What is the modeling method in kindergarten? Types of modeling in a preschool educational institution

Choice of colors

If a student does not learn at school
create anything himself, then in life he will always be
just imitate, copy.

Primary school is a special area of ​​education. And, undoubtedly, there have been changes that have turned elementary school into something new compared to what it once was.

Primary school provides enormous opportunities for the development of a child’s personality, which today, unfortunately, are not always realized. A child comes to school with a desire to learn, with speech and thinking fully developed for his age. The teacher’s task is to support and develop the child’s desire to learn new things. But how can this be done so that the student can playfully become the creator of something new, so that children of preschool and primary school age develop individual abilities.

And we turned first of all to educational games, which, despite all their diversity, are united under a common name for a reason. They all start from a common idea and have characteristic abilities.

  1. A set of problems that a child solves using cubes, squares, etc.
  2. The tasks are arranged in order of increasing difficulty.
  3. The problems have a wide range of difficulty.
  4. You cannot suggest and ensure that the child solves the problem on the first try.
  5. Educational games allow children to create new options, that is, engage in creative activities.

Educational games are “Columbus Egg”, “Vietnamese Game”, “Tangram”, “Magic Circle”, “Mongolian Game”, “Pythagoras”, “Pentamino” and others. These games:

  • firstly, they provide “food” for the development of creative abilities from a very early age;
  • secondly, they always create conditions that advance the development of abilities;
  • thirdly, by rising, each time independently, to his “ceiling”, the child develops most successfully;
  • fourthly, games can be very diverse in their content and, in addition, they do not tolerate coercion and create an atmosphere of free and joyful creativity;
  • fifthly, unnoticed by themselves, children acquire an important skill - to think and make decisions.

Starting from kindergarten, it is advisable to offer children the “Fold the Pattern” set according to B.P. Nikitina. This set consists of 16 pieces of the same size and shape (shown). Each of the four sides of the cube has its own color: red, white, yellow, purple (blue). The other two sides are two colors diagonally.

At the beginning, it is better to give children a set of such cubes for independent activity, without setting any tasks for them. Children begin to create a car, house, furniture, etc. As a rule, at the beginning, when creating a structure, children do not pay attention to different colors cubes. After they have mastered the new material for several days, the teacher can give tasks in the next classes: For example, offer to build a fortress with a white facade (or any other color).

Gradually you can move on to creating multi-colored patterns using the B.P. method. Nikitina. When creating patterns, children are forced to rotate the cube repeatedly to find the right color. Next, they begin to replace practical turns with mental ones, which contributes to the development of their spatial thinking, which is so important for creative design.

This game well develops children's ability to analyze and synthesize, these important mental operations used in almost all intellectual activities, and the ability to combine, necessary for design work. By the age of 5-6, the child begins to create new patterns on his own.

At a certain stage, children learn to understand and designate spatial relationships using words and phrases: right, left, through, behind, under, over, up, down, etc. Children learn to create a spatial image based on a verbal description, mentally trace and remember the trajectory of movement described in words. Most tasks are based on a two-dimensional drawing, so the child learns to translate a verbal description of a three-dimensional space into a two-dimensional visual image. Children preschool age They can clearly distinguish between the right and left sides, top and bottom in real space, but they cannot always do this on a sheet of paper. Therefore, training is aimed at explaining accepted conventions by the image plane. By the age of seven, children should already be able to consciously choose a point of view and describe the space of the drawing from it. To train this skill included graphic dictations. Next, the ability to work with a coordinate plane, map, and chessboard is developed. Children become familiar with the generally accepted symbols used to create two-dimensional diagrams and learn to read them.

We all love to play the game" Sea battle" This game captivates everyone, especially boys. This game has been forgotten; since other computer games appeared. In the classroom, you can and should play this game, so that during the game the child learns to determine any point on the ground using the method of constructing a coordinate plane.

The game “Pirate Treasure” will take boys and girls to a desert island in order to find pirate treasure. When working with the coordinate plane, the student can repeatedly change the location of points and the sizes of individual segments, which requires students high development graphic skills and logical thinking and, therefore, contributes to its development. This makes it possible to teach students to connect dots with a smooth line, to combine manipulative, visual and mental activities, and this, in turn, creates favorable conditions for learning for students with poor graphic training.

Problems with the coordinate plane are interesting and varied. In order to make working with the coordinate plane more fun and increase interest, such coordinates are set that the result is some kind of drawing: an animal, a plant or an object.

The child must be able to draw a diagram of the apartment, school, house where he lives, his route to school and other similar tasks. These tasks form a holistic vision of the space of objects, the ability to abstract from specific situational details. It is very important to pay attention to the correct relationship between the various parts of the schematic image and their orientation relative to each other.

From the third grade, children begin to work with the image of three-dimensional figures. They learn to determine the length, width and height of a three-dimensional figure from a drawing, and analyze its structure and composition. At the same time, children learn to mentally “see” an object from different positions: from above, from the side, from the front, from the back. They become familiar with the names of three-dimensional geometric shapes and learn to depict them on paper. At this stage, students develop the ability to work with an axonometric image of an object and acquire the skill of constructing a three-dimensional image of this object. In the future, these skills will help the child to easily “read” drawings of any complexity. Later, by making models, children learn to mentally imagine the sequence of spatial transformations, plan labor operations, and be creative in their approach to work.

One of the most difficult tasks in design and modeling is constructing the development of volumetric products. To develop design thinking, it is important to be able to make a drawing of a particular craft yourself. First of all, it is necessary to find a pattern in the construction of the product.

The creation of technical models plays a major role in the development of design thinking of junior schoolchildren. They can be made from various materials: plasticine, clay, plywood, tin, wood, etc. The simplest ones for them are paper and cardboard. We offer manufacturing and development schemes not only for geometric shapes and toys, but also complex models or models of houses, furniture, cars, tractors, etc.

To create models, as well as other crafts, first of all, it is necessary to highlight the main design details and the general principle of construction. For example: cars (trucks) consist of a supporting frame, cabin, body, wheels. First of all, a sketch of the machine they want to make is made, design features and shapes of parts are found. The body and cabin of different cars are different and different in shape. These most general principles must be found for each group or individual design: this will greatly facilitate the modeling process. Models can be complex and simplified, that is, only generally conveying external similarities with real machines.

After completing the work, you can invite the children to make changes to the finishing of the models and try to independently develop designs based on their own sketch.

Design is a creative process and everyone can find their own solution in the manufacture of a particular part and model as a whole.

Currently, construction sets of various types are produced, made from different materials: metal, plastic, wood, etc. If our children previously knew only gluing and used scissors, a ruler, and a pencil, then in the game “Designer-Mechanic” students independently assemble and install technical models and layouts. At the same time, they use a screwdriver, a wrench, tighten screws, bolts, hinges, thereby obtaining information about previously unknown tools.

Each designer set contains a table of parts, drawings or photographs of the step-by-step assembly of models from which the structure can be made. The main parts of the constructors have a geometric shape, and their connections in different combinations make it possible, basically, to display real-life objects, to model their structure from the point of view of the functional purpose of each.

To successfully reproduce a drawing or diagram, children need, as mentioned earlier, the ability to “read” them correctly: mentally translate voluminous objects, parts of parts into planar ones and vice versa. Otherwise, children often make mistakes at the beginning or in the middle of the reproduction process and do not discover the errors themselves, but only their influence on the result after completing the assembly of the structure, which leads to the need to disassemble it and read everything from the beginning. At the same time, children can come up with images that do not exist in life or in their experience, and create designs of “Robot”, “Giant”, etc.

The games, activities, and exercises we recommend are aimed at helping children complete logical tasks without noticing. The role of the adult in this process is to maintain the interest of children and guide their activities.

IN modern society, when technological progress is developing at a rapid pace, when industrial development is in one of the first places in Yakutia, the Vilyuchansky Lyceum named after. V.G. Akimova determined his direction - technical education.

Since kindergarten and primary school are the foundation of education, our methodological association of primary school teachers and preschool educators, having analyzed their many years of experience, created the “Design and Modeling” program for preschool and primary education. Over the course of three years, this program was tested and in 2006 approved by the ulus expert commission. In addition, a training manual on design and modeling has been published.

The skills acquired in elementary school in this course help children in the future when studying geometry, drawing, technology, and descriptive geometry in the senior classes of the lyceum.

