Write a message about 3 family traditions. Our family traditions

Any family has its own traditions, which are honored and observed from generation to generation. My family also has a number of customs that are very soulful, beautiful and interesting. In our family, and we have a big one: mother, me, grandmother, my beloved grandfather, Zhenya - mother's brother and, of course, numerous relatives, have their own traditions. The most important are hospitality and respect for people.

We always welcome guests with joy and treats. We will always offer a cup of tea! And we were taught to respect people from childhood. It may not always work out, but we try. Respect was taught by great-grandmother Shurupova Maria Ivanovna. Grandmother - mother, mother - me, and I have to teach my children this. Our whole family, as my mother says, "holds on to traditions." She thinks it's very important. I like it all and I agree with it.
We have many different traditions. There are large and important, there are small, but very pleasant. The first tradition is to celebrate all small, even insignificant events. Grandmother always lays a beautiful tablecloth on the table, takes out beautiful napkins, and we drink tea or just have a delicious dinner, or even breakfast. It all depends on what happened. So we celebrated, for example, on September 1, when I went to school for the first time, the visit of my grandfather's brother, birthdays, or just some event that we had been waiting for a very long time.

Among these traditions is the evening tea party. The pace of life today does not allow our family to gather together for dinner, and everyone who returns from work or school can eat at their own pace. But no matter how late the time for the general gathering of the family, tea drinking is never cancelled.

We gather in the kitchen, comfortably sitting on a soft corner. And the usual tea service is placed on the table. The aroma of our favorite hot tea spreads, tempting sweets are laid out in vases. Slowly drinking tea, we share our impressions of the past day, listen to the advice of grandparents, enjoy the taste and silence of peace. I really love these evenings. This smooth light, warmth and comfort seem to protect from the complexities of today's life.

Among the traditions of my family, there are such as roasting a goose for the New Year. Mom always says that she took this tradition from her mother, my grandmother Gali. Everyone celebrates holidays in different ways, but in our family everything looks about the same every year. We all celebrate the New Year together at the table, watch TV, go to the Christmas tree. And after the chiming clock, Santa Claus always puts gifts for me under the Christmas tree. It's so cool and magical!

It's nice that we never have the question of how to spend the International Women's Day, and everyone is infinitely happy on this day. We congratulate each other on International Women's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, give each other gifts. Grandpa and I always give mum and grandma bouquets. We know that my mother loves lilies, and my grandmother Galya loves chrysanthemums.

Each tradition is good even because it brings the whole family together, and when everyone is together it is easier and more fun to live. It's so great to have family close by. At such moments, you forget all the troubles, and your soul becomes warm, warm, as if the sun warms with its rays. And nothing else matters anymore, and it doesn't need to. I like the fact that we not only observe these family traditions, but also enjoy it.

And the most important tradition of our family is to celebrate the bright holiday of Easter. On the eve, we all clean the house together, then we cook a lot of delicious food.

A favorite tradition on this holiday is the arrival of guests, that is, grandfather sisters and brothers, and he has many of them. It is difficult to say how long this custom has existed in our family. But this day was not chosen by chance. The beginning of May and the end of April are the period of the most capricious weather, and this day is always unpredictable. Every year it is very fun and exciting to wait whether it will rain that day, whether a timid sun will peep through the green branches of trees, or whether nature will threaten us with a gusty and piercing wind.

Nevertheless, this is not at all an obstacle to walking in the fresh air, and after a hearty and tasty breakfast, we invariably go to the cemetery to visit the graves of our great-grandfather and great-grandmother, enjoy the awakening wildlife, and see the manifestations of spring.

Another very important tradition in our family is the celebration of May 9 - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. On the eve of May 9, we watch films about the war, listen to military songs.

On Victory Day, as a family, we watch the parade on Red Square on TV, and then we open the summer season with barbecue. We always remember our great-grandfather and great-grandmother. And this day is memorable for us, as well as for all people.

