Why does my stomach not hurt after a hCG injection? The effect of hCG injection on the follicle


All a woman’s sensations are associated with the transformations that occur in her body throughout the menstrual cycle. It is enough to observe your well-being and mood for several months in a row, and you can know when ovulation occurs. At first, you will need to keep a basal temperature chart to confirm your feelings with natural data.

A new cycle begins from the first days of menstruation. Then, under the influence of hormones that the ovaries produce, eggs are born in the follicles. Over the course of a week, they all develop in the same way. At the same time, the ovary increases slightly in size. After a few more days, one of the follicles outstrips the others in growth by several millimeters. Becomes the main one. In general, the process of follicle maturation takes from 12 to 16 days from the beginning of the cycle. After this time, the follicle leaves the ovary and bursts. An egg appears ready for fertilization. The remains of the follicle come out along with vaginal discharge. The moment the egg leaves the follicle is called ovulation.

The rupture of the follicle, the entry of the egg into the uterine cavity, is accompanied by minor painful sensations, and particles of blood appear in the discharge. As a rule, the unusual sensations of ovulation last only a few days and women do not pay much attention to them. But even those who do not know what ovulation is can note that in the middle of the cycle there are several days when the discharge becomes like egg white and increases in quantity. And in some cases, during ovulation, pink streaks and droplets of blood are visible in them. At the same time, especially sensitive women or women with less than adequate hormonal levels notice significant changes in their feelings and behavior.

How to determine ovulation

The process of the egg leaving the follicle remains invisible to many women. In principle, this is how it should be when everything is normal. If physiologically it was built differently, there would be no unplanned pregnancy and problems with conception. But no, you need to conduct a serious study of your body. What effort is required?

The simplest method that allows and can be used at home is measuring basal temperature. A woman must adjust to a certain sleep and wakefulness schedule, adjust her diet, and eliminate bad habits. An ordinary thermometer is used as a tool. You will need a notebook where you will record every day, sensations, life events, and well-being. Then you can view the ovulation period. You will have to measure every day at the same time, without getting out of bed. The sleep interval should be at least 6 hours. If a woman gets up at night, the temperature will not reflect a true picture of the processes occurring in the body. Basal temperature is measured in the vagina or rectum. The latter option is considered more accurate.

What factors influence the temperature indicator?

  • Alcohol;
  • strong tea, coffee;
  • sexual intercourse;
  • disease of internal organs;
  • Acute respiratory infections and flu with fever;
  • nervous stress, tension;
  • physical fatigue;
  • taking pills.

A record should be kept every day, a graph should be drawn according to the data received. The basal temperature in the first half of the cycle, before ovulation, remains below 37 degrees Celsius. 2 days before ovulation there is a decrease of 3-4 degrees. Then a sharp increase of 5-6 degrees. Up to approximately 37.5–37.8 degrees. This is ovulation. After 1–2 days, the temperature drops again by several degrees. If there is pregnancy, it does not fall below 37.

To determine the days of ovulation in your cycle, you should conduct research over a period of 6 months. In women under 30 years of age, 2 cycles are allowed when there is no ovulation, which is considered normal. After 35 years, there are up to 6 cycles a year without ovulation.

What are the sensations during ovulation?

You can determine ovulation by the discharge and feel it. First of all, changes in well-being are associated with hormones. On the eve of ovulation, estrogen increases, and immediately after it, the majority is progesterone. What changes occur in the body during ovulation?

In addition, during ovulation a woman feels a surge of energy, a good mood, an increase in libido, and sex brings the greatest pleasure.

All sensations during ovulation are individual. Sometimes a woman does not experience anything like this at all, and the suspicion of ovulation and all processes disappear due to discharge. They become viscous, transparent, in abundant quantities, odorless.

Feelings after ovulation

Sometimes a woman learns about the release of an egg from the follicle only after ovulation has ended. Changes in sensations are associated with increased progesterone levels. After which the woman becomes less active in behavior, taste preferences change, anxiety and irritability appear. The first changes after ovulation concern the psycho-emotional sphere. Physical sensations after ovulation are very noticeable in chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Then there may be stomach pain and intestinal dysfunction. Basically, nothing unusual happens. If ovulation causes pain in a woman's ovarian area, she may feel relief afterwards. This means that the follicle has burst and the egg has entered the uterine cavity.

