Round table on spiritual values ​​of family. Round table “Traditions of my family” - a presentation of the experience of family education

To mom

Raisa Marks
Family traditions. Round table for parents

Round table

« Family traditions as a way of harmonization

childish - parental family relationships"

“Happy is he who is happy

at home."

L. N. Tolstoy.

Hello, dear parents. I am glad to welcome you.

Today, during our meeting, we are touching on a not simple, but very significant topic. « Family traditions» .

And I would like to start our communication with a little warm-up. I name the word, and your task is to choose the nouns that you associate with this word. To warm up, I offer you the floor "FAMILY" (parents give their words-associations with this word)

What is family? The word is clear to everyone, like "bread" And "water". It is with each of us from the first moments of life. Family is home, dad and mom, close people. These are common concerns, joys and deeds. This is love and happiness.

What is most important in a family? (Answers parents)

It is very difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Love? Understanding? Caring and participation? Or maybe dedication and hard work? Or compliance family traditions? What do you understand by the definition of a word? « family traditions» (slide 3?

Family traditions- These are the norms, behavior patterns, customs and views accepted in the family that are passed on from generation to generation.

Traditions- these are firmly established forms of human behavior and their relationships inherited from previous generations. Family traditions and holidays give the baby a sense of stability in the world around him.

Adults and children have a strong need to feel they belong to a group. In childhood, such a group is the family. A traditions, rituals, holidays serve as a kind of "cement", bonding family members, they give a sense of unity and community (slide 4)

It is very important for a preschooler to understand how his family differs from others, and how he differs from other children. That's why family holidays are an opportunity to show the individuality of each household member and convey "spirit" specific family.

Previously, in Rus' there were many traditions passed down from generation to generation. Once traditions were an indispensable component of a close-knit family, reflecting the moral position of all its members. They were a kind of code, a set of rules family life. Now the majority family traditions lost and it’s unlikely that many of us can boast that some family tradition transmitted over 3-4 generations (slide 5)

Although some traditions we still comply since then: for example, almost all families celebrate the New Year and paint eggs for Easter and bake Easter cakes. Those who become very loved by everyone traditions, which are based on national, folk rituals. On Christmas Eve, put a candle on the window, cook and eat it juicy after the first star, on Christmas - decorate the tree with stars and angels and look for gifts from Santa Claus under it, write a letter to Santa Claus (slide 6, on Christmastide - sing carols. On Maslenitsa - bake pancakes. So that the plan is included. tradition, without which your loved ones could no longer do without, regularity is needed (slide 7).

Formation traditions you need to start at the very beginning of creating a family, when children have not yet appeared or are still small. Traditions should be simple. Family is the closest people, and it is important to establish happy traditions, which will help the development of the child’s personality and will warm him with their warmth all his life.

Family is our fortress. Family members are connected by thousands of invisible threads. And this is not only love, support, mutual understanding. The daily life of loved ones is permeated with many intimate details, rituals, traditions, understandable only to them. Family traditions and customs are an integral attribute family happiness and prosperity. Introducing children from early childhood to family traditions instills in them the importance of family and family relationships. Family tradition is a factor, helping to maintain relationships, strengthening family relationships.

Drawing up a pedigree of your family. (Slide 8) Let's begin with family traditions Russia has never done without science genealogy: it was a shame not to know the pedigree, and the most offensive nickname was considered "Ivan, who does not remember kinship". Drawing up a detailed pedigree, your family tree, was an integral part of traditions of every family. By the way, honoring the memory of one’s relatives and remembering those who left this world are also among the original Russians. traditions, as well as ongoing care for the elderly parents.

There is also a wonderful custom of naming a child after one of the family members (there are so-called « family names» ). In addition, our unique tradition the assignment of a patronymic is considered. When a baby is born, he immediately receives part of the clan name "nickname" my father. The patronymic distinguishes a person from his namesake and sheds light on kinship (son-father) and expresses respect. Calling someone by their patronymic means being polite to them. Each of us is a successor of our own kind. The roots of each family, like the roots of a tree, go far into antiquity. And that family is strong who remembers and protects their ancestors. It will be very good if in your family you begin to collect the history of your family. This will be a kind of bridge between the generations of your ancestors and descendants.