The continuity and partnership of our work is visible in the development of project activities for students in various subjects, such as furniture making in UPM, clothing design by high school students, writing essays and reports.

Introduction of the subject “Design and Modeling” into the curriculum as one of the standard subjects general education the second generation became the call of the times.

By offering this material for teaching children, we sought to ensure that the joy of entertainment gradually turns into the joy of learning.

Learning should be joyful!

Design and modeling.

Goals and objectives:

  1. Develop spatial imagination, memory, fine motor skills, speech, thinking, perseverance, creativity
  2. Teach to reason logically, draw conclusions, prove, develop flexibility of thinking.
  3. Develop the ability to work in two-dimensional space, design models of geometric shapes, various objects, and vehicles.
  4. To develop the ability to work with images of three-dimensional figures and a holistic vision.
  1. Working with building materials.
  2. Work according to the sample.
  3. Application of geometric shapes.
  4. Fold the pattern.
  5. Origami.
  6. Lego.
  7. Mosaic.
  8. Educational games.
1 class
  1. Origami.
  2. Graphic dictation.
  3. Geometric applique.
  4. Puzzles with matches.
  5. Tangram.
  6. Fold the pattern.
  7. Work along the contour.
2nd grade
  1. Fold the pattern.
  2. Educational games:
    • Pythagoras.
    • Tangram.
    • Vietnamese game.
    • Mongolian game.
    • Columbus egg.
    • Pentamino.
    • Fold it into a square.
    • Fold the figure.
  3. Puzzles with matches.
  4. Modeling on a plane.

3rd grade

  1. Tangram (14 tans).
  2. Drawing up schematic maps.
  3. Figures made from strips of paper.
  4. Working with axonometric images.
  5. Working with a drawing of a three-dimensional figure.
  6. Coordinate plane.
4th grade
  1. Modeling.
  2. Projection.
  3. Coordinate plane.
  4. Subject model.
  5. Construction from metal construction kit parts.

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1. Theoretical basis modeling in work with preschool children

1.1 The importance of modeling as a method of working with preschoolers

1.2 Classification of models and types of modeling in a preschool educational institution

1.3 Development of logical and mathematical thinking of a preschooler in the process of working with models

2. Experimental work on the use of the modeling method in working with preschoolers

2.1 Organization and conduct of experimental work

2.2 Description of a series of classes using Dienes blocks

2.3 Analysis of the results of experimental work


List of sources used

Appendix 1. Stimulus material for the Raven method

Appendix 2. Games aimed at the logical and mathematical development of children


For modern educational system the problem of mental education is extremely important. According to scientists' forecasts, the 3rd millennium, on the threshold of which humanity stands, will be marked by an information revolution, when knowledgeable and educated people will become valued as true national wealth. The need to competently navigate the growing volume of knowledge places different demands on the mental education of the younger generation than they did 30-40 years ago.

Raising and teaching children in kindergarten is educational in nature and takes into account two directions in which children acquire knowledge and skills: the child’s extensive communication with adults and peers, and the organized educational process.

A “smart” childhood lays a good foundation for the intellectual activity of an individual. Modern psychologists(A.A. Wenger, S.P. Proskura, etc.) believe that 80% of intelligence is formed before 8 years of age. This situation places high demands on the organization of education and training of older preschoolers.

Communicating new knowledge to children, creating more complex skills allows the teacher to emphasize the importance of activities for the development of cognitive interests. Each type of activity influences the development of a child’s personality in a certain way.

One of the leading experts in the field of mental education of preschool children, N.N. Poddyakov rightly emphasizes that modern stage it is necessary to give children the key to knowledge of reality, and not strive for an exhaustive amount of knowledge; this took place in the traditional system of mental education.

But in the studies of A.P. Usova, A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Venger, N.N. Poddyakov revealed that the opportunities mental development preschool age children is much higher than previously thought. A child can not only learn the external, visual properties of objects and phenomena, as provided for in the systems of F. Froebel, M. Montessori, but is also able to assimilate ideas about the general connections that underlie many natural phenomena and social life, and master methods of analysis and solution various tasks.

From this point of view, it seems relevant to study all aspects of mental education, its tasks and organizational methods. One of the most promising methods for implementing mental education is modeling, since the thinking of an older preschooler is distinguished by subject imagery and visual concreteness.

The modeling method opens up a number of additional opportunities for the teacher in mental education, including logical and mathematical development. However, at present there is no comprehensive system for using modeling as one of the main means for the development of logical and mathematical development of preschool children. Also, methods for teaching modeling to preschoolers have not been sufficiently developed. That is why we believe that the current topic of research today will be: “Modeling as a means of logical and mathematical development of preschool children.”

Purpose of the study is to study the influence of models when conducting didactic and logical-mathematical games when working with preschoolers.

Object of study: the process of logical and mathematical development in preschoolers.

Subject of study: techniques and methods for teaching preschool children modeling during didactic and logical-mathematical games in the classroom.

Research objectives:

1. Consider theoretical approaches to the understanding and development of logical and mathematical thinking in preschoolers.

2. To study the formation and development of the logical sphere of preschool children.

3. Consider didactic games as a means of enhancing mathematics learning.

Research hypothesis is that the use of modeling techniques in the process of conducting didactic games with mathematical content will allow the child to develop the validity of the judgments put forward, which will significantly affect the level of logical and mathematical development.

Research methods:

1. Theoretical - analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem;

2. Empirical - includes a method for diagnosing the intelligence of preschool children: Dienesh’s logical blocks

3. Interpretive-descriptive - quantitative and qualitative analysis of empirical research.

Practical significance The conclusion of the study is that the results of the study on this issue can be used in the practice of preschool teachers.

Experimental The research base was made up of children senior group"Child Development Center, kindergarten No. 356", Omsk, number of children - 25.

Work structure: the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix. In the first chapter, we describe the types of models, how models are used in kindergarten, how thinking develops in children, and touch on a little history of the creation of models. In the second chapter we describe experimental work with preschoolers, the results of the survey and give some recommendations. In conclusion, we summarize the results of all the work written and carried out. The appendix includes games for the development of logical thinking, their description and goals, as well as tasks that were taken during the primary and secondary research on the level of development of logical thinking in children of senior preschool age.


1.1 Meaningmodeling as a method of working with preschoolers

The penetration of mathematical methods into the most diverse, sometimes unexpected areas of human activity means the opportunity to use new, usually very fruitful, means of research. The growth of the mathematical culture of specialists in the relevant fields leads to the fact that the study of general theoretical principles and methods of calculation no longer encounters serious difficulties. At the same time, in practice it turns out that mathematical knowledge alone is far from sufficient to solve a particular applied problem - it is also necessary to gain skills in translating the original formulation of the problem into mathematical language. This is the problem of mastering the art of mathematical modeling.

Hall (1963) said that the purpose of applied mathematics is to make mathematical sense of reality. On the other hand, it is perhaps more important for a practicing engineer to know whether his bridge will withstand the expected load, whether the purchased coal will last until the end of the heating season and whether the blade in the turbine will burst - in other words, to get specific answers to specific questions. In the practice of mathematical modeling, the starting point is often some empirical situation that poses a problem for the researcher to which an answer must be found. First of all, it is necessary to establish what exactly the task is. Often (but not always), in parallel with this stage of problem formulation, there is a process of identifying the main or essential features of the phenomenon. In particular for physical phenomena, this process of schematization or idealization plays a decisive role since many processes are involved in a real phenomenon and it is extremely complex. Some features of the phenomenon seem important, while others seem unimportant. Take for example the movement of a pendulum formed by a heavy weight mixed at the end of a thread. In this case, what is essential is the regular nature of the pendulum’s oscillations, and what is not significant is that the thread is white and the weight is black. Once significant factors have been identified, next step consists in translating these factors into the language of mathematical concepts and quantities and postulating relationships between these quantities. After building a model, it should be tested. The adequacy of the model is usually verified to some extent during the formulation of the problem. The equations or other mathematical relationships formulated in the model are constantly compared with the original situation. There are several aspects of adequacy testing. Firstly, the mathematical basis of the model itself (which constitutes its essence) must be consistent and obey all ordinary laws mathematical logic. Secondly, the validity of the model depends on its ability to adequately describe the initial situation. A model can be made to reflect reality, but it is not reality itself.