Feelings after an HCG injection

If the process of follicle maturation in the ovary does not occur naturally, ovulation is stimulated. HCG injection is used in complex therapy of infertility. It is used for artificial insemination of a woman, during the IVF process. However, in this case, it is problematic to feel the process of follicle rupture. Just like the sensations themselves during ovulation are deceptive. Due to the fact that a woman is prescribed hormone therapy, everything that happens in the woman’s body will be associated with their influence. The process of follicle maturation in a woman is monitored using ultrasound. Then it becomes clear when the egg ends up in the uterus. The discharge after an hCG injection is also ambiguous. In this case, you should not focus on your own feelings and natural secretions.

In the first half of the cycle, the ovary increases in size due to the maturation of the follicles; in the second half, the uterus increases in size. The endometrial layer thickens. The uterus is preparing to receive a fertilized egg and develop pregnancy. Based on this, before ovulation there may be slight discomfort in the ovarian area, and after ovulation - in the area of ​​the uterus. Bloating, indigestion, and changes in emotional background can be observed on any day of the cycle. And the processes of the menstrual cycle are not always to blame.

And hormonal disruptions in the female body. The techniques are used for in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, hormonal or age-related changes.

The technique consists of taking hormonal drugs for development, prescribed individually, and then injecting a drug with human chorionic gonadotropin to trigger ovulation.

Stimulation of follicle development and egg release is used in cases where a couple is unable to conceive a child on their own. The gynecologist makes a decision on treatment after conducting the necessary examinations.

The length of the period (from 6 months to 1 year) during which the woman is trying to get pregnant is also taken into account.

Human chorionic gonadotropin, which is naturally secreted by the chorion in the initial stages of pregnancy, is used for.

Follicle rupture under the influence of this hormone occurs due to its follicle-stimulating and luteinizing properties. HCG regulates the maturation of the dominant follicle, its rupture (i.e. ovulation), the formation and development of the corpus luteum. The administration of the hormone also prevents the development of follicular cysts on the ovary.

Gonadotropin will perform its functions if the injection is given 1 - 1.5 days before expected ovulation. The fact of ovulation or its absence is confirmed by ultrasound.

Hormone injection is not a treatment method. Follicle rupture is provoked at a time, only in the cycle when the drug was administered. The injection will not affect subsequent menstrual cycles. In addition, the absence of ovulation should be recorded by a specialist during several cycles in a row.

When is it prescribed?

During an ultrasound, the gynecologist determines the “” follicle and monitors its development. for the period when it has matured and the release of the egg is approaching.

The injection is given once before ovulation. The dosage is selected individually and ranges from 5000 – 10000 units. Gonadotropin is injected into the gluteal muscle or thigh.

Sometimes repeated administration of the hormone is required to support and develop the corpus luteum, which maintains pregnancy.

ATTENTION! It is unacceptable to make an independent decision about a drug injection. Using the drug without a doctor’s recommendation will lead to serious hormonal disruption in a woman’s reproductive system.

After the injection, the doctor selects the optimal frequency of sexual intercourse for pregnancy or prescribes artificial insemination. Usually required every other day or daily, depending on the spermogram.

At what size is it done to stimulate a rupture?

Intramuscular administration is prescribed after identifying the dominant follicle. With hormonal stimulation, follicles. The doctor uses an ultrasound examination to determine their readiness for ovulation.

The gynecologist prescribes an injection for successful exit when the follicle size reaches 16–21 mm. In each individual case, the doctor individually determines readiness for ovulation.

Within 36 hours after the injection, ovulation occurs and the possibility of artificial or natural insemination occurs.

IMPORTANT! If you administer the drug before the prescribed time, then if ovulation occurs, a non-viable egg will be obtained and pregnancy will not occur.

In what cases should the injection not be used?

