their cause and know several methods of elimination.

    Even the most flexible child of 2-3 years old stops obeying from time to time, and sometimes throws tantrums for any reason. Parents need to understand that this is a normal part of the developmental process. Children aged 2-3 years are trying to understand the world, and when they are unable to complete this task, they use only the tools that they have at their disposal. Tantrums in children often occur as a result of disappointment.

    The root cause can be identified as the fact that children under the age of 5 are not yet able to fully control all the emotions that arise in them. The result is such, often uncontrollable manifestations.

    As children grow up, their consciousness changes. And they have a hard time accepting the fact that before, wishes and other needs. And now there are rules that need to be followed. This offends the baby and often leads to protests that manifest as hysterics.
    Over time, children begin to realize that there are certain rules that cannot be exceeded, but until they get used to this, such states can often be observed. How to calm your baby?

    How to behave during hysterics?

    • Show understanding. We should not forget that children are not yet able to control their emotions, but you can.
    • Behave calmly and confidently. If you are faced with such a manifestation, balance is important. Your child's tantrums should not drive you crazy.
    • . If you make it clear to your child at least once that throwing a tantrum will get him what he wants, there will be hysterics all the time.
    • Be patient. There is no need to hope that the baby will quickly calm down, especially if the parents have already succumbed to his manipulations. It is necessary to behave calmly and consistently in each such situation and make it clear that you are not going to change your position. Then, over time, the child will understand that his manipulations do not make sense.
    • It is very important to maintain consistency in all actions. If there is such a problem when the child does not understand what is permissible to do and what is unacceptable, this means that adults are inconsistent in their decisions and prohibitions. The parents allowed the child to doubt his word.
    • When the hysteria is already in full swing, there is no point in fighting, you can try to pick up the baby and calm him down. Screaming and punishment are inappropriate in this situation.
    • You can try to distract the child or take him to the room and tell him that you cannot communicate with him in this state, and be sure to talk to him when he calms down.
    • When children play a lot in public and throw a lot of tantrums in public, it is important to go to where no one is there, and the need for hysterics will disappear. If you give in, it will be difficult to avoid repeated situations.
    • In any case, remember that sooner or later the right approach hysterics for 2-3 years will end. The child will grow up, learn to manage emotions and express his desires in an adult way - with words and requests. Therefore, parents need to be patient and follow these simple tips.
    • If so, then prepare it for him. soothing tea with linden, chamomile and honey, spend a little time with it before bed, read a fairy tale. Your calm voice will help your baby calm down and fall asleep.
    • If a child throws tantrums after kindergarten, this means that there, most likely, he is holding back his emotions. Help your child get organized - you can arrange a small party for your child at home and invite his peers - children 2-5 years old.
    • The hysterical crying of a baby often disturbs not only the parents, but also everyone who lives in the house. Ask them to be understanding too. If a child cannot sleep without hysterics, try to soundproof his room as much as possible so as not to disturb older children's sleep.

    Crisis of 2-3 years of age

    The age of 2-3 years is critical psychologically. By about 2-3 years of age, most parents experience drastic changes in their child’s behavior. A 2-year-old child has constant hysterics, endless no answers to all questions, refusals of usual daily rituals. My first thought: well, they spoiled me. But do not rush to blame yourself, because such behavior for a 2-year-old child is a psychological norm. A child’s two-year-old crisis - what are its causes and how to behave in such situations?

    Hysteria in a 2-year-old child often occurs because at this age he begins to test his boundaries. If up to two years of age a child psychologically associates himself with his parents, imagining this organism as a single whole, then by two years of age his separation into independent personality. And here a logical question arises: what can an individual person do? Is it possible to do whatever you want, or are there any boundaries? Is it possible to get a lot? Who can stop? The kid begins research, and, of course, his results are not always to his liking. It’s such a shame when several people stand in the way of such a desired goal. This is where the hysterics and confrontations begin.

    How to deal with hysterics? In order to help a child get comfortable in this world, give him experience in various communications, and make this period the least painful for both himself and the child, psychologists recommend that parents divide emerging situations into three zones.