Old Russian tradition can be called the transfer and storage of things belonging to distant (and not really) ancestors, their descendants. For example, a great-grandmother’s box or a great-grandfather’s watch, grandfather’s field binoculars, grandmother’s homemade doll - family heirlooms, which are stored for many years and passed on to the younger generation. The history of things becomes not only the property of an individual family, but also the history of the people and the whole Motherland in general.

Simple family tradition– celebrate your birthday as the best holiday of the year. Let the baby realize his importance from childhood, and at the same time learn to receive guests. And let the best gift for him be this day itself, which will mean a cheerful, noisy holiday with guests whom he himself invites (slide 9).

Better yet, create a custom that will accompany every birthday of yours. baby: you can start an album, on each page of which you can trace a baby’s leg or arm, or you can create an annual collage of photographs; it’s good to photograph him alone on the child’s birthday.

On birthdays and holidays, it is customary to give gifts to children; they love and look forward to them. Gifts should be a little oversized, but in moderation. Each toy should develop the child’s thinking, attention, and memory. It's good to give children sports toys: balls, jumping ropes. For the development of fine motor skills - pencils, plasticine, Legos. In this case, you should pay attention to how the child accepts the gift and how he thanks for it.

The main thing is that it brings joy to all family members.

Every family has its own established, familiar actions: the husband came home from work - kissed the children and wife, Saturday came - the whole family goes to lunch with their beloved grandmother, they give dad a gift for every birthday "models", because he collects them, every evening everyone gets together for dinner table and discussing events that happened to everyone during the day, etc. (slide 10).

It is important that family traditions established naturally and brought joy and a sense of security, and were maintained for years. Often, family traditions are installed spontaneously: for example, once the family went to the bathhouse - we liked it, we decided to go next Saturday. So gradually it grew into a habit and turned into family tradition.

Each family is individual. That's why traditions families are different.

If family customs bring joy and pleasure, it gives children a strong sense of family and strengthens their confidence in the future. It is in childhood that the charge of optimism and inner warmth is acquired, which each of us then carries with us throughout our lives. (slide 11).

Family an album is a huge meaningful space of life, on the one hand simple and understandable to a child, on the other - mysterious and amazing.

Selecting photographs and designing the pages of a photo album is exactly the communication that an older preschooler needs in his joint activities with parents. A specific image in a photograph is associated with a particular story from the life of family members, which arouses the child’s keen interest and stimulates its memorization.

Tell us which of you in your family has tradition of going out of town, to the dacha with the child (slide 13?

It's no secret that nature has a huge impact on the development of a preschooler's personality, provides the opportunity for good communication with the child, and walks in nature have a beneficial effect on human health. How nice it is to get the whole family together on a hike, go on a picnic, or go to the country. wander around along forest paths or in a meadow, swim in the river, watch the life of insects, look at unfamiliar plants, collect natural materials for crafts, read well the poetic lines that suit the place, Children love to have a snack in a forest clearing. And adults must teach the child to behave correctly in nature: pick up trash after yourself, don’t make noise, don’t break bushes, etc. If such trips become tradition, then the child will wait and prepare for them, trying to spend time in nature more interesting and useful. Teach children to behave correctly in nature, to take care and protect our common home - the forest, which is the people's wealth.

Tradition In many families, it is a holiday trip with the whole family. It must be summer, summer vacation time (slide 14). This is not only a pleasant pastime, but also an opportunity to learn a lot of new things about the place where you are vacationing. If your family has the opportunity to go abroad together, then it’s definitely worth a try.

