Proper eyelash care. How to care for your hair at home using professional products

February 23

How should you care for your eyelashes to keep them strong and fluffy? This question is asked by many girls and women, whom nature did not endow with long and voluminous eyelashes from birth. In the region in which we live, we often find eyelashes of medium length and volume, and in order to lengthen them and make them fluffy, you need to use certain products and perform caring manipulations.

Where should I start?

Twice a day, morning and evening, special procedures should be done for eyelashes:

  • In the morning, it is useful to wash your face with weak warm tea or boiled water, then moisturize your eyelids with cream.
  • In the evening, before resting for the night, be sure to remove makeup from your eyes. To remove it, you need to use only special means, but in no case soap.
  • At night, nourish your eyelashes with fortified balms or eyelash oils and eyelid skin creams - they should be non-greasy.

Most often, universal products designed for both eyelashes and eyelid skin include burdock, rose and castor oils.

Eyelash balms are gently rubbed into the edge of the eyelids with your little finger. Many modern balms and oils are produced in the form of applying a cream around the eyes - a transparent medicated mascara with a brush. They are applied to eyelashes in the same way as mascara.

What does it mean to care properly?

Application of special oils

You can use castor, olive, burdock or almond oil. A small amount of it should be applied to a cosmetic brush for eyelashes and combed. Nourishing oils for eyelashes are very useful, they accelerate their growth and heal the hairs. Almond oil stimulates eyelash growth.

Rose oil slows down the aging process and relieves eyelid skin irritation. Castor and burdock oils promote eyelash growth, improving structure and preventing their loss.

In this case, a woman can use oils not only of one type, but also mix several types. You can make various masks from them. A mixture of vegetable oil and oil solutions of vitamins A and E will be very useful for eyelashes. You can purchase these vitamins in the form of capsules at any pharmacy. When storing this mixture, be sure to ensure that it does not spoil. For this reason, it is best to choose a transparent bottle for storage. You can also use an empty mascara bottle. It must first be washed and dried. The brush needs to be dipped in oil and allowed to drain thoroughly. Only after this should you apply it to your eyelashes and comb them from root to tip.

Herbal masks

As you know, eyelashes are the same hair. They consist of 3% moisture and 97% protein - keratin. For this reason, almost any masks based on plant extracts and vitamins are perfect for their treatment. In addition, there are also methods that strengthen not only eyelashes, but also the skin of the eyelids. It would also be good to use massage oil. To make it, you need to add aloe juice and finely chopped parsley to the vegetable oil. Then this mixture needs to be mixed thoroughly. Massage it onto your eyelids and eyelashes. Avoid contact of oil with the mucous membrane of the eye. This will lead to the feeling of an oily veil on the eyes, which is difficult to get rid of.

Special eyelash products

There are products for proper eyelash care; they are sold ready-made. Most often they are aimed at growing and strengthening eyelashes. If at home, when mixing oils, it is not always possible to achieve the desired proportion, then ready-made products already contain everything you need: essential oils, minerals, vitamins. In addition, the packaging of such products is very convenient to use. These are gels, balms, mascara bases and other products.

For example, the antioxidant balm offered by Dzintars is designed to strengthen eyelashes and eyebrows. It is colorless, easy to apply and does not stick to eyelashes, and can be used as a base for mascara. The balm contains keratin, aloe extract, natural oils and vitamin E, so it is preferable to apply it at night to nourish the cells, strengthen the roots of the eyelashes, and improve their growth.

Eyelash balm from Mirra Lux contains essential oils, optimally selected and mixed: ylang-ylang, jojoba, jasmine, castor, grape. This balm not only helps eyelashes, which after using it become longer, acquire a rich color and stop falling out, but also relieves swelling, flaking, and reduces the risk of developing allergies.

The products of the French company Talika have received very good reviews from women looking for effective eyelash beauty products. So, about her gel for eyelash growth Lipocils gel they say that this is the best opportunity to make eyelashes thick and long in less than a month, and also with the help of natural remedies.

How to use oils?

Eyelash oil is best applied with a mascara brush that has been well washed beforehand. Naturally, you need to protect the mucous membrane of the eye from getting oil, while trying to apply the oil to the roots of the eyelashes. Some people use a cotton pad, it's a matter of taste.

Caution: Do not apply eyelash oil before bed, otherwise the oil may seep under your eyelids and into your eyes during the night. The best time for a treatment procedure is immediately after getting rid of makeup. Removed makeup, applied oil, and removed excess before bed if necessary. Most likely, the oil will have time to be absorbed over the evening and there will be no problems with it.

