5 proverbs from different nations about mercy. Proverbs about mercy, kindness and compassion


MBOU Vigskaya Secondary School

Appendix No. 12

Extracurricular activity

on the subject "Origins"




teacher of the subject "Origins"

and "ORKiSE"

Smirnova E.V.

2010-2011 academic year

Target: education of philanthropy as one of the most important personality qualities necessary in society.


    talk about best qualities person, to show that mercy and kindness are the fundamental principles of man, the basis of human relationships;

    develop the ability to reflect, think about people’s actions;

    promote the development of skills to work in a group, lead a discussion, defend one’s point of view;

    development of moral qualities;

    development of creative abilities.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, music I.S. Bach “Ave Maria”, images on the topic: “Mercy”, cards with cut proverbs and sayings, image of the monument to the “Warrior Liberator”, images of sisters of mercy, F.F. Ushakov, Doctor Roshal, hearts for children.

Progress of the lesson

Epigraph “There is only one undoubted happiness in life - to live for others”

L. N. Tolstoy

Good afternoon, guys! How wonderful it is that a person does not live alone in the world. Do you agree with me?

- Why?

“Everyone should understand and feel this.

Creative workshop

(Work in groups)

— What qualities do you value most in people? (You write qualities on the rays of the sun for group 1, on the petals of a flower for group 2)

(Children read out their lists of positive qualities).

1. Joining

(Film "Mercy")

— I suggest you watch the film and answer the questions after watching:

What feelings did you have?

— Which human qualities do you think will be discussed in our lesson?

— Today we will talk about such an important human quality as mercy.

- Which of you can explain what mercy is?

(slide 1)

— Sergei Ozhegov gave the following definition of this word:

“Mercy is the willingness to help someone, to forgive someone, philanthropy.”

2. Main part

- What other ones? human qualities close to mercy?

(Groups are given a list of qualities; children must choose which qualities are close to mercy).









Let's compare the human qualities that you value and those that are close to mercy.

- What happened?

- Do you think it is possible to check angry man or kind? (students' answers)

- Do you agree with me on the following:

If it seems to you that all people are evil, then you are an evil person. If it seems to you that all people are kind, then you kind person, you have wealth in your soul, you have good feelings.

Mercy is one of the main qualities of the Russian people. Our wise ancestors composed many proverbs about mercy and kindness.

(Proverbs and sayings about mercy and kindness).

What proverbs and sayings about kindness and mercy do you know?

Students: (students take turns saying proverbs and sayings)

Kindness without reason is empty.

A good deed nourishes both soul and body.

A good person lives in goodness forever.

What you cannot do by force, you will achieve with kindness.

Beauty until the evening, but kindness forever.

Good brotherhood is better than wealth.

Game “Collect proverbs”

(Guys work in groups. Make up proverbs and explain their meaning.)

The proverbs were based on life examples, but can you give examples of merciful deeds?

(Children's statements)

— Do you think there is a place for mercy during war? Listen to the poem.

(A prepared student reads A. Prokofiev’s poem “It Was at Dawn in May”) (Slide 2. Monument to the “Warrior-Liberator”)

It was at dawn in May,

The battle intensified near the walls of the Reichstag.

I noticed a German girl

Our soldier on the dusty pavement.

She stood at the post, trembling,

IN blue eyes fear froze,

And pieces of whistling metal

Death and torment were sown around...

Then he remembered how, saying goodbye in the summer,

He kissed his daughter

Maybe this girl's father

His own daughter was shot...

But now Berlin is under fire

The fighter crawled and, shielding him with his body,

girl in short dress white

He carefully took it out of the fire.

— It is believed that the prototype for the sculptor was a Soviet soldier, a native of the village of Voznesenka, Tisulsky district Kemerovo region, Nikolay Masalov, who saved German girl during the storming of Berlin in April 1945.

- Why did our soldier save the German girl? What feelings do you think he had at that moment?

“During various wars, real feats were accomplished by women who voluntarily went to the front to save the lives of our soldiers.

(Slide 3. Sisters of Mercy)

SISTERS of mercy. Nurses. And more often just “sisters”...

