Baby cream for delicate skin. Which baby cream to buy for a child

February 23

Baby cream is the first cosmetic product in the life of a new little person. But not everyone knows that children's cream can be used with equal success on adult skin, and it has a large number of positive effects.

In this article we will look at them in more detail.

How does baby cream work?

Cosmetics intended for babies are very useful, because their action is aimed at caring for the most delicate skin – the baby’s epidermis.

In addition, it can be used from the first days of a baby’s life.

Children's cream also benefits adult skin, namely:

  • has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • has softening properties;
  • provides the skin with hydration and nutrition;
  • acts as a reliable protection for the skin;
  • helps fight redness;
  • has pronounced hypoallergenic properties;
  • will help with minor burns or allergies to cold;
  • helps smooth out small wrinkles;
  • can be used as a base for make-up.

Thanks to these valuable properties, the product is beneficial for the skin of an adult. Using it, you can solve various problems and bring your skin to ideal condition. And you can read about reviews of Sanosan children's cosmetics.

The benefits of baby cream are largely due to the presence of natural ingredients in it.

Thus, cosmetics for children contain:

  • chamomile (has an antimicrobial effect);
  • calendula (has an anti-inflammatory effect);
  • sequence (helps cope with allergies);
  • fennel (has analgesic properties);
  • panthenol (anti-inflammatory agent);
  • shea butter (provides hydration and protects the skin);
  • cocoa butter (ideal for sensitive skin);
  • glycerol;
  • vitamins (A, B, C) and other useful components.

Watch a video on how to make natural baby cream

Benefits and harms for adult skin

Let us consider in more detail what beneficial properties baby cream has for adult skin, as well as what harm it can cause.

The benefits of baby cream are due to its:

  • efficiency– if we compare the cost of children’s cosmetics and adult ones, then the first one is, of course, much more profitable;
  • hypoallergenic– the baby cream contains no fragrances, dyes or other harmful chemicals that cause allergic reactions in particularly sensitive people;
  • varying degrees of fat content– owners of any type of skin will be able to choose the most suitable products for themselves;
  • versatility– you can use baby cream for both the face and body;
  • protective properties– in winter, baby cream will protect the skin from chapping, and in summer it will prevent sunburn. You can find out about Physiogel face cream at.

But there were some negatives, too, for example, some of the harmful properties of baby cream include:

  • in some cases, baby cream will only hide serious skin pathologies and distract from solving them;
  • children's cosmetics are made taking into account increased metabolism, as well as gas exchange in babies;
  • the skin of adults does not “breathe” as much as that of children, therefore, as a result of regular use of such products, it can greatly impede metabolism;
  • baby cream, when applied to the skin of an adult, begins to form a thin film, which, however, blocks the access of life-giving moisture to overdried skin, as a result of which the dry skin dries out even more;
  • Those with oily skin should avoid using baby cosmetics to protect themselves from clogging pores and accumulating sebum.

Most popular means

Now let's take a closer look at the most famous versions of baby cream, which have the most pronounced effect.

Is Chanterelle cream good for oily skin?

This product also contains shea butter, sunflower and wheat germ, which help restore the protective lipid skin barrier, as well as beeswax, which forms an airtight protective film that prevents the skin from coming into contact with impurities.

Video about selection rules

When used on women, baby cream helps moisturize the skin, tighten it, soften it, and also successfully cope with inflammatory phenomena.

Products containing glycerin, chamomile extract and various vitamins can be used to moisturize sensitive and dry skin, as well as protect against ultraviolet radiation, cold and wind.

Traditional medicine recommends using baby cream as an effective remedy against acne, as it has pronounced anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. For this purpose, it should be used every day for several weeks. If you want to enhance the effect of the product, you need to add calendula and eucalyptus oil to it.

In addition, judging by the reviews, the children's cream effectively copes with the problem of stretch marks and. It moisturizes the skin and adds elasticity to it. Shilajit will help you improve the effect of the product.

Another way to use baby cream is as a hair mask. In this case, it should be applied to damp curls 30 minutes before washing your hair. You can also add cream to different masks as an additional active ingredient.

Video: Do ​​adults need baby cream?

Even in the last months of pregnancy, I was puzzled by what should be in a baby’s first aid kit?

I asked friends and acquaintances who already have children what was useful in their first aid kit and what was not, so as not to buy too much. Everyone was talking about SUDOCREM.