Tell me what games and how often do you play with your child (slide 15? We can confidently say: childhood ~ is a game, a game is childhood. Childhood is given so that we prepare the child to enter a rather complex social life, so that the child feels like a person among people, is filled with social emotions, experiences, ideas, so that spiritual life begins to move within him. And the game helps us with this. Play is a child's life, not preparation for life. The game must become traditional in every family. There are a lot of games and toys. You should carefully and thoughtfully approach their selection. You need to play different games: desktop, mobile, verbal, developmental. Good type games "Lotto", "Domino", "Chess". We advise you to definitely play games with natural and waste materials with your child and make various crafts. It is important that both parent took part in raising children, played with them (Lide 16).

Family Reading is the most accessible and shortest way to become familiar with the life experiences of our ancestors and a wonderful means of developing a child’s mental abilities. (slide 17).

Home reading is one of the means of spiritual and moral education (slide 18). At the same time, it not only enriches children with knowledge about purity of relationships, obedience, conscience, good and evil, but also brings together all family members, relatives and friends of different generations and different life experiences, even if the day parents are scheduled by the minute, you need to find at least half an hour in the evening to sit by the child’s bed, talk to him, read a book (slide 19).

Family visits to theaters should become a tradition., museums, exhibitions. Who from parents constantly goes to museums and theaters with children (slide 20?

Man has always had a desire for beauty. Every nation has its own culture, its own customs, its own traditions. We, adults, must help introduce children to the large and complex world of beauty and nature. Visiting museums should be a holiday for the whole family.

Our task is to help the child successfully enter the modern world and take its rightful place in the system of relationships with other people. And here the emotional communication of the child with parents, joint games and various activities organized in the family, including collecting.

Collecting is one of the family traditions(slide 21). It's very good if there is one in the family tradition, if not, then you can offer to collect some collections at home, especially after visiting museums. As a result of this, the child awakens the need for creative activity, the ability to appreciate the beautiful and respect the work of other people. You can collect anything, the main thing is to rely on the interests of the child. A variety of collections will captivate and interest not only your child, but also other family members. You can collect cones, pebbles, shells, various beads, buttons, watches, candy wrappers, dolls, soldiers, etc. Visiting exhibitions and museums can give you an impetus in this type of activity. Then you can organize exhibitions of your collection yourself for friends and relatives. And it happens that parents They themselves have been collecting things for a long time and the child takes part in this as much as possible.

The happier we were traditions and more interesting knowledge of the world in parental family, the more joy the baby will have in later life (slide 23). Joint trips to the theater and nature, family watching a new children's film, visiting grandma for her birthday, making gifts for her with her own hands, reading before bed, freshly baked pie on Sundays - all this creates a friendly atmosphere of comfort, stability and mutual support in the family.

At the core traditions always lies the value of family, which determines the meaning traditional behavior. If a child is raised in traditions humane attitude towards others, then he not only shows compassion, respect, goodwill in communicating with family members, but also feels the misfortune of other people, animals, literary heroes. It is in our hands, so that children grow up literate and educated, well-mannered, so that they love and respect parents, knew their ancestry.

If you decide to create a new tradition for your family, remember the main rules:

The custom should be bright, easy for the child to remember and positive; - the custom must always be observed, and not from time to time;

Create family tradition today - and who knows, maybe in a few decades your children will start talking about fond memories

of your childhood, and tradition will be passed on from generation to generation.

Which family traditions exist in your families? (Experience exchange)


Thank you very much for your active participation in the work round table. We are ready to answer your questions.

Round table “Family. Family traditions"

Goal: to deepen students’ understanding of the universal human value of family and the observance of family traditions that unite relatives and friends.
Disclosure during a business discussion of the meaning of the concept of “family traditions”,
Development of skills to express one’s opinion on the topic of the round table;
Cultivating a respectful attitude towards family and friends.

Progress of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment. Positive attitude. Concentration on the Light.
2. Main part.