We love outdoor activities very much, so trips to the forest, to the river are also a family tradition. How wonderful it is to put on a jacket, boots, pick up a stick, a bucket and a knife on a cool autumn morning and go to the forest for mushrooms! You never know what awaits you behind that stump: a fat boletus, a bright fly agaric or a deadly viper! And then everyone gathers together at the car, share their findings and talk about the mysterious inhabitants of the forest.

In the forest, we try to move more so as not to freeze. Then we drink tea or coffee from a large thermos and refresh ourselves with sandwiches brought from home. This is a wonderful tradition that our family strictly observes.

I am proud of my family, where traditions are carefully respected, I try to be like my grandfather Vladimir Grigoryevich Shurupov. To be as brave and worthy to bear the title of "Real Man". It is from him that I learn to complete every task, I learn to determine my goal in life and strive to achieve it. Yes, even though we don’t have a pedigree “up to the fifteenth generation”, a family coat of arms and an anthem, but we have the traditions of my family, which I honor and respect.

My family is me, a loving mother and wife; husband Arthur, beloved father and husband; daughter Arina (3 years old), our happiness.

Each house has an individual style of existence. It is most clearly reflected in domestic rituals and traditions. We have our own meeting rituals - dad taught us this. When we all gather around our baby, be sure to kiss her five times on both cheeks. And she laughs with joy!

Family traditions are wonderful, this is stability, this is a community of loved ones, this is an occasion for everyone to get together, this is their own circle. From my childhood, I remember that on Sundays my grandfather and I would do what is called "kicking out of the house". In summer - fishing or just out of town, in winter - on a skating rink or skiing, in autumn - for mushrooms. He loves nature and taught me to do this, although he has never been an avid fisherman, hunter or mushroom picker.

It is interesting that on Saturday I usually slept until noon, and on Sunday I myself got up at dawn and immediately went to put on the things prepared in the evening. It was truly a happy day! I learned a lot of interesting things, and it is good for health.

Now, of course, it’s not the same, we have our own family, but very often we repeat the entertainment program that I had as a child with my grandfather. Me, my husband, my daughter, my grandfather and grandmother, and most importantly, nature!

We also have a tradition - these are family feasts on Saturdays. We are leaving for the village to our beloved old people. Grandma takes a snow-white knitted tablecloth out of the closet, covers the table with it and sometimes grumbles a little that she will have to wash it again, but this tablecloth is the one and only. But what is interesting, my grandmother does not give in to my father's persuasion, or to my requests to change the tablecloth to another, less problematic in terms of washing. When we clear the table, history repeats itself. And it's been going on forever for as long as I can remember.

There are a lot of memories associated with this tablecloth. She migrated from great-grandmother to grandmother, from grandmother to my mother, but my mother left her grandmother. The tablecloth is our family heirloom.

On weekends, all three of us make dumplings and dumplings. No weekend without them! Only the filling changes - meat, liver, cottage cheese, strawberries. Sometimes, while I wake up, the husband and daughter are already finishing the last preparations in the kitchen ...

The first time my husband and I celebrated Family Day four years ago, on ours. It was April 17th. Then the current holiday on July 8 - the Holiday of family, love and fidelity - was not celebrated in Russia. But last year this day was a big surprise for me.

We live in the city, and there are no fields and forests nearby, only 20 km away. But this did not become an obstacle for my husband. In the morning, there was a large bouquet of field daisies next to my bed, and when I went to wake my daughter up, I saw that daisies were scattered around her bed! It was amazing and unusual. Even then, I called my friends to look at this miracle that my beloved created for me!

This year I decided to arrange a holiday for him in the style of "Daisies". From the sixth day, my daughter and I drew and cut out small daisies from cardboard. You should have seen the look on dad's face when he found gifts from his girls everywhere!


Family traditions can enrich life, strengthen the identity of the family, create excellent conditions for the proper development of children. For some time I have dealt with this issue. Accumulated a lot of interesting material and amazing ideas. You can see it here: [link-1]

04/07/2014 04:07:53 PM, amisolia

Comment on the article "Our family traditions"

family traditions. - get-togethers. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. I remembered!

Section: How to proceed? (how to write a story about your son for a wedding). Son's wedding. And then everyone got so mixed up that scandals started here and there ... and family clans and ancestors began to leave the hall in pairs. Usually people want a holiday on this day. This is fine.