Speaking about Russia, we can recall that the science of mathematical modeling has been developing since the 1960s. and has great traditions. But something else is important for us now - part of the potential accumulated then, developed in control theory and its applications, still remains “unclaimed” by the modern science of modeling in its “pure” form.

Note that many fundamental problems applied modeling were first identified by I.A. Poletaev. He was the first to draw attention to the utility of mathematical models, giving an original classification of models according to the purposes of their use: “search” model - for testing hypotheses, “portrait”, also known as demonstration, - for replacing an object in an experiment (for example, for simulators - which in at that time it was considered almost like science fiction) and, finally, a “research model”, which in the modern sense means an orientation towards a complex computational experiment.

In another work, I.A. Poletaev raised another equally important range of questions - about the fundamental “subjectivity” of mathematical modeling. At least two of his statements still deserve attention today. In the problem of mathematical modeling, “in addition to the object of modeling and the model, there is necessarily a subject of modeling, a person, through whose efforts and in whose interests the model is carried out.” The role of the subject of modeling turns out to be decisive, because it is his goals, interests and preferences that form the model.

Creating a model is not necessary in itself, but for solving practical problems, which alone can justify the expenditure of effort on creating a model. The model is created in order to work: “Only the full implementation of the model with its “running” through calculations fully pays for the cost of modeling.”

Modeling as a cognitive technique is inseparable from the development of knowledge. In almost all sciences, the construction and use of models is a powerful tool of cognition. Real objects and processes can be so multifaceted and complex that the best way to study them is often to build a model that reflects some facet of reality and is therefore many times simpler than this reality, and to study this model first.

Centuries of experience in the development of science have proven in practice the fruitfulness of this approach. However, modeling as a specific means and form of scientific knowledge is not an invention of the 19th or 20th centuries. Essentially, modeling as a form of reflection of reality originates in the ancient era simultaneously with the emergence of scientific knowledge. However, in a distinct form (albeit without using the term itself), modeling begins to be widely used during the Renaissance; Brunelleschi, Michelangelo and other Italian architects and sculptors used models of the structures they designed; in the theoretical works of G. Galilei and Leonardo da Vinci, not only models are used, but also the limits of applicability of the modeling method are clarified.

I. Newton used this method quite consciously, and in the 19th century it was difficult to name an area of ​​science or its applications where modeling would not be of significant importance. The works of Kelvin, J. Maxwell, F.A. Kekule, A.M. Butlerov and other physicists and chemists played an exceptionally large methodological role in this regard - it was these sciences that became, one might say, the classical “testing grounds” of the modeling method.

Numerous facts indicating the widespread use of the modeling method in research, some of the contradictions that arise in this case, required deep theoretical understanding this method knowledge, searching for its place in the theory of knowledge. This can explain great attention, which philosophers from different countries devote to this issue in numerous works. In this case, the definition of modeling can be formulated as follows.

“Modeling is an indirect practical or theoretical study of an object, in which it is not the object itself that interests us that is directly studied, but some auxiliary artificial or natural system:

1) located in some objective correspondence with the cognizable object;

2) capable of replacing it in certain respects;

3) during its study, ultimately providing information about the object being modeled” (the three listed features, in fact, are the defining features of the model)

In pedagogy and psychology, a “model” is understood as a system of objects or signs that reproduces some essential properties, qualities and connections of objects.

During an experimental examination of preschool children (P.Ya. Galperin, A.V. Zaporozhets, S.N. Karpova, D.B. Elkonin) it turned out that many knowledge that a child cannot learn on the basis of a verbal explanation from an adult or in a process organized by an adult actions with objects, he easily learns if this knowledge is given to him in the form of actions with models that reflect the essential features of the phenomena being studied. For example, when teaching mathematics to 5-year-old children, difficulties arise in familiarizing them with the relationship between parts and the whole. Children do not understand verbal explanations, and when working with composite objects, they learn the names “part” and “whole” only in relation to this specific material and do not transfer them to other cases. And only with the help of a schematic representation of dividing a whole into parts and restoring it from parts did the children understand that any whole subject can be divided into parts and rebuilt from parts.

Modeling as a visual and practical method is becoming increasingly widespread in teaching preschool children.

Modeling is understood as the process of creating models (together with children) and using them to form knowledge about the properties, structure, relationships, and connections of objects.

The peculiarity of modeling as a teaching method is that it makes visible the properties of connections and relationships of objects that are hidden from direct perception, which are essential for understanding facts and phenomena, in the formation of knowledge that is close in content to concepts. For example, when introducing preschoolers to the properties of water, we can show them how ice turns into water, and water into steam, and we explain this by the fact that ice melts in heat, and when heated over a fire, water begins to boil and steam is formed. But we only name the conditions of transformation, without explaining how this happens. Even if we explain to them that all objects consist of molecules, and the molecules of solid substances are most closely located to each other, and the molecules of liquid substances are at a greater distance, etc., the preschooler is not able to understand this, because his abstract thinking is in the stage of formation.

We cannot show him the location of these molecules, because... in this case we would need a super-powerful microscope. This is where the “little people” modeling method comes to our aid. Telling the child how the “ice men” stand close to each other and hold hands tightly, it is very difficult for them to unclench their hands, so it is difficult to break the ice, and the “water men” stand just as tightly, but do not hold hands, so our hands are free pass through the water, completely different “steam men”, they are very playful, they can’t stand still, they scatter in different directions, so the steam quickly spreads throughout the room, and our hands, when we pass through the steam, do not feel resistance, we We lay the foundations of the physical structure of solid, liquid and gaseous bodies.

The accessibility of the modeling method for preschoolers was shown by psychologists A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Wenger, N.N. Podyakov, D.B. Elkonin. It is determined by the fact that modeling is based on the principle of substitution: a real object can be replaced in children’s activities by another object, image, sign.

In further consideration of models and the modeling process, we will proceed from the fact that a common property of all models is their ability, one way or another, to reflect reality. Depending on what means, under what conditions, in relation to what objects of cognition this common property is realized, a wide variety of models arises, and with it the problem of classifying models.

1 .2 VTypes of modeling in a preschool educational institution

IN preschool education different types of models are used. First of all, subject ones, in which the design features, proportions, and interrelationships of parts of any objects are reproduced. These can be technical toys that reflect the principle of the mechanism; building models. Currently, a lot of literature and manuals for children have appeared, which present models that, for example, introduce the sensory organs (the structure of the eye, ear), the internal structure of the body (the connection of vision, hearing with the brain, and the brain with movements). Education using such models brings children to an awareness of their capabilities and teaches them to be attentive to their physical and mental health.

Older preschoolers have access to subject-schematic models in which essential features and connections are expressed using substitute objects and graphic signs. An example of such a model is a nature calendar, which is kept by children, using special symbols to indicate phenomena in inanimate and animate nature. The teacher teaches children modeling when drawing up a plan (room, garden, doll corner), route diagram (path from home to kindergarten). Common subject-schematic models are drawings and patterns. For example, a teacher offers to make costumes for dolls and in the process of work forms in children an idea of ​​​​measurement and modeling of clothes.

When analyzing content literary work It is advisable to turn to the methodology proposed by O. M. Dyachenko for teaching children how to model a fairy tale. The content of the fairy tale is divided into logically completed parts, for each of which children schematically draw a picture (pictogram) on a strip of paper. The result is an apperceptive scheme - a complete idea of ​​the content of the work. Based on it, preschoolers are more successful in retelling a fairy tale or story, showing it on a flannelgraph, etc.

“It must be taken into account that the use of models is possible provided that preschoolers have developed the skills to analyze, compare, generalize, and abstract from unimportant features when learning a subject. Mastering the model is associated with active cognitive research activities, with the ability to replace objects through conventional signs and symbols.”

A unified classification of types of modeling is difficult due to the already shown polysemy of the concept “model” in science and technology. It can be carried out for various reasons:

By the nature of the models;

By the nature of the objects being modeled;

By areas of modeling application;

By modeling levels.

In this regard, any classification of modeling methods is doomed to be incomplete, especially since the terminology in this area is based not so much on “strict” rules as on linguistic, scientific and practical traditions, and even more often is defined within a specific context and no standard outside it doesn't matter.

