Joint games with children 3-4 years old. Help around the house


No matter how rich the variety of toys in the house is, sooner or later they still get boring, and the children begin to get frankly bored. Instead of putting them in front of the TV, get creative and come up with fun activities that will not only keep your children interested, but also free up time for your activities.

What to do with a 4 year old child

Little children constantly demand attention and ask to participate in their games. It becomes difficult for mom to find time for her own affairs, and often it all comes down to banal watching of cartoons. However, such a pastime does not contribute to the development of creative thinking, logic, and motor skills of children, so you should not abuse the “blue screen”. Moreover, children get used to TV very quickly, and it can be quite difficult to wean them off.
If you think about it, there is a huge variety of activities for children from 4 years old at home. These can be role-playing games (if there are several children) or outdoor games (if space allows). You can captivate kids with a competitive moment - who can draw, build, dazzle, etc. the fastest. By showing your imagination, you will soon see that the guys are actively studying on their own and no longer bother you out of boredom.

What to do with a 4 year old child at home

If your fidget is already quite bored with all the toys, put aside your business for a while and offer him a choice of several activities from our list of how to entertain a four-year-old child at home:

  • Get out your little one’s favorite books and find audio recordings of these fairy tales on the Internet. The child will follow with interest the development of events in the book, and then, perhaps, act out the action with toys;
  • Provide your child with natural materials for creativity, plasticine, paints, pencils, paper. Let him make whatever he wants, or come up with a task - build a zoo, decorate a card for dad, or create a painting;
  • You can invite your child to start coloring. If you run out of purchased coloring books at home, print templates from the Internet. It is advisable to take into account the interests and preferences of the little man and choose a picture with his favorite characters;
  • Take a few boxes or jars, put different things in them and ask them to sort them. You can use food products (peas, beans) and various small things (buttons, paper clips, bottle caps, pebbles, etc.);
  • In addition to the activity above, you can use edible ingredients to cook lunch for mom and dad. To add more realism and importance to children’s efforts, allow your child to use real dishes (one that you don’t mind, or a special children’s set);
  • Show how to string large beads and other suitable objects onto a thick thread or rope;
  • Games with water are especially popular among children - put paper boats in a basin or bathtub, throw rubber toys and plastic balls. If you add bubble bath, the effect will be amazing;
  • Very often children get carried away by completely unremarkable things - a plastic bottle, a rolling pin, a set of clothespins;
  • Ask your dad to make a development board: screw different locks, cords, chains onto it - in a word, anything you can imagine;
  • Get out several different construction sets and encourage the children to combine them;
  • Puzzles, pyramids, and cubes will also provide great entertainment for your little one;
  • Hang a rope swing in the doorway - we assure you, children's joy is guaranteed;
  • Soap bubbles in addition to the swing will create a fabulous atmosphere;
  • Organize a dance - give the kids the task of learning or inventing some kind of dance, and then let them show you the result;
  • Fridge magnets, especially those in the shape of animals, cars or fruits, will help keep your child occupied while you are in the kitchen;
  • Playing doctor is a responsible business! Tell your child that your cat/dog or any toy is sick and needs to be treated urgently;
  • Sorting coins by size will not only develop fine motor skills of your fingers, but will also bring order to your piggy bank;
  • It will be interesting for girls to arrange a fashion show - let the little fashionista dress up and walk like on a catwalk;
  • Organize a quest - draw a map or hide notes with tasks around the apartment. At the end there should be a prize waiting for the child;

You can create a special calendar in advance, which will include several tasks every day.
And this is not the limit! Imagine, involve your children in creating new games and entertainment, and very soon you will understand that even at home you can find a lot of things to do with a 4-year-old child.