    There is a categorical no or impossible situation

    Such situations clearly include any behavior that threatens the life or health of a child. For example, a 2-5 year old child needs to clearly know that he should never run away from his mother. This also includes some of your personal prohibitions that you, for some reason, want to establish for your child. Yes, there will be tears here. But this experience is also invaluable for the child, because he will know that not everything in this life happens solely according to his desire, and he will learn to accept it.

    How to calm a child and ease the situation? If you want to take your child's offense away from you, you can come up with some third party, for example, a doctor who does not allow you to eat ice cream, and you cannot do anything about it. In addition, often a reasoned explanation of why you are prohibiting is enough to stop the tears. this action, many children at this age are already ready to accept your arguments and understand them.

    It is important for parents to understand the following factors in this area. First: if you set a ban, it must always be followed, without exception, otherwise the child will no longer understand what they want from him. Second: the more rules and prohibitions you set, the more difficult it will be for your child in life. adult life accept independent decisions. Tantrums in a 2-year-old child should not prevent you from thinking sensibly.

    Flexibility situations

    Such situations are necessary for the child to gain the vital skills of flexibility, communication and negotiation. Invaluable experience. In what situations is this appropriate? For example, in such an eternal complex issue like watching cartoons.

    All parents are faced with the same situation: p, you turn them on, and then he categorically does not allow them to be turned off and throws a tantrum. After all, at 2 years old, the child still does not understand why it was once possible, but now suddenly it is impossible. Try to give your child the opportunity to move the agreed boundaries. For example, after watching one cartoon, the baby cries and demands more, ask him what other cartoon he wants to watch and agree that you will allow him, but after that turn off the tablet. It is clear that after the second cartoon he will most likely start crying again, and, oddly enough, here too you can make one more concession, with two year olds this is quite acceptable, but it is advisable to make no more than two concessions. After the second concession, still turn off the tablet, despite the tears.

    You'll be surprised how quickly your child's tantrum will end, even though you've turned everything off. And just while you were giving in, you did two very important things: firstly, you gave the child the opportunity to at least somehow influence the situation, to move the boundaries, and secondly, during the time of concessions, he managed to get used to the idea that sooner or It’s too late and you’ll still have to say goodbye to cartoons.

    Such situations can be prevented, i.e. do not wait for the child to fall into hysterics at the end of the cartoon, but approach him while the cartoon is not over and begin to negotiate with him before he starts crying.

    If a 2-year-old child does not listen, another useful device for parents in this area can be an ordinary alarm clock. Agree with your child that he will do something until the alarm clock rings. Then you can, for example, move this alarm clock if necessary. With this approach, you will reduce the negativity directed at yourself, because it is not your fault that the alarm clock has already rung. It is very useful for children 2-5 years old to have their own daily routine - the baby should sleep and walk at the same time, according to the schedule.

    Situations without borders

    It is this experience that allows us in adulthood to make independent decisions, make amazing discoveries, and achieve ambitious goals. Does he want to scatter all his toys around the room? Allow him, why not? Let him be the master of toys and his desires, even if he refused to put them back now. And if you want to be wiser, do not put them away, and invite him to put them back again, but later. If he agrees, he will gain the experience that his desires and decisions also have consequences.

    All three zones described are very important for the formation life experience child. Of course, it is very difficult to always accept right decisions, find the one fine line between permissibility and permissiveness, if a child at 2 years old is constantly hysterical. It is even more difficult to do this when the child is crying hysterically, because this is always a test for parents; how can you calmly look at the tears of your beloved baby. But how competently the parents manage to get through this difficult period for them and the baby largely determines how their further interaction with the child will develop.

    Children's tantrums frustrate and discourage parents. Let's look at the reasons that may prompt children to behave this way, as well as tips on how to act correctly during a child's tantrum.

    Why is the baby capricious?

    Hysteria in children can occur for a number of reasons...