If you've never tried applying oil, start with small amounts, applying it to the tips of your eyelashes and leaving the eyelid area alone. The oil will spread on its own through the eyelashes and onto the skin. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of oil.

Another feature in these procedures: you will have to choose eyelash oil individually, because each body reacts differently to certain substances contained in oils. Therefore, when using the product, you should monitor the result and see how the eyelashes react to the use of a specific oil.

Today, the cosmetics market offers a huge number of products that allow you to provide high-quality care for eyebrows and eyelashes. If you don’t have the opportunity and desire to contact specialists and use expensive, newfangled products, you can take proper care of your eyelashes at home. The effect from them will be no worse, and sometimes even better, than from expensive salons.

How to care for eyelashes so that they are healthy, thick and long? The secret of proper care is in several components, adhering to which, achieving the desired result in the form of beautiful eyelashes will not be difficult:

  1. Proper cleansing.
  2. Additional care.
  3. Use of folk remedies.

Eyelash cleansing

In order to clean your eyelashes correctly, you need to follow some rules:

  • do this daily. It is not recommended to go to bed with eyelashes painted, since cosmetics can destroy the structure of the hairs and cause redness of the eyes. At night, the eyelashes should rest from the substances contained in mascara or pencils and recover;
  • use special products designed for removing makeup, including for the eye area. Typically these are alcohol-free milks or lotions that are applied with a cotton pad.
  • To remove waterproof mascara, so-called two-phase products are used. Their difference is that they contain oil. Thanks to this, lotions are able to carefully remove mascara, which a regular product cannot completely remove.

Additional care

Additional care for eyelashes consists of following these recommendations:

  1. Daily combing of eyelashes. This is done using a special brush, 2 times a day, morning and night, after cleansing. This procedure is a kind of massage, thanks to which the blood supply to the hair follicles improves, the hairs become larger, and their structure is stronger. You can see in the photo how to comb your eyelashes correctly.
  2. Nutrition of eyelashes. To do this, you can use special cosmetics or folk remedies in the form of oils. Nourished eyelashes look healthy and shiny.
  3. Applying compresses and masks. They contribute to the rapid growth of eyelashes, as well as the removal of swelling in the eye area.
  4. Proper nutrition. In order for eyelashes to grow intensively, the body must have a complete balance of vitamins and minerals. This can be achieved by including fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, dairy products, meat and fish in your diet. It is also recommended to drink vitamin complexes containing calcium, vitamins A and E.

Folk remedies for eyelash care

There are a large number of natural remedies that have a beneficial effect on the health and growth of eyelashes. From all this variety, it is important to choose the appropriate options and act on the eyelashes comprehensively, healing them by applying oils, compresses and masks.

Caring for eyelashes at home using oil

Castor, almond, sea buckthorn and rose oils are used to care for eyelashes. These products have different effects on hairs:

Apply the oil with a special brush or a brush from an old mascara, first to the ends of the hairs, and then evenly distribute along the entire length, as seen in the photo.

The procedure should be carried out carefully, trying not to get into the eye. After 1 hour, the oil is washed off, as it can cause the eyelids to swell. If the liquid gets into your eyes, you should immediately wash it off with water to avoid irritation of the eyeball.

Peach oil softens hairs and promotes their growth. This oil is good for making masks. To do this, cotton buds are impregnated with the product. They are placed over the eyes, and a piece of bandage is placed on top. After 10-12 minutes, remove the mask and rinse well with warm water.

The mask can also be made from a combination of such products as castor oil, aloe juice and vitamin A. To obtain an emulsion, mix 1 teaspoon of the first two ingredients and 3 drops of vitamin A. The resulting composition is applied to the eye area for 10-15 minutes using flagella , and then wash off with water.

Another mask that stimulates eyelash growth and makes them thicker is based on a combination of 1 spoon of castor oil and 0.5 spoon of cognac (rum). You can learn about the properties of this product and how to apply it correctly by watching the video.

Care with decoctions

Decoctions have a positive effect on hair growth, making them healthier and thicker. A compress can be prepared from the following plants:

  • cornflower - promotes eyelash growth and makes their structure stronger;
  • chamomile - soothes the skin around the eyes and makes the tips of the eyelashes fluffy;
  • calendula - affects the hair follicles, which is why the hairs grow more intensively.