How many people over the centuries owed their lives to them! Perhaps one of the most bright images their asceticism can be considered an episode in the film “They Fought for the Motherland,” where a small, fragile girl drags a wounded soldier across an endless field. But this is a movie, and how many similar episodes happened in reality!

So, the first women in the world who voluntarily and organizedly went to the front to help wounded soldiers were the sisters of mercy of the Moscow St. Nicholas Convent. This event occurred during the Crimean War of 1853-1856. And in 1854, Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna established the first specialized community of sisters of mercy in Russia and Europe, who were trained to work directly in the ranks of the active army, it was called Krestovozdvizhenskaya. Direct leadership and organizational activities in the formation of new social institution carried out by the famous doctor, founder of field surgery Nikolai Pirogov. Leo Tolstoy spoke beautifully about the actions of the sisters of mercy in his Sevastopol Stories. 68 of the women who arrived at the front were awarded the medal “For the Defense of Sevastopol”, among them Bakunina, Kartseva, Stakhovich and others. Of the 120 sisters of the Holy Cross Convent who worked in besieged Sevastopol, 17 died in the line of duty official duties, and Baroness Yulia Vrevskaya died of typhus in the field hospital.

world day nurses It has been celebrated in Russia since 1981.

“Our compatriots showed mercy in times of peace.

Fedor Ushakov

The famous Russian admiral Fyodor Fedorovich Ushakov was born in 1744 in the Yaroslavl province into a poor noble family. Graduated from St. Petersburg Marine cadet corps. Served in navy 38 years, of which more than twenty years - on the Black Sea.

The list of his services to the Fatherland is enormous. Ushakov participated in the construction of the Sevastopol naval base. In the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791. won several striking naval victories, the most famous of which was the battle at Cape Kaliakria (1791). This victory immortalized the name of Ushakov, placing him among the most famous naval commanders in the world.

Having retired from official affairs, he moved to the permanent place of his earthly life: to the quiet village of Alekseevka in Temnikovsky district, near the Sanaksarsky monastery.

He gave everything he had “to help his neighbors and the suffering.” Back in 1803, he contributed twenty thousand rubles to the Board of Guardians of the St. Petersburg Orphanage. “I have long had a desire to distribute all this money without withdrawal to the poor and wandering, who do not have homes, clothing and food,” wrote Ushakov. Not only the peasants of the surrounding villages and residents of the city of Temnikov, but also many from distant places came to him for help and consolation.

In the years Patriotic War In 1812, he used his own money to set up a hospital for the wounded.

The famous admiral died on October 2, 1817 and was buried at his request in the monastery. When the coffin with his body was carried out of the city in front of a large crowd of people, they wanted to put it on a cart, but the people continued to carry it all the way to the Sanaksar monastery.

In 1991, the Sanaksar Monastery was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church. Numerous pilgrims come to it, among whom you can often see warrior-sailors. They come to bow to Feodor Feodorovich Ushakov, a zealous servant of the Fatherland, who showed himself great example military valor, mercy and Christian piety.

For ascetic labors in serving the Fatherland, pious life, righteousness, mercy and selfless feat of charity, Admiral Russian fleet Fedor Ushakov was ranked in 2000 by the Russian Orthodox Church to the saints. For the first time in the history of Christianity, a naval commander was glorified as a saint.

- Many examples of the manifestation of mercy can be cited from real life, today we will focus on a person who is known not only in our country, but also abroad.

Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal

Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal was born on April 27, 1933 in Livny Oryol region in the family of a military pilot.

In 1957, he graduated from medical school with a degree in pediatrics. Then he was sent to work as a children's local doctor. Since 1981, he has headed the Department of Emergency Surgery and Trauma. childhood Research Institute of Pediatrics Scientific Center Children's health RAMS. Professor, author of over 200 scientific articles and 7 books.

Leonid Roshal is an expert World Organization health, chairman of the International Committee for Assistance to Children in Disasters and Wars of the World Association emergency care and disaster medicine (WADEM). Member of the Human Rights Commission under the President of the Russian Federation.

In 1996, journalists named Leonid Roshal Children's Doctor of the World.

