GCD for socialization in the middle group on the topic “Such different emotions” lesson plan on the world around us (middle group) on the topic. Lesson notes for the middle group (4–5 years old) Socialization in the middle group on the topic kindergarten

For a wedding
Abstract of NOD “Socialization”. Middle group.

Educational field "Socialization"

"Professions of our mothers"

Goal: continue to introduce children to professions; cultivate respect and kindness towards the mother, a sense of pride in a loved one; develop children's speech and logical thinking; activation of the verb dictionary on the topic “Professions”.

Material: illustrations from the album “We need different mothers, all kinds of mothers are important,” ball.

Guys, today we will talk about your mothers. Mom is the dearest, most beloved person on earth. She gave you life. Tell me, do you love your mothers? (children's answers) Let's read poems about mothers.

1. Who opened this world to me,

Sparing no effort?

And always protected?

The best MOTHER in the world.

2. Who is the cutest in the world?

And it will warm you with its warmth,

Loves more than himself?

This is my MOMMY.

3. Reads books in the evening

Even if I'm stubborn

I know MOM loves me.

4. Never loses heart

He knows exactly what I need.

If suddenly drama happens,

Who will help? My mom.

But my legs are tired.

Jump over the hole

Who will help? I know - mom.

Well done. You know good poems about mothers. Who knows their mother's profession? (children's answers). And now I will ask you riddles about professions, and you will have to guess them. Children solve riddles and look at illustrations for these riddles.

1. Mom has it on the counter.

Dolls, balls, pins,

I am the most well-fed one. (Cook)

4. At school I am the most learned -

I was very lucky with my mother

Children learn from her

Everything is out there in class.

They will become better and smarter,

Fairer and kinder. (teacher)

5. Mom needs it for work

Place notes on the piano.

Just ask mom -

And he will play: “Mi, salt, si”

I will tell the guys proudly:

“Mom knows all the chords! " (musician)

Apply to abrasions and wounds.

Mom gives injections

To all the children of our school.

Mom with affection and kind words

Helps you become healthy! (nurse)

And now we will play a game. Ball game “What does it do? »

Children line up in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to the children one by one and names their profession. The child catches the ball and says what a representative of this profession does and throws the ball to the teacher (teacher - teaches, doctor - treats, sells)

worker - sells, builder - builds, cook - cooks, hairdresser - cuts hair, etc.)

That's how many professions you named today. Now you know who they can

work moms. And not only. There are many other necessary and important professions. Whoever the mother is, know that all work is good. All kinds of mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important!

Catalog: dou
dou -> Preschool education program
dou -> Family in psychological consultation
dou -> Folk culture as a means of developing gender tolerance in children of senior preschool age

Program content.

Educational field "Socialization"

— Clarify children’s ideas about the concept of “friendship.”

— Nurture collective relationships in the process of joint activities.

— Encourage children to do good deeds, the desire to help others.

— Cultivate the ability to listen to another person and respect his opinion.

Educational field "Communication"

— Develop the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher and peers, expressing your opinion in complete sentences.

— Practice the ability to logically complete complex sentences.

Educational field "Reading fiction"

— Develop the ability to construct and express semantic versions for understanding proverbs.

Educational field "Artistic creativity"

— To develop children’s ability to compare the result obtained with the plan.

— Develop the ability to choose ways and means of obtaining results.

Participants: children of the preparatory group, teacher, music director.

Form of organization of children: directly educational integrated activities.

Preliminary work: learning proverbs, conducting ethical conversations, organizing word games, including problem situations in role-playing games, organizing manual labor, learning songs about friendship, learning musical communicative games, learning finger games and dynamic pauses.


Video recording of news from a fairy-tale land, a set of proverbs, a crossword puzzle, cards with sentences, a magic box with cards-schemes, pictograms, a magic wand, colored paper, glue, scissors, plates for garbage, for working tools, oilcloth, napkins, Whatman paper, presentation of direct educational activities, easel.

Scenario content of direct educational activities:

1. Organizational stage.

An audio recording of the song “True Friend” is played. Children enter the hall to the music.

Guys, I am very glad to meet you.

Video appears:

Attention! Attention! Speaks and shows fabulous television. Friendship has disappeared in a blooming fairyland. The inhabitants of this country have quarreled and cannot make peace. The entire fairy-tale world is asking for help.

What to do? How to help residents find friendship? (correct) We need to go to this country. What will help us along the way?