Decoctions are prepared by steeping 1 tablespoon of herb in a glass of boiling water. The resulting product is infused for an hour, and then a cotton pad is soaked in it. It should be applied to the eye area for 20 minutes, as shown in the photo. Then wash with water.

Many women face problems such as fragility, fragility and loss of eyelashes. Therefore, I decided to tell you how to strengthen eyelashes and improve their growth at home.

Having familiarized yourself with all the methods in detail, you will no longer have to constantly visit beauty salons. Sitting at home, you can get everything you want without spending exorbitant amounts of money.

Efficiency and Strengthening

You can strengthen your eyelashes in different ways, but the best option is, of course, products that were prepared at home. It is with their help that you can improve the condition of the bulbs and restore the damaged structure both outside and inside; they also promote rapid growth, thickness, and volume. All these factors are important to conquer the opposite sex with just one glance. But first of all, you should remember that false or extended eyelashes are the kind of beauty that can be appreciated upon leaving the salon, but after several weeks, and sometimes days, their appearance ceases to be so attractive.

Advice: if you decide to use homemade eyelash care products, you will need to wait for the results, but they will be long-lasting and reliable.

The active substances contained in each prepared product penetrate the follicles and act on all processes taking place in the cells. As a result, with each use they begin to function fully and after 2-3 weeks of intensive home treatments you will see obvious changes:

  1. Blood circulation improves in the eyelash bulbs, the cells receive oxygen in full, so the eyelashes are reliably strengthened.
  2. The number of hairs will increase noticeably, they will become much thicker and fluffier.
  3. Most often, after home care, not only strengthening occurs, but also intensive growth. As you can see, this way you can solve not just one problem, but several at once.
  4. The appearance also becomes much better, because proper and regular nutrition occurs, the eyelashes become very beautiful.
  5. Strengthening also occurs from within. Eyelashes don't break like before.

Refuse expensive and harmful extensions in favor of home care and treatment products

If you find the right approach to your eyelashes, their growth and strengthening ceases to be a myth and gradually turns into reality. The main thing is to have patience, it will not be superfluous in such a matter. The pinnacle of home self-care is the ability to choose the right product for regular use, which is ideal for your skin type and will not harm you. Moreover, even after you complete the course of application, your eyelashes will remain healthy and beautiful for a long time. This is the secret of healthy eyes and well-groomed appearance.

How to strengthen and improve eyelash growth using folk remedies?

If you prefer naturalness over salon chemicals, then you have come to the right place. So, I’m telling you all my secrets on how to strengthen and improve eyelash growth at home. The main rule: in preparation there is no need to use modern cosmetics, preservatives, fragrances and the main elements from the periodic table, which make eyelashes fall out even more. I present to you my TOP of the best folk remedies that can cope with any problem. In this list you can find something that suits your skin type and will not damage the mucous membrane of the eye.

Tip: when selecting ingredients, remember that they should not cause allergies.

First, try using essential oils, they help strengthen your eyelashes. Many professionals in their field recommend them. Oils are made exclusively from natural ingredients and cost literally pennies. Finding them is very easy, just visit the pharmacy. This is a product that does not require huge expenses and can give you a beautiful, mysterious, unsurpassed look with fluffy and long eyelashes. It is this home care that will prevent fragility and hair loss.

Use affordable and effective essential oils

Pay attention to oils such as:

  1. Castor - with its help, strengthening, nutrition, rapid growth of eyelashes occurs, and also prevents loss, suitable for almost everyone
  2. Burdock - can protect against hair loss and fragility, perfectly nourishes and strengthens, one of the most effective oils
  3. Almond - will help strengthen and improve growth
  4. Wheat germ - action like almond
  5. Peach - will simply open a kaleidoscope of possibilities: nutrition, strengthening, improvement of growth, treatment of infection that can affect the eyelash follicle
  6. Sea buckthorn - nourishes, reliably strengthens
  7. Olive - nutrition, strengthening, gives thickness and fluffiness to eyelashes
  8. Camphor - nourishes, strengthens, protects from external influences
  9. Jojoba - improves appearance, strengthens, prevents fragility and hair loss
  10. Nut - nutrition due to amino acids and vitamins, they promote the growth and strengthening of eyelashes
  11. Argan - responsible for thickness, fluffiness, strengthening
  12. Coconut - moisturizes, prevents hair loss, strengthens
  13. Flaxseed is one of the few that moisturizes and strengthens
  14. Usma - stimulates growth, ensures strength and elasticity

Tip: Some oils have the same effect on eyelashes, so if you are allergic to one, you can choose another.