Riddle poem.
I have a mom, I have a dad
I have a grandfather, I have a grandmother
And they have me. What is this?
Continue the sentence: “Family is...”
“Family is when everyone is together.”
“A family is a father, a mother, many children and a dog. Children should feel good in the family"
“Family means joint holidays, when grandparents come to visit,” etc.
- What do you think the word “happiness” means for a person?
- Is it career, family, power or money?
- Of course, happiness is first of all family.
- Why do you think family is associated with happiness?
(The word “happiness” suggests the answer. After all, in ancient times it sounded different “compassion”, i.e. your participation in the affairs of other people, the troubles and joys of other people, and these others - in your own worries, labors and successes. And where, if not in the family, are there people who will support you in difficult times and will not demand anything in return! Only in the family they do not look at your social status, career growth, actions. What is important is the person who is loved for nothing. , but just like that, for the fact that it exists!)
3. Telling a story.
- Listen to the parable about the lonely boy!
Once upon a time there lived a boy. He lived all alone. No one raised him, no one punished him, he did not share his joys and sorrows with anyone. And this boy was very sad. One day he went to the seashore and met a gray-haired old man. He was very old, but very wise.
- Where are you going? - asked the old man.
- I'm going to look for a place where I won't be so lonely.
- I know how to help you. “Come with me,” the old man suggested.
He brought the boy to his house, where his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren lived.
- Look! - said the old man. -We all live in the same house, we rejoice together, we are sad together, we eat together what nature has given us, we help each other. Stay! I will be your grandfather, my son and his wife will be your father and mother, and my grandchildren will be your brothers and sisters.
The boy stayed and after a while he realized that only now had he learned to rejoice and become truly happy.
-Who is the parable talking about? Why was the boy sad? Who did the boy meet on the seashore? How did the old man live? How did family members treat each other in the old man's family? What was bothering the main character? How did the old man help the boy? Why did the boy agree to stay? What did the boy understand while visiting the old man? (Now he has learned to rejoice)
- Why do you think this happened? What happened to the boy? (Family, of course!)
4. Formation of the concept of “family traditions”

6. Summing up.
Guys, you spend a lot of time here at school, in our group. We can come up with traditions for our group. I suggest…….

The basis of any family is love, kindness, trust, support. These are the main qualities that are brought up in the traditions of the family.

And it’s completely, completely uninteresting.
And the people I love most,
I immediately forget about despondency.

If the whole family is nearby,
All my family.
That sometimes I am, of course,

Failure won't scare me

3. Failures won't scare me
The cold wind will not be afraid of me,
My family is with me, which means:
I am the happiest person in this world!

There's a bunch of toys lying in front of me,
But everyone has known for a long time
That it’s quite boring for me to play alone
And it’s completely, completely uninteresting.
But when my family is with me
And the people I love most,
I immediately forget about despondency.
And it always was, is and will be...
It will be a very happy and wonderful day,
If mom and dad are nearby.
I will be cheerful, I will be very happy,
If my sister and brother are nearby.
And I will also be endlessly happy,
If grandparents are nearby.
Well, I’ll be the most happy
If the whole family is nearby,
All my family.
2. And I need to confess to my mom and dad,
That sometimes I am, of course,
A little naughty and stubborn
But I love you, I love you endlessly!
Failure won't scare me
The cold wind will not be afraid of me,
My family is with me, which means:
I am the happiest person in this world!
3. Failures won't scare me
The cold wind will not be afraid of me,
My family is with me, which means:
I am the happiest person in this world!


Trofimova Evgenia Nikolaevna,


MBDOU child development center –

kindergarten No. 81 "Malvina".

Target: Fostering a moral culture through the creation and observance of family traditions.


  1. To give parents and children an idea of ​​the importance of family traditions in the development and upbringing of a child.
  2. Introduce the round table participants to the traditions that exist in different families.
  3. Get parents and children interested in creating group traditions.
  4. To cultivate a desire to work together and amicably in the manufacture of souvenirs.

Preliminary work:

Organization of the exhibition “Our Traditions”

Making souvenirs from salt dough with group children

Preparation of “Praises” for exhibition participants.


Multimedia installation for slide show;

Paints, brushes, water jars;

The tin can is large;

Magnet with a picture of the city, Easter egg, New Year's sock;

Progress of the event:

View a presentation containing photographs from the life of the children of the “Solnyshko” group “We are like rays of the sun - lovebirds” (Appendix No. 2).