Look, a magic cloud. Why do you think so? That's right, we'll go to fairyland on it. Guys, let's get up and imagine that we are on a cloud:

“You carry us higher and faster, like a cloud, we need to reconcile our fairy-tale friends!”

Children stand near the screen, discuss the problem, look for solutions.

Note: defining the topic, entering into a game problem situation.

2. Main stage.

a) solving a problem situation:

This is a fairyland. Sit back and see what's happening in fairyland?

Guys, why do you think the residents are on different banks of the river? What can be done to make them friends again? How can you get across the river?

After listening to the children’s answers, the teacher and the children come to the conclusion: it is necessary to build a bridge.

What can you build a bridge from?

Guys, we are in a magical land, so I propose to build an unusual bridge from proverbs about friendship. Do you agree? The magic wand will help you remember and name proverbs about friendship.

What secrets of friendship from your proverbs helped residents meet? Do you think friendship has appeared? Do I think not? Look, they are sad, they don’t know where to start the meeting.

Children offer various options for getting out of the current situation.

Children's versions (made of logs, boards, bricks).

Each child says one proverb about friendship (a bridge board appears with each answer).

Explain the meaning of proverbs.

Note: Creating conditions for finding a way out of a problem situation,finding non-standard solutions.

b) gymnastics for the eyes

Let's stand up, look right, left, up, down. Now let's look into the distance. (put your palm up)

Maybe we will see what we should start with when meeting friends. Children perform movements together with the teacher.

Note: An eye exercise to relieve stress after viewing a slide.

c) game situation through solving a crossword puzzle

What words does friendship begin with? Guys, I see a crossword puzzle, it will help us remember the words with what words friendship begins.

There is a crossword on the screen.

- The old tree stump will turn green when it hears... (good afternoon)

— With great love we wish you all good ... (health)

— Someone thought up a simple and wise way to say hello when meeting… (good morning)

- When you scold us for pranks, we say forgive you... (please)

- If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom... (thank you)

- If a boy is polite and developed, he says when we meet... (hello)

What a beautiful and kind word we got!

What secret of friendship did the residents learn from our crossword puzzle?

Well done guys, now the people of this country will always say polite words and won’t quarrel.

Note: Remind children of the rules of polite etiquette.

d) relaxation

Guys, let's close our eyes and imagine how fairy-tale residents live together, don't quarrel, and help each other. And the magic wand will help you fantasize. Open your eyes.

Note: Relaxation of the body before further activities.

d) conversation about friendship

A Miracle appears on the screen - a tree.

Look, from our polite words a miracle grew in a fairyland - a tree. Guys, I heard that flowers bloom on it when children appear nearby who know how to be friends and know what friendship is. Now let's check if you guys are friendly?

What does it mean to be friends?

— What color do you think friendship is?

- What words can you say about a friend? What is he like?

A screensaver appears on the screen - a blooming miracle - a tree.

Look what happened, our miracle - the tree blossomed. So what are we?

Children answer questions.

Note: Create conditions for demonstrating ideas about the concept of “friendship”.

e) physical exercise

A slide appears with cheerful residents.

Guys, look, the residents have made peace, made friends, are happy to meet each other and us. Let's all rejoice and play the "Let's be friends" game.

Let's be friends with each other (they alternately extend their hands to each other)

Like birds with the sky, (stretch your arms up, standing on your toes)

Like grass with a meadow, (squat down)

Like the wind and the sea, (they swing their arms above their head along with their torso)

Fields with rain, (circling around themselves, alternately waving their arms)

How the sun is friends with all of us (come in a circle and hug)

Do you think the residents of the fairy-tale land liked the game? Found a friendship?

Children pronounce words and perform corresponding movements.

Note: Ensure optimal physical activity, reinforce information about friendship.

g) game situation “Finish the sentence”

And so that fairy-tale heroes do not lose their friendship again and remember what you have to be like in order to be friends with you. I suggest you play the game “Continue the Sentence.” I will start the sentence and you will finish it:

I get offended by my friend when he...

I get angry with my friend when he...

I rejoice with my friend when...

I help a friend when...

I'm sad when...

- I rejoice with my friend when...

- I worry about my friend when...

Everything works out for me when...

I like when …

I care about a friend when...

- What beautiful proposals you have made. That I also wanted to make my proposal:

It gives me joy when I give a friend a gift. Do you like giving gifts? Then I invite you to the workshop.

Children complete sentences.

