Strong sedatives when feeding a child. Soothing tea while breastfeeding


The postpartum period is characterized by the restructuring of the hormonal system. Worries about the baby cause disorders of the nervous system (fear,). Consider the situation in detail, let's name what can be used as a sedative for breastfeeding.

How to calm nerves while breastfeeding?

Before taking action, apply medicines, you need to see a doctor. A sedative for HB is used only with his approval, taking into account the indicated dosage and frequency of administration. In this case, the doctor establishes the cause of the disorder, constant experiences. It is worth noting that after the appearance of the baby, the synthesis of endorphins in the body increases, the concentration of which decreases over time. As a result, there is a possibility of developing a withdrawal syndrome, due to which an emotional lift replaces postpartum depression.

Before using sedatives during lactation, it is recommended to start therapy with non-drug methods, including:

  • baths;
  • full sleep;
  • aromatherapy oils;
  • massage;
  • communication with friends and family, frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • visiting the pool.

Is it possible to sedate a nursing mother?

Because of high risk an allergic reaction on the part of the baby to the components of the drug, a sedative for nursing mothers is prescribed with caution. They resort to its use when rest does not bring results, there is a progression depression. In this case, the doctor takes into account the age of the crumbs, condition. During the neonatal period (up to 28 days from the moment of birth), most drugs are prohibited, sedatives for nursing mothers are used with caution.

What sedatives can you drink while breastfeeding?

With the advent of a feeling of fear, excitement, anxiety, young mothers often think about what kind of sedative they can take while breastfeeding. Herbal preparations, decoctions of herbs are the first to come to mind. But they can not always be used with active lactation. Some plants can reduce the production of breast milk, which will negatively affect the diet of the baby.

Talking about what sedatives are possible with HB, doctors call preparations based on valerian, motherwort, sage, chamomile. These plants have a pronounced sedative effect, act quickly. Their penetration into breast milk excluded. As a result, its taste and composition does not change. Mom feels calmer, and the baby receives the nutrients he needs.

Sedatives in drops

If necessary, sedatives during breastfeeding are prescribed to the mother by a doctor. He assesses the severity of the violation, its degree and stage. Among effective medicines, the leading position is occupied by drops. Common are:

  1. Valerian tincture. The tool helps to quickly get rid of, experiences. In addition, the drug has other useful properties: relieves headaches, lowers blood pressure (slightly), has a positive effect on digestion.
  2. Water infusion of motherwort. Good sedative while breastfeeding. Reduces excitability nerve endings calms down quickly. Reduces the number of heartbeats, which lowers intravascular pressure.

Sedatives in tablets

Soothing tablets during breastfeeding are often used by mothers. These medicines are plant-based, which reduces the risk of developing side effects, allergic reactions from the side small organism. Tableted sedatives for lactation use the following:

  1. Novo-Passit. The tablets contain herbs such as lemon balm, valerian, St. John's wort, hawthorn, passionflower. It is taken for a short time, according to the dosages indicated by the doctor.
  2. Persen. A common sedative during breastfeeding. The composition of the tablets includes herbs such as motherwort, valerian, peppermint. The presence of the latter raises doubts among doctors regarding the effect on the lactation process. At long-term use the amount of breast milk may decrease. Because of this, the medicine is prescribed for severe degrees of violation.
  3. Nervochel, Valerianahel. Homeopathic remedies that help normalize the functioning of the nervous system, relieve irritation. They are used as part of complex therapy.

Soothing herbal teas in a pharmacy

Sedatives on herbs are widely represented in pharmacy network. But they often contain mint, which can affect lactation. Because of this, doctors recommend preparing the collection yourself. For example:

  • 15 g, brew 200 ml of boiling water, insist 30 minutes. After cooling, filter. Take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day
  • In equal parts, take chamomile flowers, motherwort and. Brewed with boiling water, insist 20 minutes. Take 3-4 times a day, a glass.