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I wish you all simple family happiness!!! All my friendly family sends you 2. A good family does not fall from the sky and does not develop by itself. Since childhood, girls ...

Sex - and family life can not share ... And why not have a liberated mistress as a wife? If I wanted to go on a spree from him, but no, I don’t need it. I want to receive and give pleasure to the person closest to me.

Discussion of family issues: love and jealousy, marriage and betrayal, divorce and alimony, relations between relatives. A story about family life. Irka sat at work all very dreamy. Then she took the phone, dialed the number and began to speak into the receiver: - Well, that's it ...

Family traditions. Serious question. About his own, about a girl's. I tried to make a tradition on Sundays to gather for breakfast, my husband's father, my husband's sister come to me with ...

family traditions. - get-togethers. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills.

Our family traditions. Traditional family dinner: how to make this event especially attractive for children and adults, as well as some mouth-watering recipes.

Family traditions: a survey. Serious question. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about a woman’s life in the family, at work, relations with the Day, he himself reads ... Well, on the DR we go to visit the one who had this misfortune :) All relatives are sitting at the table and talking ...

Every family, I think, has its own family traditions, its own family rituals and holidays. In the family of my parents, the only traditions I remember are eating together (in my family I manage to realize this only on weekends, and even then not for everyone) and even my vacation ...

we have a tradition of family dinners with your parents >. we have a tradition of family dinners with parents on Sundays during the cold period, when the dacha ends.

Our traditions come from our parents' families. All holidays - calendar and birthdays - together with parents, For these biggest family holidays - food is a must ...

We are now forming new traditions, since the child has appeared, but one has remained from the most romantic period (when we just started living together) - to cook dinner together.

Compiled as subheadings of this article. At present it is difficult to understand what is meant by tradition. Many families develop some habits, views, but few people think that this is a tradition. And if at school, for example, in social studies, they ask you to write on a similar topic? What will our composition “Traditions of my family” look like?

First, it is worth remembering what activities are held in the family every day. The tradition exists even in small things, such as a daily greeting and a wish for sweet dreams. Secondly, do you spend holidays together, are you religious? Thirdly, do you spend your holidays together?

Let's get down to learning the basic traditions. Maybe you will have some ideas about your family.

religious events

In believing families, as a rule, they celebrate. An Orthodox Christian cannot not celebrate Christmas or Easter without preparing a festive meal, visiting a temple, inviting guests.

An essay on the topic “Traditions of my family” is a free work that makes it possible to develop creative abilities. But if your family is not a believer, then you can write about it in an essay or skip this paragraph.

Faith is not only Orthodox, but also Catholic, Protestant and other religions. Of course, the traditions associated with this are also different. Let's look at an example of a Christian family:

“My parents are Orthodox people. I was brought up in the faith. Every Saturday and Sunday we always attend worship and pray. On the eve of major church holidays, we prepare various dishes and invite guests.”

Most Russian people have a tradition to visit the cemetery, clean up the graves of deceased relatives on Easter and on the day of the Holy Trinity.


New Year, March 8 and February 23, May 9 are the most important dates for Russian people. People are accustomed to give gifts to women on March 8, to congratulate men on February 23. Maybe your family does not have such traditions? Or congratulate only a man who served in the army? Or maybe you are limited to only modest gifts?

In an essay on the topic “Family Traditions of My Family”, it is worth adding a description (at least briefly) about how you spend public holidays. As for Victory Day, it is best to make this tradition the most important. Buy some pretty carnations and give them to veterans. Better yet, ask them if they need help with anything.

“We do not celebrate International Women's Day, because we do not consider this holiday important. Dad often gives mom flowers, sweets. This is how they remember their youth. But every time on February 23, mom gives dad new things in army style. Every year on May 9, we buy flowers at a kiosk and go to Red Square to congratulate the veterans. Dad asks the grandparents if they need any help. I remember how we helped one grandfather repair the fence on the site and laid down a beautiful stove in the house. And dad didn’t take money from grandfather.”