Note: Encourage children to demonstrate the ability to logically complete complex sentences. Creating conditions for a logical transition to artistic and productive activity.

h) inclusion of children in artistic and productive activities

Guys, look around. There are so many interesting and wonderful things here. What gift can be made from these materials so that it reminds the residents of a fairy-tale land of friendship?

I suggest you create a real portrait of friendship

Do you agree? Look, there are pictograms here that will help us determine what kind of face friendship will have. Why did you choose this icon? Since the studio only has colored paper, does that mean we will create a portrait only from paper? What color will the eyes be? What shape? What size? What will the lips be like? What shape? What color will the hair be? Will the hair be long or short? How will we decorate the hairstyle? How will we decorate the frame? What will we create the pattern from?

Children express their opinions, agree to create a common portrait of friendship, and discuss all the details of the portrait.

You and I discussed the portrait of friendship, agreed that the eyes will be blue, cheerful, the hair will be yellow, and there will be a smile on the face. There will be bows on the hair. Decorate the frame with hearts and circles.

Each child takes one card from the box and determines what he will do.

Since we will create one portrait, we need to decide who will do what. A magic box will help us with this. Take one card each. Look carefully. Have you guessed who will do what? Take what you need and take a seat in our workshop. Everyone is ready. I see everyone is ready. And to quickly create a portrait, let's get ready for work and play with our fingers:

Fingers are a friendly family; they cannot live without each other. (clench and unclench your fists)

Here is the big one, and this is the middle one, the nameless one and the last one - our little little finger. (show)

You forgot your index finger. (threatened)

So that the fingers live together. We will connect them and create our portrait. (connect each finger to the thumb)

Children perform finger gymnastics together with the teacher.

Now let's get to work. But remember our rules:

- Don't interfere with each other

- If you need help, ask.

- Finished - tidy up

— Scissors always look forward, take care of your safety and the safety of your neighbor.

Monitoring children's activities, organizing individual work.

Independent productive activity of children

— Did we end up with a portrait of friendship as we intended?

— Did you like doing one common job together?

Children express their opinions.

Look how happy our new friends are with our gift.


  • Creating conditions for choosing means and ways to obtain the result of joint activities (portrait of friendship)
  • Creating conditions for performing common work. (distribution of responsibilities between children)
  • Preparing children for upcoming productive activities.
  • Creating conditions for children to demonstrate collective relationships in the process of joint activities.
  • Leading children to self-analysis, comparing the result with the plan.

3. Final stage (reflection)

They want to tell us something, let's listen to them:


Thank you guys.

We are all different now, brave, crazy,

And friendship, warmth and beauty won.

Now forgive us, accept us into your family,

We will always wish people well.

What do you think they became like?

Did we help them find friendship?

The search for friendship was not easy. Who experienced any difficulties? Were you wrong? Who didn't succeed, and who found it easy? Well done, despite everything, you helped the residents of a fairy-tale land regain their friendship.

A cloud appears on the screen.

Look, a cloud is waiting for us, it’s time to go back to kindergarten.

“You carry us higher like a cloud and we need to get back to kindergarten quickly”

Here we are in kindergarten.

What good deed have we done? Guys, you were brave, responsive, friendly.

We completed the sentences correctly, created a portrait of friendship, but we still need to practice composing sentences and carefully cutting out parts of the portrait. And now I invite you to the group, where we will tell the other guys where you visited today.

Note: Create conditions for reflection, promote the ability to evaluate joint and personal activities.

Video lessons

Self-analysis of the teacher

Target directly educational integrated activities with children of the preparatory group for school, on the topic “Search for Friendship”:

to increase the percentage of students with developed principles of social competence through the inclusion in educational activities of the project method, thought-activity pedagogy, solving problem and game situations, artistic and productive activities, and a system of social relations.

To achieve the goal, she organized relaxed free communication in the style of cooperation, which was accompanied by solving problem situations, crossword puzzles, teaching fairy-tale characters a culture of behavior, including various types of joint activities that replaced each other to ensure efficiency, relieve fatigue, maintain maximum load, maintain interest and plot in throughout the entire activity. And the organization of collective activities, the creation of a portrait of friendship, was the result of cooperation.