The teacher reads a poem:

They say that in the old days

And so it was.

Many brothers and sisters

It was fun to be friends.

We drank milk together

We ate sushi together.

Real kindergarten

Each one had a hut.

(Yu. Entin)

Educator: Dear guests! Let's play the guessing game together. An item is placed in a tin can in advance.

Now I, one of you and your child, will show what lies in this jar, and you will become the host, and the task of the rest of our guests is to guess what is in it, only with the help of leading questions, which the host can only answer - yes , No.

(A magnet with a picture of the city, an Easter egg, and a New Year's sock are placed in the jar in turn).

Problem situation: “What are all these items for?”

Educator: What do you think, dear guests, how can these items be connected with each other? What can unite them?

Guest responses.

Every family has different traditions. Family traditions are customs or rituals that we observe from year to year. Each family has its own, some are used to getting together for dinner every evening and talking about the past day, some are on summer vacation and spend it with the whole family, some celebrate the New Year by going to relatives who live in another city, and some He goes out into nature with the first rays of sun.

Educator : “What traditions exist in your family?” (experience exchange). The one who prepared the exhibits for the exhibition talks about the tradition.

Goal: to introduce parents and children to the varieties of family traditions.

Performance by parents and children.

Educator: So we learned about the different traditions that exist in families. Some traditions are very important to you, as they are passed on from generation to generation. Let's try to say pleasant words to each other, which are so important for our loved ones to hear in response to what they do for us. The exercise is called “Words of Gratitude.” I ask you to make 2 circles, the children make one circle, and the parents stand around them. You, the parents, throw the ball to your child and say pleasant, affectionate words, and you, the children, throw the ball back with pleasant words about how good your mother is, or how strong and brave your dad is.

Goal: to show parents and children that feelings and words of gratitude for family traditions are very important for their loved ones.

Thank you for your participation, dear guests and guys, so we learned how important it is to hear pleasant words from each other.

Joint activities between parents and children.


The guys and I have prepared small surprises for you parents, I invite you and your child to color them in memory of today. We have prepared a cast of your child's hand made from salt dough. This will not only teach your children how to make their own gifts, but will also help develop fine motor skills.

Educator: Our group is a big family, look how we painted souvenirs together and cheerfully. Maybe someone coming home today will want to create their own tradition, or remember the traditions of their parents and continue them. Maybe we can come up with traditions for our big family?

Traditions of our group:

1) Children's birthdays by month;

2) “Weekend, weekend with dad, mom and sister” - children’s stories about the past weekend, what new and interesting things they learned.

3) The group’s birthday is the first Monday in October;

4) Drinking tea at the end of the school year - discussing our achievements;

5) Mother's Day - congratulations for mothers;

7) Grandparents' Day - making souvenirs from salt dough for grandparents;

8) “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree ourselves” - decorating the Christmas tree in a group;

9) “Golden Autumn” - making a collective ekibana.

Educator: We would like to thank the parents who participated in the exhibition and present “Praises”. Thank you for your active participation in the life of our group.


Purpose: obtaining information about the progress of the lesson process and its results.

Parents write their wishes and impressions of an evening spent in the sun.

Distribution of booklets(Appendix No. 3). Appendix No. 3-booklet.pdf (630.12 KB)

I distribute booklets with information about what family traditions are

Presentation application"Group "Sun" 31MB

Consultation for parents
"Family traditions"
(Round table)

Goals: - to promote the observance of existing family traditions and the emergence of new ones;
- exchange of experience of family education and traditions;
- improving the pedagogical culture of parents;
- search for new forms of interaction between teachers and parents.