Joint labor

“Every Saturday we clean the apartment. Each of us has our own responsibilities, so we do not have problems, quarrels. Everyone knows what they need to do. If questions arise, we solve them together, sitting in the living room on the sofa and in armchairs. Something like this might look like a paragraph related to joint work.

Every spring, summer and autumn, joint work in the garden is also a labor tradition of the family. An essay on social studies on such a topic will help you figure out if something needs to be added so that the family is more friendly and strong. You can add information about your responsibilities to the essay. For example, who is planting potatoes with whom in a pair. Who is trusted to plant tomatoes, and who likes to plant peas, beans, corn. This may be the work tradition of the family. The essay is free, so you can write any examples.

Family dinners

It is clear that they can not gather the whole family around the table. Some people have a shift schedule. But someday the family still gets together at home. The most ideal way to connect together is a family dinner. Some families gather in a close circle, while others invite relatives, grandparents.

Cooking first and second courses is best done together. Composing “My Family Traditions” can be a good reason to make some changes. For example:

“We very rarely gather at a common table, because dad and mom, older sister and uncle work, and I study at school. But when everyone has a weekend, then mom takes care of lunch. We sit down to eat in pairs in turns, because our kitchen is small, the table is designed for two. I would like us to buy a large table and put it in the hall. There we could sit down together to have lunch and dinner, to communicate. I would love to help my mom cook, but she likes to cook alone.”

Trips, trips to the theater or cinema

Is it possible to call going to the cinema or theater, excursions, travels a tradition? Maybe your parents always take a vacation in July in the summer, and you all go on vacation to Sochi together? Or do you go to rest in the village?

An essay on the topic “Traditions of my family” allows writing about how you spend your weekends. After all, leisure is also a kind of tradition. For example, you and your family like to play badminton. To do this, in calm weather, you go to a park or a stadium where you are allowed to play.

It should be noted that some people like cultural and historical leisure (theaters, museums, excursions), while others like sports or tourist events (hiking, rafting, fishing). Each family has its own interests. Nevertheless, lovers of hiking can go to the theater in winter, and connoisseurs of culture go to the sea in summer to go diving.

Birthdays, anniversaries

How important it is to celebrate at birth! Unfortunately, far from all families have a happy tradition of setting the table, inviting relatives and friends, giving gifts and, of course, putting a cake with as many candles as the age is.

The composition “Traditions of my family” can be written not only after the fact, but also to formulate your desires. Let's say:

“For my birthday, I get a new pair of socks and a new toothbrush every year. I would like my parents to give me a computer. At my friend's holiday, I had a great rest, had fun. There was a beautiful cake on the table, we were treated to desserts and sweets. Relatives gave a lot of gifts to my friend, and we were given calendar cards and ballpoint pens on a string. This is how a friend's birthday is celebrated every year."

It is important for parents to celebrate wedding anniversaries, weddings, birthdays of all. Maybe you have some other family dates.

Family fun at home

Do you play loto at home, for example, with the whole family? Maybe you have some joint entertainment? Write an essay about this on the topic “Family traditions in my family”.

From generation to generation

Rarely, but still, there are such families where various traditions, recipes, things are passed on from generation to generation. There is such a tradition as giving a daughter's wedding dress by inheritance or some kind of jewelry.

The composition “Traditions of my family” can turn into a unique work that can become a family mini-diary. Such a thing can be passed on to children, and then to grandchildren. This will also become a kind of tradition.


It is very important, especially for Christians, to do good to others, to bring joy. Works of mercy is a pious tradition. The sick, the elderly, orphans, homeless animals - they all require attention, food, love and care. Include such an item in the work traditions of the family.

An essay on social science on a similar topic is important because it helps to assess how family customs, habits, attitudes are observed and whether any adjustments need to be made.

Svetlana Morozova

I bring to your attention creative work of my student.

In our life we ​​communicate with different people, but the people closest to us are our relatives, Our family. The family is the closest environment of a person. In any family, good relations, mutual assistance, family traditions.