What games for 3-year-old children are most interesting at this age? Let's figure out a little what a three-year-old child is like.
What are 3-year-old children interested in, what can they do and what do they know? By the age of three, a child can already comfortably ride a tricycle, can ride a sled down a hill, or ride on a children's swing. The baby enjoys playing with his peers and sharing toys with them. At this age, they are able to cope with the simultaneous performance of two actions. For example, three-year-old children can easily jump and clap at the same time. With the help of adults, a child aged 3 years will be able to swim a little, independently jump from a place with two legs, and jump from a small height to the ground. They enjoy running and playing with the ball.

Knowledge and skills of a 3 year old child

What should a child who is 3 years old know at this age? Well, firstly, he must be able to correctly name the four primary colors and distinguish some of their shades. Know the colors black and white, understand the seven colors of the rainbow and be able to find them at the request of an adult. You can find online games for 3-year-old children to help them learn colors on our website.
In addition, a three-year-old child must be familiar with the size and shape of objects: he can easily assemble nesting dolls, stacking them one into another, or tableware - plates, buckets, stacking them into each other, both independently and upon request.
Very useful games, including online ones, for a three-year-old child will be those that help to study geometric shapes. The child should be able to select shapes according to the pattern: round to round, square to square, and so on.
A good workout for a child is working with three-dimensional figures: inserting various kinds of cubes, balls, pyramids into the corresponding holes that suit their shape.
Assembling a pyramid of a dozen rings of different sizes and colors should also not be a big problem for a child. He should also be able to find the largest, smallest and medium among objects. A three-year-old child should be able to distinguish soft objects from hard ones, assemble simple puzzles, putting together a complete picture from the pieces. Also, at this age, it should not be difficult to find the place where there was a toy or other object that adults removed.
At 3 years old, a child should already have primitive drawing skills - draw a circle, line, rectangle, paint over coloring books with different colors, imitate how adults write. And he himself can already draw a simple picture, for example, a flower, a sun, a house, and so on.
In terms of the development of hands and fingers, the baby can knead and roll pieces of plasticine, sculpt the simplest figures - balls, sausages, coins.
In street and indoor games, a three-year-old child must take the initiative - offer to play, distribute the roles of the game, and show imagination. When playing with other children, he usually easily copies the actions of others and plays with objects, imagining them as something else. It's good when a child learns to follow the rules of games.

Emotional development of a child at 3 years old

A child’s desire to be good is one of the main desires of this year of life. He expects praise and positive perception of his actions and deeds from adults. At this age, he knows how to rejoice when he succeeds in something. The feeling of pride in some of my achievements is also important - I jump the furthest. And also pride in my parents - my dad is the smartest, my mom is the kindest. A child at this age should actively express his emotions. Both positive and negative, at the same time, he can already limit his emotionality at the right moments - to show his good manners. He worries when he is punished and can hold a grudge for quite a long time if he is scolded. He understands perfectly when he has done something bad. And he understands when someone else has done something bad. And in general, at this age a child already has a whole set of feelings and emotions, which he can express through gestures, facial expressions, and speech.
When a child listens to a fairy tale, watches a cartoon or plays an online game, he empathizes with the main characters. He responds well to musical accompaniment - he dances, sings, moves his arms and legs.
Typically, children at the age of three react very emotionally to funny songs, bright drawings and pictures. That is why online games for children 3 years old are usually full of beautiful pictures and made with melodic music.
In general, a child at 3 years old is already a full-fledged person, with his own opinion, character and habits. He happily learns everything new and absorbs everything he sees, feels, hears. We hope that the games on our site will not only bring satisfaction to the child and parents from the time spent, but will also be very useful and educational. Good luck!

When a child is just getting acquainted with educational games, he needs exciting plots, simple design, vivid images and understandable tasks. Only in this case will the child be interested in completing the game and will be able to focus his attention on solving the task for a long time. All this is offered by educational games for children 3-4 years old - simple in logic, but very colorful and musical.

