Summer skin care is the key to healthy skin in winter.


Everyone knows the condition when the greasiness of the skin rises excessively in summer, the face begins to become dirty faster, it looks sloppy, pores begin to clog from accumulated dirt, dust and sweat, and it is in summer that pimples and other inflammations bother more often than usual. To prevent this from happening, we will tell you all the secrets and subtleties of skin care in the summer.

Skin cleansing in summer

The issue of cleansing the skin in the summer is much more acute, because there are more polluting factors than usual. - dust, sweat, sebaceous secretion, particles of dirt, bacteria and microbes. That is why skin cleansing summer period worth paying Special attention. Take following rules into service...

  • Stop using soap. It is better to replace it with specialized cleansers - foams, gels, mousses, milk. Read the composition, it’s good if they contain salicylic acid, kaolin, algae extracts, green tea, fruit acids.
  • The cleanser must be rinsed off. In summer, it is better not to wash your face with tap water, but to use melt water or enjoy the mineral. Chlorine in water destroys protective layer skin, which is very necessary for the skin in summer.
  • After using cleansers, the skin should be wiped with a tonic. The tonic will cleanse the remnants of the previous remedy, remove the remnants of dirt and dust, and also normalize the pH of the skin and prepare it for the next remedy - creams and masks. For dry skin, choose an emollient toner, for oily skin, a pore-reducing tonic, and for normal skin, a tonic. Also in summer, micellar water can be used as an additional cleanser. You can take it with you and use it as needed. Micelles are good at attracting dirt particles, and your skin will stay clean and radiant longer.
  • Once or twice a week - for oily, 1 time - for normal and 1 time in 10 days for dry skin, it is good to do peeling and scrubbing, cleansing the skin from the stratum corneum, dead cells and black dots. Due to the increased degree of pollution in the summer, the use of scrubs becomes especially relevant, so do not neglect this procedure. But it is worth abandoning aggressive peels, it is not recommended to injure the skin at all. Give preference to softer delicate scrubs, peelings, for dry skin it is best to use gommages. We have on the site scrub recipes for all skin types, see if anyone is interested.
  • As additional funds cleansing, use masks, you can buy them ready-made or cook them yourself at home. Protozoa home recipe- take 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and fill them hot water for 5 minutes. If excess liquid remains, drain, and add tsp to the resulting slurry. honey and 0.5 tsp. baking soda. Apply the mask on a cleansed face, and rinse after 15 minutes. warm water. Combine this method with others cleansing face masks and your skin will respond beautifully to you appearance.

Hydrating the skin in summer

Moisturizing is also an important factor in skin care in summer. And it’s completely understandable why - in summer, the skin is under enormous stress under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, salt water, hot air, etc. Under the influence of these factors, the skin begins to intensively lose moisture, which leads to thinning of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles and premature aging. Therefore, the use of moisturizers is a must.

  • In summer, even owners of dry skin should stop using thick and oily creams, they will clog pores and inflammation is possible. Therefore, give preference to creams with a light texture that is well and quickly absorbed, does not tighten the skin and leaves a breathable microfilm on it, which prevents moisture loss. Pay attention to the composition, in the "summer" cream, antioxidant vitamins C and E, enzymes, substances that protect against ultraviolet and solar radiation (UV filters) are desirable. In addition, the composition must contain moisture-retaining components - aloe Vera, glycerin, polysaccharides, guar gum, chitosan, lecithin, urea.
  • It is recommended to moisturize the skin of the face in summer up to 3 times a day. You can add thermal water to moisturizing creams, it will also maintain moisture levels and refresh the skin in the summer heat.
  • Can be done at home moisturizing face masks- you can find out the most effective and proven recipes for masks by clicking on the link.