Word « tradition» came to us from the Latin language and means"broadcast". Traditions- this is something in our life that is transmitted from one generation to another, from older to younger. Thanks to traditions the wisdom of the elders is passed on to the young.

Many families have special traditions. One of them - family reading. From childhood, my mother instilled a love for reading, for books for me and my older brother, in the evenings she always read aloud to us, and sometimes, switching roles, we read aloud. How many interesting and instructive in each book!

In any family, adults help children, and children help adults. Caring for children, the elderly, the sick is the duty of every person. On weekends, my parents and I visit grandparents, we buy food and medicine for them, help clean up the house and garden.

wonderful tradition became for our family and our numerous relatives joint Job in a large garden in the village. are going All: from small to large. Planting, weeding and harvesting potatoes for us holiday: first we work together, then we also cook dinner together and arrange family gatherings, with songs, jokes, intimate conversations.

I always help my mother with the housework, help take care of the flowers, feed the fish and the dog, do the cleaning, wash and iron the clothes, I like to help cook and decorate salads and pies.

Another beautiful tradition - family dinners. They are usually held on Sundays. All family members gather at a large table. Can be discussed without haste family matters, events of the week, plans for the future. In the evenings we always have dinner together, and on weekends, when my brother comes, we always arrange family dinners. How much spiritual warmth in this communication of the closest and dearest people! And then you wait for the next weekend to relive this joy again - to be next to each other, to be together!

Well, how not to say our favorite family holidays. This is New Year, Christmas, Easter, Trinity, birthdays. We prepare surprises, gifts, postcards for each other in advance, lay a festive table, invite relatives and friends to visit.

One more kind tradition - family trips. How nice it is to go to the forest, to the river or to the pond with the whole family! In winter we love to ski, play snowballs, make snowmen. In the warm season, when the weather is good and there is free time, we go to rest on nature: we walk, breathe fresh air, pick mushrooms and berries, fry kebabs, bake fish and potatoes, swim in the pond, play ball. Children help their parents and learn from them the rules of the march. life: how to pitch a tent, build a fire and cook food. And, of course, they learn to understand nature, to protect the beautiful world around them.

I am sure that family traditions- great value, our spiritual wealth. They need to be protected!

Glowing heart. Sparkly and sweet
Spring is back, ice floes have begun to move in the rivers.
Happiness? It is not in money, not in abundance.
No, not in beautiful things and cars.
Happiness - in the autumn cool dawn -
Sunbeam on gilded glass.
Happiness is when children smile
Me, coming to work in the morning.

Every family has its own traditions. Someone just has lunch together or goes for a walk on the weekends. Someone's traditions are rooted in the past, depend on nationality, faith, etc.
I would like to talk about two traditions of our family.
My grandmother, Ryseva Nina Ivanovna, is a very creative person, and among her many hobbies, she found time to write poetry. No family and friendly holidays are complete without Nina Ivanovna's rhyming congratulations, and the song she wrote became the official anthem of the Nagorny village. This talent of hers was inherited. All three grandma's sons are good at rhyming, and her granddaughter and my sister Lyana have repeatedly won poetry competitions and are members of the Steppe literary association.
Our second tradition is reading. From childhood, my parents instilled in me a love of books, read aloud, and until now I consult with them in choosing literature.
I think that traditions unite the family even more and create the atmosphere for which you want to return home. After all, when everything is good at home, this is happiness.

Irina Ryseva

Our family, our traditions.

Every family has its own traditions. Singing, music from generation to generation go next to the two branches of our family.

Back in 1932, our great-grandfather Ishchenko Karp Filippovich ordered a balalaika from Moscow. Himself, not knowing the notes, learned to play it:

And when she played

Her sonorous sounds poured out,

The whole village ran to listen to Karp,

What do his heart and hands do.

Karp Filippovich taught the game to his wife, Marfa Lukyanovna. She sang Ukrainian songs well. Left a widow at the age of 32 with four children, despite the difficulties, she did not lose her love for music and passed it on to her children.

Of her three sons, the eldest, Alexander Karpovich, played the button accordion and for a long time was the head of the culture department. Many people still remember him. Thanks to him, a music school was opened in Bredy.