At 3-4 years old, a child is just beginning his education, and the goal of flash projects is to captivate the child with this process as much as possible. What do educational games offer for three- to four-year-old children? The choice is very large, since in addition to direct training, the child is offered tasks for general development. Most often, games in this group feature: colors and shades; animals, birds and insects; plants and flowers; natural phenomena; furniture, clothing, shoes; letters and numbers.

The children, completing simple tasks, learn to use a computer mouse - draw, compare, find, select. And at the same time they master a huge range of knowledge that will be useful to them for later life and new games.

It is believed that at the age of 4 a child experiences a so-called turning point in his worldview: he is no longer a baby, but he is still far from being an adult. Try to give him as much attention as possible, distract him from his whims, come up with new activities. In all this, educational games for 4-year-old children will come to your rescue.

Is your child capricious for no reason or, on the contrary, playing around in such a way that it is impossible to calm him down? According to psychologists, there is only one common reason for such mood swings, and it is called boredom. That is, this is how your child expresses his emotions. It is not yet possible for a tiny man to find something to do to his liking. Help him with this by making your leisure time interesting, useful and memorable.

First of all, you can play the simplest game “Find the toy”. The baby should turn away while you hide the toy doll, then tell the baby that she ran away (got lost/left/flew away) and must be found. You should not delay the search for too long, otherwise the child will quickly get tired and lose interest. Help him find the toy with hints “warmer” or “colder” so that the child quickly finds what he is looking for.

You can play a game that trains your memory well. Lay out several toys, ask the child to remember them, and then put one of them away. At the initial stage, the baby must understand which particular toy is missing. Subsequently, you can complicate the game and remove not one, but two or three toys. And on an even more complex one, change the remaining places or even add new ones.

Coloring pages will help develop your child's fine motor skills. Now your 4-year-old is just at the age to start creating masterpieces, armed with paints, brushes and markers. Try to choose large drawings. Such a child is not yet able to color small details, so, most likely, such drawings may end up very sloppy.

It often happens that the baby flatly refuses to draw. In this case, try using various kinds of sand paintings or plaster frames, which the child will be able to make quite independently using the forms offered to him, and then he will be happy to paint and present as a gift to, say, his beloved grandmother or sister.

Boys will never give up construction toys. They will be happy to assemble a robot, a racing car, or build a real city, and the girls will play with princesses, having previously cut out paper outfits for them. Undoubtedly, at the very beginning they cannot do without the help of adults, but refrain from doing all the work for the baby. Often parents get so carried away and indulge in memories that they seem to completely forget that at this stage the main task is the development of the little child.

Games that enrich speech and vocabulary

The purpose of these games is to develop clear, clean and literate speech in the child. Do not forget that no one is endowed with the art of eloquence from birth; this ability must be developed. And today, unfortunately, we have to admit that people who speak well are a rarity. Parents, unfortunately, sometimes have no time to pay attention to such details as attention, speech and motor skills. As a result, the baby has no choice but to learn to speak, actively drawing his vocabulary from television programs.

It happens that children's speech is slurred - they continually swallow endings, and sometimes entire words, or, on the contrary, stretch them beyond recognition. Research shows that those with good diction go on to become the best students in the class.

Four years is exactly the age when children are able, like a sponge, to absorb all the information provided to them, and the following activities will come to the aid of parents:

  • Tongue Twisters. They have a very positive effect on the speech apparatus, significantly improve diction and significantly enrich vocabulary.
  • Learning poems by heart. It can enrich your child’s vocabulary by teaching him how to pronounce words correctly.
  • Reading fiction before bed. Don’t be lazy and make it a rule to read to your baby at least a few pages before bed.

Games to develop coordination

Remember to improve coordination as well. Special games designed for children 4 years old will help you solve this problem. Remember when we were kids and we all played “Sea Figure, Freeze”? But this game is the best suited to achieve this goal. The game has several options.

The most popular is the one when the music is turned on and the children are invited to dance. Then the presenter abruptly turns off the melody, and the team must freeze in exactly the position in which the silence of each participant was found. You can complicate the task and offer to freeze in the image of a cartoon character, inanimate landscape, animal or bird.