Folk sedatives

Many mothers do not trust pharmaceutical preparations because they are used to solving problems with traditional medicine. They prepare sedatives for breastfeeding on their own, using medicinal herbs. The following recipes are examples:

  1. St. John's wort, lemon balm, linden, chamomile are mixed in equal parts. The resulting mixture (1 tablespoon) is brewed with a glass of boiling water, waited for 15 minutes, filtered and taken throughout the day.
  2. In 0.5 liters of boiling water put a teaspoon of St. John's wort, linden flowers, lemon balm. After 15 minutes, add a teaspoon of green tea, wait 5 minutes. Drink half a cup a day.
  3. In 500 ml of boiling water, a mixture of herbs is brewed (each with a teaspoon): oregano, calendula, St. John's wort. Taken 3-4 times.

The most harmless sedative for nursing mothers

Taking sedatives during breastfeeding, intended for the mother, a woman may encounter a number of difficulties: allergies, lack of effect. Because of this, the search for harmless and effective remedy. In fact, there is no such thing. Each organism is individual, the same component can have different effects. To choose the right sedative, you need to consult a doctor.

Often after childbirth, the mother experiences deep stress, which affects the quantity and quality of milk. Often, premature cessation of lactation or a decrease in milk production occurs precisely because of strong experiences. Depression affects the well-being of both the nursing mother and the baby.

Therefore, mom should protect herself from stress as much as possible. Do not rush to take sedatives. Many of these products contain substances that are prohibited during breastfeeding. They can not only cause allergies or indigestion in a baby, but also seriously harm the development of the body.

You should also be careful about medicinal fees, as some herbs should also not be taken during lactation. For example, mint reduces the amount of breast milk.

How to relieve stress after childbirth

Stress in a nursing mother occurs due to lack of sleep, worries about the newborn, lack of vitamins and free time, changes in hormonal levels. IN this case you need rest. With such stress, non-drug methods can easily help:

  • Relaxing baths;
  • Full sleep;
  • Massage;
  • aromatherapy;
  • Communication with family and friends;
  • Rest (reading books, watching movies, etc.);
  • Walk outdoors more often;
  • Swimming pool, light exercises in the gym, yoga classes are great to relieve stress. In addition, it will help to quickly return to the previous figure.

Psychologists advise nursing mothers not to be too demanding of themselves. Some things can be postponed, left for later. Focus on yourself and your health.

Avoid prolonged feelings of hunger - eat often, but in small portions. A strict diet in the first weeks after the birth of a baby exhausts a woman's body. However, gradually, after two or three months, you can gradually introduce new foods into the diet of a nursing mother.

A variety in the diet will saturate the body with useful elements, cheer up. After giving birth, the mother lacks vitamins, so it is important to gradually fill the tired body with nutrients. Vitamins can be found not only in vegetables and fruits, but also in special vitamin complexes that are allowed during lactation.

Chocolate and other delicacies will cheer you up. Read more about sweets you can eat while breastfeeding here. However, always remember the dosages, especially in the first six months of a baby's life!

Sometimes mom loses milk, because of which she begins to worry even more. Remember, this is temporary! correct balanced diet and methods of increasing lactation will help return milk.


If rest does not help, and depression progresses, then more drastic measures should be taken. Under no circumstances should the process be started. Postpartum depression requires special attention, because now every little thing and the smallest problem can piss off mom.

There are cases when such depression develops into psychosis, which is difficult to cope even with a doctor.

But before you go to buy sedatives at the pharmacy, consult your doctor! Remember that even those allowed during breastfeeding can cause allergies or colic in the baby. After all, everyone has an individual tolerance.

Let's see what kind of sedative a nursing mother can have. These are products that contain natural plant ingredients and are the safest for the baby.

  • Tablets "Valerian"

They soothe, restore sleep, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. This drug is often prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. It is excellent for sleep disorders and neurosis. At the same time, the tablets do not have negative impact on the baby.

A sedative is prescribed to drink one tablet 2-3 times a day. But when breastfeeding, the maximum dose should not be used! Therefore, it is enough to take one tablet per day. The course is no more than 10 days. In case of overdose, drowsiness, lethargy, headaches and dizziness occur.

Reception of means should be supervised by the doctor!

  • Tablets "Glycine"

This is one of the most safe means, which is even prescribed to infants for sleep disturbance and restless behavior. Therefore, nursing mothers are also recommended to drink "Glycine". The drug has a mild sedative effect, does not cause drowsiness and lethargy

The medicine is drunk one or two pieces 3 times a day. At the same time, the tablets should not be taken with water, but must be kept until completely dissolved in the mouth.