Integrated activities was organized in the form of free movement of children in the space of the group; for this, the group was divided into zones, which were filled with means of obtaining information about friendship:

1. area for watching videos, word games and free communication;

2. zone of motor exercises and games;

3. area for choosing material for creating a portrait of friendship;

4. area for artistic and productive activities;

This division of space allowed me to maintain the maximum load, maintain the plot of the lesson, and ensure the availability of material for each child, which was selected in accordance with the age characteristics and interests of older preschoolers.

She demonstrated communicative competence, which made it possible to maintain a favorable emotional background and activate children’s cooperation.

Novelty of content direct educational activity was seen in the construction of joint activities on an integrated and mental activity approach, which allowed pupils to show creative and communicative abilities, cooperate with each other, demonstrate the beginnings of social competence, in the use of a multimedia screen, which stimulated children to complete game tasks, to be active in solving problematic tasks, in the staging of integrated activities using the technology of thought-activity pedagogy, project technology.

The goal was being realized through a comprehensive step-by-step solution to the assigned tasks. The integrated activity is built on plot content, which allowed me to rationally use the project method, as well as verbal, practical and visual methods.

Stage 1 - organizational, aimed at identifying the topic through entering into a game problem situation, where a surprise moment was used - the unexpected appearance of the video “News from the Fairytale Kingdom”. And the magic cloud helped transport children to a fairyland to find friendship.

Stage 2 – main, is aimed at enhancing the creative activity of students through the integration of educational areas, the use of information technology, and solving problematic problems.

Conducted visual gymnastics, relaxation exercises, dynamic pause, and finger gymnastics in a timely manner.

The task of the educational field “Reading fiction”(to develop the ability to construct and express semantic versions for understanding proverbs), I solved, through creating a bridge from proverbs about friendship, questions that helped me see that children understand and can explain the meaning of proverbs.

The task of the educational field “Communication”(to develop the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher and peers, expressing one’s opinion in full sentences), decided in the process of all joint activities, where I used questions, the appearance of problem situations on the screen, which directed children to communicate, express their opinions, and make the right decision.

Next task in the field of Communication(to practice the ability to logically complete complex sentences), I decided during the game “Continue the Sentence”, where I selected different beginnings of sentences, which allowed me to see the ability of each child to logically complete a sentence. She discovered that some children had difficulty completing sentences, so she encouraged other children to help. In the future, it is necessary to continue to work on developing the ability to compose complex sentences. Sentence: “It gives me joy when I give a gift to a friend. Do you like giving gifts? became a logical transition for solving the problems of the educational field “Artistic Creativity”: to develop the ability of children to compare the result obtained with the plan and develop the ability to choose ways and means of obtaining a result. To do this, she invited the children to the workshop, where, through the process of communication and discussion, she led the children to create a common portrait of friendship. The use of a magic box and symbol cards helped distribute responsibilities among children to complete common work.

Observations of the children's activities during the creation of a portrait showed that the children showed friendly relations, helped each other, but still found it difficult to quickly cut out several details at once, and to correlate the size of parts of the portrait with a given face size.

Objectives of the educational field “Socialization” were solved throughout the entire educational activity through video writing, solving a crossword puzzle, building a bridge, creating a portrait, conversations at the magic tree, and the “Finish the Sentence” game.

Solving the crossword puzzle allowed the children to remember polite words and understand where friendship begins. And the appearance of a miracle tree helped children tell fairy-tale characters about what friendship is? And for me, as a teacher, it allowed me to determine the children’s ability to answer questions and listen to the opinions of their peers. I think that here the children showed responsiveness to the characters in the plot, but it is still necessary to organize individual work to develop the ability to construct grammatically correct statements. Solving a problematic problem, leading children to create a magic bridge from proverbs allowed the children to show a desire to help fairy-tale characters. I believe that these problems have been successfully solved.

Dynamic pause carried out on time, corresponded to the theme of the activity, helped ensure optimal motor activity, and consolidate information about friendship.

Stage 3 – final: conducting reflection, where I used questions that stimulated children to self-esteem. She listened to all the children’s answers, gave everyone the opportunity to speak, and supported initiative statements. But there are problems; children find it difficult to give a qualitative assessment of their demonstrated skills. Therefore, when organizing reflection, it is necessary to develop children’s ability to summarize joint and personal activities, identify problems and ways to solve them.

So you can do conclusion, that the set tasks of the GCD have been solved, but it is necessary to improve communication skills, that is, to exercise the ability to construct sentences grammatically correctly, which will allow children to conduct a dialogue and organize close communication in free activity, to continue to exercise the ability to cut out parts in different ways, fold paper in an accordion, in half.