A. N. Averyanov considers the most well-known classification - according to the nature of the models. According to it, the following five types of modeling are distinguished:

1. Subject modeling, in which the model reproduces the geometric, physical, dynamic or functional characteristics of an object. For example, a model of a bridge, a dam, a model of an airplane wing, etc.

2. Analog modeling, in which the model and the original are described by a single mathematical relationship. An example is electrical models used to study mechanical, hydrodynamic and acoustic phenomena.

3. Sign modeling, in which diagrams, drawings, and formulas act as models.

4. Mental modeling is closely related to the iconic, in which models acquire a mentally visual character. An example would be in in this case serve as a model of the atom, proposed at one time by Bohr.

5. Finally, a special type of modeling is the inclusion in the experiment not of the object itself, but of its model, due to which the latter acquires the character of a model experiment. This type of modeling indicates that there is no hard line between the methods of empirical and theoretical knowledge.

Thus, it is possible to distinguish between “material” (subject) and “ideal” modeling. The first can be interpreted as “experimental”, the second as “theoretical” modeling, although such a contrast, of course, is very conditional not only due to the interconnection and mutual influence of these types of modeling, but also the presence of such forms as “thought experiment”.

In order for a model as a visual and practical means of cognition to fulfill its function, it must meet a number of requirements:

a) clearly reflect the basic properties and relationships that are the object of cognition, be similar in structure to the object being studied;

b) clearly and clearly convey those properties and relationships that must be mastered with its help;

c) be easy to understand and accessible to create and act with;

d) an atmosphere must be created, freedom of creativity, each child can have his own model - the one he thinks and imagines;

e) there is no need to abuse this method, use it unnecessarily when the properties and connections of objects lie on the surface;

f) it is necessary to create a situation in which children would feel the need to create a model and understand that without a model it would be difficult for them.

For example, when introducing children to a new animal, they need to independently assign it to some class (birds, fish, animals), the child understands the need to use models (provided that he has used them before).

It is known that the psychological feature of children of senior preschool age is the predominance of visual imaginative thinking(this is the norm of development), it is difficult for them to deal with abstractions. And mathematics as a science does not study specific subjects or objects in their direct manifestation, it studies their quantitative and spatial characteristics, and this is a high degree of abstraction. As for mentally retarded children, even at 7-8 years of age, the features of sensorimotor intelligence (normally corresponding to the age of 2-3 years) and visual-effective thinking (normally corresponding to the age of 3-5 years) remain very significant in them. In this case, the emerging image of an object is formed on the basis of combining tactile, visual and kinesthetic sensations into a complex. This means that for these children the most important activity is modeling using tangible models that the child can use with his own hands, and not just watch the actions of the teacher.

Using the modeling method in teaching children helps them to more easily grasp concepts, leads children to understand the essential connections and dependencies of things, improves visual-figurative thinking and forms the prerequisites for the development of logical thinking, because developed visual-figurative thinking brings the child to the threshold of logic, allows him to create generalized model representations, on which the formation of concepts is then largely based, i.e. is a solid foundation for logical thinking.

The mathematical model is a simplification of the real situation. A tangible simplification occurs when the unimportant features of the situation are discarded and the complex original problem is reduced to an idealized problem that can be analyzed mathematically. It was with this approach that frictionless blocks, weightless inextensible threads, inviscid liquids, absolutely solid or black bodies and other similar idealized models arose in classical applied mechanics. These concepts do not exist in reality, they are abstractions, an integral part of the idealization undertaken by the author of the model. Nevertheless, they can often be successfully considered a good approximation of real situations. The described course of action when constructing mathematical models is not the only one, and this should not be surprising at all. In another possible approach, the first step is to build a simple model of several of the most characteristic features phenomena. This is often done in order to get a feel for a given task, and this is done even before the task itself is finally formulated. This model is then generalized to cover other facts until an acceptable or adequate solution is found. There is another approach when a large number of factors are simultaneously introduced into consideration from the very beginning. It is often used in operations research, and such models are usually studied by computer-assisted simulation methods.

1.3 Development of logical and mathematical thinking of a preschooler in the process of working with models

Thinking is formed and develops throughout childhood under the influence of living conditions and upbringing. The formation and development of thinking in children does not occur by itself, not spontaneously. It is led by adults, raising and teaching the child. Based on the child’s experience, adults pass on knowledge to him, inform him of concepts that he could not have thought of on his own, and which have developed as a result of work experience and scientific research of many generations.

Under the influence of adults, the child learns not only individual concepts, but also logical forms developed by mankind, rules of thinking, the truth of which has been verified by centuries of social practice. By imitating adults and following their instructions, the child gradually learns to formulate judgments correctly, correctly relate them to each other, and draw informed conclusions.

The area of ​​objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality cognizable by a preschooler is expanding significantly. It goes beyond what happens at home or in kindergarten, and covers a wider range of natural phenomena and public life, with which the child becomes acquainted on walks, during excursions, or from the stories of adults, from a book read to him, by showing or using models in classes, or when individual work etc.

The development of a preschool child’s thinking is inextricably linked with the development of his speech, with teaching his native language. In the mental education of a preschooler, an increasingly important role is played, along with visual demonstration, by verbal instructions and explanations from parents and educators, concerning not only what the child perceives in this moment, but also objects and phenomena that the child first learns about with the help of words.

It is necessary, however, to keep in mind that verbal explanations and instructions are understood by the child (and not assimilated mechanically) only if they are supported by his practical experience, if they find support in the direct perception of those objects and phenomena that the teacher talks about, or in the representations of previously perceived, similar objects and phenomena.

Here it is necessary to remember the instructions of I.P. Pavlov regarding the fact that the second signaling system, which forms the physiological basis of thinking, successfully functions and develops only in close interaction with the first signaling system.

At preschool age, children can learn known information about physical phenomena (the transformation of water into ice and, conversely, the floating of bodies, etc.), also get acquainted with the life of plants and animals (germination of seeds, plant growth, life and habits of animals), learn the simplest facts of social life (some types of human labor).

The preschooler begins to become interested in the internal properties of things, the hidden causes of certain phenomena. This feature of a preschooler’s thinking is clearly revealed in the endless questions - “why?”, “why?”, “why?”, which he asks adults.

Within a certain range of phenomena, a preschooler can understand some dependencies between phenomena: the reasons underlying the simplest physical phenomena; developmental processes underlying plant and animal life; public purposes human actions.

Due to changes in the content of children's thinking during preschool age, its form also changes. If in a preschooler, as mentioned earlier, mental processes are inextricably linked with external objective actions, then in a preschooler these processes acquire relative independence and, under certain conditions, begin to precede practical activity.

Within the practical activity of a preschooler, special internal thought processes stand out and acquire relative independence, which anticipate and determine the implementation of external objective actions aimed at achieving the required practical result.

The formation of a qualitatively new way of thinking in a child is associated with the development of mental operations. In preschool age, they develop intensively and begin to act as methods of mental activity. All mental operations are based on analysis and synthesis. A preschooler compares objects according to more numerous characteristics than a child in early childhood. He notices even slight similarities between the external signs of objects and expresses the differences in words.

The nature of generalizations changes in a preschooler. Children gradually move from operating with external signs to revealing signs that are objectively more significant for the subject. A higher level of generalization allows the child to master the classification operation, which involves assigning an object to a group based on species and birth characteristics. The development of the ability to classify objects is associated with the development of generalizing words, the expansion of ideas and knowledge about the environment and the ability to identify significant features in an object. Moreover, the closer the objects are to personal experience preschooler, the more accurate the generalization he makes. The child, first of all, identifies groups of objects with which he actively interacts: toys, furniture, dishes, clothes. With age, differentiation of related classification groups arises: wild and domestic animals, tea and tableware, wintering and migratory birds.

Primary and secondary preschoolers often motivate the identification of classification groups by coincidence external signs(“The sofa and the chair are together because they are in the room”) or based on the use of the purpose of the objects (“they are eaten,” “they are put on themselves”). Older preschoolers not only know generalizing words, but also, based on them, correctly motivate the identification of classification groups.

If there is not enough knowledge about the subject, then the child again begins to rely in classification on external, insignificant signs. Despite the fact that in preschool childhood thinking has a pronounced visual-figurative character, during this age period The ability to generalize intensively develops.