The doctors of the international ambulance team created by Leonid Roshal are ready at any time to come to the aid of children in trouble anywhere in the world. The composition of doctors has remained virtually unchanged since the creation of the team in 1988 after the earthquake in Spitak. Since then, the brigade has flown to the regions more than 20 times natural disasters, man-made disasters, military actions. Work to eliminate the consequences of a train accident near Ufa and a plant explosion in Ust-Kamenogorsk, trips to combat zones in Romania, Yugoslavia, Abkhazia and Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, Israel and Chechnya, to earthquake-affected Egypt and Japan, Georgia and Sakhalin , to California and India, Afghanistan and Turkey. On May 9, 2002, in Kaspiysk, where many children were injured in the terrorist attack, Roshal’s team was working a few hours after the explosion. 27 children injured in the explosion were rescued. This is a significant achievement of Dr. Roshal’s team.

During the days of the tragic events at Dubrovka, Leonid Roshal managed to enter the hall where the Nord-Ost hostages were held several times, negotiated with the terrorists, took children out of there, handed over medicines, and provided assistance to the sick and wounded.

For the courage and dedication shown in the performance of civic duty during the operation to rescue hostages in the theater center on Dubrovka, on November 5, 2002, Leonid Roshal was awarded the National Hero Award.

“Students at our school also perform merciful acts.

“The Mercy squad has been operating at our school for four years now.” The teacher of Russian language and literature, Olga Aleksandrovna Knyazeva, organized his work. The purpose of the team’s work is: the revival of universal human values: humanism and mercy, philanthropy and compassion for older people, participation in the fate of people in need, and provision of concrete assistance.

Students help older people: chop wood, carry water, and remove snow in winter. In the spring they help dig up the beds. They are caring for the grave of the warrior - internationalist Nikolai Nikolaevich Sergeev.

— When you are in 8th grade, we will also participate in the work of the detachment.

— The teacher reads a poem:

While we feel someone else's pain,

As long as compassion lives in us,

While we dream and rage,

There is an excuse in our life.

3. Summary

“And I advise you: in the evening, before you fall asleep, think: who have I forgiven today?” To whom did you treat with mercy? What has become more of me in the world today - malice or mercy?

“I would really like you to learn to be merciful, to learn not to be embittered, but to forgive, to show mercy, to show that love for people that lives in the soul of each of us.” And I want to give you hearts, a symbol of mercy and love.

— Let's sing the song “The Road of Good”





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    “Military-patriotic education at school” Volgograd 2008

  • /press/news410.ht


  1. Mercy:


    Good, kindness:

  2. To live in evil is to walk through the world.

    Where there is anger, there is mercy.

    Good and good in a dream.
    Good will overcome bad.

    God help the good.
    God helps the good.
    Do not repent of a good deed.
    Good memory.

    Do not reproach a good deed.
    God rules in a good way.

    Do not repay evil for evil.

    Mercy supports justice.

    There are many kind people in the world.
  3. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

We need proverbs, sayings, sayings, etc., about mercy, humanity, kindness, preferably with an indication of the author.

  1. Here you will find proverbs, sayings, sayings


    Good, kindness:

  2. God is his (or your) judge. The Lord is with you.
    To the sick (or: to the unfortunate, i.e. to the punished criminal) do mercy - to speak to the Lord God.
    Take it with your heart, and eat it with pepper.
    God will forgive the guilty, but the king will favor the right.
    To live in evil is to walk through the world.
    It will take the heart as the soul cannot bear it.
    Where there is anger, there is mercy.
    Master of your anger is master of everything.
    Hurry to do good (or: hurry).
    Good and good in a dream.
    Good will overcome bad.
    A good deed does not melt in water (or: does not sink).
    A good deed is strong (or: strong).
    A good deed for a century (or: for two centuries: for this and for that).
    God help the good.
    God helps the good.
    Do not repent of a good deed.
    Good memory.
    For the good, crackers are good for health, but for the evil, meat is not good for future use.
    God rules the good (or: necessary) way.
    A kind person is more likely to do something than an angry one.
    Do not reproach a good deed.
    God rules in a good way.
    We will stand for good, and we will stand for evil.
    Do not repay evil for evil.
    The evil one does not believe that there are good people.
    An evil person will not live in good times.
    An affectionate word - like a spring day.
    A kind word seduces many.
    An affectionate word is not difficult, but quick.
    God gives to a merciful person.
    Mercy is boasted even in judgment. Mercy is red in truth.
    Mercy supports justice.
    Much mercy, eh. more daring.
    Wisdom is a serpent, gentleness (or: meekness) is a dove.
    On sweet Nothing don’t throw yourself, don’t get angry at something rude.
    Don’t give in to a kind word, don’t be offended by the opposite.
    Thankfully there is no sample. It’s not bad that there’s half a pound of malt.
    There are many kind people in the world.
    Don’t be angry at an angry word, and don’t rely on a kind one.