Ivan Karpovich led a brass band and played the trumpet. At that time, live music sounded at the dances, the village boys and girls danced with pleasure to the sounds of a brass band.

And my grandfather, Vladimir Karpovich, graduated from a music school and became a professional musician. He still plays various instruments: balalaika, button accordion, accordion, piano, harmonica, drum. He composed music and poetry. His songs were performed at regional amateur art shows.

We rode in the steppe in frost and blizzard

And lived in tents in the steppe in the snow,

But they firmly believed that the Bredinsk region,

Give the country a golden loaf.

Grandfather led the orchestra of folk instruments of the music school, which successfully performed at zonal and regional competitions in the city of Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Miass, Sverdlovsk. For more than 30 years he worked as the director of a children's art school. Now he is on a well-deserved rest.

Three children of Vladimir Karpovich graduated from music school. Irina and Tatyana continued the family dynasty and work as teachers at the children's art school. Son Alexander graduated from the wind department and, having connected his life with the sky, does not part with music. He plays in a brass band and learns the basics of the saxophone in his free time. Irina's daughter, Ksenia, also graduated from a music school. Although her profession is not related to music, she enjoys playing the piano in her free time.

My mother, Tatyana Vladimirovna, has been working at a school for 16 years, teaching children how to play the piano.

Creative people work in our Children's School of Art, who try not only to give us knowledge, but also to organize fun holidays: New Year, First Graders, etc. And my mother is already acting as an artist. Whom she just wasn’t: Dr. Watson, Snegurochka, Pinocchio, Carlson ...

My dad did not study at a music school, but he has a good ear for music. He understands pop foreign ensembles. We love it when dad comes to our shows.

The musical traditions of the Piven family were continued by my father's sister Lyubov Vladimirovna. She graduated from the conservatory and works in the Kirov region at a music school as an accordion teacher. Her children also graduated from music school.

A few years ago, I graduated with honors from the School of the Arts in choreography and piano. My younger brother Zhenya also goes to a music school.

Our whole extended family often gathers for family holidays. Different generations of the Piven and Ishchenko families are united by music. We often sing, this is our family tradition. Members of our family are active participants in the regional amateur performances. Aunt and mother sing in the ensemble of teachers "Retro", participate in all concerts held by our House of Culture. I am proud that our family has made and continues to make a great contribution to the development of the region.

Piven Elena, 9th grade student

My family traditions

Tradition is a feature of every family. This is what brings the family together.” Our family, and we have a big one: mom, dad, me, Olya and Vika, have their own family traditions.

A person is born into the world, grows, thinks: where am I from? Where are my roots from? From time immemorial, one of the traditions in families has been the tradition of learning about their ancestors, compiling their family tree - a family tree. This tradition is returning to families.

Family traditions include the tradition of celebrating family holidays. Our family also has traditions that have passed to us from our grandparents. Our family is very hospitable, we are always happy to welcome guests. One of the common traditions was a feast. Guests gathered at the common table, sang, the hosts rested them with various dishes. Culinary traditions were not in last place.

Celebrating holidays with family is another good tradition of ours. Birthdays, Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8, May 9... We congratulate and give gifts for all holidays. A special holiday is the New Year, and traditionally we all decorate the Christmas tree together for the New Year, make gifts, launch fireworks, congratulate moms and dads on their holidays; honor those who died in the war on Victory Day. Traditions can unite not only family members, but the whole country.

My family and I love outdoor activities and often spend time in nature.

Our parents taught us to respect our elders since childhood: to wish health, to give way, to help if they ask.

Parents give us all their love, take care of us, are interested in our affairs, grades at school. You can talk to them on various topics. Sometimes they tell stories from their lives, about us when we were very young. All this is very interesting. They are not only mom and dad, but also our friends.

Our family is very friendly, we always do everything together. I am proud of my family, because we support each other in any situation and keep our traditions very carefully.

Turner Julia

Family traditions

Of all the holidays in the year, I like two the most - Birthday and New Year, or rather, the Christmas holidays.

I love birthdays because they are gifts, and I love New Year because not only you celebrate it, but all your relatives and friends.