Contraindications to stimulation:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug human chorionic gonadotropin or its component;
  • the presence of a malignant neoplasm, the growth of which can be facilitated by the hormone (as well as suspicion of oncology of the ovaries, uterus, mammary glands, pituitary gland);
  • menopause period;
  • lactation;
  • obstruction of pipes;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • pathologies of the adrenal glands.

IMPORTANT! If gonadotropin stimulation is performed on a woman with tubal obstruction, the process may result in an ectopic pregnancy. It is necessary to eliminate the obstruction by laparoscopy.

A contraindication to the procedure may be the patient’s age over 37 years, but in this case the gynecologist makes the decision individually.

What if it doesn't burst?

Ovulation after administration of human chorionic gonadotropin occurs in the vast majority of cases. But there are situations in which the break still did not occur. The reasons may be different:

  • improper stimulation of follicle development;
  • absence of a dominant follicle;
  • the presence of other health problems that were not previously taken into account.

An injection with a hormonal drug is given only if the patient’s ovaries are under constant monitoring and folliculometry is regularly performed using ultrasound. Otherwise, hCG will not promote ovulation, since there will be no dominant follicle.

If the follicle does not rupture 36 hours after the injection, the doctor decides to carry out one of the following measures:

  • administration of an additional hCG drug (for example, 5000 U of the hormone to the already administered 10,000 U);
  • repetition of stimulation during the next menstrual cycle;
  • break and repeat stimulation after three menstrual cycles.

IMPORTANT! A cyst may form in place of the unruptured follicle. Monitoring the process is important both when ovulation occurs and in its absence.

Possible complications and adverse reactions

The alleged complications are explained by the effect of the drug on the body of a particular person. Allergic reactions in the form of a rash at the injection sites are possible.

Adverse reactions occur, which are described in the annotation for the drug used:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • soreness of the mammary glands;
  • pain in the ovarian area;
  • thromboembolism;
  • hydrothorax;
  • temperature increase;
  • gynecomastia.

Taking into account all possible complications, gynecologists decide whether to use the hormone to achieve a long-awaited pregnancy, or refuse it.

- a hormone produced by the embryo after its attachment to the endometrium. It promotes the normal progression of pregnancy and ensures its smooth course. The main functions performed by the hormone are:

  • Stimulation of the functioning of the corpus luteum. As a result, a sufficient amount of progesterone is provided, which remains the main substance that supports the development of pregnancy.
  • Activation of growth and formation of the placenta, due to which contact between mother and child occurs.
  • General control of metabolic processes in the body of a pregnant woman and fetus.

Considering the above functions of hCG, it becomes obvious that it is one of the main regulators of normal gestation. That is why its synthetic analogue is used in medicine to increase the chance of getting pregnant and prevent a number of pathological conditions. An injection of human chorionic gonadotropin can help you conceive and carry a healthy baby. However, everything depends on the specific circumstances of each individual case.

The standard determination of pregnancy occurs by using a classic pharmacy test. When the urine of a pregnant woman gets on it, the treasured 2 stripes appear on the tablet, which confirm the fact of the development of a new life in the womb.

The chemical reaction is based on interaction with the hormone in the urine. An alternative is to test the blood for the presence of a bioactive substance. In the absence of pregnancy, there is very little or no hormone in the body, however, if conception occurs, the hormone will begin to sharply increase its concentration in the blood. For the study, venous blood is used, in which hCG itself is looked for. The first positive results usually appear on days 7-10 in the blood and on days 10-14 in the urine.

Does an HCG injection affect the chance of getting pregnant?

Considering the functions of the hormone, as well as its fairly widespread use in medicine, women often ask: “Should we expect pregnancy after an hCG injection?” To answer, you need to understand a little more about the features of its application.

The hormone injection actually helped more than one woman get pregnant. However, there are only a limited number of situations in which it is effective.

HCG injections are prescribed for:

  • Continued functioning of the corpus luteum. If it is insufficient, the endometrium may be inferior and the uterus will not be ready to accept the fetus. HCG changes this situation for the better.
  • To speed up the process of placenta formation.
  • To stimulate ovulation. This is what hCG is most often used for.
  • To prepare for in vitro fertilization.