  • Drink more water - in summer the dose increases to 3 liters per day. Water will help support required level moisture in the skin.
  • Use sunscreen. UV rays have a detrimental effect on the skin, thin and accelerate aging. For an urban environment, use a cream with 15-20 SPF, if you are on vacation in hot countries, then the degree of protection should be higher and reach 80 SPF.
  • Regularly make homemade masks from seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries. Such masks will saturate the skin with moisture, strengthen, restore protective barrier skin, refresh and give a blush. The most simple mask looks like this - grate a quarter of a green apple on a fine grater, add banana puree (about 1 tsp) and puree from a mix of berries (take any that are in the house). Finished mask Apply to face and rinse with warm water after 15-20 minutes.
  • Use less make-up. Replace thick foundation creams with translucent fluids, great solution there will be a BB cream (it will simultaneously moisturize and act as a foundation). Replace powder with mineral, minerals will absorb moisture and the face will remain matte longer. Want to more information About,

It will be useful for every beauty to know what facial skin care is needed in summer for a beautiful and even tan. Professional advice to help you avoid desiccation skin and in any weather look at 100. The basic rules for such care, set necessary funds can be found here.

At any time of the year, the skin of the face is subjected to various tests. With the onset of summer, hot days begin for her in the truest sense of the word, because main threat for its condition represent the sun's rays. This ultraviolet radiation, which is capable of short time dry the top layer of the epidermis, take away precious moisture from the cells, stop the production of collagen. As a result of such exposure, the face becomes not only tanned: the skin is very dry in summer, it feels like sandpaper, even the most small wrinkles. In order to avoid such disastrous consequences if possible, a full-fledged facial skin care in the summer is required, which includes many of the most beneficial activities and procedures for it.

Summer resuscitation facials

Modern cosmetologists reveal the secrets of how to take care of the skin in the summer so that it remains radiant and beautiful even in very hot weather in the most tropical resort. Two components will help to do this: desire and a little time. Adhering to the recommendations of professionals, you can not be afraid that the skin will deteriorate in the summer and give you unpleasant minutes of contemplation in the mirror of a baked apple, and not a face with a beautiful and even tan. To enjoy the sun's rays, and not be afraid of them, master a few rules for skin care in summer .

  1. The air temperature in summer at +20…25 °C does not pose a threat to the skin of the face. But if the thermometer shows marks higher than those indicated, before going outside, you will need to take care to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. To do this, 10 minutes before leaving the house, apply a thin, even layer on the face. cream with SPF . The higher its indicator on the tube, the less likely it will be sun rays penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and burn them.
  2. You can find advice to wash your face more often in the summer: in some cases, this can even hurt. The subcutaneous endocrine glands are also on guard to protect the skin, so they work hard in the summer, releasing fat, which forms a kind of shield-film that reflects ultraviolet radiation. When you wash your face in the middle of the day, you destroy this protection. So leave the old washing routine : twice a day - in the morning (half an hour after sleep) and in the evening (just before going to bed).
  3. Nourishing face cream in summer is useless. Vitamin deficiency can be cured by eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Therefore, for the entire summer period, purchase moisturizing cream according to your skin type: for dry, oily or. Use it twice a day, right after washing your face.
  4. Many are skeptical that diet most directly affects the condition of the hair at any time of the year. And completely in vain: it has long been proven scientific fact to be accepted. Because the main task summer care for curls - moisturizing, then in daily menu there should be a lot of fresh fruits, berries, vegetables. We must not forget and O drinking mode : from the very morning until 17.00–18.00 pm every hour you need to drink 1 glass of filtered (mineral without gas, just settled) water room temperature.
  5. Reputable, self-respecting beauty salons will refuse you to conduct serious cosmetic procedures facial skin care , since they will only harm them at this time of the year. Take note of this for home summer skincare activities as well. Pay special attention to taboos on deep peeling, which will injure the already damaged epidermis. Of all types of home cleaning, it is allowed to do it once every 2-3 weeks. steam bath on herbs and light gommage. There should not be any scrubs and even more so peelings at this time of the year.
  6. With decorative cosmetics In the summer, you also have to be careful. Foundations different textures, powders and other concealers clog pores, which interferes with cellular respiration and impairs general state skin. So try to avoid them.
  7. Homemade summer masks for facial skin - that can be a real salvation. They can soothe skin irritated after ultraviolet radiation, slightly whiten the tan, create a protective layer from the sun's rays, and moisturize. They are easy to prepare at home, they will not take much time, effort, money. But the result will be amazing.