Our family has a long-standing good tradition - it is to gather at Grandma's for Christmas and spend almost all day in her cozy house.

After all, it is the grandmother who is the stronghold, the connecting thread that unites us all. Probably, thanks to this holiday, in us, in our grandchildren, such a feeling is brought up as love and pride in family ties.

Of course, grandma prepares the most for this holiday. She always tries to please everyone, at her table everyone will find what he likes. I am always so sorry that my grandmother is running around, busying herself, getting tired, but when you look at her sparkling eyes at this moment, everything will become clear, because she is trying for us, and there is no higher praise for her than from us, grandchildren, oh the most delicious and satisfying food in the world. Parents love this holiday also because they are in their own home, in the haven of their childhood and youth, and plunge into memories. It is always interesting to listen to them, and especially from the lips of grandfather, who is always strict, but fair and selflessly loving us.

Every year this tradition becomes more and more valuable for us, because it is so wonderful to have such grandparents. I want them to stay with us as long as possible. I love them very much!

Adushkina Vlada, grade 9a

My family traditions.

Every year at the beginning of summer, my family goes to the forest for a vacation. This tradition has been in our family for several years. Before leaving, in the evening we prepare bags with groceries, prepare a tent. We go to bed early to get up early in the morning.

Early sunrise in summer. I like the morning freshness and coolness. We look forward to when we go. My sister Yulia and I love such trips. The two of us are always very interesting. When we arrive in the forest, the first thing we do is pitch a tent and set the table. We rest all day: we walk through the forest, go to the river, and just have a good time.

Days like this go by unnoticed. But we will remember him for a long time. It's great when there is such a tradition - to spend the day with the family.

Volynsky Dmitry, 9th grade student.

Our family traditions.

Every family has its own little family traditions and customs. And what about without them. They seem like an inconspicuous detail, but you can’t do without them. You get used to them and then you can't live without them. And our family is no exception. We love our traditions.
Our most pleasant tradition is the celebration of the New Year. First, we prepare for it: we clean the house, prepare gifts, treats. Moreover, we always celebrate the New Year in the house of grandparents. After all this, at eleven o'clock in the evening, we sit down at the table. And exactly

this merry night Santa Claus gives us gifts. Yes, yes, the real Santa Claus. My aunt Tanya plays his role. And then, after the chiming clock, those who are not yet tired go to the general festivities and have fun there until the morning. But then, on the morning of the first of January, you understand how good it is to have fun with the whole family

Our other already established tradition is family dinners. None of us like it when someone eats alone. At home we always have breakfast, lunch and dinner together. And on holidays and all other important events, our big family, or rather three families, gather in the parental home. It turns out a small holiday with a table, most importantly with good communication.

Our family also loves to go outdoors in the summer. Every summer, at least once, we do it. You can go for different reasons: whether for mushrooms, to the river, or maybe just like that, to relax.

But all these traditions are united by one thing - we do everything together, help each other everywhere, where with advice, where with deed. Our whole big family is one whole, and traditions help us to realize this and support each other..

Skorik Alexey, 9th grade student

My family traditions.

I think that tradition is something that has passed from one generation to another, inherited from ancestors.

In our family, of course, there are traditions. But the most important thing I consider hospitality and respect for people. We are always happy to communicate with people, we rarely have conflicts. Our family will always help in difficult times not only to their relatives, but also to friends and acquaintances. Our parents taught us this. And I have to teach respect and hospitality to my children.

The tradition of celebrating holidays is also very important. We congratulate each other on the New Year, Happy Birthday, Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women's Day on March 8. On all these holidays we gather in the house, at the table.

We also love outdoor activities, so trips to resorts by the sea are also a family tradition.

We love to go to the forest to pick mushrooms. You walk through the forest, without worries, without hassle, you collect. And then we all gather together in some place and share our findings, impressions of what we saw, talk about everything that we met on our way.

I am proud of my family, where traditions are carefully honored. Let us have a coat of arms, no anthem, but we have our own traditions. And they are dear to me.

Smikalova Lyuba, 9th grade