Target: developing a positive attitude towards yourself.


— concretize initial ideas about yourself (feelings, actions, behavior);

- promote the manifestation of the need to focus on socially approved actions of adults as models of their behavior;

— update the use of the received information in gaming and speech activities.

Equipment: bear toy, printed board game “Good - Bad”, “Flower of Kindness”, V. Mayakovsky’s book “What is Good and What is Bad”, pictures depicting good and evil fairy tale heroes.

The teacher draws the children's attention to a toy bear that holds pictures in its paws.

Educator. What happened, Misha? Why are you so sad?

Bear. My mother read me a very interesting book. (Shows the children V. Mayakovsky’s book “What is good and what is bad.”) She and I picked up pictures about good and bad deeds. I really wanted to show them to you, but on the way to kindergarten I accidentally dropped them and they all got mixed up. Please help me arrange the pictures correctly.

Educator. Misha, our guys will not only help you, but will also tell you what kind of actions there are!

Game "Good - Bad"

At the teacher's suggestion, children arrange pictures on a flannelgraph into two groups: to the left of Mishka - with images of socially approved actions, to the right - with images of bad actions.

Educator. Guys, tell Mishka about what actions are considered good.

Children. Good deeds - helping other people, calling them by name, taking care of them, saying kind words, saying hello when meeting, saying goodbye when parting, thanking for help, taking care of toys and furniture, washing on time, not getting your clothes dirty, undressing, dressing yourself , neatly fold your things.

Why should we strive to do good deeds?

Children. Other people like them and make them happy.

Educator. Guys, what actions are bad?

Children. Bad actions are calling names, intimidating, talking rudely, being greedy, capricious, being sloppy, untidy, sloppy.

Educator. Why can't you do bad things?

Children. Others don't like them and upset them.

Speech game “The best deeds”

Children stand in a circle. The teacher invites each child to think about what the best deed he did today and talk about it. Children take turns talking about their good deeds.

The teacher invites the children to remember previously learned proverbs and sayings about people’s actions.

Didactic game “Good and evil heroes of fairy tales”

Children arrange the pictures so that the good heroes of fairy tales are on one side, and the evil ones on the other.

Questions for children

Why do you like good fairy tale heroes?

What good deeds did they do?

What is needed to prevent evil fairy tale heroes from upsetting others?

Speech game “Flower of Kindness”

The teacher says a kind word to the child sitting next to him and gives him a “flower bud”, he passes it on to the next one with his kind word. The teacher positively evaluates each participant, paying attention to the ability to say a kind word with a smile and, looking into the eyes, thank you for it. At the end of the game, he shows the children the “flower of kindness” that has blossomed from a bud.

Educator. Guys, what new did you learn in class today?

The children answer.

Well done! You correctly explained to Mishka that there are different actions: good and bad. Other people like good deeds and make them happy; bad actions don’t like them and make them sad. Every person wants to be needed by other people, to please them. People notice and appreciate it.

Summary of direct educational activities in the field of “Socialization” middle group “My Friendly Family”
Goal: Introduce children to the concept of “family.” Providing assistance in determining family relationships.
Educational: to form children’s understanding of the family, their relationships in it, who lives in it, that everyone in the family loves, cares and helps each other. Learn to name your family members correctly.
Developmental: develop the ability to communicate with each other: develop the ability to show goodwill, friendliness towards others. Develop the ability to answer questions. Strengthen the ability to coordinate speech with movement.
Educational: to cultivate a sense of affection for your family members, good feelings towards your loved ones, to arouse in the child joy and pride in having a family.