Conversation “Family Traditions”
Educator. What do you think the word “family” means? (Answers)
(parents give their words-associations with this word)
What is family? The word is understandable to everyone, like “bread” and “water”. It is with each of us from the first moments of life. Family is home, dad and mom, close people. These are common concerns, joys and deeds. This is love and happiness.
According to the definition of Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, “a family is a collection of close relatives living together: parents with children”
Since ancient times, home and family have always been spoken of with love and respect. Legends, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings about family have come down to us from ancient times.
Let's try to remember them. I'll start, and you finish.
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better)
The hut is not red in its corners, but... (red in its pies)
What it’s like at home, it’s like that too...(myself)
Children are not a burden, but... (joy)
When the family is together and... (heart in the right place)
Every mother has her own... (baby is cute)
You will find everything in the world, except... (father and mother)
A mother feeds her children like... (the land of people)
There is no dearer... (father and mother)
Family is...(seven I)
As the philosopher Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin said, “the family is the primary bosom of human culture. Here the dormant forces of the child’s soul awaken and begin to unfold: here the child learns to love, believe and sacrifice, here the first foundations of his character are formed, here the main sources of his future happiness and misfortune are revealed in the child’s soul, here the child becomes a little person from whom a great one will subsequently develop. personality or maybe a low rogue"
Czech psychologist Z. Matejcek noted: “The family is an environment in which the fundamental need of a small child to be taken seriously and to be respected in the future is satisfied. In a family, from the first days of life, children receive valuable experience of forgiveness, compliance, adoration, support from loved ones, and feel attention, admiration and devotion from loved ones.
In the book “The Non-Standard Child,” psychologist Vladimir Levi reveals the “image of home” in all its diversity:
“Home was hell for me. Scandals and accusations, prohibitions, mistrust, surveillance... Constant violence against the will, connectedness... indifference, loneliness, boredom... The house broke me..."
“The house was a paradise for me, and I paid for it. He turned out to be unadapted to real life - sheer disappointment. Longing for the unrealizable, the search for the impossible, ultimately atrophy of the will..."
No! A home for a child should not be hell or heaven - but a place where one can live. A place where you want to live.
Of course, the psychological situation in the house is mainly determined by adults. The nature of the relationship with their son or daughter depends on their skill, tact, and patience. -Who do you think plays the leading role in raising a child - the family or the kindergarten? (Parents’ answers)
The priority in raising a child undoubtedly belongs to the family. “Kindergartens are family assistants in raising a child” (RF Law “On Education”)
Dear parents! You are your child's first and most important teachers. His first school - your home - will have a huge impact on what he considers important in life, on the formation of his value system.
No matter how long we live, we still constantly turn to the experience of childhood, to life in the family: even a gray-haired veteran continues to refer to “what I was taught at home,” “what my mother taught me,” “what my father showed me.”
The family gives the child something that no other social institution can give: personal connection and unity with family.
The pinnacle of parenting is the well-being of children. And if the measure of all things is a person, then the “measure” of parents is a child.
The nature of a child’s emotional well-being or distress is determined by his emotional relationships with adults in the family. Communication with adults is one of the most important factors that influence the development of a child.
The only real luxury is the luxury of human communication.
Do you think we know how to use this luxury in our families, do we teach this to our children? (answers)
Let's talk about family traditions today:
...I really love it when everyone gets together.
The table is covered with a white tablecloth.
Grandma and mom, dad and me,
We are called together - family.
O. Vysotskaya

Educator. Please answer the questions in the mini-questionnaire “Every home has its own traditions”
- What do you think is included in the concept of “family traditions?”
- What family traditions do you have in your family?
- Do family traditions influence the upbringing of a child?
- What positive character traits do they foster in a child?
2. Familiarization with family traditions.
Parents talk about their family traditions.
Family traditions are, first of all, holidays that are celebrated by all family members and, of course, the child’s birthday; gala dinners on weekends, when the whole family is gathered and receives a festive service. This could be a tradition of planting a tree or going out of town on New Year’s Eve to decorate a live Christmas tree. It is a tradition to visit museums and exhibitions with your child. These are also cooperative games. Congratulations to relatives. Traditional hikes, walks and picnics in nature. Compiling your pedigree and family albums. Collecting and holding family concerts.