So SUDOCREM is an antiseptic cream intended for the care of children, bedridden patients, the treatment of sunburn, mild frostbite and simply for people with problem skin.

There is nothing critical in the cream, zinc, lanolin, lavender oil.

The jar itself is plastic, round, gray with a white and red label.

The cream was made in Ireland.

Available in two formats: 60 g and 125 g..

Very convenient to open.

I heard from friends that maternity hospitals often give a sample of this cream, so I think it is so popular among young mothers

I didn’t buy a special diaper cream because I think that a small child doesn’t need cosmetics at all; we wash mine with herbs and a bathing product once a week. But if suddenly troubles happen in the form of redness on the butt or in the folds, I smear them with SUDO CREAM, very little time passes and everything is fine.

The manufacturer advises applying SUDOCREM at every diaper change, in my opinion, if everything is fine, it’s unnecessary.

I also smear SUDOCREM on the baby’s cheeks and nose if he suddenly gets scratched. Scratches heal very quickly.


This is an antiseptic, you can treat scratches and not be afraid of some kind of infection getting in

Delicate cream texture. Non-greasy, matte, light and soft

Pleasant smell of lavender, many people don’t like it, but I really liked it

Very economical, just swipe the cream with your fingertip and this is enough to treat a decent area of ​​skin

Convenient jar, easy to open

Among the MINUSES I would like to note:

The price may not suit everyone, I bought it for 459 rubles at mother care, but I’m sure you can find it cheaper in pharmacies. And it is so economical that I hesitated for a long time before giving it a minus for the price.

A completely nondescript gray jar, I would never have paid attention to it without knowing what it was

It certainly cures diaper rash, but if you apply it on your baby’s folds, the cream won’t be absorbed until the next bath, and it’s very difficult to wash off.

As an alternative to expensive or disappointing skincare products, many now choose regular baby cream. It is believed that products that are created for children are safer and gentle on the skin. You will learn from this article whether this is true and what products are really worth buying.

Advantages and disadvantages

When creating cosmetics for children, manufacturers try to make them as safe as possible. After all, it comes into contact with the child’s skin, which is very sensitive, and immediately reacts to any harmful components with redness and rashes. At the same time, the baby’s epidermis needs care and protection from the first weeks of life.

A good baby cream provides nourishment and hydration to the baby's skin. It protects the skin from the negative influences of the external environment, and also helps to treat signs of allergies, subtle rashes, burns and other skin-related problems.

But high-quality baby cream can be used not only by children, but also by adults. This product also has a very good effect on adult skin - it softens and moisturizes it. Baby creams can be applied to the skin instead of the usual day and night creams, and can also be used as a base for makeup.

In addition, baby creams are very economical. This applies to both the cost of the product and the fact that it is consumed slowly. Buying one baby cream instead of a series of skincare products is much cheaper, especially if this option works for you.

Children's skincare products are also hypoallergenic. Since it is created for sensitive skin, such products do not cause rashes or redness. There are no dyes, flavors, or other harmful additives. So baby products can be used by those whose skin reacts poorly to all other formulations.

Among baby creams you can find products of varying degrees of fat content. Therefore, it is possible to choose the ideal skin care product for any skin type. In addition, it can be used both for the face and the whole body. This is very good, because it is often inconvenient to take a huge amount of cosmetics with you.

But this wonderful product also has its drawbacks, which should also not be forgotten by those who want to start caring for themselves with the help of such a product.

Firstly, it is not able to solve all problems.. Some he simply hides. Therefore, if you really want to get rid of a serious pathology, then you need to consult a dermatologist.

Secondly, baby cream is still produced taking into account the characteristics of children's skin.. In adulthood, the epidermis has different needs and needs to “breathe” more. A thin layer of cream creates a film on the surface that does not allow air to pass through and clogs the pores. As a result, dry skin only becomes even drier, while oily skin continues to become oily due to the consistency of the cream and the pores clogged by it. Therefore, before purchasing this product, think carefully about whether it will suit your type of epidermis.


The composition of baby cream has already been said many times. Let's take a look what is included in this product. Most often, such a product is based on plant extracts - chamomile, string, etc. Chamomile The composition works as an antimicrobial component. Has an anti-inflammatory effect calendula, and makes the product hypoallergenic series. If it contains fennel, then the cream will also have an analgesic effect.

In addition to herbs, the list of ingredients includes various oils, which is also very good.

First of all, it's shea butter. It is known for its excellent moisturizing properties. And for sensitive skin, it is worth choosing a product with cocoa butter in its composition. It perfectly protects the sensitive epidermis from chapping and from too active sun.