Observing the development of understanding of various kinds of phenomena, one can see how a child, throughout preschool age, moves from generalizations based on external, random similarities between objects to generalizations based on more significant features. As more significant features, preschoolers often highlight the purpose of objects, the way they are used in everyday life and labor activity of people. By the end of preschool age, a child can master not only specific, but also generic concepts, correlating them in a certain way with each other.

So, the child is not only all dogs different colors, size and shape he calls dogs, but he also refers all dogs, cats, horses, cows, sheep, etc. to the group of animals, i.e. he makes a second-order generalization and assimilates more general concepts. He can also compare and contrast not only specific objects, but also concepts. For example, an older preschooler can talk about the difference between wild and domestic animals, between plants and animals, etc.

The teacher introduces the child to the surrounding reality, imparts to him a number of basic knowledge about natural phenomena and social life, without which the development of thinking would be impossible.

When teaching preschool children, it is necessary to take into account their age characteristics - limitations life experience and the concrete, visual-figurative nature of thinking. Verbal explanations and instructions given to the child should be reinforced by showing visual material, and whenever possible provide practical and game actions with this material.

At the same time, based on the current level of development of children’s thinking, the teacher must lead them forward, teach them to analyze and synthesize observed objects, identify essential features in these objects and generalize their life experience on this basis.

A necessary prerequisite for the development of a child’s thinking is the enrichment of his experience, the imparting of new knowledge and skills to him. However, it should be pointed out that simple memorization of individual facts and passive assimilation of communicated knowledge cannot yet ensure proper development children's thinking. In order for a child to begin to think, it is necessary to set him a new task, in the process of solving which he could use previously acquired knowledge in relation to new circumstances.

It is of great importance in the mental education of a child, therefore, the organization of games and activities that would develop the child’s mental interests, set him certain cognitive tasks, and force him to independently perform certain mental operations to achieve the desired result. This is achieved through questions asked by the teacher during classes, walks and excursions, didactic games of an educational nature, all kinds of riddles and puzzles specifically designed to stimulate mental activity child.

Preschool children experience intensive development of thinking. The child acquires a number of new knowledge about the surrounding reality, learns to analyze, synthesize, compare, generalize his observations, i.e. perform simple mental operations


2.1 Organization and conduct of experimental work

In order to confirm the hypothesis put forward, we organized and carried out experimental work, which was carried out in the city of Omsk, in the BDOU "Child Development Center, Kindergarten No. 356", the number of children in the group was 25. Having analyzed the scientific literature on the research topic, we got the opportunity to experimentally test the current level of development of logical thinking in children.

The experimental work was carried out in 3 stages:

1. Primary diagnosis. To determine the level of development of logical thinking, mental actions and operations in children of the older group, we use the Raven test.

2. Conducting experimental work on the research problem. At this stage, throughout the school year we conducted various types of games using Dienesh blocks to develop logical thinking in children.

3. Secondary diagnosis. At this stage, we checked the level of development of children’s logical thinking after the work done, using the same Raven test.

The technique is designed to study the logic of thinking. The subject is presented with drawings with figures interconnected by a certain relationship. One figure is missing, and below it is given among 6-8 other figures. The test subject’s task is to establish a pattern that connects the figures in the drawing, and on the questionnaire indicate the number of the desired figure from the proposed options.

The test consists of 60 tables (5 series). Each series of tables contains tasks of increasing difficulty. At the same time, the type of tasks increases in complexity from series to series (Appendix 1).

In series A, the principle of establishing relationships in the structure of matrices is used. Here the task is to supplement the missing part of the main image with one of the fragments given in each table. Completing the task requires the subject to carefully analyze the structure of the main image and detect the same features in one of several fragments. Then the fragment is merged and compared with the environment of the main part of the table.

Serie B - built on the principle of analogy between pairs of figures. The subject must find the principle according to which the figure is constructed in each individual case and, based on this, select the missing fragment. In this case, it is important to determine the axis of symmetry, according to which the figures in the main sample are located.

Series C - built on the principle of progressive changes in the figures of the matrices. These figures within the same matrix become more and more complex, and their development seems to be continuous. The enrichment of figures with new elements is subject to a clear principle, having discovered which, you can select the missing figure.

Series D - built on the principle of rearranging figures in a matrix. The subject must find this regrouping occurring in horizontal and vertical positions.

Series E - is based on the principle of decomposing the figures of the main image into elements. The missing figures can be found by understanding the principle of analysis and synthesis of figures.

Guidelines for conducting the test

Instructions: The test is strictly regulated in time, namely: 20 minutes. In order to keep time, it is necessary to strictly ensure that before the general command: “Proceed with the test,” no one opens the tables or peeps. After 20 minutes, a command is given, for example: “Close tables for everyone.” After this, take the table and open the 1st page for everyone to see: “There is one figure missing in the figure. On the right there are 6-8 numbered figures, one of which is the desired one. It is necessary to determine the pattern that connects the figures in the figure and indicate the number of the desired one figures on the sheet that was given to you" (can be shown using one sample as an example).

Interpretation of results (keys)

The correct solution to each task is worth one point, then the total number of points is calculated for all tables and for individual series. The resulting overall indicator is considered as an index of intellectual strength, mental productivity of the respondent. Indicators of task completion for individual series are compared with the statistical average, taking into account the difference between the results obtained in each series and the control results obtained by statistical processing during the study large groups healthy subjects and thus regarded as expected results. This difference allows one to judge the reliability of the results obtained (this does not apply to mental pathology).

The test is intended for examining children from 5 to 8 years old. In the process of performing the tasks that make up the test, three main mental processes appear: attention, perception and thinking. As a result of analyzing children's answers, one can judge the level of development of their visual and logical forms of thinking. The test is carried out individually. The answers are recorded in the protocol. The results of the study are processed by assessing the level of development of children's thinking using a point system.

After the first stage of the experimental work, all data were recorded in Table 1.

Table 1 State of development of logical thinking at the beginning of experimental work

Child's name

Above average

Above average

Above average

Christina J

Above average

Polina I.

Below the average

Below the average

Veronica K

Andrey L.

Above average

Above average

Above average

Below the average

Angelina Shch

Below the average

Seryozha Yu.

High level (%)

Above average (%)

Average level (%)

Below the average (%)

Low level (%)

As can be seen from the table, the spread of data is quite large. After analyzing the protocols and data in the table, we identified five levels of development of logical thinking:

Level 1 - high level. The children who most successfully completed the task were assigned to this level. Despite some differences between them, the majority of these children showed a special attitude towards experimental tasks, which can be described as a readiness to solve cognitive problems. Readiness was manifested in concentration, external smartness and composure with which the subjects listened to the instructions. Almost all children assigned to this level experienced a period of orientation in the task. Based on element-by-element comparison, they immediately completed the task without unnecessary movements. Those tested at this level were also characterized by the ability to control their actions.

The presence of an orientation stage in the task, the formation of higher forms of analysis - synthesis, understanding of the dependencies between the whole and its constituent parts, the ability to control their actions - all these features allowed the subjects to solve visual-figurative problems based on mental operation of image-representations and with a minimum number of external actions, mainly of an executive nature.

Level 2 - above average. Children show readiness to solve cognitive problems. Readiness was manifested in concentration, external smartness and composure with which the subjects listened to the instructions. There is a period of orientation in the task. The ability to foresee the results of one’s actions ensures strict focus of activity and allows one to solve simple problems without much difficulty. The presence of an orientation stage in a task, the formation of higher forms of analysis - synthesis, understanding of the dependencies between the whole and its constituent parts, the ability to control their actions - all these features allow them to solve visual-figurative problems based on mental manipulation of image-representations and with a minimum number of external actions, mainly of an executive nature. These children solved simple problems using a reduced model, and more complex ones with minimal help from an adult.

Level 3 - intermediate. The subjects assigned to level 3 of success did not show readiness to solve cognitive problems from the very beginning of the experiment. Some of them behaved very warily and were afraid of any new task. Without fully listening to the instructions, these children said: “I can’t do that,” “I’ve never done that before. I can't handle it." In some children, the tasks caused increased motor and speech activity gaming nature. The orientation stage was practically absent in children of this subgroup. These children constantly required control and assistance from an adult

Unlike subjects of levels 1 and 2, they did not always skillfully use their experience. Characteristic for children this level there was also a lack of understanding of the dependencies between the whole and its parts in more complex tasks. These children were characterized by impulsiveness and negative attitude to a difficult task. The children of the subgroup under consideration showed an average development of analytical and synthetic activity. The success of mental analysis of visually perceived pictures among subjects in this group depended on their complexity and the sequence of presentation. These children needed a lot more help.