    • The child got sick. The baby begins to feel unwell, but he himself does not understand his condition. He may experience weakness and discomfort, but cannot explain this to his parents, so the child becomes hysterical
    • The baby wants attention. Parents have many daily tasks. Mom needs to cook, wash, iron. At this time, the child is allowed to play or watch a cartoon on his own, but he refuses to do it alone. He wants his parents to keep him company, so he throws a tantrum.
    • The child wants to achieve what he wants. For this reason, hysteria may arise, for example, in a store due to the fact that his parents refused to buy him another car, doll or some other toy.
    • The kid protests. From two to five years, a child develops independent desires and needs. He wants to choose which carousel to ride in the park, and who to play with on the playground. Parents, overly worried about their child, try to impose a certain model of behavior on him and forbid the child to show independence. The child begins to cry, expressing protest.
    • The child is tired. Often the baby begins to be capricious, as it seems to parents, for no reason. He was visiting, had fun all day, played, watched cartoons with other children, walked, and in the evening he began to be capricious and cry. The cause of such hysterics may be emotional overstrain.

    How to prevent tantrums in a 1-2 year old child

    Children aged 1-2 years experience a crisis in the first year of life, which is expressed in disobedience, a desire for independence, an acute reaction to parental prohibitions, which is accompanied by frequent hysterics.

    Table 1. How to prevent tantrums in a one-year-old child specific situations

    Situation leading to hysteria Reason for hysteria What should parents do?
    A one-year-old baby sits at the table and tries to eat porridge or soup with a spoon on his own, his movements are rather awkward, he stains the table and clothes. Mom takes the spoon from him and begins to feed him, which causes dissatisfaction and hysterical crying of the child. The child does not like that his attempts to be independent are thwarted. In this situation, you can do differently - take a second spoon and continue the meal with your baby. Nothing bad will happen if it gets dirty, but the child made an attempt to eat on his own. Perhaps the time has come to reconsider your attitude towards your child. You shouldn’t do everything for your baby, but you should try to “walk” with him, doing everything together. For example, during the first half of the second year of life, you can teach your child to put on tights, sandals, a hat, mittens, a scarf, brush his teeth and wash himself.
    A one-year-old child throws a tantrum when he is not allowed to play with an illegal object. The baby reacts sharply to a ban from the parent. If a child is playing with something illegal, before taking this item away and hearing an outrageous cry, it is advisable to divert the child’s attention to something else. interesting thing or suggest an alternative. For example, if a child has taken documents out of a locker and is trying to immortalize his first drawings on them, you should invite him to draw in an album prepared specifically for children’s creativity.
    The child does not want to get dressed and throws a tantrum. The process of getting dressed is unpleasant for the baby, he is bored or something has ruined his mood. A small child does not know how to dress himself, and the process itself is boring for him. Rhymes and counting rhymes that the baby likes will help make dressing “alive.” They will distract his attention from the boring process.A child's refusal to get dressed may not be related to the process of getting dressed. He slept poorly, his favorite toy broke, which completely ruined his mood. Crying is the most accessible way for a baby to relieve stress. In this case, parents need to remain calm. Give your child some independence by allowing him to choose his own clothes, even if the items don't match. It is imperative to praise the child for the choice he has made, without criticizing or laughing.
    The baby cries when returning from a walk. The child does not want to finish the walk and go home. Many children do not want to return home from the street, so when they cross the threshold of the apartment, they begin to cry. To prevent baby crying, you need to prepare the child in advance for the fact that it’s time to go home, and not quickly tear him away from playing, swinging on the carousel, etc. On the way home, you definitely need to distract the baby by switching his attention to what’s happening at home, tell him how the toys miss him and how happy they will be when he comes home. When you come home, do not immediately sit your baby down at the table to feed him or put him to bed. It's better to give him some time to play with his favorite toys.
    The child does not want to share his toys with other children and begins to scream if they try to take his things from him. Child's reluctance to share personal belongings. Parents need to be understanding of their child’s reluctance to share their toys with others, because no adult would give their phone, computer or car to a stranger. The child is free to manage his own personal belongings. Parents should teach their child to ask permission to play with or exchange other people's toys, but should not deny or condemn the child's right to refuse. Therefore, if a child does not give up his toys and cries, there is no need to insist that he must share them. It is better to move with your baby to the other side, calm him down and continue the game.