  • Tablets "Motherwort"

This is a natural, harmless remedy that has a sedative effect. However, it does not affect or improve sleep like Valerian does. However, one or two tablets a day already have a sedative effect. Therefore, "Motherwort" can be taken not systematically, but as needed.

  • Modern means

These include "Persen", "Novopassit" and many others. They relieve stress, but require special care when taking. Doctors do not recommend drinking such pills while breastfeeding. And "Persen" is completely contraindicated during lactation. Also, a nursing mother is forbidden to use "Motherwort Forte" and alcohol tinctures of herbs.

Before buying any drug, be sure to read the composition of the drug. Pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiration date. Remember that a doctor should choose a sedative and prescribe a dosage!

Folk remedies: herbal preparations and teas

Often mothers prefer sedatives herbal preparations. However, these drugs should be taken with caution while breastfeeding. What sedative herbs can be drunk during lactation without harm to the baby?

Have a calming effect medicinal plants containing alkaloids and essential oils. These are mint, motherwort, valerian, passionflower and lemon balm.

The safest for breastfeeding are valerian and motherwort.

The tincture is easy to make at home. To prepare the infusion yourself, take 15 grams of dried motherwort leaves or dry root of the plant and pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse the collection for 15-20 minutes, then cool and strain. Drink this tincture before meals, one tablespoon 3 times a day

If you decide to drink herbal tea, then carefully study the composition. See what herbs are present in the product and in what quantity. good remedy will become children's teas. Although they are more suitable for babies, mom can drink such a drink too. It improves well-being and uplifts mood.

Decoctions of pharmacy dill or fennel also soothe. In addition to the calming effect, the tincture has a beneficial effect on digestion. And you can drink tea in unlimited quantities.

The birth of a child is undoubtedly a joyful event in the family. But after festive mood, the fun of relatives, a joyful discharge from the hospital with flowers and champagne, harsh monotonous everyday life begins. One day is like another, the newly-made mother does not belong to herself now, and there is practically no time left for herself.

At first the woman gets used to not sleeping at night, then her nerves are tested to the limit by crying, especially when colic and bloating begin. It happens that in the first month a mother does not have time not only to cook dinner for the family, but even just to eat ready-made food.

How to regain peace of mind and enjoy motherhood? What relaxation techniques are useful to know and apply? And what sedatives during breastfeeding will not harm the baby? Let's discuss.

What is happening to me?

We want to clarify right away that we are not talking about severe mental disorders that require treatment with serious drugs with mandatory weaning, but about periodic nervous tension associated with worldly concerns and the appearance of a baby in the house.

The sedatives, which we will talk about, help relieve tension, increase stress resistance, and get enough sleep. But their main advantage in our case is that they are compatible with lactation. However, first you need to make sure that the mother does not have postpartum depression.

postpartum depression- this is a condition in the period after childbirth, in which a woman loses interest in daily activities, feels helpless, disappointed, she is annoyed by any advice from others about caring for a child or, conversely, causes her feelings of guilt. Mom can't sleep even when the baby is sleeping, and the crying of the child causes a storm in her negative emotions. She does not want to communicate with anyone, go out into the street. The peak of a depressive state falls on 3-4 months of a baby's life.

Only a specialist can make a diagnosis of "postpartum depression", therefore, if you strongly feel the above symptoms within two weeks, consult a doctor. Perhaps, one cannot do without a psychotherapist and taking certain medications. Untreated depression harms not only you, but also the baby, because he feels that he is unloved, unloved.

At the same time, mood swings are quite common. postpartum condition. A woman changes hormonal background, way of life and pace of life, and even range of interests. If the nerves fail, you can restore emotional balance by analyzing the causes of a bad mood.