Level 4 - below average. Level 4 included children who solved problems using all provided types of assistance, and sometimes even refused to solve them at all. The uniqueness of the mental activity of this group was clearly revealed even when solving the first problems. In most cases, leading questions did not help; only after hints and help did the children begin to give an answer. Help was always required in the form of leading questions.

Level 5 - low. Children in this group were unable to establish connections between objects. They were characterized by lack of system and lack of activity. They did not notice or admit their mistake even when the experimenter pointed it out to them.

Behavioral disturbance was observed. Impetuous, insufficiently coordinated movements, general motor disinhibition prevented the successful completion of tasks. There were also children who were prevented from completing the task by insufficient focus of activity. In general, children classified as having the lowest level of success in solving these problems showed an undeveloped ability to establish logical connections between objects.

So, it was found that in terms of success in solving visual-figurative problems, the ability to think logically and reveal significant connections between objects, most of the children were at a low level. Among the children there were those who completed the tasks without much difficulty, and there were also those who could not complete the tasks. This confirmed the need for targeted pedagogical work to organize the system play activities using didactic games aimed at developing logical and mathematical thinking and intelligence of children. We decided that it would be best to take the Dienesh blocks and developed a work plan for the year for working with children, which is presented below.

Long-term plan “Organization of work with children of the senior preschool group on the development of logical thinking through didactic material“Logic blocks” by E. Dienesh”



Game, goal

carrying out

Dating geometric


“Fold the object according to the pattern”

Goal: development of skills to fold various objects from geometric figures of Dienesh

First week of October

"Fold the picture"

Goal: development of the ability to independently compose plots from geometric figures of Dienesh

Second week of October

Identifying and Abstracting Properties

"Find the treasure"

Goal: development of skills to isolate homogeneous elements of a set from another set, name color, shape, size, thickness

Third week of October

"Guess - ka"

Goal: development of skills to identify and name the properties (color, shape, size, thickness) of objects, to indicate with a word the absence of any specific property of an object (not red, not triangular, etc.)

Fourth week of October

"Help the ants"

Goal: development of a stable connection between the image of properties and the word that denotes it, the ability to identify and abstract properties.

Second week of November


Goal: development of skills to identify the properties of objects, abstract them from others, follow certain rules when solving practical problems, independently create an algorithm for simple actions (linear algorithm).

Third week of November

"Unusual Figures"

Goal: developing the ability to analyze, abstract, and the ability to strictly follow the rules when performing a chain of actions (a branched algorithm - “growing a tree”).

Fourth week of November

“Where is whose garage?”

Goal: development of skills to identify and abstract the properties of objects.

Second week of December

Comparison, classification, generalization


Second week of December


Goal: develop the ability to isolate and abstract color, shape, size, thickness, compare objects according to given properties

Third week of December

"Catch a Pair"

Goal: development of attention, ability to compare objects according to independently identified properties

Fourth week of December

"Two Tracks"

Goal: development of the ability to isolate and abstract properties, compare objects according to independently identified properties

Third week of January

"Catch a Three"

Goal: developing the ability to compare

Fourth week of January

"The houses settled"

Goal: developing the ability to classify objects

First week of February

“Who’s visiting Winnie the Pooh and Piglet?”

Goal: developing the ability to analyze. Comparison, generalization

Second week of February

Logical actions and operations

"Help the figures get out of the forest"

Goal: development of logical thinking, ability to reason

Third week of February

"Riddles without words"

Goal: development of skills to decipher (decode) information about the presence and absence of certain properties of objects according to their symbolic designations

Fourth week of February

“Where is Jerry hiding?”

Goal: development of logical thinking, the ability to encode information about the properties of objects using signs - symbols and decode them

First week of March

"Guess which figure"

Goal: development of logical thinking, ability to encode and decode information about properties

Second week of March

"Build a house"

Goal: development of logical thinking, attention

Third week of March

"Separate the blocks"

Goal: developing the skills to split a set of one property into two subsets, to perform the logical operation “not”

Second week of April

Thus, the constructed system of classes is justified by the fact that children of the same age can have different psychological age. Some of them reach the next level in the world a little, and some much earlier than other peers. intellectual development, however, everyone must go through all these steps. Therefore, before you start working with children, you should establish what rung of the intellectual ladder the child is on. It's not difficult to do. Approximately focusing on the child’s level of development, he is offered one or two exercises (games). If he cannot cope, the next most difficult exercise is offered, and so on until the child solves the problem. An independent and successful solution to the problem will be the step from which you should start moving forward.


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Modeling as a means of developing coherent speech in preschoolers

Consultation for preschool teachers

Place of work: MKDOU kindergarten "Beryozka" Listvenichny village
Target: introduction of modern technologies into the educational process aimed at developing coherent speech in preschoolers.
“Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer in vain for a long time, but associate twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn on the fly” K. D. Ushinsky
Coherent speech is a detailed, complete, compositionally and grammatically designed, semantic and emotional statement, consisting of a number of logically related sentences.
The main function of coherent speech is communicative. It is carried out in two forms: dialogical and monological. Each form has its own characteristics:
- The monologue contains a more complete formulation of information, the statement is more detailed.
- In dialogue, speech does not need to develop thoughts; it can be incomplete, abbreviated, fragmentary.
(slide No. 3 is projected on the screen)
In a child’s communication with peers and adults, coherent speech is special place, reflecting the logic of the child’s thinking, his ability to comprehend perceived information and express it correctly.
In preschool age, when constructing a coherent statement, children experience difficulties in composing descriptive and narrative monologues: violation of logic, consistency of presentation, semantic omissions, use of formal connections between sentences, repetition of the same lexical means.
Today, there are many methods that can be used to regulate the process of speech development in children, one of them is the visual modeling method developed by L.A. Wenger, D.B. Elkonin, N.A. Vetlugina.
What is modeling?
(slide No. 4 is projected on the screen)
“Modeling” is the study of any phenomena or processes by constructing and studying models. Modeling has models as its object.
“Model” is any image (mental and conditional; images, descriptions, diagram, drawing, graph, plan) of any process or phenomenon (the original of this model), used as a substitute.
“Visual modeling” is the reproduction of the essential properties of the object being studied, the creation of its substitute and work with it.
From these definitions it follows that the modeling method is based on the principle of substitution: the child replaces a real object with another object, its image, or some conventional sign.
What are the features and significance of modeling?
(slide No. 5 is projected on the screen)
The peculiarity and significance of modeling lies in the fact that, through the use of models, it makes visible the properties, connections, and relationships of objects hidden from direct perception, which are essential for understanding specific facts and phenomena in the formation of knowledge, which are attached in content to concepts
Scientific research and practice confirm that visual models are the form of highlighting and designating relationships that is accessible to preschool children.
The introduction of visual models into the educational process allows for more targeted development of children's impressive speech, enriching their active vocabulary, strengthening word formation skills, forming and improving the ability to use various sentence structures in speech, describe objects, and compose stories. In this case, the visual models used are stylized images of real objects, symbols to designate certain parts of speech, diagrams to designate the main features of certain types of described objects, as well as actions performed in relation to them for the purpose of examination, stylized designations of “key words” of the main parts descriptive story and so on. - make it possible to optimize the process of transition from visual-effective thinking to figurative thinking, to form verbal-logical thinking. With the help of diagrams and models, preschoolers learn to overcome various difficulties experienced during positive emotions- surprise, joy of success - give them confidence in their abilities.
The modeling method is also effective because it allows the teacher to maintain the cognitive interest of preschoolers throughout the lesson. It is the cognitive interest of children that promotes active mental activity, long-term and sustained concentration of attention.
And according to psychologists, a child learns to think by learning to speak, but he also improves his speech by learning to think.
So, the relevance of using the visual modeling method in working with preschoolers is that:
(slide No. 6 is projected on the screen)
Firstly, a preschool child is very flexible and easy to teach, but it is typical for children fast fatiguability and loss of interest in activities. Using visual modeling creates interest and helps solve this problem;
Secondly, the use of symbolic analogy facilitates and speeds up the process of memorizing and assimilating material, and forms techniques for working with memory. After all, one of the rules for strengthening memory says: “When you learn, write down, draw diagrams, diagrams, draw graphs”;
Thirdly, using a graphic analogy, we teach children to see the main thing and systematize the acquired knowledge.
The essence of the modeling method.
(slide No. 7 is projected on the screen)
While using the visual modeling method, children become familiar with graphically providing information - a model. Further visual model statements act as a plan that ensures coherence and consistency of the child’s stories.
Symbols of various types can act as conditional substitutes (elements of the model):
(slide No. 8 is projected on the screen)
geometric figures (slide No. 9 is projected onto the screen)
symbolic images of objects; (slide number 10 is projected onto the screen)