It may also contain various vitamins, and glycerol. It is also known to moisturize and soften very well. That's why many girls use it as an alternative to primer - it evens out the skin and allows makeup to fit better on the face.

Popular means

Among the entire assortment presented in stores and pharmacies, you can find not only good products. Some manufacturers are even unscrupulous when it comes to creating children's cosmetics. You should avoid them to avoid disappointment. Therefore, let's look at the most popular cream options that are really worth paying attention to.


Good creams for babies are produced by the brand “Lisichka”. These products perfectly care for the surface of a child's body. But they do not harm adults either. A product with such a cute name softens and moisturizes well. It also allows you to nourish the skin with useful substances.

Using such a product on the skin, you can get rid of irritation and allergic reactions on very sensitive skin. You can also take this cream with you on vacation in case you get sunburned and your skin needs to be urgently restored.

In the composition of the creams from “Lisichka” you can find such useful ingredients as natural sunflower oil and lanolin. Both components soften the skin and make it truly velvety to the touch. The list of components also includes vitamin A, which protects the skin from environmental influences. And the eucalyptus oil included in the composition works as an antiseptic.

"Tick Tock"

This cream is also quite popular. It is good for dry skin care. The product allows you to get rid of the feeling of tightness and severe dryness. This cream softens well. It can be used in both winter and summer. In the cold season, it will help get rid of windiness, and in the heat - from the influence of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it can be used instead of a light sunscreen.

It’s nice to know that there are no parabens or dyes in the composition. Herbal components also have a good effect on the skin - thyme heals, millennial protects against inflammation, viburnum strengthens. And the beta-carotene included in the composition allows you to get rid of dryness and minor flaking.



The product from the Svoboda factory is also known to many. It has been popular for decades. This tool is multifunctional. It not only nourishes the skin, but also refreshes and cools the skin. Due to this, the cream helps get rid of burning, itching and other unpleasant sensations.

The cream also contains lanolin, an animal fat that saturates the skin with moisture. As a result, after using such a product, the water balance is restored, and the skin becomes softer and smoother.

Due to the fact that it contains lavender oil, the cream can even save you from sunburn. And you will get pleasant cooling due to menthol. As a result, the skin will recover faster, and the discomfort will go away immediately after applying the product.


This cream was created by cosmetologists to protect sensitive skin from redness. It is used in places where the diaper rubs and causes redness. The product contains wheat germ and shea butter. Herbs: chamomile. The composition is complemented by zinc oxide and panthenol, which also work well on irritated skin surfaces.

For adults, this cream can also be safely applied to the skin. It will help create a good protective layer on the skin.

Many people also know budget creams "Disney". Blue and green cream in small tubes smell good and soften. In general, the difference between all the creams listed above is small. Therefore, based on customer reviews, the opinions of cosmetologists and individual reactions to each of the components, you can choose any of them for yourself.

Methods of use

Baby cream can be used in different ways. The simplest and most obvious is to simply apply to the desired areas of the skin. The cream moisturizes the skin well and tightens the body. It also helps get rid of inflammation and minor irritations on the skin.

For dry skin, you should choose products that contain glycerin and many vitamins. It is these creams that will help protect the skin from the negative effects of external factors and nourish it.

In the reviews of some girls you can also find another interesting recommendation. It is recommended to use cream for sensitive skin of babies to treat pimples on the skin.

The fact is that the product has a very good calming and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it removes small pimples well. But for a noticeable result, they need to be smeared with cream for several weeks. Additives in the form of eucalyptus and calendula oils will help enhance this effect.

Any mother should always have several products to choose from: the child definitely needs a protective diaper cream and a body moisturizer for daily use. In diapers, the baby's skin is exposed to increased temperature, humidity and comes into contact with urine. The cream creates a protective film, helps maintain the skin's moisture balance and prevents inflammation.

The body of a newborn baby requires mandatory care after each bath, it is especially important to pay attention to the folds. Older children also need to moisturize the skin before a massage or if there is increased dryness, which often occurs due to allergies.

It also doesn't hurt to have a stronger diaper rash remedy on hand, such as Sudocrem. For certain problems, such as diathesis, atopic dermatitis, exposure to cold, additional creams will be needed to care for the skin of the face or hands, which is especially important in winter.

The main thing when choosing a baby cream is to pay attention to the composition: it should be as natural as possible and contain only useful ingredients.