All these recommendations for the summer seem elementary and simple. In fact, many do not have the time or the usual patience to comply with them. So it turns out that after summer holidays the skin requires real resuscitation, as it is a dried, thinned, burnt upper epidermis.

If you want to protect yourself from this - take the time to moisturize and protect it from ultraviolet radiation.

Much will depend on which summer you have chosen.

Summer skincare products

Summer skin care products should all be moisturizing. It will be great if you can pick up all the products of one line (one manufacturer). What exactly should be included in this "resuscitation" kit for the skin?

  • Shower gel

The main function of the washing gel is soft, very gentle cleansing skin from make-up and pollution, without disturbing its water-fat balance. It contains moisturizing, antibacterial and other caring ingredients. In the summer, take a closer look at the composition of the gel that you are going to use, namely, on surface-active substances (surfactants), which are of four types. Perfect option for summer - gel with amphoteric surfactants of the fourth type. They are labeled on labels as Betaine, Cocoyl, Sarcosine. Such gels perfectly refresh the skin, they need to be used twice a day when washing.

  • Tonic

From the name it is clear what this remedy is for: it tones the skin, that is, it refreshes, improves subcutaneous microcirculation, gives a blush on the cheeks, softens the drying effect of ultraviolet radiation and sunburn. In the summer, it is very difficult to do without tonics, because it is with their help that you can remove the feeling of dryness and tightness from the skin. In the summer, you can replace the tonic without loss thermal water, and in some cases, the tonic can even replace the cream, which often leaves a too oily coating on the face that prevents cellular respiration. When choosing a summer tonic, do not forget that it should not be cleansing, but moisturizing. You can apply it up to 5 times a day: after morning and evening washing and every walk under the sun. Every time you feel that your skin is burning or covered with an invisible but tangible layer of dust, wipe it with a tonic.

  • masks

After washing your face in the evening and applying a tonic twice a week, it's a good idea to pamper your skin with masks in the summer. You can pick up store-bought moisturizing face masks, or you can cook them at home. Their advantage is that they act much longer than other face care products, which means that they are able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis and guarantee long-term hydration for dry and tanned skin. In addition, you can choose special masks that will take off too dark tan or eliminate peeling, which is one of the summer misfortunes of the skin.

  • cream

In summer, you should have at least two creams in your use, which you should use constantly. Firstly, it is a moisturizing cream that is applied in the morning and evening, either after the tonic or after the mask. Secondly, it is a cream with an SPF filter, which will not allow the skin to burn in the sun. It must be applied every time before a walk (of course, if the sun is bright and hot). On the label of the cream, next to the abbreviation SPF, a number should be indicated - this is an indicator of the power of the filter from ultraviolet rays. For sensitive, light, tanned skin, you need to select the maximum value of this indicator: 25, 30, 50. For dark-skinned beauties, an SPF filter with a value of 10, 15 or 20 will be enough. However, for those who choose powerful creams with large values indicators of this should be on the alert: such funds often cause allergic reactions, therefore, it is highly recommended to pre-test them according to this criterion.

This is the set of cosmetic skin care products that professionals recommend to have for all beauties who care about their appearance.

If you don’t want to come back from your vacation burnt out, with the effect of a baked apple - buy the right products, use them - and then nothing can overshadow your summer vacation. If you did not have time to purchase something, you can make up for this lack of cosmetics. home cooking, which are sometimes much more effective than store ones.

Homemade skin care products

In summer, you can moisturize your skin not only with homemade masks, but also with tonics, lotions, and creams. True, you need to find time to cook them. There is no doubt about the effectiveness of such funds: natural products food, cosmetic and essential oils, on the basis of which they are prepared, will provide the skin maximum hydration and UV protection. In parallel with this, they will nourish them with various vitamins and microelements. To verify this, be sure to choose one of the recipes for yourself and engage in free time home cosmetology.

  • Berries + fruits + vegetables = masks

Berries (, raspberries, currants of all colors, blueberries, etc.), fruits (cherries, pears, apples, bananas, kiwi, etc.), vegetables (cabbage,,, tomatoes, etc.) fresh grind into puree, mix in equal proportions with milk or yogurt and apply on the face. Combine them with each other and enjoy the freshness of your skin.