Download abstract
^ Integration of educational areas: socialization, cognition, communication, physical education, health.
Preliminary work:
We looked at photographs of the family, learned to name all members of our family by name and relationship (who is related to whom). Reading fiction about family. Compiling a photo album “My Family”. Design of the photo exhibition “My Friendly Family”.
^ Activation of the dictionary: Introduce nouns into the children’s active dictionary (family, parents, son, daughter, brother, sister, adult, child), encourage children to talk about their family; enrich your vocabulary: little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger, thumb; give related concepts. Practice using the diminutive form of nouns.
demonstration: silhouette of a palm, a cap on each finger of this palm with the image of the face of a mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, child;
house silhouette; pictures - mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. House silhouettes
for all children, glue.
^ Progress of gaming activities.
Organizing time.
Educator: Children, look. We've had guests here since morning,
Say hello, friends!
^ Children: Hello! Good morning.
All the children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And let's smile at each other.
Educator. Hello, dear children, you are the most beautiful in the world. I invite such good, handsome ones to play. Listen to the riddle.
Five and five are brothers,
So everyone will be born together,
If you dig a garden bed -
Everyone holds one spatula.
They don't get bored, they play
All together into one toy.
And in winter the whole crowd
They hide together in the heated vehicles.
These are the “five and five”
Guess what their names are?
(Children guess the riddle).
Educator: How did you guess that these were fingers? Guys, do you like to play with your fingers? Sit down on the chairs. Want to learn another game? Show us your hands, let's warm them up, count them, hide them in your fist.
Teacher: (extends the fingers from the fist and accompanies the movement with text)
This finger is grandpa
This finger is grandma
This finger is daddy

This finger is mom

This finger - I -

That's my whole family.

(Children imitate the teacher).

Educator: What do you think this game is about? That's right, about family. I have something in my chest. Guess what there is. (Children guess).

Look at this palm. Let's find the smallest finger on it - the little finger. Show me where your little finger is. What do they affectionately call you at home? (Children's answers).

Educator. There are more hats in the chest, look. What kind of hat do you think can be worn on the little finger? (Children's answers) Why?

^ Children. The little finger is small and the cap is small.

Educator. Fields, find a cap and put it on your little finger.

Educator: Julia, tell us the poem.

Mom and I made cutlets,

And outside the window it was raining.

My mother and I thought at the same time,

How good it is for us to be together!

Who did Julia read about? Why does a girl feel good with her mother? Tell us about your mom. (Children tell)

Educator. Julia, find a hat that we can put on for mom, which finger can we put on? Show me where your finger is, mommy.

Children. On the ring finger. (Show)

Educator. How are you helping her? (Children speak out).

Let's show how you help her.

Physical pause.

(Children get up)

Helping mom

Together we help mom -

We wipe away dust everywhere.

We are now washing clothes,

Rinse and wring out.

Sweeping everything around

And run for milk.

We meet mom in the evening,

We open the doors wide,

We hug mom tightly.

(Imitative movements according to the text.)

Educator: Children, who is the next poem about? Roma tell us your poem.

My dad does not tolerate idleness and boredom

Dad has skillful, strong hands.

And if anyone needs help,

My dad is always willing to work. (E. Serova)

What's your dad like? What kind words would you like to say about your dad? (Children say kind words)

Educator. Show your finger - dad. This is the middle finger. Which hat is suitable for dad? Let's put a cap on the middle finger.

Educator. Let's play with our palms.

Okay, okay,

Where were you?

By Grandma!

(clap hands)

And grandma's palms

All in wrinkles are collected

(show hands palms up)

And grandma's palms

Kind - kind

(stroke palms together)

Everyone's palms worked

For many years

(tapping fist on palm)

Good palms smell

Shchi with pies

(bring palms to face)

They will stroke your curls

Kind palms

(imitate stroking)

And they can cope with any sadness

Warm palms

(fold palms, bring to face, blow)

Okay, okay,

Where were you?

By Grandma

(clap hands)

Educator: What can grandma do? What do you like to do with your grandmother (children's answers). Praise your grandmother. “My grandmother is the most...!

^ Children pronounce words

Educator. Sonya, put a hat on grandma. Which finger? On the index finger.

Educator. Guys, we have one finger left - the thumb. Who is this? That's right, grandpa.

I have a grandfather

Like winter, gray-haired,

I have a grandfather

With a white beard.

My grandfather gives me everything

May give an answer.

And my grandfather is not old,

Even if he is a hundred years old!

Who wants to talk about their grandfather? How does grandpa take care of you?

Let's put on grandfather's hat.

Educator. Guys! Look, you and I have a big, friendly family in the palm of our hand. In the family, everyone loves, cares and helps each other and does everything together in harmony.

^ Children follow the teacher.

Phys. minute “Family exercise.”

In autumn, spring,

Summer and winter.

We go out into the yard

Friendly family.

Let's stand in a circle and in order

Everyone does exercises.

Mom raises her hands (hands up and down).

Dad cheerfully squats (squats).

Turns left and right

My brother Seva does it (hands on the belt, turns with the whole body).

And I'm jogging

And I shake my head (running in place and tilting my head to the sides).

Educator. In the family, everyone calls each other affectionately, because they love each other. How can you affectionately call your daughter?