Considering the goals pursued by doctors, a number of indications for the use of hormone injections can be identified:

  • Insufficient functional activity of the corpus luteum.
  • Infertility caused by anovulatory menstrual cycle.
  • Habitual miscarriage.
  • High risk of miscarriage.
  • As part of the process when using a variety of assisted reproductive technologies.

In all these situations, the use of hCG injection will be justified. This is confirmed by the many years of experience of doctors and reviews of those who have been helped by such an injection to become pregnant.

How is hCG used?

If a representative of the fair sex experiences anovulatory infertility, then an hCG injection may be one of the ways to solve the problem. It will also help those who, for one reason or another, have a hormonal imbalance, which leads to insufficient maturation of the follicles in the ovaries.

Those women who could not get pregnant for a long time note the positive effect of gonadotropin. Often, even with the progression of anovulatory infertility, it was possible to successfully conceive a child.

If the hormone is used during pregnancy planning, then a single injection of hCG 10,000 is considered standard. This dose is prescribed for a reason. Before the actual injection, an appropriate preparatory stage is carried out, which includes the use of hormones to stimulate follicle growth. Only after they develop and the dominant follicle reaches a size of 20-25 mm, can an hCG injection be used. This is usually days 14-20 of the cycle. The size of the follicle is monitored using ultrasound.

This procedure stimulates ovulation, the follicle ruptures, and the mature egg begins its journey towards sperm. HCG in this case “helps” natural conception occur. Typically, ovulation occurs 12-36 hours after the injection. Therefore, to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to actively try to conceive a child during this period of time. In most cases everything goes well.

Sometimes, to stimulate ovulation, it is enough to give an injection of hCG 5000. However, you need to understand that only the attending physician should calculate the dose. He will be able to comprehensively assess the patient’s condition, her hormonal balance and prescribe the appropriate amount of hCG.

The most popular drugs:

  • Gonal (also Gonal F);
  • Chorionic gonadotropin;
  • Puregon;
  • Menogon.

After successful conception, additional progesterone is prescribed to maintain pregnancy.

What will a blood test show after an hCG injection?

Many women are interested in when they can perform an ovulation test after an hCG injection, and whether it is worth doing it at all. Basically, doctors recommend monitoring the process of the release of the egg from the follicle using ultrasound. However, if you want to use the appropriate tests, then they should be carried out virtually every day after the injection itself to monitor ovulation.

The dynamics of the increase in hCG in the blood after the intended act of conception will help determine its success. It is reasonable to do a pregnancy test after an hCG injection after 1-2 weeks. It takes approximately this long for a fertilized egg to begin to synthesize its own hCG. If you carry out diagnosis earlier, you can get a false-positive result, which is due to the preliminary administration of the drug in the form of an injection. In any case, you should consult your doctor to receive appropriate recommendations.

Individual reviews

Examples include reviews from visitors to one well-known clinic who were given an hCG injection (the survey was conducted anonymously, names have been changed):

  • Anna: “At first I was stimulated with Clostilbegit. In the 1st cycle, the follicle reached 18 mm, but did not rupture. On the second attempt it was 19 mm, and then they gave an hCG injection. We waited more than a year for pregnancy, and after hCG it came! We are now six months old.”
  • Victoria: “We couldn’t have a child for a long time. We've already tried everything. They studied these follicle sizes, tried different methods, stimulated me with whatever they could, and injected me with hCG, but without effect. Although the follicles matured, it still did not come out. In general, gonadotropin and nothing previously used helped us. I ignored the doctors’ recommendations and decided to adjust my weight. And it really helped me."
  • Sofia: “We conceived from the first injection of hCG. Tests were taken 10 days after the injection. They immediately showed 2 stripes. It’s sad, but we were unable to maintain the pregnancy. Now we want to try again."

As you can see, the hCG injection is not a panacea. Yes, it significantly increases the chance of conception, but much depends on the individual characteristics of each woman’s body and the specific situation.


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