  • Milk wash

Milk (only not from the refrigerator) at room temperature, as fat as possible, preferably homemade, not pasteurized, diluted with water in the same ratio. Wash with milky solution twice a day.

  • Lemon face wash

Squeeze the juice from the lemon, dilute it with water (20 ml of juice per 40 ml of water), mix. Wash twice a day. You can alternate milk washing with lemon (in a week).

  • Ice cubes

Fresh or dried herbs (mint, birch, chamomile, coltsfoot, sage, calendula, linden, rosemary) chop, pour a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour under the lid. After filtering and cooling, pour into special molds for ice, put in the freezer for a day. Wash your face twice a day. The same can be done with green or black tea.

  • Green masks

Dill and parsley are crushed, mixed in approximately equal proportions with fatty, homemade sour cream.

  • Olive oil + esters = sun mask

IN olive oil(50 ml) add 5 drops of lavender ether, 4 - rosemary, 3 - sandalwood.

  • Oatmeal + lemon + vitamins = protective mask

Grind oatmeal (30 g) in a coffee grinder to a state of flour, mix with lemon juice (10 ml), 1 ampoule of vitamin E, mineral water without gas (10 ml).

In the midst of summer, our face needs especially careful care, since the heat does not affect the skin of the face in the best way. Wrinkles can appear from sunburn, and hot air causes pimples to appear, and so that these troubles do not touch you, you need to learn how to exercise proper care for the skin of the face in the summer. Pimples, irritations and pustules may appear if you have a tendency to sweat. To reduce the tendency to sweat, you can try to wash the infusion of St. John's wort at a concentration of one tablespoon of the herb in one glass of boiling water. Also, for cleansing, you can use juices - watermelon, tomato, grape, which, in addition, perfectly refresh the skin of the face.

Facial skin care in the summer is required to be carried out with the obligatory use of creams. Many people make the mistake of thinking that creams will clog pores. But this is not so, without creams, fat-free skin on hot days emits sweat even more, which leads to its overdrying. Only if you have oily skin, you can refuse to use nourishing creams for the summer. Instead, it is better to use tonic lotions with no more than 25% alcohol content. However, in general, you should not refuse to use any creams in the summer. Just give preference to those moisturizers that are easily absorbed and the face does not shine after using them.

When choosing a moisturizer, you need to be especially careful. If it is chosen incorrectly, then the face can sweat at any time of the year. Under no circumstances should it be used during the day and night. nutritious cream, as it forms a film on the skin that closes the pores. When exercising in the summer, it is better to apply a water-based or oxygen-based cream. Any cream should be applied in a thin layer with light patting movements in order not to clog the pores on the skin. Try not to use creams in the summer that retard growth, as their use on tanned skin can lead to blemishes.

All care procedures should be carried out in the following order: moisturizing and protecting it. Protect your face from ultraviolet rays, which have negative action on delicate skin faces. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can lead to more than just burns and irritation. They can destroy collagen fibers skin responsible for elasticity. The destruction of these fibers leads to flabbiness of the skin and its premature aging. Therefore, when choosing a summer day cream, it is advisable to pay attention to the fact that it contains sunscreens.

In summer, it is especially necessary to protect the delicate skin around the eyes, since the first wrinkles often appear in these places. This process is accelerated by exposure to ultraviolet light. Therefore, it is necessary to use a cream to protect the skin around the eyes daily. Facial skin care in summer requires more thorough cleansing than in other seasons. If you prefer to use milk or cream to remove makeup, then in summer it is better to use water and foam. Cold water in the morning perfectly tones the skin, and if you have oily skin, you can wipe your face with a piece of ice before washing.

Dry and wash well with a chilled decoction of lime blossom or chamomile. This type of skin needs good nutrition so you can do it in the summer nourishing masks with cream, butter or sour cream. For other skin types, it is recommended to use tonic vegetable or fruit masks. Facial care for men is much easier. Many men are accustomed to using shaving cream before and moisturizing balm after shaving. Few of the men use the scrub. IN best case sometimes used daily cream for sun protection.

Not all the fair sex knows that facial skin care in summer and the same procedure in winter are not the same thing at all. Seasonality in such a delicate matter as skincare plays important role. Without knowing it, many ladies use the same cosmetical tools both in heat and in cold. However, this may become fatal mistake leading to skin deterioration.