Children: daughter, daughter.

Game “Say Kindly”

Thus, children change words.

Son - son, son

Dad - daddy, daddy

Grandfather - grandfather, grandfather

Grandmother - granny

Mom - mommy, mummy

Sister - little sister

Grandson - grandson

Granddaughter - granddaughter

Brother - little brother

Educator: It’s wonderful how many kind words you know. You made me happy. It turns out that you are very affectionate and kind towards your family.

Teacher: (shows the house to the children) Guys, what is this?

^ Children. Houses.

Educator: Listen, how quiet it is. Why do you think it's so quiet? (Listen to the children’s answers) Let’s see who lives in the house. (He opens the shutters on the windows; they are empty.) There is no one in the house, that’s why it’s so quiet, and he’s sad. Can we help him? How? (Listen to the children's answers). Who will live in the house?

Children. Family.

Educator. Every family has its own home, which is warm and cozy.

Now we will move into the house. I have prepared houses for you, but they are empty, let’s move our friendly family into them, using glue for parents and all family members.

^ Joint productive activities of children.

Children at tables paste silhouettes of their parents into the house. The teacher and the children label their house.

Educator: Let's count how many people live in your apartment.

Physical education minute

Who lives in our apartment? »

One, two, three, four (clap your hands)

Who lives in our apartment? (we walk in place)

One, two, three, four, five (jumping in place)

Dad, mom, brother, sister (clap our hands)

Murka the cat, two kittens (torso tilts to the right, left)

My cricket, goldfinch and me - (torso turns to the right, left)

That's my whole family (clap our hands).

^ Children show their houses.

Educator. Look what a friendly family we have turned out to be. Where everyone loves each other, adults take care of the little ones, help each other. And children should be obedient, not capricious, and should please mom, dad, grandpa, and grandma.

And if everyone in the family takes care of each other and loves each other, then peace, friendship and love always live in such a family.

List of used literature.
Vetokhina, A.Ya. Moral and patriotic education of preschool children. Planning and lesson notes. Methodological manual for teachers. / A.Ya Vetokhina, Z.S. Dmitrenko, E.N. Krasnoshchekova, S.P. Podoprigora, V.K. Polynova, O.V. Savelyeva. – St. Petersburg: “LLC Publishing House. Moscow “Childhood-press”, 2010

Summary of an open lesson on socialization in the middle group using innovative technologies + technological map.

Topic: “What do a seller and a cook have in common?”

Pedagogical goals : consolidate children's knowledge about the professions of a salesman and a cook, as well as find the relationship between them; learn to distinguish which profession what belongs to; learn to work in teams; learn to take initiative in choosing your task.

Planned results:



    Conversation about professions;

    Looking at pictures and magazines with professions: cook and salesman;

    Physical education video “All professions are needed, all professions are important”;

    Viewing the presentation “Seller + Cook =?”;

    Drawing and coloring;


    Didactic games: “Shop window” and “Pizza”;

    Watching a video (edited film from role-playing games conducted in the group earlier);

    Role-playing games: “Shop”, “Kitchen”, “Restaurant”.

Means of implementation: A3 poster, books and pictures depicting professions: seller, cook; professional attributes: costumes and tools of the cook and seller; interactive board; themed puzzles. Didactic games: magazines with stickers “Shop window” and “Pizza”; everything for drawing.

Innovative technologies: AMO, Children's Council, TRIZ

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher invites the children:

Children's Council"

(In the center of the carpet there is a poster, and around it there are cards (half a circle of orange, half a circle of yellow according to the number of children); near the poster sits a doll dressed in 2 sets of clothes: a cook and a salesman.)

Tell me, how many of you know what a profession is? How can you and I get acquainted with any profession? (examining magazines, books, images; learn from adults; draw, paint; learn poems; watch films, presentations; get acquainted with the tools of different professions, etc.).

Before we begin our studies, let's remember all the professions and depict them. (This part lasts approximately 3 minutes)

Physical education minute (3 minutes)

(3 minutes)

We remembered who the sellers and cooks are, how they work, where they work and their other features. Please note that there are different tasks on your tables. The yellow table has everything connected to the seller, while the orange table has everything connected to the cook. At the council, we assigned everyone their task, let's get started.