Don't push yourself to exhaustion. get enough sleep

Finding the cause of anxiety

An irritated state always has a reason, and our goal is to find it. If we understand why a nursing woman is nervous, we can effectively help her. Here are some of the reasons:

  • Sleep deprivation. There is a direct relationship between discontinuous restless sleep and irritability. Might be worth a try co-sleeping with a child, taking into account all safety rules. Or ask relatives for help so that mom only feeds at night, and the rest of the procedures (wearing a column, changing a diaper, etc.) are done by someone else. Also go to bed during the day as soon as the baby is asleep. Sleep in this case is more important than other household chores.
  • Feelings for the child. Of course, a young mother, especially if we are talking about the first child or the birth was difficult, at first she worries about the health of the baby. She listens to how he breathes, looks closely at the bowel movements, worries before the first weighing whether there is enough milk. These are all natural worries, as long as they don't develop into paranoia.
  • Lack of vitamins and microelements. An irritable woman can become due to a deficiency of magnesium and B vitamins. And most likely, during lactation, she needs an additional source of calcium and vitamin C.
  • Excessive demands on yourself. Mommy can get depressed because she doesn’t have time to do anything. If earlier she was clean, and lunch always consisted of 3 courses, then with the birth of a baby, the accumulated mountains of dishes, laundry and an empty refrigerator can be disheartening if there is no one to help nearby. Here you need to tune in even during pregnancy, that the first two months will be adaptive. So, you should not be too demanding of yourself, but spend a minimum of effort on household chores.
  • Poor diet, starvation. Absorbed by the cares of the newborn, the mother may be malnourished, because she does not have time to cook food for herself or simply forgets to eat in the bustle and makes do with snacks. Try cooking (if you do) for a few days, increasing the amount of food cooked. Alternatively, you can temporarily use high-quality semi-finished products from the store.
  • lactation crises. A condition where milk production is temporarily reduced. This may be due to both fatigue, hormonal changes, and growth spurts in the child, when the baby needs more milk, but it takes some time (2-3 days) to produce it additionally. You should not worry, the phenomenon is absolutely physiological. The main thing in given period more often apply crumbs to the chest.

As you can see, all of these problems are solvable. Just do not give up, and then you can cope with anxiety without medication.

How to cheer up?

Before taking the pill, try the following:

  • We get pleasant emotions. Listen to your favorite music, dance, take the time to go for a manicure. Arrange aromatherapy. And it is not necessary to choose a sedative essential oil. Choose the one you are associated with Nice memories, for example, many people associate tangerine oil with the holiday. Take your stroller for a walk in a beautiful park.
  • Speak out. As a "psychotherapist" you can choose a girlfriend, preferably with children and able to listen, sympathize. When you share what is on your mind, there is an emotional release.
  • Take care of your physiological needs. We have already said that a person needs sleep, food and communication. Do not deny yourself this.

Make time for yourself

The fact is that the cause of irritability may not be the worries associated with caring for the baby. Childbirth could provoke, exacerbate the symptoms of another somatic disease e.g. disruption thyroid gland. Then sedatives will not help in the treatment, but will only mask the progressive disease.

The most correct solution to the problem is to visit a therapist with a standard set of examinations: a general and detailed analysis of blood, feces, urine. If everything is in order with the tests, you can contact a psychologist or psychotherapist.

What medicine to choose?

TO medications during lactation, you should resort only when you feel that all the relaxation methods possible in your situation have been exhausted and outside intervention is necessary. This rule applies even to herbal products. Consider some permitted sedatives while breastfeeding.


The roots and rhizomes of the plant, containing bornylizovalerianate, tannins and a set of amino acids, have a therapeutic effect. The sedative effect does not appear immediately, but is quite stable.

Modern guides on the compatibility of medications with breastfeeding, such as E-LACTANCIA and the Thomas Hale guide, indicate that valerian can be taken during lactation, but with caution. The likelihood of an impact on the baby is present, no studies have been conducted, which means that valerian remains a “dark horse”. In addition, drug overdose can backfire, increasing nervousness and anxiety along with insomnia.

Conclusion: Valerian extract tablets can be used as a sedative for nursing mothers, but this is not the most the best option. It is advisable to refrain from tincture.

A good herb, which is popularly called Heartwort, which immediately indicates the scope of medicinal raw materials. The sedative effect is achieved due to flavonoid glycosides. Recommended for neurosis and neurasthenia. Motherwort not only has a hypnotic effect, but also potentiates it in combination with other drugs.