More attention should be paid to castor and burdock oils. They are the easiest to purchase and easy and pleasant to use. In this case, the result will not take long to arrive. But you shouldn’t neglect the others, they all also have a positive effect on eyelashes and can prolong their beauty. Moreover, if you like to experiment and are ready for anything, feel free to expand your list of used products.

Castor oil is considered the most effective

Another excellent folk remedy for strengthening and improving eyelash growth at home is herbs. With their help you can prepare a decoction or infusion. Our grandmothers used these recipes, so their effectiveness has been proven by generations of wise women. You can purchase a ready-made mixture at the pharmacy or make it yourself, but first find out what time you need to collect the herbs. Only knowledge and skills will help in such a difficult task. So, stock up:

  1. Cornflower
  2. Sage
  3. Calendula
  4. Chamomile

Advice: make an infusion of them and use them daily as a compress, the result will not be long in coming and will be mind-blowing.

The main disadvantage of oils is their fat content; not many people like to constantly feel it on their eyelids. This is where herbs come to the rescue. In addition to their direct purpose, they relieve fatigue, invigorate, care for the skin of the eyelids, and give freshness. Infusions are very useful for those who spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor.

The best mask recipes for strong and healthy eyelashes

Every woman wonders how she can strengthen her eyelashes and improve their growth at home. After reading a huge number of reviews from professionals and amateurs, I compiled a list of excellent masks. You can make a wonderful compress from herbs, and use oil to strengthen your eyelashes. Therefore, you can combine everything or use one at a time. For example, a regular compress can be used an hour before going to work, and a mask only before bed. It contains oils that will not allow you to apply makeup evenly.

Use homemade eyelash masks

Pure oil

Find an old mascara, clean, wash and dry the brush, you will need it. The product you will use should be at room temperature or slightly warmed in a water bath. Dip the brush prepared in advance into the oil and begin applying the product to the eyelashes from the middle. You need to be careful not to let it drip or get into your eyes. After 10-15 minutes, remove the oil with a dry cotton pad. You can do this every day before you go to bed. The course lasts 1-2 months, then take a break for 2-3 weeks.

Oils combined with vitamins

A combination of cosmetic oil and vitamins can be an effective remedy. Take 1 tbsp. l. castor oil, add sea buckthorn, rosehip is also suitable, 5-6 drops of carrot juice or oil vitamin A, it is also called retinol. Apply the same as the previous one. But be extremely careful: the complex of carrot juice and sea buckthorn oil can give an orange color to the skin of the eyelids. Do not overexpose the product.

Oil and tea

The mask is quite interesting and unusual. In equal portions you need to mix black, strongly brewed tea and the oil of your choice. This home remedy will not only prevent eyelash loss and fragility, but can make them much darker.

Butter with rum

The mask is quite specific, not everyone can use it, but if you take a risk, believe me, you will not regret it, an excellent result is guaranteed. Oil, preferably castor or burdock, should be at room temperature, mix in equal quantities with rum or cognac, apply in the familiar way to the eyelashes. It is after this mask that the effect occurs 3-4 days after use.

Use old mascara to apply the product.

Oil mask “express strengthening”

If you're not at all patient, try a mask that contains a whole mixture of different oils. If you regularly use this combination, you can stop eyelash loss within the first week. Mix slightly heated oils: castor, burdock and olive, but take unrefined, natural ones. The proportions should be equal, for example 1 tsp. You cannot store the mask for several days; the effect can be obtained by preparing a new one every day.

Oil mask +

This mask contains even more oils, so you will get the effect much faster. Mix a few drops of oil with each other; it is better to choose castor, flaxseed, rose, almond, grape seed and wheat germ. If you don’t have any of them, replace them with what you have, burdock or olive.

Aloe juice has an excellent effect

Olive oil, aloe and parsley

Up to 10 clean parsley leaves should be ground to a mushy consistency, mixed with 7 ml of aloe juice or extract and the same amount of olive oil. Dip the resulting mixture into hot water until it reaches 40 degrees. Now you can start applying, try to do it as close to the eyelashes as possible, but not on them themselves, because parsley juice can discolor the hairs. Leave for 15 minutes and remove. First, wash everything off with a cotton swab, then rinse your face and eyes with warm water.