reference pictures; (slide No. 11 is projected onto the screen)

plans and symbols, used in them; (slides No. 12 and 13 are projected on the screen)

block frame (slide No. 14 is projected onto the screen)
Model requirements:
- Clearly display the basic properties and relationships that are the object of cognition;
- Be easy to understand and accessible to create actions with it;
- Vividly and clearly convey with its help those properties and relationships that must be mastered;
- Facilitate cognition.
The model as a form of clarity can be used in all age groups
Stages of working with the model:
1. Using a ready-made symbol or model.
2. Drawing up a model of a teacher together with children.
3. Independent compilation of models.
In the process of teaching coherent speech, modeling serves as a means of planning utterances and can be used in working on all types of coherent monologue utterances:
(slide number 15 is projected on the screen)
- retelling; (slide No. 16 is projected on the screen)
- compiling stories based on the picture; (slide No. 17 is projected on the screen)
- descriptive story; (slide No. 18 is projected on the screen)
- creative story. (slide No. 19 is projected on the screen)
Patterns of formation of modeling in preschoolers:
- Modeling is performed on material familiar to children, based on knowledge acquired in the classroom or in everyday life.
- It is advisable to start with modeling single specific situations, and later – from the construction of models of a generalized nature.
- You should start with iconic models, i.e., those that retain a certain similarity with the modeled object, gradually moving on to conditionally symbolic images of relationships.
- You should start with modeling spatial relationships, and then move on to modeling temporal, logical, etc.
- Learning to model is easier if it starts with using ready-made models and then building them.
- The process of learning to model ends with the internalization of actions, i.e. transferring planning to an internal plan.

The use of the visual modeling method significantly facilitates the process of children mastering the skills of coherent speech and allows them to successfully overcome shortcomings in its development.
Thus, gradually mastering all types of coherent utterances with the help of modeling, children learn to plan their speech.

Practical part.
Modeling based on the fairy tale “Cat, Rooster and Fox”.
1. Reading a fairy tale.
2. Conversation based on a fairy tale:
- Who lived in the house?
- What did the cat punish the cockerel when he went into the forest?
- Who wanted to steal the cockerel?
- What song did the fox sing?
- What did the cockerel call the cat?
- How did the cat save the cockerel?
3. Now let's play a fairy tale. Look how many figures I have. (examining and naming geometric shapes). Let the square be a hut in which a cat and a cockerel live. Which figurine will be a cat? Why is the cat a gray circle? (Because the cat is the same color - gray). Which figurine will be the cockerel? Why is the cockerel a red triangle? (Because the cockerel has a red comb and a red beard). Who will the orange triangle be? Why is the fox a big orange triangle? (Because the fox is red and larger in size than the cockerel and the cat).
4. Telling a fairy tale using geometric shapes
There lived a cockerel and a cat in a house
(a circle and a triangle are placed in a square)
The cat left the house to hunt.
(a triangle remains in the square, the circle is removed)
And the fox is right there.
(an orange triangle is laid out next to the square)
The fox grabbed the cockerel and carried it away.
(red triangle is placed on orange)
The fox is carrying the cockerel, and the cat is catching up with them.
(a gray circle is laid out next to the orange triangle)
The cat took the cockerel and brought it home.
(move the red triangle to the gray circle and lay out a square)
(children are shown performing actions with geometric shapes)
Play with the figures can continue as long as interest remains.
5. Telling a story using frames (slide 14)

MDOU "Tregubovsky kindergarten"

Consultation for educators

Prepared by:

Klimina E.N.,

Deputy Head in education

And methodological work


“Modeling method in the educational process of preschool educational institutions”

1.Modeling and its essence.

2. Requirements for models.

5.Use of the modeling method in various types of children's activities.

Modeling – the process of creating models and their use in order to generate knowledge about the properties, structure, relationships, connections of objects.
The peculiarity of modeling as a teaching method is that it makes visible the properties, connections, relationships of objects that are hidden from direct perception, which are essential for understanding facts, phenomena, in the formation of knowledge that is close in content to concepts.

The accessibility of the modeling method for preschoolers was shown by psychologists (A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Venger, N.N. Poddyakov, D.B. Elkonin). It is determined by the fact that modeling is based on the principle of substitution: a real object can be replaced in children’s activities by another object, image, sign.
Models have been developed for the formation of natural history knowledge, speech development, sound analysis of words, construction, visual activities, etc. (N.I. Vetrova, L.E. Zhurova, N.M. Krylova, V.I. Loginova, L.A. Paramonova, T.D. Richterman, etc.).

Requirements for the model

In order for a model as a visual and practical means of cognition to fulfill its function, it must correspond to a number of requirements:

1. clearly reflect the basic properties and relationships that are the object of cognition, be similar in structure to the object being studied.
2. be easy to understand and accessible to create and act with;
3. clearly and clearly convey those properties and relationships that must be mastered with its help;
4. it should facilitate cognition (M.I. Kondakov, V.P. Mizintsev).

Types of models

In didactics, highlighted three types models:

1.Object model
has the appearance of a physical structure of an object or objects that are naturally connected. In this case, the model is similar to the object, reproducing its main parts, design features, proportions and relationships of parts in space, and the interconnection of objects. What distinguishes such a model from a toy is the accuracy of its reproduction of essential connections and dependencies within the modeled object or between them, and the ability to detect these dependencies in activities with the model.

2. Subject-schematic model.
Here, the essential components and connections between them identified in the object of cognition are indicated using substitute objects and graphic signs. The structure of such a model should be similar to the main components of the object being studied and to those connections and relationships that become the subject of cognition. The subject-schematic model should detect these connections and clearly present them in an isolated, generalized form.

3.Graphic models.
Different types of relationships are conveyed in a generalized manner (graphs, formulas, diagrams). This type of model is used mainly in school.

into the educational process

The methodology for introducing models into the cognition process must take into account a number of circumstances:

1. The model, revealing the connections and relationships necessary for cognition, simplifies the object, representing only its individual aspects, individual connections. Consequently, the model cannot be the only method of cognition: it is used when it is necessary to reveal for children this or that essential content in an object. This means that the condition for introducing models into the process of cognition is the preliminary familiarization of children with the real objects, phenomena themselves, their external features, specifically represented connections and mediations in the surrounding reality.

2. The introduction of a model requires a certain level of development of mental activity: the ability to analyze and abstract the features of objects and phenomena; imaginative thinking that allows you to replace objects; ability to establish connections. And although all these skills are formed in children in the process of using models in cognitive activity, introducing them, mastering the model itself and using it for further cognition requires a level of differentiated perception, imaginative thinking, coherent speech and a rich vocabulary that is already quite high for a preschooler.

3. Using a model to understand the essential features of objects requires children to first master the model. At the same time, children master simple object models quite quickly. More complex connections require more complex subject-schematic models and special techniques. In this case, children are first involved in the process of creating a model, which is linked to the observation and analysis of the modeled phenomenon. This allows the child to identify the components of the object being analyzed and to master what will then be subject to analysis in their model. Thus, the development of the model itself is presented in the form of children’s participation in creating the model, participation in the process of replacing objects with schematic images. This preliminary mastery of the model is a condition for its use to reveal the connection reflected in it.

Using the “modeling” method in various types of children's activities

1. Modeling in the mathematical development of children.
a) Dienesh’s logical blocks are a set of three-dimensional geometric shapes that differ in shape, color, size, and thickness.
b) Cuisinaire sticks – set counting sticks different color And different lengths. Sticks of the same length are painted the same color and represent the same number. The longer the stick, the more value the number it expresses.
c) The modeling method in mathematics is often found in the form of “chains of symbols”. For example, combinations of symbols are used when orienting on a sheet of paper.
d) You can also refer to reference diagrams when using abbreviations to designate months of the year.