    Children do not share toys because they think that they will not get their “good” back. At home, parents can talk to the child and explain that the children will play and return the toy they took from him. So that the child can understand this, parents can play with him a game about the Greedy Bear and the Hare. The essence of the game is that the characters described above share their toys. At the same time, the Hare happily shares his cars, cubes and asks permission to play with Mishka’s toys, assuring him that he will play a little and will definitely give him back. Invite your child to first be the Teddy Bear in the game, and then the Good Hare. This game will help the child learn certain rules of behavior and in the future happily share toys with other children.

    A capricious child aged two to 5 years: what parents should do

    At the age of two to five years, a restructuring of the child’s character occurs and he begins to react more sharply to prohibitions from adults. Children of this age are still emotionally immature, and what seems unimportant to adults can turn into a real tragedy for a child and lead to hysteria.

    Table 2. How to properly respond to tantrums of a 2-5 year old child in typical situations

    A situation that causes hysterics in a 2-5 year old child Causes of hysteria What should parents do?
    A joyful day with guests, cartoons, fun and even gifts ends with the child’s whims and nightly tantrums. Emotional stress, fatigue. It is worth remembering that the character of a child between two and five years old has not yet formed emotionally. He quickly gets tired of a large number of people, gets nervous around strangers, and cries from overexertion. For a child 2-5 years old, it is important to follow a daily routine. The child should rest and sleep at lunchtime. And if you see that the baby is tired while visiting, then it is better to take him away from everyone and calm him down.
    Parents are overly worried about their baby, so playground They forbid him to climb a high hill, although other children of the same age enthusiastically slide down it. Protecting the child from possible falls and bruises, the parents forbid him to ride a bicycle, do not take him to the skating rink, etc. Over time, the child, seeing that other children are excitedly playing catch-up, are riding a bicycle quickly, and he is sitting in the sandbox, begins to be indignant, and his protest is expressed by shouting. Protest against excessive guardianship. The child needs to be given more independence, given the opportunity to study and experience the world. You need to try to talk to your child as an equal. The child must understand that parents do not simply seek to take care of him, depriving him of independence, but are ready to become his assistants, whom he can turn to if he needs help.
    A kid in a store starts screaming and pulling at his parents’ clothes so that they immediately buy him some kind of toy or buy him some sweets. Can't get what he wants. You need to discuss this situation with the child, try to explain to him that it is ugly to behave this way in public places. The main thing is not to give in to children's tantrums and not to buy the child what he wants, otherwise this behavior will be repeated.
    A baby under one year old is given a lot of attention, the mother tries not to leave his side, forgetting about all household chores and worries. The older the child gets, the more often parents have to leave him for a while. Because of this, he begins to cry, calling on adults to pay attention to him. The child wants more attention, he wants to be with his mother all the time. To eliminate whims due to these reasons, it is advisable to devote as much time as possible to your baby: playing with him, being creative, taking walks. But it wouldn’t hurt to explain to the child that he must play alone for some time, and his mother, as soon as she is free, will immediately join him.
    An active baby suddenly doesn’t want to play, he constantly asks to be held or lies down on the sofa, refuses to eat and cries for no reason. These symptoms may indicate illness. If a child of 4-5 years old can tell adults that he feels unwell, then it is quite difficult for children of 2-3 years old to explain their condition. At the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately measure your temperature. If it is elevated, consult a doctor immediately. Only a specialist will be able to accurately determine the causes of the ailment and prescribe competent treatment. But it’s not worth self-medicating and risking the baby’s health.

    Accordingly, parents should understand that during illness, children become excessively capricious and require increased attention.

    Helpful advice regarding parental behavior during children's tantrums is given by psychologist of the highest category L. V. Khodorovskaya.

    With tantrums, children most often try to manipulate their parents and show that they don’t like something. First of all, try to remain calm and not indulge in hysteria. Talk to your child very calmly. Ask him to calmly explain what he wants, and then discuss his desire. But promise to fulfill this desire only if you have the opportunity. You cannot promise to fulfill a child’s request and then successfully forget about it. In this case, the hysteria will repeat again, because the child will not forget the deception. If it is not possible to fulfill his desire, then try to switch his attention to something else. When your baby sees that you react to his antics completely calmly, he will stop hysterical.

    It is impossible to completely get rid of children's tantrums, but parents can prevent some of them. You need to spend time with your baby as often as possible and not push him away when he needs to communicate with his parents. If the hysterics do not stop, but gradually only gain momentum, stopping them becomes more and more difficult each time, then you should contact a specialist .