    Folk tales in Dahl's collection

  3. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Proverbs and sayings. Good is evil. Master of your anger is master of everything.

Proverbs on the topic: Good - evil

Master of your anger is master of everything.

Russian proverb

A true warrior is one who has mercy.

Japanese proverb

He's the size of a sparrow, and his heart is the size of a cat.

Russian proverb

Make good money, but bad things will come on their own.

Russian proverb

Even the sword is powerless against mercy.

Japanese proverb

There is no peace for the heart of an evil person even during rest.

Hausa proverb

If you do good, do it to the end.

Russian proverb

To do good is to amuse yourself.

Russian proverb

It is good to beat the one who cries, and to teach the one who obeys.

Russian proverb

What you please people, you will get yourself.

Russian proverb

I don't need your honey or your sting.

Russian proverb

I sow my own good, I winnow it; I reap and reap someone else’s.

Russian proverb

The beginning of anger is madness, and its end is repentance.

Arabic proverb

To an angry person you should bow, but he will be even more arrogant.

Russian proverb

He who is strong in evil is also strong in good deeds.

Japanese proverb

Collect with one hand, collect with the other!

Russian proverb

And it’s good, but it’s out of place. And it’s good, but it’s not good.

Russian proverb

Open reproach is better than secret anger.

Any parents want their child to grow up kind and affectionate. But few things happen “just like that.” And for our aspirations to come true, we, as parents, must, from the very beginning early childhood teach your child to be kind not only to mom and dad, but also to his peers, to the elderly, and also to animals. After all, if a child can hit a cat or dog with a stick, then sooner or later he will swing at a person. But to be so kind and decent, children are taught by proverbs about kindness. The same proverbs that we have collected for you on this page.

Proverbs about goodness

All is good, but not for everyone’s benefit.

Everyone is well-wishing, but in need of help there is no desire.

Everyone is busy and wants what is good for themselves.

Everyone loves goodness, but not everyone loves it.

When you give to someone else, you gain for yourself.

A true pointer is not a fist, but a caress.

You can't get rich by stealing goods.

In a good life, curls curl, but in a bad life, they split.

The good will remain silent, and the bad will remain silent.

Encourage good and condemn evil.

A good man is put in a red corner.

Good is good everywhere.

Kind words are better than soft pie.

Good brotherhood is better than wealth.

The good and crackers are good for health, the evil and meat are not good for future use.

Kindness without reason is empty.

A kind person takes someone else's illness to heart.

A good deed is to speak the truth boldly.

Hold on to the good, but move away from the bad.

A good conscience is not afraid of slander.

A good deed nourishes both soul and body.

A good deed lives for two centuries.

A good deed does not harm a good deed.

Kind silence is not the answer.

The good will be remembered, but the bad will not be forgotten.

Honor the good, but do not spare the evil.

Good child, but dashingly drunk.

They don't change good for bad.

If you don't know good, don't do bad.

Good salt, but if you put it in, your mouth will turn up.

A good godfather will make you smarter.

A good hen sees the grain with one eye and the kite with the other.

A good proverb is spoken in time.

A good family will add intelligence and intelligence.

Good fame flies, but bad fame flies.

Good glory is hateful to evil.

Good fame sits behind the stove, but bad fame runs around the world.

It is necessary to hurry to do good.

Good is not dashing - it wanders quietly.

Good will not die, but evil will disappear.

Goodness does not flow through the world like a river, but lives as a family.

Even cattle understand good things.

Good then will be good when people praise.

A good deed will not go without reward.

Good silence is better than bad grumbling.

A good start is half the battle.

A good seed is a good seed.

Say a kind word and give a stick in your hand.

To a good guest - good food.

The owner is glad to have a good guest.

To the good - good, and to the bad - a rib in half.

A kind word is a kind answer.