You have learned all the secrets about how to strengthen eyelashes and improve their growth at home using folk remedies, without using chemicals or additives. At the moment of weakening and vitamin deficiency, already prepared masks and compresses will help. Now, when you see that your eyelashes are falling out, you don’t need to rush headlong to the pharmacy and buy everything or go for extensions. All this is short-lived and will not bring any benefit. But by making a homemade mask, you can treat your eyelashes and restore their youth and beauty. It will be impossible to tear yourself away from your gaze!

Eyelashes are a very small but very important detail of a beauty's image. And in order for them to make your look unique, you need to constantly look after them.

Of course, every girl would like to have longer, thicker and blacker eyelashes. However, unfortunately, nothing can be done about the color and length of eyelashes. These characteristics are inherent in us at the genetic level and can only be corrected with the help of cosmetics.

However, we can prevent eyelash loss and stimulate their growth. This can be done using a variety of masks offered by traditional medicine.

Why do eyelashes fall out?

It is important not to confuse eyelash loss with their normal renewal. Our eyelashes completely change in two months, while the lifespan of one eyelash is approximately three months. It is absolutely normal that eyelashes sometimes fall out individually, like any hair on our body.

But if your eyelashes literally crumble, thin, or break, then you can confidently conclude that something is wrong here.

Causes of severe eyelash loss:

  • use of low-quality cosmetics
  • not taking proper care of eyelashes
  • allergic reaction of the body
  • eye inflammation
  • various diseases
  • poor functioning of the immune system

General rules for eyelash care

  • It is very important to provide nutrition to your eyelashes. Our eyelashes are made of keratin. This substance is found in large quantities in plants such as pepper, parsley, and rose hips. Include these foods in your diet - and it will have a positive effect on your eyelashes.
  • Take your choice of mascara seriously. It must be of high quality, from a trusted manufacturer. Take the advice of your friends when choosing this cosmetic product.
  • If after using a cosmetic product your eyes turn red or start to itch, you must immediately wash off the cosmetics and do not use them again.
  • A good mascara should contain various vitamins and keratin. Carefully study the composition of the mascara when purchasing.
  • Timely removal of makeup is also a necessary condition for healthy, beautiful eyelashes. When washing off mascara from your eyelashes, you need to make movements from your nose to your cheekbones. At the same time, make careful and careful movements, do not rub your eyes, otherwise you will tear off several eyelashes and contribute to the rapid appearance of wrinkles in this area.
  • For the health and beauty of eyelashes, proper nutrition is also necessary. Limit your consumption of sweets and baked goods. Carbohydrates prevent the body from absorbing the substances necessary for eyelashes in the required quantities.
  • It is better to protect your eyelashes from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, wear sunglasses while sunbathing.
  • If you use various face masks that contain hydrogen peroxide, then make sure that such a mask does not get on your eyelashes, otherwise they may become discolored.

Traditional medicine for eyelash care

Medicinal mascara

Mix the following components in equal quantities:

  • castor oil
  • Vitamin E oil solution
  • aloe juice
  • burdock oil

The resulting mass must be poured into a previously thoroughly washed tube of old mascara. Then apply this product to your eyelashes with a brush every day for a month before going to bed. After this period, you will notice a positive result. If desired, you can use this product regularly.

In the same way, you can use a mixture of castor oil with.

Parsley and castor oil eyelash mask

  1. mix equal amounts of castor oil and finely chopped parsley
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to your eyelids and eyelashes.
  3. Gently massage this area with your fingers

Compresses made from potatoes, aloe juice and honey

  1. peel one potato and grate it on a fine grater to make a paste
  2. squeeze the juice out of this pulp
  3. then you need to add a little aloe juice and honey to this juice
  4. After this, you need to soak 2 pieces of gauze folded several times in the resulting substance.
  5. then apply this gauze to your eyelids for 10 minutes
  6. After this period, rinse your eyes with warm mint decoction
  7. The procedure should be completed with a massage of the eyelids
  8. for massage it is effective to use almond oil, dip your fingers in it
  9. this oil stimulates the active growth of eyelashes and gives them shine

Cornflower compresses

  1. pour one dessert spoon of cornflower flowers with 200 milliliters of boiling water
  2. wait until the broth cools down
  3. then soak two cotton pads in the still warm liquid and apply these pads to your eyelids for a third of an hour
  4. after this, do a light massage of the eyelids using the same almond oil or fish oil

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Every woman dreams of beautiful, long and thick eyelashes. After all, the look immediately becomes more expressive, more luxurious and attractive. However, it is not always possible to keep eyelashes in good condition. They can fade and break.

Due to regular use of cosmetics and daily removal of cosmetics, eyelashes lose their elasticity, stop growing normally, and become rare and weak.