    Good afternoon
    My daughter is 2.5 years old, a month ago she began to notice fits of hysterics on her part, almost not as she wanted - she falls on the floor, screams, cries, does not react to any words or actions, completely uncontrolled behavior. I don’t know what to do - the atmosphere in the family is absolutely calm, maybe the problem is large quantities attention and care. We'll go to kindergarten for the first time in two weeks. maybe it will help? I’d be glad for any advice, otherwise I’m completely lost on how to behave. Thank you!

    This is a clear crisis of three years! The goal of hysteria is to achieve its goal in any way.
    1. at home, do not react to hysterics - she needs attention and an audience, then you go to another room, she is left alone - there is no audience, no one to throw a hysteria in front of.
    2. in public places - pick them up and SILENTLY! move to another place, even if it’s two steps (sometimes it just helps to pick him up and silently stroke him on the back). why silent? A child in hysterics, as a rule, does not hear anyone, or vice versa, words only inflame him even more.
    3. You need to tell your child more often that you understand his needs, but you cannot do as he asks.
    4. You can also distract with something, show a bird, a car, etc.
    5. stay calm no matter what. The main thing to understand is that this is a temporary phenomenon. and don't give in. give in once, twice - you will observe such hysterics a hundred and one, hundred and two times. and more. and if you calmly endure a couple of such concerts, everything will stop. the child will understand that his antics are in vain. and stop throwing himself on the floor. good luck to you! If you have anything, write me a private message. I'll give you some more advice. (I'm a children's psychologist).

    Yes, these methods really work!
    Only our hysterics did not stop, but became lighter and took on a controlled character. That is, my daughter screams, I leave (to another room), she calms down after 2-3 minutes, asks to be held, I take her and console her.
    Why didn't they stop completely? And the reasons are unsolvable: she wants to do everything herself, but she can’t do everything.

    they will pass, don't worry. it just takes time. the main thing is your consistency. If you don’t “give in” and don’t give in under the pressure of hysteria, after a while the child will get used to the fact that mom always keeps her words and “no” means no.

    Can I ask here? (not the author) I also suffered from hysterics more often on the street on the way to the nursery and back, or just during walks, outside constantly falls to his knees at best, in At worst, he lies down completely, so he can sit and lie for a long time, there is no way to pick him up, because... Every day we go to the store to buy something to eat (there is neither a man nor a car), what should we do in such cases? I step aside, saying if you want to rest, sit, I’ll wait... or something like that... I used to break down, scream, but to no avail, but unfortunately the “calm” method doesn’t work either it helps, I already running out....thanks in advance for your reply

    Thanks for the 2nd method, it helps us. And before I’ll take her in my arms and try to distract her, talk, but she starts to get even more angry and yell, sometimes even fight ((and now I’ll take her in my arms silently, stroke her back and calm her down. But going to another room doesn’t work for us , runs after me and yells, or even hangs on his leg ((

    Did you happen to notice where the hysterics are? maybe around the same place? shop? (maybe the child is signaling in this way that he does not like going into the store; children get very tired in such places). Most likely, it is the store that is stressing out your child. You can try purchasing for a few days so that you don’t have to go shopping every time. or go at other times. if it’s not related to the store, maybe he doesn’t want to go to the nursery or part with you, so he’s playing for time with hysterics. I understand the age is also 2.5 years? also looks like a 3-year crisis. This is such an age, they can also call you names, even fight. The most important thing is to understand that the child is also not happy with his behavior. Moreover, with the right tactics of your behavior, the crisis can be mitigated. remain calm no matter what, do not react to screams and falls on the floor - the child is waiting for your reaction (oh, what is this, come on, let's stop, etc. - this is like fuel for the fire for him, fuel for hysterics). therefore, you do not need to show violent emotions - they will only inflame the child even more. don't react! Keep calm. again, SILENTLY take him away, and if this is not possible, sit down next to the child and stroke him. If it doesn’t work, don’t touch it until it calms down. then by the hand and to another place. I’ll repeat once again - if you endure such antics calmly a couple of times, then soon it will stop. if you follow your child’s lead, he will start showing such hysterics a hundred times a day. Also read the literature, a lot has been written about this age and is quite accessible. better printed publications. I wrote this to you very briefly. If you have another question, write here. I hope the topic author doesn't mind.