Motherwort and valerian are compatible with lactation

The effect of motherwort on breast milk has still not been studied, so it is prescribed with caution. Give preference to tablets.


An excellent option that allows not only to increase lactation (nursing mothers are advised to drink), but also has a moderate calming effect.

A multicomponent preparation based on extracts of lemon balm, valerian and peppermint. The biggest concern is mint, as some believe that it can reduce lactation. But there is no evidence to support this theory. There are also Persen forte capsules that differ big amount valerian in 1 capsule.


The composition includes 7 components: valerian, passionflower, hawthorn, hops, elderberry, St. John's wort and lemon balm. The instructions indicate that this drug should not be used while breastfeeding. main reason such recommendations are still the same - the absence clinical research. In addition, the penetration of hops and St. John's wort into milk is very undesirable.

If, nevertheless, you decide to drink a course of this particular sedative, give preference to tablets, rather than drops on alcohol. You need to take the combined drug in minimal dosages and for a short time, after consulting with your doctor.


Homeopathic remedies are based on herbal, mineral and animal ingredients and are generally considered safe for pregnant and lactating women. And yet, it is better to discuss the advisability of taking a particular drug with a doctor. For peace of mind, the following can be distinguished:

  • Nervocheel. Calming, hypnotic, antidepressant. Take 1 tablet 3 times a day, holding it under the tongue until completely dissolved.
  • Valerianahel. Drops based on valerian. They should be drunk 15 drops 3 times a day, diluted with water. Duration of admission - 3-4 weeks.
  • . Available in drops and tablets. On the pharmaceutical market, it is positioned as a stress protector that increases resistance to psycho-emotional stress and replenishes nervous exhaustion. Improves sleep, while after waking up there is no feeling of inhibition. Like all Bittner homeopathy, 10 drops 3 times a day or 1 tablet 2 times a day are taken.
  • Tenoten. Applicable for emotional instability, anxiety. Suck 1-2 tablets twice a day.

One of the homeopathic remedies

All homeopathic remedies are taken half an hour before meals or one hour after.

A worthy option that improves mood, increases adaptive abilities and normalizes sleep. According to its structure, glycine is an aminoacetic acid, which is involved in metabolism, regulating the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system. Best of all, it can be used while breastfeeding! In some cases .

The recommended dose is 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks. The tablet is placed under the tongue until it is completely dissolved. You can take glycine in powder form, then the tablet must first be crushed.

Summarize . It is desirable for a woman who is breastfeeding to be less nervous. If you cannot do without medicines, give preference to herbal one-component ones - motherwort and valerian are best - or homeopathic ones. When buying a sedative collection, carefully read the composition: the more herbs it contains, the greater the risk for the baby. And the rest ... calm, only calm ...

Mental and emotional condition mothers during lactation is an extremely important factor. And this is not a question of philosophy or pedagogy, but pure physiology: adrenaline, produced adrenal glands during stress, suppresses one of the two most important hormones that provide normal feeding breast - oxytocin. With a decrease in the amount of this hormone, milk production becomes much more difficult, which causes a new stress state in the mother, again entailing the production of adrenaline.

To get out of vicious circle, a woman can resort to drug treatment, and then the question arises: how safe is the sedative for nursing mothers and their babies? In this article, we will talk about the most popular sedatives that moms can take, as well as how to improve well-being without resorting to medication.

Why is mom nervous?

Childbirth is always accompanied by a strong release of endorphins - chemical compounds that cause a feeling of happiness, euphoria, relieve stress and pain. However, after childbirth, the synthesis of endorphins decreases sharply, and a feeling of boundless happiness can turn into depression. That is, a typical withdrawal syndrome occurs, known to many of those who were forced to drink medication for a long time, and then abruptly stop treatment.

The reason may be more prosaic, related to the psychology of a woman. The appearance of a child, no matter how long-awaited it may be, is always a test for the family, especially if it is the first.

The husband yearns for the same attention, the parents are obsessive in their desire to teach the young mother all the intricacies of caring for the child, the slightest indisposition in the baby becomes a headache for the mother.

It is not surprising that the woman loses her nerves.