A good wife and an honest husband.

Good news does not lie still.

The good die, but their deeds live.

A good friend is better than a hundred relatives.

A good millstone will sweep away on its own, a bad one will sweep away on its own.

A good horse is not without a rider, but honest man- not without a friend.

To be kind is to be known as kind.

A kind word reaches the heart.

A good person cries with joy, and an evil one with envy.

A kind person is better than a stone bridge.

A kind wife and fatty cabbage soup - don’t look for any other good.

A good intention in itself is worth something.

The goodness is collected bit by bit.

A good deed will not drown in water.

Welcome from good man will always come, evil from a bad person will come to

difficult time.

Everyone pays good for good, good for evil - a real person.

The kindness of the good will come in difficult times, the deceit of the evil will always overtake.

A good horse does not get tired, a good person does not refuse help.

A kind word will open an iron door.

You don’t value goodness if you don’t earn it yourself.

My goodness is my soul.

A good intention is half of happiness.

A kind word is sweeter than honey.

God helps the good.

Do good to others - you yourself will be without trouble.

To disdain goodness is to not know people.

Remember the good, but don’t forget the evil.

It’s good to grow, but worse it’s to crawl through holes.

Life is given for good deeds.

Pity comes with tears, and kindness comes with calluses.

Live kinder, you will be nicer to everyone.

He who desires good is like him who does good.

They pay for good with good.

For a good deed, boldly expect praise.

The evil one does not believe that there are good people.

An evil person will not live in good times.

For the evil - death, and for the good - Sunday.

And the dog remembers the good old times.

True goodness is always simple.

And good comes at worst.

Whoever follows the bad will not find the good.

He who thinks dashingly thinks with him dashingly (i.e. Satan).

He who does not govern himself cannot guide others.

Who loves good deeds, life is sweet to him.

Beauty until the evening, but kindness forever.

Whoever loves God will receive a lot of good.

Whoever, having done good, reproaches him, diminishes his value.

Whoever does good will be rewarded by God.

You can’t calm daring with kindness.

It is better to endure yourself than to offend others.

For dashing - dashing, for good - good.

It’s good for us and it’s good for everyone.

Don't judge by the strength of your hands, but judge by the strength of your heart.

Don't drive the horse with a whip, but drive it with oats.

Goodness cannot resist goodness.

It doesn’t matter what kind of face it is, it would have a heart of gold.

Don't feel sorry for the one who jumps, but feel sorry for the one who cries.

It is everyone’s business to respond to good with good, but to respond to evil with good is everyone’s business.


Not all work is good.

Don’t run away from good things, and don’t do bad things.

You won't hear a kind word from a dashing person.

Speak boldly about a good deed.

Rye and wheat will be born every year, but a kind person will always come in handy.

Having done good, do not repent.

The heart is a prophet, it senses both good and bad.

A heartfelt word reaches the heart.

If you do good a hundred times, it’s good, but the hundred and first time you don’t do it, everything is lost.

Having done good to others, expect the same for yourself.

He did good, but in return he made an enemy.

Darkness does not like light - evil does not tolerate good.

Hurry for a good deed, and the bad will come in time.

Learn good things, bad things will not come to mind.

For a good owner, even empty soup is tasty, but for an evil owner, even fatty soup is bad.

It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.

If you spend an hour in goodness, you will forget all your grief.

The jokes don't end well.

Sayings about goodness

A good dog does not bark at the wind.

Do good and throw it into the water.

Good hello and good for the cat.

The wolf is kind to the sheep, but they don’t let him graze.

A kind word is in pearls.

A good head feeds a hundred hands.

Good must be done with fists.

And in the chaff there are grains.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

It won't do any good.

They do not seek good from good.

The world is not without good people.

The heart is not a stone.

He is the size of a sparrow, and his heart is the size of a cat.

This is the collection we came up with. There are, of course, many more similar topics. But that’s not what I want to say now.

The grandson, having read these proverbs about goodness, asked:

- Grandma, what does the saying “Goodness must come with fists” mean? After all, fighting is bad!

I thought a little and said:

- If you see that the weak are being offended, then you definitely need to intercede! By doing this you will do a good deed.

How would you answer your child?

And also, please answer, do they help you in your upbringing?

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