Educator. It is in our hands to raise children literate and educated, well-mannered, loving and respectful of their parents, who know their ancestry.
Take care of each other
Take care of each other,
Warm with kindness.
Take care of each other,
Don't let us offend you.
Take care of each other,
Forget all the quarrels
And in a free moment
Stay close to each other. O. Vysotskaya
We invite parents to take a “Wonderful Bag” with them and put in it what parents would like to take with them from the knowledge they acquired today into the future.

Prepared by:

Elena Yuryevna Tkachenko, teacher at MBDOU No. 29

Goal: To create conditions for the exchange of experience in family education using existing traditions in the families of pupils.

1. Involve parents in disseminating the positive experience of family education – family traditions, using the non-traditional form of work “Round Table”
2. To intensify the interest of parents in the formation of family values ​​through the exchange of educational experiences.

3. Contribute to the establishment of friendly, good relationships in the family, through revealing the meaning of the concept of “family traditions”.

Expected result: parents’ use of family education experience on the issue “My family’s traditions”

Preliminary work:
1. Preparation of questionnaires for parents on the topic “Family Traditions”
2. Audio recording of children’s statements about family and family traditions
3. Making invitations for parents to participate in the Round Table
4. Assisting parents in preparing presentations, wall newspapers, etc.

Progress of the Round Table

I suggest playing the game “I love, I can.” The presenter, holding a ball in his hands, introduces himself (name), says that he loves, can and passes it on to the next player, leaving the thread for himself. And so on in a circle. When the ball returns to the teacher, everyone is “connected” by one thread.
Educator: That's how different everyone has, desires and opportunities, now pull a thread and feel how we are all “connected” by one thread, like one big family. This is what happens in the family!

And now I invite you to plunge into memories of your childhood. Tell me, what feelings do you experience when you remember your childhood? (Parents name and articulate their feelings) The teacher sums up that everyone’s feelings are different, and it depends on how the child was raised, whether he had family traditions in childhood.
I invite you to think about what the word “traditions” means ((parents’ statements). On the slide in front of you is the definition of this concept found in the dictionary. Read and analyze how much this definition coincides with your ideas about family traditions.

Definition from Dahl's dictionary: Tradition is forms of activity and behavior passed on from generation to generation, as well as accompanying customs, rules, values, and ideas. Tradition is formed on the basis of such forms of activity that have repeatedly confirmed their significance and personal benefit. When a change occurs in the social situation of the development of a particular community, a tradition can be destroyed, transformed and replaced by a new one. Traditions serve as the most important factor in regulating people's life and form the basis of education.
Family traditions were and are being created with the goal of strengthening the family, family happiness, and well-being.
Let's figure out why family traditions are needed and what is their role in raising a child? (parents' statement).
Slide 3 The importance of family traditions in raising a child:
- With the help of family traditions, it is easier to teach a child useful skills, to develop his positive qualities: respect for elders, care for younger ones, etc. The phrase “Everyone here does this” becomes a compelling argument for the child.
Family traditions provide a sense of community and unity. Even if the parents are very busy during the week, the child knows that the weekend will come when the whole family will get together.
- Family traditions allow a child to feel proud of himself and his family. How is our family different from others? The answer to this question is important for the child. After all, having understood the differences, the child begins to realize how he differs from other children. What else, if not family traditions, demonstrate individuality, convey a certain family spirit, and clearly reflect the connection between generations. Whatever traditions are passed on in the family, they are the ones that make it united and unlike others.
- Family traditions are another reason for celebration, and for the full development of a child, a holiday is necessary like air. It is better to prepare for the holiday together with children, involve them in setting the festive table, etc. The more childhood was like a holiday, and the more joy there was in it, the happier the person will be in the future.
- Family traditions create unique childhood memories that the baby will remember and tell his children about.
- Now think about what your child will remember?
Each family has its own specific traditions, because tradition is an action or order of things, established over time, repeated over and over again. These can be a variety of traditions, not always in the good sense of the word, but they are certainly present. And now I want to invite you to listen to children’s statements about family and family traditions.
Each family has its own traditions and hobbies, and we invite you to tell us about your family traditions and hobbies.
I invite __________, who will give a presentation about her family and family traditions.
We invite ________-- with a presentation about our family.
Some families do not have their own family traditions and family holidays. What should they do, because today we understand that family traditions help strengthen family relationships and help in the full upbringing of a child.