How to deal with irritability or depression during breastfeeding?

The key to a stable emotional state and the best treatment depression - good dream. No matter how stressful and busy the mom’s daily routine is, she needs to get enough sleep (at least 7.5 hours, as determined by the participants of the World Congress on Sleep Medicine).

Often, to maintain a good mood, it is enough to turn on relaxing music from time to time. Otherwise, a woman’s illness can be added to all the worries, since both depression and insomnia reduce immunity.

Next important point A: A woman should not skip meals. It is well known that after eating, albeit not for long, but the mood rises. If there is no time left for either sleep or regular meals, it is necessary to delegate some of the worries to the father or relatives.

Following these simple tips will help improve mental condition women are more effective and, most importantly, safer than a sedative. After all, the thoughtless intake of sedatives affects the quality of milk and the health of the newborn: in particular, it slows down nervous system, and in the worst case, disrupts development. Before taking any sedatives, the mother should consult a doctor.

Who will help?

A purely biological cause of anxiety or depression can be a hormonal imbalance caused, for example, by thyroid diseases.

Vitamin deficiency also affects mood. reduced level hemoglobin, which is often observed after childbirth. Starting to take in this case sedative pills or drink tinctures, a woman will not only not solve her problems, she will also let the main ailment take its course. Correct solution in this case, an examination by a therapist. After all necessary analyzes he will prescribe treatment real illness or, if necessary, refer the patient to another doctor: for example, to an endocrinologist.

If everything is guaranteed to be in order with the physical condition, but depression does not recede, you can turn to a psychologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist for help.

What is the difference between these specialists:

  1. The task of a psychologist is to listen and help resolve life's difficulties. Due to the fact that he received a humanitarian, and not medical education, he has no right to prescribe or even advise taking any medication.
  2. A psychiatrist can both advise and treat with medication, and even forcibly hospitalize a person, but he does not have the right to interfere in the patient's life in the way that a psychologist does.
  3. The psychotherapist, on the other hand, combines both of the above professions: his widest knowledge of the human psyche allows him to treat patients with both drug and non-drug methods.

Which sedative to choose?

Before taking any (even natural) sedative during lactation, you should definitely consult a doctor. The most popular among nursing mothers are the following drugs:

  • motherwort;
  • "Persen";
  • "Novo-Passit";
  • various homeopathic remedies.


The drug can be found in the form of infusion and tablets, and its active ingredient is the plant of the same name - Motherwort heart. The drug is characterized by the absence of side effects, with the exception of cases of allergy to it. The sedative effect of motherwort appears very slowly, and often a noticeable effect becomes noticeable only in the third week of admission.

Caution in the treatment of motherwort should be observed for the reason that it has not been studied for the ability to change the properties of milk and through it to have a sedative effect on the child. When breastfeeding, it is better to abandon the regular intake of this remedy and use low doses. Preference should be given to motherwort in tablets - alcohol from tinctures impairs milk production.


Perhaps the most famous of the sedative drugs. The active substance is the stems and roots of Valerian officinalis (also known as cat grass). The tool has no side effects for the user, but it is still unknown if it has any effect on the child.

So, the medical web directory E-Lactancia called valerian extract a remedy with unconfirmed positive effects on humans. Another source, Medicines and Mother's Milk by Thomas Hale, notes that valerian can be taken while breastfeeding, but with caution. The maximum dose should not exceed 9 ml liquid or 2 grams dry. Otherwise, the opposite effect is possible: insomnia, nervousness, anxiety. When used during breastfeeding, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the child for some time.


Phytocomplex containing two of the above plants - motherwort, valerian, as well as peppermint. The instructions for the drug indicate the undesirability of its use during breastfeeding. It is believed that mint inhibits milk production, but this information has not been experimentally confirmed. However, mint is on the list of plants that can be taken with great care during lactation, as menthol passes into breast milk, lowers blood pressure and negatively affects heartbeat child.


Herbal preparation, which includes seven medicinal plants:

  • valerian;
  • hawthorn;
  • Melissa;
  • hop;
  • St. John's wort;
  • passionflower;
  • elder.

The instruction says that treatment with Novo-Passit during breastfeeding is prohibited, although there is no information on the penetration of active substances into breast milk.