The latter option has two goals at once: it not only develops coordination, but helps to explore the world around the child. Dancing is also a very effective way to develop coordination.

Games that develop communication skills

Sometimes it happens that suddenly a child becomes withdrawn and stops expressing emotions. This can be caused by a number of reasons, and educational games in a group will help solve the problem.

For example, “Find the color.” The presenter must name a color, and the participants are asked to find it on each other’s clothes.

You can also play “Emotions,” which helps relieve excessive stiffness and isolation. In this game, the presenter asks to portray, for example, joy, anger, resentment. Even the most shy children, in the end, as a rule, still get involved in the game process.

Computer games for children 4 years old

Of course, computers, which have recently entered our lives so actively, cannot help but come to the rescue of modern parents. Using the Internet, you can find a huge number of not only educational games for very young children, but also a huge selection of coloring books for little artists. Although psychologists still advise not to forget that you should not abuse the capabilities of the virtual space, so that the child does not become “computer dependent”, but gets pleasure and joy from an active life.

We bring to your attention games for children 3-4 years old, which your little one can immerse themselves in while sitting at their computer! Nowadays, children understand modern technology no worse than their parents. This is why they like colorful and funny flash games so much, especially if they involve their favorite cartoon characters. As you know, learning is much easier and more fun in a playful way. Boring letters and faceless numbers, which you need to pore over in the evenings, when you really want to relax and have fun, are replaced by a series of bright pictures and fairy-tale plots that are interesting for a child. Such a pastime will not only captivate your baby for a long time, but will also bring him great benefits.
Free online games for children 2-3-4 years old, which you will find on our website, are designed specifically for very young children. Your child will be offered simple educational tasks: determine where the sound is coming from, color the picture by choosing the appropriate colors, count the objects on the screen or put together a small puzzle. All this develops in the child not only visual perception and logical thinking, but also contributes to the development of such important qualities as attentiveness, ingenuity and perseverance. And this will definitely come in handy for your baby in later life!
3-4 years is an interesting and important age. At this time, the baby begins to actively speak; this is the period of the first questions and suggestions. Parents teach children to formulate a request, communicate with parents, and pronounce sounds and words. It is logical that for a three-year-old child reading and educational simple games aimed at developing speech and logical skills will be very useful. At four years old, children should already be able to do a lot and cope with simple tasks on their own. The level of complexity of children's games increases, they become more and more difficult. In such games you need to distinguish one color from another, understand taste, and distinguish objects of different shapes. The child copes well with such simple logical and mental tasks. Therefore, now parents can invite their children to play a logic game, play board games, and introduce the child to riddles and counting rhymes. Often, four-year-olds can even write and read.
Educational online games for children 3-4 years old are popular with kids, as they see their favorite fairy tale and cartoon characters. Like a folk tale, online games teach kindness, teach you to come to the rescue, primary knowledge of nature is also through games (recognize living and inanimate objects, find an extra plant, distinguish natural phenomena). The content of children's online games is carefully selected, they are positive, so parents do not have to be afraid that their child will be taught bad things. Can Masha or another favorite cartoon teach evil? No. And so the children build a house together with a bear, count sheep, travel with Kolobok, collect carrots with a bunny. To do this, the child needs to be vigilant, attentive, focused, and be able to notice all the details. There are different types of such online games:

  • Color identification, coloring pages, puzzles
  • Determination of the geometric shape and size of objects
  • Logic problems and puzzles

Among the free online games on our website there are applications where you can not only master arithmetic, find and name geometric shapes, unravel puzzles, make puzzles, but also even compose music and perform it on musical (virtual) instruments. For growing children exploring the world, this is extremely important. Without educational games for 3-4 years, especially mobile, bright online games, the development process will slow down and will not be effective. Make your child's learning attractive, fun and rewarding with educational online games.