The teacher helps the children distribute tasks, approaches each child and works with them separately. Children draw, color, look at illustrations and pictures; They learn poems, play educational games, and put together puzzles. The children from each table, one child at a time, put on costumes: a cook and a salesperson, and continue the lesson in costumes. (this part lasts approximately 8 minutes)

The teacher invites the children to take a break from their studies and watch the video:

Video (2 minutes)


We already have a salesman, we already have a cook, let’s join the group and play the whole production. We will still have customers, waiters and visitors to our restaurant. (lesson duration 20-21 minutes)

(Children go into role-playing games, the emphasis is on the fact that this was an activity and it is over, but it is not done. At the end of the day, everyone gathers again for the “Children’s Council” and ticks off on the poster what they did and what they didn’t We made it, we’ll leave it for tomorrow).

Technological map of direct educational activities of the middle group

on the topic “Adult work. Professions"

Date: 10/25/2018

Chapter: Socialization

Subject: “What do a salesman and a cook have in common?!”

Pedagogical goals : consolidate children's knowledge about the professions of a salesman and a cook, as well as find the relationship between them; learn to distinguish which profession what belongs to; learn to work in teams; learn to take initiative in choosing your task.

Planned results: the child knows what a salesman and a cook look like, knows how they are interconnected; name the places where people work. Tools related to each profession are distinguished and named. Children can work together in a team and choose their own activities.

Integration of educational areas: “Social and communicative”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Physical development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

Activities: gaming, cognitive-research, communicative, motor, visual.

Means of implementation: A3 poster, books and pictures depicting professions: seller, cook; professional attributes: costumes and tools of the cook and seller; interactive board; themed puzzles. Didactic games: magazines with stickers “Shop window” and “Pizza”; everything for drawing

Organizational structure of a gaming lesson



Activities of the teacher

Children's activities



Guys, our doll Katya invited us today to “Children's Council" , wants to talk to us about something. Let's sit down around her.

(There are cards around the poster (half a circle of orange, half a circle of yellow according to the number of children); near the poster sits a doll dressed in 2 sets of clothes: a cook and a salesman.)

They react emotionally to what is happening.

Using the “Children’s Council” technology, they gather on a rug around a poster. Each child sits next to the card.

Organizational and search

Our Katya wants to talk about professions. But look what she's wearing? What profession does she want to talk about?

Katya probably wants to talk about two professions: a cook and a salesperson, but she doesn’t know what they have in common, which is why she has such a mess in her clothes. Shall we help her figure it out?

Tell me, how many of you know what a profession is?

How can you and I get acquainted with any profession?

That's right, you can learn and get acquainted with the profession in different ways, then let you decide for yourself which way you like best?! And I will write down in our plan those responsible for each task. (the poster is divided into blocks, each block contains an individual task, when the child has chosen his task, the teacher writes the child’s name in the corresponding block).

Let's hang our poster plan on the easel and at the end of the day we will note what we have done from this and what still needs to be done tomorrow. Look guys, we have 2 tables: yellow and orange, and you have cards in your hands. Go to the yellow table, who has a yellow card, and to the orange table, who has an orange card.

Before we begin our studies, let's remember all the professions and depict them.

Physical education minute

(video on the interactive board “All professions are needed, all professions are important”).

Showing the presentation “Salesman + Cook =?”

We remembered who the sellers and cooks are, how they work, where they work and their other features. Please note that there are different tasks on your tables. At the yellow table, everything is connected with the cook, and at the orange table, everything is connected with the seller. At the council, we assigned everyone their task, let's get started.

We played role-playing games separately, “Shop” and “Restaurant”. Let's take a look at the video to see what we got.


(An edited film from role-playing games conducted in the group earlier)

Have you noticed where the chef got the ingredients to cook them in the restaurant? That's right, so thatThe chef needs to prepare food, he needs to buy it in the store . So, this is what connects these two different professions. What do we recommend to our doll? That you need to decide on one profession and select a uniform for one profession.

They agree to talk, look at the doll, and answer.

They agree.

Children's answers.

They choose tasks for themselves (to draw, learn a poem, puzzles, a didactic game, pictures, magazines….)

Get up

They go to the tables.

Repeat the movements.

Watching the presentation.

Perform individual tasks.

They watch the video.

They express their assumptions.

They speak out the conclusion

They advise the doll.

Reflexively - corrective.

And now you and I will put on the uniforms of the seller and the cook. Let's go to the group and play the whole production. We will have sellers, buyers, cooks, waiters and visitors to our restaurant.

They put on costumes, go to a group, play story games.