By itself, glycine is an amino acid, i. is contained in the composition of proteins and is an absolutely natural substance for humans. His medical application very versatile. Glycine:

  • improves sleep;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • eliminates nervousness;
  • improves mental work;
  • normalizes metabolism.

Breastfeeding experts do not object to the use of glycine during lactation. Although a small proportion of the substance after its use by the mother will be passed on to the child with milk, it is not capable of harming him. However, even before taking glycine, you should consult your doctor.

Homeopathic preparations

More or less well-known of them - " Valerianahel"And" Nervohel"- are made in the form of drops and tablets. As in the case of Motherwort, tablets are preferable for the reason that they do not contain alcohol, which is not recommended for lactation. The dose of active substances in these preparations ranges from D4 to D12, which means that even one molecule of the herb is not present in the drug granule. Although such a tiny dose does not chemical exposure on the body, the placebo effect (belief in the effectiveness of the drug) does produce an improvement. Such granules are taken three times a day one hour after a meal or 30 minutes before it. In the evening, it is best to take the drug before going to bed.


Let's summarize all of the above. If a depressive state occurs, first of all, you can try to solve the problem in a non-drug way:

  • normalize sleep, rest and nutrition;
  • find time for hobbies and entertainment;
  • shift some of the responsibilities onto the shoulders of relatives.

If this did not give a tangible effect, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a therapist, as well as consult a psychologist / psychiatrist. Use sedatives (even from the list of permitted breastfeeding) or sleeping pills for mom can only be done after consulting a doctor.

These include:

  • valerian root;
  • motherwort inflorescences;
  • passionflower;
  • Melissa;
  • mint is also used as a sedative, but it has a bad effect on lactation And it's better not to use it.

Herbs are brewed according to the instructions on the box, infused, filtered and drunk in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. Keep decoctions in the refrigerator for no longer than three days.

Modern drugs

  1. "Persen". Contains peppermint extract, motherwort and valerian. Menthol, penetrating into milk, changes its taste and affects the heart of the newborn. Therefore, the manufacturer in the instructions indicates about unwanted use phytocomplex for lactating women.
  2. Novopassit. Combines valerian, hawthorn, lemon balm, St. John's wort, passionflower, elderberry, hops. The drug is also not recommended for breastfeeding, but information about active substances, penetrating into milk, no.

Children's teas

You can buy special soothing teas for children and nursing mothers. They are intended for newborns, but many mothers drink them with pleasure and feel great. These are "Hipp with fennel and mint" teas, pharmacy Dill water, "Grandma's basket".


"Valerianahel", "Calm down", "Nevrosed", "Nervohel" are produced in drops and in tablet form. They do not contain alcohol and are recommended for breastfeeding. Taken three times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. In the evening, it is advisable to take a tablet just before bedtime.

The best sedative

Homeopathic remedies are the safest for a nursing mother

Often, when asked about which drugs are best, doctors answer that the best sedatives are good sleep and time spent with the baby. If you undress to the waist and put the baby on your stomach, the emotional state of the mother will improve, she will get a lot positive emotions and at the same time increase the flow of milk.

You should walk more, make time for warm bath with a few drops of lavender oil or a flavored spoon sea ​​salt, do masks, massages and set yourself up for positive. Another important point is not to skip meals. Indeed, after saturation, the mood rises, and if you diversify the dishes with something tasty, you will not need to drink any medicines. You can brew healing teas from nettle, chamomile and lemon balm.

Part of the worries about the baby should be shifted to the shoulders of the husband or grandmother (if possible). Do not rush to complete all homework, most importantly, rest and good mood. If all this does not help, you need to consult a therapist or consult a psychologist.

Caution while breastfeeding

Any, even seemingly harmless herbs can have side effects:

  • herbs can easily cause allergies in mom or baby;
  • the child may sleep too long and refuse to breastfeed;
  • some drugs have the opposite effect and instead of calming, excite the nervous system. The baby may cry all the time and not sleep.

If a drug prescribed by a doctor has a negative reaction, it is urgent to stop the drug and, if necessary, try another one.

Important! Find out from the general practitioner what medicines you can take and not self-medicate.