I offer you several ideas. take into account the experience of these families and create your own, no matter how strange they may seem, one thing is important: family traditions and rituals should not be cumbersome and far-fetched. Let them come into life naturally

Tradition 1
- Start small - reading at night. Every book should teach a child, educate him.
Tradition 2
- Great scope for creating family traditions lies in the kitchen and culinary talents of one of the family members. If a child is interested in cooking, give him the opportunity to master his “signature dish,” which will take pride of place on the table.

Tradition 3
- You will be surprised, but the best tradition associated with a child’s birthday is to celebrate this day as the best holiday! Let the baby feel his importance to loved ones from childhood, learn to receive guests and... of course, get used to the tradition of celebrating birthdays! And for adults, this holiday is an occasion to fantasize about special rituals.

Tradition 4

In many families, it is customary to mark the child’s growth on a special ruler. You can trace the baby’s arms and legs every year or create a photo gallery. In a word, to do something that will help him later remember his childhood.
- Together with your child, you can start drawing up a family tree or start collecting some kind of collection, the scope for imagination is limitless!

Tradition 5 Family archives

It's not the past, it's always tomorrow.

A family must have its own archive: certificates, medals of fathers, grandfathers, family history and surnames.

Of course - a family album.

Tradition 6 Family album

This huge space of our life, on the one hand, is simple and understandable to a child, on the other – mysterious and amazing.

When was the last time you leafed through your family album?

Looking at photographs, designing album pages - this is exactly the kind of communication that an older preschooler needs in his joint activities with his parents.

The image in the photograph is always associated with some story from the life of family members; this arouses the child’s keen interest and stimulates its memorization.

Tradition 7 Family outdoor recreation

How many of you have such a tradition - going out into nature (to the country) with your child?

Nature has a positive influence on the child. Develops the personality of a preschooler and provides the opportunity for good communication with the child. Walking in nature has a beneficial effect on human health, develops it, teaches it to take care of the surrounding nature, and gets acquainted with the life of plants, animals, birds, and insects.

Tradition 8 Family visits to theaters, museums, exhibitions

Now let’s find out which of you constantly goes to museums, theaters, and exhibitions with your children? (parents' answers)

Man at all times has a natural desire for beauty. As we know, every nation has its own culture, customs, and traditions. We adults must help introduce children to the large and complex world of beauty, nature, and art. Visiting museums should be a holiday not only for the child, but also for the whole family

Tradition 9 Collecting

It’s very good when there is a tradition in the family. And if not, then we can offer collecting. Collect any collections together, especially after visiting the museum, a choice appears (pebbles, shells, driftwood, candy wrappers, beads, stamps). As a result of this, the child awakens the need for conscious activity, the ability to appreciate the beautiful and respect the work of people.

Conclusion: family values ​​are something that cannot be bought for any money, inherited or stolen. Family values ​​can be acquired and carried throughout life by everyone together.
I suggest you think and decide whether you agree or disagree with maintaining family traditions, raise the sign (yes, no).
I propose to end our meeting with proverbs and sayings about family.
You see the beginning of the proverb on the screen, and we ask you to continue
What is the treasure for... (when there is harmony in the family)
A family is strong when... (one roof over it)
Family pot... (always boiling)
In a good family.. (good children grow up)
Family in a heap... (not even a cloud is scary)
Each hut...(its own rattles)
Where is the love and advice... (there is no grief there)
When there is no family... (and there is no home)

Parents are given leaflets “Values ​​of family education”

We also have traditions in our group, and you and I will definitely remember one of them today..... (drinking tea together)

Tkachenko Elena Yurievna