Summer skin care tips

Summer face care must be aimed at eliminating dryness and pollution, as well as at prevention. age spots or fight them. After all, the mercilessly scorching sun has a very strong and sometimes rude effect on the color and general condition of the skin.

When organizing a systematic daily care, you need to consider the features of face care in the summer:

Take care of sun protection. This is an indispensable condition for summer care. Sunscreen with a sufficient SPF filter will relieve the skin of photodermatitis, sunburn and other minor and major annoyances.

Observe water regime . This rule applies to both the amount of water drunk per day and the process of washing. It is important to consume at least 2 liters of purified drinking water per day. In addition, it is worth including in the diet foods high in vitamins and minerals - fruits, vegetables, berries. As for washing, the opinion that this should be done more often in summer than in winter is erroneous. By washing too often, you can completely wash off the greasy film of the skin, and in fact it is it that protects against harmful effects sun. Therefore, you need to wash your face in the usual way - twice a day in the morning and in the evening. The rest of the day, the skin of the face can be refreshed with thermal water, lotions and tonics without alcohol content.

Avoid major cosmetic exposure such as deep peeling, chemical facial whitening, microdermabrasion, etc. Such procedures increase the sensitivity of the skin to the action of ultraviolet rays. Apply funds based fruit acids needed only in the evening.

Make face masks periodically suitable for skin type and, of course, for the season.

Care with cream summer time as relevant as in winter. The only difference is that in the summer it is worth giving preference to creams with a different structure and basic functions. When choosing a "summer" cream, you need to consider some subtleties:

Day cream should be as light in texture as possible.. In summer, it is unacceptable to use greasy and dense creams. Hydrogels, special moisturizers and serums are the main friends of the skin in the summer. The cream is applied to the skin and gently spread over massage lines within 5 minutes. Remaining cream must be removed with wet wipes. If this rule is not followed, the risk of blockage of pores and inflammation is high.

Night cream should perform the functions of moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Therefore, the composition of the product must necessarily contain groups of vitamins, antioxidants and natural moisturizers.

Undoubtedly, it is possible and necessary to take care of your face in the summer, but what about makeup? Is it really necessary to abandon it in the heat and leave only a few care products in the cosmetic bag? Of course not, decorative cosmetics also have a place in the sun. The main thing is to take into account the measure, since the makeup “leaked” from the heat does not look aesthetically pleasing. In addition, a thick layer of cosmetics will close the air to the dermis and can clog pores. Therefore, some means decorative cosmetics worth waiting until winter. These include:

  1. oil-based foundation;
  2. cream eye shadow;
  3. persistent lipstick (dries the skin);
  4. pencils containing wax (draw "spread" over the face in the heat;
  5. compact powder;
  6. blush.

Summer gives us wonderful weather and pleases us with an abundance of delicious and juicy fruits and berries. Why would it beautiful time not get closer to nature? After all, facial skin care in the summer is based on natural ingredients no worse, and sometimes at times better application industrial cosmetics.

Masks as summer skin care

An excellent tool for nourishing and toning the skin will be fruit and vegetable masks. These funds are very budgetary and practically harmless, and the effect surpasses itself. Here are some popular recipes natural masks at home:

Multifruit mask

Mix berries (currants, blueberries, strawberries and any others as desired) with fruits (apple, banana, kiwi, cherry) and yogurt. The output should be a puree consistency. Apply the mixture on the skin of the face, hold for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Enjoy the look of fresh skin.

Cabbage for sunburn

An excellent remedy for those who could not protect their face from excessive exposure to the sun is a cabbage compress. It eliminates the feeling of tightness, soothes and softens the skin.

For cooking, you need to take:

  • egg yolk;
  • cabbage leaf (2-3 pieces);
  • warm milk (50 ml).

Cabbage is finely chopped and crushed to a state of gruel. Then add beaten egg yolk and milk. The resulting mass is wrapped with gauze and applied to the face for 20 minutes. After completion of the procedure, persons should be rinsed with cool (not cold!) Water.

Sunscreens for facial skin care in the summer must find a place in every woman's cosmetic bag.

Apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 20 or higher half an hour before sun exposure. When choosing sunscreen it is worth considering multiple factors: age, skin type of a woman, as well as the characteristics of the region of residence. So, the higher the ultraviolet index in the city (country) where a particular woman lives, the higher the SPF filter of the protective cream should be.

You should not be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, it is best to wear suitable hats.

After exposure to the sun, it is recommended to take a cool shower and be sure to wash off the remnants of sunscreen from your face. Next, a moisturizing emulsion can be applied to the face (you can choose a product suitable for use after sunbathing).

Learn about the most important mistakes in summer face care:

As a rule, a special influx of clients from cosmetologists in the summer is not observed. Most go on vacation, but main reason- summer facial skin care does not provide for deep, aggressive effects. Therefore, thorough chemical peels And laser resurfacing will have to be postponed until cooler days.

Therefore, you can look to the cosmetologist for alternative procedures for moisturizing the skin. They are almost universal and will suit any skin type.

In addition, the heat increases skin problems in owners, acne, rosacea and swelling on the face. In this case, it makes sense to visit a beautician to eliminate these troubles.

Competent facial care in the summer will not only protect the dermis from external negative factors, but also improve her condition, gradually preparing for the cold. Correct selection care products and herbal gifts of nature - the key to beautiful and radiant skin, and as a result - a great summer mood.

In the summer, you want to enjoy the opportunity to show yourself in all its glory and not worry about various skin imperfections. For this, it is necessary to provide adequate care for the skin of the face in the summer, which is quite possible at home using modern cosmetics.

Basic principles of summer face care

When the thermometer outside the window exceeds +25 degrees, skin care must be completely changed compared to winter or spring. In order to learn how to care for your face in the summer, you must first of all familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  1. Every day you need to drink as much clean and preferably non-carbonated water as possible. This will ensure that the entire skin of the face is moisturized from the inside, and will also make you feel good even on the hottest days.
  2. Skin should be cleansed soft means for washing with a cooling effect. For oily facial skin in the summer, it is necessary to choose a gel or foam for washing with antibacterial components that prevent the appearance of various inflammations.
  3. Twice a day, you need to gently apply a moisturizer to your face with gentle movements. It is desirable that this cream also contains a factor SPF protection from the sun at least 25-30. However, it is much more efficient to use additional sunscreen in the form of a cream or light emulsion, applying it to the face before going out on top of the usual daily cream.
  4. You should refrain from classic manual facial cleansing in the summer, replacing it with a less traumatic one. ultrasonic cleaning or the use of special clay cleansing masks.
  5. in the summer, doing it is generally categorically contraindicated, since this can provoke the appearance of severe hyperpigmentation on the skin. You can replace peeling with a light exfoliating scrub with soft abrasive particles or gommage, which should be done at least 2-3 times a week for problematic and oily skin and 1-2 times every 7-10 days for skin prone to dryness.
  6. To avoid the appearance of a rash on the face in the summer, you should try not to touch the skin of the face with your hands and do hairstyles that remove the hair as much as possible back so that they also touch the face less.

Perfect summer face masks

In the hot season, the use of all kinds is more relevant than ever. Women with dry skin should do moisturizing masks at least 4 times a week in summer. At oily skin also, you can not do without moisturizing with light gel-based masks 2-3 times a week.

You can even arrange a very effective mini-course of moisturizing at home by applying special masks that do not require rinsing to your face before going to bed for 7-10 days. Such a course will be especially relevant before a vacation at sea and a week after it, which will allow the skin to quickly recover from sunburn.

When acne appears on the face in the summer, it is necessary to use matting and anti-inflammatory clay or mud-based masks, as well as wipe the face several times a day with an alcohol-free salicylic lotion.

In order for the skin to only please you with a beautiful and well-groomed appearance for summer season, all the above procedures for the face in the summer should be done regularly, regardless of the circumstances. All this is easy to do at home, however, if you want to provide enhanced and much more professional care for the skin, you can visit a beautician and take a course of pleasant summer procedures.

Paying due attention to facial skin care in the summer, you can truly enjoy the warm days, every morning looking at yourself in the mirror with pleasure.