2. Modeling in the section “Acquaintance with fiction” and “Developing children’s speech.”
A) Mnemonic table– this is a diagram that contains certain information (Appendix 1)
Mnemonic tracks carry educational information, but in a small volume.
b) The development of children’s ability to model and substitute is facilitated by “sketching” riddles (Appendix 2)
c) Using reference diagrams, one can be trained in composing creative stories, stories based on plot picture(Appendix 3)
d) Also, when using diagrams, you can learn to compose various sentences.
e) When pronouncing pure phrases, you can use various symbols.

3. Modeling in environmental education of children.
a) Observing animals and plants, the teacher and the children examine the object, and on this basis, identify the signs and properties of living organisms. To build a plan for examining natural objects, you can use symbol cards.
b) You can use model cards that reflect characteristics common to the whole
c) It is possible to identify the functions of living organisms: breathing, moving, and designate them with schematic models
d) With the help of pictures-models, you can designate selected features (color, shape, number of parts, etc.)
e) Model diagrams can represent different habitats of living beings (ground, air, etc.).
f) Using picture models, you can indicate living conditions and the needs of living organisms.

4. Modeling in visual activities.
Modeling in this type of activity is most manifested in the use of technological maps. Such cards show the sequence and techniques of work when sculpting collective crafts, drawing a collective subject or plot. The sequence of work in them is shown using symbols.

5. Modeling in the section “Acquaintance with the surrounding world.”
A striking example of modeling in this section is the creation of a model in the form of a ladder of 5 steps called “structure of the labor process.” As a result of mastering this model, children form a clear idea of ​​the labor process, that it “conditionally” consists of 5 components. The use of diagrams and cards - symbols is appropriate in everyday activities and games.

The use of models allows children to reveal the essential features of objects, natural connections, form systemic knowledge and visual-schematic thinking. It is advisable to begin work on introducing symbols, reference diagrams, and mnemonic tables in the middle group. This work should be carried out in full in the preparatory group.

Natalia Safonova
Using the modeling method in preschool educational institutions

Simulation method- a fairly common way of knowing the original object (subject) by developing it model and its analysis.

Implementation into practice modeling method assumes that the information presented by the teacher will be comprehended by the children independently. After all, the foundation modeling is the creation and operation models. Revealing the contents of the replaced object, modeling method carries out a cognitive function. Children learn about an object through its signs. Cognitive transformations are performed directly on the object, which is model. Model may be a design or an ideal sample. But not all items can be use as a model. It is necessary to comply with the condition under which the objects - modeling and modeled - were mutually similar.

The dependence of similarity, naturally, should not and cannot be distinguished according to all the characteristics that it has modeled object. The most important condition at using the modeling method is the possession of the modeling object by those properties of the modeled, acquaintance with which is carried out on a specific task.

Using the Simulation Method in practice implies usage various types models:

1) Graphic;

2) Subject;

3) Subject-schematic.

Graphic model characterized by knowledge of an object or phenomenon through using a graph or chart. For example, a teacher uses calendar form when studying daylight hours and its duration. Graphic the model conveys individual, characteristic of phenomena or items, characteristics, the relationship of these properties and their relationship.

Subject model carries within itself the constructive and proportional basis of the parts that make up the object. Such model similar to the object being studied. Subject model when forming elements of mathematical concepts, it acts as a tool in the pedagogical process. Using such models develops attention in preschoolers, which is especially important in mathematical work.

When working with children of older preschool age, you can use more complex models- subject-schematic, which allow you to more subtly represent the features of an object than subject-based ones do models. These models lies in the replacement of the attribute of an object with substitute objects. Layouts and graphic signs act as substitutes. Currently use of the specified type of models quite common. For example, they are widely used models quantities - more - less, group size - few - many.

In the same time, use of models in practice subject-schematic nature, implies usage a certain hierarchy stages:

1) At the first stage, the teacher gives the children the opportunity to work new material according to the old scheme, already learned by children.

2) The teacher allows the children to independently (or using guidance) highlight certain features by comparing an object/phenomenon with other objects/phenomena.

3) At the third stage, it is necessary to increase objects or objects to at least three.

4) The group selects and models significant features of objects, for example, geometric shapes.

5) At the fifth stage, the teacher encourages preschoolers to create models elementary properties of objects (circle or triangle).

Regardless of the type models used, it is necessary to properly organize the process modeling. Yes, the process modeling includes the following components:

1) Subject - preschool children;

2) Object - the subject or object being studied;

3)Model, reflecting the relationship between subject and object.

In addition, the classification models carried out in accordance with the time factor.

The following types are distinguished in this group models: 1) statistical view;

2) dynamic view.

Statistical models most common in preschool children. Data models provide information on an object at a certain point in time

(familiarizing children with the parts of the day - morning or afternoon).

Dynamic models based on the process of changing an object (its properties and characteristics) in time (introducing children to the day).

Selected based on purpose models:

1) gaming,

2) educational,


Game, aka role-playing, model used in the process of determining a scenario for the behavior of an object in a certain time period under certain conditions. Educational models are used in preschool educational institutions quite rare and involve an in-depth study of the characteristics of one object. Experienced models essentially represent a reduced or enlarged copy modeled object. Often the teacher uses this type of model when demonstrating a forecast of the future properties of an object.

It is worth noting that use of models any kind stimulates the child’s cognitive activity and activity. In addition, a preschool child has the ability to independently introduce individual models thanks to visually effective and visually imaginative thinking.

The teacher presents absolutely any concept from the field of mathematics to children, as model, existing in reality, at the same time, model is being considered, as a means of didactics.

Having considered many types models, we can conclude that models play many roles. Let us select from them basic: 1) Reproduction of external connections unnoticed by preschoolers;

2) Reproduction, on the contrary, of the sought-after but hidden connections, the content of which is not properly perceived by the child. Model helps to express the content of new, unknown mathematical concepts for children through their image. Including the reserve of imaginative thinking makes it easier for preschoolers to master the material and helps relieve memory, since an image by its nature is a compact representation.

In addition, as the results of recent psychological studies show, children who often work with models, the development of mental processes - attention, thinking, memory - proceeds faster. In practice, the teacher uses combination different types models. This method optimizes the process of acquiring knowledge and allows: 1) Gradually complicate the system of work on developing knowledge in the field of mathematics; 2) Increase the interest of preschool children in acquiring knowledge, as well as teach them to observe objects/phenomena; 3) Use in children's life models, studied in class; 4) Increase the level of thinking through knowledge of the content of objects; 5) Gain direct experience working with models.

Publications on the topic:

Using the modeling method in the development of temporal representations in children of senior preschool age Article by group teacher S. V. Ryazanova “Use of the modeling method in the development of time concepts in senior preschool children.

Using the visual modeling method at the stages “Syllable”, “Word”, “Sentence”, “Speech” in the work of a speech therapist teacher“Use of the visual modeling method at the stages: “Syllable”, “Word”, “Sentence”, “Speech” in the work of a preschool teacher-speech therapist with children.

Using the modeling method in working with gifted children. According to scientists, about 5% of children, regardless of nationality, age, or financial security of the family, are born gifted. Gifted.

Using the visual modeling method in speech therapy classes with older children Rationale for the chosen topic: Sound pronunciation disorders in children are a fairly studied section in speech therapy, and methods for overcoming them.

Using the project method in preschool educational institutions. Creation of a modern system preschool education oriented towards full development The personality of each child is constantly brought forward.

Work experience “Using the modeling method in the development of coherent speech of children of the senior group of preschool age” Purpose of the work: to determine the impact of using the modeling method in the development of skills in structuring coherent statements by preschoolers.

Open lesson “Writing a descriptive story about a toy using the visual modeling method”“Compiling a descriptive story based on the toy “bunny” using the method of visual modeling” (younger age). Program content:.

Project “Speech development of preschool children based on the visual modeling method” Project: long-term Project participants: children, teachers, parents of students. Relevance of the topic Coherent speech occupies an important place.

Using the Visual Modeling Method Solovyova Daria Yuryevna Educator, MBDOU CRR kindergarten “Solnyshko”, Sorsk USING THE METHOD OF VISUAL MODELING FOR DEVELOPMENT.

The essence of the modeling method and its connection with visual activity Modeling is a visual and practical teaching method. A model is a generalized image of the essential properties of the modeled object.

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