ATTENTION! In order to grow thick and long eyelashes at home, our readers use the latest method, after carefully studying it, we decided to offer this method to you...

To prevent weak and brittle eyelashes, you need to properly care for them. It is recommended to nourish your body with useful microelements and vitamins both from the inside and outside, make strengthening masks for eyelashes, and use special decorative cosmetics.

There are many eyelash care products available in the market, but in this article we will look at home eyelash care products. According to many women, home eyelash care is the most effective way to strengthen eyelashes, make them thick and voluminous.

Eyelash care at home

Folk eyelash care products can be preventive, to give thickness and length, as well as restorative, which will accelerate the growth of eyelashes and nourish them.

Before you begin eyelash treatment, you should determine the cause of their fragility.

It may be due to low-quality cosmetics or lack of vitamins. Then you should purchase a complex of vitamins, improve your diet and replace cosmetics with better ones. Only then will caring for your eyelashes at home be effective. Judging by the reviews, it is best to take care of the skin of the eyes, eyelids and eyelashes as a whole.

According to reviews from many women who have been strengthening their eyelashes at home for a long time, the best remedies were the following:

  1. Cosmetic oils;
  2. Herbal compresses;
  3. Eyelid massage;
  4. Vitamin capsules.

First of all, eyelash care will be effective if it is regular. It is impossible to get beautiful thick eyelashes at home if you do, for example, masks once a month. It is best to keep a special notebook where you should write down which care products were used and when. To find the product that is right for you, it is recommended to try several products. Some people do not even suspect that they are allergic to a particular oil and so on. The mask is applied to the eye area, so it is better to try to find a product that is individually suitable for each woman.

Memo - eyelash care for every day

Oils for eyelashes at home

Folk remedies for treating eyelashes cannot do without the use of various cosmetic oils. The reviews from the use of castor oil are especially stunning. Castor oil is the basis of masks for the treatment, prevention and restoration of eyelashes.

It is important to know: you should not immediately rush to try all the oils in a row. It is better to apply one product regularly to the eyelashes for 2-3 weeks, then experiment with the next one.

Eyelash care - the best oils:

Rules for applying oil:

  • Using a clean soft brush or a washed mascara brush, apply oils to your eyelashes every day;
  • Application is carried out from root to tip;
  • Before applying the oil, you should warm it up a little under warm water;
  • This will improve the effect of oil absorption into the roots of the eyelashes;
  • During the procedure, make sure that the oil does not get into your eyes;
  • Makeup must be removed before the procedure;
  • Apply the oil for the first time for 10-15 minutes. If there is no allergic reaction, the procedure can be extended up to 1 hour;
  • The oil is removed with a dry cloth or disk. No need to wash with water;
  • The first results become noticeable after 10-20 days.

Also, together with oils, you can apply vitamins in capsules to your eyelashes - A, B5, E, F.

Eyelash care – herbal compresses

According to many women, it is effective to use compresses and herbal lotions for eyelashes. Compresses effectively affect the roots of eyelashes and activate their growth. The lotions also have a good effect on the skin, remove redness from the eyes, and have a lifting effect.

The best herbs for compresses:

  1. Chamomile;
  2. Calendula;
  3. Knapweed;
  4. Sage.

Technique for using compresses:

  • If there are no allergic reactions to herbs, then you can buy them at the pharmacy or collect them in the forests and gardens in the summer and dry them yourself;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs are added to 100 grams of boiling water and infused for about 1-2 hours;
  • Afterwards, strain the broth and soak the cotton wool with it;
  • Disks are applied to clean, makeup-free eyes;
  • You should take a horizontal position and relax;
  • It is recommended to leave the compress for 20 minutes;
  • lotions should be done twice a day;
  • After 10-20 days, the result will already be noticeable.

Lotions can be alternated with applying oils to the eyelashes.

Eyelid massage

After applying a mask and compress to your eyes, the ideal end to caring for your eyelashes is an eyelid massage. Use your fingertips to gently tap on the eyelids and skin around the eyes. The massage can be carried out for 3-5 minutes so that the roots of the eyelashes receive the required amount of oxygen and stimulation occurs for their growth.

Our grandmothers also used folk remedies to care for eyelashes. It is thanks to their reviews that we still use lotions in everyday life. This knowledge is a real treasure trove from the past.

Regular use of folk remedies for the care of eyelid skin and eyelashes will not keep you waiting for an effective result. Your look will always be charming and seductive.