    We also had a period of hysterics, which was complicated by the fact that our son is strong, powerful, very strong legs. He kicks like a horse and wriggles around. She simply remained silent, walked away (while maintaining control), stood and waited. It was hard in the clinic, the 2 most powerful hysterics were there. Now we go to the clinic with chocolates. Plus debriefing at home, but in moderation. The phrase that I will not be friends helps.
    And in the case, from 1.8 to 2.3, the son covered all the sidewalks and playgrounds/shops. I didn’t take it with me anywhere, because we could leave the house and lie around for 10-15 minutes. But more often he lay there silently, asking to be held. I carried a lot, but it was hard.
    Just recently at 2.10 there was another round, without kicking, but with yelling.
    I also noticed a connection with the weather and sleep. If the pressure fluctuates, he will act up. If you didn't get enough sleep, too.
    There is no point in scolding, beating, or fighting back, just be patient for a little while.
    It still helps to be picked up or placed on the neck. It rides with dad, but rarely with me, I’m small, it’s hard for me to carry a 15 kg boar.

    yes no, not specific ones places, including every now and then... she used to have a terrible reaction to going to the clinic, but I explained that the doctor would just listen and give her a vitamin (our doctor always gives ascorbic acid at appointments), later she stopped being hysterical at the clinics... and now out of the blue, just during a regular walk or upon returning from kindergarten... I do my shopping before I pick it up from the kindergarten, i.e. I’m already walking with a bag of groceries, I always start a conversation on the way home, despite the fact that she practically doesn’t speak, but I ask what they did in kindergarten, walked, drew, etc. on the way we discuss what we see on the way (color, shape, etc.), we have a lot of planes flying - she is delighted, we recite rhymes, she shows the clumsy bear, etc., we go to the playgrounds, swings, carousels ( she adores them)...but suddenly she starts to get hysterical.....thank you, I’ll try to remain calm, I hope this period will really end soon....otherwise I’m running out of strength...

    P.S. yes, practically 2.5....she loves the kindergarten very much, she runs in the morning, especially after illness, she doesn’t even say goodbye to me - she rather runs to the group, sometimes she doesn’t even want to leave in the evenings....unless I’m not her last I pick it up, but more often, alas, the last one or at the same time as the last child...

    You're doing great, staying calm. but I would be more careful with chocolates. Children are very smart - no matter how your son notices the connection with his behavior. sometimes they can deliberately throw tantrums in order to receive a chocolate bar as a reward for calm behavior. It is undesirable to give anything material (toy, sweets). As an incentive, it is best to use time together - going to the cinema, circus, zoo, etc. according to the age.

    and that’s why she runs after you and hangs on her leg because she needs attention. and then you left, who should you cry in front of? In general, the crisis of 3 years has been one of the most striking. parents stop recognizing their once obedient and sweet children. they have to endure quarrels, stubbornness, and hysterics many times a day. and it seems that this is terrible and will never end. Of course, you need to be patient. but there is also good in all this: your child has grown up! he tries to do everything himself, but it just doesn’t work out.

    Yes, it doesn’t seem to be connected with the store and garden. Congratulations, you are growing!
    Another little tip, I really like it because it works well with children. When you need to get something from your child, ask affirmatively. I’ll explain with an example: a child doesn’t like to go out and doesn’t want to go for a walk. you can make him get dressed, run around the room after him, etc. but you can pretend that you are asking his advice: what do you want to go for a walk in? rubber boots or boots? or this way: what will you go for a walk with - a scooter or a bicycle? those. you do NOT ask him if he will go for a walk (it is clear that if you ask, the child will answer no). and you ask as if you know that he is going for a walk. and still important! When you ask a question, you offer first of all what you need. for example, if you need your daughter to wear a dress to kindergarten, then ask: what will you wear today: a dress or jeans (what suits you best comes first). As a rule, children choose from two options what was named first. although there are exceptions. very effective technique! try it!